weekend vlog: anniversary date night, seafood boil, pool, movie night, hauls, DIY phone case

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hi guys welcome back to my channel welcome to a new Vlog it's Friday it's the day after the 4th of July I still feel like it's the holiday I think this whole weekend everyone is just considering a holiday weekend like I'm sure a lot of people took off work and I just feel like it's been Sunday for 3 days in a row I just feel like I have not really been vlogging a lot this summer I think in June I posted like five Vlogs which is so rare for me I usually post at least two a week but I've been just trying to like you know give myself a break have a really chill summer and not work as much as I usually do so yeah that's why I haven't been posting a lot of Vlogs but I kind of want to start getting back into my normal vlogging schedule and just like vlogging more and posting more so we're going to Vlog this whole weekend and right now I'm at the grocery store we at Whole Foods today's me and ano's anniversary we have been dating for 9 years I know what you guys are going to say I know what you guys are going to say yes we talk about marriage we do plan on getting married one day and we're just not in any Rush we're very happy with our life right now and like honestly when we get married nothing is probably going to change so it's like we're not rushing but yes we will get married one day guys soon I know I get a lot of comments like when is he going to give you a ring we've talked about it it's going to happen but just not right now so yeah it's our anniversary and I wanted to make us a dinner we wanted to do like a date night at home um because he's having a really busy work week where he literally has to film and work every single day and night until July like 14th around that time um so I wanted to just like you know have a nice dinner at home I want to go get some steaks make some homemade mashed potatoes and just have a really nice romantic date night at home and honestly I would prefer having a date night at home because we always go out to eat and we're kind of tired of eating out we just want to like eat at home and eat a homecooked meal so I'm going to get all the ingredients here I also wanted to stay in tonight because the love island recoupling is tonight it's the Fallout after Kasa Amore so I really wanted to see it onto is a fan of the show too so we both really wanted to watch it so we're like why don't we just like stay in and you know have a nice home-cooked meal relax eat in our Lounge wear I don't have to get dressed up don't have to do makeup and hair I think that's the thing I hate the most about going out for dinners is getting ready so yes here we are I'm going to go in now and get everything we need for dinner here is the Whole Foods haul you guys I was so excited to see they had more of the better Bagels in stock because every time I go to Whole Foods they never had them the past maybe three or four times I've been there they haven't had them um so that's why I had to order them online but then they finally had they had so many actually and this is my first time getting the everything because usually when they do have it in stock it's usually only the classic and the cinnamon so I got two of everything one of the classics and I'm very happy about that so we got a bunch of different things for din dinner like I said I'm going to be making steaks I got two RI eyes and then I'm going to make some mashed potatoes so we got the potatoes for that and then I'm also going to do a side of broccoli this is broccoli with roasted garlic so that'll be good and then I also got mac and cheese I was trying to like make it so that it would be like we're at Ruth Chris which is one of our favorite restaurants it's like where we went on our first date so I was trying to like recreate that so we usually always get the lobster mac and cheese at ruist there's no Lobster in this but I'm sure this will be good anything from Whole Foods is good so we got that um I just got a bunch of like random stuff I just needed this for sandwiches but also I want to make a little shakeri board for like a little appetizer so I already have some stuff in the fridge for that but I just also wanted to get some Pudo and these Rosemary crackers I got a few different cheeses this one is which this one it's like an herb Italian cheese anything that has herbs in it I really like for cheeses this one also is like a goat cheese it's like a soft cheese again with herbs and then this one is Gouda I always love gouda always need that on my cheeseboard and then we got some olives for it also going to make a Caesar salad yesterday it was the 100th birthday of Caesar salad so I've been craving a Caesar salad ever since then and then just got some dessert we got this little chocolate bunt cake these little mini fruit tarts then also got a watermelon all slice that up um avocados and that's all we also got some red wine to go with the steak I got a Mero and a Savon so that's it I'm going to probably start cooking now because it's almost dinner time and this will probably take a while this I actually have to start doing first cuz I have to boil the potatoes first and that takes about like 20 to 30 minutes and then we can we can make it [Music] w [Music] morning guys it is the next day I just woke up I'm about to make the bed and get ready for my day so today I'm going to have a pool day with my friends it's Saturday and we just wanted to have a nice little picnic and relaxing day at the pool we're going to Ida's apartment again and cuz she has a really nice like rooftop pool get a lot of sun there and it's very relaxing up there so um we're going to do that today I'm going to work out first after I clean and then head out there and I'm probably going to spend the whole day there so I feel like that's what I'm going to be doing the majority of my day but I'll come back later tonight and hang out at home so yeah I'm going to get ready do my full morning routine um I always work out eat breakfast that's really it that's my routine um but yeah I'm going to do that and then I will check with you guys at the pool there she is fun day at the pool hi guys I just got back from the pool it was so hot today it was very unbearable so I spent probably 99% of the time in the pool it was so hot that the pool water was like hot too but it felt really good and it was a fun day we got our Tan on I forgot to show you guys I wanted to show you guys my like pool outfit before I left but I forgot to cuz I was in such a rush but the reason I wanted to show it is because everything I'm wearing are new things that I just got from whatnot the auction app that I talked about a vlog or two ago and I was saying how addicting it was and I've actually slowed down a little bit with my purchases which is a good thing I haven't been on the app in a couple days um but like all my packages are slowly coming in that I bought um last week and I got a big package from the seller they're called lunar liquidation they're one of my favorite sellers it's a group of these three women and they're just so fun to watch and even when I don't buy things I just like to watch them for fun it's like um like a fun little stream they do where they auction and like sell things and um yeah so anyway they were doing a Michael Lauren show and they were selling all Michael Lauren clothes which is a brand that is sold on revolve and I love that brand I have a couple shirts from them and I just love the quality and the material so I was very very um invested in that show and I got so many things from them that's Michael Lauren including this little crop top and I think originally this would retail for honestly like $50 they have pricey things I feel like anything that sold on revolve is pricey so yeah this I got for like $6 and it was brand new with tags just such good quality so yeah that's what I wanted to show you guys and then I also got this little let me go to the other mirror cuz you can't really see here okay I also got this little mini skirt so this was actually thrifted it's kind of dirty now cuz I was wearing it today but this is a thrifted item I got from a different seller she was selling all like thrifted stuff that she sourced from different thrift shops and I got this for literally $2 $2 um and it's just a cute little brown kind of like a sweater type of skirt and it says nant Tucket Island that would be super cute for um summertime and it kind of reminds me of do you guys remember limited 2 I was getting limited 2 Vibes when I saw this skirt and it also kind of reminds me of abber cromie how they used to have like the sweater uh material type of skirts so I got this because I thought it would be a really cute cover up and and it was it's been a while since I've done this I'm going to do a mukbang I love mukbangs I've always loved them for years I've always loved to watch them on YouTube on Tik Tok I ordered from this place called hook and real it's a seafood boil I saw a girl do a seafood boil on my timeline today and I was like that looks so good so she influenced me to get a seafood boil and I got The Perfect Storm it's snow crab one cluster shrimp black muscles it comes with corn and potatoes and I also got sausage in it and I got the hook and reel Special Blend oh my gosh oh my gosh so excited it's so hot and I have my gloves they give so many gloves oh my gosh to wear when you're eating the food so let me just get all set up here onto doesn't really like seafood that much he eats like the basics like uh shrimp certain types of fish um and he likes crab legs but other than that he's not really a big Seafood person I had to actually like get him into eating Seafood so he did not get one he's eating he's eating leftovers but I was just really craving one so it's Saturday I wanted to treat myself can you guys see it I don't know if you can see it but that's what it looks like everything in there so good show you guys up close yeah we got all all the goodies in there I'm going to have myself a little Feast it's Saturday night so I have a glass of white wine too because I feel like white wine peir is really good with seafood and then I also have sparkling water okay thank you Lord for this beautiful Feast amen okay these gloves are so loose I wish they had smaller sizes cuz every time I wear these they I always slip off my hands I'm not going to like film myself eating this whole thing I probably film like the first 5 minutes so I just want to show you guys how good this is I freaking love muscles muscles is like one of my favorite Seafoods you got to scoop the sauce on I need a discard bag put it I forgot lemons I don't think I have oh wait I do yes oh my gosh you need a lemon lemon is essential for seafood boils okay right let me get into one of these crabs it comes with the cluster of crab crab legs yum the sauce is everything I like to dip it in the sauce I apologize if I'm slurping if that's not your thing then maybe skip this part I usually don't slurp I don't like slurping either but sometimes you can't help it crabs are just the epitome of summertime like when I eat crabs I feel like summer cuz growing up in Maryland crabs are a very very big part of life and my mom every summer she does a really big crab Feast she usually does that at the end of the summer so like um near Labor Day these are hard to open like I was banging on this thing for a good minute the most satisfying thing is when you pull it and it stays whole oh this is my favorite part the claw oh my God wait yeah come on come on come Out Come Out ooh we got a got a good chunk dip it in the sauce mhm yeah we got the corn on the cob so sweet we have sausage you guys I'm sorry I can't even talk I'm so so hungry I feel like this is like the most unappealing thing to eat like you do not look cute when you're eating a seafood boil come on come on come on yes got a nice chunk oh my God so satisfying dip it dip it in sauce get a little lemon we I like hate the way I look eating Seafood so I know it's bad but sometimes I use my teeth to crack these open I actually prefer eating crabs whole rather than eating the legs like opening it up and eating the whole thing yeah ooh yeah got another good chunk oh I've not tried a shrimp yet so let's try a shrimp I'm like doing everything in my power not to slurp I feel like that's so many people's pet peeves like eating with your mouth open too I usually don't but I think I don't know if I have been I'm trying to think of what my pet peev are my my pet peeves are people who don't use their blinker when they drive a lot of my pet peeves have to do with driving because I can't stand careless drivers um what are the pet peeves people don't use their blinker people that tail you people that cut you off what are my other pet peeves I guess I don't have a lot snoring that's not really a pet peeve is it like I don't like people when people snore oh I didn't try potato yet I have to try everything for the Vlog and I'll probably end this soon so I can like just eat in an ugly way without worrying you guys no please this is your sign to get a seafood boil my dream is to go to New Orleans and get some authentic Seafood like a real seafood boil I've never been to New Orleans I've been wanting to go it's on my bucket list I don't think I would ever want to go to Marty gr when I was younger I did but now I don't I feel like that's not really my My Vibe but I want to go one day just to see the city the history the culture um and to eat the food I want crawfish so bad from New Orleans I've actually never had crawfish I don't know how I would like it but isn't it like kind of similar to shrimp get it come on come on yes so one day we will visit New Orleans and hopefully try some really good food and then also what is that dessert um the beignet I want to try an authentic New Orleans beignet I chose my movie for the night I'm going to watch The Avengers that's literally my favorite it's something my favorite superhero series like out of everything Justice League Batman whatever Avengers is my fave I am team Marvel I think Marvel produces the best superhero movies although after endgame I kind of like lost interest in their movies um but in terms of movie series my favorite movie series is The Hunger Games I think honestly those are actually my favorite movies in general like all series and stuff I just so obsessed with The Hunger Games the books I read all the books the movies um I'm so excited for the new book that's coming out next year about hey mitches is Hunger Games it's going to be so good God thirsty okay I think I did enough eating on camera I'm going to cut the Vlog here and just eat this in my ugly eating this ways and yes I hope you guys enjoyed the little mini mukbang let me take one more bite one more bite for you guys guys we'll do we'll do a muscle with a nice good generous squeeze of lemon This Bites for you guys cheers or bone Appetit oh my God so good employes EAS and we are having a Marvel movie night tonight you guys I'm obsessed with these olives hold on let me focus focus okay so I have never been an olive person in my life I used to hate olives but I've recently acquired a taste for them and I'm kind of picky with the olives that I like but these ones taste so good I got these from Whole Foods yesterday um it's not focusing cuz it's so dark in here but the deina organic pitted olives are so good but yeah I'm just like eating the like leftovers of yesterday the cheese and the crackers and made myself look kind of like very bare and sad looking cheeseboard I watching The Avengers Infinity War I watch this movie like at least once a month this one and Avengers endgame I'm just very um obsessed with the Avengers and it's like I said earlier one of my favorite series definitely my favorite superhero Series so I actually also right before I made this little cheese platter I did a little yoga session so that I could close all my rings on my Apple watch I'm um kind of obsessed with closing my rings on my watch so this is my night onto is working I'm having a Stephanie night I call them my Stephanie nights every time monto's busy or if he's working um and can't like hang out with me at night I call them my Stephanie nights and vice versa every time onto is like just hanging out like watching TV like just chilling and I have stuff to do or if I'm out with my friends or if I have to work he has his onto nights so we like to call them that but yeah I'm having a Stephanie night this is my ideal Stephanie night a nice little cheeseboard glass of wine did some yoga and now I'm watching one of my favorite movies good morning guys it's Sunday and I just woke up so I still have sleepy eyes I made myself coffee and who oh my God splashing everywhere I want to go check my mail I wanted to show you guys some things I got in the mail um and then after that I'm going to go to my parents for brune I try to go there like once a week just to like say hi and hang out um and it's usually like on Sundays when I'll stop by so I'm going to go there and then I have to go to the mall to pick up a couple things and then I think that's it maybe go to the pool again cuz I really want to take advantage of the good weather cuz it's supposed to rain 4 days this week and I just have like a really busy week coming up with work so um yeah we might do that today so that's the plan um my hair is such a yes every time I go swim in a pool and I dip my hair in the pool and then when I wash my hair I don't like to style it or put heat on it because it already has so much damage from the chlorine so this is just what we're dealing with right now so it's fine yeah so I wanted to open some packages I got because I got a lot from whatnot I really feel like I need to work for these people because I talk about that app all the time now I'm getting so many packages from them and I'm always I'm always on the app I'm always talking about it so yeah y'all need to like hire me as an ambassador or something I don't remember who this seller is but let's see what is in here oh yes okay this seller her name is um aloe the label and she said she sells a lot of um clothes from revolve and oh my gosh I love this top I don't remember what brand this was what brand is this it's so cute though okay that's the tag I don't know what brand this is but she said this is sold on revolve and she said the brand in the Stream So I just like don't remember but oh my gosh look how beautiful this corset top is it's so stretchy I love this color this is like Ferrari red this is like the color of the nails I love to get so I thought that would be so cute for the summer time and it stretches so that's good okay and then I got oh my gosh there's so many okay lunar liquidation they're one of my faves I always talk about them um and they were selling Love Shack fancy clothes all new with tags and they're also doing um Misa Los Angeles which is kind of similar to Love Shack Shack fancy so they're doing a show um selling those Brands and I got this cute little skirt thought it was so cute for summertime it's um Misa Misa Los Angeles I believe they're also sold on revolve and size medium oh my gosh it's going to be so cute with like a white Tang top and sandals for summertime I think I got this skirt for like $20 and this retails for like over1 oh just kidding this retails for $260 $260 I got this for about $23 with shipping that's insane Jesus okay and then oh yes this girl she sells Chaser clothes I got some more Chaser and this is a long dress size small ooh I love that has like a little collared v-neck and it's like a maxi dress I think this has a slit too right yeah it has a slit oh my gosh that's going to be so cute in the fall time or even now in summer I can wear this oh my gosh adorable one last package oh yeah so there's another seller she's pretty big I think she has so many followers and she sells a lot of stuff from revolve as well and they're doing like a like a clothes out and selling revolve dresses I got a Michael Costello dress oh my gosh I've never had a dress from them before um but I really like their pieces so this is like this beautiful purple dress really gave me like Selena Vibes like do you guys know the Selena outfit when she wore the the the bell bottoms you'll know I'm talking about when I show you but like look at the sleeves oh my gosh so pretty oh this is the back this is the front and a little Cal neckline oh my God I love the sleeves the length is like perfect this is going to be such a cute summer dress and it's really stretchy too so that'll fit really good so I got got that from them and then I also got another dress just two dresses and this one is from House of harlo I love the color and the style of this one um it's like an olive green color and I love the cutout of the neckline like that oh my gosh so pretty I think I got these each again for like $20 I usually like won't bid above $20 I like a good deal so if something's cheap Then I then I'll buy it but if it's not then I won't like bid for it so then the last package I got I'm so excited about this I found this on Tik Tok um it's from this brand called The Dream Academy this is so like I don't know this reminds me of how I used to love to scrapbook cuz of these stickers I got a bunch of 3D stickers from this brand I think did I get one two I got three three sets of 3D stickers wow beautiful beautiful branding I'll link them in my description the dream the dream Academy that's their website and basically I saw a video and I think this is what they're made for people um buy these stickers and they put them on their phone case like a clear phone case and they kind of make a little collage out of it and that's their phone case so I thought it was super cute so I also got a clear phone case from Amazon so that I can um make a cute little sticker collage for my phone so anyway let me show you guys the stickers first they come in like different sets so this first set is is I think this one was called the old money the old money set so it's like a bunch of little different stickers of different things like tennis what is it horse riding um a Rolex like these oldtime cars oh my gosh so I thought it was so cute so that I got that one and then the other set I got this one is is stock oh there we go oh I think this this one was called the clean girl aesthetic this one was the one I really like the most it's like you know all healthy habit things avocado toast vegetables yoga like skin care like the self-care aesthetic so I got that one and then the last that I got this one is the travel aesthetic I want to put this on the back of my iPad um those are those stickers a suitcase a ticket a plane super cute so I wanted to kind of like I think maybe for my phone case I want to do this set and then for the back of my iPad maybe mix these two together I plan on mixing them like I'll probably put some of these on the back of the phone case too so yeah I'll link those in my description they were kind of pricey but I was like whatever made me excited looking at these stickers because it reminded me of scrapbooking I used to always go to Michael's and go through I don't know if they have that aisle anymore can someone let me know if Michaels has the scrapbooking aisle like they had a whole aisle full of stickers and just stuff you can use to put in your scrapbook they probably have it I just haven't seen it in a while but I used to go to that section when I was a little kid and I would go with my grandma cuz she loved that I led to scrapbook and yeah we would just look at all the stickers and I would buy so many and I would go home and scrapbook H those were good times okay so this is the phone case it actually came with two screen protectors I had no idea so that's a nice little plus um and I think it was only $8 so okay I want to do this really quick and then I'll probably have to head out and go to my parents and do all the errands I'm doing today this is how the phone case turned out I love it so cute I mixed and matched a couple of the ones from the self-care pack with the um what do you call it old money pack I've added this one but everything else is super cute all of these little motivational quotes for selfcare and then I also put a few on my iPad case it's kind of cute I kind of wish my the back cover of my iPad case was completely all open like completely clear and didn't have this thing in the middle but it's okay it's cute um these are all the ones from the travel the travel pack my little fun crafty project of the day I'll link these in my description the stickers [Music] [Music] [Applause] there s [Music] [Music] sorry for the jump scare I'm doing my um LED light therapy mask I do this every single day by the way my code is still active for this mask it's the current body one I did a partnership with them and I had a code and it still works if you want to get 15% off your purchase anyway I'm in bed I wanted to hop on and end the Vlog and thank you guys so much for watching it was a good weekend and it was super chill lowkey and it was kind of like my little cheat weekend too as you guys saw we made some Alfredo fenini for dinner tonight it was so good and I also did a little bit of cleaning and resetting I did my laundry and just had a really nice lowkey weekend all right guys I'm going to end it here thank you so much for watching good night and I'll catch you guys in my next vlog m
Channel: Stephanie Rose
Views: 9,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifestyle vlog, vlogger, date night at home ideas, anniversary ideas, summer vlog, summer day in my life
Id: QPoj3ogZx-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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