Weekend Update Rewind: Drunk Uncle (Part 1 of 2) - SNL

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-Hey. Hey. Guess who's back. Guess who's back. -Who's back? -It's your back. ♪♪ -Well, the holiday season is upon us once again, and that means spending time with family. Here with his advice on how to manage the holidays, please welcome Drunk Uncle. -Hey, Seth. It is great to be here, hosting Saturday Night Fever. -Okay. So, Drunk Uncle, are you excited for the holidays? -The holidays are not what they used to be, Seth, you know? When I was a kind, you know, Christmas meant something. You know, people -- people got dressed up. You know, they would travel 6 hours in a car. Nowadays, it's just, "Hey, could you e-mail me dinner?" "Hey, could you fax me a hug?" Pbhht! -Okay, well, do you have any advice on how to deal with family? -I found out that my niece is getting gay married. You know what I'm gonna get her for a wedding present? A boyfriend. -Drunk Uncle, can we please just talk about the holidays? -Occupy Lame Street. I mean, you know, kids, they need to pull up their pants, Seth. Kids today... Kids today, they're always saying "Text me. Text me. Text me." Why don't you write a letter, you dummy? -A letter to who? -You can't even say "Merry Christmas" anymore. You got to say, "Hey, Baby Jesus, do you want to do Pilates?" Or "Are you on a cleanse?" You know what I like about Christmas, though? That sexy green M&M lady. [ Chuckles ] I would hit that. Come on. You've thought about it. -No, I really haven't. -You've thought about it. -No, I haven't. -♪ Every kiss begins with Kay ♪ Put that in your iPad and smoke it. -I can't believe I'm saying this, Drunk Uncle -- I think you might be too drunk. -So I didn't make the big catch! So I wasn't prom queen. Okay? So I wasn't sports king. Okay? So I'm not muscle man, okay? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Pbhht! That's not me. -I'm sorry, I -- What's your point? -How high do you think I can jump, Seth? Immigrants! [ Laughter ] Beth. Beth. If I was Dr. Conrad Murray, I would rent a boat. You know what I'm gonna say. -I don't. I don't. -Hey. Hey. Hey. Guess who's back. Guess who's back. -Who's back? -Your back. -Ohh. That stinks. -Your back. -That stinks. -So, in conclusion... [ Cheers and applause ] ...you're all robots. -Drunk Uncle, everyone. -It's your back. -I know it's my back. -Well, it's the new year, and that means new resolutions for 2012. Here with his new year's resolutions is Drunk Uncle. [ Cheers and applause ] -Happy New Year! Ten! Nine! It keeps going down from there. -Okay. So, uh, Drunk Uncle, what are you looking forward to in 2012? -You see these? They cost five dollars. When I was a kid, five dollars, you could get -- you could get hot dog, milk, bread, cigarettes, television. Nowadays, it's just, "Is this gluten-free?" "Is there -- Is there pomegranate in this soy milk?" Pbht. YOU press 1 for English. -[ Laughs ] Okay. Wow. You got off track really fast there. -Global boring! -Oh, boy. -You know -- You know, girls need to wear hats in church, Seth. They're always saying, "Twitter me. Twitter me. Twitter me. I wanna Kindle my boyfriend." Pbht. Girl with a dragon tattoo? Buh. Not in MY house. -All right, so, any new year's resolutions? -My nephew bought me a smartphone for Chrimmis. -Okay. -You know? If it's so smart, why can't I get a driver's license? Reagan! ♪ Trust Sleepy's ♪ ♪ For the rest of your life ♪ You know where I'm coming from. -Drunk Uncle... -Okay, so I wasn't the biggest guy in the world, okay? So I -- I wasn't CAO, okay? -Okay. -Well, I'm not Fantasy Man, okay? -Okay. -[ Vocalizing operatically ] That's not me. -You're lighting the filt-- Don't. You're lighting the filter. That's the wrong end. -What? The wrong end of what? Oh. Sorry, college boy. You know what my New Year's resolution is? -We would love to know. -I'm gonna watch the damn Vikings game, Gloria, and that's final. And if you don't like it, you can e-mail me at wwww dot is this really America? Dot question mark? Dot no, it isn't. Dot immigrants! -All right. Drunk Uncle, I think you're a little too drunk. -Yeah, I got a gun! -What?! -It's a Luger. [ Chuckles ] But don't worry. The safety is on. -Okay. Everyone here can see both of your eyes. -Good. Good for them. Hey. Hey. -What? -Pull my finger. -No. -Pull my finger. -No. No. -Amy, pull my finger. -No. -Come on. -I don't -- I know what -- -Ah. It's too late. I already did it. -All right. -Just pull my finger anyway. -Drunk Uncle, everyone! For "Weekend Update," I'm Seth Meyers! Good night! ♪♪ Well, Easter Sunday is upon us once again, which means time spent with the family. Here with tips on how to cope with your family, Drunk Uncle. [ Cheers and applause ] -♪ Simply havin' ♪ ♪ A wonderful Easter time ♪ [ Chuckles ] -Well, happy Easter, Drunk Uncle. -Is it, Seth? 'Cause when I was a kid, you know, Easter used to mean somethin'. You know? We used to get dressed up. I wore a tuxedo for a week. We used to color our eggs by hand with lead paint. Now? There's an app for that. Boop-boop. Hey, Siri, why did a Chinaman steal my job? Droid! [ Laughter ] [ Chuckles ] -So, Drunk Uncle, are you spending Easter with your family? -Yeah, I can't wait. You wanna see an impression of my niece Alyssa? -Sure. -"Meh. Meh. Meh. Meh." What's the matter, Alyssa? Cat got your Prius? Ugh. eBay of Pigs! You know -- Pbht. Kids today, they don't even know -- they don't even stand when a woman comes in the room. All these kids care about is, "Is this Wi-Fi organic?" Pbht. "Can I get -- Can I get some raw almonds on my yoga class?" Ugh. "Netflix me. Netflix me. Netflix me." You know what you should put in your Netflix queue? A haircut. -Drunk Uncle -- -Uh, you call this St. Patrick's Day? -No. -Stupid. Stupid. St. Patrick should chase those snakes out of my town. [ Laughter ] You know... When I say "snakes" [Chuckles] what I really mean is -- -Oh, yeah, no, don't say it. -Fine. Fine. Minorities. -Drunk Uncle -- -So -- -Oh -- -[ Whimpers ] -Oh, no. -So I'm not a prizewinner, okay? So I'm -- So I'm not a dream hunk, okay? So I'm not too-fast-too-furious, okay? [ Groaning ] [ Laughter ] That's not me. -That's not anybody. -I know. So? So what? You -- You know what I call "The Hunger Games"? -What do you call "The Hunger Games"? -Trying to raise six kids on an exterminator's salary. Brenda! [ Laughter ] ♪ Oh, the best part of waking up ♪ [ Laughter ] [ Snores ] -Drunk Uncle? -♪ Is Folgers in your cup ♪ He's still Cassius Clay to me, Seth. -Okay. Drunk Uncle... I'm just gonna say this. I think you're too drunk. -[ Sputters, scoffs ] Is that what you think, One Direction? -No, don't call me that. -Barf. Our country's heading in one direction. The crapper. -Alright. -"Too drunk." I'm fine. -Alright. -I just need to put something in my stomach. -Oh, God. -Peeps. -No. That's a bad call. Honestly -- [ Laughter ] Peep-peep. [ Chuckles ] Peep-peep. [ Laughs ] The Roadrunner. -Yeah, yeah, no, I -- -"Peep-peep." -Yep. -You get it, Tina? -Alright. -You get it? -Yeah! I get it. -Hey. Hey. Knock, knock. -Who's there? -No, you say knock, knock. -[ Sighs ] Knock, knock. -Who's there? -I don't know. -Okay. Just say immigrants. Start over. [ Laughter ] -Knock, knock. -Who's there? -Immigrants. -Go away. -Drunk Uncle, everyone! -You're under arrest. -Well, the election is over, but people are still talking politics. And there's nothing more fun than talking politics with family members. Here with an election recap, Drunk Uncle! [ Cheers and applause ] -♪ I want my country back, country back, country back ♪ ♪ I want my country back ♪ [ High-pitched ] ♪ Chili's, that's where I drink ♪ [ Deep voice ] ♪ And then I get drunk ♪ -Alright. So, uh -- So, Drunk Uncle, I assume you're not pleased with the outcome? -[ Scoffs ] You think? [ Chuckles dryly ] People -- People don't even dress up for an election anymore, Seth. [ Snorts ] You know? Back -- Back when I was a kid, you couldn't vote unless you had suspenders, cane, monocle, top hat, fancy. [ Laughter ] You know? And when you voted, you pulled a damn lever, Seth, like a man. You didn't -- You didn't fill in a little oval like you're taking some pregnancy test. We had -- We had two choices. Okay? We had Roosevelt and Reagan. There was -- There was no "Green Party." There was no "Senate." [ Laughter ] You know? If you wanted -- If you wanted a House of Representatives, you built one yourself. -Alright, I -- You know, I think you're already pretty off-track. -Ugh, kids today -- kids today, they don't even read newspapers. You know? It's just, "Is this ballot 4G?" Ugh. "Hey, can I vote with a Groupon?" Barf. You know what I want a Groupon for? A moment's peace. Instead, I got my fat niece going, "Spotify me. Spotify me." Barf. Spot-if-I care. -Alright. So, Drunk Uncle, were you surprised by any of the races? -Oh, yeah, sure -- blacks, Hispanics, Koreans. -Okay, no, no, no. -All of them, really. -No, I meant the political races. -Oh, you want to talk about equal rights? A dog can pee in the street. That's fine. Drunk Uncle pees on one pay phone, gets arrested instantly. Okay? Where the hell are my rights, Linda? [ Laughter ] Red state, blue state, red state, blue state, red state, blue state. Ugh. You know what state I'm in? Denial. [ Laughter ] [ Chuckles ] Windows 8. -Okay. -Windows 8. [ Chuckles ] Windows ate my homework. -Alright. -Is there an app for that? -Are you asking me? -I have an app for every time Linda makes meatloaf. It's called Angry Turds. -Alright. -[ Chuckles ] -Alright, Drunk Uncle. -Yeah, I'm a hoarder! But -- But you know what I hoard? 1950s Playboys and dignity. Hmph. [ Laughter ] ♪ Nationwide is on your side ♪ [ Laughter ] If Nationwide is on my side, how come Mitt Romney isn't president? "Jewspapers." -Drunk Uncle! Please. -[ Sobs ] -Oh. Oh, boy. -So I didn't shoot for the stars, okay? So I didn't go to electoral college, okay? So I'm not Magic Mike, okay? So I'm not IMAX Real 3D! Okay? [ Barking ] [ Groans ] That's not me. -That's not anybody. -It isn't me. -Drunk Uncle, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you're too drunk. -[ Chuckles ] Hey, Seth. -Yeah? -Seth. Hey. -Yeah? Yeah? -Hey. Hey. -Yeah. Yeah. -Why did the chicken cross the road? -Why? -Say it with me. To get away from the immigrants! -...immigrants. Drunk Uncle, everyone!
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 713,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snl, saturday night live, snl 45, season 45, supercut, drunk uncle, drunk, uncle, snl drunk uncle, weekend update drunk uncle, weekendupdate, colin jost, michael che, holidays, new years, easter, election, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, host, music, guest, laugh, impersonation
Id: dkuneZKbIXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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