Week 8 actual. Schneider national trucking IC numbers

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good Tuesday morning you too so I do this on time for once right it's been a while since I got it on time but last week's numbers for week eight in 2020 [Music] doing good doing good I just did a drop last night across the street and worked over at this truck stop down here in the middle of this huge industrial district a great barbecue here Dickey's Barbecue Center Point Way and Arsenal Rosenthal that by the Home Depot's Amazon all these warehouses so get you some of that barbecue trailer blocking my light they it's so bright up here I got the where's sees my face a little bit so numbers numbers numbers what everybody's here for right numbers for the week I had forty to fifty eight seventy seven and tow revenue with three hundred dollars and VM use one of them I might have been able to get I don't know you know it's a I'll tell you in a second so that was on 2319 miles for a total mandala 97 a mile I know last one I said I was like 202 a mile and that was including the partial Monday it wasn't really a roll over cuz I picked it up Monday evening and drove for two hours into the trip I still could have done all this and ran that trip on Tuesday not worried about picking up Monday but I didn't so it was really good point I was already down there anyway so fuel was eight hundred twenty two thousand ninety four cents for about thirty five cents a mile I had a twelve dollar scale and $172 eighty two dollars and tolls came out for a four week period of forty three thousand twenty cents and told per week impatient people which puts me at 21 72 41 for expenses 94 cents a mile on my expenses but that puts me at $1 3 per mile profit for I didn't write it down 42 58 77 -21 72 is 2050 872 1684 2084 and some change for 20 83 and some change just a little I have no idea you want to figure it out your calculator sir I don't have my thing open right now my laptop and I've been doing it on the phone because the sheets is cross-platform I just said that so at the rate I'm on right now we're sitting on a dollar 64 a mile for the whole quarter which isn't over yet sir that way I was 64 mile for the first eight weeks of the year with 77 cents a mile profit in an average of 20 to 90 to 175 miles a week and yeah and I said last week I'd like to get lower miles but I don't think that'd be able do it with 180,000 pounds right I'm still gonna try but I can still at 115,000 miles because this week was 23 16 23 19 and at that rate it's like 115,000 miles and if I'm gonna get twenty two twenty three hundred dollars coming back to me I'm sorry I had that wrong it was forty five fifty eight because the 350 end-user 45:58 -21 72 is 23 whatever so if I'm gonna get twenty to twenty three hundred a week running it's the way I ran a squirrel short run it was only average like 300 and something miles per day on a seven-day week it was like 330 miles today maybe so it was easy runs it one or two a day and I did it on one two three four five six seven I did it on eight trips and it would have been nine which is the frustrating part so I'll tell you about that and what happened what happened was I took my beer out and fell on the floor it was so heavy so I got there and the load wasn't ready they were waiting on some product to get there the product wasn't even there so this is like because it's a crosstalk facility I'm not sure the unload containers on one side or something and bring it over to our side I don't I don't know what they were doing when I was looking around there I didn't see any production lines all I saw was just straight-up warehousing so basically crosstalk I mean it's not straight up from one door to the other but it's unloaded store it and then load into another vehicle so waiting on a product go wait over there in the process I watched the Swift Knight Rider episode outside Swift backed into a night driver and they both basically just drove off they took each other's numbers or something they exchanged some kind of information and I'd show the video but it's got the guys truck number and I ain't calling them out you know you don't have these drivers are it's it's company equipment and they don't care so when the night rider was a Volvo and Swift driver was dude the guys sit by me within six seconds his whole trailer was like he passed me he must be going 12 15 miles an hour through the parking lot made the war and within six minutes he had dropped his trailer around the back and come bobtailing back around the corner and then he stopped in front of me through to her verse looked in this mirror one time this nightriders zipped out of the parking lot this guy had zipped in the parking lot as well so they're apparently teaching night and Swift to fly everywhere and run people over and whatnot it's not exclusive to them - I know hey every one of these new guys stomp on that gas it'll get you there quicker no it won't and then go get you there any quicker because these trucks are slow go on anyway so he backed into heat he looked at his mirror once and then the night rider came flying up he had already part went inside this Swift driver was dropped in Australia everything go go inside gets paperwork so he stops the night rider comes zoom and starts to zoom out of the parking lot and stops where he's gonna get nailed if the Swift driver keeps moving and blows his city horn that blows air horn and and he helped Ben in these trucks if if you're a certain distance away you can't hardly hear anybody's warrants it's it's not easy these trucks are fairly soundproof it's especially if you got some music or something going you ain't gonna hear jack I'm sitting or anyway so the guy blew his horn twice and the old swifty just jammed him up in the front end busted his front head like I heard oh what a sight sight and when he pulled off at peal just a hair more off but it was still drivable he just needed a headlight I guess I can't wait to see the explanation on that one he's gonna say something he did him in the truck stop and roll off I hope he picks a truck stop with no cameras so I'm sitting there waiting and all this is going on I was I had read that usually what I read about that one in that pretty bad it was supposed to be ready when I got there another one knows I keep running into these so it wasn't ready and they're waiting on the product I waited an hour he was 3 o'clock is supposed to be ready I went in here 4 o'clock I was playing on a park in an hour away and a pilot because the drop was two hours away cheap little run and it was gonna stage me for the next location so I [Music] I went inside for spoke to the guy said well security guy was like well he's checking on something now he's the guy you can't talk to so talk to the guy and he said the products not they're still waiting on an email back from the people that are shipping it and I need to comment dispatch and see what they're gonna do well I'm pretty much self dispatched so I'll call them and see what they're doing I'll probably end up pulling me off so they have my phone number for when the thing was ready trailer was ready because it was in a door just wasn't fully loaded they were trying to see if they could get the product cut and boy this is a long story it's almost over you ain't gotta suffer much more so I got there went back out in my truck called my boa and said well my boa wasn't there so I called up so one of the other guys answered and said well what's going on and I told him the story what was going on and he said okay now let me call customer service let me do Yeti Yeti applause so he said where you want to call back or you want a message whenever I figure out what's going on give me a call back because you know messages on these things sometimes take a while I wanted to make sure I had a parking space as I still had a trailer bobtail wouldn't been as big of a deal and call me back finally I think it was twenty thirty minutes later and said alright well we're gonna play off of it because of so and so whatever the deal was it pretty much the whole story the same thing they don't have the product they're waiting on a product I don't know it's gonna get good but the plane he said you know the funny thing is on this is they they unconfirmed the delivery I went they confirmed the delivery so my next pickup was within miles of the drop that was supposed to be it so I did drive through the pile at the halfway point and went back took a shower with the bed and at 1:00 a.m. in the morning they call me up I don't know if the load was ready or load cancelled I'm sure it was ready they hung up on my voice man so I wasn't internet phone not one o'clock it and you know it's it's a risky got to take I could have stayed there I could have stayed there I mean I had food there was a port-a-john that was nasty and of disinfectant wipes and I could have stayed and just hung out there waited and waited and collected detention so the load popped up the next day has a firm load that anybody could have picked up so I'm kind of kicking myself but you know it's a risk you take I could have stayed there and it could have cancelled completely and you know nothing I would've had to drive two hours in the morning instead of one I already get to my pickup but my whole intention was to pick the load up and drive one hour out and then go drop that load big the other one over the morning because I was going to get up super early what time my clock was ticking away so I don't know if I would have made the time I didn't add that up I think I would have because it was one o'clock when they called so I probably could have hooked up to it at the four mile an hour creep and got it and then until it was time for me to leave and I would have had detention and I would have hit the load so instead of being like $200 less which is what I am now how would have made my extra two hundred and ten dollars or whatever it was I got cut up plus I would have had detention of at least 150 bucks if more because it would have been leaving until 12 hours later whatever the detention on that is I think it's a hundred-fifty I'm not sure but I would have had so you got to think I would have had another three hundred and ten dollars so that's what I'm kind of kicking myself I could add 48 60 [Music] which would have put me at about 26 so you know that's a risk you have to take whenever you run into the problems like this is like twice to a or do I go so and there's guys an area that'll be like well here's the gartner here's the phone number the security guard I just call before you go they'll let you know if your loads ready the only problem with that is if you call and you don't show up there you don't get to be in you you have to physically show up at that site to get it be into you call and although it's not ready it's not gonna be ready admittedly you're saving fuel but I don't know I'd rather get 150 bucks for going there and finding out it's not ready of course most of my debt has been pretty much nothing so I need to do a video on that what I've been running as far as loading 1000ft miles that's what I need to do just to see and then some people are curious about that kind of stuff I don't go by that I mean cuz deadhead is part of the job and as far as I'm concerned I don't care what my paid miles are and what my load of miles are I could care less and when I grab the load it shows on there this is what the load actually pays not that it's accurate because it uses hhg miles but I can take that and take off five or ten cents per mile once I get the address and see what the actual mileage pays and then I can see what the actual deadhead mileage paid is or what the whole thing is I just don't go by that I go by what huh grossie why don't any deadhead means nothing to me I mean it does cuz I don't want to drive a lot of deadhead but if the rate pays well enough we are guys that drive 300 4 miles to get to a load that's still gonna pay them two dollars plus a mile so you got to think about that [Music] but it ain't always worth if you watch one of Geoffrey likes latest videos he'll hate he explains again the deal with short all versus long haul because there's no money in the long haul anymore yeah you're you're seeing a huge revenue and you can do this you go to the spot market or whatever oh my god look that load pays four grand okay now run yourself if you want to just take an easy relax drive you'll see the country yeah but you can make eight hundred to a thousand dollars a day on for two to three loads a day and run less miles you can't offer that for [Music] you're going to thousand miles 2500 miles three thousand miles so you go 2,000 miles two dollars a month for granted right mm-hmm for brain and if you take if you take so you're getting two dollars a mile to go 4,000 miles because long haul doesn't pay as much the regardless of how you look at it occasionally you'll get lucky but you can take it approximately 250 a mile it'll take you 1,600 miles to make that same four thousand dollars 16 per month you're saving 400 miles and if you're saving 400 miles over I don't know is four days say you doing 600 miles I'm like you know y'all know what I'm saying and if you don't you know watch some of his videos you can see the breakdown on like it watch the ones where he's actually got a string going he'll show you a couple of weeks ago you made one where he actually punches in the loads where from point A to point B to Point C to point D and so on and you'll see you'll see it I mean you can take long loads back there and then you're gonna take crack coming out because yeah there's certain areas you go in Florida you go to floor you can go to California you can go to certain places and pay killer money going in and then you get garbage coming out and you're gonna take a buck thirty but forty you come happen so you're not coming at the head you're not gonna find the loads you want to get and get back out there so why not just stay in your local area that's what I'm doing the money right now is on the East Coast coming back to the East Coast from what I might be seen and it looks very pay Bislett truth from what I saw on what Jeff posted yesterday what Jeffrey posted yesterday on what some of the rates were doing over there although you know I'm just waiting I'm waiting and we I'm ready to get done with this so I can move on to the next phase but in due time and in due time you can't rush into anything and it gives me more time to see what's going on with everything so as much as I'd like to go now and I know that I could probably pay because the way I work I could probably pay off any issues I come across with having to do a lease breach or whatever you want to call it where I'm staying in contract for the amount of time with the company that I wanted to I can guarantee I can get that money back to the plug the two months at the most and then nothing but profit [Music] we'll see Missy in another few months I'll have two years under my belt and that'll open up some more horizons because some of these companies don't want nothing but two years so I can go somewhere with lower in Church will not lower insurance but I can go somewhere where they're not gonna say what you can't come over here because you don't have to use in spades right I'm not like the one who is a great Wyatt or whoever I think it was great wine I looked at their little thing and it's like you gotta have such a sense but I think that's for their least trucks you gotta have like five years or something like that and three years for this two years for co-lead and you know all the way if you don't make me go through all that moves I'm not gonna do what I'm doing and I know I can learn pretty quick that's nothing if you ain't got business things don't know don't be surprised if it takes you a little bit longer [Music] anyway the state [Music]
Channel: Thor & Thunder Trucking
Views: 2,049
Rating: 4.5294118 out of 5
Id: yUpN9rGu-TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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