Wednesday Service - The Power of Meekness

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you Lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and and think through my mind I pray Lord none of me and all of you but every ear is in order to hear every heart is in order to receive and father that we will be motivated by your spirit and your love to take hold of this word and allow to bring us to another place in level in our lives we thank you for it now in Jesus mighty name we pray and everybody said a man praise God well welcome to Wednesday night Bible study and I want to teach on something tonight on Tuesday morning I got up and I heard this word the power of meekness and you know I'm thinking like wow it just really hit me you know struck my spirit meekness and there's one thing I'm sure of we've been talking about you know how to get delivered from brokenness and how to to move from brokenness to wholeness and there's one thing that I am aware of and that is you're not going to do that without without without meekness in your life we're also been dealing with you know the the the power of God functioning in our lives and bringing us to places that we've been trying to get to and I recognize that won't happen without meekness either and so all of a sudden this fruit of the Spirit just began to amplify and blow up on the inside of me and I want to share it with you tonight the power of meekness what is it what power could possibly be involved in meekness well let's begin tonight in Psalms 25 and verse 9 and I just want to walk you through this I want to walk you through this line by line and and so you can discover the power that's involved in meekness and I'll give you a definition in a moment but verse 9 says this the meek will he guide in judgment and the meek will he teach his way now the meek will he guide the meek will he teach so all of a sudden that puts us in a situation where I don't know about you but as an individual I'm asking myself am i walking in meekness I'm asking myself am ia meek person now that's not personal that I'm challenging each and every one of you to do to find yourself in this scripture to locate yourself in this scripture because the meek will he guide and the meek will he teach let's look at this in the New Living Translation as well the meek will receive guidance the meek will he teach he says and again in the NLT he leads the humble in doing right teaching them his way now let's look at this scripture in the book of psalms 103 verse 7 Psalms 103 and verse 7 and these are two key scriptures for this teaching tonight take good notes tonight because something happens when you understand meekness and you begin to take hold of the fruit of meekness by faith and that's what we're gonna do tonight we're gonna apropriate we're gonna take possession of the fruit of meekness now look what he says here he says in verse 7 he made known his ways unto Moses and his acts unto the children of Israel well you saw what he just said in NLT but Moses said of himself that he was the meekest man in all the earth and here we see the meekest men in all the earth God is saying he made known his ways unto Moses who was meek and his axe unto the children of Israel so how does this work how does this work well there there are a couple of things I need you to understand about meekness so that you can begin to apply this in your life the first function their functions of meekness the first function of meekness is to enable believers to develop self-control the function of meekness the fruit of meekness which is a fruit of the Spirit of fruit of meekness the function of it is to help believers to develop self-control to be slow to give or take offense so when he's talking about self-control meekness puts you in a place when you have it in your life you're gonna be slow to take offense you're gonna be slow to give offense and examine yourself there it's you know ask yourself is that me and my soul to take offense and I slow to give offense am i developing in self-control or am I still out of control I mean you know how much does it take before you lose control are you allowing your emotions to move you and control you and and and and you don't have self-control I mentioned once before that self-control is a gift of God to be able to walk like this and he says that the function of meekness is to bring you to a place in your life where you can achieve self-control and so you can be slow to take or to give offense so now take note of that now the second function of meekness is to enable believers to be humble in spirit and lowly in mind the second function of meekness is to enable believers to be humble in spirit what does it mean to walk in humility you're literally submitting yourself to the things of God you're you're submitting yourself to the ways of God and and one of the functions of meekness is to help you to position yourself where you are willing to submit and comply to the ways of God and so he says that meekness enables the believer to be humble in spirit and lowly in mind here's here's what I believe he's saying here it's not occupied with self at all and and when you're humble in spirit and lowly in mind you're not occupied with self now now again I apply this to your life how much of the day are you occupied with yourself and not occupied with what God wants you to do and and and and humbling yourself under the mighty hand of God and under the Word of God because when meekness begins to accomplish this in your life you're not occupied with self at all so now that's the first two functions now there's one more function a third function of meekness and this is important the third function of meekness is to enable believers to be teachable Wow to enable believers to be teachable now I'm not talking about being gullible I'll make a distinction between being gullible and teachable in a moment but meekness will enable you to be a teachable person now let's look at these three once again number one meekness what the first function of meekness is to develop self-control so you'll be slow to give our take offense the second function of meekness is to enable you to be have a humble spirit and a and be lowly in mind in other words you're not occupied with yourself at all and the third function of meekness is to help develop the believer who will be teachable now I heard this word the power of meekness the power of meekness what happens as believers when we begin to yield our lives to this this fruit of meekness and the things that you can expect when you begin when you begin to do that well let's look at James chapter 1 verse 21 in the King James and then in the New Living Translation is James chapter 1 verse 21 and the King James and then the New Living Translation he says wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with what receive with meekness the engrafted word he says if you're gonna get there this is engrafted word meekness is gonna have to be available receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your soul which is able to save your mind your will your emotions that if you receive the engraft at work with meekness it's going to it's going to manifest in your mind in your will and in your emotions look at this in the New Living Translation the New Living Translation says this he says so get rid of all of the filth and evil in your lives and humbly accept the word God has planned in your hearts for it has the power that word to save your souls so what he says is you got to be willing to accept the Word of God that's planted in your heart and when you're when you're willing to accept when you're ready to submit to the Word of God he says that word in your heart it's gonna change your emotions you're not gonna you know go off on folks all the time it's when you accept that word in your heart then it's gonna impact your your decisions your your mind your will your emotions all of that will be impacted your soul will be impacted now now I know a lot of people use the word soul and spirit interchangeably as if they are the same they are not the same you are a spirit you have a soul and he says if you'll submit yourself to the word if you submit yourself to the Word of God that's in your heart it'll impact your soul it'll save your soul praise God it'll impact your your mind your will and your emotions but it says it's gonna require you to submit to to humbly receive the Word of God not in a religious way but you're saying you know what I'm gonna go ahead and take this you know getting the word and grafted in the heart requires meekness it requires meekness the engrafted word gives you the ability to endure unto the end it gives you the ability to endure when that word is in your heart and you've received that word you will endure unto the end you will overcome praise God you'll not be overtaken pray a lot of you know that right now because you have the Word of God in your heart you've not been able to be defeated by these crazy times because you have the Word of God and grafted in your heart you're not you're not yielding to fear because you've had the Word of God and grafted in your heart you know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper because of that word that has been engrafted in your heart but it requires meekness to receive that word that's etched in your heart and so when situations come up the word in you comes out it required meekness in order to get you in that place and so basically what I see here is that listen to this we must have a teachable spirit we've got to have a teachable spirit now put yourself in that put yourself within this scripture am i teachable do I have a teachable spirit am i open to receive without debate hey word from God you know just yesterday won't be up the power of meekness I'm submitting myself to that and I'm not gonna just blow it off oh well I think I heard the power of meekness I believe that there's something in that now listen to this very carefully it's it's so important you you get a hold of this man the greatest obstacle to a believer the greatest obstacle to a believer who was determined to develop a teachable spirit here's the greatest obstacle it is the tradition of men it is the tradition of men you say well I want it I have a teachable spirit or I want to get a teachable spirit but that's the greatest challenge you're gonna have is the tradition that you got from men look at this in mark chapter 7 verses 9 through 13 it's you know when you're not teachable you basically say I don't want to change I believe what I believe and I'm not planning on changing what I believe and you don't have a teachable spirit and and so I mean you know God's kind of limited and what he can do or say or take you because you don't have that teachable spirit and sometimes just how you've always done the thing could be an enemy to where God wants to take you you know you you're getting ready to come out of this coronavirus and gods trying to say some things to you and if you're just so stuck on what you've always been stuck on and if you're just you know just satisfied with what you've always had and and he's trying to give you a fresher look he's trying to reboot some things in your life he's trying to get you to see some things with with some some clarity but you don't have a teachable spirit I guarantee you one of the biggest reasons is this tradition that you've received from men or you've received out of religion now look what he says in mark chapter 7 verse 9 he says and he said unto them full well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition even referring to the commandments he says you know you're working so hard to hold on to your own traditional your traditions you've hope you're working hard to hold on to the old way of believing things and this is how we've always done it and this is what I've always been taught and this is what I've always understood and God is like men I'm trying to show you there's a whole new thing right now they're you know because of the virus and a whole lot of other stuff that that's hit your life and maybe the loss of a loved one or or a job or something like that God's got you and he knows exactly the path you need to take in order to be all right but if you don't have a teachable spirit and you allow just how you've always done a thing then it's gonna it's gonna hinder you from getting that teachable spirit look at verse 13 mark 7 and verse 13 we're familiar with this scripture he says making the Word of God of none effect now what in the world is it in our lives that can make the Word of God of none effect he said through your tradition which you have delivered and many such things do do ye so it's your traditions that can make the Word of God of none effect please listen to me God's trying to do a new thing God's trying to do an amazing thing in your life God's trying to say to you regardless of what's going on in the earth I've got a plan regardless of what happened as a result of this situation of this trouble I know how to get you out I've got a thousand ways to get you out of debt in 24 hours but you don't need but one and and in order for you to get ahold of that you're gonna have to be willing to let go of the the traditional way of believing the traditional knowledge that you had the the traditional protocol that you used to have man we're gonna have to listen to the Holy Spirit we're going to be willing to be barefooted priests but also we're gonna have to be meek we got to be teachable let God train you and teach you to overcome what some call the new normal let God teach you and train you to overcome whatever the devil has thrown in your path meekness is required tradition just so we'll be on the same page is the handing down of statements it's the handing down of Lys is the handing down of legends or customs from generation to generation especially by word of mouth and even even in the body of Christ there's things that have been handed down and and and I'm not saying that's all bad I mean there's some good things that have been handed down and they're all good until God wants to show up and show you something else or he wants to add to it or he wants to make it more plain and and and bring more clarity to it and I don't want to allow God to bring something or be prepared to take me to the place of my dreams over the place of my deliverance and my traditions stopped the whole thing I'm asking you this question will you allow your traditional beliefs your traditional customs stop you from the next level because I believe that's what's getting ready to happen we're getting ready to go to the next level I'm telling you we're getting ready to move to a place that we've not ever been before somebody said well you know what the world's going through man this is something there never been never I've been through before well I'm telling you you're getting ready because God's getting ready to do some things some amazing things that you've never seen before as well and so where do believers stand who have been taught something false and yet because because they they do not have a heart of meekness they're not willing to change and I see that all the time maybe they've been taught some false or they didn't get the the complete understanding or a thing you know sometimes people get things in part but if we're if we have a meet spirit God can add some more parts to it but if we're just like no I got this part that's the only part I'm gonna get you know we've got to have a heart of meekness and we got to be willing to change in fact say this out loud with me Lord give me the fruit of meekness give me the fruit of meekness and be willing to change give me a meat heart so that I'm willing to change it and that's where I am I'm like God I want to go with you I want to go with you Lord I'm willing to change I'm willing to be ridiculed for trying to walk with you but I need a meek spirit a meek heart so that I don't allow the traditions of the past to stop what you want to do now let's look at some scriptures to just see how to practically apply this in our lives Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 25 through 27 really addresses the issue of marriage you know you got to be very careful not to just hang on to what you have always known about marriage you're understood about marriage because there's a whole lot more to it and I know that when God began to do with TAFIa about biblical equality he's also trying to show us a greater way to have relationships but then some people were like nah that ain't what I'm used to that ain't what I heard and you miss out on what God's trying to do today because we lack this this area of meekness in our in our hearts and in our lives and so look at this in verse 25 26 27 he says husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and he gave himself for it that he might sanctify or set aside and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy or separated from the world and that it should be without blemish and so it's the Word of God that that that brings that to but like I said before there's also a word from God and while what we just read is absolutely the truth there's so much revelation that God wants to bring to us about these three scriptures but will I be a meek man um will you be a meek woman in order to allow meet nice and being teachable for God to take this relationship to another place and the man begins to realize that he's the district he's the distributor of the love that that that woman needs and and and he begins to understand that I am I am a partner to my mate I am NOT you know someone that bosses my mate around but I am someone that nourishes her with love and my job is to nourish her with what she needs to be everything that she needs to be and and and and and if we're open to that then praise God we go to another level but if the only thing we're open to is well I'm the head of the house and and you supposed to do what I tell you to do and you're missing out on the whole thing you don't understand that what headship is all about it headship is all about the responsibility for supplying the nourishment praise God supplying the nourishment to your to your wife as a man praise God and that that that nourishment is love that you know you've heard you know be a boss but in order to have a have a deeper revelation on that you got to have a teachable spirit that says I am supposed to nourish my wife with love with peace oh my god but it requires a meek heart in order to go to that next place let's look at another area second Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 second Timothy chapter 3 in verse 16 and and 17 verse 16 says that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God he says all of the scripture it is profitable for doctrine yea its profitable for rich proof yeah he says the scripture is profitable profitable for correction its profitable for instructions in righteousness but imagine someone who doesn't have a meat heart and they want to allow you know they don't like being corrected they don't they don't like somebody you know because they're curved they're gonna they're gonna rebelled against the correction because they're trying to hold on to their tradition he says the scripture is profitable in these areas that the man of God may be perfect or complete thoroughly furnished unto all good works I mean wherever you might be tonight turn to the person next to you or even to yourself and say god I think that I have a teachable spirit I think you that I am meek praise God now look at Acts chapter 18 verse 24 through 28 now let's look at some examples of this Acts chapter 18 verse 24 through 28 now this is talking about a guy by the name of Apollo's and I want you to look at what it would happen here this this guy really demonstrated something he says on a certain Jew named Apollo's born at Alexandria an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to Ephesus now look at the kind of guy we're talking about an eloquent in speech mighty in the scripture and he came to Ephesus verse 25 this man was instructed in the way of the Lord and being fervent in the spirit he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord but knowing only the baptism of John so he was limited in what he was sharing because he only knew the baptism of John now look at what verse 26 and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue so he had boldness and confidence whom in the synagogue when Aquila and Priscilla had heard they took him unto them and expounded unto Him way of God watch this more perfectly now you better know this man had to have a meet heart in order to receive from them in order to receive from them correction or addition or more information and when he was disposed to pass into a Kia the Brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him who when he was come helped them much which had believed through grace and look at the next verse 4 he mightily convinced the Jews and that publicly showing by the scripture that Jesus was Christ notice he went to another level he went to another level because of his meek heart because of him being teachable because he self controlled he was able to receive this information from Aquila and Priscilla and it took him to another level in his teaching I tell you man you know this might sound simple to you tonight but I've never met so many people you know on the social medias you can't hardly tell them nothing because they think they already know everything some people know more what they understand and and and and that's why I believe I heard the Lord say the power of them of meekness that when we have meekness it is through meekness that God can bring us to another level it is through meekness that God can bring us to more revelation about some things that we we may already know but we got to be willing to receive it you know let's look at John 16 verse 13 through 15 John 16:13 through 15 now verse 13 says this John 16:13 through 15 he says but when he the spirit of truth comes he will what guide you into all the truth full and complete truth well he will not speak on his own initiative but he will speak whatever he hears from the father the message regarding the son and he will disclose to you what is to come in the future go back to the King James Version now one of the things I want you to understand is that the Spirit of Truth will guide believers into all truth if they are teachable enough for him to do so the Spirit of Truth will God all believers into the truth if they are teachable enough for him to do so look at verse 14 he says he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall shew it unto you verse 15 all things that the father has our mind therefore said I that he shall take of mine and shall show it on to you you know it's important when you're when you're teachable you know you got to be willing to change I mean I you know sometimes you you're running and some people who say well I'm not I don't know I don't need to change I like where I am it's been working for me for a long time and so I'm just gonna stay the same well basically what you've just demonstrated is you're not me you don't have a meek spirit maybe you love what you are and and maybe it's been awesome to you but God's not limited like that he has so much he wants to do with your life he has so much he wants to do with the years of your understanding on a certain thing and you just limit him by just saying I'm not gonna be teachable I don't need nothing else I'm good and I tell you what as a leader I decided a while back that the most important position I can maintain in my life is the position of meekness so that I can remain teachable and so I can remain in a position of learning so that God can show me some things don't don't get that attitude of you know everything and and can't nobody tell you nothing and and and I've never seen this it and it's so big right now especially in the time of social media you know some people can't hardly receive the teaching because they're so busy trying to let people know what they know and it takes humility lowly and mine it takes to be to be humble and ready to receive from the word and when you can do that you'll go to the next level now I am NOT talking about being gullible when someone's gullible they took that they're trusting is too quickly trusting too quickly without sufficient evidence and without thinking things through that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about what what are we just read in the scripture in the book of Acts about Apollo's let me show you what I'm saying look at this scripture real quick with me Ephesians chapter 4 verse 14 Ephesians 4:14 he says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine now that's that's gullible I mean here every wind of doctrine that shows up it gets your attention and it cares you he says carried about by every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie and wait to deceive it takes a gullible person to get themselves in that place of deception and so another thing ought you to notice here he says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro see if you're not examining the scriptures to see if the thing is true and you're so quick to believe it and a lot of Christians do that then somebody to get them preach something and just so quick to believe it we don't we don't even go to the scripture to find out you know if the atmosphere is real good and makes you shout hallelujah and then you find yourself saying and it's not even in the scripture you know and I'm thinking man we've got to grow up we've got to mature it takes a meet to grow up and mature and to not be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine somebody comes and say something and without examining the word without rightly divided in the word you just take it and then you go to you know talking about it and you sing songs about it and you figure since a whole lot of people are saying that because they all bought into it then all of a sudden you know we're in a position to be deceived because we didn't have a meek heart we didn't have a meek heart Moses was so quick to to just fall on his face and spend time with God and to find out exactly what God wanted him to do let me show you what I'm talking about we got to be like the Bereans there were a group in the Bible in the book of Acts chapter 17 and 11 he's not asking for us to be gullible like children being tossed to and fro in maturity in maturity our people immature people our people will get they get so excited about a thing they don't take the time to to really get in it so we're not talking my being gullible we're talking my being like the Bereans and how were they look at this he says these were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and they searched the scriptures what daily whether those things were so that's that's that's what he's calling us to be that we're gonna search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are so and I've said this for years don't don't just believe it and take it just because I said it get in the word check out what I'm telling you search the scripture praise God get in a concordance to see if it's so you know we're living in a in a very deceptive time and there are people who I mean they can flat-out talk and it sounds good and the way people articulating and great orator xand how they use words but is it in the scripture is it in is it God and the Bereans here you know they receive the word with all readiness of mind but they search the Scriptures daily to see whether this thing was so I mean some of you will be so shocked to find out some of the stuff that you bought into when you go look at the scripture that is not what the scripture says I'll never forget when Charles Capps beginning to teach me on God is in control and I I said well God's in control where everybody says God is in control and I had this little sign on my desk that said God is in control and Charles walked and then he looked at the sign he said well brother purple that's not quite the whole truth and I'm thinking like what would he you know come on Charles everybody says God in control he says fine if that's what you want to believe believe it and I'm thinking men I need I need to have a meek spirit teach me Charles what what is this and he went to the book of Genesis and and and the book of Genesis talked about how God made man and woman and and and he gave authority and dominion over all the earth and everything in the earth to mankind and he says from that point on man is the one now that is in control because God gave him the controls God gave him authority and he gave him dominion over everything everything that creepeth in the earth God gave control over to man and so we continue to because if God was in control God will be responsible for coronavirus God would be responsible for Wars God will be responsible for all the deaths if God was in control but God's not in control that has been given to man and if we don't use the authority and the Dominion that God has put into our hands we'll continue to blame God for something that he's not responsible for now once this period of grace is over wit he'll take the controls back but right now today that Dominion and authority has been given to mankind and he's put the controls into our hands and I began to hear this and I begin to search the Scriptures to see if it was so and you know what so it's so but had I not had a meek spirit and we won and was willing to be teachable I'd be going around just like everybody else every time something crazy happened I well God's in control praise God I don't want to be like a child anymore I don't want to be immature anymore where I'm tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine waiting to be to see but thank God for the Bereans praise God that they received the Word of God with a readiness of mind but they search the Scriptures daily to see if it was so that's gonna be the difference in a lot of people's lives is that we search the scripture to see if it's Oh see we got come away from having church and and being entertained I mean you're gonna live by this and I hope you're living by something that's so I hope you're not living about something that just sounds good and makes you shout and give you chill bumps is it so so I said are you just getting a little too big here and you're just kind of no I'm not trying to be picking you ought to be picky man you get ready to live by this thing and it requires a meek heart you see the power the power that's invested in meekness and having that neat heart and so the meek and the teachable will open themselves up to more revelation from God the meek and the teachable will open themselves up for more revelation from God and then this time honey you don't need some revelation from God what happens when the system's fall what happens when things you were used to doing a certain way they're they're no longer that way anymore you need revelation from God and God is revealing and wisdom is flowing out and you need that revelation from God every Christian every individual Christian see the great thing about it being a Christian is that being a Christian is about having a personal relationship with geez it's relationship man its relationship Christian is the only I don't want to call it religion but it's the only religion that has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and my personal relationship with Jesus Christ I depend on him to leading me and to guide me and to equip me and and and when I need some new training and when they need to understand what to do how to do oh I see now the power of a meek heart to be self-controlled to not be concerned about self to be humbly ready to receive his word to be teachable and willing to change I want to change God I want to be teachable God I don't want to become satisfied with just my tradition when I know you're bigger than my tradition God's bigger than our tradition and so look at Matthew 25 29 I believe that I believe we're gonna get more revelation in fact I I speak it right now i prophesy right now that if you'll take possession of meekness take possession of this fruit of the Spirit that you're gonna be enlightened you're gonna have more revelation more understanding look at this verse 29 Matthew 25 through 29 he says for unto every one that hath shall be given amen every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath praised God God wants to give you more thank God for what y'all were to have but he wants to add to it thank God for what you've had for the last 20 years but he says I want to give you more more shall be given praise God so one way to cultivate the fruit of meekness that I've learned and I know it's gonna shock something with you but fasting you know fasting is designed to deal with your mind that's struggling to believe a thing you remember when the disciples tried to cast this devil out and they could not and Jesus came and cast it out and the disciples later on asked Jesus why could we not cast this devil out and Jesus said because of your unbelief and then Jesus proceeded to say this kind cometh not out except by prayer and fasting now most of the church thought that Jesus were referring to this kind of demon cometh not out except by prayer and fasting he wasn't referring to the demon he was saying this type of unbelief cometh not out except by prayer and fasting and so ladies and gentlemen when we want to cultivate the fruit of meekness in our lives and when your when your mind or and your unbelief there and your mind is struggling to get ahold of what God said in his word going too fast going too fast it will cultivate meekness in your life men of meekness are men of fasting men of meekness are men who are not afraid too fast men who will say well you know Lord and the Holy Ghost and in my spirit I know there's something to this that's right there in your word instead of just you know reading it in the word there's so many times I start take things and I show people here it is in the word and I show three four scriptures and they still don't want to believe that's when you need to go and fast cuz you see it right there in the scripture and look look at something and now I'll close this in my last scripture Psalms 30:5 and 13 you know I've had to be willing to to say God here it is in the scripture three or four times I'm still having a hard time believing it let me go on a fast and I don't have to go on a 40-day fast you know you you listen some of y'all you miss breakfast you'll be ready to believe so take some time and do this he says verse 13 he says but as for me when they were sick my clothing was sack cloth I humbled my soul with fasting your soul remember your mind will and emotions I humbled my soul with fasting and my prayer returned into my own bosoms why sometimes you have to humble your soul with fasting and when you do so you'll begin to see and understand what you couldn't see and what you couldn't understand ladies and gentlemen I want you to get ready there are many voices that are out in the world today there are many voices that are on social media today many many voices and you've got to learn how to distinguish the right one you've got to learn how to understand this is right you just don't want to get caught up into everybody just sand stuff you're saying you believe the word you say you live by the word let's get meekness let's believe God for our heart our meekness I declare in Jesus name meekness I declare in the name of Jesus that we are people who will cultivate the fruit of meekness that we have the gift of self-control that we are humble and spirit and lowly in mind and that we are teachable meet people because we're ready to go to the next level that God wants us to to go and if that's you I want you to believe this I want to receive it I want you to search the scripture I want you to see all the things that God has been able to do in the lives of meat people and as a result of it you take hold of that now I receive that word it was my honor to share that with you tonight and I pray that you will pursue a meek spirit a meek and a and a quiet spirit God just will not deny and so right now let's pray together father I thank you in the name of Jesus that meekness is a part of who we are that from this day forward we're just not satisfied with our traditions we're not satisfied with what we've always known and what we've always done especially when you when you have many levels to take us to when you have much revelation to show us I give you praise o God I give you praise and that the blessing of meekness be upon the people of God tonight it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen praise God let's pray for those of you who are not born again you want to be saved repeat this perhaps to me father I asked you to come into my life save me Lord Jesus I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that he died and he was raised from the dead and he's now seated on the right hand of God the Father Almighty coming to my heart saved me this night and so by faith I declare that I am saved in Jesus name Amen now if you prayed that prayer of salvation with me today I want you to text the key words I'm saved as one word all caps two five one five five five and I want to see if you would provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today as you begin to take your first steps as a born-again Christian praise the Lord well let's let's get ready to worship God with our finances you know - a world changer it's our time to worship God it's our time to go before God and say father I am I am reminded of all the greatness that you've done I am reminded of all the goodness that you've provided I am reminded of all issues that you have changed and now I worship you with my finances our giving reminds us of God's deliverance in our life and we give not to get blessed but we're already blessed we give not to get victory but we've already got the victory we give because we love God we honor God and we're appreciative now I don't know exactly what you have done or what God's done in your life throughout this period of us and us not being together but I'm sure it's good now worship Him worship Him when you didn't know where the food was gonna come from but it came worship Him because you never had a symptom worship Him because you were able to go through a brokenness and a traumatic traumatic issue when you lost a loved one and you were able to make it through worship him because of his love and its kindness and that you may not understand everything and why it happened the way it happened but worship Him because somehow in the middle of all of it there's a peace that passes all understanding in Jesus name father we worship you with our gifts we worship you with what's in the Treasury and we praise you for all that you're doing and all that you have done it's in Jesus name we pray amen now there are four ways to give if you'd like to text to give you can text world changers space and the amount two seven four four eight three if you're calling in to give you can Dowe eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three to give now if you'd like to give online you can go to Creflo Dollar ministries org or the website for the church world changers Church or if you like the mill it in its twenty five hundred Burnett Road College Park Georgia 303 four nine and as you give give with gratitude allow your giving to cause you to remember all the goodness that God has done in your life praise God then we love you so much we're so grateful and thankful that we're still able to minister to you and that you're able to receive and you know what I believe I believe you're gonna when we come back together you know physically do we're coming back better stronger some of your growing in the word some you're getting more and more convinced by the God's Word something personal going on there's nobody next to you that you don't know your family's growing maybe you and your spouse you're growing together you're sitting around the phone the laptop the television screen and and this word is going through and it's coming in your house I think we got the real definition of church because if it if it starts at home what I call the little church then when all the little churches get together when one building we bring with us all that God has been doing and I just choose to believe that God's been doing an amazing thing in your house and your relationships and that all is well with you what god bless you thank you for being with me tonight I love you and God's riches and best will continue to be yours as you seek Him first now in the helm was able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the Almighty God be glory Majesty Dominion and power I plead the blood of Jesus over your life and that all is well with you and your house it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen good night everybody have an amazing evening
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 67,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: sxdiXsx2TCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 52sec (3172 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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