"The Superpower of Meekness" - Robby Gallaty

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uh we are continuing in our series to today and then we're going to put a comma on Matthew chapter 5 in The Sermon on the Mount and we'll maybe come back to that so that'll be today will be the last beatitude and listen I had a lot of hopes uh high hopes of getting through more than just one beatitude but not going to happen so today's just one but I think there's a lot here for us after this we'll do a few weeks of a Christmas series and then after that the long awaited series and by the way for those who are new we actually were planning this in May before the Israel Gaza conflict I know no one believes that but really were we really were we just worked all week to plan it we are going to spend the better part of the entire year in Revelation next year so we start in January yeah uh that's not what some of my well my wife said that when I got home she said really one year in Revelation I said babe I promise you but by the time we hit August no one's going to say Revelation 17 I guess I'll go listen again amen I mean like people who wants to learn about Revelation amen and by the way it's not Revelations it's like a pet peeve of mine it's one Revelation did you know it's like one Revelation and for the record it's probably not what you think I'm going to talk about but you knew that already okay that's not today today we're finishing up with what I believe is a superpower in the Christian Life a superpower in the Christian life before I give it to you I want to ask you a question and I want you to think about this seriously who is in your opinion the toughest man to have ever walked the Earth okay now some may say John Wayne he's pretty tough it's a tough man uh Chuck Norris anybody want to go with Chuck Norris I mean who could be Chuck Norris Russell uh Bruce Lee my personal favorite je kundo I mean Bruce Lee uh but that all of these fail in comparison to the top guy Rocky can I get a am in I mean Rocky has to be Rocky has to be the toughest guy but none of these guys are the toughest man to ever walk planet Earth you know who was the toughest man his name was Jesus did you know that Jesus is a man who had the ability to call down with the blink of an eye Legions of angels to decimate his enemies Jesus was given all power and authority to do what he wanted when he wanted how he wanted and didn't have to to answer to anyone for why he did what he did that's Jesus right and so for years I looked at tough guys like probably some of you guys growing up and I I really try to pride myself I'm going to be tough right I want to I want to be strong in my 20s if you know my testimony I I actually was a bouncer at a bar in New Orleans of all places and one of the things if you know anything about bouncing in a bar and the sheriff's deputies will tell you the bouncer is always right always right right so that kind of got to my head and so I started to act on every situation I didn't take anything from anybody and that's what our culture teaches right like if you want to be a man you don't back down when someone attacks you someone someone does you wrong you retaliate right someone does something against you you need to avenge the evil but the question is backing down from an attack is that a sign of weakness well according to Jesus it's not see we're going to ask and answer the question how do we respond when someone attacks us how do we respond when someone hurts us deeply do we Avenge the wrong do we seek revenge do we retaliate well according to Jesus if we want don't miss this if we want to thrive in the Kingdom of Heaven we need to learn about the upside down kingdom of Jesus and the superpower you ready for this of meekness meekness is actually a superpower if you have a Bible turn with me to Matthew chap 5 and I bet that's not what you expected to hear this morning about power and strength and might right meekness but Jesus gives it to us in one line and um I'm reading from the csb but um any Bible uh and actually you'll see the csb does not do in my opinion the best job of translating these words for the meaning today but let's let's just go here chap 5:5 you there like to say word at Long Hollow the word of the Lord blessed are the humble for they will inherit the earth I want to give you four insights Four Points four application points really uh of how to tap into this superpower number one is this write this down and this is kind of the theme for the whole day meekness is not weakness okay meekness is not weakness the csb translates it as humble I don't like the word humble because it I think it's too simplistic meekness is actually this write this down it is controlled power power under control power under restraint now Jesus Christ remember the toughest man ever to walk planet Earth describes himself in Matthew 11 ver 29 to his disciples and here's what he says take upon my yoke and learned from me because I am Macho and tough is that what he says no look what he says learn from me because I am lowly and meek humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls the greatest picture of meekness is Jesus Christ watch this entering into Jerusalem on the triumphal entry right before his crucifixion and Jesus decides to enter town riding a white horse with a sword in his hand is that what he does that's what they wanted how does the king of all Kings the Lord of all Lords enter into to town to give a picture of who he is he comes on the back of a donkey lowly which by the way that's a whole picture that whole metaphor of the donkey is a picture of meekness why because a donkey Can Be Tamed to work and to carry people but let a coyote use loosen the pen and he'll rip a t i mean that's really a don't so that's a picture of meekness let me give you some words to give you a picture the opposite of meekness write this down is violence the opposite of meekness is anger uh theft brutality wrath condemnation a person who's not Meek is prideful and arrogant and selfish and Brash themselves there's a great Paradox in the Bible and I want to show it to you it's it's really a standoff in the Bible and it's the Paradox of meekness right from the outside what you see is not what actually is and it's the standof off you're going to remember this between Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ turn with me if you have a Bible to John chapter 18 and I want to show you this picture it's a paradox of meekness but it's a wonderful picture and insight the Bible gives us John chapter 18 verse 33 when you're there we like to say word then pilate went back into the headquarters summoned Jesus and said to him are you the king of the Jews now why is he asking that because in a sense he's the king of the Jews because he's the governor he's the ruler over uh Judea and and over Jerusalem and Jesus asked him are you asking this on your own or have others told you about me I'm not a Jew am I pilate replied but Jesus said your own nation and or he says your own nation and the chief priest handed you over to me what have you you done Jesus he's asking him and Jesus says my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world my servants would what fight so that I wouldn't be handed over to the Jews but as it is my kingdom is not from here here's what he's saying you cannot see the kingdom with natural eyes this is what he's saying you're not going to be able to see it without the spirit you are a king then pilate asked him Jesus said you say that I'm a king I was born for this and I've come into this world to testify to the truth and everyone who is of the truth who sees and hears and has the spirit listens to my voice and pilate asks a great question I think this is the question the world's asking today what is what what is truth okay I want you to picture the scene in your mind pilate on this hand on this side is the embodiment of Roman power and Roman Authority history tells us that pilate was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth so much so that his parents were pretty uh diplomatic in the Roman Empire he was an equestrian Knight apparently in the Army worked his way up history says to where Julius Caesar and some of the Caesars put him in power and so now he is Governor or the the technical term is prefect of Judea Israel okay so on one hand you have the embodiment of power and authority on the other hand you have Jesus now picture the scene beaten and bloody standing before Pilate as the epitome of Frailty he is the epitomy of pitifulness I mean in his in his position if you see him he appears as a weak man who had a movement that got out of control ate up and spit out by a mob of Jewish religious leaders and now he's in this poor state so here's the picture on one side you have pilate follow me here who is backed by the kingdom of the the Earth the Roman Empire and on the other hand you have Jesus who from Pilot's perspective looks like a man who's about to be not a prefect but a prisoner about to be obliterated from the Earth but I mentioned earlier things are not always what they appear right you ever heard that saying you cannot judge a book by its what by its cover here's the thing you have to understand there is a great Paradox in these two men it's a wonderful picture of meekness see Jesus Christ even though he is a prisoner Bound by change there is no one more free in all of the universe he's a free man in fact he's not only free Jesus is controlling the entire ordeal himself pilate the prefect on the other hand was free from chains and yet at the same time Bound by his sin and pride and arrogance and thirst for power did I mention things aren't always ases they appear so from the outside it looks like one thing but we know when we look with spiritual lens lenses it's another thing I mean that's the whole upside down Kingdom right that's why I labeled the whole series really or labeled The Sermon on the Mount the upside down kingdom and we've learned this if you've been here with us what have we learned so far to gain in the kingdom of God you have to what you have to lose in the Kingdom of God in order to be strong you have to be what you have to be weak in order to be first Jesus says You must be last right in order to receive something you have to give it in order to live you have to die in order to be great you have to be leas in order to lead and be ruler you have to actually serve it's the upside down kingdom it makes no sense by the world's standards but that's the way you flourish in the Kingdom now before we move on I want to make one more point about meekness do not think meekness is someone who is introverted in personality or shy this is not someone who is syrupy sweet from the south although they could be but that's not technically what it means it doesn't mean someone who's nice all the time or someone who's withdrawn meekness in the ancient world and this will bring it to light I I love this definition I found this recently so meekness in the ancient world was a picture of a word used to describe a wild animal like a horse who had been brought in and domesticated or Tamed the horse has all the strength and ability to run you over and yet because of the trainer's teaching the horse is able to restrain its power for a purpose I love that de that's what meekness is so don't think of this meekness is not weakness it is power and strength restrained for a higher purpose number two Jesus is going to show us that there is a reward connected to meekness did you know this like there's a blessing for those who attempt to live a life of meekness there's a promise here notice what Jesus says blessed are the humble or Meek they will what look what it says inherit the earth now again I said earlier I don't particularly like humble because it's too simplistic I like meekness better but I also think the word Earth is too broad because when you think of Earth what do you think of the Earth right like the whole thing but here's the question if you know anything about the culture where the Jewish people concerned about what was happening in the Roman Empire at all no did they care what was happening with the Greek world did they care about the Persian they cared little to nothing about any of that the only thing the Jewish people wanted was peace for Israel that's all they were concerned about right we always say peace in the what Middle East right but particularly in Israel now this line here so a better translation is this write this down you will inherit the land you will inherit the land because the land and it's not just land it's not like hey I'm coming to give Bobby just this deed to a piece of property it's yours of empty field no I mean that's good but you're like what am I going to do with this field no it was the land and all of the benefits that came with the land which was peace and joy and satisfaction and fulfillment right now here's the pop quiz I know it's early follow me this line you will inherit the Earth or the land is a direct is a direct connection ction literally picked up out of the Old Testament and Jesus uses it in the new from a book in the Old Testament Pop Quiz who knows it's called a keser in Hebrew a RZ Marty Solomon say RZ it's a connection from the new to the old and here's the pop quiz does anyone know what book of the Bible not those who came to the first service so you're going to cheat don't do that sound both knows but who knows what book it's from anybody want to take a guess Psalm that's right Psalm 37 Psalm 3 I me you're going to see it right lifted right out of Psalm 37 and put in the Beatitudes watch this Psalm 37: 10-1 a little while and the wicked person will be no more he's saying listen I know it looks like there's evil prospering and the wicked are winning and those who attack us are are are getting ahead but just remember only a little bit longer and there'll be no more though you look for him he will not be there but the humble the meek will inherit do you know this I mean literally word for word jesus takes it out but the humble will inherit the land and we have one more insight and will enjoy abundant Prosperity that's what it means to inherit the land what it means is you're going to have all the benefits of what the land gives now let me give you the the background here David who's writing this Psalm is writing to the Israelites who are already in the land so what does he mean you'll inherit the land the Israelites were in the land but they really didn't possess the land because evil men and women were prospering so they're asking the question like what are we supposed to do the politicians are corrupt the government's gone backwards the school system's teaching this there's negativity and marriages being sound familiar redefi what do we do should we retaliate do we pick up the sword do we go after them what does he say watch this go back to verse three watch what he says the whole Psalm is about this what do we do what does this word say trust in the Lord and do what is good you can't worry about them but you can worry about you trust in the Lord and do what's good dwell in the land and live securely take Delight I love this verse in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desire when I memorized it it was delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire remember this of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will act making righteousness shine like the dawn your Justice like the noon day okay what should we do I think we missed it there he tells it again in verse 7even watch this be silent before the Lord and I want you to see the theme Here be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him do not be agitated by the one who prospers in his way by the person who carries out evil plants I want you to see this along Hollow what is the recurring theme in that Psalm did you hear it trust wait slow down you ready for this be silent see the key to meekness here's the key is you get to the place where you trust in God's Sovereign plan for your life which is why you don't retaliate when someone wrongs you you don't try to get back at people who take advantage of you why because you know that God will do right of all the Earth and he will settle the accounts on your behalf here here's the reality when you step in and seek to handle things in the way you think they should be handled here's what you're telling God without saying a word God I'm going to be you for a moment see when you step in and try to do what you think is right for someone who's wrong you you in a sense are playing God when you seek revenge what you're saying is listen God I don't trust that you know what you're doing because you're dragging your feet way too much I can do better than you can and I don't know about you every time I've done that it's never going well for me right it never goes well meekness is a superpower why because there is a promise attached to it here's the promise I want to encourage you when you live with meekness when you respond with gentleness and when you give an olive branch to someone who doesn't deserve it through meekness you can rest assured the Divine approval from God is upon you that's the promise okay I want to give you two more points one's just a sidebar just a practical point and then I want to give you the superpower inside at the end okay number three is this meekness comes from a dependence on the holy spirit this is a short point but I think it needs to be made meekness comes through a dependence on the holy spirit because when you leave here you're going to say man that was a great that was a great Insight I really need to be more Meek and so you're going to try to go home and be meaker right I don't know that probably not a word you're GNA be more Meek you're gonna have more meekness right you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna you're GNA say I'm going to be meaker and so I'm GNA I don't know if it's a word but I like it we're gonna we're going to work on being humble we're going to work on doing it and so going to pull yourself up and you're going to go for it and you're going to say look at me honey I'm the meekest I've ever been I mean look at me in fact just call me Mr meekness you know Mr Meek I'm the me inator you know just look at me normally normally here know somebody said man I just feel like I'm growing in humility I'm like Wow might want to work might want to work on that right normally people that tell you they're humble normally are are not but here's the point you don't work on meekness like you work on humility here's what happens you need to submit yourself to the Holy Spirit as he works in you to work through you to produce meekness now did you know this this is kind of a uh a little Hidden Gem here but in the list of the fruit of the spirit we actually see a picture of meekness and by the way Galatians chapter 5 is the is this is the text verses 22 and 23 I want to put it on the screen another pet PE ofon it's not fruits again said it wrong for years the fruits of the Holy Spirit did you know it's just one fruit y'all knew that one fruit that has many Expressions so here's the thing it's not like your wife got the fruit of of joy and you you you didn't get much right like no we all get the same fruits and the fruit grows in different expressions in our life now watch this but the fruit of the spirit I want you to look for meekness but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control the law is not against such things now here's the thing it's not spelled out so you're not going to see it but where do you see meek in the list where do you see it somebody said all of them yeah probably so but it actually shows up the best in the last one did you catch it selfcontrol did you know this meekness comes from self-control now here's the bad news it is the last fruit to be produced on the list of the fruit of the spirit can I get an amen am like I I can I could see some of these in my own life and but it's the self-control that that's hard so so here's how works as you submit to God not I'm going to be more Meek or I'm going to be more h no as you submit yourself to God God begins to work in you to work through you as you yield to the spirit and the spirit produces the fruit of meekness in your life number four and here's the key meekness is a superpower in the Kingdom very few tap into very and even when you know it it's even hard it's not easy but I'm goingon to teach it to you and I would like to pray and believe that over my life I'm trying to grow more and more in this and you will too one of the principles I learned when I was doing mix martial arts years ago uh and I've done Jiu-Jitsu and Brazilian jiu-jitsu and I've done Taekwondo and boxing other thing one of the things I learned at the different dojo and for those who've ever done mixed martial arts or kids or you know right away that the toughest guys in the gym or the toughest girls in the gym never boast in their ability did you know that anybody know that let me just tell the bullies oh bullies let me tell the kids about we'll speak to the bullies of that but anyway let me tell this student if you're a student in here in school College High School Middle School let me just remind you the person who's threatening you and I'll beat you up or I'll punch you in your face and you if I what I'm going to do to you the bully normally has a bigger bark than his bite right so in the the galile house this is the rule I tell the boys somebody's yelling at you you don't do nothing if someone pushes you what you do is you turn around you pop me right in the mouth that's all you just pop right right in the mouth true story and I say listen I walk to school Mr Bobby Mr pow and I'll say I'm sorry golly I don't know why he did that and did you start the fight no Daddy he punched me first okay good and I'll say I'm going to get on to him when we get home and I'm going to high five in the car I say yes sir son but the reality is some of you say that's a bad parenting but that's just the way it is in Arrow but here's the reality if you start the fight you're in trouble if you start to fight you're in trouble right most people boasting about their ability fighting wise Talent tough lless normally they don't have it right normally people know how to fight don't pick a fight they know how to control the anger they don't start a fight an ancient proverb I love that explains this right this down I love this proverb it's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war now think about that it's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war why because if a war breaks out and this Warrior is tending a garden he's always got his sword strapped to his waist and he could pull that out he knows how to wield it and use it but he chooses willingly to sheath the SW the sword but if a war breaks out and it's all you have a garders you better be digging holes cuz you're in trou you're going to be in trouble right here's the point meekness here's what meekness is having the power at your disposal but choosing to restrain from using it for a greater purpose and a greater reason now let me just give you philosophically this is I've asked myself this and I think it may apply but I've asked myself the question well then why do you get so mad when people ridicule you why do you want to respond when someone hurts you why do you want to seek revenge when someone attacks you and I know for me and and I think it may reply to you here's what happens in my mind and I think this is happening in your mind the reason you want to retaliate and attack back is because in your mind and this is the reason I think you get your feelings hurt in your mind you think more highly of yourself than you are you know how I know that because I do and here's how you know does does that guy know who I am does she know what I know about that's what you say things like that does he know what I you do he know why I went to school does he know what I've done that's what we think in our mind and it's when someone attacks us that it really gets us bent out of shape now some of you are saying well I don't have a problem with that I'm actually working on on meekness all right here's the test okay here's the test I give it to myself sometimes here's a test to determine if you're growing in meekness okay here's the lpus test it's not if you can say you know online so I am the chief of Sinners it's not if you can say I am the wicked most wicked of Sinners that's not the question because a lot of people can say that the question is how do you respond when someone else says it to you when someone else says it about you that brother is a wicked sinner how do you respond that how do you respond when someone lies about you at work how do you respond when someone Slanders your name online how do you respond when someone rakes you through the coals how do you respond when a friend turns their back on you and you never imagine in any opportun in in any situation it would turn out like this let me remind you next time you're tempted to justify yourself online and and and and believe me I get there a lot too and just sore here one of the one of the things we have at Long Hollow and it's for my protection even if I wanted to do it I couldn't but when someone criticizes me online which it never happens by the way never happens never happens I never have to use it but that's like let's go to hip Henderson but anyway but anyway those things are done thank God but anyway it happened in the sexuality series it happened when I I don't know if you remember when I decided to take glow sticks one sermon and do some moves and but anyway so here some you remember that and I wanted to respond and say something but here's the here's the deal we have a policy on on staff to protect me I think and here's it when someone criticizes me online whether right or wrong guess how guess how often I'm able to respond guess how many times they let me respond to them zero zero zero because I know any time I respond it never turns out good now let me remind you of this and and not for all of us but let me remind you I want you to hear my heart on this the people who know you the best watch this will not have their minds Changed by with some troll online says about you you need to remember this the people who know you the best yeah praise God you need to hear this will not have their mind Changed by some person online slandering you the only thing you're going to do by engaging online is engage in a battle with someone who already questions your integrity and doesn't have a desire to change remember that they already question your integrity that's all you're going to do is give them more fuel to respond back so here's my my response to you lovingly don't engage step back and let God handle it for you this is why the psalmist said be what be chatty online is that what it says send direct messages at will is that what it says right no it says be whenever you get the urge just say Pastor Robbie told told us we should the word says be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him okay here's the superp power I almost hate to give it CU such a such a good superpower and let me just say this in eight years of being here I and again I'm not perfect at this and I'm still growing at this so I don't have it mastered but I will say responding this way to some of the people even in this room right now I'm not going to call them out they know who they are and we've talked about this has probably kept them here so they wouldn't leave cu cu they responded to me whether in anger or in the moment and said some things that I could have justifiedly said back to them like why did you who do you do you know who I but I didn't instead I tried to extend to those people the Olive Branch even though they didn't deserve it and here's what's cool some of the guys in this room are some of my close friends now okay was it easy no does it ever get easy no here's the principle okay I want to share it with you here's the principle if I step in to the situation to fix it God steps back very simple profound okay so if I step in God says oh all right big boy you got this one just let me know when you're done and when I step in like you it never goes well okay but here's what God says if you step back God says I'll step in and when God steps in he always does what's right so here's how that works when someone responds to you online you don't have to fight every Twitter battle battle can I get an amen you don't have to fight every Twitter battle you don't have to respond here's another cool thing did you know you don't have to respond to every direct message on Instagram who knew somebody like I did because you don't respond to me but anyway but anyway not because I don't love you I proom I love you but just don't have a lot of time but you don't have to justify every wrong that's done against you see here's what the person who is Meek thinks in their mind this is the mindset they are amazed by the fact that God and other people think so highly of them in the first place because they know their own sinfulness they know their own depravity and they haven't gotten past the first beatitude which was blessed are the poor in spirit here's another way to say it blessed are those who know that nothing in life they have is without God these are people who are dependent upon God for their relationships for their social status for their Rapport for their respect and next time when you feel like Ralia but you don't know what let me remind you of Jesus and here's the close I want you to hear this listen to me if anybody on the entire planet who has ever lived had a justifiable reason to retaliate against the people who wronged him it would have been Jesus wouldn't you agree I mean anybody what do you mean the wood that made up the cross that would crucify him was actually created by Him the cross he would hang on on actually he created it the hands that drove the spikes in his wrist and his nails were formed by him before the world was even formed the the breath that was hurled of the insults against him as he walked on the road was actually breathed into them by him you get the point the hill that he hung on on Calvary was designed by him and yet if anyone had reason justify retaliate avenge Jesus never used his strength when the religious leaders persecuted beat him and spat on him the Bible says Jesus like a sheep before cheers didn't say what a word when the soldiers crucified him and hurled insults at him what is Jesus saying on the Christ saying father they don't even know what they're doing forgive them when Peter denies him as closest friend in the courtyard when Jesus returns he restores this man to Fellowship you know what it does it makes us think twice before we seek revenge but you don't understand Pastor you don't know what that person did to me you don't know what that Man how he hurt our family you don't know what she said to me you don't know how this affect you don't know what my ex-husband did to me I don't know but I do know this whenever I say they don't deserve forgiveness you know what God says to me neither do you and I still forgive you friends if you're a believer of Jesus Christ today listen to me I have good news for you you and I can look at the natural visible realm through a supernatural lens we know that things are not as they appear right why because we are Supernatural citizens of a kingdom not of this world where rules are in play that the natural world does not know about right we serve a king who sees everything he keeps a perfect record he will make accounting principles perfect at the end of time and he will make every wrong right without our help isn't that assuring today to know that we don't have to it's What Abraham said to God God will not the judge of all the Earth do right you know what the answer is yes so so what is our response today because I know in a group this size there here's what it is it's that person because we could say I could forgive a lot of people but I but I can't forgive that person anybody know what I'm talking about I I can I can move on from a lot of people but I can't move on from that person I'm going to ask the Lord and again I'm not asking you to do this in your own strength I'm asking you today to simply just receive Grace from God and allow the Holy spir Spirit to work in you to work through you to respond with meekness and Grace and an olive branch instead of a whip or a sword and you step back listen to me and let God do what only God can do who needs grace extended from you to them in your life and it may not even be selfishly for them it it's probably all for you let me say it another way who's been living in your head for a while now rent free and needs to move out can I get an amen anybody know what I'm talking about this is the person you always think about always on your mind maybe a maybe a an abusive father or a mother maybe a maybe a friend or or a family member maybe a cooworker maybe a staff member used to work with turned on you maybe a a Ministry partner maybe now now it's going I don't know what it is but here's what I say with the love of Christ it's time to give that person an eviction notice to pack their bags and tell them it's time to move out of my head for the glory of God and for my own good amen so I'm going to give you the freedom to do that today because some of you not all of you but some of you like man you are reading my mail you know how I'm reading your mail because that was my mail still is my mail at times and so I know this is a word for you because my my counselor gave me this as a word for me so I want to pray for you pray for all of us actually would you bow your head for a moment and ask the Lord with me to give us Grace upon Grace to extend it to those who don't deserve it not because not because they deserve it because God gives it to us and so we can't help but give it to others I'm going to ask you if something I said with your head bowed no one looking around if something I said or a person came to mind as I was speaking that person just arose and and you're saying today hey I I know I'm supposed to forgive them I know I'm supposed to move on but I can't that's a real feeling and and that's exactly where you are but you know by the scripture and the word of God that you should and you need the Lord's help to do it would you just raise your hand I'm not going to call you out I promise just acknowledge before God just say hey hold it up say God I need help right now I can't do this this person's hurt me too deeply even just the thought of forgiving them is too much because they don't deserve it and I get that and I know that's real just raise it high Pastor thank you amen just put it up high praise God you can put your hands down father I don't know all the situations but you do and we don't understand how this Kingdom of Heaven works but but we're okay with that we know there are rules and Promises in play that we can't see and we're okay with that but we trust the king who leads the kingdom and the King tells us blessed are those who are meek for they will inherit the land of peace and Shalom and prosperity and satisfaction and joy and so we claim that today over our lives we confess that we can't forgive in our own strength we can't extend meekness in our own strength we don't want to come with an olive branch we want to come with a whip we confess that and you know that but we're asking God give us Grace to proceed help us God when we're helpless show us God a way when we don't see a way would you make a way and show us that you're still with us let us know you're near Holy Spirit wrap your arms around us today we love you Jesus we ask it in your name and everyone said
Channel: Long Hollow
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Id: L_hhto2PkIU
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Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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