The Strange Life of Teen Wolf

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[Music] [Music] ah 2011 what a year for tv coming off the first seasons of the walking dead pretty little liars luther gossip girl was about to start its final season game of thrones was premiering new girl was premiering black mirror suits shameless two real girls but that one sucks nobody cares and in the midst of all of that with all the supernatural teen mania that was happening with twilight vampire diaries and all that [ __ ] mtv decided to capitalize on the trend and released teen wolf now for the like seven of you that don't know teen wolf is actually a very loose adaptation of a 1985 movie of the same name starring michael j fox the original film was kind of a cheeky comedy about a high school kid named scott who turns into a werewolf and uses his newfound abilities to dunk on people at basketball it's really campy and very much a product of the 80s and i think that's why a lot of people were confused by the idea of a tv adaptation the movie doesn't really have the type of plot that you can widely rework into a longer format so in order to work they had to completely reinvent the concept and they did now today teen wolf is considered a modern classic of team dramas but when it started airing in 2011 it went largely unnoticed it's really in season two that the show started picking up a real audience and it ended up running for six years i used to watch this show when it was airing and i watched till the end and i knew one day i would probably revisit it for a video but now seems like a perfect time because four years after going off the air at the close of its sixth season it was announced that teen wolf will be coming back in 2022 with a movie it's apparently said to be a direct sequel to the show from the original showrunner jeff davis and fans are really excited about it i was kind of pumped to go back to the show because i loved the characters but i actually didn't remember much from the story so there's a lot of it that i had to experience all over again now if you don't know on my instagram stories i often do a tag where i ask people to tell me their unpopular opinions and a few months ago someone said they think teen wolf is the best supernatural teen show ever made the reaction was split a lot of people agreed and a lot of people disagreed and i received an army of messages asking me what i think of teen wolf so yeah what do i think of teen wolf well i think teen wolf is [ __ ] hilarious this show is so corny it is so out there it's so [ __ ] stupid there are so many elements of this show that do not work but you know what i don't care i love it whenever i think of good bad tv teen wolf always crosses my mind this show is just so dumb and brainless and the plot makes no sense not kidding 95 of the show is completely incoherent the writing is [ __ ] hilarious and sometimes it just looks so mediocre that i can't help but laugh look at this [ __ ] look at it it [ __ ] sucks i love it and i love it because despite all of its flaws there's just something about teen wolf that is so uniquely charming that i can't bring myself to hate it it has a spark to it that makes it really endearing and it just feels cozy it's the perfect example of good trash it sucks but it's charming for one this show has no idea how to do anything in moderation everything is always at a hundred and eighty percent it is constantly in a state of excess and it's hilarious i'm not gonna lie to you guys i had so much fun re-watching it because i was just perpetually reminded of how dumb it is and it's not even to say that teen wolf is all bad no that show has its moments and it has elements that are genuinely great and we're gonna talk about that more but as a whole as a completed series yeah let's not fool ourselves here this is [ __ ] mid where is she where's the girl but it's also a show with a very unique sense of charisma and it sort of has its own signature style teen wolf has a very specific identity that really stands out with a lot of things people will immediately recognize from it including its fight scenes stylized visuals and above all else this show loves its party sequences and there are so many party sequences [Music] i know i sound like i'm roasting it and that's because i am but i genuinely love teen wolf like really and since i knew i was going to sit down and [ __ ] all six seasons of the show i had to cozy myself up so i got myself a new couch a new tv and also i got myself some hellofresh the sponsor of today's video i don't know about you but i always need to find something good to eat before i start binging something like i won't press play until i have something to eat in my hands but i'm also the type of person who absolutely hates having to figure out what to eat all the time and usually i have a bit of a busy schedule that doesn't allow me to look up recipes and take the time to go get the ingredients to cook them and that's where hellofresh kind of swoops in to save your life they make this stuff 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hectic time but hellofresh helps keeping things simple with recipes and ingredients that cut out on grocery shopping and limit meal prep time and if you're like me and you hardly ever have the time to cook they also offer a variety of quick and easy recipes for meals that are cooked in under 20 minutes are easy to clean up and you barely have to prep anything and you're wasting less food because everything is already pre-portioned oh and also did i mention that they're giving you 14 meals for free now look at this look at it i made this who am i gorn ramsay no i'm friendly space ninja but i could have fooled you and boy was this good i destroyed that meal and i can't wait to try more of them so remember go to and use code space 14 for 14 free meals and 3 free gifts all the info is in the description box down below thank you hellofresh for sponsoring this video and thank you for the amazing food mostly and let's get back to teen wolf so teen wolf is the story of scott mccall a 16 year old high school kid living in the fictional town of beacon hills in california one night scott and his best friend styles a turbulent kid who likes to put his nose where it's not supposed to be decide to go into the woods to find a dead body the police is currently looking for when they get there styles immediately gets caught by his dad who's the sheriff of the town and scott escapes further into the woods but once he is alone he finds the body and gets attacked and bitten by a mysterious creature a creature that may or may not have been supernatural blah blah blah he's turning into a werewolf you know the drill now like i said a bit earlier this was my first time re-watching the show since it started airing in 2011 so season one was very foggy to me and i gotta say the pilot is actually really fun it's cheesy as hell and the writing is odd but it's fun to watch sometimes ironically and sometimes unironically but mostly ironically the ironic part just comes from certain characters or certain interactions for starters i had completely forgotten how every single character in this show is a genre stereotype cranked up to 11. i didn't remember much from jackson given that he leaves the show at the end of season two so during my re-watch i just got to be reminded of how utterly ridiculous this character is you ruined it for me you ruined everything oh you sound stupid the show manages to flesh him out a bit more later on but god dammit those early episodes with jackson are laughable he is such a bad character i also forgot how annoying lydia was in the earlier episodes i think some of it was on purpose but her one-dimensional mean girl persona was quite irritating to me and on the cheesy side i will point out that every interaction between scott and alison in the pilot is [ __ ] hilarious they are so cheesy you have an eyelash on your cheek empty eyes don't you want to punch them in the face they're so cute i hate it however the thing the pilot does really well is showcasing scott's transition into a werewolf for one i really appreciate that this pilot does not waste any time it jumps straight into the essentials the show begins scott and styles are established as best friends they head into the woods to find a dead body styles heard about on his dad's phone call scott finds himself alone in the woods and by minute 7 he has been bitten by a werewolf and the rest of the episode is following his transition it's quick and effective and it doesn't feel like the show is rushing and yeah scott's transition is really fun to follow for example the first time he meets allison is the first time he realizes he can hear things that are very far away as if they were happening right next to him from his classroom he can hear alison having a conversation on the phone outside in front of the building and what i really like about this scene is that he hears alison mention that she forgot to bring a pen on her first day of school and then when she enters the classroom a minute or two later he just turns to her without saying a word and hands her a pen i don't know i like it it's cute there's another scene where scott goes to work at a veterinarian's office and when he tries to feed the cats at night they all just start going crazy and hissing at him because they can feel that something about him is off and then he eventually turns into a full werewolf during the full moon he figures out derek hale is the one who bit him he goes to confront him in the woods and start to fight for a minute but then they have to team up to escape the woods when they are attacked by werewolf hunters the episode has its resolution and then we are left with a pretty solid cliffhanger when scott finds out the next morning at school that the hunter who tried to kill him the night before is alison's father overall it's a pretty cool pilot it's cute it's fun oh no leave me alone but the rest of the show is a bit of a roller coaster and i mean that in more ways than one the thing with teen wolf and probably a huge factor in its eventual downfall is the fact that it's not very consistent the show kind of transforms all the time it tries a lot of different [ __ ] and i think as a result of having such a broken identity we can kind of separate teen wolf in three major incarnations you have teen wolf before season 3 teen wolf during season 3 and then teen wolf after season 3. they are all part of the same entity but they're like three completely different shows i think you'll get what i mean let's get started shall we season one and two season one as a whole is completely ridiculous and at times hilarious but it's fun i can definitely see why the show caught on especially back in 2011 the writing is super campy especially the dialogue and its overabundance of sexual innuendos that are usually followed by an awkward pause as the show is like did you get it that was that was that was a sex joke did you get it it's funny right please please say it's funny and it does it way more often than i remembered maybe you should stop pretending to suck just for his benefit trust me i do plenty of sucking just for his benefit goddammit you got him but in the end teen wolf season 1 while not groundbreaking or unique in any way is fairly effective and the reason why season 1 is so effective is that jeff davis decided to add an element of mystery in it at its core season 1 of teen wolf is a whodunit murder mystery but the killer we're trying to find is a werewolf more specifically an alpha the entire season consists of scott and his friends trying to figure out the identity of the alpha and it's generally pretty solid the season also deals with scott becoming the target of werewolf hunters who are these vicious highly trained assassins who like to hang out in the woods at night and [ __ ] scott also falls in love with allison the new girl in school who really likes him but he has to hide his secret from her and it leads her to become suspicious of certain things it's all very cliche honestly season one is mostly bad but it has its moments especially towards the end alison finding out scott is a werewolf right after finding out her family members have been werewolf hunters for generations is genuinely emotional her entire world is just split in two in a matter of seconds and it kickstarts a genuinely intriguing storyline that carries through season two where she struggles to decide who she should be loyal to the twist of peter hale being the alpha still works for me the backstory is really interesting and they did a great job at swerving your expectations and peter is actually a solid villain in this season he's this architect type villain you eventually find out he orchestrated all of the events of the season to work in his favor and his plan and motivations make perfect sense peter is like a one-man army because he's not only very strong he's also very smart he doesn't have minions or anything like that but he's a master tactician and he has a way to manipulate circumstances to put people in a situation where they're forced to do what he wants them to do because they simply don't have a choice i like peter a lot as a villain and it's too bad that they had to bring him back every season after that don't you understand yet i'm not the bad guy here you turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs and you're not the bad guy here the whole storyline with the hunters develops fairly well too despite it being very cheesy the writers actually do a great job at building some layers into the hunters as villains for one there's a real element of perspective they're clearly the antagonists but they're not necessarily evil because from their point of view werewolves are predators and killers and they want to get rid of them for survival they truly believe they are the ones in the front lines to make the world a safer place they also have a code that comes with certain morals they don't kill children they don't kill werewolves who haven't taken innocent lives they also leave the women to make final decisions in situations of crisis because they believe women have a better ability to preserve peace like they have a whole protocol to operate with their own version of dignity and while their rules are never fully explained to us they often use this idea of the code to give the hunter somewhat of a moral compass i think it's safe to say that while it's not the worst season 1 is the most forgettable season of the show which is both a good thing and a bad thing it's a bad thing because a lot of people get disinterested in season one and just stop watching but it's a good thing because if you do get through season one then you've gone through the most boring part of the series season two in terms of quality is very much on par with season one there are differences though i feel like season one failed in places where season two succeeds but season two also fails in places where season one succeeded but overall it does feel like a consistent continuation to what the show started and season two is also where we finally get the legendary intro sequence of teen wolf yo that [ __ ] goes too hard i'm not gonna lie this intro has no right to be as good as it is but anyways season two kind of changes the situation of the show in the best ways scott has now accepted that being a werewolf is part of his identity and he truly begins to step forward as the leader of the group alison is now fully aware of the supernatural world surrounding her and she is actively in the process of finding her place in it for better or for worse derek has become the alpha after killing peter and he's now building his own pack in very shady ways styles is just still here being styles and no complaints here carry on and lydia is turning into a sam raimi character this time around the characters are more used to their world being weird and [ __ ] and they're all starting to figure out what part they have to play in it the big bad of season 2 is gerard argent alison's ruthless grandfather and the leader of the werewolf hunters he comes back to beacon hills to get revenge for his daughter kate allison's aunt who was murdered by the alpha at the end of season 1 when it was revealed that she broke the code and set fire to the hill house that killed men women children and people who were not even werewolves and when he comes back my man is pissed the [ __ ] off to the point where he decides that he doesn't care about the code anymore he comes back in total john wick mode no mercy no prisoners kill them all he did not come back to get the werewolf who killed his daughter he came back to start an extermination of werewolves as a whole now on paper i love that gerard is a merciless hunter a highly intelligent and calculated general but above all else he's a grieving father he is so consumed by the loss of his child that his morals go out the window his crusade is no longer about the safety of the world now this is just pure revenge or at least that's what it should have been you see the big problem with teen wolf season 2 is the start of a very long tradition with teen wolf that i like to call terrible villains it's a simple name but it does the job gerrard is just so boring as a villain because despite all of the death he could have been given by the loss of kate that should challenge his morals he ends up being portrayed as a very generic bad guy who just yells and doesn't have much of a personality he is somewhat threatening but super one note and just kind of flat they try to pull the same thing they did with peter hale where it sort of revealed that gerard orchestrated the events of the season to get control of the canema but it's just so weirdly executed mostly because gerard's plan doesn't make a lot of sense basically in the finale we find out that gerard has cancer and he's dying and in fact he wasn't actually in beacon hills to avenge his daughter but his plan was to orchestrate a situation that would force scott to kill derek so that scott would become the alpha and turn him into a werewolf so he could cure his cancer which first of all what and second of all not only is that a complete 180 from his initial motivation to eradicate werewolves it's also a plan that is way too convoluted for what he's trying to accomplish he went through all the trouble of faking his grief for his daughter creating a war between werewolves and hunters becoming the principle of the high school manipulating a teenager to control the kaname then murdering that teenager to become master of the cannama threatening scott's mother kidnapping styles and derek's pack brainwashing allison into becoming an assassin and turn her against her family and scott then tried to get rid of jackson forced his son to turn against him for no reason all of that to get scott to turn him into a werewolf no that's stupid 95 percent of this plan was completely unnecessary especially because in the finale he shows with no emotion that he's ready to kill his own son and granddaughter to get to his goal so all he had to do was tell scott hey turn me into a werewolf or i'll kill allison and scott would have probably done it because allison is his entire life or even better yet he could have just asked derek to give him the bite derek was already turning sick people into werewolves to save their lives and build his back he probably would have just done it this is the most overly complicated evil plan ever and it makes gerrard look way less clever than they want you to believe he is that said i do like that gerrard is a villain that scott can't defeat just by punching him really hard he actually challenges scott intellectually and scott wins by outsmarting him and playing the long game which is really interesting for his character because that's usually not how scott operates but i just wish the villain itself was more compelling to pull off that switcheroo i don't know the antagonists this season are very weak i mean hell one of the twists of season 2 is that the secret villain who has been controlling the kanema to commit murders is a random high school kid who is getting revenge for being bullied when he was nine years old just i don't know man get a kit kat i'm not going to sugarcoat it teen wolf is a show with one of the most terrible gallery of villains probably ever the biggest issue is mostly that the show constantly tries to pull a twist villain but the writers are not clever enough to set things up in a way that can truly surprise us why because they always introduce the twist villain in the beginning of the season every season you meet a random new character that seems completely insignificant to the story but that for some reason is always there and you're immediately like oh a new character with no arc that appears in every single episode of the show for no reason wow i wonder who is going to be the twist villain season two had the photographer kid that was obviously the one controlling the canema season three had the new teacher who was obviously going to be revealed as the sacrifice demon season four had this girl who was obviously going to be the benefactor it's just so predictable and yeah meredith did appear in the season before but she did not have a big role until season 4 when they needed her to be the villain however the season improves the show in a number of ways overall i'd say season 2 is more entertaining to watch than season 1. it feels like the show has finally found its rhythm and while it's still not great it flows away more efficiently i found it much much easier to get through this season anyways the first two seasons are fine they're very much an experimentation phase it's the show trying to find itself there isn't that much to say about them you can tell they didn't have their mythology around werewolves on lock yet sometimes they just have abilities that are never explained and that we never see again in season 2 there's an episode where scott can feel that somebody in the school is about to have a seizure and he goes to save her before she falls from a climbing wall that power is never explained and also it never happens again season 1 introduces the idea of werewolves turning into full walls we don't know why they can and also it's never mentioned again and i'm pretty sure nobody ever turns into a full wolf after season one also the first two seasons do this hilarious thing where the werewolves run on all fours and it looks so ridiculous [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the [ __ ] but they stopped doing that and thank god because what the [ __ ] but now that season 2 is out of the way this is where things get really interesting because now we are entering the second incarnation of teen wolf season 3. now the shocking thing about teen wolf to me is that this show is iconic on many levels but also even its biggest fans know that it never really was a great show let me explain teen wolf had six seasons which came with a grand total of 100 episodes exactly but the thing is only 12 episodes of teen wolf are actually good i'm not kidding only 12 percent of this show is actually worth watching and i know that fans of teen wolf have already guessed what i'm talking about i am talking about 3b you see jeff davis was not really big on the idea of teen wolf taking the cw model of having over 20 episodes every season season 1 and season 2 had 12 episodes each but unfortunately mtv ordered 24 episodes for season 3 out of nowhere and the people behind the show didn't really vibe with that it was a big-ass switch from the original formula and jeff wasn't down to do that so instead of making a long ass 24 episode season he decided to split season 3 into too many seasons of 12 episodes each with their own stories that would simply be called season 3a and season 3b season 3a premiered on june 3rd 2013 and it marked a significant transformation for the show with the sudden departure of a key character in the show and the introduction of many new characters in the cast teen wolf also saw itself completely transformed in terms of tone season one and season two were like your sweet high school romantic comedy with some fantastical elements and things like the werewolves or the canama but nothing too crazy however in season three jeff davis suddenly decided to completely transform the dna of the show and he just went yeah um this is a horror show now and boom just like that season 3 turned teen wolf into something else entirely and honestly i think jeff and his team deserve praise here changing the tone of a show this drastically is a very difficult thing to pull off and i don't think teen wolf gets the credit it deserves for actually succeeding especially because despite the huge gamble season 3 ended up being the best season in the entire series it's almost like season 3 served as a soft reboot of the show and while it was jarring for a lot of people the sudden change in tone was largely welcomed by fans so let's break it down season 3a picks up 4 months after the events of season 2 and everything is really different scott and alison are no longer together scott is struggling to find his happiness without her but he's managing alison on the other hand is trying to redefine her life with her father after the death of her mother in the previous season lydia is trying to recover from her breakup with jackson who moved to london because colton haynes left the show styles is just here being styles and again no complaints here and derek is looking for his bag that was kidnapped at the end of the last season season 3a largely expanded on the show's werewolf mythology mainly with the antagonists of the season being a pack entirely composed of alphas and their leader deucalion a sort of super saiyan known as the demon wolf season 3 is the only season with genuinely good villains and this guy is definitely worth the watch the one thing that's absolutely amazing with dukalian is how the writers build the fear around him everyone is terrified of that guy and you see him all the time but he never really does anything that scary he's menacing at all but you can't quite understand why everyone is so scared of him they make you wait till the finale to finally see him transform into his werewolf incarnation and holy [ __ ] this is how good build up works because the scene when you finally see him transform before he even starts fighting you immediately understand how [ __ ] everyone is should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me or is it twelve and honestly that whole scene is just crazy it's one of my favorites in the entire show because you finally get it you get why ancient supernatural beings went through all that trouble and were ready to sacrifice innocent lives just to have a chance to contain dukalian because he is one terrifying [ __ ] do it this woman spent the whole season sacrificing lives to gain more power and she becomes more powerful than all of the characters in the show and you wait the whole season to finally see her go one on one against jacqueline and when it finally happens jukillian destroys her in like three seconds everything she did was for nothing and speaking of which yeah the season also deals with human sacrifices when a mysterious entity starts murdering virgins in beacon hills and nobody knows who is behind it or why it's happening and the progression of it is really cool the presence of the alpha pack in beacon hill starts to mess with nature itself style starts to realize that animals are acting weird there's a deer that just ran itself into a car and died lydia was suddenly bitten by her dog which had never happened before a bunch of birds flew themselves into a window and shattered it and all of the cats at scott's veterinarian office kill themselves like something is really [ __ ] here the other thing that i will give to teen wolf in season 3 is the effort they begin to put in their visuals usually supernatural teen shows like the vampire diaries and things like that they look very bland and uninteresting it's all very flat and they're designed to keep things as simple as possible but teen wolf really goes the extra mile to offer some artistic value to its visuals and i kind of appreciate that it doesn't always look great but when it does it really looks amazing there are some shots in this show i genuinely love and you can feel the effort they put in it so yeah overall season 3a was a major step up and it actually serves as a transition season that elevates almost every single character in the show however season 3b is where teen wolf officially goes from fine to genuinely great because yeah in all honesty season 3b is great not okay not good great it's kind of crazy how sharply the show leveled up in 3b this season had no business being as good as it was i think everybody agrees that that's where they perfected the formula the first thing i like about season 3b is that the problem of the season is caused by what the heroes had to do to fix the problem of 3a they had to reopen the nemeton the magical tree that is like a supernatural source of dark power in order to save the day they made a decision knowing that it would bring more darkness but they had to do it to save lives and season 3b is essentially the consequences of that decision finally catching up to them i love [ __ ] like that i'm not against a happy ending but sometimes it's kind of boring when the heroes just save the day and everything is sunny and beautiful but this season of teen wolf was like nah the heroes saved the day and they saved all of the people they wanted to save but it came at a cost and they know it's coming 3b is the most fascinating season because it is quite literally a different genre it still has the elements that people are used to like the romance the action all that stuff but at its core season 3b is no longer a supernatural teen romance with action no it's a straight up psychological thriller and what makes it stand out even more is that the main character of 3b is not scott it's style styles is affected by the nemeton in a way that is literally breaking his mind the more time passes the more he struggles to differentiate between dreams and reality and the way it's written is so [ __ ] good because it makes the audience doubt him you get to a point where every scene that has styles in it you can't tell if what you're watching is actually real and neither can he sometimes tiles will have a full 3 minute scene where he's just going to school and having a conversation with scott and it's all very normal then it'll turn out the whole scene was a dream and it's a total mind [ __ ] but it gets even worse styles can't read anymore letters transform into weird symbols or he's gonna try to read a book and he's going to see the words collapsed out of the page and it breaks his perception of reality even more because you can't read in dreams so when it happens he's no longer certain that he's actually awake like my guy is more broken than the ice cream machine at your local mcdonald's he is not okay and he's not the only one scott is beginning to have hallucinations where he sees the worst possible version of himself a scot who has become more of a beast than a man and it torments him mentally to the point where he's losing control of his powers can't transform anymore or the opposite he starts transforming out of nowhere and he can't stop it and alison starts to have visions of her dead end she's also losing track of time and space she will be at home then have a horrifying vision and then she snaps out of it and she's at school and she has no idea how she got there or when and next to all of that season 3b also sees the arrival of kira yukimura one of my favorite characters in this show but we'll talk about her more in a minute and the show is not [ __ ] around this time the tone is much much darker it's the season that has the least amount of humor and when i say that they turn teen wolf into a horror show in 3b you need to know that i am not kidding teen wolf lightly dabbled into horror in previous seasons but it was kind of cheap and lame but 3b has some scenes and shots that genuinely freak me out and the anxiety factor of the season really works you can feel the walls closing around the characters as they run out of options because they're in a situation where they can't even trust themselves they can't rely on their intuition or their powers and it just makes everything worse and of course you can't talk about 3b without talking about the villain season 3b sees our heroes facing their worst fears when they go against a terrifying dark entity known as a nogitsune and this thing really marked me as a fantastic horror villain who's that who i am not who are you styles are we this thing is [ __ ] terrifying the concept behind what it is is [ __ ] terrifying even how he looks he's all gross and creepy his body is dislocating as he's walking like it's [ __ ] weird i love it basically a nogitsune is a trickster spirit an evil entity that feeds on chaos strife and pain this thing does not have a goal aside from causing as much horror as it possibly can for no reason so for scott and his bag that's a challenge because they always try to connect with their enemies in hopes of turning them good they always offer compassion to their enemies but now they're facing an entity that by its very own nature cannot be reasoned with it doesn't have a purpose or a code or a way to do things it's the incarnation of chaos it's like the joker it just wants to watch the world burn just because it wants to torture people just because and when i say torture i mean both physically and mentally you see the best part of season 3b which also tends to be the most popular aspect of teen wolf as a whole is the fact that in the second half of that story the nogitsune spirit takes possession and duplicates the body of style essentially giving us a ruthless cruel and terrifying villain played by dylan o'brien himself and he is absolutely brilliant in this role well that's because a lot of bad things happen down here all you really have to learn you really have to learn not to trust the fox well because they're tricksters oh yeah divine move divine move if you think you have any moves at all you can kill the oni but me me i'm a thousand years old you can't kill me doing that with styles was a genius move because stiles is usually the comic relief character he's the funny guy but he's not being funny this season i can probably count the amount of jokes he has on one hand and it really helps shifting the tone to a darker one there's also a storyline involved that includes a riddle that styles can't manage to solve and i god this season is so [ __ ] good dylan o'brien really got to shine in that season and he got to flex his incredible acting abilities beyond his innate talent for comedy and i think it's safe to say that everybody was impressed he did such a good job at playing the psychotic aspect of the nogitsune he was actually threatening and intense and the character was always one step ahead which made him even more scary the nugitsune who is often referred to as void styles really gets a kick out of breaking people through fear that's kind of his signature move he actually won't just kill you he will make sure that when he is ready to kill you you are at the most terrified you possibly can be it's kind of like pennywise from it i think there's no way around that void styles is easily the best character in the show not just the best villain the best character period and the most interesting part of the nougatsune is its backstory which is where kira comes in kira is a new student in beacon hills who develops a romance with scott she's like this shy socially awkward girl who struggles to make friends but that's not it eventually we find out that kira is a kitsune a [ __ ] spirit with immense power she even learns during the season that while her father is a regular human her mother noshiko is also a kid's snake and not just any kid's name kira finds out that her mother is actually 900 years old and she is the reason the nogitsune is terrorizing beacon hills you see back in 1943 during world war ii noshiko fell in love with a soldier in beacon hills however her boyfriend got killed in a violent massacre that left tons of people dead angry and seeking revenge noshiko did the unthinkable and decided to summon a nogitsune hoping that it would possess her body and drive her revenge with as much blood as humanly possible however things did not turn out that way the nugiti instead possessed the body of her dead lover and went on a rampage that killed tons of innocent people so noshiko who was horrified by what she did teamed up with a werewolf to defeat the nogitsune but they were unable to kill it so they had to find an alternative and decided to trap it inside of the nemethon the big supernatural power source hidden in beacon hills where it remained trapped for decades until the finale of season 3a when scott stiles and allison had to make the decision to reopen the nematode to beat the darock and dukalian which caused the nugitsune to be free now kira like her mother is a kitsune she is the balance being see a big theme that's often repeated in teen wolf is the concept of nature needing to balance things out if a creature appears that is so powerful that it puts nature out of balance nature will create an equally powerful being of opposite force to re-establish the balance in the case of the nogitsune we have kira she is the equal she's nature's response to the nogit's name here is a great character that was an amazing addition to the cast but she was so brutally mistreated by the writers and more specifically art and show who plays her if you don't know the story kira was written out of the show at the end of season 5 out of nowhere and it was revealed soon after that not only the audience was blindsided by her sudden departure but arden show herself was as well she ended up releasing a youtube video to confirm to fans of the show that she would not be coming back but explained that she didn't really know why a lot of you guys have been asking about teen wolf and what's happening and i just want to say i love kira yukimura so much i love the yukimura family but unfortunately it looks like we are wrapped up with keira's story line and she won't be coming back for season six but yeah sorry that there were some interviews where i said i was excited for season six because i think at the time we were assuming that we were back and yeah you know i think sometimes in a show where there's so many characters there isn't always room for everyone and everyone's story lines and so i guess that was it um i do wish we would have developed a little bit more of her powers and the skinwalker isn't just there would have been more of like an epic ending but you never know with teen wolf i mean people might come back uh it is what it is she actually finished shooting season five expecting to be coming back for season six her character was sent on a journey that teased her return with newfound abilities but then she just never returned and so her story ends very abruptly and in a way that's not very satisfying it's a real shame because she was the character with the most interesting mythology to explore the kid's name mythos was actually really intriguing and they could have explored that way more she was one of the best characters on the show and her story never really gets a proper end but at least season 3 gave her a solid entry point because she was a really cool character to have around during this whole void styles massacre oh and also derek is in this season i i don't know why but he's there whatever there are some things about season three that i don't like scott's dad is a character that just doesn't work and does not need to be here it just kind of slows down the story and it never really leads to anything the season also introduces the character of malia tate who i am not a big fan of it's a character that despite a good concept is just terribly executed she's not awful she's fine but i don't know she just she just doesn't work for me and i love shelly henning and she's fine in the role but malia as a character is just kind of boring and then they reveal out of nowhere that her biological father is peter hale and it never has a point it's just there for the sake of having a twist and uh everything about malia is just a wasted opportunity i i could not care about this character less i will say that the one big problem i have with season 3 is that this is the point where the writers decided to abandon any sort of consistency when it comes to the mythology of the show season 3 is where the rules of the world of teen wolf start being way too convoluted for no reason there's no fun in trying to figure out how the heroes will outsmart the villains by beating them at their own game because the writers will often just make [ __ ] up to write themselves out of corners and the resolution to a lot of issues always boil down to some ancient thing that comes out of nowhere at the last minute and that just happens to be the perfect solution to the problem they currently have it's kind of lame and unfortunately it's a problem that only gets worse as the show goes on oh no someone has amnesia and their memories contain very important information about the villains well that's okay because apparently alpha werewolves have an ancient ritual that allows them to see people's memories for some reason oh no we gotta locate a supernatural being who kidnapped people but it's impossible to trace them well don't worry it just so happens that there is an ancient ritual that can transport your spirit to a place that'll give you a clue on where they are like you can tell they're just making [ __ ] up as they go and that the supernatural elements of the show do not have real rules that are set in it's just bad world building but everything else in this season is so good then i can let it slide but just for these 12 episodes the the other ones can go [ __ ] themselves oh also i almost forgot to mention allison dies this season she gets killed by the nugitsine i remembered finding it really anticlimactic back then and it just came back to me that the reason why was because mtv and the people behind the show decided to use her death as a marketing strategy for the season everyone kept talking about the big death they told everyone a main character was going to die this season it was even in the trailers and like that that's so lame man a death scene like this should be impactful and shocking why would you announce it's coming ahead of time that's so stupid like imagine if the trailer of avengers end game was like some of the original six avengers will die well then you'd just be in the theater and you'd watch natasha and tony die and you'd just be like yeah okay well they did tell us in the trailer like it just wouldn't have the same impact especially because everybody and their mom figured out it was gonna be alison because there had been rumors that crystal reed wanted to leave the show so yeah alison dies and all things considered the scene itself is actually very emotional and very well done she dies in scott's arms after getting stabbed by one of the oni and she gives him a final declaration of love because she knows she's going to die and those are her last words the first person i've ever loved i love you which is a little funny because her boyfriend is standing like right next to them the whole time uh this is isaac by the way he's not important at all and then the show just kind of moves on it's not a bad scene but it's just not very impactful it doesn't have any weight i barely remember the scene so like you know whatever it's just not that memorable season 3 also starts the trend of resurrecting everyone for no reason teen wolf is a show where nobody really dies except for alison but everybody comes back to life somehow peter cheats death like three thousand times kate arjun comes back to life once or twice derek's dead sister reappears theo is literally sent to hell and he comes back gerard dies and comes back like it turns into the vampire diaries where death just doesn't mean anything anymore you can watch people die in horrible ways and you're just like wow okay that was brutal well see you next season it's also worth noting that season three is where the show starts abandoning story lines a lot for example the final episode of 3a heavily suggested that peter hale would become a main villain again he kills the rock after she reveals that his plan was for scott to become an alpha so he could kill him and become an alpha again and like the scene is very dramatic [Music] [Applause] you lost your kite have fun flying your string all day but then nothing ever comes of it i don't even think that's mentioned again so why was that scene in there peter never really tries to be an alpha again that was so random but overall yeah season 3b is just too good it had no [ __ ] right to be this good it's almost annoying those are the only 12 episodes of the show that are truly worth watching and revisiting it after years was extremely satisfying to me because it holds up it is just as good as i remembered it being like it's so good how how how the hell did they pull this off like was this just accidental genius i don't understand you made six crappy seasons of tv and then in the middle of that you just throw 12 episodes that are [ __ ] masterful and we just have to act like that's not weird as [ __ ] anyways let's get back to the trashy stuff seasons four five and six okay this is gonna be quick because all things considered there actually isn't that much to say about these three seasons you'll understand why basically season 3b was just a master class that completely redefined the genre in its own right and that's worth acknowledging okay season 3b is great i have almost no complaints it's amazing but unfortunately this surprising stroke of genius that was 3b also ended up being the downfall of the show see 3b was just so [ __ ] awesome it was so freaking good that the rest of the show then miserably tried to recapture that magic and it failed at it every single time every season of teen wolf after 3b tried to one-up the darkness and the villain of 3b and unfortunately it never quite managed to do so resulting in a significant decline in quality that made the show almost unwatchable for a number of reasons the first reason which i think is one of the ultimate mistakes that a lot of shows like teen wolf do is that jeff davis didn't seem to understand that bigger does not necessarily mean better every season he tries to up the ante so much but it just doesn't have the gravitas because the writing is not as tight and the storyline is just not as interesting but the main reason why the decline in quality of teen wolf was so intense is actually due to one very specific factor because teen wolf pre-season 3 was actually kind of shitty but people tend to remember it fondly while teen wolf post season 3 is also shitty but people absolutely hate it me included why is that well i think the big difference between those two eras of the show is that pre-season 3 teen wolf was more focused on being fun and cheeky and it was very self-aware while on the other hand teen wolf post season 3 is so high on the darkness of 3b that it takes itself way too seriously and this desire to always make it bigger and darker every season just leads to the show losing itself in an incredibly inconsistent mythology that by the time the show ends makes so little sense and is so uselessly convoluted that it becomes difficult to even understand what's happening or why it's happening this is the point where things really start to change season 4 is watchable it has some good elements in it it's more of a straight-up whodunit murder mystery a bit like season 1. basically a bunch of supernatural beings are turning into assassins and kill people on behalf of a mysterious person known as the benefactor and the goal of the season is to neutralize the assassins and figure out who is the benefactor there's another storyline with kate argent and the berserkers but i i didn't care about that and i just i don't want to talk about it so i'ma skip it the season itself is kinda good but it is completely ruined by its ending the twist of the season is just so lame that despite most of it being good i can't recommend watching it this season is also weird when it comes to character writing like scott is just really dumb in this season lydia is completely isolated the entire time you barely see her interact with anyone she's on her own but yeah it's it's watchable season 4 is decent season 5 is where the show gets really bad and in a way where it's just not fun anymore first off this season introduces an army of new characters that are supposed to be the next gen and i don't like any of them okay except him he's funny i like him season five also has the worst villains the dread doctors while a good idea in theory are the [ __ ] worst and they are so boring teen wolf is a show that really likes its slow motion shots i'm of the opinion that it uses it a bit too much but having shots of three [ __ ] in weird costumes walking to scary music in slo-mo every other scene is just not threatening and unfortunately for them they don't really do anything else the chimera storyline is alright but the whole story about the beast of javedon is just terrible and perish and his [ __ ] powers are just so [ __ ] lame i hate it i hate perish i hope he dies and that's another problem by season five almost every character in the show has become a supernatural being and nothing feels special anymore season five is also the season where the writers decided to break up the band jeff davis wanted everyone in the pack to be separated this season so the writers really had to stretch the logic of certain characters in order to milk drama out of it and everybody is acting out of character the whole season and i don't know it's weird i don't like this season but nothing in teen wolf nothing and i mean nothing gets worse than season six holy [ __ ] i can't even begin to explain how much i hate this season of television it is such a frustration to me season six is the final season of the show and like season three and five it was split into two parts this time of ten episodes each season six a was actually fine-ish it deals with a bunch of beings known as ghost riders who actually look creepy as [ __ ] the ghost riders ride into a town and kidnap people to bring them to their own dimension but as soon as they do the victim is erased from the existence of their original dimension meaning nobody remembers them every trace of their existence disappears photos belongings memories it's all gone it's like they never existed it's honestly a really cool concept i actually like that a lot and the ghost riders were mostly created because season 6 was also very different due to the departure of dylan o'brien who was shooting the third installment of maze runner during production of season six so the writers had to come up with an excuse for styles being gone and so the season starts with styles becoming a victim of the ghost riders he disappears and the next day nobody remembers him but then lydia realizes something in their daily lives doesn't quite add up and because she's a banshee and the writers just keep making up new powers for her she can sort of breach through dimensions now and she starts to realize that someone who was in their life is no longer there and she can't quite understand why it's solid the season is dragged down by 2.0 the secondary cast of younger characters that takes way too much space in the [ __ ] show i'm sorry i don't give a [ __ ] about liam and his girlfriend i don't care about perish and his weak ass i don't give a [ __ ] about theo they're all boring i don't care but the main plot of season 6a is sort of intriguing i'll give it a pass what i do not give a pass to though is season 6b which is one of the most insulting seasons of tv ever made and the way they decided to go about it is just unforgivable 6b is essentially the 10th final episode of teen wolf and out of all the seasons i just broke down it is the one with the worst premise if you've been paying attention you'll notice that so far i have liked the premise and concept of every season of the show regardless of how good or bad the execution was but you immediately know 6b was going to suck because the very idea of it is [ __ ] lame there was no way to execute it well now here's the main reason why the premise doesn't work and why it pisses me off so much season 6b was used as a setup season for a potential spin-off show that ended up never happening now why do i have such a problem with that well let me explain the plot of 6b is that people at scott's old high school have figured out that supernatural beings exist and they start going after them now there's a guidance counselor named monroe who was attacked by the beast of javedon in the last season but she survived and now she wants to hunt down and kill every supernatural being in existence and she starts publicly outing werewolves and [ __ ] she also teams up with gerard who comes back out of nowhere and together they create an army of hunters to destroy scott's pack along with every other supernatural in beacon hill basically the concept of the season is that scott now has to fight against an entire town that is after him now that's already pretty meh as a premise but you remember what i said about 6b being a setup for a dead spin-off project yeah hold on it's about to get real stupid you see since the writers expected to make a spin-off with other characters they decided to use season 6b to set up an antagonist to carry over in other words monroe the main villain of 6b is not actually a villain made for teen wolf she was created for the spin-off and this was just like her origin story you get where i'm going with this right the problem with 6b that pisses me off so much is that teen wolf ends its final season with an undefeated villain literally the final villain of the show just escapes she just slips away at the end of the finale and there is no resolution to that storyline there's no finality she just kind of lost that round and she [ __ ] off there's even a flash forward at the end where scott finds a werewolf called alec who tells him monroe promised to kill him so she's still around the show ends up teasing the return of a villain they never defeated i hate it i hate it so [ __ ] much season 6b is such a frustrating experience i wish the show had ended in 6a it was so unnecessary and weird and not fun because this show takes itself so [ __ ] seriously and it tries to be so [ __ ] dark and it just sucks [ __ ] season 6b i'm done talking about this [ __ ] because i'm going to [ __ ] throw someone off a bridge i'll be right back i need a kitkat overall teen wolf is a show that's just kind of a mixed bag there's a lot of good stuff in it that i actually like but there's an equal amount of atrocious [ __ ] to balance it out you know this show really managed to survive thanks to its characters and for good reason the characters are all well fleshed out at least when it comes to the main pack it's still funny to think of them as 16 year olds even as a teenager i couldn't buy these characters as teenagers and i mean come on can you blame me crystal reed was already 27 years old when she started playing allison arden's show was 30 when she played kira and it gets funnier than that to give you an idea crystal reed and arden show are both older than hayley webb who played their teacher in season three like what the hell but yeah i really like most of the characters in teen wolf and i also love how they evolve for the most part a lot of people have been sending me messages about flaws these characters have because they want me to call them out but no i can't say that about a lot of teen shows but the characters in teen wolf have flaws that are mostly intentional on the writer's part like people who ask me to [ __ ] on scott for mistakes he has made or for being selfish in early seasons i think you're kind of missing the point like a lot in season one scott is just a whiny little guy that i remembered finding really annoying he refuses to ever take matters into his own hands he often abandons his friends in life or death situations because he wants to hang out with his girlfriend like he's a dick yeah but re-watching this as an adult i realized that this was completely intentional he's supposed to be a dick that's the point and it actually made me feel a little bad for him because like he gets super powers against his wishes he does not want them and he suddenly becomes the target of an army of different people who all want him dead or alive for different reasons but the show constantly reminds you that at the end of the day despite being a werewolf scott is just a kid he's like 15 or 16 and he has no [ __ ] idea what he's doing and he makes bad decisions all the time the show decides to give him a lot of time to step into his role as a leader he goes through a real progression and while it's not always perfect because yeah at times the writers do make scott act like an insensitive [ __ ] just for the sake of drama like in season five scott overall goes through a fairly compelling hero journey and the reason why it works is also that in season 1 scott doesn't give a flying [ __ ] about being a leader or a hero his entire motivation through the whole season is to cure himself from being a werewolf he wants to revert back to being human so he can be with allison without having to be caught up in a war with her family he wants to find the alpha because derek told him there is a chance you can become human again if you kill the one who bit you this isn't about saving the world for scott it's about saving himself and by the way we never really get a confirmation about the cure the show never says if it's true or not and after season one it's never mentioned again it's not until season two that scott decides to use his powers for the greater good because that's when he finally accepts he is a werewolf and will forever be one and what i like about scott is that he really works on his moral compass constantly and he has a drive that make people look up to him i mean derek tried to make scott his beta for a very long time and he found out the hard way that scott might be young he may not be the most experienced but he is not somebody you can just dominate it's never gonna happen and in scott as a character it creates an element that i absolutely love he earns people's respect he inspires esteem and loyalty there's some genuinely good ideas with his character despite the clumsy execution most of the time because don't get me wrong scott is a character that is pretty hit or miss but when he works he really works as a protagonist i like that scott doesn't just punch his enemies into oblivion to close out a storyline and win the fight instead he actually tries to make them see his perspective and puts a lot of effort into showing them why their way of doing things is faulty even after defeating them he shows them that you don't have to do things a certain way just because you were told by other people that's how things are supposed to be he chooses to see the best in people and in these values throughout the show scott ends up turning his most dangerous enemies into his closest friends and strongest allies however like i said he is not perfect scott is a flawed character and that's why i like him so much his biggest flaw as a character is that he's very binary he sees the world as very black and white he has a hard time with grey areas to him you're either a good guy or a bad guy and sometimes his inability to find an understanding that somewhere in the middle is what makes him fail as a leader the best example of that is in season 5 when starz is hunted by a supernatural being and ends up killing him in self-defense scott is so incapable of discerning the gray area of that situation that he ends up being angry at styles for killing someone even if styles was stuck in an unfair fight that was clearly going to result in his death styles is not a supernatural being he doesn't have any way to truly defend himself against werewolves or chimeras or whatever he had to do everything he could to survive this and he ended up killing his aggressor by accident but scott can't get past that the way he sees it is that styles took a life and therefore he is bad and he needs to stay away now i mostly attribute that to the bad writing of season 5 because they just really wanted the main characters to be separated but i do think it shows that scott's righteousness can be flawed and i'm okay with that because like i said he's always reevaluating his morals but for example i can't really say the same for allison now alison is a character that i actually like a lot and i think i'm not alone in this she's very easy to like but surprisingly there isn't that much to say about her the one thing that i find bizarre with allison in retrospect especially when it comes to her moral compass is how easy it becomes for her to hurt people let me explain when you meet allison in the show she is represented as the epitome of innocence she would never hurt a fly she's super sweet she doesn't know anything about the supernatural world but the second she learns about werewolves and [ __ ] it's like she flips a switch and out of nowhere she's [ __ ] john wick in a matter of minutes allison has no problem killing people she actually shoots derek twice with the intent to kill there's also an episode in season 2 where she shoots a cop in the leg and doesn't even flinch like she never questions the fact that she's hurting people there's never an internal debate about that it's a really weird turn that is very out of character for her it made more sense in season two because the point of her storyline that she was being brainwashed by the hunters but in season one it's just jarring however where alison works as a character is in her affection and heart she's a loving person and she prioritizes the happiness of everyone around her there's this scene in season three that i really like where scott shows up at a rave with kira and they're holding hands and then from a distance scott locks eyes with allison who sees him with another girl for the first time since they broke up they stare at each other for a moment and alison clearly looks surprised kira notices the look and nervously lets go of scott's hand but then alison smiles at scott and gives him a nod just to let him know it's okay it's a quick sequence but i like it a lot because it says everything you need to know about alison and scott's relationship the scene is not over dramatized it doesn't do the typical teen drama thing of overblowing this into an argument full of petty jealousy no it's fast and there isn't a single word exchange in this scene the whole interaction is done by exchanging looks i don't know there's just something about alison that's very wholesome even if there isn't that much to say about her as a character i just like her styles is easily the best character in the entire show without counting the nuget snake and honestly he's probably the main thing that makes the show worth watching and you can really tell because in season six you feel his absence this show just falls apart if he's not in it he's just too good this character is what we can refer to as lightning in a bottle what dylan o'brien did with styles can never be equaled or remade he's a legendary character i don't have anything else to say now i'm gonna say something that's going to piss some people off but i think it's necessary lydia is not that great of a character okay i know i know i know don't yell at me okay because listen i will say that i still like her sort of see lydia in season one is absolutely awful she's the worst and don't fight me on this i don't care you can't change my mind her character is only here to be the one dimensional mean girl and most of her dialogue is essentially the writers having fun with not so subtle sexual innuendos jackson's gonna play tomorrow but he's not gonna be at his peak and i prefer my boyfriend at peak performance this right there is 90 of lydia's role in season one that's all she ever does and i can't stand her however season 2 kind of fixes lydia they don't flat out transform the character but they do give her enough nuance to elevate what she already was lydia is still the mean girl and [ __ ] but season 2 kinda shows what hides behind that the show mainly reveals that lydia is actually hyper-intelligent she's actually very likely to always be the smartest person in the room but it's often overshadowed by the fact that she's rude and superficial and full of herself and people just don't like her because she's me the reveal of lydia being a supernatural being is very well done she gets bitten by the alpha at the end of season one and when an alpha bites you you either die or you turn into a werewolf however lydia survives the bite but she also does not turn into a werewolf and nobody understands how that's possible and the big question becomes well if she's not a werewolf and she's clearly not human because she didn't die from the bite then what is she well in season 2 lydia starts to have strange visions that hint at the fact that she may not be entirely human and soon after we learn that she is a banshee long story short lydia is a bit of a psychic and she has a supernatural screen that happens most of the time without her control the scream is a sort of supernatural warning more specifically the scream of a banshee signals that somebody is about to die her psychic ability is manifest in the form of visions that make her space out what i like about it is that her visions are not always clear and she needs to interpret those visions to understand their meaning but she doesn't always get it right sometimes she's wrong about the meaning of her vision and that can actually endanger people i also do like her long arc where she tries to understand how her powers work so she can control them because being a banshee is dark as hell and really overwhelming if you don't have control over it lydia is essentially a supernatural compass that finds impending do she finds dead bodies out of nowhere she can feel when someone is about to die her powers manifest in weird ways and she can't figure out what triggers her visions in all that sense i think lydia is a very cool character but a lot of people like her because of the ship with styles and um all right let's talk about that a lot of people are really into the relationship between lydia and stiles and i completely disagree now if you know me you know that i do not care about ships in tv shows i don't have opinions on them aside from the fact that most of the time they're completely unnecessary to the story and they can actually slow down the plot to a point that makes the show nearly unwatchable um arrow but this is a rare exception where i do have a very strong opinion about a ship because i do not get the appeal for these two and i don't know why people find them cute it's only one re-watching the show that i realized that lydia is like weirdly abusive to styles almost constantly she kinda treats him like [ __ ] she barely even respects him most of their relationship is style showing support and interest towards lydia and lydia just freely insulting styles and calling him names for no other reasons that she feels like it she mostly goes to him when she needs something from him and the only moments where she shows any sort of genuine affection towards him is in life or death situations that are not ordinary other than that she never even seems like she enjoys being around him she's more annoyed by his presence than anything else most of the time and she systematically picks other guys over him they do have chemistry i'm not gonna lie and both have a charisma that makes their scenes together entertaining but the fact that this relationship is so beloved makes no sense to me especially because i'm pretty sure that if it had been the other way around and stiles had been the one treating lydia like [ __ ] 95 of the time and picking other girls over her nobody would [ __ ] with that and styles would probably be hated for it them finally getting together felt like fanservice it feels forced and it doesn't make sense i think it would have been better if they formed a platonic friendship rather than a romantic relationship even stars infatuation with lydia is purely a sexual fantasy most of the time you see him drooling over her in early seasons he doesn't actually know anything about her you just think she's hot and i think my boy style deserves to be with someone who treats him right and doesn't see him as a disposable last option i know they're hot and shippers just live to watch hot people make out and stuff and that's cool i don't have anything against that whatever but yeah these two just don't make sense as a couple and you can't change my mind about that either also um side note am i the only one who finds it kind of weird that lydia is straight up simping for 14 year olds i mean the show does acknowledge how weird it is that she's into boys but it still weirds me out freshmen tons and tons of fresh you mean fresh boys for the other 14 games anyways lydia starts to be completely ruined as a character in season five first of all the destruction of the mythology kind of [ __ ] up her benchy stuff and the writers just completely lost their minds with her now she can use her benchy scream as a weapon like she can blast people with it basically lydia turns into black canary and not only that but in season five she's suddenly like i know kung fu and she bodies people like it's nothing it's super weird i really hate what they did to her character in the last couple of seasons what the hell did you smoke after 3b man i guess i guess i should also talk about jackson i really don't want to though long story short jackson is a pest that has to level with scott in other words jackson is the draco malfoy the scots harry potter he's his rival but never a full-fledged villain at least until he becomes the camera but even then he doesn't really know what he's doing he's not aware of what he's doing so that doesn't really count jackson kind of sucks as a character a lot and fans used to love him and upon re-watch i realize the only reason fans love jackson so damn much is because colton haynes is really good looking and the main reason why jackson doesn't work as a character is that his motivations throughout the entire show never quite makes sense from the very start of the first episode it's immediately established that he doesn't like scott but there's never a clear reason why he just doesn't like him and i can already see you telling me that it's because he's suspicious of scott's abilities on the lacrosse field blah blah blah and that's true but he already was addicted to scott before scott even became a werewolf so that argument doesn't work furthermore once jackson finally finds out about supernatural creatures like werewolves and whatnot his main goal is that he wants to become a werewolf but again there's never a reason why at first it seems like he's doing it because he wants to be good at lacrosse which is [ __ ] hilarious but the more it goes the more his reasons just disappear and his entire role in the story is just being angry all the time but to an excessive extent it's not just his personality being angry is the only emotion he has as a character and it is so boring jackson just never feels like he belongs in this story he's just there most of the time and then he leaves at the end of season two and the show is better for it derek is kind of the same mainly because he hardly has a reason to exist in this show after season one or maybe season two in the first two seasons derek is not really a hero or a villain he's kind of in the middle whatever he does is to serve his own interests so if he needs to help the good guys to do it he will if he has to pander to the bad guys to do it he will it makes for interesting sequences because you never really know what his angle is going to be but the writers don't always do it great one thing that's funny though is how creepy he is derek is an adult but he spends the first two seasons constantly sneaking into the high school to interact with teenagers or you just get those shots of him staring at teenagers from a distance like a creep bro get a hobby and i adore tyler heclin i'm a huge fan of this guy and just as an actor i'm happy to see him get more and more recognition because he's truly amazing but i understand why he ended up leaving the show because after season 2 derek just doesn't have much to do the most wasted opportunity with this character is just how underused certain of his dynamics with characters can be one of the best duos in the entire show is derek having to work with style whenever these two are together it's always funny but it doesn't happen too often come on get it out there don't be scared big bad wolf yeah look at that okay see this that's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid usually derrick only gets to interact with scott and that's kind of it other than that um teen wolf was criticized for its extremely gratuitous over sexualization of male characters especially for characters that are supposed to be like 14 or 16 years old and it's hard to disagree it's a little intense and derek is a great example of that after season 2 he mostly exists in this show to be shirtless and that also becomes the case for an insane amount of characters moving forward those are the only characters that are worth talking about the cast of 2.0 is fine i don't really have an opinion on them i just think they take too much space but half of the original cast was gone when they started running [ __ ] so i get why they had to do that well yeah honestly i gotta say i'm pleasantly surprised i was expecting my re-exploration of the show to be a bit of a drag but against all odds i actually had a lot of fun rewatching teen wolf except for the last season which is unbelievably bad the show is flawed but it's a fun ride these characters are attaching and memorable they have distinct personalities that don't feel like cardboard cutouts of bad cliches or at least not after the first season it's a show that really tried to leave its mark it put a lot of effort to hit different and it did hit different and while most of the show is rough and unintentionally funny season 3b will go down in history as probably the best season in any supernatural teen show these 12 episodes are a [ __ ] ride man i love it now like i said at the very beginning of this video there is a teen wolf movie in the works and i hope this movie doesn't try to continue the story of season 6 that was left open because it sucked and i also hope it will do right by characters that have been wrong at the time of recording this video only tyler posey has been confirmed to be coming back as scott mccall but i am praying that everybody comes back especially arden show as kira who deserves a real ending this is your shot don't [ __ ] it up jeff holland rhoden is living in a van now i think so i guess i don't know is she busy what do you even do in a van like what's the vibe anyways i really hope she comes back tyler heckling is superman now so i don't know if he'll appear and dylan o'brien is way too busy being in taylor swift's overly dragged out music videos about jake gyllenhaal i don't care what you say that video was too long and i was bored great acting though but honestly at this point i i don't know how you make a teen wolf movie without styles that's not conceivable in my head he has to come back but yeah i really hope this movie is going to be more like 3b even though i'm not sure they'll ever be able to recapture that i don't know we'll see but one thing is absolutely sure teen wolf was an extremely bizarre adventure and i cannot wait to see where it goes from there how about this either you cut off my arm or i'm gonna cut off your head okay you know i'm so not buying your threats oh my god okay all right bought sold totally i'll do it [Music] you
Channel: Friendly Space Ninja
Views: 1,295,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0e9-LD8L_0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 32sec (4892 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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