Thursday, November 12

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Live from New York city, it's the Wendy Williams Show. ♪ Oh yeah ♪ ♪ Give it ♪ ♪ Give, give ♪ ♪ Give it ♪ ♪ Let me know how you're feeling ♪ ♪ When we're chilling and we're chilling ♪ ♪ And we're chilling when we're sitting here ♪ ♪ We go ♪ ♪ Feeling and feeling and feeling like that ♪ ♪ How you doing Wendy ♪ ♪ Let's go ♪ Now, here's Wendy. Thank you for watching our show. Say hello to my cohost, my studio staffer, Claudius, and the virtual audience. (audience cheers) How you doing? How you doing? Okay let's get started. It's time for Hot Topics. Come on. (audience cheers) So I was out so late last night that I got home for the last 20 minutes of the Chrislees. And then I was like, okay, okay, okay. But the main vent for me being a Housewife fan is Salt Lake City, right. Yeah. So it premiered last night. I had my snack all ready. I was there from the beginning to the credits rolling at the end. I wanna give them a chance. However, I think they spent too much time on the woman who says that people think she's black. Jen. Jen. Stop trying to force it down our throats. Jen is not, first of all, I wouldn't think she was black. I liked all the ladies. I thought all of them were stars in their own right, and equal time needs to be spent on each one. You know? (audience applauds) So, Jen over here. Jen is big. Everything she does is big, the best clothes, the best shoes, the best parties. Is she the one with black husband? Yeah. Yeah. She's got a black husband. He's good looking too. They have children together. And they've been married for a bit, like 21 years. Yeah. A long time. Yeah. But Jen, I love you, but you're not the star. I wanna see more of, for instance, Mary Cosby. There's Mary. So Mary's 47. And she married her step grandfather. (audience laughs) Listen, I found this to be very boring. Once it was explained to me exactly what's going on. It's weird. Whether you marry your grandfather, your father, your step this or that, it's all weird. And she's weird. And her delivery is annoying. It's like she's taking time up so the camera stay on her. You know what I mean? All right, she's 40, what I say seven? Yeah, 47. Right. And her step-grandfather is 68. Now I expected him to look more like a grandpa, but he actually looks pretty young. Take a look. We were kind of a, I would say, arranged marriage type. It was kind of in my grandma's will for us to marry. She said, "if anything ever happens "to me, Bobby, I want you to marry one of my girls, "because they'll look out for you." We're blessed to this day because of it. I don't give a (beep) if it's your biological grandpa, step grandpa, (beep) weird, okay. I love my grandpas. I would not wanna be married to them. And I'm Mormon, and we have a lot of latitude for a lot of weird (beep). They'll get over it. Just digest it. I'm already over it. All right, so the grandfather married. All right, the grandfather was 22 when he married the grandmother who has now passed away at 42. See. And so the grandmother wasn't specific as to which daughter he should marry. Just marry one of them. The others have a little pride about themselves. So they were like, but this one right here. And not only is she married to her step-grandfather, but she heads up a Pentecostal church. Oh. Oh yes, she brings it. All kinds of people go to that church. I wonder what they're gonna feel after they see her doing the most on the Housewives. I wouldn't wanna go to a do-the-most church at all. But I'm back for next week, from the beginning to the credits. Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesday nights at 10, really late, on Bravo. (audience applauds) In the meantime, over at the Masked Singer. I've never heard of Clint Black and Lisa Hartman. Is Lisa Hartman? Oh, the actress from Knots Landing. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh and Clint, I recognize him. The country singer, yeah. Yeah. All right, well, they sang together. They were dressed as swans. There they go. And they've been married for 29 years, and they were sent home. Well. There you go, okay. But, that was it. I wasn't really watching. I glanced back and forth, but I was busy. So someone though made my costume into a face mask, a drag queen in New York. (audience cheers and applauds) A New York City drag queen named "Kiki Ball-Change." Kiki Ball-Change. Kiki it is an honor. (audience applauds) Attention audience department, if Kiki calls up, can she come over? We social distance here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll test you at the door, up the nose, spit, and the whole bit. We're good. So the Country Music Awards were on last night. I did not see them. I saw the soundbites on the news this morning. I saw Reba McEntire and Darius Rucker hosted. Those are two good people to host that, right. But what people found crazy is that nobody in the audience was wearing masks, and social media is slamming the awards show for being very irresponsible. This is the one time that we need you. And even though Tennessee, it was in Nashville, even though Tennessee right now has like the highest rate of catching Corona every day, it was over 3000 just last night. Yep yesterday. Yeah, just yesterday. And they don't have a mask law there. So people are just walking around maskless. Wait these two people are wearing masks. Why they wearing masks? Why are they wearing masks? I don't know. I told you I saw people in the audience wearing masks. Some people did, yeah. But I think social media is angry that lot of people were maskless. Well, I saw the maskless one. It's facing in the direction of Reba and Darius. To me, that's not even the big deal, because they were social distanced and the tables were spread apart. I get why you're mad, but I was even more mad, because Reba coughed and you can't cough anymore. Take a look. The Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award, excuse me. Not a good time to do that, is it? (audience laughs) Sorry. And then what does she do with that hand afterwards? Return it. Return it. (Wendy laughs) So shout out to everybody in Jersey and New York. We should have done this together, 'cause we're the same. We're cousins. As of today, Jersey's closing down at 10 o'clock at night and will not reopen until five o'clock in the morning, the restaurants, the bars. Indoor eating is done. Outdoor eating is done. Everybody literally has to go home at 10 o'clock, and people are complaining. As an early riser and somebody who loves being in the bed, I find there to be nothing wrong with this. My only problem is is that why didn't New York, 'cause now New York starts it tomorrow, the same exact rules, but we should have all done it together. Suzanne don't you think it would have been more organized. We should all do it same time together. Just like you said, we are cousins. Do you think it's bad if somebody wants a Harvey Wallbanger at 10 15 that they can't pick it up, 'cause you can't buy booze? Right. What is the big deal? Yeah, there is no big deal. Yeah. Go to the liquor store at nine 30. Yep, exactly. Get everything in what you need before 10:00 PM. You've got to organize. (Wendy chuckles) Justin Bieber performed at the Awards. And I think that he looks just, I'm in. That hair curled around his hat. And he was singing with Dan and Shay, and they gave them all equal camera time. Look, he looks like Ben Affleck a little bit. Look at Bieber, equal camera time. I mean they only did the closeups on Biebs and why not? I think he's really gotten his life together. 10,051 days, whatever, whatever. The song came out in 2019. And he performed it at he and Haley's wedding. It's a good song. Remember on Monday we were talking about Bieber's pastor? Hold on. Don't get bored. There's more to the story, 'cause we had no idea who the mistress was or what she looked like. First of all, (mumbles) so shocked that it wasn't a man, 'cause when you think about the church doing wrong, doesn't your mind say, "How you doing?" That's the first thing you think of. But the mistress is a beautiful woman. Wow. No, show the one that's in today's New York papers. Her name is Rainin and she's 34. Oh, we can't show that other picture? I think we have it, yeah. If we don't have it, I'm going home. This is blurry. And it's pretty, but. Okay. We don't have it, yeah. We don't have it yet. We talked about it in our meeting. I know, I showed it to you that, like, we were talking about this picture, but apparently, legally, we can't show it. Oh, well then buy the New York Post, okay, and look at the picture. She's beautiful. I mean, beautiful. Stunning, even. So now she's talking. She paid an app to do a background check after meeting the pastor. And she found out that he was married with three children and didn't care. Did not care Invited him over to her house. And she says in the New York Post, "The first time he came "over, he asked if he could put his hand on my thigh. "He seemed awkward, like a virgin. "And he always referred "to me as his Middle Eastern unicorn." She's Middle Eastern, but her hair is very, very blonded out. She doesn't look, you know, like dark hair, olive skin, none of that. It's like blonde hair, facial skin, yeah, like she does stuff. Anyway. He said that he had a wife and felt guilty. Oh wait, no that's the wife. Yeah, yeah. Said that he had wife and felt guilty. Yet, he was sitting there in her apartment. By the way, the innocent wife over here, she was kicked out of the church as well. See, he was fired from the church. He's no longer the pastor. But she and all their children are kicked out of the church. Well the 11 year old, the 15 year old, and the 16 year old. I just talked about this. I don't wanna worship where there's scandal. I would kick them out of the church as well. The kids too. There are plenty of places to worship. I don't need this mess while I'm trying to talk to a higher power (audience applauds) I don't. I would just quit the church as a regular parishioner. I would quit and find another church. I don't need this mess. I only have one Sunday today. Right. No, I don't need this. So the mistress is now going Hollywood. She'll probably be a housewife. She's got a better storyline than Mary Cosby. Right. Okay, so let's move on to The Bachelorette. (audience applauds) I try to bring you different twists of stories, 'cause you get bored, and I get bored, The Bachelorette. Here we go, Wendy, you better make it interesting. So here's Claire, right. Claire and Dale quit, because they loved each other from the moment they saw each other. And they're together. Well, Claire is 39 years old. And she was this season's bachelorette. But they left after only two weeks of being there. They got engaged. He's 31, Dale Moss. Claire and Dale sat down with Chris Harrison. Take a look. What is next for you guys? Moving in together, wedding what's up? I think obviously- Babies. Really, we've talked- Danny you just skipped right over that. You just skipped right over that. Are we having babies first or are we gonna get married first? Yeah, we're gonna get married first. Whatever happens. Okay, you saw what Twitter saw. She pushed that baby thing just right out there. But you know what? And then he acted stunned. But I think he's a little slow. People say this about women all the time. So I can say this about a man. He's nothing but a pretty face. She's the smarter one. She's the one who leads the relationship. He's a little... (audience laughs) To me, to me, to me. And they were only there for two weeks. They were righteous in leaving the show in the name of love. I thought that was righteous. So you would think that they would do the righteous thing and get married first and then get pregnant like on the honeymoon. She's 39. Those eggs are ticking. If she wants one or two kids, she's gotta do a back-to-back, and you gotta start now. So Dale, first of all, whether they get married before the wedding or not really doesn't matter to me. I would just think that they would get married first. Dale wants the wedding first, 'cause that'll stall her. You know what I mean? We're watching you Claire, and take care of Dale. He needs it. (audience applauds) It's time for the Inside Scoop. Oh welcome CNN entertainment, reporter, Chloe Melas. (audience applauds) (upbeat music) There's a lot to talk about with this story. Here's another one that people are gonna roll their eyes, not Britney Spears again, but yes again, 'cause Chloe knows stuff. Well, first of all it is so good to be back. And you look so great. Thank you Chloe. Thank you. All right, Britney Spears, right, so for years she has been in this conservatorship with her father for 12 years to be, in fact. He controls her finances. He makes sure that she's getting the treatment she needs for her mental health issues. Well, she has been in court, as you know, Wendy trying to get her dad to not be the conservator anymore. So there was a hearing this week, and Britney Speare's lawyer, he is dropping bombs and nuggets for us. So he's saying things, 'cause he knew that this hearing wasn't closed, that press would have access to this and to some of the documents. This is what Britney Spears's attorney is saying. He says, "My client has informed "me that she is afraid of her father "and that she will not perform again, "if her father is in charge of her career." Now that's what we all saw. We all saw that Britney said that, "I will not perform." She did that on her own social media. "I will not perform again "if my father has anything to do with it." So Britney hasn't performed since she had her residency in Las Vegas, where she stopped after her dad got sick, then she entered treatment. But let me point out to you a few things about Jamie Spears, her dad. He has not only been the conservator for over a decade. He has taken her from being in debt to owing millions of dollars to now being in the clear. She now has an estate worth 60 million. So there are a lot of people that feel like, well, maybe she shouldn't have a conservatorship anymore. But his attitude from his attorney is that this is in place for a reason. Britney needs someone controlling her finances, helping her, but she does have freedom. She travels. She does stuff. She buys things. She has a boyfriend. So it's not like she's under lock and key, but it gets more complicated. Britney's mom, Lynn, she was in court too. Okay. She does not want her ex-husband as the conservator anymore. And let me tell you what she said. Okay, Through her attorney, the attorney said, that the father allegedly said that Britney is like a race horse and that she should be handled like one. Lynn Spears also said that her ex Jamie said, she also calls their relationship toxic. And she says that they need to start fresh, but keep in mind, here, there's $60 million on the table here. And they're all fighting over money, and Britney's in the middle. And it's really sad to see these parents fighting. Is it for the benefit of their daughter or is it over money? So now that they went to court who is controlling her money now? So the judge said, "Well, not so fast. "Sorry Britney, not siding with you today. "Your dad is gonna stay as co-conservator "with this trust called 'Besamir Trust'." Now there is a hearing in December. In just a few weeks things could change. This is continuing to play out, and it's getting ugly, messy. But it says a lot that the judge is going along with her father. And I never believed that her father had any bad intention with Britney. And I don't know what Lynn is talking about. I know that Britney gets along very well with her sister. And we follow Britney on social media. And I think Britney still needs to get well. I think that Britney is still in a very bad place. I'm glad you mentioned that. Let's talk about it, because I follow all Britney's posts. And she posts the same videos over and over, wearing the same outfits. But I do want you to hear from Britney's own words. She says she's fine. Take a listen. Hi, so I know that there have been a lot of comments and a lot of people saying a lot of different things about me. But I just wanna let you guys know that I am fine. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. And I'm sending all of you guys a lot of prayers, wishes, and a lot of love. All right. So look, Britney says that she's fine. But I'm gonna tell you something. I did an investigation into Britney and into the Free Britney movement a little over a year ago for CNN. As I'm sure you guys know, when you follow social media you see the hashtag Free Britney. There are a lot of her fans that are outside protesting in front of the courthouse. They were there this weekend massed with signs. They think that Jamie is terrible. And this is why Britney did the wrong thing by letting us know that she doesn't get along with her father, because her fans like, I love Britney, but I'm not part of her beehive. It fuels them. The father must have now 24 hour security, seven days a week, always looking out for somebody with a screw loose. Gets death threats. Yes. And so the Free Britney movement says that Britney is a quote prisoner in her home, that it's not really her posting on social, that she has no freedom to do anything. Britney does have control of her social media. If she didn't have control, then she wouldn't be posting photo after photo after photo of the same outfit every single day. And we know, though, that when she doesn't take her medicine and that when she isn't having these people around her, like her father, that she sleeps all day, like when she was in Vegas, that she repeats herself over and over, asks the same questions and that she really does need her dad and people around her to make sure that she's gonna not be in debt, and she's gonna take her medicine and hopefully that means that she will get to go on tour again, because we all wanna see her back on stage. Yes, thank you Chloe. Chloe Melas everybody. I'm sorry. More great show for you. Up next, "Fix my Life" star, Iyanla Vanzant, is here. So grab a snack and come on back. (audience applauds and cheers) (upbeat music) (audience cheers) Our next guest is a bestselling author and TV host. Her hit show is called "Iyanla, Fix my Life." Take a look. I don't want to think that I would hurt my baby. You abandoned her. And you can't make up for it. I don't like that we have this many problems. You on the cross, sacrificing yourself for everybody. Your brothers wanna share something with you. That is not the truth, and then your hearing is distorted. Lady, I'm. Hold up. Please welcome Dr. Iyanla Vanzant. (audience cheers and applauds) Hi Iyanla. Happy day. How are you Miss Wendy. You look great. Thank you very much. So do you. Thank you. So let me see your shoes. Can you see that? All right. Studs and zippers. Nice. Yep. These boots were not made for walking. So congratulations on your seventh season. I understand that it's your last season as well. Yes, it's my last season, but it's in two parts. So there'll be a part this year. And then the final remaining part will be in 2021. But I'm done. Now, did you get fired or were you just unhappy? No. Well I'm just asking. I'm not unhappy. I'm not fired. I'm just real clear. It's time to move on. Just like any other relationship, there comes a moment when you just have to make a choice, and I'm ready to move forward, do some other things, 'cause I love Fix My Life, but it's time for me to move on. What are you gonna do? What do you have planned? I'm gonna spend the first three months braless and drooling. Watching mindless television, and catch up on all the things that I've recorded over the past seven years. But you know what? I don't know, but I know that I wanna rest. I'm a great grandma now. I wanna spend some time with my great grandchildren. And I just wanna be. I don't need to do. I wanna be. So Luenell was very unhappy in that episode. She cried and we're not use to seeing Luenell cry. I know. What was going on? Well, she recognized, or her and her daughter recognized that there was a breakdown in their relationship. And they couldn't really heal it, because they were dealing with each other as mother and daughter. And one of the things that I try to tell grown daughters is you have to be an adult with your mom. You have to see her as a woman, as well as as your mother. So we were able to do that so that they could have woman to woman conversation which was what was required in order for them to heal their breakdown. But they were both great. They were both great. It is difficult or different to see Luenell in that vulnerable role. And she fought me for awhile, but I had to get her straight. (Iyanla laughs) (audience applauds) Okay. You don't believe me. I'm just saying, 'cause Luenell's my friend, and she let that episode air. But she, on her own podcast, is gonna break down what was really going on behind the scenes. And she- Behind the scenes of the show. Yes, and with you and her daughter and stuff. I'm not talking. I'm gonna let Luenell do all the talking on her podcast. Okay, well, you know what if she's putting it out there on the podcast, it may be something that she hasn't discussed with me. But my experience of her on the show was that she and her daughter were able to at least begin resolving their issues which is my job. I come to interrupt the pattern. I don't come to take you into happily ever after. That's not my job. I'm real clear about that. So now Shay Johnson, who I believe was Bucky on Flavor of Love. Remember? Yes. Now she says that you abuse your power. She ran away from the house. Then you brought her back. Excuse me. And she ended up going on social media immediately and saying horrible things about you and the show and you and you and you. Not true. I did not put her out. She left. That was very clear, because I think she wasn't in control of the process. And it's very clear. Here's what, we don't use a script. And we tell a story. And she left on her own. And she has her version of what happened, and I have mine. But here's the bottom line. Every guest gives me an intention. Her intention was to get healing for her family. That's what she said. That's in the show. And that's what happened. She left, but her family got the healing. You know who I liked on the show, Memphis Bleek. You made him dig his own grace and get in there. And you made him cry. And then you offered him rehab. And then he decided he wasn't gonna go. So it's not her problem, if people don't take the healing. I don't know what he's doing right now. But I found that show fascinating. DMX is in a much better place now. He was just on our show a few weeks ago. Yeah. When you first interviewed him years ago with his son, and it seemed like he was on his way to healing at that particular time. But between then and him coming on our show, he obviously reverted back to some of his old bad habits. He's good now, though. Yeah. He said, if you ever wanted to do a sit down with him, like right now, he'd do it. Would you ever interview him again? Oh no thank you. No thank you. Why he's asking? I mean. Because he wants to do television, and I don't wanna do television. I don't do interviews. I do healing processes. So he came to me for healing process, and then, well, and then in the midst of it, he backed out. So unless he had an issue that he wanted to be supported in healing now, there's no reason for us to have a conversation. All right D, get the issue going. Well I'm done. I'm in the process of filming my next to last show, so he blew that opportunity. (Iyanla laughs) He's worth a sit down. That opportunity's gone. He's worth a one hour sit down like a Barbara Walters. Okay, but I don't do interviews. I do healing. Well. So what do you think about Britney Spears? Do you ever think that she will fix her life? Well I never had a conversation with her, so it's hard for me to make an assessment. Don't you go on the blogs? But from what I see. No, absolutely not. Were you watching Hot Topics? Yes, I heard it in Hot Topics. I didn't even know there was an issue. But I think that if she does have a mental health issue, it will be hard for her to have a broad enough perspective to see that what's going on. It's helpful for her. I could almost say the same thing with her, not that Shay Johnson had a mental health issue, but in the midst of her pain, in the midst of her presence, it was hard for her to see the broader possibilities for healing that unfolded. I think the same is true of Britney. She may not be able to see right now the help, the support that her father has given her. So it may be best that he stay as conservator for right now. Iyanla Vanzant everybody. Thank you so much for being here. Fix my Life airs Saturday nights at nine on OWN. Up next celebrity duty must haves. (audience applauds and cheers) (upbeat music) Wow. A whole lot of woman. Here with the hottest celebrity beauty products for the fall is our beauty expert friend Milly Almodovar. Hello my love. Wow, welcome back. Thanks my love. All right, let's go through everything. All right, first we're gonna start with our new VP Kamala Harris. Okay. So this is MAC Sunbasque Blush. So Kamala Harris and I have someone in common. My best friend, Billy Jean, when she comes to New York, he does her makeup. Okay. So I was asking him, what's the product that you use the most on her. And he's like this. This is MAC cosmetics. It's their Sunbasque Blush. It's a gorgeous peachy bronze blush. It looks absolutely stunning on like medium to tan skin tones. It's buildable. It lasts, I would say, for a good six hours. It is buildable. Yeah, and this is one of MAC's older products. This isn't a new product. This has been around for a very long time. Really? Yup, $24. You can get it at But this'll last you forever It'll last you forever, yeah. Yeah. Taking this Next, Chrissy Tiegen. Chrissy Tiegen, if you follow her on Instagram, she's always talking about these, Dr. Dennis Gross, Alpha Beta extra strength peel pads. Okay. These are two step patented pad system. So the first step is you use these. These have seven acids in them, glycolic acid- Acid is good for your skin. Yes, and you have seven of them, and they're gonna exfoliate your skin. They're gonna reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They're gonna brighten the skin. So you use this. You put this on for about two minutes, right. Then you take the second part, step two, and this is a neutralizer. This neutralizes your skin. It has an antioxidant called "resarbitral." And that's gonna just soothe and calm the skin and put antioxidant ingredients in the skin. So this is a really quick process. It's two minutes. And you come out with just brighter, glowier skin. Now these range from about $17 to $88, 'cause you can get different sizes. You can get them at Sephora. That's good. Yeah, yeah. Okay. All right, Reese Witherspoon. She's got good skin. She's got great skin. This is the inky list. It's poly-glutamic acid. Now, Wendy you know I've been in the beauty game for a long time. A long time. A long time. And I don't really get excited about ingredients anymore, but when this hit my desk, I got super excited about it. First of all, this locks in moisture five times better than hyaluronic acid which you know, has been like the standard, the big dog of hydration for years. Really? This locks in moisture five times better. Also, this is what you call a "peptide," right. So peptide, they're the building blocks of collagen and elastin in your skin, right. So when you put this on your skin, this was actually tested against hyaluronic acid, and this showed to increase elasticity of your skin way better than hyaluronic acid does. It also forms a protective layer. So your skin is just always hydrated when using this. I'm telling you it's gonna use- Reese has some good skin. Yes. And guess what? 14 99, you can get it exclusively at Sephora. Okay. Yes. Candy. So Demi Lovato recently did a live with Miley Cyrus, and this is- Goli. Yes. So this is Goli Apple Cider Vinegar gummies. Okay, Demi Lovato says she uses this for immunity. I used to drink apple cider vinegar just 'cause it's great for weight management. It's supposed to decrease belly fat. So, but it's a really bad taste. This, two of these gummies is equal to one apple cider vinegar shot, right. Look at you. Wendy, I think it's only two a day. Don't they taste good? They taste really good. Is this expensive? No, it's $19. And listen, Wendy, another reason I like this is because this has vitamin B12 in it, right. All right. Vitamin B12, they're showing that people that are deficient in vitamin B12, they tend to get hyperpigmentation marks. So this is great, because you get your daily dose of vitamin B12. $19, you can get it at Okay, what is this? Convince me. Yeah, so this is Yara Shahidi, okay. This is Bite Beauty. It's their Yaysayer Plumping Lip Gloss. Okay, what do we do? So this is a clean, especially it's a clean lip gloss. It has cinnamon oil on it. They used on her the cider. It's called "Cider Donut," okay. So this is just a gorgeous golden coco shade. So you're supposed to twist. Twist, twist, twist. I'm twisting. Yeah, you twist it out. And then, I don't know if you guys can see my hand. It's just this beautiful golden shade. This has cinnamon oil, so it's gonna naturally plump up your lips. It also has sodium. It also has sodium hyaluronic, so it's gonna nourish your lips. There it goes. And keeps your lips hydrated. So you're using the sparkling shade. Yeah. It comes in eight beautiful shades though. Yes, Wendy, yes. This is $25. You can get it at Yes, that's my girl. I like this. 25 at Bite Beauty. Milly never fails. She's a beauty legend. For more information on all these products go to Wendy's We'll be right back. (audience cheers and applauds) Ask Wendy time. Tiwana is in Virginia. Tiwana, how you doing? How you doing Wendy? Good, how can I help you? Okay, so I'm going through a divorce, but I have a crush on a male friend of mine. We've been friends for the past eight years. And once the divorce started, I reached out to him, because in the past we fell apart, marriage. And we started talking to each other. Now I don't even know if he's single or if I should wait until the divorce is finalized. But I feel like there's something there. Should I go for it and take the leap, Wendy? Do you and your husband, soon to be ex-husband, do you still live in the same house or do you live by yourself? No, no, I live by myself. And how many times, approximately, have you talked to your friend from the past? I speak to him quite often, because like I said, I'm going through a divorce and I need some support. Yeah, but you obviously don't speak to him with the good stuff. It's not difficult to ask a man, are you married, do you have children? I mean, get in there. How old are you? I'm 34. Old enough to know how to communicate with a man. And also let me just say, how long have you been friends with him, 10 years, five years? Eight years, eight years. Yeah, he's not that into you. I mean, because he would have, even if you were married, he would have thrown you the side eye, even if he didn't leap on you. You know what I mean? I would just stay his friend, resist, but you know what, ask him about himself. Act like you care about something other than your divorce. Trust me. People don't want to always talk to you about your divorce. Trust me. Okay. Okay. Good luck Tiwana. Thank you Wendy. We'll be right back. (audience applauds and cheers) (upbeat music) Featured presentation, sus one what are you wearing? Back on vacation, wearing some Yeezy's. Okay. Very nice. Very nice. Okay, now it's time to reveal eye candy of the day. It's Laura Lee from Jersey. Take a look. Hey Wendy, how you doing? I cannot believe that you picked me for eye candy of the day. Unbelievable. Anyways, so today I wore this little dress for you, off the shoulder, puffy sleeve, a little short, can never go wrong. But, this is my dilemma. Do I wear a high thigh boot with it or a cute little stiletto. Help me please. Anyways, I love you. I love the choices. They both look good, but I would do the thigh-high boot. All right and Laura Lee we're sending you this limited edition How You Doing light up mask. We'll be right back. (audience applauds and cheers) (upbeat music) Do you wanna be a part of our virtual audience? It's real easy. Just go to Wendy's We'll be right back. (audience applauds and cheers) (upbeat music) Tomorrow the legendary musical musician friend to the show, Charlie Wilson. I'll sleep well and got you with the Hot Topics. I love you for watching today, and I'll see you next time on Wendy. Bye bye. (audience applauds and cheers) (upbeat music) How you doing? Nice.
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 196,889
Rating: 4.7451477 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, hot topics, ask wendy
Id: umEpI8orzfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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