WEDDING WEEK VLOG 💍 Beauty Appointments, Rehearsal Dinner, Wedding Morning

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[Music] good morning you guys so I just picked up some stationary stuff that we need for one of the biggest DIY projects which we're going to finish today I'm very excited about it I will take you along for that ride downstairs is a friend Lori she is a dental hygienist and she also does teeth whitening so Scotty is currently having his appointment these are all the little appointments that you want to get done before your wedding if it's something that's important to you so I am going to get my teeth whitened as well they're pretty white right now but I just feel like I have surface stains from all the tea I drink all the time and Scotty from all the coffee um and then I went to Sephora and picked up a couple of things but I think I can show you them right now so I also had to pick up a new sticky bra for the dress um I had brought my other one because I actually had a final fitting and then I picked up a new one I picked up this one it's called the natural and and it has these little like poles in the middle I picked it up because you don't want used sticky on an important day like this because it's going to be so humid this thing is going to slide right off me if it's not seriously stuck there so I think I might bring some alcohol swabs as well just to really sticker on there and then next up hi Rosie how are you girl she's been so Good by the way um next up I picked up four Joe Malone candles which is which is very extra very very very very extra um as well as the perfume peie and blush suede because I've never used that perfume before and I want it to be my wedding perfume so that it brings me back to that day just like The Bachelorette so they wrapped it up in all this tissue they normally do with Joe Malone a really really beautiful wrapping job but I was very much in a rush but here's the bottle it's so stunning and I think it will just match so perfectly with the aesthetic of the day and I can use it in my flatl I'm going to message Ray as well so she she knows and I already messaged Dallas Dallas is I'm my St recording yeah my bright red backpack and back Dallas is our wedding planner and she is so wonderful and here are the candles and so oh they are strong strong and so we are going to spread these around the event throughout the day so we're thinking like at the bar have one at the signing table have one and then there will just be that waft of s scent s oh got a lot of my mind there's a little nose print on here why is that huh why is that um so that this scent will be the scent of the event the cent of the event and then hopefully when other people smell this I will take them back to the wedding day as well so I had a tester of this the best thing you can do for a scense like this is to get a tester try it on your skin for like a week and then you'll know for sure and so I did that and then you'll know for sure for sure for sure is when you go to reach for the tester and it's fully out and you're like darn it I wish I had more of that so yes so excited I was going to film a couple little bits in Sephora for you but I actually didn't have an SD card with me the woman who helped me though was incredible and she was worried that we didn't have candles um at that store we they didn't have candles at that store but she managed to find four in the back and she was so excited so that really brought me a lot of Joy today checking one thing off my list not having to go to another location and just someone out there in the world being excited for you is so lovely let's go get ready for a little appointment and hang with Scotty and [Music] lry you had me at aone cuz where you go is where I [Music] go I don't need nobody else I got you and you got me too you can ride out all the blue I want to do what you want to we can leave and run away someday someday I've been save I've been saving you you save me too yeah I need it don't you need me to cuz meet you yes so call me any time that you need a but call me any time I can come and say you good morning you guys I just hit the gym had an awesome workout with Sid here's some clips from that but I am so hungry I need to go get something to eat last night I really wanted to film but everything was just so busy and when you're in that final C down like we are 3 days out when you're in that Final Countdown you're just like go got to go got to get things done um me and my dad finished the biggest DIY of the wedding and I can show it to you now too it is our big card wall and I'm so proud of it it has taken so so much work but I think it's going to be such a fun feature of the wedding for people to find their seat and get a little love letter for us now it's still far from being done because we have to write all those letters but don't worry Scotty and I are on the case we have a lot of writing to do over the next little bit I need to find some time to sit down write my vows I have so many ideas so many little notes written down to write and then our speech what I want to say to my parents what I want to say to Scotty's parents and everyone who is joining us and then all of those cards which is going to be a lot of work right now I am headed I'm actually going to turn my car off because I don't want to waste gas on my way to dermatics because I'm having my final Hydro facial I am having my wedding Hydro facial as well as dermal planning again to get rid of all that peach fuzz so my makeup will fit sit so perfectly on my skin on Thursday morning um my bridesmaids it's always awkward when someone literally walks by you and you're like vlogging on Thursday morning my bridesmaids are getting their Hydro facials and I'm going to be filming that and that is when we have our rehearsal night so that will be so so much fun but I feel in a bit of a tail spin in a way where like I don't think I'm going to have any time to sit down and just take a deep breath and so I'm really trying to soak in the moments of these appointments versus seeing them as tasks that I have to get done because in reality they're supposed to be pampering moments like tomorrow I get my nails done with Monica and it's going to be so fun and I keep telling myself all of those things so I really want to enjoy the hydrofacial I really want to enjoy I also have my hair trial today which I'll will take you along with me at Bubbles and blow in Burlington Nikki is going to be there at noon and I'm yelling CU I haven't eaten anything today and it's absolutely horrible and I do not recommend it I do not condone not eating before a workout or anything it's just been so busy and I am horrible with that stuff that is my biggest red flag so I need to get something to eat before this Hydro facial so I'm not laying there so hungry wanting to sleep because I'm so hungry and then my belly is rumbling because girls you have to eat eat um little tea and we're off also that workout this morning was so fun I just love Sid I love Ally so much I love being at Benchmark if you're looking for a local gym and you're looking for good vibe energy it's like the best the absolute [Music] best okay you guys so I have officially arrived at dermetics and they've actually blocked off 2 hours for me I hope you can't hear that diffuser maybe um but today we're going to do hydrofacial we're going to do dermaplaning we're doing the whole bride treatment and they are so lovely here they're going to let me film and kind of like bring you along with me all I have on right now is mascara and some sunscreen and we are also in one of their rooms that is like darker and calming and they've got the spa music going and Chelsea one of the technicians that's um helping me out out today she's just going to get me a rope so that is going to give me the full spa treatment so I'm going to take you along the way with just a couple of b-roll shots hopefully and then I can explain the rest of the treatments just like I always do um [Music] after [Music] so we are actually starting with the dermaplaning and this is what it looks like and Chelsea was saying that this is the most satisfying part look at how much hair comes off there oh my goodness seriously the most she's been collecting it for us to show you at the end but this is going to ensure that you're makeup goes on so nice and smooth that you're taking off that layer of skin that doesn't need to be there exposing that really fresh skin you can also do this with a chemical peel I guess but this is more like a mechanical way of removing those dead skin [Music] cells that is actually more than I ever then I ever would have look at these long ones nobody would ever think it though right no Chelsea and I are so similar we're so blonde and fair and you would never think that all of this hair came from my [Music] face oh yeah you can almost like see the shine on my cheek it's like you can and we haven't even lied the product to that spot yet love [Music] that so I have officially arrived at Bubbles and blow Burlington with Nikki and look she's even wearing her Bridal white bler I did wear this for you did you yeah I was like I can't wear the morning morning we today adorable you can I would love it my curling art um and we're going to be trying to go for I'll show you this I really like the idea CU it's going to be a hot day of doing something like this Paris look yes and then Nikki even ordered me for this for having that up an extra piece that's going to come in here and then do come on focus and then do like a nice tighter bun that we can just wear the rest of the day and I feel like we should figure out as well when that transition will happen yes I agree I think um like after you walk down the aisle and you break before the wedding reception like even before they announce you cuz even like golden hour photos will look so beautiful with it up yeah so before they announce you okay yeah yeah has been way y so we have officially made our plan of the timing of everything and Nikki basically just has to have the hair that's down lasts for like an hour and a half and then we're going to put it up and it will be all nice and controlled she just put so much mousse in there so all of the curls would last oh question for you actually which would be helpful is for brides people always say that they like stylist want quote unquote dirty hair not like super clean hair is this myth is this true we want like night old hair so like wash your ha the day before yes and then come with it dry okay it's going to help set it okay but yes don't come with like w hair yeah don't come with wet hair they like not be [Music] happy [Music] Nikki has perfected this Hollywood curl look at [Music] that oh my God I'm so excited I can't wait to show these Vlogs to my kids one day me too [Music] yeah side it's so cool and then on the wedding day we're actually going to trim this not not like those wild Brides who literally have long hair and then chop it for the rehearsal but this is actually a tap in you would never know none of it's real hello you guys okay so I forgot my Vlog camera on such a fun day of appointments but I was just with my Dad we were practicing our dance together and right now I am at the nail salon I go to it's called TT Nails on brand Street if you're in the Burlington area I always ask for honestly all the girls there are so amazing so I'm going to get a French manicure I lost a nail the other day so I am very excited to get these all cleared up and one of my bridesmaides and best friends Monica is also going to be joining me so that's going to be so lovely pedicure the full shebang then it's back to doing the rest of the DIYs letters writing I have to finish a speech and it's all systems go baby cuz tomorrow is the rehearsal and I am so excited I have butterflies writing my vows this morning was a literal surreal moment and I can't believe that happened but I love them and and I am so so [Music] excited he moves like a magnet wearing hes in the carp [Music] count steps to the back porch same song from the screen door he was a score on the mountain waiting for a sign of rain hardes with his head down to Fed to a way of being but he broke wide open like a bird in spring with a Divine potion made of love and [Music] pain good morning you guys so I didn't do a ton of vlogging yesterday but yesterday was so fun I wish I had gotten a clip of me and my dad practicing our dance it's so so cute and he was just like so proud when we nailed this one routine we were like okay let's go for the routine and we have this like little routine I think I have inadvertently by mistake lost weight before this wedding because this used to sit right here and now it is falling down um I've been horrible absolutely horrible So the plan when this wedding is over is to get back on the wellness track big yawn cuz no coffee or tea or breakfast has been had yet this morning because it's been all systems go I washed my hair I did an air wrap on the ends and this morning my girls are getting a hydrofacial I've already had my skin treatment like look at this skin it's so ready for wedding makeup dermaplaning as well as hydrofacial and I would have showed you clips of that so that might actually be where I left you off besides some phone clips of writing my vows down by the water and that was so surreal and honestly it is my biggest tip one I forgot my sunglasses so I was literally just crying so much writing these vows because you're like going into the depths of your soul and it's all happy tears for sure but I wish I had had my sunglasses so that is my hot tip but my main tip on that is on moments like writing your vows romanticize that okay grab a coffee go down by the water like I did or go to a park bench that you love or go somewhere that maybe you met or something that is Meaningful to you and just have a moment and take it all in and think and give yourself time I was also listening to just instrumental um wedding songs which probably Amplified the tears more but anyways so this morning I am wearing guys I've been crush on wearing these earrings I love them so much alen Piper earrings this beautiful skin from dermetics and I've also just purchased a new nude sticks foundation so just very much my skin and then this dress is a Karen melon dress it is absolutely one of my favorite things in my wardrobe because it's just perfection um it's Karen Millan dress but it's in the Lydia Millan collection I am still in deep regrets that I didn't get it in the blue as well and then this belt which I think I might have to exchange for a different one but I wanted it to be a cute little something blue I'll just expand my lungs um is from San so that is a cute start today this is our rehearsal day so we are going to get all packed up I have to go to dedics this morning and capture some content for the girls getting Hydro facials and then I'm coming back quickly I'm going to start to pack up a few little bits I've got like a few little bits here I've just got my suitcase there and I'm going to get that all done um so that when I come home thankfully I'm so happy you know when you have that instinct to have a shower um earlier in the day versus later I'm so happy that I've already prepped my hair and everything because I need to iron my rehearsal dress which is this long one here and those are my pajamas for morning of and my friend Corey is coming over because she's going to do my makeup for tonight and it was really just I love Corey she's so good at doing makeup I know she'll do an amazing job but I also want to support as many vendors as possible and create some content for them so I am so ready are you guys ready I get married tomorrow that is absolutely insane so just capturing this moment it's going to be awesome I can't wait also before I get to packing wedding nails they look so good Lucy did such a good job on the manicure and this is the longest I've ever had my nails but you have to have them long to have a beautiful French especially when it's a tip like that so I'm so excited they're ready to [Music] go one thing I well if you've been here for some time you watch The Bachelorette Vlog you'll know I love senting senting an experience and there is no experience better to scent than your wedding and so what I'm doing is I'm wearing a brand new perfume I actually just sprit some on right now because we are doing wedding things today today is the rehearsal day and it's just going to bring me back to this weekend so my wedding perfume Joe Malone p and blush Suede and what I'm doing that's a little special that did cost me a small fortune but you know what it is what it is is I also purchased the candle to be put at different stations around the wedding so that my actual wedding perfume is going to be wafting through the air as well so hopefully this scent will remind others of this beautiful weekend as well just a little bit of inception going on so I got four of those candles and a brand new perfume um to wear which I am just so thrilled about this is my wedding bag so let me show you so it's from self-portrait maybe I can pull you up here so we can chat it's from self-portrait and one of my absolute favorite things and Trends and it's not even like a trend that I think is going to be lost it's just very Bridal but currently bows are very popular and this purse is quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen it has some weight to it I haven't seen her since I opened this bag I'm so excited and yeah so she just has such a beautiful amount of space in her so I can put some makeup in there if I need my phone that I'm not going to be grabbing for during the day maybe this Vlog camera but honestly I'm not even going to be grabbing for that because we have a videographer and a photographer that video of the actual wedding day will come out when it comes out and I'm not even going to worry about it but she is so cute and we love her for my man of Honor Russell I got him a pair of socks as well as this it's like a little tie clip matte black guys are so hard to buy for honestly so that's what I just kidding and then for the ladies I got them all an all of them Piper earring set um or obviously a set because there are two ears but I am so in love with these as you guys know these are all up in Piper Canadian brand women owned anyways um we are doing like a little collab on Instagram so I got them these and I am simply obsessed look at how stunning these are oh my gosh so so beautiful I want these myself and what I will say is they are basically the bridesmaid's version of My Bridal earrings oh my God I just got the biggest ping of excitement I actually have to go because I have to go film at Dramatics I'm going to pack up my stuff go and then when I come back we will pack the rest up but honestly the most important thing is just packing some underwear I got my pajamas already in there I got my get ready robe and then picking up the wedding dress also don't want to forget to show you this this is what I'm getting my mom mom today a bride tomorrow wife always a daughter and best friend for life I'm literally going to start crying and then I also got my dad one too and so it's got a date and everything of all the walks we've taken together this one is my favorite as the first man I have ever loved when you give me away which I mean we don't really believe in that but yeah I know I will always know I will always be your little girl thank you for being the best dad anyone could ask for oh I'm so excited to give these little keep scks to them I also have another thing for my mom but I hope it comes in time all right you guys I am at dermetics again but this time it's not for me it is for my bridesmaids and I want to show you what they put together they're now patients here so they're out in the front so I'll show you a couple of pictures and some little iPhone videos of me like coming in this morning to greet my mom and Monica cuz they are our first appointment and then these are the products that we have for them today um Kim put this together and dermetics put this together dermetics put this together and this is something that in the future they can kind of customize packages just depending on your budget and kind of what you want to do for your bridesmaid so this is perfect for day of just to give everyone Flawless skin after some makeup tonight they also set up this coffee station which is truly Angelic and these drinks they also picked up this beautiful little board from the Yum boox which is so cute in our little pseudo recovery room where everyone can kind of just hang out and then over here there's two robes gone because again Monica and my mom are currently having their treatments but we have our robe as well as our little hair tie back they're actually getting I thought we were just doing micro facial or um Hydro facials today but they are doing even one step above and this is only offered at dermetics and it's basically their Amplified version of a hydro facial and it's called the microgenesis hydrofacial and the microgenesis is the laser and that is going to inspire your skin to have more collagen and that bounce and that glow for a much longer term because the laser reaches much deeper into the skin than just a hydrofacial c so they are getting like the most pampering day today I can't believe that this is our story um so I'm so grateful to dermatics for absolutely doing all of this and I'm going to put together so any special things for them but yeah just feeling all the love from the community I'm going to start working on a few things I took some photos of Monica and my mom and then we have another round of people coming on in um we've got Haley and Rebecca and Sarah and yeah we're going to uh we're going to get down to Niagara on the Lake today everyone keeps being like you get married tomorrow I'm like oh my God I know we actually had to um I'm going to put this right here hopefully I can balance that we actually had to adjust tonight where our rehearsal dinner will be it is going to be oh I have to wear these when I go in and they're doing laser but they're white so they're bride Vibes um we were going to do between the trees which I would have absolutely loved and was totally the dream but it is going to rain tonight so um we have shifted that to the barn the marketplace which is also such a beautiful location at Curts Orchards there's two places you can get married the marketplace side and the gracewood side so we're going to do our rehearsal on the gracewood side and then we're going to head on over to Marketplace to have dinner which will be stunning because it's just going to create a totally different experience and I'm so grateful to Ally who is really in charge Ally and an at Curts because she was the one who was like I want to make sure this is a different experience versus just putting you guys in the tent and they're going to be shifting our chandeliers that would have been strung above us into the tent so nice so so nice so no matter what it's going to be lovely you just got to go with the flow got to go with the flow on your wedding week that's what it h can I do something this I feel like we're having this photo shoot all over again oh my gosh so Corey is here hello in the lifeblood a while back Corey and I met at the can wait fashion art Toronto so basically like the Fashion Week of Toronto and she's a makeup artist as you can see here and she is going to be doing my makeup for rehearsal so this is a very fresh faed Queen and I'll show you the after and maybe a little bit of the in [Music] between [Music] amazing that was a quick transition for you guys cuz Cory just spent this entire hour doing my makeup I didn't Vlog at all but look how beautiful she made it so nice and light and what I love about artists like Corey Angel just here while I Gess you up he looks so good um is she builds as she goes so we were like even building the Contour even building the eyeliner I said go in with more eyeliner and she was like oh did not expect that um yeah I love it love it love it a Mad Dash holy crow that was crazy so our wonderful dog sitter and house sitter just got to the house looking after Rosie was helping us do like petal cones Scotty and I are absolutely everywhere trying to get all of our stuff together but I think we we did it I we have all the important stuff that's for sure almost almost except for Wy and and that's true very true um because we're going to pick up my dress which is so exciting do you know what I wish I had brought was Advil I brought Advil I think okay I can already feel a headache coming on just from needing sustenance we are going to pick up my wedding dress yay [Music] yay so you're going there tonight oh my goodness there's a spare button you shouldn't need it but just in case and oh this has been such a pleasure time I know well I'm your dress form you are and still have other to finish I have so much to put together oh my goodness oh my God less snowy this time look how beautiful you guys don't know how much I'll be vlogging tonight probably not a lot we're off to our rehearsal dinner do you like our outfits better we're going to go see so many people we love we love you thanks for tuning in let's do the darn thing start this weekend that is the house we rented well you [Music] did people are still guys we don't know where our marriage license is do you know did you see [Music] don't we don't we think we had to pack so fast and she would like keep this in a very safe space which we did not on our prison but home [Music] as this one break never see you you stole my heart but you you do life [Music] Sun [Music] my heart [Music] be just want to love you just want to hold you just want to [Music] be World on [Music] my I don't know what I do without you make me smile what is it that you do my life was great and you added colors like the Moon is the snow we don't care about the others you said my world of fire you're my heart I just want to love you just want to hold you just want to be with till we grow old tell me you stay think away I want you for myself every single day sit my [Music] world [Music] world Hi [Music] H your room is so oh my God this Sunbeam I think we should do makeup in here yeah there's definitely enough enough room and there's this countertop here clean up what is this yeah cuz then yeah cuz then our bedroom just literally opens that [Music] courtyard [Music] liner that good morning you guys everyone is starting to arrive and get their makeup done and this is like the most beautiful day I could have ever imagined and the messages that have been coming through have been like the most heartwarming thing ever I'm going to go and see everybody and I'll be back this is one of those unique moments guys where I'm I knew you would these are our two best friends in the world we got best friends in this house and when they start connecting it's like literally [Music] magic here some of [Music] make a time it's the [Music] big so at the B I like vlogged it but then the girls were setting up and so I'd be like can take my vlogging camera and do behind the scenes footage so now I'm going to the shop you say that the camera like take yes so cute and it was so funny when you started doing it you be like Whispering just bouncing around I honestly your birthday that's it all this is stuff I look at like it wasn't even a bean comment not at all she was just like so okay we're do something that's going more dep could have yeah and get used hopefully sorry really nice look like Angels nice little gorgeous gorgina you're like you're missing your you're supposed to be I'm about to get married that's crazy this is my hair and I'm about to put my dress on with my mom and Rebecca I can't wait I can't [Music] wait
Channel: Amanda Weldon
Views: 2,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amanda Weldon, wedding week vlog, wedding preparation, bridal appointments, wedding hair appointment, wedding nails, bridal skin care, bridal makeup appointment, rehearsal dinner, wedding day moments, bride-to-be, wedding journey, wedding vlog, bridal beauty, wedding planning, special wedding moments, bridal routine, wedding day prep, bridal tips, wedding behind the scenes, wedding celebration, wedding day preparation, wedding day routine, wedding day beauty, bridal vlog
Id: zGeovlNBFMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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