MY BRIDAL SHOWER 💍 DIY's, Wedding Chat, Bridal Shower, Unboxing Gifts

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[Music] I grabbed this one prioritize your mental health we always do yeah find what motivates you you're doing amazing sweet I already knew that oh morning good morning today is so different from yesterday yesterday I was like very low energy Scotty and I just dropped off a car and we just picked up peach coffee just dropped off a car yeah I know anyways you don't want to hear that story it's so boring basically so his parents can use the car that's the story um and now can I hand this to you sweetheart here just so I can get in oh that that would be even better you know when you have your phone here and then you go to like you go to bend and it's just totally just totally cramp in your style that's what was happening so now we're going to go to Michael's because I have to finish off a bunch of wedding DIYs and I have to pick up some vinyl but I actually do have some research to do about it in the car now cuz I need to make sure we pick up the right vinyl and I just wanted Scotty to be part of the wedding DIY so let's do it it's not Hobby Lobby guys but this is Canada's [Music] version we're currently just trying to figure out what kind of vinyl we need whether that's a permanent non-permanent these are moments where I wish I had Mr crafty pants with me who is a tuber and very very successful do you want to see if we can ask someone if they're like a cricket expert oh this removable vinyl and I have the we have the explore 3 I [Music] think because I'm not 100% sure I'm going to look it up online what Scotty and I have got is the Smart vinyl from cricket it's 50% off right now which is great too we got the permanent vinyl as well as the removable removable vinyl and the linerless transfer tape don't know if I need that I've never used that before I've only done the ironon but hopefully that's [Music] the okay so this is telling me that I need to use permanent adhesive vinyl which can come in many textures and colors and the second is to use heat transfer vinyl on wood also known as ironon and both can work apparently but how would you iron it on so a couple of little things that I just learned one they said a squeegee or a big scraper will help and because it's 50% off I'm going to get the Cricut one and two that L linerless transfer tape that should be good enough and to get the permanent vinyl because um they said especially when it's on wood like the non-permanent doesn't really matter like if it's permanent vinyl you can still have the ability to take it off when it's on wood and if the wood is painted then the vinyl will stick a little bit better so I'm really hoping that we got the right bit and because we're not going to be getting the removable vinyl we're just going to get three of the permanent one so I think we got what we got and Scotty got some pens the best pens what are the best pens Sharpie okay 0.7 Yeah medium Sharpie 0 .7 medium black all right you guys we are actually going to head to my parents house because we are going to put together this vinyl stuff right now I have a card box put together a card wall put together as well as an A-frame sign and I really hope that we got the right stuff I also brought my tripod because I am going to be filming this for a real and a Tik Tok and I have started blogging so much more so I've decided you know what I have been finding so many amazing DIYs and crafts and all of that good stuff on blogs because it is so much easier to have that static content and scroll through and save it on Pinterest boards and all of that fun stuff so I'm going to do that for you guys too so anything that I have posted right now wedding wise or some Vlogs that I absolutely love I will link those down below but yeah it's just Amanda I was able to get my own name which I am so happy about I am just going to turn this off right now because I have to pay extra super close attention when going through um our neighborhood obviously when driving we shouldn't be on any Tech but um extra super close attention cuz we have a lot of kids in this neighborhood so I will see you once we get to my parents house two handsome boys look at this hands boy you go you're it's [Music] gross okay I'm going to stand up now officially at boners Craft Kitchen so what she's doing right now this is my mom she's putting together this little Greenery part a few of them fell off so she needs to glue gun it but this is the base basically it's this green ring that is glue g to this top part so that you can put the florals on and this little wood piece and this little ring is just a washer a ring and a piece of wood cuz that is what is going to Anchor the string in the pool and like the weight to basically keep it in one place and she's already created a bunch of them o sorry blue light come on auto adjust she's already created a bunch so basically this is what it'll look like that she's created and there'll be three of them floating in the pool so yeah tons of florals we're basically just going to shoot this for a little Tik Tok to show off some ideas and then I actually forgot that I needed my computer for the Cricut stuff so I might have to run home and get that or borrow one of theirs okay so she just said she's going to take that and measure it around the perimeter and because that's a little bit longer it's just going to be a bit of [Music] finagling [Music] in [Music] this is her this is her final Masterpiece she just wants to use it as a template okay mom so what's next now we're going to add these pieces in eucalyptus so you want us to do all the green base and then add the flourishes right the base starts with the the outside cuz you want to hide the white ring I've seen a lot of them where they didn't hide the white ring for my personal it just didn't make me feel good okay so now I'm going to take all these off of the stem mhm and oh you're taking them all off just for little sprigs yeah because we're going to move them we're going to place them and then we're going to insert them and see where we want them okay so now you find out where you want to put it you put it in on an angle and then you're going to secure the end bits with the little floristry Staples just like like that on an angle as [Music] well right now I'm standing in a corner I see you from across the mo it's kind of crowed here but I know you see me too everybody singing oh everybody singing so now she's coming in with the flowers one thing I want to point out though is like so when you get these flowers I believe these are the mini roses or peonies but actually I think this was the peonies those are peonies yeah they would come in a big bushel and then mom basically cut them into singles but this one is very tight all of the petals are together around and then this one is one that I fluffed out so it's really nice to have kind of a mix of both because like my mom said earlier not all FL not any flower is the exact same so it's nice to have a bit of that Variety in there too and these ones have buds which is so cute and this one just has three leaves I actually love this one the best so [Music] good just say the word and we can leave this place I'll take you anywhere you want here is our progress and by hour I mean my mom's progress so far supporting bystander here though um so now that she's kind of got that nice Crown all the way around she's going to start filling in the center of it and you're going to want to go up and down with these florals instead of to the angle I believe yeah pretty much as I've been watching here and this is good to know too so this whole thing was $17.99 we bought this at Hobby Lobby if you guys saw that Vlog and that's us but there were quite a few 40% off when I bought them oh and they were 40% off can't forget that but there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight blooms on there so that is not bad at all when you're breaking it down and I was also um I was also saying to my mom that are are you sure yeah are you sure is great is that she because she's not gluing anything on here it will be really easy to just kind of pick them out after she's used them for what she used them for and to use them to make wreaths or anything else that she wants to make even that little flower thing that Flower Basket at the front door at the second front door you could even use them for that what are you thinking Mom one in the deep end one in the middle end one in the shallow end yeah yeah that's so nice well we have three humps right that's why I wanted to do three of them yeah that's so nice look how beautiful it's looking down here oh my God your hydranges are absolutely popping the daisies have popped and it I wish you guys could smell it it smells trees from the trees this last week yeah cuz these are Lind Woods Lind linwoods no they are uh little leaf Lyon oh Lyon yeah and there's just full of flowers too much overwhelming it's over welding okay I'm going to just take some footage of this for the real but you guys can [Music] hang me let me me me [Music] me home because I had forgotten my computer for the cricket but this is the acrylic box that I ended up purchasing off of Amazon and what I'm going to be doing is putting like Scotty and Amanda or thank you or mix of both on that but now looking at the vinyl that me and Scotty purchased today it's like blue jay's blue it is Toronto Maple Leafs blue it's not exactly the vibe I'm going for I want that elegant deep deep navy blue which is essentially more like this like you think it's black but it's actually blue so me and my mom are going to go to Michael's again and see if we can get the proper color for that um and return these ones and I'm also going to bring the transfer tape that I brought bought because I feel like the linerless maybe for more expert level people but time will tell we shall see the DIYs continue I wasn't able to finish everything that I wanted to last night but that's okay I'm setting better boundaries for my work life balance and I am going to be probably going to my mom's either today or tomorrow to finish off the cricketing stuff and I'm so glad we actually ended up going back to Michaels exchanging the blue that I had got because in the aisle and in the lighting in Michaels it looked more Navy and then in natural light the blue that I had got was like Toronto Maple Leafs blue it was like blue Days Blue it was a very royal blue versus a navy blue also you guys I just had my nails done for the bridal shower and they are stunning stunning queen look at these I am actually shook I've never had the airbrush French before my camera is going to die but I want to let you know that I am at home sense now because I am in charge of picking up three prizes for the games that are taking place at the bridal shower the nails are done the prep is there I've also booked a tan which I'm very excited about yes it is so hot in this car I got to get go in I'm going to go into home sense and if I can show you I will um I'm not going to take you with me because my camera's going to die but maybe I'll just sweeping declaration I'm going to show you what I get for prizes as soon as I get home can't wait it's going to be so good okay so now it is my job to turn this into three prizes but I honestly think this could be more than that I just put on threads what would you like to receive if you were to win something at a bridal shower and someone just recommended like some local finds and I feel like that would be amazing if I had some more time I would have put together some baskets of local things that Scotty and I absolutely love but truly up against it right now so what we have got is three B basket so I got a basket a pot and then this really cute little one that says flowers and garden and then I had some of these like packing bits from just a PR pack that I had gotten and so I was thinking what I could do is put together like a few different bits of things that I love most so it's basically kind of like a beauty one um like a home and kitchen one and a cozy one cuz I got this blanket and some English tea I didn't get a cuz I feel like everyone has a bunch of mugs but then I could put together like a beauty one as well um I think I already mentioned that and then I also got a candle for every single one so I think what I'm going to do is maybe put together some smaller ones versus three absolutely overflowing ones and then Rebecca can my mate of Honor who's running the bridal shower with my mom can basically be like okay is there like a runner up or something like that more prizes is always a lot more fun so maybe I'll do that and it'll just mean that more people win which is always a nice feeling when you leave a bridal shower so let's start putting this together um a couple of the bits that I got from HomeSense besides the basket so a few candles oh I kind of forgot I got this this is so cute um it's like a shampoo scalp brush I've never used one before but this is supposed to stimulate your hair follicles so I felt like that that was a really fun one I got this English tea because I loved the little tin it was so cute I have to take off all of these stickers though that's going to be annoying um a few candles which they have pre-wrapped but I'm going to have to unwrap those to take the tags off I had this from a little Danish package I had received but I had also purchased dish towels I feel like that is a good supplementary thing I also got this I love putting this stuff in my coffee sometimes so I thought that would be really fun so there's some sweets and then b a bunch of brow products um that I can also pop in there so I think we're winning I think we are winning I'm going to set you guys up over here and then I'm going to get to thinking about how I want to put this together also I'm going to put together a Blog about things that you can gift at bridal showers cuz there's other things like little glasswear or I don't know I remember going to a bridal shower and the girl it was very much like a big Polish bridal shower and literally the moment she found out she was engaged she started collecting things that were just on sale and things like that from like a home sense esque kind of vibe and um I feel like I won something from that and I forgot what it was I think it was glasswar mugs is cute local finds people also love a gift card I know it's pretty lame but like getting a gift card to Sephora I've won one of those at a br sh before Indigo gift card that's always fun um so yeah let me know Down Below in the comments and I'll put together an epic blog post so if it is your time to plan a bridal shower you've got a ton of ideas there oh I also forgot that wine and chocolate are always a good idea too um that's always really fun I think cuz the beauty items are smaller I'm going to put them in this one and just make it so cute also these little tiny bottles of prco it's not like a full one but they're really cute for grab and go as as well actually yeah I'm going to lay all of this out take all of the tags off and then we can start putting them into different packages and I think I'm going to create five total even though I only have two little bins I'm going to go get a couple of gift bags from downstairs that will be perfect I've been feeling so good about all of the wedding stuff lately it's been really exciting I was at the nail salon today and the woman um who is doing my nails uh she was basically asking me oh am I getting stressed like how am I feeling and I honestly feel really good officially we are 1 month out right now and she was saying oh my gosh I've had girls sit in my chair start talking about their wedding and start crying and that just breaks my heart because yes there was definitely a point in time where I was feeling stressed about it because I was trying to Take On The World kind of on my own and the key is just to delegate and kind of realize that yeah you are going to be the one who has to kind of like set the tone and set the pace okay this is literally driving me crazy why does HomeSense put stickers in the literal worst place ever put it at the bottom of the candle like what are we what are we doing what are we doing every single time I get a frame from there it's like on the glass so if if you know someone who works at home sense or if you are a home sense Insider can you please riddle me this like why why why do you make it so difficult when I love you so much oh my gosh gets nails done immediately peel stickers off horrible but yeah so she was asking me all about you know how's the wedding going and like all of those things and yeah I'm just kind of choosing not to be stressed at this point because I don't know there's literally no point I have a good team around me that's definitely something that you're going to want to set up is set up the right people to be around you and kind of on your team and in your back pocket but there's so many things that you can and so many things that you cannot control when it comes to organizing an event like this and I think one of the most stressful Parts is like managing other people's expectations because as much as this wedding is about you and the person you love it's honestly also a lot about the people who are around you who kind of saw you grow up and and all of those things so you know you do have to let people in and let them help you because that's what they really want to do um and as much as you want to do everything that you want to do there's got to be a little bit of give sometimes and you just have to remember we're just spinning on a rock through space this is supposed to be about you and your partner and about your love but then as well about the community that you have surrounded yourself with so at the end of the day if something goes wrong or something doesn't turn out exactly the way you want it to be yes it can be annoying but it's truly not the end of the world and Life Will Go On and as well kind of the last thing that I'll say is there are so many moments Frick finally got that sticker off it kind of still looks bad but that's okay um there are a few things that what was I going to say oh what I was going to say was um I as well asked on threads the other day what is your wedding advice because I was just nearly a month out tomorrow it will be officially a month out um and I was like give me your wedding advice and literally the most common and the most of anything that anyone said was just enjoy it like just be so present just give your phone to someone else let them manage messages or whatever you want to do or however you want to manage it that day and hand over and delegate everything and just enjoy it and be so present cuz I'm going to tell you right now I am shook like we've been engaged for two years now because we got engaged March 2021 and it goes by really fast so romanticize those small moments and on the wedding day I promise you I am going to be so present like I am going to be trying to stop every single moment possible because I just want to be in it so things like putting together this that doesn't stress me out and I'm choosing not to be stressed I'm choosing to say here's my delicated time for this how can we enjoy this but best way possible and a part of that has been for me kind of bringing people into the fold like asking you guys questions and vlogging along the way um that's starting to pick up again which is so nice and just yeah bringing people into the fold who are closest to you if you don't love to post on social media you don't have to tell the world about what you want to do but maybe it's your best friend and you have a group chat if that's just one person or a few people or your mom or your dad or your aunt or whoever when things happen like me getting my nails done like this I like being hey guys look at this I'm obsessed what do you think asking those questions and just having fun and sharing things that you're excited about even if they're as frivolous as getting your nails done for your bridal shower I'm going to put these together and show you guys the final result after and then tonight I'm actually going to an event for Sarah who is one of my bridesmaids and if you've seen our Mexico vlog or even um The Bachelorette Vlog she was there and she is running her very own like homeowner Summit because she's a real estate agent probably be a little busit so let me put this [Music] together right now I'm standing in a corner I see you from across the room so we're going to go Beauty Cozy home and Beauty home and Beauty yeah Wy I'm not giving away Wy I just have to get a bag for this one this doesn't look as pretty as I was hoping you would okay everything is in their own little bag and I'm feeling so accomplished that is a huge win for today an absolutely huge win I have some work to do I'm going to dive into that and then I'll show you guys what I'm wearing tonight all right that urge to wear something that's not white right now is really real cuz I've been wearing so many white outfits but I just feel like this one is perfect for this event because it's kind of like smart business casual but also still very much me very very much me Holland Cooper belt Karen Millan from a l Lydia Millan collection um for the dress and then these shoes are by Kelly and Kate Kelly and Kate and look at them they are so beautiful and I mean I don't know if I want this much height but I think they just go so well with the flowers on the side and the flowers in the dress I feel like people are going to be dressed very busy and I'm just going to float on in like a little lace lady good morning you guys and welcome back to the Vlog of very fresh-faced me this morning because I am going to have my makeup trial for my wedding day and the best piece of advice one of the best pieces of advice that I have been given so far on this wedding journey is to plan your makeup trial the day of your wedding show or your bridal shower brilliant which means that today is also my bridal shower so I'm just dressed up in this little Amazon dress because it's going to be really easy to slip off and not have to take over my head to mess up hair and makeup I had a bridal tan last night which means that there's no um there's no bronzer in the solution so there is absolutely no potential of brown or transfer to get on my white clothing and that is perfect for your wedding day because you don't want to have an orange dress okay babe you do not want to have it you're going to wish You' had a translucent tan so that has been amazing I loved the trial of that and I have already booked for my wedding day because it's not extreme you know I look quite sunny I have an idea for a really fun reel this morning because I want to take you along the journey but I also want to make some fun content along the way and my mom and my maid of honor have done so much work on this bridal shower and literally Rebecca who's my maid of honor who you would have met in The Bachelorette Vlog she already called me this morning so so excited so yes I am very excited I have a few bits laid out here I have my little tripod because I'm going to bring that to the makeup appointment because it's going to be so fun to film some behind the scenes I'm going to bring you behind the scenes as well in the Vlog I'm going to put right here my inspiration for my makeup that I sent her because you always want to send inspiration I still want to look like me I still want to look like me just a little bit elevated and um nice and glowy and summery and I also cannot wait cannot wait to show you the dress that I have picked for the brial shower because it's stunning I'm so excited I'm so excited to bring you guys with me I'm so excited guys I didn't film anything at Shauna's just because we were chatting and she was working and I feel like she just wanted to like focus on getting the right makeup done because we were on a timeline with the bridal shower but look at this makeup I love it so much it's a very elevated me but it's still me which is so nice I think if you guys are interested um after the wedding day I could maybe sit down with her and talk about what products she used and kind of like how she applied them to get this makeup look but last minute we added a couple little lashes right on the ends and I feel like we both agreed it truly elevated the look I am someone who loves kind of a more petal pinky look to my makeup a glowy look a natural look almost as if you were doing like Victoria Secret runway show kind of Vibes um so it's like subtle Glam you know I just love it so much she did such a good job so I'm going to film a little get ready with me and then we're off to go to the bridal shower all right my angels I just filmed my get ready with me for the channels and this is the dress it's from Shauna Joy it literally brings me so much joy it's so beautiful and simple and elegant and I'm wearing my little Dante shoes my little purse from Zara I actually have a purse that would be even more perfect for this but I'm saving it for my wedding day and then the cruise earrings from Olive and Piper I am so obsessed and I'm so excited bridal shower ready I might bring some two-sided tape as well but we have to go I don't want to be late guys we have just arrived at my parents house Katie is here as well taking photos but I'm just going to soak up the moment walking around the corner and enjoying it and then I'll show you around after okay how beautiful this is you guys I'm going to try my hardest to get some behind the scenes but it's going to be hard because I just want to enjoy it so this is the little A-frame sign that I made it says we're happy you're here with Amanda and Scotty there and then on the back when people leave it says Amanda and Scotty we love you and we like you look at this we have to find our names I've never seen such a thing sweet this isn't that the cutest thing [Music] [Music] ever [Music] [Music] I hope he comes po off we can just restarted a couple there actually he got a all hot oh there he is for a while wow that's [Music] really it's so good to see all of you so cute are you having a good time we're having a good time there's so many of you want to hug this is [Music] [Music] czyy not you will do [Music] it where's the B figure it out put it in the water put it in the pool oh Rob will figure it [Music] out who initiated the first kiss is and I'm really debated this is it physically possible for two people to initiate kiss at the exact same time and they say they did they insist that they did so we'll give this to everyone whether you chose him or her you get it right this is our gift to you number three who is grumpier in the morning I like the people that were really sure on that one for the record the people who knew very clearly that Scott was not a morning person are the people that saw him at 3:00 in the morning on the Weather Network they're very clear on this one who takes up most of the BEDA Amanda but I feel like it's I think we we fought over this the answer we agreed on the list that it's Scotty because he like a a pillow he snuggles which counts for your diameter of so the answer is Scotty takes that I will deny this I'm firmly on the edge with a dog and aanda cuddled who is the better driver now there was debate on what makes the better driver but who is the better driver Amanda I think we VI cuz a mannequin Drive sck I can't drive sck dri she D driv are good drivers perfect who spend the most money I'm like another really tough one coming up here who's the social butterfly she says with a butterfly clip in the back of her head beautiful who's the better cook you said Amanda said Amanda but lately Scotty's been cooking I cook a lot more but when Amanda cook [Music] gooda is it from good food when Amanda cook it's good the point good food or from good food to hard to say who is more stubborn this is we were both very stubborn on this one I think we said me yeah you switching it yeah yeah you're giving in AR if you know any Aries I like this ra shoe with iroll I think go show who takes longer showers this is the shower like I you take longer showers but I take longer in the bath Who falls asleep first watching TV immediately along with who grum beer in the morning who is the early bird very easy who has the sweet too SC Amanda can't be Amanda look at the size of her probably me I mean that's kind but she does have sugar HIIT it in her car that's what we debated Amanda has candy in her car a winner but can't go a day if I've had a bad day I'm like I deserve a nice treat if you had a had a good day I'm like wow who loses their keys the Vota I feel like it's me right do we say who forgets what they said on the sheet neither one of them loses their who is more organized yeah I'll have you guys know that after this I said to Kyle it doesn't make sense that the person who loses their keys is the most organized and he said look at yourself fact that is my men and I are best friends how many times have you lost your debit card more times than I'd like to admit I call the bank on a regular basis to request a new credit card if you see my credit card in the street please don't charge anything to it it happens a lot and the last one who is the better dancer this can be debated on August 11th but until then who's the better dancer awesome do we have any all correct sorry to ruin your we wouldn't have even got it I know like mine's no longer all correct but anyone else correct anyone wow you guys are really throwing for a loop with the prizes I'll figure something out where you'll leave if I just hand you a prize take it and run a couple things down but I was just like you know what I'm just going to speak when when it feels right it just feels so cool looking here and seeing people from high school and University and work and little people that I picked up along the way and I feel like that's honestly been kind of the theme of my life it's never been like this one group that has just defined my friendship it's always been finding those really special gems along the way and when I look into this crowd I literally see nothing but sparkling gems that I picked up along the way and I couldn't be more grateful when I think about relationships that are super important to me I've always thought of the women in my life and it's even interesting just seeing people where you're all speaking to each other and you all get along so well because you're all that type of person and it means so much to me for you being here today I feel like we've been engaged for literally years because we have and celebration since um but we're like truly in the home stretch now and for you to be here today and knowing that you'll all kind of be there or be with there with us in spirit on the big day it just means so much to both me and Scotty and I honestly can't thank you enough and to Rebecca and my mom for like throwing this freaking insane shower and all of the Helping Hands that were along the way I'm Blown Away I've shot many a bridal shower and I'm like oh my God to be the photographer who was shooting this it was so hard for me not to want to grab that camera be like did you see this detail did you see that detail because there's so many special things and you just Mom you poured so much love not only into your backyard but also into me and I honestly appreciate it so so much I know that growing up maybe you didn't get the childhood that I got but you gave me the one that you always dreamed of and truly I'm so appreciative and thank you and to my priz mes Sarah Haley Rebecca Monica who couldn't be here today and of course Russell who I'm sure you'll all get to know very intimately on the wedding day when he's probably giving you individual appp dances at some point on the Dance Floor I am so appreciative to all of you and Wendy the thing that I want to say to you the most is thank you so much for raising this man that I'm going to marry I'm just you did the best job and honestly Scotty you are the man my dreams so I'm so grateful to everything that your mom did CU it's saying about you right now so I'll pass this over to you and dude thanks for doing all that stuff dude hi Alie welcome I love you as well come on [Laughter] down elor Miriam thank you so much I'm it's so funny being on a mic I'm like thank you thank you so much for all of your Helping Hands today I so appreciate it um yeah I love you all I I think that's the moral of the story good morning you guys very exciting day because Scotty and I are finally finally getting around to doing our bridal shower gifts which has been since the bridal shower is on Sunday and it is now Saturday like the next week but we had so much work to catch up on and things are truly coming together with the wedding stuff as a quick update last night I sent out um I feel like sometimes when I say the word out it sounds very Canadian last night I sent out not out out okay let me take that again last night I sent out our rehearsal dinner invitations and supposedly that goes to your party so that you can rehearse how the day will go and then as well out of town guests and we have just the loveliest out of town C we have our uncles Scotty's uncles Howard and be Tron if if you have seen the London and Paris Vlogs you'll know that they were of course our hosts and the most wonderful travel tour guides and then we also have my cousins who are coming in from Winnipeg Sean and Lee and I think that's all of our out of town guests besides like Russell who is obviously in my wedding party so the whole like bridal party will be there cuz we rehearsed and then Dallas who is our wedding coordinator etc etc so that has been exciting getting that finally sent out we are under 3 weeks to go to the wedding day so having that out is going to be amazing we're actually doing the rehearsal dinner on venue um just following the actual rehearsal so that will make things really nice and easy and then right now we're going to go and do some of these gifts I wanted to film it for you guys I'm definitely going to like cut this up or it'll be a quick time lapse and then in a separate video I could even talk about rehearsal or bridal shower gifts and in this video as well I'll just show you some of my top favorite pck because I've definitely seen along the way it's so funny when you're on a registry you get an email if someone has purchased something from your registry so it'll be like do you want to peek or do you want to wait and I'm not going to lie I peaked I peaked a few times a few times um but Scotty hasn't seen and then of course there's always things that aren't on your registry so we can talk about that too but I'm going to bring you downstairs little intro to the vid this week this weekend and this week actually let's have like the tiny tiniest little catchup put you right here this weekend and this week is my turn my turn to catch up my turn to get back in the groove here on YouTube um I've had a couple Vlogs go out before this but obviously they were very delayed too when they were actually happening in real life so this is my week to kind of get back on track because the other day I edited 16 videos and none of them were for me and then I also edited and shot a full photo shoot and none of it was for me it was obviously for me working on um but not for me content wise and I really want to start turning that narrative in 2024 and the end of 2023 so that's what this weekend is All About rededicating Time towards this and trying to make like a strategic action plan and then next week I'm actually going to Chicago Chicago so that is going to be like a mix between our content you and me and then as well content for my boss which will be so wonderful let me show you the quick ad that I've done to our bedroom this little bench for Rosie I can't remember whether I've showed you this in a vlog and that is the primary reason why I want to get back on um videos and vlogging more is that I forget what I tell you guys and that can be super frustrating from an audience standpoint from me editing and just for the narrative so that is what is new in here let's go downstairs and start unboxing some of these gifts I can't wait I can't wait guys welcome back to my channel this is my new donut it's from Reformation oh that's actually a store so Rosie has a little donnut on right now highly recommend this kind of vibe versus the cone of shame as they call it but we would never shame her for having a cone but she's got a little gland thing going on right now so if you know if you know you know you know exactly what I'm talking about but yeah there she goes um so we're just trying to control her licking but she's been really good she is definitely on the upswing but we're at about day seven now so poor little girl it's so hard to see you little your little shno not doing well W how did she wake you up yesterday yesterday oh yeah she woke me up with a nice little barf is that what you mean yeah oh yeah she woke me up with a nice little barf but you know what we move so this is the absolute mountain of generosity um that has been thrown our way so let's go through it I also Rosie stop baby I also made this card box um with the cricet and a little card box from Amazon so I printed these through was it minted no where was it through I'm going to put it on the screen here but I printed these so that we could write them as soon as we open a gift we write these and then we put their addresses on these that came with them as well I got it says special delivery which is so cute um but the key is like getting a good size I think because you don't want it to be too too big but you want some room to write to say thank you and then our plan of attack is to literally mail these today cuz I feel like if you can get them out within the week that is really good you want them to get them before they attend the wedding that is 100% true and these are from our engagement shoot so it's always nice to have those pictures before so that you can make cards like this and also I've already had my bridal shower obviously um so I can't do this now but for girlies getting married in the future or planning a bridal shower I've also heard it's smart if you have the envelopes to put them at everyone's table and then what you do is Rosie stop and then what you do is you get everyone to write their own name and return address on them and then you collect all the envelopes so that you're basically ready to go and of course they're going to write their own address correctly so that really reduces the chance for error and it just like reduces the amount of time that you're going to be spent doing these cards before we dig on in as well my Made of Honor she had these cards made up and it's advice for the newlyweds so I thought it'd be fun if we read those together Scotty and I but I just think that's such like a sweet little idea and then you can basically put those in the album that maybe you have photos in as well just as a a nice little Keepsake and a note from the people you love I also love the idea of just being able to see people handwriting because it's so personal to [Music] everyone tell me you have kids without tell me you have kids it's so cute we got the new stays we got the stay Flats H I don't even know what this is yeah me neither oh this is from Ana and Nick and Li with love ni on L makes sense so cute can you take a card please wait they got us our oh my God I wanted this so badly that is so nice that they bought those for us what is that it's just like a little that could be like a sugar dish but those bowls I want them so bad like they are [Music] lovely [Music] so far a slow process but it's really fun I have really found that in the wedding process one of the best things that you can do is just enjoy it and not try to go task to task to task you know and and get everything done and it's you got to get through it it's just sitting in these moments and just taking it slow and enjoying it but planning for that time if you can because throughout the week Scotty and I were thinking like oh we really want to film this and and share it and more just not for the look at me look at what I got more for the inspiration you know what I mean cuz I went on so many blogs and was looking up what to get people what to even put on your wedding registry so yes this is my little note in between doing this slow and steady that you really just want to slow it down and enjoy the process brew a tea plan a weekend plan a morning make sure you eat and enjoy it and I also think this is so fun doing this with Scotty seriously because as much as the bridal shower is for the bride and a lot of these things are just addressed to me because it's very customary for bridal shower Vibes it's so nice doing it with Scotty and there are options too where right during the bridal shower you do it or you do it after with your maid of honor so you're writing down cards and things like that but I just think it is so lovely doing this with him so something to consider I was freaking out earlier as well because someone Ana had purchased us these beautiful dishes and I wanted these so so badly and Ana pulled the trigger for us and I'm so grateful wouldn't this make an adorable little sugar bowl it's so cute it's basically from a um cabbage collection and I just love how beautiful they are oh my God Scotty's just taking Rosie out and actually this is a good time too to note that when you are making your wedding registry put one of the best pieces of advice I got from my made of onor Rebecca was just put stuff on there even if you think that no one will get you it you literally never know so just throw stuff on there and you don't have to be just super cliche with what you put on there put things on there that you will love for your home um Osa who is so adorable and hilarious she was like why didn't she put like a rich of gift cards on there I was like oh so this is for her home but that was adorable um so Osa if I ever get the chance to come to your bridal shower you know what I'm going to be getting you R your gift cards could you imagine if it was just like I would like this Gucci bag someone go in on it and get it for me but I'm not sure who got us this if it was Kimbo and um M I was really excited to put this on my on the registry and I wasn't sure but look how pretty that is I think I know who got us this this is the other thing is some people will send gifts straight to your home and then some people will wrap them and bring them to the bridal shower so it totally depends I feel like location dependent but this is so stunning love that and the good thing is Scotty likes it do what that handle oh beautiful REM an is it in it is can I smell it I'm like it is remember we used to have this at your place all the time a brings me back do that that smell I know I burn so many of those candles I love that smell so much good I was thinking that we could get like a big um cookie made that says like 55 or something and put it on Kim's placing is it her 55th birthday the day before our wedding oh that's cute well we could do that on our so wait is her birthday on our rehearsal yeah so we should have a little cake for her like a little happy [Music] birthday oh but we could work out things for that yeah like something we could do some research too cuz I really haven't any research like we might find some ideas we love that's so nice Okay okay so this oh my gosh I'm such a dunce what I'm like what a plunka I'm like let's preserve this bow and then I just ripped it off this ribbon let's save the ribbon yes this is cute for hot plates oh great little towel ooh cast iron the ultimate cookbook oh I wonder if that's a cast IR P what ooh w jause jause [Music] c should we do the big boy let's do it says happy wedding shower Amanda we can't believe the day is almost here happy for you and Scotty can't wait to celebrate you both you've got that boat Mary the love of your life glow basketball and enjoy enjoy this piece of joy for your kitchen we love ours and can't imagine how we baked we got one remember no matter how HEC to it gets the end we'll bring all the people who love you to celebrate you love Cheryl s and Rebecca Rose what do you think Rose what do you think babe think a mixer in pistachio that's wow so fun so fun I feel [Music] beautiful so Scotty's aunt got us this beautiful Bowl made by cinnamon clayco it says Heather on the bottom and we're just looking up like the significance of this artist and Scotty seems to think that it's from out east which is so lovely we definitely want to have like a green and blue kitchen so this is going to be so perfect thank you Cy so they are it's a tiny artist out of Hillsboro New Brunswick oh that's so lovely that must be Heather hi Heather hi Heather lovely yeah these are so cool so cool oh I love that it really adds character like to your home having things like that so we love it this is our little haul so far beautiful beautiful I'm always trying to guess like who's writing with this this is how I know my friends know me look how beautifully this run is wrapped with this beautiful little F gr on it she was so cute she sent me a message she's like I don't want to mess up here what color do you want it's a pie dish great isn't that beautiful that is beautiful yeah it's lovely what is the bottom like oh yeah the cool clay Vibes so nice so [Music] nice and Nikki and this Dam mhm so much this is so cute I love a cookbook look look the Magnolia table book oh they literally got this so early this makes so much sense for this gift I think this is like literally the first thing that was bought for us would you look at it would you look at it so when you have a cookbook open it goes like this wow look so then your cookbook doesn't even get messy W right believe he's like not in it anymore can you guys tell look so good you're just like in this crack looks so good Scotty r a good sport but this has been quite literally hours what are you doing I almost hit my capacity on my phone so I was trying to audit what pictures I should delete a I was just looking at pictures of you and Rosie what are you doing Rose you doing okay [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] amazing [Music] our front table looks like the absolute dream right now cuz there's so many flowers um but we have officially divided and conquered and written all of the addresses and Scotty went out and got stamps so ceremoniously we are going to mail them together which is so lovely and then I'm going to film some short form videos for some inspiration on kind of like top 10 things to put on your wedding registry things like that as well as take some photos because I want to write a blog about this so it's very easy to access anytime you need it I will link that down below in the description box if you're looking to kind of save that for the future or send it to a bride to be or save it for [Music] yourself right now I'm standing in a corner I see you from across the room it's kind of crowded here but I know you see me too everybody singing oh everybody singing oh
Channel: Amanda Weldon
Views: 2,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridal shower vlog, bridal shower ideas, bridal shower planning, bride-to-be, wedding vlog, bridal shower inspiration, bridal shower decor, bridal shower games, bridal shower themes, wedding planning, bridal shower haul, bridal shower outfits, bridal shower tips, bridal shower DIY, bridal shower setup, bridal shower fun, bridal shower gifts, bridal celebration, bridal shower activities, wedding journey, bridal shower lookbook, bridal shower advice, bridal shower trends
Id: xWCUUtsxDL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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