MY BACHELORETTE IN KELOWNA ๐Ÿค Wine Tour, Picnic in the Park, Bachelorette Games and More

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[Music] go yeah yeah looking good that good like that [Music] Ang oh used to be so easy we had all the time in the so I made these with my Cricket that's so cute is rushing and you got nothing more to [Applause] [Music] B oh my gosh hello you guys and welcome to Colona I am not looking Super Fresh but honestly I don't even care it is so gorgeous we have like the best view you could ever have Sarah is currently opening the windows just got to set the stage guys just got to set the stage what do you see look at this are you kidding me cannot wait for the sun to come out and this is the downstairs there's a balcony there and a balcony there and kitchen Rebecca is investigating the bedrooms and I don't know how to get upstairs there's like a literal hole upstairs which is crazy elevator elevator no I'm just kidding stop that's a wine seller think is this an elevator okay one sec oh oh my goodness oh here are the stairs okay let's go see oh there's bedrooms up there very very grateful very oh my gosh look at this freaking view oh my gosh so stunning I am shook I will investigate okay we're going to get all set and sorted and then we will tat to you guys soon Rebecca's actually the responsible adult figuring out what bedrooms was this is so cool you guys a sea plane is literally right about to take off my dad would love this he grew up learning Aviation on some sea planes up in sh blow and so whenever I see a sea plane I obviously think of my dad I mean whenever I think of a plane I think of my dad but especially a SE plane I think of him at a certain point in his life which I feel like I'm at now which feels a little [Music] [Applause] special okay so we have landed in Colona I'm all by my lonesome right now because the girls are doing some to top secret work that I am not privy to the information we're just waiting for Russell to arrive who is my best man and along the ride you're going to get to know Monica Haley Sarah and Rebecca and if you've been here for some time you'll have already met all of them um the flight here was so amazing we have a few days and like I said earlier I haven't been privy to much information they've planned everything we're going to get freshen up because supposedly our first activity is round one which I'm very excited about and I have all of these little ideas for Content that I want to share with you including like outfit of the days and all that kind of stuff um I'm wearing a Sunday best top and these pants are from aritzia and I'll try to link everything down below I literally picked this up yesterday so for sure it will be in stock and I was debating for a while do I get the sweatpants with the cuff at the bottom or not but these ones have like these pockets and I ended up getting them in a medium they're extra comfy cozy and they were so perfect for the plane because even popping like passport or phone or whatever in the pockets was super helpful and they have passed the Haley test which means she said I like those and I think I want to get them which means they're stylish and they're in um besides that I'm just really excited to not only bring you guys along whenever I can while still being in the moment but one of my my kind of thoughts when it's surrounding vlogging is I have such a bad memory and I love watching videos of things that have happened and it honestly extends the joy for me and it also helps me be in the moment more actually which you wouldn't think because I'm looking for things to capture and I'm looking for kind of the beauty in every moment so I'm really excited to bring you with me I'm going to try not to ramble anymore because I'm literally just doing this because I'm bored because I'm alone and my friends are all together downstairs talking about plans for me but I'm excited that you don't know what's going on either because that means that I'm not totally left in the Lurch alone so we're going through this together let's have like a wicked Bachelorette okay Sarah literally made me a happy batch card which I've never heard of and clearly is an untapped Market zooms right in okay so Amanda has put us in charge of the behind the scenes shooting of what we are up to and Haley just finished making the I do crew little packs we're going to show you they're so cute they're filled with lots of goodies which I'm sure you'll see later on yeah it's definitely going to show us later on or show you later on and then she is upstairs currently getting ready and we've told her to lock herself in the room and she's not allowed to know what we're up to but we're going to get ready and then decorate the entire place I don't know to turn it off okay and then we have our little Scott face here for our game that we're doing pin the junk on the hunk yeah we'll just cover that one up and put Scott's face there where blowing up some letters and putting them on Amanda's bed working on the big bride balloons let's where's your pants not existent cute especially for the bride should we like lean them up against the I have other stuff to put up there though I we could them up what do you think I feel like that's the one that you want to see yeah I think it would look good up against the I feel like I'm on a cooking show right now I can hear Amanda listening to some music upstairs I want to say it's like Whitney Houston I'm not even in this oh my goodness and I just went to analog to get us some snacks and some coffee it's just down the street and going to cut it up and then Amanda's going to come down and eat cuz she's hungry oh my goodness officially hair done done makeup done scent on because actually you know what in this Vlog I don't think that I've told you one sec let me get the fragance nope it's upstairs it's upstairs okay so I Am scenting The Bachelorette with a fragrance I've never used before and it is Wood Sage and sea salt I think it's Wood Sage and sea salt by Joe Malone and I did that because I was learning all about fragrance and core memories of course sorry Sarah you're like right in the background so don't pick your nose okay can you hear me no I'm listening I was like you're in the background so just don't pick your nose oh this place is too big everything Echoes I literally need to be right here to actually hear you you really hello um but yeah so I was hoping that have you had these fragr before no but as soon I know to alone and as soon as you I open the bag I can smell it it smells really good so my Hope was that none of us have had this fragrance before it's very neutral it's kind of got that like Woody scent um which I think really connects well with Colona as a place and then sea salt of course cuz we were by the water as well um and then whenever we smell it we kind of get brought back here because Joe Malone when she had her namesake company Joe Malone cuz she doesn't actually own that anymore she owns a new company called Joe loves which is also incredible and they've been coming out with new scents over there but I digress she is like a fragrance expert and basically she would build fragrances based on a memory and now she's started to Envision a memory memory and then create a fragrance for that create that memory and send the trip I've been learning about that and I think it's just really cool so let me know if you think it's cool to we have got groceries we have got chips we have got bubbly we have got all of the girl Essentials thank you guys so much Sarah went out to the cafe across the street and got some little treats his and Russ is on his way a specific Dimension because those ones get hung up like in this contraption so you need it to fit struggling am I supposed to be able to blow this they're smaller yeah oh no I can't do small oh God oh God they don't blow up what how'd you do that wo those are some strong lungs I'm scared okay these tiny balloons are really hard to blow up but Haley's the only magician that can do them why is this Vlog camera so close or so far is it zoomed oh my God got did it come into the [Music] frame seen enough of us blowing up balloons but this is what we're working with so far and stay tuned for the final result I swear I'll figure out how to turn this off more seamlessly in the future arrived this is one of the things that I literally have no idea what we're doing I got these earrings off of etsy they're the cutest they said this outfit was okay white jeans tube top and then Russell's and then Russell's responds hay was like that's perfect then Russell's response was like I don't know it's an option it's not perfect I don't know how you said it it was so funny though so Monica there are some great things about being in a penous suite one of the not so great things is when elevator someone breaks the elevator and um we got some stairs to do you're 24 up thankfully we all have some comfortable shoes good the iide did for it's going to be great it's going to be [Music] great get over there I think keep going we're just walking around [Music] this is that it yeah take the show on the road here the show Amanda are we going on a why no that's like a literal bus people don't go in that that's like see your camera sure yeah we're putting you in the bus that's like a whoop so where do you think if you were to have a guess Haley am I allowed to make her guess now I love how Haley is like she's like she's the boss Rebecca's like the one with all the answers and Haley is the one with like and I'm like let's go decisions and Monica's like but at the same time she should probably have the camera so that she can yeah I know I just wanted to get some with her in it I honestly can't guess though cuz is that playtime also your hair looks amazing Casino okay go we're going [Music] Mountain like when we got here did you see it right away no you like oh okay no swimming that's a good S no swimming or your white outfit will be very dirty yeah [Music] there's like a prom going on right now so we're amongst like all the [Music] people so Amanda has zero clue where we are going and she's not allowed to guess either cuz Haley said no mommy said no mommy said mom said no m' that's very good Sarah thank you I'm practicing my vlogging skills all right let's try to get [Music] thew see there's Marina [Music] thereo this is such a nice background do you want me to stop and take a photo do some on this when we get there okay yeah thank you sir you're welcome oh they're over here oh there's two people who look very like they're like in athletic here okay so I wonder like we're not doing anything athletic oh is it that's so cute I can oh that's really sweet you guys hi there oh my God I was like oh my gosh they're ring athletic gear like we are not ready for like a workout that Lovely by thank you know it was I don't know anything this whole weekend amazing congratulations you're the one I set up I set up here just to cuz it's a little [Music] B got ice I got ice and um oh that's so sweet you guys can I grab this okay so this is so sweet so I'm guessing that that's for bugs yeah right so SM um cutie little umbrellas we're going to take some pictures of those this is like so it's called popup events this is adorable oh my goodness you guys this is so lovely this is like all set up and these guys are you guys will still be fine the [Music] pencil point of this weekend is for me to ruin all your audio yeah this is going to be a [Music] b-roll [Music] kitties that's so cute I see so cute very cute so basically we just spent like 30 minutes down by the water taking photos Monica as well this is Rebecca Monica helping me get this one outfit video for Tik Tok and we're like let's do it again and she did such a good job um but there were these she doesn't feel like I've given her enough she says now yeah cuz I'm trying to dissect it CH and haey Russell and Sarah are all setting up decorating something decorating um so we are at this really cute coffee place called analog I was like to know I was like Cofe Analog Coffee because the Rosรฉ is sliding down the hill is that and we need to little pick me up that's us so let's go pick up our coffee this one thank you oh and I spelled it everywhere all those years ago that never fade away and I remember your face anyway okay you I think we're [Music] ready happy the oh my god oh it's r py towel just kidding it's so sweet no fic symbols oh my gosh oh these are so cute she saw oh my gosh this is so cute job this is so sweet the weekend event do read oh don't read that for this year are these for r you even your Amanda this is our [Music] alter oh there it is did you see this this is awesome oh my God so funny did you see this yes that's the moment I wanted you got to show you got a balloon to have like little did you see this confetti I got that very tasteful you got this obviously I got that oh I love it wait look at your little thing okay okay okay if I have to okay Tic Tacs this is good cuz I didn't pack any of these and oh and little scrunchies this is wonderful what why are you SM you kill me a this is so nice thanks guys are we going to do oh this is so cute [Music] too2 thanks guys you guys have such a good job yeah you did don't [Music] cry as the days move along you can remember that song I'm just about to go get everyone so we can get a little shot of our sweaters outside on the balcony this is kind of what I've set up because the mountains there it's literally perfect right now weatherwise as well camera adjusting and then upstairs we're going to do a yoga class they're all dressed in black which is so so cute and then I've got my little Lululemon set on which I can definitely show you guys in a couple of pictures if you follow me on Instagram you've definitely already seen the unboxing there as well and of course my Chelsea King scrunchie which I love I am so grateful Emily thank you so so so much for sending us these Terry towel ones as well they are going to be so perfect for the class and it's very windy outside so they'll also be perfect for [Music] that [Music] this it's kind of crowed here but I know you see me too everybody singing oh everybody singing oh I don't know what it is about you it must be in the way you move just say you want me to we got nothing to lose you're looking so old you're looking so old now I'm moving closer to you and it's getting dark in this room tell me what you want to do baby Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Baby Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love let me love Baby Let Me Love [Music] You just say the word and we can leave this place I'll take you anywhere you [Music] want who told you okay good morning everyone it's day two of The Bachelorette we have some really exciting things that we're doing today what are we doing Sarah we're going on a wine tour and then we're going for dinner to qu's gate and it's currently 7:00 in the morning morning we've been up since like 600 cuz it's 3 hours behind so we're like wide awake but we're the only ones up so we're just one for everyone we need our coffee yeah see you soon everyone bye good [Music] morning making some avocado [Music] toast here's cute look at these cute angels oh behind theen all of the behind the scenes keep forgetting us recording every time we do that you're just going to like end up chatting and be like Oh Amanda talking to you about Amanda no never like we love her so much we bled this morning to when we was up no sah said I can't wait to edit it we are having avocado toast this morning if you haven't gathered and I really need to change his battery cuz right about to die good morning you guys Monica and I had such a good sleep in the middle of the night there was so much wind and the patio furniture was just like banging banging banging against the the door and she was the best and went and fixed it we're actually going to have like a little pajama party this morning we were going to do it last night but we were just too tired and we just kind of like got in the groove of what we were doing playing games and stuff so the girls are making avocado toast Russell and Rebecca ran out to get us coffees Monica's getting ready with me I just ironed my PJs we're going to take some cute ctiy little pcks love it and these guys have these pajamas which is adorable you'd think we'd be sleeping in them this is a very like only the YouTube audience gets the real life thing this is very Instagram versus reality but these are the ones I got they're from sleeper I'm so excited to use them um to wear them rather and I just ironed them we are getting ready to go on our wine tour I can show you guys my outfit but the guy just pulled up here and I'm not sure what wineries we're going to but it's going to be so fun this is discover [Music] Okanogan yay [Music] perfect get your pearls get those pearls [Music] girl this is our social way probably our most popular wine here really nice which one is the the 2018 [Music] [Music] Reser I love [Music] that that is so [Music] cute wow this is [Music] stunning look at this oh my God but you have to give me a warning in coming room menu has all of our wies and that is the those and you do get lots of pineapple learned in first University oh my [Music] God first we put into this beautiful champ this are second Winery this was our first stop cuz we technically walked across the street it's called Peak Sellers and John was literally the best Somalia ever he was so so lovely and taught us so much about the wines um the most gorgeous ever we just took a bunch of photos and of course we had our sunnies on so this is the outfit this is a dress from Karen millon from the lyd millon collection for the summer and then a little Amazon heels the bow that haly got me off of Amazon which is also my veil sunglasses from Amazon be from Etsy and I think that's it thanks Wier here we [Music] come is writing on Haley's dating profile and it is literally the funniest thing ever it's unhinged it's unhinged not hinged you so bad many places have here what it is about you it must be in the way you move just say you want me to we got nothing to lose you're looking so old oh you're looking we are at grey Monk and this Vineyard let me tell you look at how beautiful it is oh my gosh Monica was right she was like wait until we go to gym monk best views best views holy crow today has been so much fun [Music] just say the word and we can leave this place I'll take you anywhere you want as long as we're together everything will do you got me going oh you got me going oh now I'm moving closer to you and it's getting dark in this room tell me what you want do Baby Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Baby Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love let me love Baby Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Let Me Love You Baby Let Me you let me let me let me baby let [Music] me just finish your minery and tour and you can definitely tell it's getting a little bit ridiculous what you today has been the absolute the absolute [Music] best you know I want you close maybe Hold Your Hand a little while somehow I know you're going to be the girl that I'll end up calling my own we ride around in style sleeves rolled up glasses on and then you make that smile my heart starts racing when I'm with you you when I'm with [Music] you get enough of this being with you it's like never ending Sunshine feel like everything stops for a while when we look into each other's eyes how could I ever let you go now when you're looking like that and get enough of this being with you it's a never in [Music] sunshine [Music] midday hike at Knoxville Knoxville Knoxville Mountain Knox Mountain Park Monica and haly back there Sarah here these two freaking taking the [Applause] lead they were like the views on the top of this are going to be amazing but worth the climb let's go but staying in a penthouse where the views are all great this is really nice though actually look at these too it's actually so [Music] pretty cuz I feel it so strong I've been on hold long baby don't you feel the time St calling when it feels so right to dance in the mo i baby with [Applause] you sometimes we all struggle we are all ready to go to dinner we're going to quail's gate which is going to be so lovely and we're all dressed up you can't even see the feathers on here but we'll show you later everyone is looking so cute going all through different places different plan watch your aura pass me by losing bance what if we run out of time and Second Chances empty [Music] handed you like to D get down dir act like you want some when you feel you got the best me come up they're not hidden they're in the question and then I'm going to give you Ready's go whatever that's what I my friend's husband and then he I was like but I mean like I know videos lately so I was like if you feel like inclined to and he's like yeah yeah don't worry and I was like don't worry like we have like a lot of time still and he got it to me in two days and I was like oh he said they love you first on Valentine's Day he was like answer it was me of course it was me I said I love you first we were in the condo I remember it vividly cuz I was nervous to say it but I actually say it back and then whated the light when she did love you w where did you go on your first dat yeah you guys went to the rockon Rock fall beir and I was like it's not and we were like literally on a wheel um whe a wheelbarrow and I was like oh my God like is this crazy King right now and then we went to francis's birthday party and we made dinner together and it was so fun and then he asked me like can on the way home and then we just like each [Music] other [Music] I'm not doing it okay you're doing it where's the blindfold they came this [Music] one [Music] you wanted a wet tshirt SE [Music] good morning angels we are at morning Crafty Kitchen Bar and it I'm going to speak quickly cuz I don't want to get demonetized but it's a '90s hip-hop bar we're thrilled to be here it's our day of recovery and then hopefully we're going to go to boat today the energy has changed so much from the beginning of this Vlog I'm like night and I can feel the sun on my scale begin to thought from [Music] within at this Sarah ordered the buttermilk chicken and pancakes got Benny over there the veggie bowl over there look at [Music] this is a good day to [Music] live this morning have so clear a light as s need to see the Horizon in the far excuses were two for a penny yeah that be so I would love it so good morning we just went to this brunch it was called hip hop cunch hip hop brunch and Monica I tried to ban her but she was the one who found it right yeah yeah Rebecca's plan like everything um so she just had a good idea we're definitely going to do this we are in the middle of the Colona Market I guess it's like a Sunday thing down here which is so cute and so our Vibe we were planning on going on a boat today but it is quite cold based on this very cozy outfit and her new idea is let's go get a temporary tattoo and convince Scotty to show it off that it's real but what do we get here's like a whole list of options let's go look it's just water so sorry than that's okay do you think you'll think it's real I think it's real don't tell him it's not until it just rubs off so these ones start off pretty light at first and then they throughout the day and then tomorrow will be like super dark completely develop last two weeks two weeks try to keep the lie going for two weeks oh my Atlanta Rebecca's like we need to get you a pattoo and then convince Scotty it's real yes and I just learned this for the last two weeks is so pretty okay can I give you this oh we're done minutes just to let it dry off okay thank you oh my gosh what did you get us birth month flower rings birth month flower rings at this little pop of that's so sweet of you you're the best like a little half knuckle ring yeah I know we're going to change the size there's no time to borrow to yeah are you okay you guys so the weather here has gotten a little bit wild just because it is mountains so we actually had to cancel our boat trip but that is okay because it has been the most amazing trip ever so we are actually going to go down to the hot tub this is my white bathing suit underneath this cover up and the kids are all dressed up in pastels oh my gosh so um yeah we're going to just go enjoy the hot tub downstairs and still just enjoy we had honestly a little rest like after breakfast and just have been really taking it easy so it should be very fun just go hang out by hot tub I'll probably get a couple clips of that but then besides that we are leaving on a Redeye flight so I wonder how much more I'm really going to capture we're going to Cactus Club tonight so maybe I'll capture everyone's outfits going there but I can definitely see this vlog winding down this has been like the most amazing Bachelorette and I so grateful to my angel crew for planning it all and I hope you've really enjoyed following along please do let me know some of your favorite Parts down in the comments down below because we are ramping up all of the wedding content and I truly can't wait to share so much more with you and now I actually know what's happening nothing is a secret moving forward for me but maybe for you [Music] [Music] open air side by side we sway there in all the colors some love [Music] Lo folded on the lawn chair in all the colors Summer [Music] Love remember when we were getting fast so the very last thing that we are doing for this is actually something that I requested so you guys know if you've been following for some time that I'm designing my own dress so what I'm doing is I'm having Monica Haley Rebecca and Sarah guess what they think my dress looks like and draw it and then we will see who comes the closest depending on how well they know me um on the wedding day I'm going to make it into a real and a Tik Tok so if you don't follow me there I will put it right on the screen frame those forever frame them this is Haley's this is Rebecca she did up front and a back so where's your front very nice she would love to have my this looks like a bullet yeah up your ha Sarah's Sarah side this is not a side bun this is not a side bu very beautiful face M where's yours did I take mine oh yeah you did I really like the face there were also two this is her summer design because of August but then she also loves this design winter good job guys but other than that thank you so much for following Along on this bachelet journey and mostly thank you to these ladies for making this weekend the best [Music] ever afternoon no place to be and nothing and the [Music] pr
Channel: Amanda Weldon
Views: 1,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelowna bachelorette, bachelorette trip, bachelorette vlog, destination bachelorette, brides to be, wedding planning, bachelorette party ideas, Kelowna travel, bachelorette weekend, bridal party, bride-to-be, wedding inspiration, bachelorette getaway, Kelowna adventures, bridal vlog, future bride, bachelorette celebration, Kelowna tourism, bridal party fun, bachelorette planning, bride vlog, bachelorette destination, bridal journey, wedding vlog, bachelorette ideas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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