my 11 biggest wedding day regrets (what i wish i did differently)

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okay so the title of this video feels very negative I mean regrets that's obviously not a good thing but can I just say one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone asks someone like do you regret anything in life and their answer is no like everything has led me to where I am listen that is very true but um yeah like we all have regrets like there are absolutely things I would have done differently in my life and on my wedding day slash leading up to my wedding day I promise I'm not losing sleep over any of this though like it is what it is it all happened like my wedding day I am just so grateful for how everything turned out in part two of this video which will be uploaded a week from today is actually going to be all about 20 things I wasn't planning on it being 20 but it just came out to be 20. 20 things I'm so happy I did on my wedding day or leading up to my wedding day and I think that video will also be equally helpful for future Brides but yeah I also want you guys to learn from my mistakes and maybe have that much better of a wedding day because of this and these are things you just might not have thought of I didn't I watched so many of these videos that were like my wedding day regrets and I did things accordingly based on what Brad said these 11 things though no one really told me about and I'm telling you about them now also there is no order to this like it's gonna be just random things that popped into my mind so number one and I feel like I feel like this is something someone told me and I just wasn't paying attention or listening or caring it was that I did not touch up my hair or my makeup at all like I got my hair done at 11AM it looked great it looked so nice and I got my makeup done and I did not touch it up touch either of them up at all throughout the night that is that that's just that's not good I mean when you look at what everything looks like before and then in some of the after photos I I kind of feel like I looked like a hot mess not crazy it's nothing crazy it's not that big of a deal and that's the thing on your wedding day at least for me like you think like oh my gosh I'm gonna care so much what I look like like you know obviously you hire a hair person if you choose to a makeup person you want it all to look perfect on the actual wedding day I looked in the mirror like maybe once like seriously you don't have time or you're just you just don't care you're talking to people you're living your life the last thing on my mind was I wonder what I look like like I wonder if my hair is in place even when we were doing like the portrait photos look I just I didn't care I'm just like all right I'm here with Zach like we're together that's all that matters and I I just I definitely could have used a curling iron that is for sure I have naturally very straight hair that doesn't hold curls and I don't know why I thought it was going to on my wedding day without any touch-ups the other thing and this is not going to be a regret you might think like oh wow maybe you should have done an updo if your hair does not hold curls at all I am just not comfortable and updos and on my wedding day I want to be comfortable right like so I would rather just a little um even if it looked a little hot mess-ish and it really did regret number two is that I was the last one getting ready and this is actually a piece of advice that I ignored I heard people I heard the warnings I heard people say this don't do it I did it I invited Zach's sister my niece and then Carly who was staying with me and my mom they all got their makeup done and originally I was gonna go toward like the middle or maybe the second to last person and I just got so overwhelmed with like oh the videographer should be showing up shortly and then the photographer and I kind of just kept pushing off my getting ready time because I wanted to be able to greet them at the door which wasn't a big deal in hindsight like I didn't either greet them at the door but in my head I'm like I must be able to greet them so when it came time for me to get ready the videographer and photographer still hadn't arrived so I had my mom get ready before me then I got ready and when I say like I got ready and then it was like boom like we have to get out the door we had to do the first look and it just it was all very rushed like I said I literally didn't look in the mirror my makeup artist gave me a mirror to look right when I got done but I mean then I put the mirror down and I didn't look at myself again for hours like I glanced at myself right before walking down the aisle but I didn't have any makeup with me I didn't have any hair products with me like I didn't bring anything to touch up like even in a lot of the photos it looks like I'm not even wearing lipstick because naturally lipstick is going to wear off like it just it's it's definitely something I recommend I personally chose to ignore the warnings I just I don't know it like it it was the last thing on my mind the day of the wedding oh my gosh this next one like this is this is really I'm stupid and please don't make this mistake so when I picked up my wedding dress they showed me how to bustle it but my mom is in New York you know I'm obviously not from Cincinnati as you guys know I didn't have anyone with me to pick up my wedding dress so I had to remember all of this by myself there were gold pins in my dress to kind of just like bustle up the what's it like the train without actually bustling it because if you bustle the dress it's gonna be a whole mess to get it unbustled so they just put these gold pins in and then it was my duty my responsibility which I didn't even know this but in hindsight it just makes a lot of sense like no one said this to me but I should have known to undo the pins for all of my photos so you could see the full dress like I'll insert photos of what the full dress looks like but I did not know this and for first of all all of our photos like all the photos of me and Zach are with my dress bustled essentially and it just doesn't look as pretty like because obviously like just with the train and my train wasn't huge or anything it wasn't super long but it just looks super pretty and I didn't know about this Flash Forward to we are all about to walk down the aisle because for us we didn't have wedding parties so we had Zach's mom walk him down the aisle then we had my brother walk my mom down the aisle Zach's grandmother walked down the aisle with our officiant Tim who's Zach's Uncle Zack's dad and his mom and then of course our flower girl and ring bearer which was so cute I didn't get to see it in the moment but I got to see pictures after which I loved and then everyone had walked in the aisle they closed the doors because they're about to open them for me to walk down the aisle and then all of a sudden someone says wait what are these gold pins in your dress like my day of coordinator and I'm like wait what I look back all of the pins are in my dress Zach had later told me he saw them when we were taking photos and he just thought it was part of the look like I can assure you it was not and so they are racing to take these pins out there were like a lot of them and I'm supposed to be walking down the aisle so there was just so much anxiety of oh my gosh like the song was about to end like imagine how awkward that would be like I'm walking down and then the song ends like it was you know for a certain length of time and they're racing and and I could tell they were stressed and that was making me stressed and Zach had been standing up there because there was like a delay and he was like what the heck like if she was gonna back out you know she should have told me this morning I mean that was a joke obviously he didn't think I was gonna back out but like it was a delay finally they got all the gold pins out and then I walked on the aisle with the train which I forgot even existed so that's a regret because one I was so stressed leading up to walking down on the aisle I also had the stress of having to tell my dad to slow down because that man was trying to like drag me down the aisle but I couldn't tell him to slow down because people would have heard me like how awkward would that be if I'm walking in the aisle and you hear me being like slow down so I was really trying to like pull him back a little bit because our aisle was so short and our videographers and photographers said make sure you really slow down because with the aisle being so short like we need we need you to be there for a certain amount of time in order to get the footage in order to get the photos there was definitely a lot of stress and anxiety walking down the aisle it's so funny even looking at photos because I'm just like wow I know in that moment I was like blacking out like seriously but then once I saw Zach I was blacking out for a whole different reason just blacking out because I'm like oh my gosh he's there that was a very Niche mistake but I cannot be the only human who has made it honestly I probably am like that's so stupid next one oh my gosh I knew I like knew this was gonna happen like there was no world in which it wasn't going to happen I drank too much no I didn't get sick no I didn't pass out like nothing like that but I I just um parts of the night are definitely a little um hazy for me uh yeah but like the thing is I knew that was gonna happen because I'm the type of person I have three drinks and I feel it I don't drink that often so that's obviously why but they are giving you a drink every second like that's the thing you're okay well at least for our venue we got married at trees Pavilion in Covington Kentucky AKA Cincinnati it's literally a five minute walk to downtown Cincinnati and the day of coordinator there will literally if she sees your drink is about to be empty she hands you a new one and so that was beautiful but it was also dangerous very dangerous and yeah so I like listen it wasn't anything crazy like I don't think anyone would have thought much of it I don't think anyone knew I was drunk until the after party we went to Tin Roof like just casual like what it wasn't like a a planned after party it kind of just popped into my mind and I'm like we're going to Tin Roof that's when actually my dad I showed it before in my Vlogs my dad took a video of me at Tin Roof like you could just tell I am gone like I am definitely a little faded but like I guess I guess the thing is like just to defend myself like I didn't drink a crazy excessive amount because it's not like I got sick it's not like I passed out I just I just was a little um unsteady and my cousins did say they noticed normally people can never tell when I'm really drunk I'm not the type of person who gets like crazy I'm just I don't know more talkative Maybe they said they noticed just based on like the fact that like I wasn't like I wasn't really all there this one this is actually more so Zach's complaint but I get it it was too short and I understand that it the day flies by and everyone says that and it's true but also it's obvious like every day of Our Lives isn't that long okay that sounds weird but it's one of the reasons I decided not to stress so much about my wedding day it's just a day like it's literally just a day so the day the night was very short like you you show up you blink and then it's done that wasn't really a surprise to me but Zach wishes we would have opted to do a whole extra hour it was from six to eleven eleven no I think it was like six to ten thirty oh my gosh I uh how do I not know hey do you remember what time our wedding ended was it 11. um but you wanted it to go to midnight I think so okay cool I'm following a video about wedding regrets and I know that was one of yours [Music] yeah this one out so so it's not a regret it could go either way some some days you've woken up and you've been okay with it yeah nice if you think of any other regrets let me know I'm filming the video right now let me knowing the man can't have any regrets he didn't he was not in charge of a single thing I guess except for our booking a rehearsal dinner but which was Stellar if I must say like he did a really good job but yeah so he told me like oh my gosh like it was too short like we should have done an extra hour but I already did add on an extra hour and every single minute costs money right and I know like you know what you might say is like oh but that's worth it right like just add that extra hour do you know the extra thousand dollars however much it is I don't know that's it wasn't a thousand I don't know but listen one thing I really tried to not do with the wedding was say that for everything it's so easy for every little thing to be like oh but this is worth it and that's worth it and then you're spending uh you know four thousand extra dollars five thousand however much it is that's something to consider and then for me I opted for the later ceremony time I feel like the most common ceremony times are like 4 30 5 30 6 30. I don't really care of my 7 30s but 6 30 I feel like it's like a late ceremony and the reason for that is I wanted us to be able to experience the beautiful view of downtown Cincinnati at night in the summer months you guys know the sun sets so late like here in Cincy it's been setting at like 9 00 p.m and if we started at 5 30 and then ended at 10 30 we would only get about an hour of that beautiful downtown Cincinnati view I mean obviously you still have the beautiful view when it's light outside but I just love the lights and everything and we got the surprise with the fireworks because it was Fourth of July weekend slash Taylor Swift was in town so I think we got both sets of fireworks because she had fireworks at her show and it was right across the river so that was amazing and so I don't regret it because I really really think that the the beautiful view at night lit up like I just that was one of the most magical parts of the wedding like everyone was gravitating outside taking photos like ah I just it I I don't know for me that's not a regret but something to consider ooh this one yeah okay I actually wish we broke tradition I ended up having us book two separate rooms at the hotel the night before the wedding because of course the bride and the groom are not supposed to stay together the night before the wedding right like that's what you always hear it's special that way I don't even know I'm making things up no I kind of wish we did like I I I I just ended up going up to my hotel room alone all I wanted to be was with Zach like that that's the only person I wanted to be with obviously especially because during the night before the wedding the rehearsal dinner and then the actual wedding I wasn't even with Sac a lot because I mean obviously we had so many people in town and people we never get to see like we almost like divided and conquered honestly like he'd be with these people I'd be with those people so I didn't get to see him a lot it would have been really special to be able to like you know fall asleep next to him the night before the wedding but in my mind I'm like oh no like that would be crazy like tradition says this and it just I I really really really wish I had actually just booked the one hotel not to mention it would have been a lot less expensive and Zach had texted me the night before the wedding when we both went up to our room saying like come up to my room like I felt like we were like I don't know 16 but I I I literally in my head was like I am not wasting this hotel room we booked this we're paying a certain amount of money like I am not letting this room go to waste so I refused to go to his room and I just fell asleep alone like it was nice to just be alone and decompress but I don't know if I were to do it over again I honestly would have just stayed with Zach I know that's like crazy breaking tradition this and that I really would have preferred it my next regret is that I feel like we didn't get to really soak it all in the next morning I feel like we got up and then well one of the things was a lot of my family was in town and they were watching an Irish match my family's from Ireland and there was an Irish match on so we woke up in this beautiful room like it had the most amazing first of all set up like I barely got to see this room because this is the one Zach stayed in the night before the wedding it was like the penthouse suite at the AC Hotel in Downtown Cincinnati like it was amazing not worth the money though I must say like I actually wish we didn't do this but whatever we did so we woke up and then we were out of the room by like 10 a.m because my family was coming back to my house to watch that game which was the best thing ever like just getting to decompress with my family the next day was just like my favorite thing ever I don't get to see them often obviously but we didn't need to get there that early like I ended up showing up an hour before my family even got there so and I gave them the garage code so they didn't even really need me there like right away I wish we would have woken up and like really soaked it all in and maybe had a cup of coffee on the balcony something like that but it was literally just wake up shower go not ideal and I feel like we didn't really like I don't know take advantage of that wonderful hotel room number eight I got no pictures in my second dress funnily enough I actually have to edit this because oh my gosh I'm exposing myself here but so I spoke about it a few blogs ago like oh I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of my second wedding dress I was so excited about it and this was one that I really mostly just got to wear to the bars after like I didn't want to show up to the bars in a ball gown like absolutely not so my photographers had already left by the time I changed into it and I really wasn't snapping any photos like myself I didn't even have my phone on me but just a few days ago my friend Gaby sent me a photo we took I guess at the very end like right before leaving you can tell I am like faded in this picture oh I'm not gonna lie I I definitely I look rough but I did get at least one photo in my second dress and the bad part is like I really don't remember taking this photo and that's not good but yeah I guess maybe I would have changed into my second dress sooner I literally like they were like last song or like last two songs I just ran into the bridal Suite I actually even had like shape where I was gonna wear with it it was gonna be so amazing didn't even change into the shaper I like literally just like threw this on and then we left for the bars so yeah I guess I just I don't know I was having so much fun on my wedding I wasn't even thinking of changing out of my first wedding dress but I guess I should have had more of like a plan my next regret has actually kind of changed but I do want to say this just for people like to keep this in mind we got married on July 1st 4th of July weekend and I don't know what made us decide on this I just was thinking like oh wow like maybe people will get off from work and you know what I actually think for a lot of people it did work out I thought like it could be great they could make like a three-day weekend out of it and you know they won't have to take vacation days I've had a lot of people coming from out of town and that was great but the problem was the flights were so expensive because it was a holiday weekend and I was thinking Cincinnati's not a destination spot for the Fourth of July so it's probably not going to be that expensive to get here no I'm an idiot anytime there's a holiday and people are off work the flights are going to go up and it it costs people like more money than it should have to get to Cincinnati and I feel awful about that like I really I feel so bad about that so I don't necessarily know if I would recommend getting married on a holiday weekend just because of that if you have a lot of people coming from out of town if you don't that's fine but yeah it really wasn't great and then the other thing you guys know I picked my wedding date and then just a few months later Taylor Swift decided to announce she was coming to Cincinnati on that exact day and that was causing so much craziness oh my gosh the traffic is going to be like nothing you've ever seen I'm imitating like just what everyone was saying like the news and just everyone like I just it was becoming such a headache where in my head I was like I've been to Cincinnati during you know crazy events Oktoberfest and this and that like we're all gonna survive it's going to be fine but I just had so many people who were constantly like just reminding me that this is going to be a nightmare this is insane and it's just like it just became such a headache where I was like why couldn't I have picked any other day why like why did I pick July first but the first the flight prices and then Taylor Swift and it just was becoming such a nightmare I do have to say one thing I learned I should include this in my next video but with the tips getting those firework shots was kind of amazing so if you are getting married next year maybe July 4th like if you want those shots at night but anyway I mean this is going to be my last regret and it's just allowing myself to get worried at all or stressed in any way I will say I would describe myself as a pretty low maintenance bride I I didn't really I don't know I wasn't you guys know that much into like the wedding planning experience I just I just wasn't like you can't fake it like I couldn't help that I literally didn't care that much but um but I am the type of person where if someone around me is stressed or like I get stressed I get stressed very easily in natural life where I just really wish I didn't stress about a single thing it's just not worth it because it's not going to change anything and that's what I told myself and I do think I like coped with it well for the most part but I mean I would take back even a millisecond of stress that I had like it's just what's the point so yeah like it's all going to work out no matter what I thought it was going to pour on my wedding day I refuse to look at the weather app because everything I was hearing was telling me yes it is going to rain on your wedding day it did not end up raining which was the most insane thing in the entire world but I shouldn't have even thought about it like why did I even give that you know space in my brain like who the heck cares and I really did have a pretty positive attitude with the rain on the wedding day like I was looking up rainy day photography inspo and you want to give a regret I have a long list all right let's hear your number one regret what are your big ones that you've dropped on everybody I'm not saying it I already said it to them oh my little shorty he's so short all right going with the dark yeah you look disgusting today I don't look disgusted I just said you're going with the dark lips today I am upload it to you not much what was your number one regret what did you start with they already heard it's boring to them tell me yours yeah it's probably yeah you're boring to them my number one regrets I think that I didn't plan out my day of the wedding a little better because it was kind of just me Sam and Kevin just sitting around chilling like it was fun and I enjoyed talking to him and seeing them but I probably could have like planned that better I mean the venue I like the venue the weather turned out good cool photos with the fireworks like I mean God to be a man like that oh yeah he just shows up and he's like yeah those were cool photos fireworks were nice what if that's what you did I was playing or anything you didn't plan the photo like there's the photographer does that stuff oh my God no you're saying like we had like that much of like you just showed up as well oh the only regret I really had was just the whole night before in the planning of that yeah I mean it's like I'm kidding you're the one I did go perfect but I didn't do anything but what was that about it nothing that's what it was like I don't think more line was as prepped for us as I would have liked them to be like no offense anybody for more line but yeah we reserved the room which that turned out fine it was for only for a small group of people about 20. so that was fine but we had the outside portion reserved but like they didn't block it off or have a sign that said reserved so people would just walk up and I'm not blaming the people because if I was walking around for Taylor Swift or the Reds and I saw a bar that was outside and I wanted to get a drink I would also walk up and get it like it would make sense to like stop there and so people would be stopping there and we were paying well the worst people had tabs and different things so then they would have to like tell them like no but the worst part there was no one there yeah they didn't have bartenders there so yeah well I I was honestly kidding though I mean I thought it ended up working out great it did and I think I mean nobody needed to have like 15 drinks that night like right then so it wasn't my problem was I was parched I wasn't drinking the night before I just needed water and there was just no one there so that was my problem yeah I'd give him like a B plus for the dinner part and probably like a c plus for that like their organized organized part of the outside but it was all again I wouldn't change the location or anything because it was just easy ever the hotel was right there I did say one of my regrets when he was not sleeping in the same room the night before Zach don't even I wonder who's I wonder who brought that up me because I was texting you that night like just because it is like a funny like story like I was just texting her like just come to the room like why are we sleeping apart I'm like nope yeah I mean I really don't have that like a long list of regrets no not at all I'm about to do my part two of um things I'm really happy we did the opposite of regrets okay you're not I know you're not being negative but obviously the positive I'm just the negative this is what went wrong no but you learn from regrets you know you learn from your mistakes and like I said this is not this is more so me trying to help people not me like like I can't believe like I didn't get a what did I have second wedding dress picture or like you know it's nothing crazy but yes be sure to stick around for part two I'm gonna post that a week from today and then I also have in my uh description box a playlist of wedding content for any of you guys who are currently planning a wedding or maybe you need a little help need a little guidance I pretty much just like recorded the whole process of me planning my own wedding from start to finish looking at venues and just all of it so yeah I love you guys so much and I'll see ya in the next video with a vlog and then after that will be part two for this video
Channel: Clancy Burke
Views: 36,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv news reporter, couples vlog channel, week in my life, work week in my life, work week in my life corporate, wedding, wedding regrets, wedding mistakes, wedding tips, wedding advice, wedding songs, wedding planner, wedding dos and donts, budget wedding, diy wedding, wedding on a budget, engaged, engagement, proposed, proposal, wedding venue, wedding cake, wedding dj, wedding flowers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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