WEBINAR 308 - Who Are You?

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the Lord be with you everyone and before we get to  tonight's message first of all I misunderstood and   the meeting in Albuquerque I've been telling you  it's Wednesday and then Friday well the Wednesday   meeting is a closed meeting for church leaders  pastors only and so the meeting that's open to   the public begins on Friday and I look forward to  seeing a good bunchy there it'll be great to meet   you I - I and secondly very quickly but very very  very sincerely thank you everyone who during the   summer months have sent an offering that enables  us to continue doing this this is not underwritten   it is supported by the people of God who receive  it and are blessed and I thank you for sending the   offering thank you for the notes you send with  it I read them everyone and bless you and pray   for you and so I want to continue what I did last  week apparently last week really got through to   some of you I've had more response to what I said  last week than some for a long time and so I want   to continue finish that up because we talked about  the ten Scouts back there in the Book of Numbers   but there's always Caleb and Joshua the two who  were utterly different and so a text if we want   a text I really it's all of chapter 13 and 14  but in chapter 14 and verse 24 it says but as   for my servant Caleb because he has a different  spirit and follows me unreservedly or fully I   will bring him into the land which he entered  and descendants shall possess it and that puts   in a nutshell the this other two caleb is the one  mentioned but joshua was 100% with him and so this   whole story the story of the ten scouts or leaders  of the tribes that had represented their tribe in   going into this land of promise this land that the  lord called the land of rest the ten of them and   then the two the ten who stood together in their  unbelief and the scriptures very plain especially   in hebrews chapter 4 where this is brought into  the new testament and in Hebrews chapter four it   is very explicit that they didn't enter the land  because of unbelief now I want you to listen to me   very carefully these ten chaps who entered not  into the land and were able to sway the entire   nation into their camp and not go into the land it  isn't that they had a general unbelief disbelief   concerning God please understand this they had  been counted or they were counted as part of   this people Israel of the Old Testament that they  were known throughout that area of the world as a   people who had a God that was out of all realms  that they'd ever thought of God a God who loved   them and cared fold them and brought them out of  slavery in Egypt and brought and so on these were   part of the people who every morning would go out  and dawn and there they would find out on the edge   of the camp the supply of manna incidentally the  word manner is an untranslated Hebrew word which   means what on earth is it they went out and he  was food and it was had everything they needed   in it but they never did find out what it was and  so the first time they picked it up in a manner   and that's it got the name manner it was God's  provision physically and these men had eaten   their manna for breakfast on the morning they  went into the land of Canaan that they lived   with that cloud of God's glory above them and  in the midst of them there was shone like fire   at night that they were part of this and so they  did know it isn't that they just didn't believe   God they lived in the middle of the miracles of  God when it says that they did not believe their   unbelief now near him is his most important their  unbelief was a very specific kind of unbelief it   was concerning the opinion that God had of them  did you hear me they would not believe what God   had said concerning them can I say that again  they lived in the middle of God's abundance   which they received received it by His grace  that they knew his guidance they knew his love   power toward them but when it came to what he  said about them they not only backed off they   said absolutely not and that is the unbelief that  kept them from the land of Canaan and that's what   I'm talking about tonight the this this unbelief  that I just cannot believe what God says about me   you see the identity that God the Creator when he  made us and of course when I say us I am including   every human we are this human race which and  we are connected certainly here in the United   States where we find it very hard to believe that  we believe everybody is independent John Wayne in   his independence and do it alone myself is the  icon of the American but that might not be true   of many of you especially over there in Africa  I know you you live as a unit as a tribe but the   fact is we as a human race are one people we are  like a tree with roots that go into many branches   and twigs and leaves it's one tree we the human  race God created us and then created us he gave to   us an identity he announced over us who we really  are and that identity that was given to the human   race in creation that's how God knows us please  understand me he he is not interested in how we   might contradict him he knows us he knows us and  he believes in what he knows that is he believes   that this isn't a pipe dream we really are who he  made us to be that's our identity and he knows us   that way and so these 10 fellows are contradicting  blatantly contradicting God's opinion of them and   his faith in his own work in thus creating us they  then they refused to allow the thoughts of God   concerning them to be replaced they had thoughts  I mean to become the replacement rather they they   had thoughts of themselves is what we talked  about last week they they looked at themselves   to remember that in the last verse of chapter 13  they looked at themselves and said we know who we   are we are like grasshoppers which is disgusting  to say that God made us and made this in his own   image and likeness and these men shrugged that off  as irrelevant and said we know who we are we're   nothing but insects I mean that they didn't even  say they were sort of weak men they they degraded   themselves to being insects grasshoppers and  of all insects I mean not even a stinging wasp   a grasshopper you know not even not even a black  widow spiders they would scare pit no grasshoppers   poor insignificant little creatures that always  look as if they're apologizing for existence and   and just hop away because they sort of got in  your way and instead of embracing the we have   to say glorious identity that was given to them as  a gift at their creation with a with a body that   fitted the identity they tossed it aside they said  we know who we are not that well what is identity   I ask every one of us tonight who are you that's  it that's the who are you and I don't want you to   answer that quickly who are you your identity you  see your identity is the answer to the questions   that you might have asked not too many people ask  them we're afraid of being alone you're terrified   of being alone in the silence you know that's why  we have music blasting all the time and we have   to be talking and beam because we're terrified  of being alone in silence when these kind of   questions rise up Who am I you ever asked that  question Who am I Who am I we grope for answers   Who am I what what do I mean by that well I mean  when I look at I and call I me Who am I you go you   see we're going deep into our core being when I  look at I that is my core self - and I who is this   I Who am I where do I fit in the great scheme of  things and I have on very few occasions I stopped   doing it because people absolutely fell apart when  I did I've been in home meetings and you know and   asked okay everyone tell us who are you see here  that that's another way of saying it who are you   and the everyone in the room answered in terms  of well some answered in terms of race they were   they were so will you say oh I'm an American well  that's not you know it's not your identity that   comes way way down the line who is this American  who is this African others you know would bring   in their gender their family their status in life  most would bring in their work when I asked who   are you and they would say well I'm an accountant  no no I want to know who is the person who does   accounting you say others would talk about their  abilities in their talents some even gave the name   of their church you know they're a member of or  they are AE a Baptist or whatever no no now now   maybe I've got your attention there I'm not even  asking about your religious beliefs who is the   person that believes that and then of course  it becomes a very what or could question some   people are really put off by it because we put on  masks to appear or to project an identity that we   believe will be acceptable to others there are  some people who carry around a bag of masks and   so they're in this company and they put on a mask  and they seem to be this kind of person and they   go somewhere else and they put on another must  there are many people who put on the masks in   the church parking lot you know what I mean there  no no all that is surfaced of his surface that's   not what I'm asking who are you where do you  come from or should I say who is your trained   parent who is your real father what what's your  origin who are you you see what's the meaning to   my being or you could say I suppose what is  my and Ness when I say I am what is that am necessary in your face in the book of Genesis  when Adam who of course knew his identity and   had received it and and he lived it but it is  brought out very forcibly that when he was alone   and as before Eve came along and and so the the  the Lord brings to him all of the animals and   says he's to name them do you remember that  as he looks into the face of the animals he   doesn't find a reflecting self that is I am of  a different order I these animals in one sense   started the same way as I did they came from  the mouth of God and they're made of the same   dust of the earth there's a lot to be said that  when we we relate to the animals are but then we   come to a point where no we don't then we come to  a Grand Canyon that there were we can't pass that   over there on the other side of the animals  we stand our Tilly other totally other than   all other creation and when Adam looked into  their face you know you you can look into the   eyes and I I look into the eyes of my dog or my  cat and and it might do you know it knows me and   and you could say look he is looking I mean it  loves me or whatever but the no but even so you   see there's a difference and and the dog couldn't  look at you and Penton put out his tongue and all   the rest of it but it's not me I stand other than  it's interesting when I I was with a game warden   deep in the jungles in Africa and we were walking  through the bush and he said that whenever there's   the presence of one of the animals of the bush go  down on your knees and crawl or stoop because he   said every animal recognizes human because we walk  erect and we send out an energy of human there's   an identity that projects and the animals know  it and in their fear might attack oh yeah we're   different you see well who are you what is the  difference that this can be very upsetting and   I've had people break down and just I mean lose  it when I begin to press this it's interesting   Jesus said in Matthew 11 that only the father  God the Father only the Father Knows the son   now Jesus had that of himself he said only the  father knows who I am which means that all the   opinions of all the people around him you can just  throw them away only the father knows who I really   am you know they he he lived among the people of  Nazareth he worked he had a carpenter's shop on   Main Street and everybody knew him at least they  thought they did but he was literally infinitely   more than any of them ever imagined and all their  opinions of him even the opinions of his family   extended finally they all bended or missed it you  say and that was revered Jesus had his identity   revealed to him by the father well okay let's  put it this way God the Father knew you before   you were born now that's a mouthful you wonder  sometimes if God knows you good grief he knew you   before you were born and knowing you knew you  with the identity that he has given to you in   in his forming you okay I know you wanna it's in  Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 where the father says   to Jeremiah before I formed you in the womb I  knew you before you were born I set you apart   you said well that was Jeremiah you can't read  the Bible like that I can't say that God didn't   know I didn't have a clue about anybody but your  you know know that this is is one of those times   when just the tiny window opens and you catch  a glimpse of things that you better remember   because it's it's there once you see that it's  there but it's not as evident this is about you   as well as Jeremiah listen to me before you were  formed in the womb and notice that even it says   before I formed you in the womb so even even the  the formation of your body in the womb God claims   authorship to that but he says before that I  knew you I knew you before you were born now   that makes me feel very warm and loved and known  I'm not a stranger to God he doesn't look at me   see now who who are you you know and begin looking  through file system to know he knew me he's known   me since before I was born and that's picked up  in Psalm 139 especially the formed in the wound   cod David said and now he is okay you could say  with thats David well you've got to dismiss the   entire Bible then you can't nope David is giving  us a revelation not of something that's unique   to him but a revelation of who you and I are  he says you created my inmost being so he said   that that caught me that me that I truly am you  you created that you called it forth you gave it   being you knit me together in my mother's womb I  praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully   made your works are wonderful I know that full  well you know have you never questioned this I   mean who starts your heart beating at 18 days  into pregnancy for no reason that a scientist   has ever figured out your heart spontaneously  begins to beat could somebody admit that maybe   that there is the presence of the creator in  the mother's womb and he started your life your fearfully which means you I I look at myself  and I take my breath away you're wonderfully made   and the word wonder there in the Hebrew means  something man cannot do your works are wonderful   same word he says my frame my anatomy was not  hidden from you when I was made in the secret   place that was your mother's womb when I was woven  together I love that pretty when your tiny body   hardly has a shape to it yet but it was woven  together like classes put together in the depth   of the earth which was a Hebrew expression again  for the womb your eyes saw my unformed body and   he didn't need to have that special photography to  get a look at you he is in the womb with you even   when you had an unformed body and he says all  the days ordained for me were written in your   book before one of them came to be that is I was  known do you know who your parent is you say well   my mother and father yes but it takes three to  make a baby you see God is your original father   I don't care who you are don't care whether you  believe that or not it's a fact Ephesians 3:14   says that he is the father of every family on the  face of the earth or what about in acts 17 where   it says in him and when he said this interest in  me he was talking to absolute pagans in Athens   and he says in him in God the Father we live and  move and the the tenses there would be that he   moves upon us and we move with his move that that  he's intimately associated with our life in him   we live we move and have a being and the Greek  word there would maybe better translate it as   as we have or we possess our I am this hey that's  what we're talking about isn't it in him we live   in him we move in him we have our i am-ness and  then two verses down it says we are his offspring   please sit back and think about this this is who  your father is your true father this is who your   original parent is this is who you are by creation  is he by creation it is he who made us it is he   who defines who we are and it is he that gives to  us our identity well what what is that identity   let's say this the will of God oh dear you know  I'd like to scrap that phrase it's totally useless   it has been soul rampaged by religion that is  a useless phrase I know people and it's very   possible that some are listening to me because  this is very widespread the the will of God well   that just means you know should I should I go and  shop in that store or that store what's the will   of God or should I be in this town or that town  should I get this job or that job should I marry   her or her should I be a missionary in Africa or a  missionary in Hong Kong you know oh please please   would you please shred that and never try to put  it back together the will of God let's change the   word will because it's a massive word and we've  got stuck on this will no let let's put instead   the desire of God the desire what what what is  the desire in the very being of the Holy Trinity   or we could say what is his passion what what is  a passion of his love that moves him what does he   want or could I say and I know this will upset  some people but we've got to realize our God is   a lot more than the flat dead thing you have in  theology books know his desire his passion his   wants the dream of God what was the dream what  was in the mind of God when he would create you   think about that you see what why why would God  create as well he created us out of love you know   you don't think that God in in some and I say it  again that dead flat nothing where God just is is   the one that speaks in a voice like Charlton  Heston and you know no no why did God create   why did God create you because of this love of  God the New Testament word agape this this love   that is it is beyond any word to really finally  define we can say a thousand things about agape   but it blows our mind the love that God is the  love which gives us the Holy Trinity where the   father gives himself entirely to the Sun the Sun  pours himself into the Father and the Holy Spirit   is the celebration of love love and God is love to  the point there is say the overspill so that God   would reach beyond himself and he would create  and in this whole universe is an expression of   his love and this planet is alive with the love of  God do you ever thank God for the flowers because   you're the reason he created them that they  should delight your eye delight your senses   you ever thanked him for the bridge river welcome  the birds to your garden the gifts of God he loves   dand he filled the created planet with his love  but then he made us why did he make us listen to   me very carefully the passion of God has always  been since before creation that that's why I say   the dream the intention the imagination of God he  would create a human and he would join with that   human he would be that human without ever stop  being God and he therefore would be in the fullest   sense in the human so that God would be God but  he would be God through a human here that's why   he created us all all the creation and us as  the head of that creation is about that desire   of God God desired to enter human and be God in  the human without ever displacing the human but   rather exalting the human and never ceasing to be  God yet to be God in our humanity I say again the   creation and specifically the creation of you  is about that desire so what's the will of God   if I'm going to use that expression again that  whoever you are wherever you are under whatever   circumstances you find yourself whatever job you  are pursuing that he your creator would actually   experience that in you and with you and so the  will of God is not that you go here or go there   it is that wherever you are there you shall live  your life out from God and God shall experience   your life in you and through you and that your  life would be meshed with God now that's that's   not the right word because there's a separation  there you know you he would be dwelling within   you seamlessly simultaneously you you would  participate in you would share in his God love   life where do I get that from he made you in His  image and his likeness and how could you use a   imagery that's like looking in a mirror and you  see yourself we're not yes I that's an image but   that image of me is a dead flat thing I mean it  has no personality is just a flat image of me and   whatever I do it does that that you can't put God  in a mirror you're not the mirror in which people   see this flat robot-like thing of God no the only  way you can image God is for God's himself to be   there when God said he made you in His image he  made you so he would look at you and see himself   while you still are a creature human but in that  humanity he would look at you and see himself and   the likeness of God oh no don't don't get taken  off on religion which took this would and messed   it and said well we've got to try to be like Jesus  he doesn't say try it in the likeness of God not   a miserable pathetic try the likeness of God who  compete like God only God and therefore God would   dwell in us and we would live from a love that  is beyond ourselves so you see I think I've upset   some people because your geography is not the will  of God now don't go running off is how good to go   back to where I came from no you see you missed  the point now you're there walk there wherever   there is is the place to express this reality of  union with God you say well we used I thought it   was the will of God I would be a missionary or I  would you know into the ministry well that's um   maybe so but the fact is if you're a road worker  or if you are a server in a restaurant that's   quite equal to what I'm saying because wherever  you are whoever you are whatever you do the will   of God this desire this passion this dream of  God that he would be that God would know what   it is to be a restaurant server I'm not I'm not  playing and I'm not exaggerating God's desire is   to know being God within wherever we are hmm and  so the will the desire the passion of God is that   you fulfill your design that original blueprint  that he said is your identity it should fulfill   it you'd be the reflection in the sense I've said  you would be the residence of God in the earth the   person in whom he lives so the will of God is  not about doing in any way shape or form it's   nothing to do with doing anything it's being this  person who dwells in God God dwells in them so he   created us and he was right there in your mother's  womb he knew you by name before you were there in   your mother's womb and he pronounced over you the  only human that he knows which is that you were   created into your mother's womb with the identity  of one who would be the image and likeness of God   and as his create as your creator he holds you  within himself nowhere in Scripture does he give   the idea he made you and then walked off and did  something else and there you are there this person   totally disconnected and separated from God no no  which brings me to the fact that sin is all about   identity did you know that see I thought you sin  was you know you did a naughty thing you you ate   the fruit of the tree you bad boy now you're going  to be damned in hell forever no read that over and   over again I've read it about 10,000 times and  and it begins to emerge what this is all about   sin was and still is all about this question of  identity okay I think I've made it as plain as I   can God gave to us the gift of an identity birthed  within the being of God that we creature humans   would bear His image and likeness he identified  us as his offspring so now come Satan's lie and   he turned everything upside down God gave the  gift Satan very cleverly essentially said some   gift he's not the giver he's the one who's holding  back and he's holding back the secret of Secrets   if you knew the secret that God is holding back  from you boy it would make you into independent   gods that is you see you you wouldn't have to bear  His image you have your own image of yourself as   God you wouldn't have to be the receiver of him  on some sort of eternal welfare you would you'd   live from out of yourself you you you be it  that lie God that that identity he's supposed   to have given you that's a lie he says he he says  you're you're perfect so the that God can express   himself through through this body through this  head oh no no no no you're not perfect you're   you're not enough God says that you were enough  and he rested and having made you no no you're   not enough good grief you're far short of your  potential stop groveling before God when you   compete is equal and they believe that lie they  believed it and in so doing they distorted the   face of God in their own minds that is they were  saying as saying he's not our Father we have no   connection to him but also because it was a lie so  as they distorted the face of God and said that he   was other than all that he had revealed himself  to be in that same moment they withered in their   own estimation to being less than the identity God  had given to them because of course you can't be   an independent got your creature you can only be  the receiver of the limitless gift of God himself   well if you set up a barrier then in your mind I'm  separated from God now I've got to find myself as   God and find there's nothing there that was the  lie of Satan they withered now I am NOT what I'm   supposed to I'm supposed to be an independent God  and look at me and look at me I'm not unashamed   and that that's really where where Satan is see  we say Satan and it's become sort of his name but   actually that we just didn't translate the word  Satan means the accuser essentially it's it's the   accuser so so when we say Satan stop thinking  of some you know comical thing with horns and   that that's all the medieval religion gave us  no instead it's the is the energy of accusation   the accuser accuses us condemns us and floods our  thoughts with his accusation and condemnation and   his disgust of us for that friendly snake really  hissed its hatred of the human race and I say   again Satan the accuser floods our thoughts with  his accusation of us with his condemnation and his   utter disgust of us and we accept that because  in our ignorance we think it's our thoughts we   think we are thinking those thoughts and and we we  catch on to them and we believe they're true and   we format of all these thoughts that arise from  within us and which come to us from the accuser   and we put it together and we form our entity if  you can call it an identity it was a poor formless   thing almost like an amoeba is changing shape all  the time depending the mood I mean mankind became   lost in a wilderness of a confused identity I  don't know who my original parent really was   that's big confusion I don't even know where  I came from I don't know who I am and then we   have people with PhDs who look at an ape and say  my granddad I mean good grief we don't know our   origin don't know our parent in Isaiah chapter 1  you Israel you can read it it's very powerful it   says that an ox or a cow knows its owner you know  cows have enough sense that they will begin moving   toward the barn for milking and and they know that  that that chap who comes every day is there sort   of owner and and so they they go there because  that's where they're going to continue being   good cows I mean even your dog knows you're its  owner they even your dog can can know the sound   of your car and it's there in the door to meet  you did you see and yet mankind doesn't know the   one who created doesn't know their parent see  if if we knew that God is my father my dad is   my parent for within God bees is all the female  and the male together and if we knew God the Son   Jesus is our brother because he took to himself  our humanity well if you the father and Son and   Holy Spirit your dad your brother and the very  explosion of love is your home then you wouldn't   be lost but it's because we don't know who we are  we wander through this wilderness and really in   many respects we're saying with somebody tell me  who I am and I hear it especially from teenagers   in 20s these days this and I'm trying to find  myself yeah see you'll only find yourself in the   face of the one who made you what we have become  orphans by the brainwashing of the accuser and   his lies and the ignorance that he brought to us  and this is of tremendous importance because our   identity how I see my i am-ness the the person I  believe myself to be sets all the boundaries of my   life it's because I believe this is who I am then  this is what I can do this is this is my potential   that this is what we can go you see you can never  be more than how you perceive your identity and   that's why there are so many today who just sit  and they neither work don't hardly live they just   they're they're living in in some sort of vague  fog they don't know what they are and therefore   there's nothing within them to become who they are  usually it's can't be more than you're doing what   you're you know your identity and so you could  say we live and we create our lives within the   boundaries set by how we believe ourselves  to be and if we're believing Satan's lies if   we're believing everything my senses and flesh  report to me it's confused as I said we change   our identity by the minute and our identity this  this sense of who I am governs us from within it   can either enslave us to a tiny prison cell of  life and say that's that's who you are that's   what you deserve or it can be the the drive within  us to a glorious life in Christ you see it's my   identity that actually very quietly but gives me  the permission to be the person I believe myself   to be and also that image of my identity forbids  me to even think of being other than what I think   I am I I was raised in well I suppose you could  say I was raised in poverty in many respects I   certainly was born on the wrong side of the tracks  sometimes the one who I born on the tracks but I   remember as a young kid I would see others who  went to restaurants you know fancy restaurants   and I would say at the dinner table couldn't we  go to that restaurant and my mother would look in   a horror at me and she said that's not for the  likes of us I never forget that phrase not for   the likes of us I remember when I first discovered  people go are mountains and ski couldn't I do that   that's not for the likes of us people drive cars  could I get a car one that's not for the likes of   us why because that was the image of a family  that had been ground into the dust you might   say and and that's that's who you are get used to  it this is you you you go to work and you walk to   work and and we eat at this table just whatever  we can get and all that other stuff well that's   for other people that there's not for the likes of  us it took an act of God spirit to open my eyes to   see that it was for the likes of us and that was  when my understanding of my own identity radically   changed to join with what God said about me and  that changed everything it changed my authority   changed my permission I I could go and in fact  when I first really saw who I was straight from   the hands of my dad my real parent in this  family where God the son was my human brother it changed me so much when I went back to England  I went to all those restaurants didn't need to but   I had to I went in there and I have a right to be  here because I Know Who I am I got me a car and   you know it's that might sound stupid to you but  change is your whole life you see your identity   image shapes your future at every level and have  you noticed the way you see yourself connects with   people with an invisible energy and people who  fit your energy are attracted to you and and if   your energy is that worthlessness you you are  attracted to people that only make that worse   see our perception of our identity then determines  our relationship to God if we believe Satan's lie   that we're supposed to be everything in ourselves  well then I am no good I'm unworthy I didn't make   it I couldn't keep the Kommandant and so I cringe  before God because in my imagination fitting my   identity I imagine God to be a job and so I  cringe before him he's not he's my dear dad   he's my father he loves me with an endless love  and passion and he still sees me as made in His   image and likeness but I don't I'm in darkness  I'm controlled by the accuser and so I cringe   I'm ashamed of myself I'm ashamed of being just  human I'm ashamed of all my silly little things   that humans do and condemned because we believe  Satan's lie about our identity which means that   I think of myself as unworthy dare I say this  it's not so important what you think about God   the first thing we've got to see is what he  thinks about us what does God believe about   you how does he see you see you maybe lost in the  sense that you wander around wondering who you are   but the fact is to be lost you have to be owned  by someone or you can't say you're lost you know   you know I can't lose your pen you can I can't  because he's yours and you can't lose my pen is   mine to lose or hold what so when we say such  and says he's lost we mean they have an owner   they have a parent they have a family they just  lost contact because of Satan's lies and that was   the 10 the 10 Scouts I say again they didn't have  a general unbelief they knew God was very real and   they knew that he supplied but when it came to  this though they lived in the middle of miracles   this specific unbelief they did not believe  what he said about them they didn't believe   the identity that God had given that God knew he  looked at that he knew their identity and he knew that they would go into that land and he would be  in then and it didn't matter what was there they   they they would live bigger than life they would  have a wisdom beyond their brains they would have   a strengthen they would have a refuge and the  Lord Himself would go before them but no they   contradicted him they said we know who we are  we're just crickets we're grasshoppers ready   to be trodden on oh maybe they heard what my  mother said they looked at the land of Canaan   they said it's not for the likes of us we're  just grasshoppers there this is for somebody   strong this is for somebody who can take it we  don't know how we're no good week we can't do   that and so they contradicted God they placed  an imagined barrier because she people say what   is separate from Ghana that's your imagination  yeah you think that that God said to Satan okay   I guess you won this round now I'm separated  from my people you crazy Satan has no way   whatsoever of ever changing God's mind about you  you say well God god I hate sinners where'd you   get that from just God hates sinners yeah you  mean you've missed the Incarnation has no one   ever told you that God himself so loved you that  he became one of us in order to embrace us and   carry us through death the shedding of his blood  resurrection and bring us to our true identity   as his child his beloved and the residence of him  on this planet no he didn't matter what they said   didn't matter what they thought didn't matter  what they believed God just looked at them with   love and said I'm still with you and I love you  and I still know who you are you are made in my   image and likeness you're the only place I want  to be in this entire universe is you my residence   but they refused now I took so long in preparing  to talk about Caleb that I have only just now got   to the point where I'm going to talk about Caleb  but I think I think I've given you seeds if you   will let them grow in you this in coming week we  will talk about Caleb and Joshua who did receive   the knowledge of God concerning who they were  and that can change absolutely everything but   for now I want you to begin to ask the questions  I posed this for some of you this will be a very   challenging hour that we've been through and to  recognize that you might have lived a long time   without really knowing who you are how you truly  are to the point where you live in who you are you   see with the minutes I got left the incarnation  that is when God actually became flesh that is   when that desire of God comes to full fulfillment  when God came and took up eternal residence in our   human persons that he took to himself a genuine  human body that was formed in the womb of the   Virgin Mary from a speck of life and grew for  nine months you could say that was his passport   into our human race and when I look at Jesus I  look at Jesus and now what do you see we for a   long time there's people tend to swing in extremes  and and so that they look at Jesus and I'm going   back now especially a few decades and and they  would say he was an extraordinary man and they   call him the Prophet well no that's not true He  is God God the Son actually incarnate embodied   who became one of us so he is God but he is man  human in every possible way we can think he was   tempted in every way like as we are yet without  sin and he translated the will and the heart and   the mind of the father into our human existence  you say well that was that was Jesus you well   what do you mean by that you mean he was an alien  you know a Martian that turned up among us no he's   one of us that was the whole point he's one of us  his enemies said he blaspheme because he claimed   to be Messiah God with us he they were enraged  because they had no clue that he was anything   but a human that's what he looked like spoke like  acted like the people of Nazareth said we know who   he is he's the carpenter don't give us all this  other stuff this is so important he is one of us   and God fully lived in him which means that your  body a human body is perfectly wired to be the   eternal well in place of God no adjustments had  to be made came to the same room as you came out   through the birth canal just like you only God  lives inside so means that God can live inside   this body God can think inside this brain yes you  see Jesus is the validation of that design in the   beginning God said I'm making human to make  him my dwelling well Jesus took that to the   extreme God really did come and dwell inside of  our humanity and he who is God really bead God   in our human so it didn't look like God either  he didn't you know no lightning no thunder no   didn't do mighty miracles flashes of lightning  out of his fingers no he's actually that's not   God God is love and when God became human what we  see is that God love pouring through his life and   his words and his actions and that one human is  equal to all of us of course because he created   us and so without your permission I'm sorry but  it was without your permission he embraced every   one of us took us into himself and carried us  through death and brought to death the accuser   and the lie and the whole darkness that went with  it and when he rose from the dead you rose with   him in order to discover your new identity well  it's not a new one is it has been there since   the beginning but for us it's new because our eyes  are opened and that's see some people say well III   got saved and I said what do you mean by that and  he says well I won't go to hell I'll go to heaven   when I die oh what a miserable thing you see that  that means you just got to live out the rest of   your life just hanging out in order to die and  get whatever you say you've got that and that's   what people have now made the word saved to mean  doesn't mean that saved comes in word salvation   salvation means that I come now alive to life  right now and that life right now is salvation   being saved if there's any death involved it was  I died with Christ it's not when I die it's ugly   no I died with Christ and when I rose I with I I  entered into heaven I'm going to heaven I'm here   now in heaven and and whatever's beyond death only  this year will be multiplied ten trillion times   but I'm living there now and I know God my father  my Abba my dad Jesus my elder brother who went to   hell for me and brought me out and the Holy Spirit  who dances within me 24/7 opening my eyes yet more   and more and showing to me who I truly am in  Christ okay I want to finish with a text and   it was sent to me by pasta in Myrtle Beach Pastor  Rick I'm gonna be there in in the spring in April   and after last week he sent me this text and  honestly I've totally missed this and yet this   puts really into context everything we're saying  it's in 2 Corinthians 6 verse 11 to 14 and it's in   the message paraphrase where it says dear dear  Corinthians I can't tell you how much I longed   for you to enter this wide-open spacious life we  don't fence you in the smallness you feel comes   from within you your lives aren't small but you're  living them in a very small way I'm speaking as   plainly as I can and with great affection open  up your lives live openly and expensively and   that's the word of the Lord now the blessing of  God who is Almighty love the Father the Son and   the Holy Spirit bless you with the opening of  your eyes to discover in the brilliance of his   light who you truly are in union with Christ  Jesus so I bless you and that is the way it is you
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
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Id: 4Bbs_OF99QY
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Length: 65min 37sec (3937 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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