WEB EXCLUSIVE: John Edward Does A Psychic Reading Of The GST Studio Audience

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anybody not want me to come to them okay no problem just very very quickly any time I do this I always tell people have an open mind I might be able to connect with somebody for you or not if I do come to you just say yes or no while we were doing this I was being pulled I'll get a pull to a certain section of the audience and I can't see you guys clearly because really were all dark and blue but I was getting a younger male who passed so I don't know if there was a Sun or a gray like a grandson or a younger brother who passed but was being pulled over here this and that section over there that makes sense can you please stand is that a is that a son or a younger brother to you younger males to you okay can you please stand so I can see you I'm sorry do you want to okay um we and we never met correct okay I just want to be clear with this this person passed in an event okay because I'm getting the feeling that the younger person was getting my attention the younger person is getting my attentions letting me know that he passes in an event and that is something that was unexpected and I feel like I get information in level so above would be older to your side would be around the same age and below you would be younger I feel like they talk about somebody who's below but they tell me to talk about the month of June so I don't know if there's a birthday anniversary in the month of June but there's something about June they keep showing me June why is June significant to you or to him I think so they're showing me a big six so if I see the six lets me know that the six month June or the sixth of a month has a meeting but connected to you there's a big six so it might not be to him but what is June mean for you well could you clear a revelant relevance in June but I was 16 I don't know no no there's a six connection to either month of June or the sixth has a meeting you know put didn't somebody pass in a car accident it was a correct thing that is that this is how the front passed yes okay there's a connection to your family or to you either in the six month or on the sixth of a month because they're putting a big six so whether we birthday anniversary they're put they're putting it on to the six and who's the person had the brain cancer or had something brain related my mother okay has mom passed yes okay your mom is also coming through and you today did you know I was gonna be here today okay I'm supposed to tell you that today that's why I asked you I was gonna be here today you had an experience regarding your mom where you were thinking about something connected to her and you thought hmm and then when you got here and realized I was the guest you like oh that's just freaky but I feel like all of this is kind of connected I have to ask you again is her family the one that's connected to the six month or the sixth of a month why is there such a big deal about June or am I missing something obvious like next month there's something happening that she wants me to highlight ah I died on June I'm not sure I mean my daughter's now everybody's heard me so I'm a little bit like Rain Man married I kind of like I keep repeating myself over and over again and that's why I jokingly say that the skeptics say that meetings want you to forget the things that don't make sense and I'm the opposite I want you to remember that because it's me maybe screwing it up and I'm you have a dog that's there too because they tell me the dog is with her yeah they just go on record that we talked about a friend of an accident we talked about her mother with cancer not a peep out of interview I mentioned the dog and everybody's like so I just want you know thank you very much for the opportunity and then I'm did somebody on this side of the room lose somebody in a fire or it's made of a fire in their house sometimes they'll show me something just to get me to anchor somebody here has something connected to either a fire or there's a story about the fire I don't know what this is but I'm feeling like I'm here my mother's little sister when she was babysitting died in a fire and her other sister was fairly traumatized okay it is your mom still here yes okay and so she lost so you lost your aunts technically I wasn't born yet the right thing like a heavy thing but it's been something in your mom's family yes okay and I'm so sorry and I just you I'm gonna say this to you because you didn't know I was gonna be doing this and and I'm gonna just put you on the spot and the producers gonna probably hate me for saying this but um if you don't want this air just tell them did somebody pass from suicide in the family they tell me to bring up suicide in a very very big way so I don't know if I'm supposed to talk about somebody who was contemplating suicide or not wanting to be here possible okay I don't know if this is a conversation that you were having with someone but this is a conversation you're having with yourself with this is a conversation you know about I have to say this after 28 years of doing this I will tell people all the time suicides never the answer and the reason why suicide is never the answer is very simple we end our opportunity of learning and evolving here and it just gets harder when we're there so we don't escape anything so I tell people like hang on and do what you have to do so I don't if this is a friend of yours or whoever this is that might be having this but we need to bring this up and did somebody find out that their dad was not their dad or did somebody find what somebody was raised by somebody who's not their dad or where's that um I was three years raised by my stepdad okay and do you know your biological father I met him when I was 13 okay I'm supposed to be bringing up from your aunt that passed in the fire of the story about the family and the issue with the paternity and the reveal and I don't know who took the trek cross-country or who did this who was that um I was born in Oshawa my mother and I moved to BC to Nova Scotia to Florida and we drove from be seated so your mom is still here correct yes okay and are you still living with her no are you gonna see her today uh well probably not but I could say hello but you will talk to her today Greg yes so can you please let her know that her sister came through can you please let her know that it's nobody's fault that it happened just allow that to be known like let let so she could release that I don't know if she was supposed to be in that fire or if somebody was there and then left but I feel like I need to address that in some way so she could be freed of that thank you very very much guys thank you very very much nice to meet you all thank you you
Channel: Strombo
Views: 160,992
Rating: 3.6627393 out of 5
Keywords: John Edward, Psychic, Reading, GST, George Stroumboulopoulos, Tonight, The Hour, Strombo, Audience, Passion, Believer, CBC, Toronto
Id: EKSFi9dtg5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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