A Psychic Medium's Chillingly Accurate Reading For a Grieving Family | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

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Allisyn can also do personal readings for grieving families so Mary Logan wrote to us after her daughter Candace lost her life in a bike accident five months ago Candace left behind a husband Wade and a 14 month old son Owen take a look I had written information when I was in my room one I saw a girl under you so that'd be like a daughter do you have a daughter and I do okay I've three I have three daughters okay is one of your daughters passed yeah okay interestingly enough doesn't matter how old they were when they died like she kept showing herself little and sometimes they do that because that's when they were the happiest and the most secure she had this part of her hair pulled back and then she had curls down the back and that's how she was showing herself and so there would be a picture of her looking like that that was the vision of her as a young girl she's making me feel a lot of pain in my head so at the time of passing her head would have hurt badly does that make sense to death but she's like no more yeah no more don't don't think of it that way and part of her saying when she passed it actually felt kind of quick to her almost like she was bounced out of the body do you know what I mean yes it makes sense mm-hmm it wasn't her she didn't feel responsible does that make sense to you yes it was wrong place at the wrong time yes she was hit by an automobile and hit the windshield and really shattered her head and had major internal injuries and Allison without knowing what happened to my wife brought up that she had major head injuries that's the hospital I guess did she did she hear us did she she did she heard you but she was already gone this is why she's saying it is she at peace yes with you she points to the two of you standing under like a palm tree and like a picture taken but she shows tropical and the picture taken and it's the beach and there's palm trees do you know what pictures she's talking about did you go to Hawaii a really big thing that made me think and feel pretty confident in what we were doing was a Hawaii trip that Candace and I took and there were photographs that Candace and I took together that were under a palm tree my son and I have a routine each night to sing a song and try to think of her does she see or feel that moment yes yes so is there anything that she would like to say to him she says mommy loves you she'll come she comes to him in dreams but she also sits on the end of his bed at night to make sure he's okay so just try to maybe explain that you know mommy's his angel now because she says she's his angel I love children because they have no issues they have no edit they just feel them and see and need to make sense of it Owen does reference mommy quite a bit and I know that that great bond that they had is going to be there from today and into the future I'm excited to give you an update about our own YouTube channel now you can find new videos every day they're the kind of videos that will make you look at life differently they may even make you laugh a little bit subscribe to the own channel today and we'll see you on YouTube
Channel: OWN
Views: 402,166
Rating: 4.6054478 out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, Candace, psychic medium Allison Dubois, Reading For a Grieving Family, bike accident, Candace's emotional mother and husband, Accurate, lost her life, personal reading
Id: rJz9v_FkC_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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