Wealth with God - Pastor Jim Baker 1.27.19

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you guys ready have some fun alright if you were here Friday you are going to hear a lot of the same stuff pastor Greg asked me to teach the same thing and so we're gonna go for it here but um a couple things it's just really been fun being here you know it's fun being at a church where it just feels like home I mean you guys are after his presence here after worship you're after the whole thing I said Friday you know it's nice being in a church where they're not vampire Christians so you vampire Christians they want just enough of the blood to get saved but not enough to get transformed and then you guys are going after the whole thing here ma'am listen enough pastor Wendy and pastor Greg I like man you guys are going for it like I appreciate a church that's really they're trying to build big people not trying to build a big Church it's like we want to make people amazing and then one of the pictures I saw Bria was over him a hammer and a chisel you know you can use people to carve out a great Church you can use Church to carve out a great people and I see you guys use in church to carve out a great people here and so Marian I've got some words we'll share after the message here in a little bit but I just introduced myself a little bit so I'm my wife and I bleep pastor at church in Columbus Ohio but we've been there about 10 years and in about 2008 we just been healing just started breaking out at our church we just saw a wonderful wonderful things happen we saw deaf ears open up blind eyes open up we had body parts grow back those are those are lots of fun ways one thing we got out we got a pulpit used to be a walker so whenever I teach in healing you pull this thing out this guy had a count cancerous femur bone and they had to remove his bone and put a titanium rod in place and he got healed and the titanium disappeared in the bone grew back and so he didn't need the walker anymore and so they turned it into a pulpit so it's really pretty cool yeah that's a lot of fun we've had 16 people raised from the dead yes not just sleeping in church I'm not talking about that I'm like like like no pulse one guy was dead for 16 hours he died at 7 a.m. he woke up at 11 p.m. and he had done zip himself in the body bag is that insane I'm like did he have like a loincloth I have to get dressed like what do you do like I'm picturing like wiggling his finger in that thing like I don't know I'd like to see the video in heaven on that one and uh this this is not what we had for dead raisins allow about the last 15 months and so two of them were suicides one was a flatline and uh you know she was in the ER room and she heard the code blue so she was our youth pastor and she went there and she felt like the Lord said I want you to pray and so she's praying there's about 30 people in the room the things flatlining and they call the time of death you know and then she feels like lorises I want you to pray out loud which that sounds great when you're sitting here but those hospitals are kind of intimidating environments you know and so she's in the back she's got her hand on one of the family murders pray and she says I rebuke the spirit of death in the name of Jesus and I command your spirit to come back in your body the thing went beep beep and that awesome yeah fun stuff I don't know why people like this next story better than like the humans getting raised from the dead but this is I'm just gonna tell you how it happened and so where this lady in our church sherry sure she's just a wonderful lady and she was down at this part of Columbus called Mexican town it says you know she's getting some spices and stuff there and there's this pickup truck parked at this curb and there's this dog in the back and the dog jumped out of the truck and got trapped under the truck right as the truck was pulling it away so the truck the owner crushed the dog and so it was you know splattered and and it's kind of like tore in a little bit and so the dogs like flat as a pancake in is dead and everybody's freaking out and so she's kind of watching the scene and so she goes over and puts her hand kinda over the stained area and says in the name of Jesus live for this that's what happened the blood starts licking up off of the cement the dog reconstitute self back together but it still fight as a pancake then it inflates and starts barking and Juan John is normal is that crazy and so she said people just like we're like dumbstruck they were just like standing there and so she says it was Jesus and so she goes in the store and buy spices and comes out five minutes later she said we're still standing there just like dumbstruck so I don't know what to do we've had HIV healings hepatitis C autism people with scars on their arm some cutting themselves just during worship God just rebuilds their arms just wonderful things and yeah I know I'm saying these fast but Wow thank you Jesus yeah and so you know you you have full permission to get healed anytime during the service or anytime afterwards you know you don't need you don't need hands laid on you it doesn't matter who touches you as long as Jesus touches you you know and so yeah I can't go into that I'll end up teaching on healing super fast here but the reason I'm telling you this is because the Lord told me in 2000 Jim I want you to go after finances the way that you went after healing and so to me it was pretty much an all-out bullet stick assault I did we didn't know what else to do so we were just we were going after healing start people are leaving the church they're like this I'm like why are you leaving like good things are happening you know I think what you just can't take it anymore I'm like you can't take what like testimonies I mean like I don't know I don't understand some people but god bless you you know as you leave so anyway and so I read about 100 books on finances I wouldn't normally you know prep that much for a series by Jews for like I really needed this to get a foundation and feel like I really had the foundation that I needed listened to a lot of series and not doing about an eighteen part series on finances which I later found out was the most offensive thing a pastor could do especially with the name Jim Baker and so so September through March taught on finances and I didn't even begin teaching on giving till about week 13 because if you don't have the heart conditions ready people use their giving to try to rub the genie bottle to get God to do what they want them to do where they become the master and I'll gods their servant look I'm using these principles and I've seen people they're trying to like boss got around and you can put a demand than God and make him do this it's like gang just be careful with that whole thing I mean he's he's your father and he's big he's awesome and kind but it is also a holy fear of wow he is amazing so yeah just you know we're here to serve Him and we you know we get to be part of the family business called the kingdom of God that's our joy but it's just keeping it perspective so I ended up writing a book on finances I didn't even bring it it's in the it's in the bookstore it's called how heaven invade your finances it is the best book on finances that I've ever written and so you guys so I encourage you and so we man God gave us this wonderful breakthrough on finances we had 1/4 of our church get out of debt in one year including their houses we had three and a half million dollar campus given to us 40,000 feet on 33 acres and so um oh yeah that's a beautiful I mean furnished sound system everything and we didn't have to do anything except I got the phone call and I think like 18 days later I was standing in the pulpit as their pastor I'm like how does this happen so awesome stuff we had a five-bedroom house given to us and we turned into a house for girls come out of human trafficking just a couple months ago we bought a building downtown that basically the business that's below it is paying the mortgage on us we're not paying anything for this 1.4 million dollar property which I know that's like like a two-bedroom apartment for you guys here but in Columbus that's really big okay yeah like 1.4 million dollars it's like my classic yeah so I get it so but it's a it's a roll windows overlooking the Statehouse to release worship in prayer over our city but then the top two floors are for girls coming out of human trafficking who once they've are clean and sober they typically don't have any place to go but they still got PTSD still lots of problems so it's the place for them to get restored so lots of fun stuff so let me go here see here and me talking about money and prosperity so let me just give you my definition of prosperity and if you can't stand the word prosperity stop reading the Bible but if you can't stand the word prosperity just replace it with the word abundant provision okay remember one of his name's is el-shaddai which means the god of more than enough so either he lied about his name or maybe we need to rethink our thinking and how good he is okay so here's my definition of prosperity you have no financial debt thank you Jesus and you have more than enough money to fulfill every divine assignment God has for you and no life no flow and enough left over to help others fulfill theirs you have enough money to fulfill every divine assignment God has for you and enough left over to help others fulfill theirs now notice I didn't say every Christians gonna be a zillionaire I think sometimes they get this crazy teaching where it's like so a Toyota to reap a Cadillac and all sorts of stuff it's like I'm not sure where they're getting this but here's a picture you need to get is um prosperity means that you're gonna have finances in proportion to your assignment so if you're a farmer in Uganda it's going to a whole lot look a whole lot different than someone who's called to reach the Hollywood elite if you're joseph in prison it doesn't that you're gonna have the finest chariot and the palace on a hill I mean she can have the favor and the the networking and the strategies and the and the wisdom to excel in whatever environment god puts you in think of yourself as a hose if guy can get money through you he'll get money to you and they'll be plenty left over for you as the inside of a hose gets wet listen guys if you will begin to trust God with your finances he will take better care of you on accident than you can take care of yourself on purpose and I've got some real good news for you remember he said his name was El Shaddai not el cheapo God does not mind meeting your needs in style he just doesn't want you getting your heart set on the style that becomes the pursuit of your life so I grew up in the Assemblies of God if it's the one of the great mission organizations on the planet maybe the best I just we love it and we would hear stories like this maybe you guys are first story something like this where there's a missionary family and they've got no money they're not in the mission field they've got no food but they would set the table by faith and they would hold hands as a family and they would pray and all of a sudden there'd be a knock on the door and they would go and answer the door and they'd be a family with holding you know week's worth of groceries for them so how many you guys have ever heard a story like that I mean we love those stories I know I want to hear more of those stories we need to hear those breakthrough stories but here's what I want to see happen in this church as we have a church full of people like this who are the ones holding the groceries providing the answer to somebody's needs the poorest way to help the poor is to be poor I was let that one sink in there a little bit there so here's what happens when you begin teaching on finances people kind of get triggered because there's been there's been bad teaching on finances in the past right there's been bad teaching on finances in the church but there's also been bad teaching on heaven and I still plan on going there okay and so the two errors they typically show up in one or two ways one of them error says something like this it's good to be poor you know it keeps you humble you know and all those type of things listen the enemy has a plan for you and so he can keep you sick and poor he's gonna severely limit your destiny so if you look at what he tries to do you know you know God uses sickness in order to make you more like Jesus no Jesus wasn't sick how sickness making you more like Jesus and so this religious thing comes on you get you to think that you know suffering is good I'm suffering for the gospel meaning Yama bright light in a dark place and I mean persecuted that's inevitable but suffering physical sickness and all this guy that was redeemed that's part of the curse that's that's that's done it's remember it's called good news okay but then there's this whole thing about you know about being poor and so if you look at the last 30 years in the church the two doctrines that have been fought against the hardest are healing and healing and finances prosperity that health and wealth gospel people say with a sneer in their voice and so um the first idea that that one of the errors that we got to get past is this idea that poverty is a spiritual value it's it's good for you to be poor it keeps you dependent on Jesus right inside of me just if you believe that let me just ask you a couple questions here if poverty is so spiritual why does the Bible tell us to give to the poor when they just ruin their spirituality again the poorest way to help the poor is to be poor and the Bible are called to be stewards you know what that means you're going to have to have something to steward and here's what happens in the kingdom when anything that gets stewarded multiplies and increases oops it poverty's from God why does the Bible say that the Lord blessed Isaac so that he became rich and can you to continue to grow richer until he became very wealthy I didn't say the devil made him wealthy so that he would backslide it said God made him richer the poverty so spiritual are we told to pray your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven guys there's no poverty in heaven there's never a recession there's no thirty thousand year mortgages on the mansions God has abundance the enemy has a budget alright we'll just keep going here I'm just gonna do this for about another 30 minutes all right so we'll just think you're doing if money is so bad for us why doesn't Satan just pour money on Christians and watch him backslide into hell if money's so bad why did Satan take it away from job why at the end of the book of Job did God reward job with a double portion if you guys ever realized that God actually raised all 10 of job's kids from the dead guys never saw that part in there we find it in my notes here is it interesting chapter 1 he gives real specifics about jobs jobs wealth Jesus help me find this sir I'm gonna look like a complete fool up here which is nothing new it's just avoidable sometimes Jesus Jesus or I could just leave you with that statement and move on here so at the beginning of the book of Job here's what you got he says we're gonna wing it here he gives I'm reading in Chapter 1 and he's got very specific things that he says and so he says that he's got 500 sheep and then in chapter 42 it says that God restored everything that he lost and gave him double now it says he had a thousand sheep 500 to 1,000 right cuz I'm lame I'm like why is he giving these specific numbers and it's like 7,000 of this and it goes to fourteen thousand five thousand of this it goes to ten thousand then it says job had seven sons and three daughters okay so you guys know the story and so job starts off with all this wealth all of it gets wiped out and then chapter 2 it says God restored everything that was lost and gave him double and he begins naming everything you'd wish to be this now it's this and then it says God gave job's seven more sons and three more daughters zero plus 10 is in double listen if you lose all your kids and God gives you ten more you don't have anything restored and it's definitely not double if you only get ten more the only way it could be restored as if God restored those kids to life and gave him double that's why he gives you the math in the whole chapters an amazing so what if you had a job experience today you're like hold on I don't know about that listen if you're not healed you're not having a job experience Satan made him sick God made him well if you're not having everything that you lost restored and made double then you're not having a job experience and so I was I was showering one day if that's too much of a picture I shower on a full wetsuit if that helps you and so I'm there and I had this thought come like I have I thought like Laura's like where did Joe get the faith to I'm sorry where did Abraham get the faith to raise Isaac from the dead remember that story in Hebrews 11 where it said um you know Josie Skinner Abraham's getting ready to sacrifice his son Isaac and he believed that if he killed him God could raise him from the dead and I feel like the Lord said where did Abraham get that faith and you know when God asks you a question it means you don't know the answer I'm like Lord you know you know one of those like trying to be special you know and I felt like I feel like he said cuz you guys know the story of Jobe actually took place before the story of Abraham like the Lord said Abraham got the faith from the story of job I can't prove it you can't prove me wrong but it's the least interesting thing guys it's in there in every translation the only way everything could be restored to me doubles if he got 10 more kids I mean he says seven sons three daughters in each one awesome what if God's Way better than we thought Matthew 6:33 he says seek first the kingdom of God oh man religion loves the person who seeks first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you now who does that person think they are I think they're getting a little selfish why is the good man the one who leaves an inheritance to his children's children so the first error is saying that poverty is spiritual it's good to be poor I'm looking to see that's just it's not even a biblical thought it's just insanity but here's the second error it says that your spirituality is measured by the size of your house or how nice of a car you drive or the size of your bank account listen material possessions are not a sign of God's blessing unless they are there's many places in scripture where people's wealth was directly tied to the hand of blessing about Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Salomon justice throughout Scripture and so being broke isn't necessarily spiritual and being wealthy doesn't necessarily mean your godly just ask the Mafia you can't judge another man's harvest if you don't know what seed they planted so it's not your job to be figuring out who is spending too much money guys it's none of your business it's between them and God you know how much money is too much money whatever amount replaces trust in Gaudin so here's the deal with money money is to the natural realm what the anointing is to the spiritual realm it's simply a way to get things done money is a tool your net worth and your self-worth have nothing to do with each other how valuable you are to God how awesome of a Christian you are it has nothing to do with your net worth it has everything to do with how faithful are you with what you have no and I believe God's will for you is that you have more than enough finances of a fill every divine assignment God has for you enough left over to help others fulfill theirs you're gonna be awarded than heaven based on what you did with your assignment not what you did with Bill Johnson or Billy Graham's assignment okay they're gonna be awarded with the faithfulness for what they carried okay that's good news for me I don't know about you guys so money is just a tool to accomplish purpose it's like a shovel like nobody's bragging about their shovel collection no one's having you over their house and like yeah the Lord has been so good - oh we've been faithful we've been tithing you know this is a blessing from the Lord but yeah we've got these five shovels and this one's you know it's a custom paint job on it yeah it's pretty nice there and the kids bedazzled the handle this one you know it kind of means a lot to us and this one's got a platinum you know no one's bragging about their shovels because it's a tool to get things done we got to get a kingdom perspective finances is simply a tool to get things done not something to puff up our chests and make us feel important second corinthians 9:8 what I'm about to read to you is such good news and I want you to get this if it's not true John 3:16 is not true okay yeah you guys are you prepared for extreme like I don't like the warning labels on medications like those are just getting out of control some of those warning things but why is it never like a warning label it's a caution extreme awesomeness like if you take this you know like I made me for like those positive side of and some of those medications description about to read you warning extreme awesomeness the context of this is finances second Corinthians chapter 8 chapter 9 it's all about finances okay so here's ago and God is able to make all grace abound to you calls it a grace which means Jesus paid for God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times you may abound in every good work here's what that means God wants your finances to grow to the point where if there's ever a need that comes across your path and your heart is move to meet it you've got a stream of income to be able to fill that need you're like Jim I don't know I don't believe that well thank you for admitting your unbelief you're gonna have to get rid of that before you get very far in the kingdom it felt like Columbus City here for a second on that one man yeah it was negative eight degrees like four days ago without windchill so heard some people complaining about it being 50 I'm like that's like sixty degrees warmer than when we were so yeah so here's the thing is when it comes to finances I think one of the biggest problems I have as Christians is we don't want to be selfish you know we want to do finances in the right way there's not no one in this room that wants to get wealthy without God and do that like did here's the problem as we think it's selfish prosperity is not selfish because it's not all about you real prosperity is defined by how much we give away not how much we keep for ourselves okay so brass possible the prosperity is about blessing not possessing so guy just flip this thing around and tell you the truth I feel like we're friends by now alright way okay it's selfish for you to not desire prosperity what if prosperity isn't optional sort of being blessed is required as a Christian listen if God only provides for your needs the world will lack a revelation of an abundant father they're never gonna know what dad's really like and so we see this prayer in Psalm 67 1 & 2 may God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us this is kind of sounded like revival to me that your way may be known on earth your saving power among all nations people lack an awareness of what God is really like they you know you couldn't fit all of the Bay Area into this church so God has this plan instead of come and see go and show and as he says pray this prayer God puts your hand a blessing on my life so people will know what you're like do you see the change in motivation God prosper me so that they'll know how wonderful you really are and listen prosperity is not just measured by dollars dollars are a byproduct of God's presence in your life and in His goodness and you're using your power to create all the things we talked about this weekend its measured in more things than that its measured in your kids actually wanting to spend time with you even though they're old enough to not have to it's when people look at your life and like your marriage just works I was just talking to a friend and he said that there was these New Agers in the Bay Area here and they were asking they're like man we see your aura what is that and he said is Jesus and they said we knew it he has the brightest light he's like oh why don't you turn your life over to him that said we don't want to serve anyone else and so well at least they're honest here what's that that's prosperity I love how I love how 3rd John 2 puts it may you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers how much you think God wants your soul to prosper just a little bit maybe just like get a Moute emotional neutral so you don't have any highs and joy unspeakable folk like like he wants your soul to be prospering he says yeah that's what I want your health and that's what I your finances to be like - he says I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even that's the new covenant in one verse soul prosperity physical prosperity financial prosperity that's good news I'm telling you what I don't know Jim this sounds like a bless me club to me huh well Jesus didn't die for a curse me club and just let me ask you this what's the problem if it is a bless me call because in Christians get blessed we become a bigger blessing it's part of our ancient Jewish heritage blessed to be a blessing well Jenna I just want enough to provide for me and my family oh wow that is so stupid let me tell you why cuz that's the spirit of religion and the spirit of poverty getting married and having a child together let me translate that for you well my needs are met who gives a rip about the rest of the world but religion disguises is so humble I don't want too much I want too much because if I have just enough I can only take care of me I've got a heart to reach a whole city Margaret Thatcher the former Prime Minister of England she said this no one would have remembered the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions he had money as well ready for this revelation i sat in the top of a mountain for 40 days to get this one no I didn't are you ready for this one you cannot be a big giver if you don't have in a big abundance hashtagged uh prosperity is about having more than enough not just for yourself but so that she can be a blessing to others well Jim I don't know money can't buy happiness well neither can poverty the people who say money can't buy happiness they just simply haven't given enough of it away how about you I've seen money buy happiness over and over and over for people I've seen it spread the gospel I've seen it feed the poor I've seen the rescued girls coming out of human trafficking I've seen a plant churches and hospitals and dig wells and shelter the homeless and build churches that are equipping centers and enjoy the blessings of God with God you know it's actually spiritual to take your family on vacation it was one of the three tithes in the Old Testament won't wunt I went to the church there was one every three years I went to the poor and there was one that where they took and they went and was basically going to a conference then when celebrated a spiritual festival they ate the best meats they they drank the best drinks and they enjoyed the blessings of God with God my guy I was the Old Testament well here's what it says the New Testament he's writing to wealthy people and he says I've given you all things richly to enjoy just don't put your trust in riches don't get prideful it gives them some warnings on these things but I want you to see part of your stewardship is to enjoy God's goodness with God and anytime you obey God and he rewards you that's it says um it says God makes a man rich and he adds no Saro to it so anytime you are partnering with God you're obeying God and he blesses you and rewards you you you can enjoy it it's cause for a testimony it sets up a precedent for your children to see what he's really like listen gang you owe it to your kids for them to see how good god is here's what I love about churches like this is 92% of kids once they hit 18 who were raised in the church don't go to church anymore and then they start going again when they're like in their 20s they start having kids and they want to pass on the principles the eight percent that actually stick here's the one thing they saw God answer prayer okay I mean I see you probably get the same criticism we get people are like oh you're going after experiences you know yeah yeah we are are you kidding me you think we just want to have some theory and debate and like no no no like you're you talking about subjective experiences yes the more subjective the better my kids need to know the reality of God not the theory of the you know Santa Claus so I just say don't be ashamed of what you're going after if someone's like oh yeah you're going to one of those churches that you know goes after healing you're not are you kidding me how are you surviving without the real power of God are you crazy no one's good enough speaker for me to go to without the power of God I'm gonna give you some principles to live by principles without the Prince is more like witchcraft than Kingdom sorry I just feel better now well a jam that's great I appreciate those one-liners and everything but Jesus was poor and we're supposed to be like Jesus what's Jesus really poor let's look at that here so remember is birth the Magi brought expensive gifts to Jesus who are the Magi they were the king makers of the day they were trained in the persian court by a man named daniel centuries before and they were trained to look for a sign in the heavens but that would point to them when there was a greater king so the king of persia was known as the king of all kings and the lord of all lords but then these Magi they were the new agers of the day they were trained and they saw this sign in the heavens and they traveled 15 miles now these guys wouldn't here's how religion has this picture painted you know you've seen the Christmas cards you got these three guys and tattered robes and paper hats I got on some baggy sweatpants and a beavis and butthead t-shirt with some mustard stains on it and they approach to Jesus they're worn out there they're emaciated and here Jesus I got this little gold nugget wrapped in tinfoil here you go master I try not to lose that thing that's so small and then the other ones are searching through their pockets you know here's an economy size a spritzer of the frankincense and myrrh use it sparingly King I per picture these guys come with like a baby or a tunnel diaper genie to a king right here's what the Bible says it says when Herod the King heard that the Magi from the east had come to Jerusalem he was deeply disturbed in all Jerusalem with him why the king makers of the day were coming and here's why they came with it Matthew 2:11 they entered the house and saw the child with his mother Mary and they bowed down and worshiped him widely abortion they found a greater king this is what they've been trained for for centuries then they opened their treasure chests plural and gave him gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh these were the king makers who they were the reason King Don King Herod was so deeply disturbed they would have traveled with bodyguards in droves of people protect their I mean just a 12 inch by 12 inch thing of gold would have been were several millions of dollars if it was just that small I got the calculations in my book Joseph and Mary received so much money that they were able to flee to Egypt for three years and not have to work Jesus became such a successful businessman he became known as the carpenter of Nazareth I just want you to get that people like God Jesus was homeless I'm like really the carpenter of Nazareth he's like sleeping on the street with his tools I was happening there Jesus had so much money that he had a treasurer are you ready for this heavy Revie heavy revelation you guys ready for this if you have a treasurer you have treasures hashtag Doug and Jesus had so much money that he was an outrageous giver as the lifestyle remember the Last Supper Jesus comes and whispers something Judas Azir juice gets up and leave then disciples go up there is Judas going away to give more money poor in the middle of the night such a regular thing for him he had so much money that no one knew that Judas was skimming off the top only Jesus and that was through supernatural word of knowledge Jesus so prosperous that he supported 12 teenage boys for three years of ministry do you know how much they eat now at the end of his life they gambled over his robe why probably cuz it was nice I'm not saying he was some hotshot evangelist with a bunch of bling what I am saying is that Jesus had more than enough money to fulfill every divine assignment God had form and enough money left over to help others fulfill theirs here's the key to the whole thing if you turn me to turn within your iPhone's to matthew chapter 6 i believe this is the number one reason why Christians aren't prospering more it's because of the spirit of Mammon on their heart when I say spirit I'm not picturing a demon twisted around your brain I'm picturing it more like the Ephesians four verses be made new in the spirit of your mind okay so it's the attitude it's the outlook it's the lens that we have so here it is now Matthew chapter 6 verse 24 this is Jesus right in the middle the Sermon on the Mount and he just drops his son his disciples no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon some your Bible translations say money if you look a little footnote it'll say Mammon so the question is what is Mammon and so Mammon was the demon god of Syria whose name meant the power of riches so here's the picture Jesus saying listen you can either serve God or you can serve this spirit of Mammon here's what Mammon does it tries to get you to look to money the way you're supposed to look to God here's an example so if you begin to feel more secure when you've got more money in the bank account that's the spirit of Mammon because you're supposed to get your security from God not for money so I'm saying if you begin to look to money so here's our own idea I'm gonna do a little fun exercise of this I'm gonna read some popular Bible verses but look at it what happens when the spirit of Mammon gets hold them you guys ready for this where does my help come from my help comes from money money is my shepherd when I have it I shall not be in want money gives me the peace that passes understanding my people perish for a lack of money my money shall supply all my needs a day in the mall is better than thousands elsewhere here's the great deception behind ma'am and it says this listen God takes care of those super Saints but we all know you're not one of those super Saints so you need to worry about money you need to think about money you need to spend a lot of time and angst over money here's the truth gang you don't need more money you need to know God better if you had more money and still have the spirit of Mammon it doesn't matter because it will never be enough so what does it look like to serve or worship Mammon the next verse Matthew 6:25 Jesus continues therefore I tell you do not be anxious about your life what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body what you'll put on is not life more than food and the body more than clothing anxiety and worship are to the spirit of I'm sorry I said on anxiety and worry are to the spirit of Mammon what praise and worship are to the one true God the way that you worship the spirit of Mammon is by freaking out and getting anxious over money can you see what we need to break this thing fear is faith in the devil worry is a form of atheism because you're imagining your future without God faith is imagining your future with God in it I've got some super good news for you God's already in your future so you don't need to worry about it he'll be there when you get there I promise I promise here's the truth gang God's supernatural cannot flow into fear and worry it's a it's like pulling up an umbrella and he's trying to rain his blessings on you but it just it just repels so a lot of people they're tithing they're giving they're wondering why it's not working it's cuz we got to break this thing off her heart and once it's off her heart all of God's intentions can begin to flow into your life you don't need more money you need more relationship with a source how many guys remember the Old Testament prophets just how rough they had at some of these guys it's like man I'm reading this thing I'm like I'm so glad I know this isn't a prophet Isaiah walked around naked for three years buck naked like I don't even take my shirt off at the pool anymore I mean it's like it's gotten to that point I someone tried to give us a lawsuit from the glare spots for causing retinal damage off of people I'm just like whatever you know I tell people you know you don't get a body like this overnight it takes years of neglect the only way you can tell the difference from my chest in my back is the presence of two nipples I like both straighten I'll stop I'll stop Hosea married a prostitute named Gomer I'm like dude her name was Gomer that should have been a clue that things are about to go terribly wrong Ezekiel had to cook his food over his own dung seriously like when I'm in junior high that's hilarious but now a my age that's nasty that's nasty so Elijah so gods like Elijah I want you to prophesy a famine he's like I'm an Old Testament prophet we love prophesying famines in the land that you're living in are you serious can we do like the Jebusites the parasites the termites the cellulites like all those people I could mean could we prophesy over them in the land that you're living in Elijah so Elijah does you prophesize it and God has a sweet thing he says go down to the brook Cherith so we can have water the Ravens are gonna be a special delivery service we'll be amazing everything's going great until the brook dries up what do most Christians do when the brook dries up they start freaking out anytime the a channel of provision change in Elijah's life hears the very next verse ready and the word of the Lord came to Elijah if your resource of provision is changing if your brook is dried up you need to get the word of the Lord so I just said go so here's what I want you to get here do not confuse the source with the resource your source of provision will never change your resource of provision is going to change many times throughout your life and then when you I want to keep teaching this thing but when you fully understand this you could walk into your office on Monday your boss could hand you a pink slip and your blood pressure wouldn't even increase because you know nobody can take better care me than dad oh my resource has changed that's okay my source has not changed people who worry about finances simply have not heard the good news you have entered into a realm as governed maya father whose thoughts towards you outnumber the sands in the seashore and they're all to prosper you and not to harm you he's thinking nonstop good thoughts about you've got all these plans and just waiting for us to wake up to the reality of it and begin to partner with what he's like so God says Elijah I want you to go to Zarephath it's your Newberry source supervision I want you to find a widow there a light is like widow like Lord is is that like the last name of like a Boaz type person like waited like a person that means no Elijah's she's a widow or did you say window like it like like a window of blessing in Zarephath no Elijah she's a widow Sina understand there wasn't like a lot of you know female entrepreneurs on Shark Tank Bank in the ancient Near East there there's a resource of provision was there husband and that had died and so he's like alright so he goes there and it says he sees this lady foraging through the rubble trying to get enough sticks to start a fire I mean oh that's a bad sign in your new resource of provision where she can't even afford sticks for a fire so I just see is her knees like hey lady can you can you make me something to eat she says listen it's a bad time right now I got a little bit of flour a little bit of oil we're gonna make one final cake for my son and I and then we're going to eat it and die like that's not the mighty faith declaration you want to hear out of your new resource of provision so at this point in the story I'm like okay Elijah why don't you take up an offering for this lady and I'll find some people a means in the city you do something for her I remember the story Elijah does take up an offering for himself remember this where you tell the lady baked me a cake as fast as you can that's what he says bake me the cake bring it to me that I might eat of it and so I mean guys these Old Testament prophets had some God's I mean can't you just see the San Francisco newspaper prophet of God takes last meal from Widow let me ask you this why is Elijah doing this okay guys the preacher is not after 99.999% the preachers are not after your money okay Elijah was not after her money God was after money here's what here's what Elijah knew the spirit of Mammon had gripped her heart and told her your life is dependent on the flour and oil and what's in your hand and he knew if he could get her eyes off of the resource and onto the source that supernatural provision would flow in her life guys his story's pulling back the curtain on the kingdom of God and say this is how it works as long as you're trying to if it's going to be it's up to me just because it rhymes doesn't mean it's scriptural okay if we can get our eyes off of oh how am I gonna make this happen and if I can manipulate myself to get a raise and if I could get this and getting okay listen God will take God will open doors for you I'm not saying don't work hard don't network all those type of things what I'm saying is you're not counting on your ability you're counting on his ability we do what we do in the natural and he does the supernatural so I'm gonna say we're gonna sit in the couch all fat and sassy just wait for checks to fly in our mailbox anyone who's read the book the secret that's not how it works I'm out I like the idea of positive thinking but the secret that ain't the kingdom gang if you don't know what I'm talking about don't read it boy I felt good Mammon puts a deep fear in your heart that God's not going to take care of you you're not special enough so you need to spend a lot of time and energy pursuing more money here's what the Bible says it says unless you become like little children you're not gonna be able to move in the kingdom of God not gonna enter into that kind of life of his presence and power were God here's what the kingdoms like guys it's a lot like power steering I act and he acts with me and the results are greater than what I could do in my own strength I mean you see throughout it's like a Moses stretch out your rod he acted and then the results were a whole lot bigger the Red Sea parted and so when as God's telling you to do things in the workplace you act and the results are so much disproportionate to that action because he's on it you did it out of obedience see become like little children he says and so you know if you've ever seen a little child while there's ones sleeping right there and some adults now I'm just getting snowed all sipping you ever seen a little child is sleeping in there in the parents lap they're not worried about like what's going out with North Korea like should we've invested in Bitcoin are these prices of these houses everything like they're not worried about all that stuff they're just resting and their parents arms and they just know food somehow comes right was Jesus say he says look at the birds of the air they neither sow nor reap nor store in barns it's not their great performance that they get the provisions because their heavenly Father loves them you don't have to be amazing with your giving and all this for God to provide for you he's going to provide for you cuz he loves you more than birds now if you want to prosper you gonna have to learn how to you know open up the windows of heaven with your generosity how to steward things on earth through investing and all the separate things but he's not going to let you starve because He loves you you've never seen a Christian starve to death and you never will let me give you one last picture they're going to close this thing out so in our you know I'm sure you've seen this in churches that you know there's a line of people who need healing and there's people who are doing the healing prayer and sometimes I've been on the and the prayer line side of it you know giving the prayer and it's like I you know it's like 30 people left and I'm the only one praying I'm just gonna be honest it's a long day I'm just like oh boy help me Jesus and so here's how I've never had this thought I've never even praying and thought oh no what if the healing anointing runs out on this person you know I've never thought that cuz I'm super aware that I'm not the source of healing anointing that it is coming from another dimension but there's times that I get deceived and I begin to think what happens if I give this check I'm not talking about just giving foolishly okay but I'm talking about like I've decided in my heart this is what I'm going to give or I feel leading from the Holy Spirit I give that check and it's like oh no what if the money runs out so I'm still needing that level of Revelation that God I'm tapped into another realm and what I do on this room actually affects that realm I got a friend named Roger he very modest salary as a pastor he ended up becoming a multi-millionaire through different kinds of investing just a very humble guy and he's telling me about actually I was listening to him teach this on a CD and he made this statement yeah I'm a millionaire I've got him over a million dollars in the bank and I can't wait for God to ask me to give it all away again I'll have more stories that's a guy who's free I don't believe that God asked very many people to give away everything I believe there will be some people who have a gift of giving that God may do that so they recognize that gods their source okay so I don't think that's for the majority of people so don't hear what I'm not saying here I want you to hear the freedom of being able to say Oh give me an idea it's easy if you've got a hundred bucks in the bank give away everything like it's not that big of a deal okay I've been broke before we've given it all away it's not the big deal but when the bank of cards is getting a little bigger I I want that level of freedom I'm challenged by that here's what I want to do I want to give us a chance to break that spirit of Mammon off our hearts and so if you guys could stand your feet and take out your wallets just kidding kidding I'm days egg if you will so this seed into my ministry you're all gonna have new houses yeah kidding that was sarcasm in case the language barrier is nothing okay here's what I want to do though there's this really powerful verse in 1st Peter 5:7 or um it says cast your cares upon Jesus because he cares for you okay so we're gonna do this exercise here and it may seem a little bit weird but you're in the Convergys house of prayer okay let's just be honest so we we go for it here a little more alright so and so the Bible has something called prophetic acts and so we call them prophetic acts and so what it is is when you do something in the natural it releases something in the spiritual I mean you see the in Baptism it's like it's just water but there's actually a cutting away of the sin nature you know you see these in different places scriptures here we're gonna do is I'm gonna have you talk to the Holy Spirit you're gonna ask him this question God what am I worrying about that I don't need to worry about you're gonna see that that spirit of Mammon you like what is it I'm on and we're gonna take that thing we're gonna turn into a little ball here you can you guys see it you taking your worries you're gonna crunch him no one's gonna have a big ball they're all little but then we're gonna count to three I'm gonna go to you say some prayers and we're gonna throw that thing away we're gonna cast it on Jesus and you're thinking what if I look weird just close your eyes everyone else is doing it too okay and so what makes it powerful as when we do it as an act of faith not just I'll count you know no girl throws either I don't know what that means I that yeah okay like like Chuck that thing man get that thing out of there then we gonna make some deck boys sure we got to renounce the spirit of Mammon offer our hearts we're gonna break this thing out I'm done trusting and money okay so just take a take 30 seconds with the Holy Spirit and guy just show me those areas where I'm having anxiety and I have worried because I know fear is faith in the devil is this I'm done with Mammon so just between you and him let him show you those areas right now then we're gonna get rid of those things [Music] all right just keep your eyes closed so you're not self-conscious of anyone else but I want you to take those worries and just symbolically crunch them down into a ball and let's just pray this prayer Jesus I am done with Mammon I renounce my agreement with trusting and money I declare the truth that no one can take better care of me and dad you are my source you are my Redeemer and you'll get me out of any financial pit that I'm in your heart for me is to leave an inheritance to my children's children's children if you want to add a couple extra children's children in there just be free to do that all right Jesus we love you we love you we love you lord I just pray that there would be a spiritual severing today where we just recognize we are done with this thing we're when it tries to creep on now we're gonna recognize it our friends are gonna help us recognize that our spouses our kids are gonna help us recognize this thing but we are done with it and Lord I just I just thank you that God when we rebuked when we renounce the spirit of Mammon that heavens blessings that have been there the whole time can begin to reign in our lives well I thank you that you're gonna reign in Revelation ideas strategies partnerships and Lord that this is going to be the place that you've called it to be they're gonna be the families that they're called to be they're gonna leave the dynasties that they're called to be lord I just thank you for a spiritual shift not only in this church but in this region because of what's happening here today so in the count of three we are gonna cast our cares upon him you can't carry a guy your ulcers are proof you're done with this thing so in the count of three we're just gonna say in the name of Jesus and throw these things 1 2 3 in the name of Jesus thank you Lord amen doesn't that feel good before I turn it over to pastor Greg just say these things after me in these are all scriptures basically in every area of my life I live in abundance I am blessed and I am a blessing blessings come upon me and overtake me that's actually a scripture have you ever been driving in your car and a big truck passes unit kind of swoops yeah that's that's the feeling of being overtaken God says his blessings will come upon you and Jesus Christ alone is the god of my financial breakthrough no weapon formed against me my finances or my possessions will prosper I'm blessed coming in and blessed going out I am a blessing magnet the blessing of the Lord makes me rich and adds no sorrow to it all my debt is paid in full and Jesus name I have the power to create wealth to establish his covenant on earth I am a conduit for what God wants to do in the Bay Area bless you guys [Applause] all right we're gonna take an offering we just do this all the time so if you guys be seated and then during the offering mary has some words for for convergence that she wants to share over over us and so we just thought that would be a good time to do that so you guys get ready if you guys have checks writing checks if you still write checks make them out to converges house of prayer this this this goes to bless the Baker's the younger Jim Baker you know anyway gentlemen would you come forward let's receive the offering if you have pushed pay you know the app just go to and then you can just do offering you know memo it offering so let's just bless him really good did you guys enjoy that that was awesome wasn't it yeah man so good so good and I know that they didn't say much but what's your website wealth with God calm wealth with God calm there's resources that uh that Jim has been working on and it's available there's some free resources as well on their wealth with God calm so make sure that you guys jump on that father thank you for the word thank you God that it's stirring our heart Lord we just receive every every good thing from you and we just make those declarations over and over again we thank you bless this offering of the name of Jesus amen amen what you guys you would you guys give Mary a hand as she comes up and she just has a soap you guys good [Applause] hey guys thanks for having us what a fun place it feels like home so that's awesome and I just wanted to say we've spent a lot of time with Kaitlyn and just want to say thank you for driving us around everywhere and kaylynn's awesome yes give her hands and of course your pastors are amazing they're the same behind the scenes that they are in front of you that's refreshing isn't it yeah awesome all right well I don't think I'm gonna tell you guys anything that you don't already know um this is just what I asked the Lord when we go places God just tell me about this church in Fremont and so if if you feel like man this is a terrible word then just don't partner with it I like to give that disclaimer man you guys are really serious Jim what did you do to them getting nervous okay so just gonna read I'm gonna tie over here see you guys so I see your face to smile helps me okay so um what I heard over you guys's Church is that you're an endeavoring church and I asked the Lord what that meant and he said it means that they're equipped with everything they need to go higher in kingdom endeavors and so I just see a lot of endeavors um you know Jim and I were talking about this morning and he's like yeah I just I feel like that's like they're they're going on adventures you guys are going on adventures with Jesus and I think they're gonna be really big endeavors and it's gonna really change the atmosphere of your city so that's super exciting a god and the verse that you guys are to hold on to is do you know that first as the deer pants for the water so my soul longs after you right and we all know the old song - right you don't have to sing it Jordan so I just I want to read it really quick in the I think I've got it here in the passion translation I'm gonna read so this is psalm 42 this is verse 1 in - is anybody read the passion translation Bible esprit awesome so this is this is what it says I long to drink of you O God drinking deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence my longings overwhelmed me for more of you my soul thirsts pants and longs for the Living God I want to come and see the face of God and this is what God says they that you guys are ones who pant for him you're ones who who pant for him and his will to be done and he just says he blesses the work of your hands and you guys are ones that when you get weary you know how to come and take a drink of him you drink him in and and when you drink him in you're changed into his likeness and so that's why it's good to hold onto that verse because when you're feeling weary especially getting ready to go after some endeavors as a church but also as as individuals because God's really waking some things up in you guys and just some gifts that have been stirring inside that maybe have been a little bit dormant are starting to wake up and gods like hey it's time to exercise those gifts and activate them so you guys have said yes quite a few times this weekend and probably over the years of you coming here but I just want you to stand up for one second because it stand up so it's one thing to say yes but it's another thing to actually take a step forward and I know you don't have a lot of room in front of you but we're even if it's just a baby step just as a prophetic act you've said yes but I feel like this is the season where you're actually going to step into that yes and so on the count of three we're just gonna take a step forward even if it's just a baby step you front row people I mean you can take giant ones of you alright one two three all right yeah yeah okay so you can sit back down if you want so one thing I was thinking about as you come and take a drink from the streams of the Lord you know when you when you look at a stream what do you see you see a reflection of yourself right and so you know the verse was talking about like your changed and to hit and to hit you seek God your changed into his likeness when you when you look in the mirror you should be looking like Jesus right the more you are coming in to him the more you're drinking from him you are actually seeing the reflection of your face in his face in one right so that's good news what else I have is I don't normally like talk this long is this okay don't don't despise the day of small beginnings for a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit is here and it's coming so it's here right now and it's coming and this wind is here to put fresh wind in your sails it's here to show to shove you into the new day and the next endeavors because we got to be shoved into that that new day by his spirit it's really gonna catapult us I also heard this house is an incubator for songs and song lyrics and your sound is emerging not just in song but as a people who bring kingdom advancements and so so when we say when we talk about sound sometimes we automatically go to worship and yes that's happening - you guys are really starting to come into your own but I'm I'm speaking even your sound as individuals because God created a sound within all of us and when we even speak the atmosphere changes and so yeah so it bless you guys in that and even like during worship this morning you guys you guys are so so awesome at worshiping God I just wanna say like well done when you were worshiping it was causing the windows of heaven to open and I never say this so if I'm theologically like incorrect Jim will come and clean my mess out later he's like a walking concordance but um but what I saw was your praise was opening these windows in heaven and out of the windows were flowing revelation knowledge and it was falling on you guys and so I just I just wanted to clear over you right now that anything that you didn't even know that you got just would the Lord would show it to you like maybe even later just ask the Holy Spirit God during worship when you were shoving that stuff out the window what fell on me because I feel like it's gonna be some answers some revelation knowledge that you you maybe have been waiting for or maybe you didn't even know you're waiting for it but he was giving it to you he was dumping it out because your praise is so powerful it was opening those windows that's awesome well done mm-hmm yeah there's also just to open heaven for encounters and revelation truths with God and his kingdom ideas over this house and in this house Oh bless you guys that is it's thanks for having us [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna close this out with one quick exercise but I had a just a quick word for you I heard you guys calling yourself see hop which is probably better than chop and inside you know the Columbus house is our Lobster Columbus convergence House of Prayer by here Lord also says you're the converges house of presence convergence house of power convergence house of praise and converges house of prosperity [Applause] don't forget you guys are that hammer and chisel using church to cover two great people last picture I saw how many guys saw the theological movie Kung Fu Panda it's a powerful powerful movie and there was a move that he did - what was it tong li and what was the guy's name ever the the first one and so the bad guy basically put this kung fu move on him where he got his finger and if he just twisted a little bit he said what did he say skadoosh and I was just worshiping I saw this church doing a skadoosh on this region and it just went and so and after the skadoosh I heard their words impact and influence impact and influence impact and influence and so I just speak the skadoosh anointing over you [Applause] everybody could stand I've never given that word before that's awesome okay this is gonna be different stand and if you could face the back and take out your well I'm just kidding okay oh yeah you guys ready I got this exercise from Stephen to Silva revelation 22 one through five then the angel the Lord showed me the river of the water of life it's clear as crystal flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the great street of the city on each side of the river stood The Tree of Life bring 12 crops of fruit yielding its fruit every month and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations the river of God is a picture of abundant life supernatural provision and prosperity everything good you will ever need or desire it can be found in it it runs through the middle of the street giving everyone full access to it all you need to do is learn how to get in its flow so imagine that you're standing in the river facing downstream away from the throne behind you God is placing good things in the river for you yeah because of your position you remain a spectator watching good things flow past you just out of reach try to envision what some of those good things might be now speak this prayer out loud father god I'm standing in the Crystal River of heaven that flows from your throne you fill this river with good things but because I'm facing downstream good things flow away from me they are just beyond my reach too hard to catch Lord Jesus I want to turn I want to see your throne I want to see your provision I turned around in Jesus name now turn around thank you God that I'm facing upstream I can envision the throne of God and the lamb good things are coming to me the good things are everywhere there's more than I can contain there's abundance here for everyone in Jesus name bless you guys oh yeah and so I know the ministry teams are coming forward if you guys would like some extra prayer if there's anyone here with an incurable disease or a terminal illness I would love to lay my hands on you especially the cancer is something like that so if you have a terminal terminal illness or incurable disease the team can pray - I'd love to just lay my hands on you so bless you guys
Channel: Convergence Church
Views: 4,640
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Keywords: pastor, preach, sermon, church, ekklesia, fremont, california, bay area, silicon valley, convergence, God, Jesus, hope, wealth, Jim, Baker
Id: pJQqbd5VgwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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