Session 3 - God's Power to Create Wealth

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alright session three you guys good alright session three today I want to talk to you about punching or the today this session I want to talk to you how about punching debt in the face is that sound good alright if we could hit the lights we're gonna start off with the video you did anyone just get set free brilliant Craig Hill tells the story of what might have happened it kind of tells it like Screwtape Letters style CS Lewis it's an it's a letter between a senior demon and his nephew and it's kind of going back and it kind of gives insight into how they might tempt and so Satan was having a meeting with some of his generals talking about how to impact and control nations of people cultural generations of people the spirit of Mammon stepped forward and said I have a plan I think I can get the job done this plan will not only enslave individuals and families it will enslave nations without them even knowing they become my servants here's the plan I will get people to voluntarily make themselves servants to lenders and then we will govern and control the lenders and thereby control and govern entire nations controlling and governing entire societies Satan says yeah that sounds like a good strategy Wow a stronghold is anything that's normal to you that's not normal in the kingdom of God debt is not normal in the kingdom of God like I said there's not gonna be any about thirty thousand year mortgages on the mansions up there okay that has become normal everyone's got a mortgage everyone's got a car payment Dave Ramsey says this debt is normal be weird and that is what we want for you and your family weird debt free parents raising weird debt free children we're to pray on earth as it is in heaven no debt in heaven proverbs 22:7 the rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender there's no qualifications on that well what about this what about this the wisest man Solomon who had if we were to take all of our wealth and put it together and multiply it by ten thousand this guy has got more than that okay and so he here's what he says here's what I've observed whenever somebody owes someone else whether it's an organization or a nation or an individual they become a slave to the lender hold on Jim what is about good credit versus bad credit okay all this stuff okay I'm not gonna tell anybody that it's wrong for them to go and get a loan on an appreciable asset I'm also not going to tell them that it's right okay that's between you and God and what you do did you consult God on what to do or did you just take matters into your own hands and produce an Ishmael okay so wealth debt can be like a lever you know it can enable you to move things greater you know like I like a business loan or you know or rental producing property something like that and in an appreciating and an inflationary economy that lever is wonderful in a deflationary economy that thing becomes the death of you and here's the problem you don't know which one you're gonna be in tomorrow okay so just just I look at it like a loaded gun sometimes a loaded gun could be helpful um sometimes it can be real dangerous the question is are you are you consulting the Lord I will just say this debt is not God's best okay Deuteronomy 15 6 for the Lord your God will bless you as he is promised and you shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow and you shall rule over many nations but they shall not rule over you so just a couple weeks ago I'm walking the dog praying in tongues over finances and the Lord reminds me of the story of King ASA remember that King ASA he's a king of Israel and so he's got this situation where he's getting ready to face an army actually was the king of Judah is if the lower camp and so he's getting ready to face an army that's twice the size of him it's gonna be bad news he seeks the Lord the Lord gives him a wonderful victory yay God a little while later he's in a similar situation and instead of fighting this king he does something he takes money out of the Treasury and pays another king to go and whoop up on this King I'm reading the story I'm like amazing this is a great idea God reads the story and says this because you did not consult me and instead took matters into your own hands you're gonna have war the rest of your days here's what God says to me Jim as long as you're willing to put up with less than my best you're not gonna get my best and it's easier to put it on the credit card or take out a loan than it is to renew my mind and trust God he says he's my provider so if it's a need he will give it to me guys that takes some work it's a lot easier to just go get alone I'm not saying a loan is wrong what I am saying is this wrong if you don't try if you don't consult gone in a matter first a little bit of debt means you're a little bit of slavery why did that a lot of you guys get the picture so here's what I want you I want you to get this so here's what happened so I know these are firstworldproblems we had four drivers with three cars I know it's all I got a major problem but I didn't have my car anymore and so Wesley my middle son's driving it all the time for his job and so my plan was you know what I'll give Wesley this car and get a nicer car so that's just how my me and I think he was going us I began lusting over all these cars and so it's right during this time where I'm walking the dog and God gives us to me so I come home I tell Mary about the encounter I'm like listen we're done I am NOT taking out a stink alone I don't care if I got to ride a bike design I'm not getting alone if it's a need God said he'd provide it I'm gonna wait on him to provide the need okay and so we just began we just began praying on it gotten listen you're gonna do something amazing with this we can't wait we can't wait to see what you're gonna do two days later I get a call and now a friend says hey Jim I just sold the car or just bought a new car and I'm wanting to give this one away and I had Wesley's name come to mind I don't even know if Wesley needs a car two days later comes it gets this thing so um listen sometimes God will have that prayers answered quickly because he wants you to know that it's the real deal sometimes the answers the promises are so big that it requires character to carry them out and so there's a process of seeking Him we're gonna look at what that looks like in another session and so I'm either way if there's a delay in answers I just think God just the answer is just gaining interest well Jim I've been waiting for this thing man just just enjoy it because you're becoming the kind of person who can carry the blessing so it doesn't crush you so here's what I want to do I want you to get this picture of Redeemer in your head here's what the word Redeemer means it means if you are in a pit it doesn't matter if you dug the pit yourself it doesn't matter if you were in the pit because of someone else's actions maybe a divorce maybe a bad business deal go wrong whatever it might be it doesn't matter why you're in there here's what the word Redeemer means it means that God gets into the pit with you and he walks you out of that pit in his strength not your own there was a group of men who were in debt in the Bible David's mighty man it says they were in distress in debt discontented I think one of the things that severely overlooked and all the get out of debt things is here's a group of men who were in distress in debt and discontented these guys were a hot mess and yet they got into an atmosphere of a redheaded Jewish boy named David who was worshiping when no one was looking and he carried an atmosphere with him and when they got into his atmosphere it did something on the inside and when something changed on the inside their external circumstances changed to the point where they are the mightiest warriors in biblical history gang it's not just about the debt snowball or the debt avalanche and lining up your debts and all that stuff do that stuff I've got I've got a link where you can go to an article and it'll show you all that stuff just Google Google that snowball you can do that and worship the devil I'm talking about coming into an atmosphere of hope coming into an atmosphere of expectation where God takes people who are it was a distress debt and discontented and turns them into the mightiest warriors this world's ever seen okay Redeemer so here's what I want to do I want to break the spirit of debt off of you the spirit of debt says you know what first of all has those meager possibilities but then it's this thing where I'm gonna take care of these needs myself I'm gonna lean on the arm of flesh well Jim if I'd never get a listen you pray about it maybe God I'll say get a home loan and we'll pay it off in three years like the one guy did maybe it'll be something like that the issue is did you trust God did you consult God in this decision or did you just take things in your own hands because if you just continue to take things in your own hands you're gonna have war the rest of your days you just start to get out of debt and then you got this expense and now you're back in debt can I get a witness the issue the root of the issue is trust and so what I want to do is I want to break that spirit of debt off you where you say listen I want God's best and I'm willing to wait for it and renew my mind for it his best might be I could be a loan that you pay off in a year I don't know but you're going to consult him and you're gonna have a peace about it with your spouse if you're married I decree and declare all right so if you remember there was a time in your life where we didn't think that healing was normal mom it's flu season everyone's got to get a flu shot da da da da I'm not against I am but anyway and so I'm thirty years from now we're gonna look back at some of this crap and go home and G it's like the leeches bleeding people anyway it's interesting that God had them born into a garden and not a pharmacy anyway here's what there was a timer we didn't think healing was normal then we began coming alive you know what I'll have to put up with sickness I can fight this thing God has divine health for me okay we have not had that same revelation when it comes to debt that's become normal and anything that's normal for you that's not normal in the kingdom is a stronghold it's a wrong pattern of thinking that will keep you locked up it's like the lion who's been in the cage and a nine by nine cage his whole life the door is open and he's still walking the nine by nine cage because there's a stronghold he sees life with the cage closed the cage is open and God's like come on into this new realm but it starts with the doorway of trust so put your hand in your heart god I'm done with dead just between you and God whatever that looks like I am so done being a slave to somebody else help me Jesus be my Redeemer give me wisdom give me strategies give me increase to walk me out of this pit and your strength I can't do it I'm trusting you I'm trusting you God get me out of this mess no one can take better care of you than me than me than you help me Jesus so lord I renounce this spirit of debt that just tries to take things into my own hands and I trust you when the name of Jesus that was session three then I feel good your homework is if you don't have a plan to get out of that get a plan to get out of debt I give you a link there at the thing so here's what I want you to do there's an exercise I think it's called your real goal I want you this this is going bless you and then we're gonna take a lunch after this so I want you to take 15 minutes for this and just take some time with the Lord it's gonna be kind of like a funnel you'll see it's gonna start here here and here it's gonna really help you get at the heart of why you want finances at an emotional level not a head level you're not looking for the right answers I'm talking about something that actually hits your heart and this will help us where we're going okay take 15 minutes I'll call time so please no talking you know I know all this stuff 15 minutes and then I'll call time and then we'll break for lunch okay sound good go for it 15 you because I want you to do we're gonna break for lunch at noon so once you guys just talk at your tables about the coaching funnel and since we've got some time you guys can open it up to the whole table here or maybe just something that's hits your heart just something that maybe not just hit your heart before like gods are doing something in you you can talk about that or talk about the funnel so let's take about 15 minutes on that and then we'll dismiss for lunch so
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
Views: 1,417
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: zion, christian, fellowship
Id: EJKDrmkoxuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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