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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Father we try to bring your worship father we rise to bless your name father we joy to bring you worship father we rise to bless your need [Music] to bless your new [Music] father we join to bring you word father we rise to bless your name father we join to bring you word we rise to bless your name let the fragrance of worship filled the space today let the fragrance of words filled this space let the fragrance let it rise to bless shortly father we rise to bring you praise we praise your name your way we praise your name Yahweh we praise your Yahweh we praise your name Yahweh we praise your name Yahweh we praise your name Yahweh we praise your sir fire within us yeah you set a fire you set a fire within us yeah well we can't be sided you set a fire within us yeah you set a fire within us you set a fire within us yeah we can be side you set a fire within us you set a fire with bitter sure you set a fire but being honest we can't be silent you set a fire within me you set a fire within me you set a fire within me oh I can't be silent you praise your name we praise you we praise your you're worthy we praise you we praise your we praise you we praise your name we praise your worthy we praise Lord we praise your name we praise your worthy worthy of our worthy of our praise your worthy of our praise your worthy of our plan you're worthy of our praise you're worthy [Music] you're so we are so we are so worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy the word [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] tribe will come [Music] ah we're sick war that we sing why that you are worthy you are worthy [Music] [Applause] we tried we [Music] come on yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we belong to your God children of God children of God [Music] olestra that is true chin up you can shut up with your own [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on sing a new song [Music] come on tell me I wish to keep it see [Music] [Music] yeah my [Music] [Music] [Applause] so good [Music] [Applause] [Music] marvelous marvelous a recall of a marvelous [Applause] [Music] yes you are [Music] you so the world but she won't let us go no you won't matter [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Music] into your arms [Music] right running into your [Music] running into your heart he ARCA running into your house I'm coming home I'm [Music] coming I feel that right now I'm coming no matter how far you've been no matter how you've been no matter what identity you pick it on I'm coming he calls you by name who can ignore the father when he calls your name can ignore the father when he cause [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ought to begin to dance in your prayer room you ought to begin to dance you ought to begin to dance in your kitchen in your house come on [Music] I'm coming home [Music] [Applause] [Music] he'll back the enemy so I'll be local Oh so I can so I can help help [Applause] so I can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] you are nothing to it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you can be ready what [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] I mentioned [Music] [Music] [Music] so the family to feel the [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] look [Music] [Applause] whoopee [Applause] what [Applause] [Music] love [Music] we're standing on the door we've come this far it's been a long journey it's been a long journey [Music] we've been asking where we've been we've been asking where we are this phenomena is been a long journey it's been a long journey but then we heard your voice [Music] we heard your boys calling unto us saying come we heard your boys sing only and you follow I'll need if you follow so we took and we see you taking your head on this journey on this turn and we will no longer ask where we been know where we are because you reveal to us you've spoken to us you're mindful of us so mindful of so now we're at the door so now we read the door so now we're at the door sing take a seat take a seat take a seat into your holy play purify my lips purify our hearts pure fire [Music] he's unraveling from what you've been tangled in he's unraveling you what you've been knotted up at he's unravel he's on arrival he's unraveling he's unraveling this is your day of deliverance this is your day of deliverance this is your day of deliverance this is your day of deliverance this is your day this is your day I deliver you deliver you and I take I take to a place you've never been before I take it you've never heard before I see another song before I sing again over you I see the game over you I see ah [Music] [Music] [Music] come on worship your God come on [Music] [Music] you know let us see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when when man looked upon your face when the quality of place when man looks upon your face hey break up [Music] let your balls begin to come down rich apologies much but Wow minions must bow wow wow Lyceus must bow that serovar my power the Saregama plow [Music] with a [Music] come on come on come on that's something go come on there's something more Dawkins you know tired where it ramaa Wow focus your shop put your shoulder wrap up it released to you right now if you have a show lift up your hair [Music] see tumors dissolving disappearance [Music] Oh [Music] twisting Angola you won't have to go see that foot I am [Music] come on he's hilly Marcus too we find it now that is healing they're appealing transformation healing transformation [Music] we we tell it out the same [Music] my father there's an office I'll cut soon let's see we did not [Music] to your mind to Healing vegetable power I see me to your home I see parts you take nearly power God big Rita do this camera to your home she avoided trip let's say that now holy aligner we're live we aligned with because [Music] the economy with God ooh I say you just cross over to a route [Music] [Applause] [Music] Spyder where the cuts to be fire do yeah well yeah [Music] we were stuck Oh yeah [Music] to make fire a fire image of mine [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we where is the fire you promised us [Music] you way away where is the friar promised us the way we're way where is the real way we jet where is the fire promised us with way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're waiting waiting we're waiting where is the [Music] the 21st century [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] even shipped abroad you're terrible [Music] you promised us we're here wait there's their way but well this is fine that you promise the earth your people are waiting your people [Music] we [Music] we want to [Music] Oh God [Music] all of this that's what we've been waiting for that's what we've been waiting for [Music] we see fire that they call toes we say fire but they call shooting and dancing we see that they say it's leisure we've seen that they said it praise you but where was the that is us [Music] that shaves up Scala Navajo saga where is the that was us [Music] that cleanses us [Music] [Music] we were [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're watching today I told you that the Lord has dealt with me about the rush of the people and how it took us a long time to get to where we are and if you're waiting for this to be a thirty minute a thirty minute service you got the wrong page because I keep hearing him say tarry until I come I keep hearing him say tarry until I come I keep hearing him say we're too in a hurry and we're not getting breakthroughs because we're on a clock but we're not on a clock I'm on the timing of the Lord Cora da da ba hacia da da da da mahasaya hora mi casa de la Lala Messiah and we are in the pursuit of fire like my mind Lisa knew nothing about what I was going to preach today I didn't speak to her about what God had given me but he began to talk to me about the fact that when they were in the upper room the fire that they needed that was the fire of power they had to wait on it they couldn't clock it they couldn't tell it when to come they had to tarry there until it came and they had to remain with that question in their spirit [Music] you promised us [Music] my god yeah get your Bible we're going to this is going to bless you today what is the necessity of what we have been speaking of as it relates to the angels of the Lord and the type of angels we have been speaking of it is important people we're not just we're not just we're not just doing something we're not just can you come turn that speak around can you turn that speak around for me sir thank you we're not just doing something we're not just trying to seek for more information we're not glutton so that we could say that we have knowledge of something but there is a very clear message as to what the Lord is trying to say to us he began to talk to us about the highest rankings of the angelic beings and he talked to us about the sever films and about the cherubims and the several films were the fire the maintainer z' of the fire and the cherubims guarded the throne of God and they they were encamped around the throne of God and then you have the Thrones that were considered to be the mini ID one where they had eyes everywhere but the thing that I want to bring to our attention today today is going to be life-changing especially for people that are trying to understand why the Lord desires for us to have the fire and why it is a necessity that we have fire why is it that I don't know how you can be a real Christian and not have father I don't know how you can be a real preacher and not have fire I don't know how you can even preach the word without fire I don't know how you can worship with that fire because in this race this highest hierarchy of the heavens of the choirs of the Lord it said that among the cherubims and the thrones the seraphim's the Spirit of the seraphim's which was fire it danced arrival it went up and down their bodies that there was never a time that the high arcing of heaven was not filled with fire fire everywhere fire everywhere it says that the likeness of these creatures was as the clothes of fire and it was everywhere it was everywhere it was like it was like Little Rock's that was thrown everywhere that they went and everywhere that the thrones went this fire went behind it and in front of it and the Bible lets us know that they would like the appearance of lamps so it look like it looked like lamps constantly roaming all over the highest part of heaven so then you start asking yourself well how does that relate to me and I don't people that know the ministry that God is giving me I don't I don't normally choose titles but I kept hearing in the back Lord well is my fire that you promised me where is mine where is mine am I supposed to have it am I supposed to am I supposed to desire it the book of Matthew 5 and 14 says you are the light of the world a city built on a hill and cannot be hidden well how was that why is that why am i alive why am i considered a light how can I be considered a light and I was born and raised in the church so so so this is a very familiar scripture to me you are the light of the world how is it that I am the light of the world then John 5 and 35 said jimana was a lamp that burned and gave light and you chose for a time to enjoy his light so then again so then again here we're talking about a fire that went up and down the beams of heaven until Jeremiah 20 and 9 picked it up people and he said but if I say I would not mention his word or speak any more in his name here it is you're his word isn't my heart like a fire a fire shut up in my bones I am weary of holding it in indeed I cannot and so when people say you know I'm saved and I'm Holy Ghost field and I have the fire of God then then watch this then you should be a light in darkness then we should see the power of this life sitting or your life to the point that watch this that we understand that the Lord shows me he chosen me to be a light that's gonna make a lot of sense in a minute it's gonna make a lot of sense in a minute so so so Jeremiah 23 and 29 says is not my word like fire declares the Lord and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces and the fire was bright and clear as the word of God is and out of the fire went forth lightning watch these people watch this before this is gonna bless you and the mind wasn't talked about in the book of Matthew that when Jesus comes in Matthew 24 and 27 he will come like lightning so let's stop here let's stop here and ask ourselves what is that what is the association what is the association between between Jesus coming and he coming as of lightning and the fact that we are considered the light of the world and all that God has called us to be so why is it that there was an association there what is what is what is God talking about people of God why do why is he relating that to us okay so I began that I began to pray about this and I began to ask God show me what you're talking about show me what you're talking about and it began to talk to me I said why is it why is it that this fire what is it that this fire it went the Bible said and when the throne was like wheels in the middle of a wheel and they said it went straight that it did not turn it went straight and he said to me at once straight because there was no turning in my word and he said in the reason why in accompany the throne of God because wherever the throne of God went that's where the Thrones went and they would they they actually became a coach chariot to God well why is it that this fire would not disassociate itself from that because when he start talking about the Word of God the Word of God is like an unsafe Eyre and Jeremiah said that his word was like fire shut up in my bones then you have to ask yourself you have to ask yourself then though watch this the familiar then accompanies the word because the funnier is the word good lord have mercy the failure accompanies the word because the fire is the word which means what you mean the Bible said wheresoever the Spirit of the Lord wit the front your wind what's this well somebody said well you know what I feel his spirit and I feel the Spirit of the Lord no you feel goosebumps no you feel you feel you feel the atmosphere you don't feel his spirit how do I know that how do I know that because the Bible said the words that I speak they are spirit come on somebody they are spirit and they are life what is God talking about here in other words if I do not have the Word of God I do not have his spirit that lord have mercy somebody someone I don't know my Bible listen I know my Bible and that's why the revival of the Bible it cannot be read like it is a book come on somebody you have thanks for the spirits help Cora Baca Shia that's why when you read the Bible you have to sit and want me at place and you have to wait on the Spirit of the Lord because without the Spirit of the Lord here we go now wherever the Thrones went the fire wind wherever the seraphim's when the fire went wherever the word when the fire went and the Bible said that the Thrones were was so intensified about Jesus that they accompanied him it said this People of God it said they did the bidding of Jesus Christ they did everything he said do so whenever you pray and you ask God to do something but first thing heaven is going to do it look down and do your belly to see if I see the word good lord have mercy no no no we say we say no you know what you know what the Lord the Lord answered by fire let's see let's see what he did let's see what they did let's see what they did so so so number 16 and 46 says says so Moses said to Aaron take a censer and put fire in it from where people the altar the altar where there's a Seraphim get their fire the altar Lord Jesus Lord Jesus what does I'm giving you an association here what does what does the Thrones look like what does the seraphim's look like this gonna make sense to you somebody said well dr. banner where are you teaching this one because because the world is turning up what's this the revealing of the Spirit of the world is being made manifest it used to be hidden it's being made manifest and don't wild up you're going to be walking and grocery stores up and standing face to face with demonic spirits oh come on somebody they've been looking like you lately they've been looking like what clothes on and Weavin and eyelashes and all of that but as a believer you got to know how to fight you got to know how to repeat the devil and how do I rebuke the devil when he seems the pie of my life against me who is God preaching to anybody up there that's him and what God is saying you gotta have this you gotta know this you gotta know what your happens no no no somebody said I would look to the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord but do you know who is helping you do you know who is helping you was but I call them Michael I called him Michael the Archangel when I pray I call on Michael the Archangel but what you don't recognize is that Michael cannot he cannot bring you a message he cannot he cannot assist you in anything he cannot speak to you unless the word has given in us limit to the seraphim's and to the front and then they run to the second dimension and they give a messages to the powers to the virtues and the producer get the angels permission to talk to you who is God talking to right there I'm looking nobody talked to me that's how you get a conversation with the Angels you don't qualify to talk to a Seraphim you don't qualify to talk to a cherubim but the mercy and the grace of God because we are Christ Jesus Jesus looks down and say that's mine so then here we go what's it so then somebody said what then what then what then have a we how does this associate with us how does how does this connect with us then you know how do how does this connect with us it this thing blew my mind when I when I when I stopped it's the other thing he said to me do you not know that when I told them to go in the upper room and tarry and wait for me until I send them power people listen to this please listen to this please listen to music so here here we have here we have Moses telling Aaron to take the censors and put fire and put the clothes of fire in the senses from off the altar and run into the people that that are stricken with the plague and the Lord would atone them of their sins and the Lord would healed him now watch this so why did they get him they got healed because his actions was a replica of heaven okay we're trying to use everything to get here they got healed because because because they did what heaven did they got healed because they got clothes from off of an altar they got healed because become become you no no no you're not hearing that you're not hearing that so so whenever you come and get clothes from off of an altar then the seraphim's must supply you fire okay okay okay so whenever you come to an altar to pray and you say the Lord I'm coming to the altar because I need fire in my life then heaven has to assist you watch this then you bypass two realms of heaven come over here somebody then you look up in Jesus and said look they will not be like me oh you don't hear me see this is oh we get baptized with the Holy Ghost that is the only time that the human being gets an opportunity to go God to get an experience from the third heaven because a second Ram came baptize you let's around take baptize you only the phony upon heaven and so watch this this is what you came let the devil play with your salvation this is one you can't afford to be in and out this is why you can't like you have a spirit of God and so somebody says watch this watch this watch it watch it nothing got me that thing gotten and then Pettis Arroyo was talking yesterday and we were talking about we were talking about Thrones and we say okay the throne of God so then she was saying when you make the throne of God when you make your heart good Lord when you make your heart the throne of God then the same assignments that the cherubim have to the throne of God they now have to you so so so now somebody said we're doing the coronavirus I'm scare uh-huh you have fear because you have no knowledge huh when God is on the throne of your heart in camp yes angels round about you and they got to watch you they got a block the sneezes and they got a buck the charms and somebody just walked out of a building and touch something and they got the coronavirus and the angel has to stand guard and make you not touch that I don't think you understand that when the throne of God is sitting in your heart the angels of heaven are assigned to you because they cannot abandon the God at any time do y'all hear that come Oh help me are you listening abandon the ground of God are you hearing what God is saying so he says him he says here I'll show you what I did with fire I'll show you what I did with fire where we were Lord what what what puts Adam and how can i as a regular human being what qualifies me to be able to call down fire from heaven was that just in the Bible or can I do that too ok so Moses said here number 1635 and the people rebelled against Allah and the people rebelled against the will of God listen let me tell you something whenever that was an enemy that comes and tries to rebelled against what God has placed on your life devil comes up and try to attack what God has placed on your life no matter the minute you see the attacker the minute you hear about it up experiencing it you have the authority to fire you because the Bible said God is not a respecter a person walking to the book it lines up what keep data what Moses up he would do it now sexy so the people and so then the people y'all I'm going somewhere with this my God my God my God my God these are the people the Bible said and then the people didn't want to hear Moses they wanted to hear from God they liked who told you to speak for God we want to hear from God but dr. bottom then shew does that apply to me how does that a part of my house it apply to your house because when you're trying to get a message to your loved ones and your children and people and they still in rebellion and they don't want to hear you lord have mercy then you have this you have the authority to step back and say now you gonna hear God okay you don't want to hear me uh-huh you don't want to hear me they know what I want you to speak my fire come on y'all ain't saying nothing up in here no no you're my boy yes don't yes you don't want to hear you your son don't want to hear you he's still hanging out with the gang he's still doing stuff he ain't got no business the enemy is attacking your manager the devil is attacking your body and you keep trying to say Satan a lot me pew pew okay the enemy don't want to hear you now you step back and just call fire you step back and said Carter according to your word in the vicar's nothing in 24b get in the name of jesus then you come and bring fire up fire you speak now Who am I talking to no y'all don't want to give me something you don't want to hear me I'm gonna tell you you say you've been talking too much up you've been bleeding too much but God told me to tell you today step back up camcorder now you speak up but speak wet fire Lynden and then we have Elijah and then we have a light we have Elijah to call down fire from heaven watch this people are gone we have Elijah that called down fire from heaven and he called that watch this watch this y'all he called down fire from heaven because there was somebody that was trying to introduce another power low Hammerson y'all did hear that y'all didn't hear that y'all there there was somebody trying to introduce another way y'all don't hear me cuz see I've experienced that you got loved ones that that's been raised in the church and here they come talkin bout talking about some craziness talking about what it was what I believe in this and I believe in crystals and and I don't care but I believe in these beads right here and I'm aware these bees yeah yeah yeah yo you gon let their foolishness because the minute you show me that you trying to serve another God I got the right to call down fire no you don't hear me you don't hear me gotta speak to them and they dreams up God arrest him and they sleep yo don't know who God is up I'm so sick of crystal Chuck then like we punks and don't know God listen you relatives there's no match for the fire god your job is you no match for the fire of God who is God talking to who is God talking to the grave we'll send you you you I'm talking to you today you've got to decree underclass we see I remember somebody look at now somebody looking somebody looking now they say they say no no that's your niece that's your niece you know is she doing worship but I can remember the days when they was on The Big Sleep I can remember days when they was mad because they wanted to be at home and we was in church for long hours and I can remember the days when her father was doing worship and we were up there doing worship and we would be in worship for hours and they would be knocked out sleep on the bench and I remember the days when we had to promise them money and give them five dollars see you see laughing because she remembered that and I said just don't be mad aren't you need to go get you five dollars when the service is over and they'd be sleeping and when they wake up she would come to me insanity NIDA you got my five dollars but Seamas wait wait wait somebody said well why did you give her five dollars because I wouldn't because I was maintaining the presence of the Lord it was yeah lord have mercy and so David they didn't didn't here come David here come David you wanna be oh god an doctor and here is David he put an offering up there y'all better see this thing everything is consumed by fire you're given it's consumed by fire lord have mercy you want to fire God to come down on your giving Solomon got to pray pray you pray I pray I pray do you play yes ma'am I pray well how long did you pray well I give God quality time yeah I pray I pray to God well well people are God well I gotta I gotta ask you a question I gotta ask you a question if the Jesus that sit on the right hand of the throne of God if that Jesus it's not just a person but it was the Word of God made flesh good lord have mercy and now he dwelt among men and that Jesus now lives in you I don't know how you can end the prayer and not feel fire I don't know how you can do that I want somebody to show me I want somebody to show me how you can just sit and go god I just thank you because somewhere inside even if you were in your house in a pond it's five o'clock in the morning and you listen and your neighbors won't let you yell you ought to be holding your belly right now because you about to scream out because the Bible said the word is fire okay okay okay okay and if you pray into the word and you pray enough and you prayin to God then you oughta feel the fire there's a kindred spirit there there's a connection there when you feel that fire where was the foyer where was the Fagor Lord that you promised me and so so he took me to the book of Zachariah people from this hour we're talking about the hour that we're living in right now we're talking about this hour we're talking about where we are right now and he said and not for the sake of time I'll paraphrase us the Prophet the prophets were liars lord have mercy the prophets were lawyers and and they were conjuring up prophetic words that God didn't give them lord have mercy and then one scripture when one one pastor says and they was even putting on because back in the Bible things they would wear rough garments and so when they will wear these rough garments like like I want to say like real rough bare garments and burlaps and stuff like that when people would see them coming they would be like that's a prophet because the prophets wear that burlap and net and that rough and the Bible said and they had on the outfit but they didn't have the fire they Hanna they listen listen listen they you Esther like the Prophet and they spoke like the Prophet but then go and begin to say huh I'm getting ready to kill shepherds uh-huh yeah and then God begin to say yeah and I'm getting ready to come against her I'm getting ready to come against her parents and I'm calming the parent the spiritual parents to cherish their children and the scripture says that when they come and say thus says the Lord supposed to ask you did God tell you better and if the Lord didn't tell you that the Bible said and they stuck a knife through them and killed them no no no no no no no you don't hear me you don't hear me you don't hear me and so when this was going on the Lord said because of the deception that's in the world that's why I keep seeing people say this because that's what you're supposed to do [Music] he said he said they gonna call me by my name I will be their God they would be my people watch this now this is the part that some of y'all better get ready for and he said and they were called on me and I will answer them no they don't mean nothing at you right now he said don't remnant that allow me I'm not talking about the oxygenator fire I'm not talking about the fire that has blue in it that's that's that's the earthly fire I'm talking about the amber flyer of heaven that has no oxygen in it it is a purifying fire it is it's a purifying fire it's a fire that tests you and turned you out to be gold and I am hearing this I got hearing this are you hearing this and then I said to Lord I said okay I said I said so what so what are you saying so then how do I get this fire and where and where is where is my fire where where was the fire that you promised me and so he starts saying no no no I want you to see this and he said I want you to see this he said he said after I do that in Zachariah and I used a stream fire to purify to purify cause purification is on an all-time low now now now now now save me whatever I want to do say save me and see I hear this word so much until it makes me want to throw up I get this word so much save now me don't judge me no no no no no no no there won't be a standard there ought to be some kind of accountability to what you do save according to this Bible not according to your own theology no I'm not maybe that's why he's not hearing our prayers he's not hearing our prayers because we're not safe and those that are not here the bible says except you repent the lord doesn't hear you okay now I didn't say that I didn't hear everybody cry uh-huh in mercy but you can't just walk around living living ungodly and think you're gonna go before the Lord and command him and nor do this and Lord fix that it doesn't work that way did you know you got a combined way of Zachariah you gotta let the Lord purify you you gotta let the Lord clean you out you gotta let the Lord clean your spirit you gotta let God help you to understand there's some people that you are around they are ruining your life up and they're ruining your chances for eternal life lord have mercy Jesus I don't care if I have to be the one calling out in the wilderness I will if you own this liner and you want cleanup you got to say God send the fire set the fire and begin the consumer even the desire that I have to be with people that I have no business with set your fire until I am back and that's a word we don't use up that's a word we don't use often and so he says here watch this we're talking about associations we're talking about Association I want you to see an association and I close with this I want you to see this association this association says here what was watch this it says James three and six and the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity your tongue is a world of iniquity that little thing in your mouth this it's a world of iniquity watch this it creates a world for you good lord have mercy unite you see people and you say well stay away from her because she messy it her tongue has created a world for her that's the world that you live in or you see somebody you said no that person is very integral their tongue what they say has created a world for them that's why sometimes when you look at people and they cannot talk this is powerful right here most people that cannot talk that are dumb unless there is somebody around them that understands sign language they hang with their own kind okay because if I was dumb then everybody in here can talk and nobody knew sign language I can be signing all I want but you wouldn't know what I'm talking about Oh your legs and so therefore identification identification of an individual as you known by what they say good lord have mercy I'm a Christian no you're not no you're not no you're not because I can hear it I can hear it in your conversation I can hear it when you get in trouble I can hear it the first time you feel a look under your chest I can hear it the first time you feel a pain because when a believer believer means I am consumed by the word which means come of the impedance of the heart the mouth speak I'm not talking about this heart I'm not talking about this heart because the real heart is here the real heart is here out of what I'm filled with in here is what comes out of here you always saying that and this is what creates my world good and I'm gonna tell you that doom the pandemic you may have created another one because you're gonna be shunned the works of the devil Who am I talking to more than the works of God you've got to get in God and get in here's a word and create that's not people come in here people come in here and I've been in here studying since March people come in here and they say they say oh my god you know when we come in here I can feel the glory of God so you know I don't I don't I don't be looking at a lot of stuff I don't look at a lot of um singing in and all of that so when the Lord gives me the prophesy I don't know what's going on out there he gave me the prophesy something the other day I didn't know what was going on out there but the but but God kept that to me and God was giving me he was giving me something how the people that sing in this building with me and the people that network the pressures another day we love another language and so when people coming here they start talking crazy we've been looking at them like maybe like it's no it's bad out there and we've been looking at their life is it really like what because because we love another world in here Lord your mercy Jesus who am I talking to and they come in here and they say well why are y'all so happy what why y'all just somebody came with answer dr. Burnham just look like she just had peace she just be laying there and just be sitting there and sitting there reading her Bible and drinking her coffee like the world like going crazy no no because what I'm doing is I'm consuming the word what I'm doing is I'm eating the word day and night come on somebody and so my heart is not shaken by what's going on out there because I know that I serve the God of what's going on out there and I know my job is to pray that the enemies stay on course because he has a job so ain't no sensing see see see that's what I'm talking about when you were real openly but you ain't all upset Emma and what is going on not the temple got a job terima and our job is to make sure we keep him on course job mister mixture we said you're going to mass come on back over here it ain't your time dip it ain't your time for 666 it ain't your time it ain't your time for one-world government it ain't your time come on somebody our job is to hold him at bay now how do we do that we don't hold them at bay what's a data we don't hold in that babe what loud music and a lot of praise but we hold him at bay well I'm music and are pouring and I found what a word of what God from the scripture who is God preaching - lord have mercy Jesus I feel like running outside because watch this you show him whatsoever you say good lord help me I don't know dr. battle hammer maker you ain't got enough word in you you wouldn't even say that if you have dr. bad I don't know how I pay my rent you ain't got enough word in you coz coz coz if you did you wouldn't you won't need me talkin like that you went with doctor batter my own nose how am I pay my condo and then you start getting all scared and then you guys start having all these anxieties and then you can sleep at night and then you just feel like I'm scratching and I'm digging no but when you walk in the word you won't listen you walk with the word and you said to yourself the way of the Lord is perfect and Lord my desire is that you would sinned he said watch this that you would send seed for this Cardinal but if you don't let him come get it and I must still be at peace see y'all if y'all only send because of the same God gave me that word he can give me another one and maybe the way of the Lord is perfect and he want me walking right now maybe he don't want me on the highway right now see y'all ain't sayin nothin y'all listen see because because that one Scripture that one scripture will calm you down Romans 8:28 all things work together for good to them that love God and to those that are called according to his purpose when the Lord put me in this building and he said stay in this building y'all ain't saying nothing and the pandemic and when you coming out of it and why are you stealing in there and why you listen why you there and watch this and we didn't flying down until a month and a half later that watch this that : 19 broke out first and him stayed where I live in the nursing home that was ten minutes away from the house everybody in their diet people own in my neighborhood was dying but what did God do he got me away from them and brought me in here come on somebody and sometimes you don't know what God is doing and the devil will have you complaining but the Bible said that when they start complaining constant fire come on somebody you better back that all the way up and tell the Lord the way of the Lord is perfect I don't understand what you're doing but my answer is yes I don't know what's going on but my answer is yes I don't know why I'm mad at my house but it's okay I don't know why they had to take my car but it's okay I don't know why I got a move at a time but it's okay because I know that you know the way that I take and when you have Oh I close with this I got five minutes the tongue a manga so is the tongue among our members that it did Fallon the whole body but listen advance the tongue that founded the whole body and set it on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of Hell so what am I so now here it is whew it is I keep telling y'all about associations or so she have been associations to heaven so then the Lord the Lord promised exactly the fire he promises us to find he promises us the fire he promises us the fire Daniel he promises us to fire worship team he promises after fire agent and so we say so why is it that you will cause us to desire the baptism and then you don't send it you know you tell us to go in the upper room and you tell us the wait so yeah hope this is helping you you tell us a go an upper room and you tell us to wait and the reason why we qualified as disciples for the baptism is because we want with the word see I'm gonna come over here and say that cuz somebody somebody and go hit me to somebody don't him we took the word as the word john said i baptize you with water but there was one coming who i'm not warming and lace his shoes and he would baptize you with the Holy Ghost fire could come on somebody and so we qualified we qualified but the baptism because we walked with the world because we stuck with the world because we repeated to the world because we heard the word because we experienced the word Peter when I stepped out on water and I saw that the sink it was the word that got under me and held me know we experienced the world we saw two fish and five loaves of bread yeah we saw we saw food left over we walked with the word so we went with the words have we qualify for the baptism of power because we swatch this we showed ourselves to be obedient to the world we showed ourselves to keep following the work so you got people that want the baptism but you ain't father in the world we got people that want the baptism of the holy ghost but you only know two scriptures you got people listen here listen when it's said that it's a gift it is a gift for those that qualify for the gift it is again watch this the work cannot be watch this the baptism of the Holy Ghost can not attach itself to see it belongs to the world it is the assistance to the world the baptism of the Holy Ghost does the bidding of the world it listens at the tomb of God for the assignment of God and it goes and do what God tells it to do that's why he says my work and not return unto me void but it must prosper in the thing whereto I said it if you got the world you can get the back pleasure being down but the power now the Holy Ghost okay so we so we end this up a room and we wait and we wait and we wait and I'm pretty sure like I was when I was thinking with the baptism you'd be filling yourself and you'd be praising God and then you feel a little feel a little quicker than you'd like is it coming like like is it is it is it coming yet it is I'm gonna get the fight in there was a feeling you said okay this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it I'm about to get it I'm about to get it I'm about to get it I know it I know and the employment don't come and so there's a wound is it why is it that now he promises us thank you Jesus he promises us the Holy Ghost but watch this but the Holy Ghost came in the upper room and it resembled a tongue he said because that's the thing that sets your world on fire thank you Jesus he said that's the thing that's the thing that's the thing that can govern the course of your life your tongue can change your world come on somebody your tongue can send you to hell so when I send you the baptism it's coming in the form of a tongue now am i saying you're not only saying that because if I can listen if I can baptize you and send you a tongue of fire then I can control your life let's sit here so somebody said this somebody said but wait a minute dr. Bynum it's set up or I'd known I know dr. burns you probably you probably klinken yourself saying Lord Jesus have mercy no no no and then he says here says here watch this y'all watch this y'all this gonna bless you right here this gon blessed of God this gonna bless you so good and so then so then he says here now now now now the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost set upon them and what did it look like what did it look like the Bible said that it looked like cloven cloven cloven tongues clothing Thompson cloven tongues cloven tongues and I looked that up Jesus have mercy cloven tongues cloven Thompson and so they said and look at all the commentaries in his sin well cloven he's like it's like cleft and so cloven is cleft what you means there was a split that was a split in the tongue that set up on them clothing clothing but then when I looked up the word cloven cloven isn't also the past participle of the word cleave okay so then so then so then cleft so then cloven has a two-fold meaning but either way it means split and also it means cleave come on somebody you don't hear that uh-huh it is the parents participle of the work clean so I've cloven just like just like a Joseph just like leave and left you get what I'm saying like I'm a lead and then you say he left uh-huh uh-huh and so I'm a cleaver and then when I left him I was closing in other words I still stayed with him uh-huh so when I get the Holy Ghost the reason why I know somebody ain't got it because watch this watch says because the looks of that tongue is not an operation in their life in other words yeah [Laughter] [Music] somebody better poison [Music] [Music] I closed with music my God my God my God my God my God set up on him watches so lord have mercy I've never saw this before he said the more you read the world the more you take in the word y'all didn't like what I must say the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks did he just say people of God let me talk to my people did he say there out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks the baptism okay imma give you a demonstration I read the word this week to my knees I read the word to my thighs okay I didn't kept reading and it done came up here in my stomach now the Word of God is only paying much in my gut and now the world is in my chest and now the world is in my mind and the world is in my heart and the word is in both of my heart he's in the heart that carried the memory of my brain and this their heart when my thoughts originate and so now because both of my heart is full of the world and the world is fire then why can't I speak then then I should be I should be able to live my hands up and go to praise and God and I I'm full of the word and the word is fire come on now the word it's mine and I should be gone go over to God and everybody giving God praise and I should be saying hallelujah [Music] where is the fun you're you promised that behind me you waited you waited [Music] [Music] come on sing a job that's what he's doing to give you a show we ought to give you an experience we'll wait we're talking about the Holy Ghost oh come on somebody come on [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] we often five [Music] did you hear that did you hear that did you hear them and not the words people the Angels have a lord that was sign to go and do the bidding [Music] for Jesus Christ isn't for you and that's why I said my ministers my ministers must minister would find you that's why we're doing this that's one for the next 24 hours that's why for the next 24 hours our service is gonna be a little longer than usual because somebody need to have an experience with God ibaka see today they be hush under Australia I feel this somebody need to have an experience with God this is not the hour this is not the hour and I'm talking to even some of you that do Facebook lives this is not the hour for you to be sitting over there trying to give somebody some 15 minutes because I hear what people are saying well you know what people attention span yeah but if you're just standing there running your mouth yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but when you got was somebody need they'll stay on here until they get hit who am I talking to and God wants somebody to wait in his presence he's looking for his property looking for his teachers that were tabi with the people now the Bible said they were rolls a generation that knew not the Lord and this is that generation they know nothing about the Spirit of God they know nothing about yes yes they can put on suits and ties and dresses and all of that and they can steal Mantle's and steal anointings and sound like people and look like people but know nothing about the Spirit they know nothing about driving out a devil they know nothing about driving and searching out a person they know nothing about laying your hands on somebody and you can feel when the Spirit of God draw your hand when the demonic force has hided they know nothing about that but God said we are in an hour now that I'm asking for somebody to wait in the presence of the Lord and to create an atmosphere until people be endowed with the Holy Ghost until demons are driven out in the name of Jesus bringing your spirit shutting up come on hands up [Music] season you [Music] in your mind [Music] [Music] everybody that's watching you got your pressure put a dummy rabbit my quick you've got your pressure on rabbit right quick you got you an auntie low yo go get it right now oh sorry this is why I did this this is why I did this for the days that the Lord was saying anoint yourself [Music] but the days that God was saying cover yourself sue day my eye shadow Baba who shot ya when you put that pair of Sharla over on the top of your head this is the part that I can't tell you that they are taller huh the atera is the crown owner and you give a king his crown and when you put them when you put the brush all over your head in the next two minutes you're crowning Jesus to be king over your life and you tell in every demonic force that you have no grounds here hora debajo SATA that other higher you telling Jesus to take authority Organa you takin Jesus tell you telling him today that you might landlord of my mind who never kasaya and I give the Lord say enough you won't break down now when I hear the Lord saying uh Hostetter Deborah hosiah but Friday of this week up I'm going to make your way out of nowhere huh but find up this week up I'm going to speak to a divine connection he said fear not up for another verse aria I'm giving your favor right now in every area that you're needed here now in the middle of a pandemic I'm opening up a job for you baba Shabazz up if I'm talking to you cream it now open up a jar for you clean [Music] but the quarter oh just a word that's in your palate fire [Music] I'm using Annoying she said when we're all down your face rubbin on your hands sorry I know yourself have you don't have a bracket operators are standing back it's going up up up up up it's going up up up up up he said I'm getting you ready he said I'm getting the spinach ready I'm getting this page ready I'm getting this page ready four hours of intercession I'm giving this page ready but we will come on here at five o'clock and we will last for two and three hours in just prayer kobish under you I'm getting the world ready I'm getting the page you ready to be the page that people can hop on that and get prayer and get prayer for real bajalia we can read a post prayer request it's time settle order it's time the operators are standing behind the numbers nine one four eight one oh seven oh nine over you need to have the sacred thing in your house huh you need to have the sacred thing in your hops oh my god from Zion oh my god from sari and her oh my god I feel you her he said these are prayer shows that of the era of the Liberator and I much want to convince you of anything all I'm trying to tell you is that God has opened up a door of opportunity coup d'etat vehicle SOTA so Canada Baja seeking hey kibosh under de veau messiah hod Abajo he said it's an opportunity because I can see it in my mind's eye hi that Jesus her walk the earth time what a prayer shawl on him here the Messiah because when you are a buyer when you are priests of the Spirit the Bible said and now you offer her my high priest huh now you are royal priesthood now you will operate in a priestly position so why would you not have be with valuable Aleta why would you not be without a prayer sure huh what is it that will cause you to say I don't want the oil huh and I don't want the anointing that lets let me tell you something now yes he sent us a cooperative don't hang up I'm not calling everybody but if the Lord had spoken to you he said pick up the phone and call now because I'm about to do a new thing up I'm about to ship something in your life the era of deliverance is coming up in every aspect of your family the Lord said whoever called Saye he said this is a year of the restoration of of the bats learners in your house of the best sliders in your family and the Lord said I will use the flour that is in you yet the spirit of the Living God he said earlier will ignite your tongue and cause you to have them they want to their knees up well that you to them your word because today said the Lord I turn up the fire somebody give God a praise magna we do Saeng hi-yah bubu Sonia God you gave us that today you that you gave us that revelation today that we asked in the day where is the fire we asked him that they where was the fire and you answer them say and you answer us and you told us today that the fire is in my word the fire is in my world I put the fire in my world and when you read it it was such a on fire Lord Jesus Lord Jesus he said my father today it's not a whimsical experience my fire today it's not goosebumps my fire is not what the church had pretended it to be something that is mystical and something that roams around that the atmosphere he said my father isn't me and my world is me and as you eat me you become me go da ba da da da ba Hosea he said when you look at my identification he said my eyes was like fire and another one said the lower half of him was like fire are you hearing me and his arms and his hands was like bronzer he said my nature is fire clora da da ba cassava you asking me Lord when are you coming up and he said I'm on the page just to read me and he said listen up I can't run to every cheer and I can't run them to every cry he said because I don't even believe you mean it you I don't even believe you mean it because one day you won't it and the next day you dumped her he said but how I would know her who I meant to attend to her is when you do it with my words huh when you read my word I'm gonna know you want me huh when you read my word I'm gonna know you serious about the deliverance up when you read my word I'm gonna know you serious about their healing are you hearing me he said catch on fire he said catch on fire he said catch on fire he said catch on fire working living God my God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't matter I don't care how long it takes I don't care how much of the word you have to read you said dr. binder [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I gotta go we're headed somewhere this whole back screen is going to be filled with some of you but prayer showers in t-shirts he called them for the rim that from Zachariah because of your watching today I know you've been to the fire I know he brought you to the fire and the reason why you're still here is because it wasn't consuming fire it wasn't a fire of destruction it was a fine your purification it was a fire of strength it was a fog of guidance and so today like Moses the Lord said I send the fire are you begin to read your word I'm going to send the fire and it's going to be the fire that speaks you you set the suit of a living God and it's going to be the fire that will cause you to say Here I am Here I am Here I am Here I am Lord send me Lord use me operators are standing by pick up the phone and out now if it's busy keep that one to keep down they keep down they keep peddling I'm telling you what the Lord has shown me as a prophet of God we better get another garment we better get on the garment and we better get connected with people that know how to touch God we better get connected to people his time out for foolishness his time out for carnality his time out for joking and Justin and playing and acting as if we got time that's right that's right the clock is ticking and Jesus is soon to come I saw him standing out on the edge of heaven the other night casaya here a little Shia I saw him standing out on the edge of heaven and he was beckoning to come but he was rebuking some things and the things that he was rebuking were masks they were nice that look like the Mardi Gras masks and they were Nash flying everywhere and he was standing out on the and the mass was standing on the edge of the earth and they were coming up before him and he was rebuking the mask and every time he got ready to step out - Here Come another whole slew of Mascis and God said I'm rebuking all of the falsities I'm getting rid of the falsity sir and he said the play is over and that's why the mask looked like theater plays they look like theater masks he said that theatrics is over her he said the play is over it's time for everybody to turn in their costumes and people that were pretending like the scripture in Zechariah said pretending to be something when really you got wounds on your hands because you were just a field operator you was just a uh sure uh-huh it was just somebody that worked a regular jaha and you picked up somebody else's mantle and found yourself to be a prophet and he said I come now in this season and I rebuke all the masks and I'm telling you today yeah and I'm warning you as a prophet of God he said connect yourself with people that enjoy the word connect yourself with people that enjoy prayer connect yourself with people that's not for the foolishness cuneta bakusaiga because what is to come Hana Hana Baha saying : 19 is going to be a joke you better believe what I'm saying that the White House now the government now is coming from the operation of the church and you meant to connect yourself with some money that know how to touch heaven operators are standing by it's time for you to bring the sacred thing into your house up it's time for you to get your children under the sacred thing it's time for you to have the all of the anointing them that's in your house that you can pray her over your children that that you can pray here although your sons and your daughters the operators are standing by the numbers on the screen there pick up now and call and get your prayer picked up we get a little collar on the days of the show all of that means everybody that has a prayer Salah you're going to put it on that dais everybody that has a t-shirt up you're gonna put it on that day are you hearing me we're going on the screen and we're gonna makin noise and bombard heaven because it is time to grow the Deborah saga he said I want answer you by fire code anima hyah because we are people of the world we will be the same as Elijah and we will have the apart in a call down fire from heaven hear the word of the Lord said the Spirit of the Living God I gotta go Oh God had a rebel Shia thank you Jesus gotta go Russia you go with God and you will never be lost hello today catch me on fire [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 10,235
Rating: 4.8542509 out of 5
Id: AonFTN12BnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 50sec (9650 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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