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and we [Music] my lord [Music] find out to join from your spirit to mice to be ready [Music] and we drive Just Breathe your name upon me [Music] Just Breathe your name upon me [Music] your hair just read your name upon me say father time [Music] [Music] say father [Music] just freakin a [Music] you're free to me [Music] [Music] [Music] a father [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just freaking [Music] [Music] just [Music] [Music] just read [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you breathe your breath upon me everything that comes back to life am i dope from glory to glory [Music] yah-ah-ah here is your name breathe just beat your name upon me breathe what there's a spirit in man and the breath of the almighty brings him back to LA [Music] well here is your name please [Music] just read your name upon me breathe just like in the beginning where I was before you found me [Music] [Music] it turns everybody say just feet [Music] thank you for joining me today while we're waiting [Music] father to turn I don't want you to thank you so much I don't want you to cause them to miss this and so while we're talking now I want you to push that share button even if the person that you're sharing it to decide that they want to turn it off and let it be their decision but I want you to be obedient because this is something that I believe that God ordained and I believe that he is speaking explicitly and we want to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to us today if you can turn my microphone up I got a doughnut n if you could turn it down turn it up while you're coming in yes while you're coming in I'm waiting just a few seconds well I believe that God has instructed me to do this and it is not something that I feel that I am comfortable with but I do know that it is a divine will and the divine plan of God for me to do it as I have been consecrating and also contemplating and asking the Lord for His divine will and his divine instructions I believe that God is speaking to us he is in looking at the condition of our world and looking around which is no secret to what is going on around the world and looking at Facebook and understanding and you all know that ain't the enemy is angry because I've haven't had this kind of frequency in my ears not ever while doing a sit down live but the devil is always the liar that he is so he'll stop screaming in a minute in looking at where we are we see that yes I'll start over I'll start over now you can turn me up again yes okay to do everything you know to do and then you know that the rest of it becomes the enemy at work let me put a little reverb on it I want to start out by talking about what we are seeing on the streets as it relates to the March and sometimes prophetically you have to just sit back and you have to ask the Lord to let you see things from a prophetic eye because in the natural like many people if we did not have the office of the prophetic we will all be afraid and we would all be shaking and not being able to sleep or eat at night as some of you have been experiencing I have to ask myself constantly constantly what is marching all about and my mind have to go back to when I was a young kid and I remember the Martin Luther King March and I had to really start to evaluate what that March was all about and we got a loan and we got a lot to cover tonight so just bear with me and an understanding that during that time and don't throw bricks at me yet when I make this statement just just hear what I'm saying before you before everybody get all up in atoms all lives didn't matter all lives didn't matter as it does now but the March that Martin Luther King was instrumental in forming was because at that it was the black race that was being affected and persecuted and abused however the March was for equality of all mankind one of my favorite authors Abraham Heschel Rabbi Abraham Heschel marched in that particular March with dr. King and he was a rabbi in Jewish and something their profound he said that interest me and this is going to this is going to be a blessing to some of the pastors and preachers that have been marching Abraham Heschel said that the day that I marched they called the march on a Sabbath and he said but the day that I marched and the day that I made a decision to somewhat break the Sabbath and go enjoying dr. King he said my legs became prayer my god he said my legs became prayer and so when we start talking about what is going on now we we certainly we certainly do not erase the memory of what the Jews went through during the Holocaust under the leadership of Hitler what Mandela suffered for 27 years in prison for apartheid and neither do we not last but not least ignore the massive abuse of the Native Americans and so when we look at where we are now we see an uprising again and that uprising though it is about the blackened lives that do matter Martin Luther King made a statement in that statement was very profound and he said injustice to one is injustice to all and so there was a time when it appeared that and I want you to hear this that all of it was a black thing and and and everybody is kind of in an uproar about it and when you look at where we are now we have taken a turn and when I say a turn the Jews had their turn for persecution and they overcame the Native Americans had their turn and is still experiencing that and now it is the blood lives turn so we're not you know trying to exploit it it's just the turn for God to speak concerning the what is going on as it relates to racism but in doing that we have to look at a word that rang out in me today as I began to pray we're a pragmatic pragmatic and God began to talk to me about pragmatic prophetic thinkers pragmatic prophetic fingers so then let's look at what the word means it means a person who is able to remain calm think clearly make decisions based on realistic real word circumstances by treating a historical phenomena with special references to their causes and their antecedents conditions and results watch this by facing the whole situation head-on so then we're not talking about chickens here but we're talking about the fact that we did have a march from dr. Martin Luther King was because God was able to choose somebody that had a prophetic pragmatic thinking process in other words he understood that strength and power is not just in mobility but in stability strength and power that we're going to need during these twofold pandemics not just mobility not just walking with the feet but stable in the mind and so if we have just the working of the feet and we have just just the movement of the feet but we do not have the pro metic prophetic thinker then what we have is chaos what we have is chaos and so I think the thing that was so powerful about dr. Martin Luther King is because standing inside of one man was both he was able to walk and think walk and think I want you to I want you to hear that I want you to be able to walk and think and look and think and watch and think so then how is it that the prophetic or the people of God the people of God where do we fit in and so I want to really make an announcement very early that I'm not I'm not sitting here tonight to become politically correct I'm not I'm not talking to politics I'm talking to the believers and I'm talking to those that desire to be believers I'm talking to those that says I'm scared and I don't have nothing else to believe and I don't know which way this world is going and so so many times we have a opportunity to sit in a position and we kind of skate down the middle of the road because we don't want it you know we don't want to fin people over here and we don't want to rock the boat over there and so we kind of sound like our tongue is split like a fork like we like we're having two different thought patterns and the Bible said a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways and I believe that we are at a point now in Christendom that the Lord has said the same thing that he said to the children of Israel who was on the Lord's side who is on the Lord's side let him come on the Lord sigh so somebody said what does that mean that I'm save and I'm supposed to be weak we're going to get to that does that mean we're supposed to lay down like a rug No well different different different from the norm how how does believers how do we fit in this and do we know that we are effective do we know that we are effective do we know that we are that we are effecting change because the thing that I want us to understand is that though you see people on the streets and though you see a divide between what is going on in one aspect of people and another you you can't help if you want spiritual if you are spiritual if you are spiritual you cannot negate the fact that we are dealing with spirits I can take a brick and knock you upside your head that means I've come under the spirit too but just not the spirit of the law and so we have to understand that that all of this is spirit if it's a help me Lord it's a colliding and a spiritual warfare that is in the Rama and it is after territory it is after territory so there's a there's there's a battle going on and all of this chaos is the hand of the enemy that we would think that the enemy is puppeteering what is going on so then how does a believer get in here then how is it that that when we march and I want to ask this question Winry March when we march is a steps prayer when we open up our mouth and we say no justice no peace is better than ting coming out of our mouths so are we are we are we are we chanting or are we in intercession for the cause my God my God so how do I get in position how do I get in position how can how can we look right now at where we are and who can determine that we will win who can determine that after the for arrest will this stop and who can stop it second Chronicles and don't want ahead of me because I know what you're getting ready to leave my people to cut just just just just just just just go with me go with me tonight please second chronicles seven thirteen and fourteen if I shut up the heavens so that no rain falls which he has done we she has done then it says then it says watch this watch this watch this mustard or if I command locusts to devour the land which we have seen him send the locusts or if I send pestilence and plague among my people when she did children of Israel their disobedience ganda and my people I'm reading from the Amplified Bible if I do all the best and my people mine know Jesus have mercy have mercy have mercy and my people somebody said well you know well who is his people my children where we are the children know we're all the creation but he said my children they know my voice a stranger they will not follow my children they obey me and they walk with me and they are in covenant with me my children have left and turned their backs on sin my children strive to do my will so if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek crave required as a necessity my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear them from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land so let's look at the four ingredients to determine whether or not we will see ourselves win number one he said humble yourself number two he said pray number three he said seek my face number four he said turn from your wicked ways so what so what we are seeing now god I love you Jesus is the fact that with the natural eye it looks like chaos it looks like this thing has erupted and it is out of control and it is everywhere when the pandemic came we heard a word we heard a word that that in America we had not heard in a long time that many times and the world was this pray pray for us say a prayer for the doctor say a prayer for the people who are carrying this virus say a prayer that we would get new equipment say a prayer say a prayer say a prayer then we start seeing doctors humble themselves humble themselves humble themselves so let me ask you something are we in trouble or are we in revival is this the revival that we have been praying and asking God for and before the Lord can heal our land somebody gotta humble themselves so when you look around and you see people laying down on the ground you see you see a Gorger Floyd becoming a typology of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and now you see and you've seen an injustice being done but at the result of that injustice now you see it a people that is coming out to God you see the people now that is praying and you see a people all mankind all races all colors in different countries in different cities something that has not ever happened where the entire world almost is calling out to God it is marching for a spirit and what is the spirit that we're really marching for so then what is the March all about from the heavens looking down I know we know what it's about in the earth realm but what is it about from the heavens looking down is about people are walking them because right and wrong is not a who it is a what and so now you got people marching up for the true spirit and the initiation of the spirit of the portal being open from heaven which is the people are marching for a word that's called get right it's got to be right oh my god it's got to be right we got to do this right we got to walk because this is right we got to do this because this is right we're talking and we're standing in front of the White House because we want you to do what's right oh my god we're standing and protesting for the word right and so God has allowed this situation to be open for the word right so while the portal is open my god this is not the season for the believer to be silent or foolish God can I say that again can I say that again not the season for the believer to be foolish because we're in a window we're in a window we're in a very short a short window and the window is there oh my god to watch this watch this watch this to to realign the church back in her position the window is there for the respect of the office of the fivefold ministry to come back into being okay watch this watch this watch this somebody said what well I don't know you know it just it just looked like it's getting worse because we cannot win this with flesh and blood cannot win it with flesh and blood only and why do I say that because we are all older to a place can I break that down for you so we have we have certain things that that when you when you say we enter war when you say wait a war you got it you got to be careful about about using that word war you know we we you know there's a there's a there's a war going on here you know we going through a war well what does a country do when it is going through a war let's break down the army then so you have you have the footman you have the footman people that walk in get in trenches yeah and then you have you have the footman and then you have what the Bible called the horsemen those are the ones that are not called on foot they're called to operate in machine so they they come in like the machines that you're singing being released in the streets and then you have the seamen the footman of the people that are marching oh my god my god and somebody said what what what doctor binder why aren't you marching because I know my place I I know my place some of you that are that better feeling guilty and said well you know what I just can't go no no it's not about being afraid it's about being pulled back because there's a position for you and it is not on the streets so then you have the air watch this watch this watch this you got the you got the footmen that I'm marching you got the protesters that are marching you got my a Tamika Mallory who is speaking for the marches she is speaking for the workmen sure it's not like you not without a leader and then you have the people that are watch this watch this you got people that I've seen in cars let us feel protests they would sign and all of that but then you have you have the semen and the semen of the people that are overseas that are still marching with us now watch this but then what is wrong with this battle what is wrong with this battle what is wrong with this battle is that Oh God my God my God but the police are props to keep the footman to keep the footman in a certain position while we are being the attack from a higher level my God my God nobody is out there on their own orders you're not you're not you're not taught watch this you're not born prejudice you're not born with hatred you're taught that you're taught that when people said well somebody you know they spring us you know the innocent people that's my order nobody is just striking out saying they're going to do whatever it is they want to do and so we are at a disadvantage we're at a disadvantage being footman and being seamen and being in cars and being untrained we're at a disadvantage and we cannot win the battle we cannot win any battle and I'm not talking about just marching I'm talking about the battle that you're going to right there in your house I'm talking about the battle that you're going to right there on your job the warfare that everybody seems to be in my god we cannot win it on the ground we've got to get some people in the air we've got to get some people in the air which means somebody has to go in the size of another dimension of the Spirit and deal with what is controlling up what is down here are you hearing god today uh no no no no no it can no longer just be oh you know what we just praying no no no no no let me help you with something the sound of that is you normally in the church it will be heard in this realm but it cannot be heard in the realm of war my god from Sonia my god firms are you hearing this are you hearing this some of the most amazing pedals that were fault and I can hole all the way down to individual lies in the battle and David David where he had two five was smooth stones and and a sling said no no no no no no no no no no no no no no he had the power to be above the situation he was a worshipper so he was watch this he was in the battle from a different dimension my god you had a whole army that could not bring down Goliath but you got one man that knew how to top around and he didn't need the same weapons that everybody use good lord have mercy Jesus no out have mercy Jesus so then we're looking at we're looking at oh my God my God my God my God my God so then we're looking at another battle watch this watch this says in Joshua seven and five five to 1375 say that thirty six million were killed thirty six men were killed it said that the heart of the people in seven just was seventy five to thirteen the heart of the people melted in despair and they began to doubt God's promises they became the Bible said like water and they became disheartened and when that happened lord have mercy Jesus said you got to understand that bet bet that here we talking about Joshua we're talking about we're talking about we're talking about we're talking about Joshua but this is the Joshua that the Lord said earlier he was of a different spirit my god this was the Joshua that had pragmatic prophetic thinking yeah yeah the one that they said we take the lid and there's giants and he wouldn't looked and said ah we could take them they're not as big as they sing I don't know why y'all scared of this but we can handle this why because he was of a different spirit he was of a different spirit and in order for you to see change in your house and in your life and in this situation we got to get another spirit my god from Zion Who am I talking to who am I talking to who am I talking to the Bible said the junction was just oh my god Joshua didn't start cussing it and all of that the Bible said he ripped his clothes off and he said and the elders and Joshua fell on their faces and great sorrow my God my God they fell on they face and great sorrow because the Bible said that they said people all around are listening and they understand and they know that we are in trouble but God my God when he went on his face higher Koko's a comma his socket a double who'sa when he went on his face the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him and said why the consecrate the people and watch this this is in the Bible it says these exact words you cannot stand victoriously before your enemies until you remove the wicked thing you would not stand victoriously against whatever is coming against you until you remove the wicked thing until there is consecration somebody said well you know we've been in the quarantine it and they just got us locked up in and we've been shut up and God said to me that wasn't a quarantine man for the believers it was a consecration it was a pulling back it was me getting everything and everybody out of your ear so I can have an opportune to talk directly into your spirit for you to know that it's not my girlfriend and it's not this one and it's not that one but I've heard from the Spirit of the Lord I'm coming out of this thing because I heard from God because I pawned the clothes of my mind I rip the clothes off of my mind the clothes that I have been given by religious institutions that tell me that I cannot do it and it cannot be done I was stripped and I was stripped down not to my faith but he stripped us down to our fear so that we can see that underneath the underlining of the fictitious worship that we give Him and the play played Church that we do and the praise breaks that we have that we ain't thinking about God we're thinking about getting a new number on our Facebook page and then pastors and evangelists and people turning into entertainers so that I can get a point I can get I can get some new numbers he tripped us all the way down to your fear so that you can see with the natural eyes how weak the church is I'm not listen I have nothing to gain and I have nothing to lose because I was in a riot and a pandemic before this one ever came I must say it again he had to strip us down so that we can see how an anointed we are he had to take us out of the atmosphere of our entertainers and the people that's on the side said go ahead and preach pastor go here prophesy go ahead and do this and go ahead and everybody is up in an uproar until you got by yourself and you can't even speak into a camera with the anointing of God who has God talking to he said no I did this for my church who Jesus Jesus I did it because because because prayer now has become Fame I did it caliber close shocked about the doubles like I did it because because prayer has become the new way to get famous I did it because this thing called costs pivotal mother and spiritual father it's just a way for you to throw my name to the lights I have no intentions of you digging up my spirit and bringing me to order and bring him into a place where I can stand in character because that's what produces the anointing good lord I feel the Holy Ghost only right now good lord have mercy Jesus Oh God and I'm telling you right now that this is the season that God is reading the church of all of the crappy captured and pastors and positions that you have borrowed from somebody else's anointing that you have paid nothing for and that's what you in a position now that it is heaven that have set you down with the real church please stand up the trucks that have told the devil notice in the trucks that have set of God if you're real and not my wheel is your way and not my way I yield to your will I yield to your way and if I don't kneel to you take me out of this world but do not let me be another stumbling block to the people that's trying to find your face I don't know about you but that's my prayer take me home if you see that I'm not going to make it to the end take me now and so the Bible said he called four tribes the Indian nation the Jewish nation my God my God the Romanians the Africans my God my God my God he said he called four tribes he called then he narrowed it down to families good lord I feel the Holy Ghost what's your tribe dad Abajo saya yes Lord yeah my chief is chief Warhawks what is your tribe who have you been called to be wanting to find them I didn't call you to sit on Facebook to teach people how to do makeup I didn't call you to teach people how to do hair I did not call you to teach people how to dress I called you because you are a warrior from warrior tribe he said I'm calling tribes up and none of the tribes I'm calling families I'm in the book yo and from the families I'm calling households and families every household I'm calling a man and dad you're it you're watching today you are in Corydon Ibaka sue Sheridan Abbasi and Amy ha cheddar sue docusate a yee-ha soda maja no no you didn't just log on here you didn't just wander by this page oh yes they said she was sharing but you could have rejected but tiger you are it he said why why is all of this in our land for these five reasons number one they've given a great affront to God which is a deliberate disrespect to God come o believers I'm not being politically correct I'm talking to believers now he said we have transgressed the covenant of the lord who is jealous and particularly for the honor of the holy Covenant of your hearing God he has done a great injury to the Church of God where our foolishness we have done a great injury it's strange how we are fool up on Facebook and then turn around and want to prophesy and pray for somebody and give somebody the word of the Lord if you are a preacher and a prophet and you I want to get serious about what God delivered you why God called you why God read you up why he gave you a microphone in your hand not for junk and foolishness you're supposed to be a lifesaver I'm giving you a people that's why you have numbers and I don't care if they're six numbers you are responsible for what you put in their ears he said here he has transgressed the Covenant of the Lord who is jealous particularly for the honor you stealing glory thief honor of the holy Covenant he has done a great injury to the Church of God he has wrought folly in Israel and he has shamed the nation which is looked upon by all its neighbors to be a wise and understanding people the United States used to be considered a wise and understanding people now they see us as fula cooter Ibaka Sonya because it was founded on in god we trust' watch this watch this watch it and number five he hasn't now listen to this he has infected that nation which is sanctified to God and troubled that nation of which he is the protector these being crime so heinous in their nature and of such pernicious consequence and example the execution which otherwise would have come under the imputation of cruelty is to be applauded up as a piece of necessary justice it was sacrilege it was invading God rights Allah alienating of his property and converting to a private use in other words its mind ministry it's my ministry my people my church watch this private use that which was devoted to his glory and appropriated to the service of his sanctuary this was a crime to be the severely punished for warning to all people in all ages they robbed the sea the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much a veil a veil gets the advantage point good lord have mercy Jesus the Bible said that the how the king is at the end of God my god we get the advantage point we get the advantage point when the prayer returns turn the body of Christ with fervency hmm people are sable you know what there's a divide because because I've been hearing this I've been hearing her thank you Jesus I've been hearing this oh you know we were in a time that was to Millennials Eunice a millennial season and Millennials and Millennials going and Millennials going don't go and going going going to what without a deposit what could Elijah do without Elijah it wasn't his anointing that he paid for he followed him for more than 25 years - navin him to get a download when he left ok I'm not hearing y'all I'm not hearing y'all I'm not hearing y'all no there cannot be a separation because if there is a separation somebody is going to be missing the deposit and somebody over here you have nobody to give it you so that's why that's why every day every day I think I'm from a stellar board I thank God for mother Dupree I thank God for mother stats and Bishop stats and plaster colors and dr. John H board senior people that I was raised under Oh God I hardly ever got a compliment about how wonderful I am and I will notice and see one thing about it we got to be careful about praising of a generation that's my inner complete finish work with God we got to be careful who we get a microphone to we got to be careful who we make a bigger devil to we got to be careful who we open up a door for because you're not ready watch this you're not ready what am I talking about what am I talking about what are you ready to step over in time are you able to step are you are you ready to step over into another dynamic do you know your way there do you know what you would encounter there do you know that there is no real anointed until your to a hole where black is a color do you do you did you understand that do you understand that that anointing it's not going to cost you something it's going to cost you everything do you do you really do you are you listening tonight to God do you understand that it's going to cost you Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything to guard yourself do you understand that it's going to cost you something to understand how to maneuver in the spirit do you know that it's going to cost you something to understand that I can win with a praise remember Husa I didn't say a praise break I can we enough I can win if the frequency of my voice up have been implicated by God to another dimension because I'm telling you it's and now because now there is there is there is things going on up in the spirit and if the believer will arise to the right frequency we can change up what is going on in the realm of the Spirit but it's time now for the believers to make a sound there was a sound there was a sound well redundant matter might you know I I pray and I crowd to the Lord and they look you know I you know God he he he when I when I when I praise God God really does something for me I'm not talking about that I'm talking about it is time who tell em I say it is time for the church to shift the world you know I'm on see it kudamon today where does the sound come from how is it created I hear the Lord said I waited for this moment in time I'm waited for this moment in time yes it was time for me to take the breath of son and called him home God inaudible Sonia but now the cry and the sound is not pretentious from a fake service that we are trying to fabricate the anointing now we have lost brothers and sisters so we are crying we have lost houses and cars so we are crying now we've lost jobs and we are crime stars I shut down millionaires I'm losing money under the rubble prasada my brother-in-law died on the Friday and my niece 23 years old had a heart attack three days later now we are not of the same there is no miserable there is no high car there is no that's when it's written that we are something in the spirit because now we are have a cry and it's a real crap it's a god yeah Kota bus I've waited publish moments hit the Lord I'm waited for another Jericho law cables I've waited because the wall of Jericho in the 21st system is the religious institution that have been in my way Oh circle SATA see that anima hot city today hasta da da da I'm looking for those that have spirit not a named spirit not a denomination spirit because it's not by power normal might but it's by my spirits in the Lord by my spirit said alone by my spirits head the Lord where my spirit settle or hey I know how to win a battle I know how to stop a war and you never have to fight coded ideo Shia you don't believe me you can ask Gideon hey da da da he said the Army is too big this thing god this thing is going to overtake us no no he said no no you got too many people you got too many people you got too many people somebody said well you know what I'll be glad we go back to church that was too many people you got two or three people in your house that's enough right there he said where two or three are gathered in my name forever Australia Baha'i are you hearing me are you hear me that number that number three the number of activation that number that activates heaven the number that says in the book of Genesis in the third verse it said here that that was a day that he decided to put seed in the earth something that he can play only inside of you are you hearing what God is saying he'd took 300 and put fire in the hands however hook what he put in the hands lay hands was not free to throw a brick it was not free to throw a rock how dare you had a navajo yacht oh my god how dare you go to another Mina instead of asking the Lord for help and how do I ask him for help I shout and I praise him well why do I praise him why do I praise him why does he require that those that are outnumbered and those that is forced to look up on something that is bigger than you why what is it why does he does he calls a praise why did he tell Jehoshaphat to put me a choir at the front of the line what he said because that's what's going to happen I'm going to cause the enemy to be confused and even the Spirit of the Lord would have me prophesied now that I'm getting ready to take the breath in the White House yes go Balu saya you're getting ready to see God move like that oh that uh no host he set it up he said I'm taking breath other than a Balu saga who said ah maja what were caused that to happen he said not only did that happen but they were confused and they were confused and he said and not only were they confused but they began to turn on each other until they killed themselves and the Lord said the superior confusion is about to hit off hit hit hit hit the underlining thing that they think is a secret it is no longer a secret because it is revealed to the Lord's prophets and the law what help me to tell you that the reason why your praise up is gonna confuse the enemy it's going to confuse the white house Oh my shadow neighborhood shop is gonna confuse those that are working underneath the rug illegally it's gonna confuse those that have sent a battle and watch this the March now has a battle that's not the real march is not the much less tearing up things it's the secret it's a secret society that have sit-in people that to confuse it Oh Canada boohoo saga but God said I see that too he said but when my people on this page up when my people that hear this word beginning to praise me what you are saying up is I know that it's done up and I know that it's finished Horan an amicus a parallel of AHA I'm Noah that you have worked it out I know that you have taken the country back in your hands and when I saw the people laying down in the you lay down and God will take over ba ba ba u u-- u u-- u u-- u u-- u u-- u u-- u God God God would take over the sound is ready now the sound is ready for everybody to make it the sound the sound oh you you you you you waiting to go to church you gonna miss the season you yeah you gonna miss the season for the sound ha ha you gotta get you got you got you got you got to get in your prep closet and make that sound uh-huh you got it you gotta warn some people in your house I'm going in here for a minute and if you and if you hear me Holland don't you don't you mind me it ain't nothing wrong I'm just being compelled to make a sound because God has given our land the victory see I'm not I'm not I'm not hearing nobody I'm not gonna buy the truck right there yes yes yes I want them no no no you all are standing because the Bible said that God called your hosts of fat and called the people together and said March he he said to us in fact March uh-huh but he also said much and praise are you hearing that how you giving that and then God sent Daniel up into another realm for the nation he sent him in another realm so while we are over here in another room for you and praying them that the enemy don't cheat and that he stick to the rules of engagement while we are over here interceding up for the front line people for the footmen people I need to know are there anybody on this Oh God on this Facebook page that knew that God has called you to be an ailment my job is to get in the air my job is to pray in the spirit my job is to speak in tongues err who take a rocket a cable tie up my job is to speak in tongues err and jump I put the socket on the enemy apples blow him out this caused him to be dislodged disconnect up who dilemma crocheting cut the ropes of the puppeteer my job is a speaking condom under the white house literally shake up my job is to go in the bunker of where President Trump is up and cause God to leave him there my job is to cause every governor every mayor to go down on their face and that's the Lord for help my job is a sin revival in the streets that wonders thanks I'm watching they are witnessing up and they are calling down fire from heaven my job is to ignite the Elijah spirit er that is not afraid of to confront the false prophets close what part of the army are you on what is your position I gotta go yeah the air the air I'm I don't know who I'm preaching through the day but I feel this thing so heavy the air I'm talking about controlling it Rhonda I'm talking about I'm talking about controlling the air I'm kind of controlling the air I'm talking about God God had me let me show you some God God had me locked up in this church and so my vehicles are outside and so they think that the righteous came down this way and they and dr. Saroyan they took graffiti paint and they and we had rented we had rented a u-haul truck because we were doing some work in here and they and they sprayed graffiti all over the the u-haul truck that was parked in front of my car then they went in the back there and bust out the windows to a van that was sitting in the middle of both of my vehicles and none of my vehicles got touched because we know how to control the air no the enemy was a spray and the Holy Ghost said that one uh-huh no no no no what because I have not wronged God in the midst of the pandemic I have soda bigger than I have ever showed in my life why because my job now is to secure the hand of God keep your hand on me god I don't care don't want you but imma do whatever you tell me to do because I don't want you just to pass me by what a blessing I don't want you just attach me I want to secure your hand up on my life yeah hold it stop it stop it stop it stop it you a preacher stop it you are prophets topic you're an evangelist stop it we want to know where God is we want to know what God is saying we want to know when you got up this morning and you won in prayer what was the spirit of the Lord saying Oh Dena Mikasa you're my pastor now you're my pastor now you own that Facebook pager and you all the little I know you who I'm following now so should I follow you to the make up stand and crack up and lose my mind or should I follow you to the altar which way do you want me to go don't divide my consciousness not in a time of chaos cinema hiya yeah yeah malibu CA la la mulana Moo Hosea feed my sheep in my rue de la la mesilla here at Aramis do you know how to leave the zone of time you know I had a microphone I had a microphone and I had the microphone for ten years and it was it was a very expensive microphone like about a $9,000 microphone loved the microphone loved the microphone dr. Saroyan but then the systems of our times changed and my microphone started acting up and I said what's wrong with my microphone it's a perfect microphone I had specialists to look at it and they said there's nothing wrong with your microphone I said well what's wrong with it it doesn't give me the same sound and then I went to preach and Baltimore and they said but this auditorium don't allow yourself your doesn't allow your mic and I said well one night they said the course the technology system it's on another circuit and what your microphone was built to do it can't go to that circuit so as much as I loved it as much as you love touching it and hatton it and and why I'm strolling it as much as you love the snakeskin shoes in the custom-made suits it doesn't work in this circuit my god I get to go and buy a whole nother system not just a microphone I got to buy a whole nother system a new ear monitor system a new microphone system a new pack that there are you hearing what God is saying so that I can get on the frequency of our time are you hearing me are you giving me some of you some of you are refusing to let go of customs and traditions Aradhana vocal salia two songs up and the praise and possibly lead to songs nobody is traveling outside of the zone of time herder Masha we want to hear from heaven now I want to pro owner being a type of RAM and pull us down the soon that we have never heard before are you hearing God talk to you today the systems and the circuits are no Sega has changed and you're praising what heaven is saying I can't hear you your God your praise breaking up on Facebook but heaven to say I can't hear you it's the baddest the baddest band we got we paid thousands of dollars we hired the best of the best and heaven is still saying I came here because your sound is still love a ram that you all are a dime a dozen I can buy you for a penny would change left over but a person that lays down our psalmist's that lays down a preacher that lays them a profit that lays down your price you're invaluable you can't put a price on somebody that know how to touch God you cannot put a price on somebody that can stand up to a microphone and I'm not talking about poetry I'm talking about prophetic I'm not talking about rhyming and riddles that's been connected to music I've know young people that are natural poets that mean you prophetic I'm talking about what is a song in the Lord for right now kirara ba hacia la da da da ba hosiah cara de abajo sonya plaster you were preached pastor you have studied but when you stand up in the center where it cannot still take over can i still take your message from you can i still cause what I have allowed you the study shift because something else is in the building there's a different need now because somebody came to your church that hadn't been to come cara de bajo Suja coolerado Baha Sonia Garcia Daniel prayed I close with this come on give me my song back could I did Abajo sue you yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Daniel went to God I keep seeing that thing come on give me my song breathe mama said again he was face down I'm telling you that's tucked into this facedown thing face down means I am I am surrendering my identity to you face down mean they don't have to know my name they don't have to give me no credit they don't have to call my name I will not come to church they don't have to have a special seat from me oh that about I said it about how I won't get offended if you just call me one either it doesn't matter anymore because face down me my personality my person my identification could not get it done turn it down turn it down no play more play more play more play with one more play with one more stop it turn it down I just I just keep him the Lord sent erasing my face erasing my face so many glory thieves erasing that face he said three four things I want you to see when he was called upon to be an airman who that thing that that thing is wearing me out that thing is wearing that thing is wearing me out Elmen that can go in the lion's den and don't die and Emin airmen who can who can control the animal kingdom and tell me who can Lord Jesus help me now Airmen dr. Saroyan of the three Hebrew boys the reason why the fire didn't consume them because it needs oxygen for consumption but because they were in the air they control the breath of the fire an ailment that said that if you're praying you're gonna be put to death and Daniel said show me the window but I will not back down for what is going on up in the house that God control in ermine its Airmen get in there get in the air who is God talking to get up here in the air come up here here I was looking at Facebook and it said there was a fire in the Bronx and from what the person was standing with their camera it was it was a big fire and then the person looked up and they said there's the helicopter but see the helicopter can see all over New York and the helicopter knew that what number a street fire but you're the person is on the ground that's a big ol fire to the person that's in the air is a fire in a garbage can are you seeing this are you the enemy wants you to see your situation and your circumstance and the circumstance of this nation as new but a god and an airman that ain't nothing but God at work setting the symbol God getting the glory then ain't nothing but God making everything that's wrong right because he got he got he said he said everything everything everything that they need is up here tell them I said come up here come up here come up here is up here when you when you look in when you look in a cage see see have you ever seen a baby have ever seen it look a little child that's like two years old you give him a new toy and they don't know how to work the toy let me show they don't know how to work the toy and so they and so they trying to get it to work and it won't work and they just get frustrated and just throw it because they mad but really because they can't they they can't they can't get it to work and that's and that's that's what the Saints are doing that nickk nickk nickk they can't get God the work phone so they so they so they mad and they going back to alcohol and they smoking legal weed and Santa's alright and doing a bunch of crazy stuff and because he said I speak in parables so that the foolish don't steal my wisdom and there there are mysteries that I've held that I've held back for this season and for the righteous for those that would seek my face I will release the cult of heaven to every I will release the mysteries of this world because the wealth transfer is getting ready to take place but it's going to be given to those that are behind a frequency because he's not giving it to fools he's not giving it to he's not given to backsliding double minded people because you just want money but what you have to get before you get money you have to get a spirit of wealth because if you don't get a spirit of wealth you won't know what to do with money and I will give you the spirit of the wealth because I told you to be my financière in other words you would give it to who I tell you to give it to and it's not for you to go buy Rolls Royce or the base or the better than visitor that it's not about you it's about the end time revival it's about financing the next move of God who is God talking to but see it's almost like it's almost like a lot of a lot of hungry hungry pit bulls if you've seen that did that defeats when you got the television when you see a bunch of hungry pit bulls and they haven't eaten in a while and so the man come with with a big ol slab of steak if dropped it down in there where the pig boss is that you know you wonder if I might get a piece of it but but but watch this but the one that gets it is the one that jumps for it you know you know so the man have to hold it up high because he want to know if you want it no no he's not gonna bend down and give it to you he's gonna hold it up half and then watch it and the one that jumps for the one that comes up in the other room that's the one that's telling God I wanted them that's what Daniel did and he held on to that thing he held on to he did not get an angel from God for 21 days but he would not move his posture from the air Jesus I know somebody was saying you you you go you're gonna get up now you it's been three days you heard anything no you don't get well I might as well get up now i'ma stay right here I'm gonna stay right here i'ma stay right here I'm gonna stay right here ten days past I'm gonna stay right here 1012 days past I'm gonna stay right watch this i'ma stay right here uh-huh and and and and I'm not going to take into my body the animal kingdom because I don't want a war between kingdoms I'm seeking what is in the kingdom of God and so I have to leave I have to leave the animal flesh because flesh is flesh and I have to come so that my spirit can rejoin itself and connect itself with creation because the Lord made me out of the dust of the earth and just like pastor more said pastor Thomas Moore said from Virginia he said as it is in Earth which means he's not talking about the ground he's talking about what he's about to do in us who he have made from the earth which means if oh my god if I separate four-season from the animal kingdom then I've had the ability to grow something yeah yeah yeah I have the ability for him to plate something and I can grow something coated about cutter but you gotta be willing to leave the animal kingdom and stay in the air so he saw so he said so he says I don't have nothing to weigh me down I don't I don't I don't have anything to weigh me down so I'm going to stay right here and I'm going to I'm going to these vegetables and and I must stay here until until I hear from heaven and he said he stayed that for 21 days and I'm closing with this and and what happened to him for things he said he this is the scripture 10 and 7 he lived him he lived him him his hand to help him he touched him when the Avery below it came that's what he did he lit him his hand god help me I don't know you watching TV I don't know I can identify with you but it says when the agent of the Lord came he lent him his hand to help him he touched him and set him upon his hands and his knees prayer position still and had he not set him up on his hands and knees it said else he would have still been laying grovel enough for what God hadn't taught for him he don't expect the Saints and that season to be grab Alina for anything he expects us he expects us to come to pray so he could loan us his head and so then number two it said and then he touched his lips and had he not touched his lips he would have been still dumb and still talking about I'm scared dumb means I don't know how to talk how do I know when you dumb you dumb when you said I'm scared and I don't know what to do and what's gonna happen and like the world is turning over and how I'm gonna get a job and I'm gonna either happen he got a touch your lips that's why that's my consecration puts you in the air so you can get a touch from the lips of the hand of God and it says so he would still have a dumb spirit and then he said in again he put wet brushes and he put strength into him else he would still have been staggering and trembling gonna double Shia I somebody is staggering and you and you're trembling and you and you don't know what the outcome is but I hear the Lord said be strengthened in your inner man tonight go hi-yah Sabo who received that right now and then it's like last but not least he said in the hand of God's power going along with the of his grace is a loan of effectual effectual to watch this to redress all of our grievances and to rectify whatever is a mist in us whatever is a mist in me whatever in me is sitting over here and it should be sitting here one touch from heaven brings us to our knees sets us on our feet opens our lips and strengthens us for it is God that works on us and works in us both to wheel and to do that which is good he's called them forever me I gotta get off this line come on y'all let's praise I'm turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it up my god come on give him praise right there drink oh my god take your time hold on Elmo hallelujah [Music] [Music] my god Hey hallelujah [Music] come on with your hands up lip your hands up and give him worship right now my god I'm gonna tell you we're getting ready out of divine obedience to God I know we've been on a consecration and we said we were fasting for 21 days but I heard the Lord said this is the real one he said this is the real one he said I mean what I say he said in the people that will go on this one pastor Saroyan I will put them in there and he said every day they will see breakthroughs and miracles every day because we got to understand something and that is there was an angel on assignment that was that was on assignment to work in the air as long as Daniel was in the air and as long as Daniel did not move the angel had to keep walking for him kodanda he said what our problem is we go in the air and then we come out but God said if you go on this fast turn it down if you go on this fast if you go on this fast God is getting ready to put you in the air are you hearing this are you hearing this he said 23 days 21 of fasting and praying and two days of nothing but worship and praise because the Bible says that when you're also fat warm the middle they return back to Bethlehem praising God are you hearing that I want you to know something tonight tag you it the Lord has spoken to you tad you it the Lord has spoken to you coming up on the ninth next week the ninth we will begin at five o'clock in the morning for 21 days for 21 days 5:00 a.m. 21 days and then 22 23 we will be giving God worship and we would be giving God praise I'm telling you people that feel the presence of the Lord and I'm here to tell you with an assurance that a move of God is on the way all of you all can see the pressures are leaving this altar on Thursday every person every person that applause from your prayer kit it's going out of here they leave the ultra on Thursday the Lord has released us they're coming to your house and doing this consecration doing that I just feel this song more again I don't know how you just got it you just got to work with me you just got to work with me you've got to work with me my god I just feel it I'll tell you when to play a move of God but I just feel it I just feel it oh my god I feel this thing my god my god that thing in the air has got me it's like I could see I could I could feel myself floating seriously I don't know about you but I could feel myself floating it's like it's like the Lord took us up if you're watching the Lord took you up he took you up he took you up I can feel it I can feel it I could feel it it's like it's moving it's moving through this camera it's moving up on you right now he took you up he taking your mind up you're being healed in the area of your brain your heart your real heart is being healed and I wake up I've wake up your cerebellum I will wake up your future and wake up the prophecy that the Lord has spoken to you and I bring control for your frontal brain where you would no longer be a reactor but you would be a responder because you will see things from here and as you look down you will know that it's not as bad as it thinks are you hearing that time oh sure yeah yeah we get anybody for this consecration he said this is the real one because the last one you cheated him the last one the last one you fell off the wagon and had some cookies the last one you went ahead and ate some cake oh you went ahead and had a piece of chicken and said I'll get back on don't break it don't break this this is the real one I want full commitment and dedication from you because I'm not going to just bless you I'm going to put you in the air and you're going to stay there come on that's worship is let's worship Him let's worship here let's worship Him my god let me say something when it's time for you turn it down when it's time for you to go in the air thank you Jesus thank you Lord Jesus oh the enemy don't want me to say this that's wild now now the machine is stuck you don't want me to say this to you I expected warfare you don't have to turn it off I expected warfare I expected warfare but what I will tell you when you start moving in the air you're going to be criticized for it he don't want me to tell you that he don't want me to tell you that he don't want me to tell you that the enemy don't like it what's she doing with all this precious talk all you want I'm not coming back down to the ground somebody in this studio need to give God praise I'm not coming back down to the ground she doing this Elif I'm not coming back down to the ground somebody better give God praise right now I'm not coming back down to the ground make up in your mind right now I'm going to the air and I'm not coming down I gotta go y'all a move of God is on the way I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go Jesus Jesus I mobile God is on the way I just want to tell you that my god I just want to tell you that Jesus I love you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 12,142
Rating: 4.8733511 out of 5
Id: v5nF-DeLF5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 12sec (6432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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