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we are playing Roblox find the alphabet lore letters we showed you how to find all the brand new letters like spider F wait wait and even Mommy rainbow half whoa that is so cool we got rainbow hair we start from zero morphs and literally show you how to find every single morph in the game including a half morph that the developers did not want you to see oh not Wanna Miss a second of this video so buckle up and get ready let's go foreign [Music] morphs look there's like rainbow yeah are you serious guys this game has a bunch of crazy morphs we have zero out of 95 this game has been updated to have almost a hundred morphs check this out check out the legendary we got spider air oh we gotta get that a spider app we got what is this we got normal afro we got Z that's legendary we got um mummy no we got blue rainbow frame corrupt pippy glitch a guys we're gonna get all the rare ones in this video we got Mommy Long Legs B and we heard if you unlock every morph in this game you get a huge huge surprise guys no way guys it's probably never been done before in one video we got microchip H bro we got blue blue oh man we gotta get looking blue F bro that's awesome wait is that rainbow friends purple G no way oh we got rainbow friend guys we're gonna explore every area in this game there's app stick of bass guys there's a jet pack we might need that later I'm gonna get a speed coil and a gravity car so we run a little bit faster oh I like that idea yo they got vampire app oh no way Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh bro the gravity coin I got zombie oofed Z guys we will show you what it's like to morph into all these and show you what the secret is when you unlock all of them this is so wild bro imma get this speed coil it's gonna be lit bro and then we're gonna go explore I'll stick a base yep we are yeah we're gonna hit all 95 morphs in this video guys I don't think it's ever been done before once we get that we might unlock a massive secret guys yeah here we go guys that's gonna be lit I thought that was like golden a but it's not I'm looking is that a oh it's m o [Applause] blue eye that's awesome can I jump on top of this now with a a gravity coil I still can't oh man that's all right something in here there's just a house for no reason oh no we got oh we almost missed that we got default V so sometimes you can't even see them it's just a brick interesting and we got Ann oh we got lowercase i oh guys we're speed writing this game we'll show you how to get all 95 morphs it's gonna be so lit yeah guys check this out it's lit and you can actually morph into them oh I think I saw one right here it's oh oh you can actually morph into the ones that you get like I can morph into and oh we look great and but and it's kind of a coward if you know what I mean but not in the new updated ending the good ending to the alphabet lore he he becomes Brave right guys imagine how cool it's gonna be at the end of the video when we morph into spider and my goodness I got R what is that what is that thing what like a microchip age no way that's one of the rare legendaries that makes sense that microchip H that's a legendary we got it it makes sense it's in the rocket it's in the Tesla very true it's in the Tesla wow dude look at him bro he's a microchip H this is insane man this game is so addicting guys we gotta find every single one now oh what is this area down here it's like a brand new drop down there's you right there it's glowing you glowing you that's lit now I cannot jump down right now so there must be a secret tunnel that takes you down there okay got it secret tunnel deep in Africa base F sticker base I just dropped down to a secret area I got z z that's rare that's one of the legendaries wait that is a legendary because I dropped down to F Super Bass I got I guys keep watching we will show you the secret thing that you unlock when you get all of them is that PB glitch no I got blue baby glitch Roblox rainbow friend a blue glitched a baby I have the morph into that that is so lit that is so lit that might be my favorite morph we found so far guys everyone pippy glitched your way over to Walmart or Target and get lanky box merch yo pippy glitch your way over to just everywhere bro lanky box merch is lit heavy glitch your way over to lanky box Kitchen on delivery apps yeah guys look up ladybug's kitchen you guys can order lanky box food bro angry X I think it's something hanging there I got a shark teeth oh there's an e in their chain up like in alphabet Lord F immediately if someone change them up don't chain up my best friend Justin guys that's crazy we just got the brand new guys this game is so awesome they updated with someone this is brand new I'm gonna drop down can you drop down there yo no way no way deep in obstacle base I'll stick a base I'll stick a base abstract I'm deep in the finger base bro epoxy says [Laughter] so funny dude just let boxy be himself yes oh wait it's a spider is that spider F no way spider a wow that's super that's a legendary it's one of the rarest ones in the game there must be what is that is that cute that's insane it's zombie Frankenstein B oh awesome I'm gonna turn into spider a bro oh wow here we go it's a legendary oh spider that's insane man that one's nuts bro so cool wait can I jump up I think there's something right here bro nice Oh I thought there's something on that gem here we go here we go here we go that's another spider is that yeah it's Halloween W oh this is insane dude this is so crazy I love this Halloween area they put in here it's real spooky bro yeah you're right this is so crazy bro here we go foxy says something to say hippie glitch over here thanks bugs wow guys foxy is lit foxy says pippy glitch your way over to amazon.com get the official plushies yo there's a spider up here bro yes you got a pimpy glitch your way over you guys can actually get the giant mystery box on Amazon now too it's lit it's not a spider Halloween eggs Halloween eggs wait is there something I think I got this one I got that one I got them oh easy there's something in here oh this is the entrance to Africa base oh guys F secret base is awesome all right guys now I'm looking for all the marsh there must be so many around app sticker base because look at look at how big his mountain is his base you're right you're right but it's not right there oh no way what's that bro is that oh I missed it I just missed it I missed it bro I just missed it bro I got it I just mastered it it's eight it's default e nice what are all these planks for they must take you somewhere all right you got it bro I think there's something in the F secret base is it a hobby oh no way I'll be to the top of Epic Base this is so insane nice okay I can't do it with speed coil here we go not my fault nice it's nice I speak oil nice let's go dude guys check this out Justin from lankybox is an obvi Pro he never ever ever messes up I'm a hobby Master check this out guys oh there's like rainbow magma Z at the top you guys see that yeah this is nuts bro this is nuts I I got too excited I thought I was gonna get it I got too excited oh come on you're right you're right there we go like the sea loaded mac and cheese honestly guys the boxy mac and cheese we'll put on a little video for you on screen right now it's lit guys you guys can order that from lanky box kitchen I got Angry Piggy oh cool why do you think Pete would get angry probably if JJ broke up with her right if she got dumped I bet she would be in a bad mood yeah that's funny I feel like spider F has to be in that Halloween area but we'll go back there later guys don't worry don't don't worry it's lit Alpha obstacle base out I've got an obstacle base here we go now there's a whole side of the map we haven't even checked out wait I think there might be stuff in the tree oh there's ax hiding in the tree baby ax was in the tree bro are you serious man this is nuts bro I gotta check every single tree are you serious there's two way trees to chat oh here we go man in here oh uh see what's happening in the baby seat cool somebody hiring in the fire nope okay I'm gonna go over here we haven't been over here yet it's like a school bus oh there's somebody here it's dead okay whoa what's in this it's alphabet School alphabet school so Guys these are where all the alphabet letters go uh to learn how to be good letters I found baby a and baby together they spell ABS nice that's what Justin has yeah bro and I do have abs and I do be having ABS right guys it's so funny dude it's lit it's so funny dude I'm outside it's lit here we go okay cool nice angry H bro all right nice oh something in the toilet oh boy there's something in the toilet what's in there angry I would be angry too if I was trapped in there so I'm saying there's something in there too we got ppb why is she angry what's so funny bro all right guys here we go this is so what did we just find bro I don't know wait what did we just find where do we just find it spiders is that spider wraps oh no it's just decoration I feel like that is I know it's lit guys it's lit I wonder what else is in here probably pee all right guys we're gonna be mature what does that do anything bro I don't know I don't pee in here I know I know I know I know it's lit all right here we go guys we will show you that secret that you unlock if you actually get all the more I got default oh cool okay guys we're zooming I'm getting out of the school okay nice school is lit though guys yeah I guys I will finish school yeah guys if you guys bring lanky box plushies to school you'll actually do better I will finish fourth grade one day and it's a huge Flex like if you have Fox to your boxing with you Flex man everyone will be jealous imagine if you bring lanky box kitchen for school as your lunch oh man that'd be the coolest thing ever that might be too much of a flex I'm not eating something in the tree yeah guys he was hiding in there that's awesome that might be like too big of a flex guys if you guys get lanky box kitchen food and eat it for lunch and everyone sees you that is a crazy flag I got a pumpkin seed oh pumpkin seeds I got pumpkin Humpty Dump DC cool man there's something here yep I got blue there's so many morphs this game is lit it is guys it really is addicting there's so many to find okay cool I bet there's something over here yep there is right here nice angry K why are they angry probably because they got used as Wings by F oh yeah cause F turned him into Wings yeah like um Foxy the foxy killed the wings I like about chicken W right guys we'll show you a video about the foxy chicken wings look like they are wait oh we got mommy V oh can we transform into that yo we gotta turn Adam loves the mommy Morris bro that's awesome it's Mommy Long Legs wow that's pretty lit guys let's see how many we got left we're about halfway all right we're cruising we're doing really good now we win the circle now we're back at the start I have not found a lot of the max level ones oh wow this baby glitch day there's the cab so you can buy these I think we gotta buy them you think we gotta buy it with some right here angry am man there must be a lot just in the in the middle right here that I haven't seen I don't understand halfway like where all the rest of them well a lot of them are like paid more so you just buy and some of them are an asset of Base yes you can buy that a thing that shows you where the morph is okay guys we're gonna buy reveal bags this basically it's not like buying a badge it shows you it shows you where the next morph is it's really cool it's all the way over here we're gonna keep buying this until we run out it's like it shows you you just have to buy it oh it's wait H was there the whole Squad left yeah yeah I got it I'm buying them here we go guys it's cool I'm buying them top of the mountain yeah we'll go to top F stick a base guys we're going to the top lanky box foxy is going to the top top Africa base yeah base with lanky box kitchen food we've got a top Aztec base oh it's in the base in the obstacle base we got stumped the top obstacle base and sticker base here we go I took a base where is it oh you gotta climb up I gotta climb this bro I got pippy glitch my way up here guys it's lit here we go oh oh baby yeah baby F was up there that was such a good hiding spot that makes sense because um at the end of the original alphabet lore when f is all sad he goes into his house by himself and he's just sad that's where baby F would be right we probably would not have found that if we didn't get the reveal back if you want to watch us react to alphabet law for the first time ever and want to watch us to react to the alphabet lore good ending the secret ending the epilogue ending make sure to go to lanky box World guys yeah guys that's important look up lanky box World on YouTube subscribe there's a lot of exclusive videos over there like a lanky box transforming into outfit lore animation you can only see that on linkybox world people might be able to see it at the end of this video because that might have to do with the secret I'm not sure I just heard that when I was in F single base all right all right we'll see what this is all right guys it's lit ladybug's world is lit and it's like a bite something up there bro how do I get up there what is that I gotta go around I gotta go outside I gotta go outside wait wait let's open my camera are you serious no way I here we go guys and I do baseball here we go something something right there bro I didn't miss that bro I found oh God that wasn't yeah I just took a giant L I know guys we take owls all the time people say that in the comments they say common lanky L I don't even know what that means but it's funny yeah common lanky ill we're used to it guys our entire lives are just enough I know Mom says that to me sometimes oh I got piano and when um when like I score a goal when we're playing sports me and Adam she goes rare just DW yeah sometimes she'll he'll he'll like kick the ball and it'll hit the Soccer Post and then bounce back and hit me in the face well no it bounced off the pole that hits me and then it goes in right exactly all planned it's all calculated it looks so cool I'm awesome right guys that's like a bass on my obstacle base I I can follow evil a evil a you gotta try it out dude we found a lot of the remorse we still haven't found like mummy Ellie which I really find I want to see pumpkin seed bro oh pumpkin seed man that's awesome um let's also turn it to evil a cool that one's pretty lit I can't lie this is great I won't even lie don't lie dude Never Lie yeah doubt yeah pretty lit half yep just go to Walmart or Target and get lanky box merch badge it's in here somewhere oh it's in the base why is there so many morphs in the base oh it's blue e oh nice Bluey that one no we love Bluey yo reveal bags bro okay here we go where is it bro oh on the other side of the map yeah base bro here we go [Music] what poodle that's not what that means what pool yeah oh that's a giant L right there oh boy guys that is a huge L yeah yeah yeah this is a little pumpkin little scarecrow it's kind of cool weird okay I'm going over here it's BBB the letter lowercase BBB oh nice we missed that bro that's awesome wait there's a rainbow friend right here blue cake blue cake that's rare that's awesome right there oh pumpkin Z pumpkin Z here we go I miss all of these bro I don't know this map is so lit this game is really fun because there's a lot of morphs they're like kind of hard to find some of them are kind of hard to find and that makes a lot of fun that's true all right let me buy this one let me buy the next one dude yeah how many more we got left oh we got um 57 uh we still need to buy the packs because I know that the wall unlocked quite a few I'll buy the packs don't worry yeah and then I'll buy some snacks from like you box ketchup right like the rocky brownie cookie oh bro you guys all have to try that at least once bro I got agent secret spot guys if you guys order the rocky brownie cookie it's literally the most ooey gooey cookie you will ever eat in your life bro it's right guys go to lankyboxkitchen.com or just look up lankybox Kitchen on any big delivery apps like Postmates ubereats doordash stuff like that pretty lit oh I got baby and oh cool and nice all right let's reveal another badge guys this game is really tricky we gotta reveal a lot of badges yeah there's a lot of badges to reveal they keep having us run back and forth dude that's good exercise yeah Adam's mom has to do that in the backyard yeah yeah that's true oh I think this one's inside app sticker face yeah she uses like a like a laser pointer and she pointed at one side of the yard and they'll run to it and then she'll point out the other side of the yard um what is that I do that in the living room too when she's watching TV yeah you almost caught at that one time I'll get it one day I'll get it one day I got Baby R all right guys all right one time we're doing it and then she started laughing and I didn't know why and then she pointed at a screen glass door I ran to a door not funny don't do that to people not funny not funny I got a moo moo but it was lit and I was having lit fun but it was respect and uh to have some lit punch I Got King cool man this game is so lead dude right this game is awesome a pimpy glitch my way over to get a bed no problem what are you doing [Music] oh my gosh Focus sorry guys I was laughing I'm trying to get all these I got killed Justin is so funny oh boy we're doing really good at this game dude we're doing really good we're doing really good so funny oh man here we go guys it's awesome it's added to be lit yep it is and it do be super lit man they really just keep hiding them in the craziest spots in the Rock bro oh my goodness there's G guys here we go it's lit this is so lit dude yeah it really is so lit bro yeah you got it I already know I'm gonna go max level oh I got Saucy oh like a seesaw oh I get a seesaw that's pretty funny yeah so that's like um it's like see see because he got those teeth it's chopping it's eating the tree you know yeah I wish they would put this feature in all to find the games it's so helpful but it's still fun because you get to find it yourself wait what is this oh oh T what is he doing hiding under the table like that we missed that that's okay though guys sometimes in life you just miss some stuff that's all right yeah that's okay I missed all sorts of stuff right that's okay yeah that's cool though wait what is this wait what okay I already got that oh witch oh cool it's a wizard that's pretty cool bro wait what's the rarest one we found okay pumpkin Z okay that was okay that was all right I like this one I like the rainbow friends morphs pretty lit huh right all right let's buy another one this is awesome here we go guys we're spending millions of Robux to do this really really lit here we go guys we're gonna get them all here we go all that matters we're having lit all right guys boxy always reminds us that that's important foxy loves having lit fun right guys what is it one of his favorite things in the world right stop laughing at boxy I'm in I'm in the cave I'm in the cave where is this morph bro oh my goodness I fell yeah oh F was hiding in the Rock Apple's hiding deep in his base because everyone was trying to find him that's why like Elemento p q r they're all around his base because they're trying to look for him that makes sense yeah I'll buy reveal badge again all right here we go all right guys we gotta find the next one bro now at a certain time there didn't show us anymore and that means we found all of them and we just had to buy the the packs right and then that means we literally found every single morph in the game in one video I thought I got that one ax I didn't get that one before wow that's an elf man that's a giant lanky L yeah that's okay that's okay that happens a lot yup it happens a whole lot yeah all right reveal badge reveal badge here we go all right guys here we go reveal the beige yeah it's really cool guys here we go it's right here wow boom hey I don't know how we missed that one pretty lit huh yeah don't worry Adams because we're smart right guys and if you guys get lanky box plushies they literally make you smarter because they can they can help you with homework they can help you with tests like they're lit guys I got angry oh and you I got two for one cool pretty good yeah okay what's next reveal beige hmm reveal beige yeah you guys should take plushies wherever you go oh yeah it's lit everywhere because they're your friends foxy see how to explore the world with your good Adventures yeah well I got s it was hiding under the bus bro the bus the bus feel 18. yeah thank you that joke that joke what a joke man was lit that joke made me had lit thank you Josh it wasn't lit funny thank you all right how did I miss that I don't understand I don't know not sure yeah all right here we go reveal page no more badges wait guys we'll show you that again literally okay so there's like 20 more look if I buy this it doesn't show you anymore because we've got every single one so now all we have to do is buy the packs only beat the game no way time to go buy the packs dude we did it let's go buy the packs bro first I'm gonna buy this um vampire F pack let's get it let's get it man let's get it let's get it let's get he got oof ketchup dripping from his mouth and this is literally I think just for one more so each morph that we're buying here guys is 500 robots guys let's see it let's let's see I I want to see all these I like this one this is common oh it's like dripping it's a common W get it yeah I got it I got it that's funny okay let's see vampire out oh yeah okay that looks really awesome I love the energy around it I'll buy this one nice what is this oh rainbow rainbow rainbow lore right exactly rainbow letter lore RGB R what oh f-o-z silly oh right right right rainbow ass whoa that is so cool we got rainbow F that is my favorite morph in the game all right let's see rainbow Z bro wow that's awesome that's so cool bro let's see rainbow oh so lit guys that and that doobie lit yep next we got pack three bro here we go we got pack three nice nice nice nice okay I'm gonna go from this I'm gonna go back where's pack three over here over here there it is you could be the cab no you could be the cab no way wait but there's still some like spider app that we have not found yet are we getting scales bro let's see let's see it oh my goodness we got PBA that is so cool see what else we got dude we got cab bro awesome we got the cab oh that's so cool that's pretty nice huh yeah I think we actually beat the game that's pretty nice and we got devoured see oh ew guys make sure to leave a like And subscribe go get lanky box merch at Walmart Target or Amazon we gotta get all these dude I'm gonna buy unlock all let's get it to get them all and this is 2500 let's do it wait if we get this it's gonna unlock a secret isn't it oh yeah you're right here we go here we go no way let's do it hey Slinky boss transforming into alphabet lore oh my goodness lit oh my goodness oh [Music] this is the secret video [Music] where's Rocky bro there's rocky rocky is so a solid I haven't lit fun um Eddie knocked the Wings off me bro and it's foxy foggy transforming Yo cool that's lit [Music] um [Applause] Foxy the boys transforming Here Comes boxy this is lit oh yo [Music] oh bruh dude he's so good as letter p she is awesome guys ghosty is so cool because he's so lit Shadow alphabet lore man that is lit bro guys go to lanky box World make sure to subscribe and go get your own merch at Walmart or Target and this whole video was so much lit fun we're gonna order ladybug's kitchen mama [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 1,761,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, roblox, lankybox roblox, find the alphabet lore morphs, roblox find the alphabet lore morphs, lankybox roblox find the alphabet lore morphs, roblox find the alphabet lore morphs gameplay, all morphs in roblox find the alphabet lore, roblox alphabet lore, roblox alphabet lore morphs, find alphabet lore, find alphabet lore morphs, all morphs in roblox alphabet lore, roblox spider f, lankybox alphabet lore, find the alphabet lore morphs max level, alphabet lore morphs
Id: atvDGOfZ8HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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