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Roblox rainbow friends has just been updated to include voice lines green orange purple and red now have secret voices in the game Blue Sky let me give you a hug you won't believe how each of the characters sound and in this video we show you every single new voice line in the game including the sacred character voice at the end ah food food are you ready let's go [Music] now everybody this is a big update to the game wait listen listen I'm Blue they have actually updated rainbow friends the way the voice lines for the characters are you serious are they here I'm serious guys wait wait let me get blue on me let me hear I'm gonna oh yeah so much scarier guys so listen close apparently they added in voice lines for every character in the game guys I'm gonna go into a Box Mode watch this watch this you better run and he like stopped talking when he lost me no way do you guys see that he was like chasing me and talking he said wait guys this is so crazy this is so crazy they literally updated rainbow friends with voice lines for all the characters yeah and you guys can see all the different characters we're gonna hear guys there's gonna be a secret character at the end that we hear that apparently no one has ever heard the voice of before oh are you serious guys this is all brand new this is so crazy wow guys we're gonna beat this game this is gonna be so much fun okay let me go honestly I feel like Blue's voice is kind of crazy you know what it reminds me almost of Huggy Buggy's voice there he is oh no way easier because I can tell when he's around those blocks oh he sounds so evil and then yeah when he loses you he just stops talking oh laughing run and he just stops talking as soon as he goes away that is so creepy guys guys what is this this is so fun we're gonna hear all the different rainbow friends talk that is a crazy update to this game guys so after this we're gonna hear green talk we're gonna hear Purple talk we're even gonna hear orange talk are you serious what does orange sound like I have no idea but I'm honestly kind of scared bro the green talking is really cool but it's also really scary yeah this is so crazy guys I cannot believe they updated rainbow threads like this yeah guys we're crushing this game I can't wait to hear what oh I gotta know dude you got yeah man how did you not hear him coming bro I don't know I thought I should have he was talking wasn't he I think so yeah dude this game is so crazy what an update bro yeah it's awesome Guys One update I'm at the castle Oh look The J J for me oh nice the last ones are at the workbench which I'll get I got him dude I got him don't worry I got 10 of the blocks right here oh sweet man we're doing really good but that was so crazy guys so we'll actually be able to hear oh he's still talking because he's chasing Adam oh wow that's crazy watch out blue is so crazy what is he even saying guys that's insane dude this is nuts next up we're gonna hear Green's voice no way here we go guys get ready this is wild I'm excited how could they update the game like this bro I don't know they must have added in some like actual rainbow friend recordings oh someone must have recorded them with a like an iPhone microphone that's so awesome somebody caught the rainbow friends in 4k audio all right guys green is next here we go we're gonna hear what green sounds like I'm getting really stressed out Adam all right guys keep uh keep an eye out for green keep an ear out for green dude yeah he could talk now you're right I forgot that's crazy if we run into green I'm gonna hear what he says and I heard green is actually even scarier than blue are you serious I'm serious guys check this out I'm looking I'm looking where's Green I like I want to run from Green but I also kind of hear what he sounds like yeah you're right it's gonna be pretty cool huh all right guys we're gonna beat this don't worry all right I'm zooming I'm zooming I already got four bags of food what's up man where's Green where's Green where's green blue is in the basement with me okay I'm looking for green then yeah man where would he spawn bro where would green spawn he's like a giant green bean all right guys we're gonna hide in our boxes this is crazy I thought that was him bro I'm looking for green guys all right you got it dude you got six bags of food I just gotta find green see what he sounds like yeah we're crushing this game we're doing really good but I want to see what green sounds like and I can't find him right now he's hiding from us yeah you're right maybe he's shy silly green maybe now he's shy of his own voice oh he doesn't want people to make fun of him or something that's what I'm saying dude we wouldn't do that though I wouldn't make fun of green dudes give you a big hug come here oh wait wait and if you get far enough you can't hear them anymore [Music] you're right wow I'll get closer I'm gonna get closer oh it's so creepy listen to that oh his laugh is scarier than blue you're right guy that's creepy what man this update is so cool I got um I got nine bags of food do you have one more um I'm about to look if it's in the workshop okay don't put it in yet though I want to go listen to the green War all right got it okay we're at 14 out of 15 bags I'm gonna go listen green guys we gotta hear all the voice lines for green and blue yeah we have to and orange and purple this is so crazy dude I never thought green would sound like that we're gonna do it guys this is so cool let me go listen to Green I'll I'll use my box near him so I can just stand there I'm just gonna find ya come here let me give you a hug right here let me give you a hug go I can't believe you just said that that makes it way creepier he really said that to Justin he really said that okay I'm gonna put in the final bag he really did that wow there we go guys next round dude and that was so creepy because blue was there too and they were both laughing at the same time here comes orange guys what does orange gonna sound like okay everybody we gotta go see what orange sounds like and then after that we might actually get to hear what purple sounds like purple in the fence he talks purple in the Vance in the van no way guys this is awesome this is awesome but it's also really creepy guys I honestly think voice lines should be in more Roblox games because it makes it so much creepier I agree guys it's a lot of fun oh man this is crazy so crazy nobody's ever seen this stuff before you're right guys you can only find this on lanky box but there's a crazy crazy oh I heard him before I even saw him here oh excuse me blue it's so creepy the way blue laughs you're right guys this is insane he really reminds me of Huggy buggy you think there might be like best friends he's still chasing me listen listen I'm gonna oh feel man he said that he said that and then he stopped because he lost me I can't believe he just said that to Justin this is so messed up bro I caught blue and 4K he's still laughing just by himself that's so creepy man Adam got moved by Green I was in my box and green grab me dude he does not care he probably said the line where he's like give me a hug I bet he did yeah he wanted a hug that's what he said to me dude he said I want a hug and then he oofed me man that's creepy that's kind of sad all he wants is a hug I guess so yeah it's kind of sad isn't it Adam yeah but I don't want to give a hug to Green he's mean yeah he's mean green yeah he loves open up he's green and mean string bean dude I haven't seen purple I don't think we're going to hear their voice this round right here next round but we're gonna hear orange think so if orange spawns dude oh and it blew right as I said that orange spawn Here Comes orange guys watch out I feel like the game is listening to us watch out for glue he's in here oh yeah I heard his voice there's two left Adam but let me hear um The Voice line first okay got it Orange Orange please don't orange is hungry here's somebody talking about food [Music] oh my goodness what did he just say that's crazy this is so creepy he was talking about how hungry he wasn't any of me oh man you gotta try to see him one more time all right all right all right you got one last fuse right yep I got it all right let's go listen to Orange wow guys voice lines literally take rainbow friends to the Rain wow friend exactly guys it's next level stuff this is so creepy dude it's insane I didn't think they would sound like that I thought they would sound cuter oh he went to sleep there's I ate him yeah here I am yeah what are you doing I'm going to the theater oh here's blue let's listen my crown oh my God you keep saying the same stuff over and over and it's so creepy it's so Susquehanna I'll go up to Orange's room and I'll feed him and then I'll get to hear him again oh good idea this is the top 10 rainbow friend secret we have shown before if you go to Orange's Hideout and ring the bell he will actually run off on his own that's true guys you can activate orange in the game pretty crazy huh it's awesome I'm Gonna Go activate him bro here we go guys I'm Gonna Go activate them both all right oranges item is always really tricky to find right here all right here we go they're easy sleeping all right guys everyone listen here he goes foreign [Music] I didn't know he could even get me like that that is insane he was talking about how he was hungry and he wanted food and then he just oofed me wow that's crazy oh my goodness guys we're on the final night now it's our chance to hear purple purple in the van we have to beat this up on here purple and then we might hear the secret character voice that no one has ever heard before ever let's go okay guys let's go here purple nice here we go guys guys we gotta find batteries but I'm gonna go check all the Vans because purple's in a van in the event we go purples ain't no veins and this is the final round of the game guys and then we're gonna hear that secret character at the end proposing that pains exactly I'm so excited what was in advance is he in this one no stop there stop there here's purple watch out guys you know if you see him like in the basement or something all right I'll let you know I heard blue even before I saw him you're kidding purple's in the veins you heard him like laughing or something yeah dude purple's out here purple's not here wait go wait go away go away oh it's so creepy when they chase me when they're talking to you yeah I don't see purple anywhere he's blue okay blue lab blue left me alone okay nice where's purple people in the veins purple's near the theater um in the hallway near the theater okay purple in the veins Yep they're in the van I'll go get a purple Angel veins oh they sound weird I was in their pants they sound so weird dude really yeah dude I heard that from Adam's computer it sounds like it's like Echo all right guys I'll hook boxy any day of the week but not green that's what I'm saying oh okay I put it we have one battery left but let me go find purple before you put it in dude all right you got it let me go find purple dude oh there's green three purple there's purple oh I caught him I caught him I caught him yep okay guys let's listen let's listen to purple right here people and I'm gonna grab you oh are you serious he sounds like echoey and like metallicky because he's in the bench right should I get grabbed yeah closer to the bed that [Music] is so creepy his laugh is so scary he actually said that to you I don't like this Adam I don't like this dude this made the game way creepier okay purple move to a new location guys that's so so creepy hey guys there's one battery left battery Aiden's gotta find the baby all right I'll look for it it's not even the direction we looking for the batteries maybe it's near the theater oh we're just gonna get me oh oh did he talk to you yeah he did he did he did hey you're beginning to find the bakery okay guys could be anywhere I'm looking for the bakery yep uh it might be around the theater I didn't look that much around there okay I'm looking at it yeah I'll go back down to the basement okay cool thank you oh I missed that okay guys now we're gonna beat the game and we're gonna see the secret voice of baby even read the scientist here we go guys get ready here we go okay guys we gotta escape and we might actually hear red the scientist what do you think red sounds like man I don't know man that's the secret character they could sound like anything probably our worst nightmare I'm pretty scared right now guys wait I I even hear blue saying something don't pump the balloons he said don't pop the balloons that's what it says right here that's crazy this is insane we gotta get to the cake all right I'm there I'm there I'm there you still here oh go away go away go away go away oh that was close wait there's a there's a balloon right here oh oh is this one gonna pop guys watch out here we go oh it's gonna hit the fork and pop no wait he's saying something about the van what what I'm gonna get you in the van he said he's gonna get us an event no I I heard that I heard that I heard that we gotta get up here we gotta get up here oh my goodness bro he's still just laughing oh my goodness okay guys I think we're far enough it like kind of stopped that is so creepy we gotta just keep going guys we gotta skip out of here I wonder if he's gonna say something when he gets squished I hope not bro that would be so creepy this is so weird okay guys here we go we're almost out of the game and we're gonna see the secret voice line right here guys this is so cool we made it we made it we made it we made it let's see if he says something here when he gets crushed this is the ferris wheel for odd World bro oh my goodness here we go here he is no don't crush me I'm being crazy oh my goodness oh wow now it's time to hear red I don't know if I want to hear red I'm red the scientist [Music] oh guys make sure to leave a like And subscribe Get Lucky Box merch from Walmart Target or Amazon and make sure to get some lanky box food from lanky box kitchen oh that was really scary that was red at the end guys he said I'm red the scientist or something like that that was so creepy guys well we came in here we heard all the new Rainbow friends voices Black Box kids got tons of choice foreign [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 5,072,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox rainbow friends, rainbow friends, rainbow friends in roblox, rainbow friends gameplay, rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends secrets, rainbow friends voice lines, roblox rainbow friends secret voices, rainbow friends leak, voice lines in rainbow friends, rainbow friends update, roblox rainbow friends update, roblox chapter 2 leak, roblox rainbow friends brand new ending, new ending in roblox rainbow friends, voice lines in roblo xrainbow friends
Id: 5bqLq5sm6OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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