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playing Roblox find the alphabet Lord letters in this game we have to find every letter from alphabet located throughout this map from A to Z and when we do we unlock a secret lanky box versus alphabet lore video wow wow it's in alphabet lore Slinky box Gokey is playing with us today and she is playing on her Roblox account to find all the letters let's go [Music] okay ghosty let's go whoa your character in Roblox looks awesome thank you I feel very spooky oh that's so cool ghosty your character's a ghost but that's like you on the shoulder okay well today we're playing Roblox find the letters so right now we gotta find oh it's alphabet Lord there's a we found a hey nice ghosty oh and there's like different versions of all the letters that's pretty cool okay ghosty uh which one do you see next oh oh yeah B is over there it says you need other players oh we need friends to reach B okay we can get that one later ghosty no problem who else do you see I see you get it see let's go get it ghosty now everyone watching ghosties playing right now on her Roblox account and she is awesome awesome too Justin you're doing great ghosty here we go oh these jumps are kind of hard huh they are hard but you can do it ghosty come on yeah you found C okay let's get another one ghosty whoa we're doing so good oh we got oh oh nice job ghosty oh thank you oh who's that up there ghosty it's tea yup it's the letter T terrific we did it ghosty who's next who's that wait it says thanks for playing lanky box we're in the game Ghost no way who's that ghosty it's foxy yeah it's your best friend foxy yeah [Music] oh that makes ghosty so happy let's go shout out this game let's go it is amazing okay who's that over there I think it's um yo it's em from alphabet lore yeah yeah who's that ghosty what is that I don't know here we go uh oh we got a secret award oh they're doing so good pretty cool huh ghosty uh-huh this is fun okay ghosty where should we go next why don't we try and get this Big C up there yeah I love see you can do it ghosty I believe in you these jumps are really tricky though [Music] he goes to you using shift lock like a pro STI is a Roblox Pro come on come on go see oh I'm getting nervous watching ghosty play come on it's okay ghosty you're doing great you can do it I believe in you come on we gotta get this one come on almost there you can do it ghosty ghosty go ghosty go oh ghosty why is this one's so tricky these are hard yeah you're right these jumps are really tricky it's not easy guys so close come on ghosty come on come on come on you got this ghosty come on one more jump last one yeah good job ghosty we got it yeah yeah let's go yeah yeah good job ghosty oh who's that over there yup I think you're right it's letter G for ghosty whoa Jay was hiding in the bushes oh that scared me that's pretty funny how ghosty okay wait who's that all the way out there goes do you want to go find out yeah let's go okay ghosty don't get scared are you scared oh there's R we'll go get him later wait who's that is that the letter p what is that huh oh that's like peas Jam from alphabet about pretty cool huh ghosty he is very cute ghosty you watched alphabet lore right wasn't it so crazy yeah super crazy yeah one of the craziest animations we've ever seen on YouTube pretty crazy yeah crazy and fun oh it is the letter PVP she's awesome huh ghosty he is one of my favorites yeah ghosty thinks letter P is super cool let's go get letter oh over there yeah let's go we're almost there it's the letter R this is so cool ghosty it's awesome that you made a Roblox account that now you're playing Roblox you love Roblox don't you ghosty you Roblox more like ghost blocks yeah yeah you got our whoa that was a Pro Gamer move good job ghosty I'm playing with you Justin ghost you're so good hey what do you think is at the top of these trees it kind of looks like an Obby let's go let's go you're right let's go find jump jump jump there's got to be something up there ghosty and she heard once we find every single letter in this game we actually unlock a secret lucky box versus alphabet lore video [Applause] [Music] awesome job ghosty you're doing so well in this game is that the letter Z right there [Music] well there's Z Hi C wait can we get these V oh yeah we got V we're getting so many that's pretty cool huh who's up there do you think ghosty I don't know but I can't wait to see yo let's go find out here we go climate goes to climb climb climb wow this is so cool wow ghosty this is so much fun and by the way go Steve everyone wants to hang out with you in real life and get the official lanky box ghost be plushie where should they go Target or Walmart that's right everyone go to Target or Walmart ghosties in the giant mystery box or if you want to get ghosty you can also get her on whoa what is that is that a taco oh yummy go to you do love tacos don't you tacos and burritos because he loves tacos and burritos right ghosty burritos are delicious yeah burritos and also ghosty loves making what she calls ghosties Toasties hey ghosty can you explain to all the viewers at home what a ghosties Toasties is designed yummy melted cheese sandwiches yeah a ghosty toasty is basically like a grilled cheese it's where you take a bunch of cheese which Adam loves and you put it on bread and you toast it and that's a ghosties Toasties yup you can add whatever you want sometimes um you could add like some or you could add like some veggies or something it's really cool I make them for foxy all the time man now I'm getting hungry how ghosty you what do you want to eat later ghosty I want monkey box kitchen food yeah you're right I want to eat some lanky box kitchen food yeah like the foxy french fries or the boxy mac and cheese or the likey box Pizza that would be awesome huh ghosty and delicious okay ghosty who do you think is at the top of this Avi right here yep I think it's the letter Y here we go together just a few more jumps come on ghosty you got it so close we got the letter Y you're doing so great ghosty oh what's up here whoa is that like evil hey what is that oh that's spooky oh it's kind of scary you're right ghosty how do we get over here whoa invisible platform whoa who do you think is over here ghosty yup and there's a secret over there too I think you're right I think it's the letter A hey ghosty what did you think of the letter F in alphabet Laura thought he was scary yeah he's pretty scary right but it turns out he's only scared because everyone's picking on him it's pretty crazy huh ghosty super crazy we got it get it oh nice jumping ghosty whoa those are really narrow good job nice job that's the very last second oh no that's okay ghosty we'll try again yeah if you can't succeed at first try try again Hey look it's your again ghosty okay so awesome there's a letter I nice I wonder if I scared foxy who's this nice thanks wait how do we get out there and get H you think we just jump huh nice job ghost B is just the hidden platform we got hey who's that out there what is this oh it's kind of scary wow we got like a secret badge ghosty good job whoa we're doing great you're so good at this oh it goes foul ouchy oh I was so close you're doing such a good job ghosty we gotta keep going this is so much fun let's go get the secret character yeah you're right let's go get that secret character that we saw earlier hey look there's you nice I think we're getting all the letters almost Hugo Steve oh there's Anne cool the clothes so cool whoa ghosties doing some max level jobs right here you got a hand job ghosty he's pretty cool huh yeah that is so cool yeah well goes the in the video alphabet Lord uh n is basically he he thinks he's a coward because he's scared of a lot of stuff but being scared of stuff doesn't really make you a coward he's a coward because he turned his back on his friends and that's not cool ghosty you're kind of scared of a lot of stuff but you're not a coward you're super awesome and everyone loves you it's okay ghosty you're doing really well okay ghosty let's keep going we gotta get that one you're really determined to get that secret one aren't you I really want it you can do it ghosty I believe in you I believe in you yeah a good one okay it goes to here we go hop hop hop hop hop hop hop this part's not too bad right yeah it's the next part that's tricky yeah you're right the next part is the tricky part here we go there's F okay here we go you got to go see you got it you got it you got it oh God wait a minute ghosty I think there's something I can help you double jump yeah it looks like double job let's spend some Robux it'll make this way easier then we can jump really high good idea ghosty we're spending items Robux so it doesn't matter okay ghosty we gotta rejoin the game and we're gonna get that secret character okay go see let's go get it now yeah let's go okay ghosty we gotta keep fighting more letters cause if we unlock all of them we get the secret lucky box versus alphabet lore video yeah this should make it a lot easier because now you can jump over all the tricky Parts yeah I think I can do it now you're doing so great ghosty let's go thank you for encouraging ghosty let's go I love playing Roblox with you it's awesome and everyone with you guys all watching this video right now you're hanging out with me Justin and ghosty this is sweet huh with everyone oh good job ghosty here we go [Music] guys deep we got like cursed bees wow ghosty sopro she's gonna go back the way she came wow this is fun I just hope you're a real Roblox Pro hung ghosty foxy taught me oh wait what is that oh it's another one of the gems it's the question mark from Kyo yeah okay now I see one there I see one there I see one there and I see something at the top of that tree actually too wow ghosting fast it's okay ghosty you're doing so well let's go get those secret ones okay go steal me a few more letters until we get that secret ending lanky box versus alphabet lore videos okay let's go up here I don't know if you can get that whatever's down there but let's go this way can you get around that how do you get oh you jump on this tree huh oh you got it ghosty you got its ax hi X cool wait what's down here oh it's X's Power Jam oh wow nice job ghosty you're fighting all sorts of Secrets okay what else is around here oh there's kilo oh what's down here oh there's a platform to drop down on ghosty don't be scared let's jump whoa It's cursed letter G oh my goodness G for ghosty but this is too cursed this is kind of scary okay ghosty I think we have to oof to reset now oh [Music] nice job ghosty you found e without even oofing that's awesome that was so fun there's W nice we got a b c d we already got all these um I think we got actually all of them ghosty is there any that we didn't no we literally got all of them go see you're such a pro you literally oh there's the last one ah great job ghosty you just beat the game in record time man that was so awesome oh it's like a secret why over here it's not like the normal line the normal y is at the top of uh the staircase you are such a Pro Gamer go see this is awesome this is amazing oh there's one last one ghosty It's s all the way out here let's go okay ghosty here's the last letter it's letter s once we get it we're gonna get the secret Lucky Box first alphabet lore video here we go wow wow it's in alphabet lore it's me versus I this is so crazy this song is lit and Goofy I heard you're in this video it's me versus C you got this Justin it's foxy yeah foxy is so cool yeah foxy is so cool [Music] [Music] that must mean you're coming up soon ghosty this is crazy yeah this is so scary yeah it's boxy versus yeah [Music] it's boxy versus letter B for boxy it's a whoa they're changing so often this is awesome well they're glitching oh it's oh wow there you are ghostly it's you hello it's me this is awesome it's thick shark is here too oh [Music] whoa It's the friends from alphabet lore and now it's rainbow friends wait what is this go see this like a hacked ending this is so cool maybe it's because we're playing Roblox and the rainbow friends are from Roblox [Music] this is crazy it's me versus it's back to Foxy versus tea boxy versus K it's you versus oh it's ghosty versus oh it's letter G it's letter m oh it's letter M now this is such a crazy video how ghosty [Music] this music is lit it's me versus K you're going down okay there's foxy there's you ghosting it's like he bought Whoa We all our friends are here oh my goodness this is crazy this is amazing but now we're in Roblox there you are ghostly right next to me [Music] oh my goodness this is crazy so crazy wow it's all of us versus Z is this the end I think so wow ghosty that was so crazy what'd you think of that video ghosty man that video kind of made me hungry let's go order some lanky box catch it yay [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 1,245,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, foxy and boxy, lankybox fan, lankybox fan art, foxy, boxy, lankybox world roblox, lankybox roblox, lankybox plushie, lankyboxworld, lankybox ghosty
Id: Mg218Gpa3js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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