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Adam check this out it's alphabet Laura's candy whoa that looks so cool and not only that there's even an alphabet lore gaming art book that's awesome guys you're gonna love this video because we're gonna show you all sorts of crazy alphabet lore art videos I can't wait Adam let's go we're looking at the alphabet lore made of candy so it's an apple it's a candy apple oh that's awesome that looks so thick okay what's next so it's Gotta Be the letter it's B for blueberry muffin oh no way blueberry bee muffin the blueberry muffin for me that's pretty cool it's gonna be C it's gonna be it's a chocolate chip cookie C that looks so good guys we're gonna see all the alphabet lore characters as candy oh that's a donut for D no way B donuts oh what's next oh it's eggs it's chocolate eggs oh that's creative eggs for e that's so creative what is this yeah what is that F made of liquid correct that licorice F bro I think so that is so crazy to me man wow no way made of gum oh it's gum yeah yeah oh honeycomb it's like honeycomb candy for H honeycomb for H yeah oh and they made it green it's green goo H okay I I for ice cream I got it this is so cool guys this outfit more food made of candy oh jello jello and jelly beans Jello J with jelly beans this is amazing okay what's next okay oh no way what is it it's a chocolate koala they made it okay L is Lollipop that's so creative guys this is so awesome L for Lollipops M what is that for um marshmallow marshmallow M awesome and for nerds nerd candy and oh they picked out all the orange uh nerd candies for Ian that must have taken them so long it's oh Oreo over Oreo guys it's an oreo oh what's gonna be what was that popsicle popsicle next up it's R what is that raspberries for R and they made out of gummy worms oh is that tea for chocolate oh oh you roll ups I get it oh okay nice and then what we got next oh w w out of caramel wow that's awesome ax whoa why is yogurt oh nice what's Z what is that what is that cheesy I get it cheesy wait what this is like an activity book it's the thief yeah is f the thief so it's like a game this is a DIY book this is lit oh no way there's spelling words speak if F comes around it makes a thief get it oh thieves they're spelling guys who's this oh they stole ABS stole all the jams he locked everyone up in the secret base oh wow guys those are all the gems locked up that's what it means by the thief he's the jam Thief oh he's stealing them all this is insane how'd they make this book man I don't know oh here's X yeah and Z okay yo never seen X that buff bro guys he is so strong this is nuts bro they all transformed into superhero glow up Transformations oh they're on the road okay they're all running they're gonna go find the Thief oh they're spelling hungry they spell hungry hey if you guys are hungry where should people go or delivery apps yeah look up lanky box kitchen there's Q he's coming in saying oh he's got a shell now it's kind of like Gary the snail this is insane bro yeah it's like the limited edition Gary which you can get only if you get the bundles on plushies I like yeah guys it's cool dude there's buildings made of the letters wait what they got look dude they got a a what is that bro I think I see they got D they is that um that might be K yeah it might be uh no that's C and they got G over here oh cool so Q is going in checking all the shops to see where f is the thief wait are they are they there it's Apple hey now it's Albert but it's food and accused eating them all he's gonna eat beef or banana he is a banana that's so creative he's a banana he's chomping him oh my goodness okay let's see gonna be some corn some cake some cake man oh some cheese oh some cheesecake oh I love cheesecake this is insane bro I don't understand how this happened oh my goodness there's DD for donut foxy loves Donuts I would eat that yeah dude they got more yo it's alphabet or glove transformation superhero Transformations egg it's food it's e for egg it's Juju G for grape wow alphabet Lord but it's food wow this is so cool H is a hot dog H for hot dog why is Q eating everything bro he's that hungry bro P for peach oh that's creative oh a little snail this is crazy guys and by the way we have a crazy secret video show you guys to the end that is outfit Lord it is mind-blowing make sure to stick around for it yes it's gonna be so cool what is this now it's a bunch of trees we got oh a squid game alphabet lore oh what are they spelling a squid game outfit Lord A and R are the guards oh it's red light green light here we go guys after the squid game doll no way no way no way oh my goodness so they can move a bunch of spaces six spaces they have to roll the dice guys this is crazy they put buff alphabet or glow up transformations in Squid game uniforms oh no way is f gonna turn around oh red light oh green light six who's gonna make it there first bro one two nice five oh my goodness dude I think it's ax there's five here we go what is he doing he's hiding behind the tree he's laughing uh-oh what is he doing don't do that what is he doing guys watch out don't go if it's green light oh my goodness bro he pranked him he pranked him oh no oh no don't don't go he knew it he knew it he knew it he turned Effy ran away oh wow everyone's trying to chase that F but he keeps running away he's too smart he's so sneaky x k and z he spells right run guys run run oh but it's spelled Blaster now uh-oh oh my goodness and they're using strings in order to make the letters move what is going on how did they make this book Aid wow it's like a puppet shout out to ever made this book it's gonna be linked Down Below guys these people have real skills to pay the bills yeah we would love this book in real life bro it is a P letter P book from alphabet lore wait are you serious it's like an activity book it's an activity book are going to show us and they actually whoa oh no way I bet you can move those they're actually gonna show us a custom alphabet lower letter P plushie no way guys you guys can see some of the cool stuff that we're gonna get to see in this video just give me nuts bro and I bet that plushie will be friends with foxy yeah everyone's Friends of the fox fan foxy yo this is lit open it up bro let's see what's inside bro oh no way you can see oh it's running bro oh so they put the P paper on there and they're gonna like move it it's running he's getting all blushy dude oh she's faster than the cab bro here she is and she go transform bro no way she Transformers she do it yeah put the jam put the jam bro oh it's a custom B plushie wow how did they make that plushie that's awesome yo they're just showing us like parts of it they're gonna show us the whole thing later that is so cool guys you got the pink gym oh it's a customer alphabet lore P plushie wow guys we're gonna get to see so many awesome things there's the muscle they even put the boxes wow guys p is super strong even put the Box [Laughter] wow and the eyelashes keep watching guys these are gonna be less wow it's so lit I wish we had that in real life that is so awesome dude the plushie that would be friends with all the other plushies dude easy that's true guys make sure to get lanky box plushies yeah hey Rocky oh man this is so lit bro let's go back to the book so p is transforming bro oh got it by the book like this I would read it every day oh there's a secret base oh wait you have to move the cab over to the base beep beep here comes the cab oh yo there's in there's there's oh they're getting in the cab oh oh that's so awesome this is so creative they're in the cab they're on their way to obstacle base wow it's actually like we're watching alphabet lore but it's paper it's a book dude this is this couch is reading but yeah this counts as reading so now they arrived at FC base p is popping out and there's oh they're making the map bro they're spelling map m-a-p- and they're gonna make the map dude no way oh oh my goodness that is so cool you like stick it there and it's like transforming it's actually like we're watching out bill or there it is there's the map bro there's the map wow we and they have to find out how to get to F secret base oh my goodness it's obstacle base yeah this is cool look at how awesome he looks oh bruh she did not look happy oh she's going super fast whoa are they a magician aren't they just transformed bro man that's cool yo and now she's running super duper fast around FP the letter P is one of the only characters that does any damage to F that's true guys wow and actually in the book she's she's making F dizzy she literally spinny spinny around F bro wow he's dizzy this is so crazy I'm getting dizzy watching this but F my he's got Blaster with the freeze right just like alphabet lore yeah very true man this is so crazy wait are they gonna show the part where PPP gets oofed no way are you serious oh don't don't oof don't oh that's so awesome it's like a magnet don't oop letter P don't do it it's literally magic how they're moving literally Magneto that's awesome Magneto magnetic keep watching guys we have awesome videos to show you today this is crazy bro there's lowercase p p oh Mommy [Music] this is lit guys all right now they're spelling friends oh this is what they were little maybe uh lowercase alphabet Lord dude oh and they're making them dance oh they're dancing okay okay okay I got it that makes sense no I had to be careful wait what I think bad is gonna happen are you serious of the real bad it's gonna happen bro I sure hope not see they're all dancing they're all lowercase how did they make this book bro um I'm not sure they're really smart whoever made this really smart and how they make the plushie I don't understand yeah they must be a plushy magician a plushie dude there's all the frames bro and they're at FC cabbage this is so awesome I really hope we don't have to see p get oof oh we don't bro they're coming in with the superhero Landing LMNOP whoa that is so lit bro oh this book gets a 10 out of 10. if this was a book I had to read in school I would get it hey now this is a crazy video where we're gonna see the skeleton inside guts of the rainbow friends are you serious it's the skeleton rainbow friend it's the skeleton zombie rainbow Frank gut oh that's gross they're making Orange from Rainbow friends but check this out bro when you see it from the side it says good oh man that's actually his spine where is his eyeball dude his oh my goodness they're painting it in right now instead of an eyeball it's literally just like nothing that's crazy ah man now what is this someone made alphabet friends lore book wait no way can you buy this what is that it's an Alvin Lord book it's like the story yo it's like an interactive book ABC it's a DIY book story oh so cool genie and change them up oh no way you can actually chain them yourself is bro it's like your activity book wow so this must be at like bookstores or something no I mean there's GG and he's good she's gonna summon the cab oh no way this is so creative how did they do this this is so awesome there's the cab it's like a board game wow they're chasing out that's awesome this is so creative bro so F moves and then the cab moves how'd they do this bro man oh they attached the Blaster oh bro that's awesome guys oh we got the K Wings goodbye guys no way but here comes Elemental p and they're transforming oh there's oh they're transforming this is so cool this is literally the alphabet lore video in a book exactly guys books are lit he put I in the chains bro yeah he did no way what's next the Power Stone he took Anne's Power Stone this is Kyo Kyo I use the map map map this is so cool how'd they do this I don't know and they're gonna unlock the map here no way there's the map there's the map and it shows the location oh just like in the alphabet lore video how did they make this my mind is blown how did they do this you have to be really creative and good at Art to make this you gotta be a genius a genius that's true guys he's using the power stones to get everyone stuck together no way this is such good art it's so creative f is awesome guys oh my goodness oh no way oh and there's that's crazy maybe a magnet I think this is a magnetic book I think so yeah this is the most creative art I've ever seen in my entire life and there's P running in a circle oh whoa it is a magnet guys they have optical illusions in the book keep chopping them up oh no and this is where the blasters come in and they oof letter P are you serious are you serious I'm serious no way oh they literally blast some NSP oh my goodness this is so interactive oh they called him a coward they're in the van and there's ax here's a bunch of X clones they're gonna fight with perhaps whoa they stand up oh it's like a game they like flick stuff at it and then they stole the power gem this is a DIY game book can you guys believe that that's insane how are people so creative I don't understand yeah guys oh oh no way he locked him up another board game another board game they're gonna pick up Aunt Anne is gonna pick up the stones as they go everyone else gets oofed they're getting absorbed as they go just like in the video yeah this is nuts bro you have to be a genius to make this book this is so actually though yeah guys yo did Albert Einstein or Elon Musk make this book bro probably guys this is so much fun to watch oh and now they got an end plushie no way where'd they get that oh and they blasted laser blast and F got oh it spells friends this is wild how'd they do that bro wow this is life-changing and there's the MZ they closed the book that is so cool shout out to the book bro that's the and the thing goes around wow bro wow that's cool and there's the plushie this is so lit bro get lanky box plushies from Walmart or Target or Amazon now it's more alphabet lore art they're drought who's that re oh it's beat me oh so cool I like me my favorite letter because he's so silly yeah you're right drunk people what's gonna happen when they open it yo they got the guts oh we're gonna see the inside of B wait what is this wait what is inside the letter B tell me it's not F what is inside what no tell me it's not F why would F be in there what is that no it's the letter C C is in B why I don't know why you think B like eight C wait C looks evil there it's like exec what is going on and why is he drooling so much oh maybe F injected C with exe and he put him in B oh ah [Music] guys maybe F took C put exe in C then put him in B Maybe Legos are you serious if you guys want to see lit lanky box Legos make sure to go to lanky box world because there's some Lego videos of the plushies over there that's true guys you guys gotta go check out linky box World wow this is a really creative build what is it they made H out of Legos wow I would love to make the alphabet lore letters out of Legos there's a letter I this is nuts bro and Jay so cool guys wow this is such good Lego art man how do you have so many Legos I don't know but it looks so cool look at it later oh he's smiling dude oh we're looking at the best stop-motion cooking videos ever Adam check this out now it looks like food but it's actually like Legos check this out yo wait what the food turn into Legos whoa but it's made of Lego what it's bacon stop motion cooking guys this is so crazy look at this bread it's Lego this is so cool guys we have so many awesome videos to show you today it's legoified dude no way this is cool they're toasting it what is that what is that like an avocado it's an avocado wow that is the Tomato it's a tomato what's gonna cut into they're like shredding it oh my goodness wait what and it shredded into Legos they put the tomato with the avocado and they're gonna mash it up how do they do that guys we're gonna show you guys some of the best stop-motion cooking videos ever yo they're juicing a lemon they're making juice lemonade oh my goodness I think they're making uh guacamole yeah exactly there's some pepper on top what is that crackers for chips and dip wow and there's the toast it got all toasty guys keep watching these videos are gonna get better and better this is incredible so they're making breakfast oh I'm hungry now wait no way wow lime skateboarding yo wait what this is so crazy guys they made it to a live soda okay now they're taking the soda they're gonna make like an ice cream float I bet are you serious there's Lego ice it's ice but it's actually just clear Lego this is so crazy man how do they get these Yo which Lego it's Lego soda and he has ice cream no way let let's see how this scoop looks it's Lego ice cream that scoop looks so yummy oh my goodness that looks it's a it's a soda ice cream float for breakfast oh my goodness this is so cool okay now they got some fruits okay where's that strawberry tell me that's not gonna turn to Legos no way oh it did turn into Lego you got a banana gonna turn into a Lego oh it's a normal banana wait what oh oh it isn't normal oh bro this is amazing guys all these videos will be linked down below what is that it's a kiwi what yeah it's a type of fruit no way no way what is that gonna look like when they cut it that looks so yummy it's gonna look nuts yeah Lego kiwi this is crazy we're gonna make a fruit salad yeah what is that oh um oh no way guys it's milk make a smoothie oh got it got it got it what they just took out the whole milk what oh cheese oh no oh it's frozen milk they're gonna make ice cream you could freeze milk and they're gonna make it into ice cream and freeze the mill they're making their own ice cream guys this is insane they made like ice bro it's like ice cream yeah wow that's awesome this is nuts what is that bro some beans yo they put kiwi banana strawberry and some like red beans yum this looks so tasty and they top it off with the ice cream break oh this dessert is lit this is insane it's like an ice cream float basically it's like ice oh man we would love to eat this shave ice ice cream float They smash the almonds and it turned to Legos how did they do that I'm getting hungry it's almond ice cream with chocolate syrup on top this is incredible what is that strawberry juice it's strawberry milk well watermelon juice wow this looks tasty oh my goodness now they got some kind of vegetable what is That Yo they're making a salad they make a salad out of Legos no way dude this is so crazy guys all these videos are insane what is that a shredder they're shredding an onion they're shredding up onions but it's just Lego and it like stayed in the shredder what so they're making like a giant delicious salad or maybe it's a carrot cake because that's flour right exactly onions Lego flour all right here we go I don't know there's an egg there's a Lego egg oh nice man we got Lego egg on some flour what are they making a cake probably yeah they're Stir It Up wow that is awesome to make it like an omelette and change color oh oh you think that's what it is probably yeah that's eggs and vegetables I'm I guess it's an omelette this looks delicious this looks so delicious it really does go was that some oil oh no way it is that's so crazy and they moved the oil around how is that possible dude they're spooning out this omelette you're right bro yeah guys that that sounds so yummy it's like breakfast pancakes oh wow oh my goodness I'm hooked right man this makes me want to order some like box kitchen food this is so cool you guys have some more bacon oh it is real bacon oh but it turned the Lego bacon oh what you can make that this is insane how do they fast is so crazy and they put the bacon on top bro oh I'm hungry oh bacon egg cheesy vegetable omelette the cheeseburger french fries from ladybug's Kitchen yeah yeah oh they put like a lid over it no it's like cotton but it looks like it's like um like bubbling yeah I wonder how they even make these videos it's crazy so crazy yeah it's so crazy oh wow they're gonna flip it yo oh no they just took it off the heat oh man are they gonna eat that bro you can't eat that teriyaki sauce but it's not it's Lego it's Lego wow how do they do that I don't actually know wow and they're brushing it all over bro so they got a Teriyaki egg omelet with bacon and they're gonna sprinkle some salt bro they get sprinkle some salt oh wow guys Dustin loves doing that look at some salt or no what's that mayonnaise I think it's mayonnaise yeah and they're doing like a cool pattern yo how I can't even do this with real food how they do this with Legos it's so cool looking what is that I don't know oh uh like onion some sort of seasoning oh wow seasoning that is lit are they gonna eat it yet they put too much stuff on it I can't even see what it is they're gonna eat it we want to eat this so bad bro wow that's cool oh my goodness bro incredible Adam he sees that he said man I just want to eat it yes guys that is so cool okay what are they gonna make now there's a bunch of books what they got some paper they ripped up the paper no way dude what are they turning the paper into wait you can't eat that no you can't eat that definitely not oh wait guys so now it's not Lego cooking it's like paper cooking what it's a paper egg oh no way hey yo there's a sprinkling some salt on it some paper salt they're mixing so it's stop motion cooking but instead of Lego now it's paper oh you can't eat this guys don't eat any of this stuff this is all fake but it's really cool it's artistic they're making pizza just like lanky box kitchen Pizza are you serious yes dude no way that's insane a day are making pizza oh wow like pizza it's cooking they're cooking it in a rock oven exactly guys Rocky is awesome they're making a pizza or is it like a cake I think it's a pizza it might be a cake Adam it's a cake there's some sprinkle it's either that's either frosting oh yeah it's a cake it's a cake guy I thought it was a tomato sauce maybe a pizza yeah oh my goodness if you guys want lanky box cake get the Rowdy bro the rocky brownie cookie right because or you could call it a round round Rocky cookie right guys it's so delicious it'll make you forget how to talk bro it's amazing it's ooey gooey oh we always get it bro right every day yeah it's lit yes every single day yeah what did I say good good good luck good luck nice oh cool and they got some colored pencils what are they gonna do with those they're gonna draw on the cake they're using it to make sprinkles oh that's really creative this is so creative oh my goodness it's like a paper cake but there it's stop motion cooking that is awesome okay now somebody's cooking some bread it's Lego again wow red Lego that bread does look fluffy though oh man that's a thick slice of bread toast in the a Lego don't ever do that ever this is just a silly video what's that that's salmon guys so they're making like a salmon bread that is a right there yes Salomon yes guys salmon I've seen on Discovery Channel I see the Bears they scoop up the Salomon exactly guys it's lit and here's some tomatoes exactly guys fish are cool now is that avocado I think what they're making is like either some sushi or like a salmon sandwich yes exactly guys Sushi's cool all right here we go now they're making oh guacamole again okay cool remember to make some sauce and guys the final video we have to show you is crazy wait they got bread they got bread Salomon and guacamole how are they gonna mix this all together I don't know maybe it's um salmon tomato avocado toast salmon on tomato and avocado what they cut a little plant and turn the Legos that does look good though it's like a sandwich yeah it's a sandwich it's a sandwich so yummy that looks like a delicious sandwich wow and they're kind of in half diagonals they cut Legos oh no way this is so insane they're not done yet they got Lego Eggo once again they're not done yet guys check this out this is so nuts what are they doing okay what is that some butter dude they're frying Lego ego to make something else for the sandwich they folded the eggs wait what it's like a pancake egg it's an egg stack that's so yummy egg stack and they're cutting it they're chopping and chopping and chopping it up are they gonna add that to the sandwich oh no they're making what are those are those real sausages they turn into Legos wait what how's that possible now they got little they're putting little eyeballs on sauce we got a sandwich with the Eggos with the little sausage it's a little lunch man that is nice and now they're gonna make McDonald's food out of magnets wait what it's stop-motion magnet McDonald's magnet Donald they got a magnet Burger wow yum how are they doing this they're gonna make something else right there like oh yo some milk whoa foxy loves that you guys want to try the foxy teal make sure your liking box kitchen look it up on delivery apps or go to lincolnbox it is amazing yes guys it's so cool dude what is this man how is it so well done and I think if you order a 35 or More's kitchen you get a free t-shirt you get a free t-shirt while supplies last yeah it's lit guys okay the chicken is moving this thing gonna run for it where is it going where's it going guys okay it's running away they're saying come back here what are they doing bro oh what what are they like a magician no they're imagination oh they can like teleport the food how do they do that okay they're taking all the lettuce what they're like breaking down the burger it's like in Reverse motion oh no way so now it's going back it's in Reverse guys they are actually reversing it how if you guys watch this video in rewind it would be normal that's smart dude but we would be reversed so you could talk in Reverse so maybe if you say something backwards it'll sound cool forward okay cool I'll say yeah so if you guys play that what Justin just said backwards it'll it'll be a secret message from him I can tell you what the message is right now what was it let's go right guys go to Target Walmart and cheap post get the merch right guys that's what he said what is this bro all right this is butter but it's in Reverse still no way it's in Reverse bro they're reversing the butter the reverse hacking the McDonald's sandwich wow that's the Buns they're gonna untost it guys that's insane untoasted the skin untoasted man that's really cool how do they do that bro I don't know they're in Reverse guys you think they're living in like a different timeline they're smushing the burger that's crazy guys these videos are all nuts there's an egg they unscrambled it they put it back in the egg bro oh so he's gonna get it back in the chunk it's gonna it's it's lit guys it's lit and the nest that's what I mean yes yes what all right guys now they're putting the egg back or something this is cool this is cool guys this is nuts tell me they're not gonna uncook the Tilt oh oh my God they're unfrying the fried chicken oh my goodness wow so there's the raw chicken this is nuts bro I can't even understand what's going on right now I can't understand it going forwards they're making us watch it back or exactly guys your brain has to work real hard if I watch this video upside down it'll look like it's going forwards wait what that is the chicken no wait Justin that's not how that works oh no [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 1,554,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, foxy and boxy, lankybox fan, lankybox fan art, foxy, boxy, lankybox world roblox, lankybox roblox, lankybox plushie, five night's at freddy's, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, kissy missy, mommy long legs, glamrock freddy, chica, boyfriend, girlfriend, sonic, knuckles, compilation, spongebob, roblox, amanda the adventurer, pj pug a pillar, rainbow friends, alphabet lore, Pibby Glitch, Project Playtime, Sonic Frontiers, Sonic Prime, Among Us Vr
Id: 8fkI6b5sDlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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