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I really literary feels like my parents feeding me poop Yeah, they kind of smells like a dirty diaper like onions in a dirty diaper. Yeah Hey guys what the pop'n! You know that's now what you have to do on YouTube I should say, hey Laowinners what's pop'n! uh... Welcome back to HOT, sunny, actually rainy today You're dressed up today. Aren't cha. Look at you.. Let me show you off real quick *Vivi smiles* Yeah, damn. You looking fine. Real sexy. Real Hot. uh.. reason being, we are going to buy fruit and we always dress up to go buy fruit Right? *Vivi laughs* It's very very important to do so. And why we talking about fruit today. Well? It's because fruit in China is guaranteed to be different Especially where we live compared to most of my audiences American and a lot of Europe completely completely different and what I mean is that not only are we in a tropical region down here in the south. In Guangdong province, but the fruit that we get here is Radically different than the fruit that they get up north and also the fruit that we do back home I shot a video about this, years and years and years ago terribly shot by the way But I uh.. wanted to do a properly this time. Reason being there's tons and tons of fruit shops And there's probably four or five just on the streets that we're on right now now. Now one thing I wanted to say is that something very strange And I think you'd agree with me. Most things in China are cheaper than in American right? *Coca Cola Zero can comparison, China price $0.50 vs American price $2.00* Now what is so weird about fruit in China? Is that you think especially because like you know manual labor is cheap and farmers aren't paid very much That people would pay less for fruit, Vivi: Mhm.. but they pay *dramatic pan to Vivi, as C-Milk looks at Vivi* they pay... *Vivi stares at camera and smiles* Vivi: What? MORE... Ohh, For Christ.. I was trying to feed you a line um.. they pay more for fruit right, A LOT more I'd say four or five times what we pay usually for fruit back home and where I am from New York right Now you were surprised When we went back to America right. How cheap the fruit was the produce, everything? The problem is like a lot things are not that fresh too in America Yeah one thing I was going to say.. Not in America, It's probably is the time we go there. It's like. No it's true because like China hasn't taken off with the whole factory farm idea and also like cheap imports and stuff so a lot of these fruits and also like cheap imports and stuff. So a lot of these fruits Yeah, you can get much cheaper if you go to like a farm or a market, right? But these little specialty fruit shops are quite special because not only they have a really really good fruit But it's also really really expensive and have a really really good selection, right? Mhm So we are going to go pick some out for you, and we're going to taste test at home. *Camera pans to baby Olivia* Ready baby? Ready to eat some fruit Hi ooh it is a sweaty sweaty one in this fruit shop. Lots of good selection though. Awesome weird stuff We're going to pick everything out to show you guys. *refering to baby Olivia* Baby what you get? I'm gonna to pay now How much was it? 200 RMB So we are paying $30 US for a bunch of fruit. Yeah, told you it was expensive. Uh.. It just started pouring rain. It started to pour It started pouring rain We got to get home with our fruit baby refused to go in her stroller. So she's being held right now, and I got all the fruit. Got a fruit baby. uh.. I hate this it's freak'n hot. Like a 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and it's also raining. So it's like hot rain. Because it's cool down it's absolutely terrible uh.. that's scary So we are back, we have all of our fruits on the table. It's a fruitful, fruitful day isn't it. *baby Olivia laughs* We got baby on the side here? She is not incredibly happy with the situation because we had to turn down her favorite TV show peppa pig, right? We got a bunch of fruits here on the table What do you wanna start with? Vivi: I want to start with is Durian! Well everyone knows about Durian, right? Everyone knows what Durian is at least, but a lot of people haven't tried it yet and the first thing people say is what? Uh the smell. Exactly Some airlines even like uh.. C-Milk: banned Vivi: Will force you, like you are not allowed to put any durian products into the plane. C-Milk: Right, because it smells so bad. Some people say it smells like rotten eggs I think it smells kind of like onions, like really gross onions. Vivi: I remember the first time I ever had it I really literally really feels like my parents feeding me poop C-Milk:Yeah They kind of smells like a dirty diaper, like onions in a dirty diaper. Vivi: Mm yeah. C-Milk: However it does not taste like that for sure. We know that very well. Now the weird thing is inside of all the slop. There's a big huge seed which you can't eat it Vivi:Yeah C-Milk: You want to try the gross one? Vivi Why you.. C-Milk: You can have the good one. Vivi: Ok good C-Milk: I'll have the sloppy one Ready? 1... 2... 3... *nom nom* mmm hmm, it tastes like a very slightly citrus custard, like the inside of a custard pie, very smooth very soft What would you say it tastes like? Slow! slow down! save some for later It's been a while since we had that that. That is absolutely delicious, would you recommend it. Yeah, It's my favorite This is bizarre this looks like a chinese lantern, right? Vivi: Mhm. C-Milk: It also looks like something you would never eat Very very strange. This is called a gooseberry or Geun-young Which just mean woman in Chinese, right? or girl. Vivi:girl. C-Milk: what you do is the open this and inside is this little looking, kind of yellow looking tomato thing and this is.. only in the North of China around Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Dalian that kind area. That's where I just came back from. I saw these everywhere by the truckloads very cheap.. Vivi: oh really. C-Milk: now these are fantastic, and I've never seen these before and we bought, remember We're up, up north. It was your first time as well right? Vivi: Yeah, it was. We ate hundreds of them and they just they do taste like a mixture between a tomato and a grape I would say. I do think it tastes like uh.. uh.. What's it called? I really think they taste like mango C-Milk: Mangoes, a little bit like mangoes. You're right They pop in your mouth. Just like a cherry tomato And actually has a very similar taste to a cherry tomato as well. Vivi: Mm-hmm. C-Milk: You like em. Vivi:Yeah, I love it. C-Milk: Big fan These are very very special to this area these are called lychees And you probably heard of them before. I think they're starting to grow them in America. Vivi: Mm But like these are super famous done here right, and they're perishable They're hard to ship, so when I was growing up I had never seen them. You peel this hardshell away, and there's a lot of different kinds of these right You got to look for worms yeah, especially like in the tip of the thing. There's a lot of worms usually if you peeled a grape and were left with Like a little pit inside, that's it. It's like Kinda looks like an eyeball There's good quality one Is the, the little seed is small Usually some of the bad quality one is the meat is less and the whats it called the pit is huge Right, yeah that huge pit with less mean we got a good one. These are so sweet. It's soo sweet It's like drinking pure juice with sugar in it basically and the way it kind of bursts in your mouth Just like a grape, but much sweeter than that great. This is almost the same thing really. It's a little different dragon eyes called Lone Yin, Dragon eyes And you pop these open, you open one of these and it's almost the same It looks the same as a lychee but little, very little and the fruit is much tougher Mm-Hmm, and But tastes super sweet and nice, but the flavor is much stronger. It's like concentrated and the pits are huge People try these out. Yeah try this out. You can eat It like this like a snack and also Guangdong people love to cook it with a soup., C-Milk: right These are called Peepah right? Vivi: No, this is called Wampi.C-Milk: Wampi sorry. When I was a little like really really young I don't know why like I can't even eat by myself kind and then like my parents always said I love Wampi, that like every single time they want to feed me They say like "Wampi, Wampi". I open my mouth, and then they just shove the rice into my mouth. C-milk: Oh, they trick you to my mouth No, I don't understand. Why you liked it cause wampi are so sour. It's very sweet I don't even know how to say that in English Vivi: Ha, yellow skin. C-Milk: yellow skin that's what they're called, there you go. So you gotta peel it They look like you don't have to peel it. Ah some people don't peel it But you recommend that I do. I prefer to peel it, okay Thanks. You just gave me a seed. Baby you want to try one? Mmm. That's much better than what I had last time Okay, it is pretty sour, it is pretty sour. Now this is called a mangosteen in English and in Chinese is called Shānzhú Now Shānzhú are probably the weirdest looking fruit to me like it looks like a rock or stone with leaves on it like it looks like Something you wouldn't eat, but when you open it up. It looks like garlic's inside - does it taste like garlic noo It's tastes really sweet and nice To this day not only the sweetest fruit I've ever eaten in my life the sweetest things that I've ever eat in my life stands pure sugar Right, it is so intensely sweet I don't know how it becomes like that. Isn't it bizzare? very juicy almost like a very soft cotton candy like fibrous texture, but super super super crazy sweet amazing absolutely delicious. The last one we have here is called a... shìjiā and in English this is called a custard apple the reason being it is very very soft like custard kind of like durian is but It smells kind of like an apple It actually does doesn't have a citrus smell to it And it's so soft that when you touch the skin your fingers just go straight into it, right How do you eat this because it looks like there's a lot of seeds and skin all over it. Yeah, just.. avoiding the skin directly eat the white part mmm That is also incredibly sweet.And one thing I've notice is how sweet fruit is here compared to where I grew up Fruit to me was always really really sour. I fell in love with fruit when I came to China because actually wasn't a huge Fan of fruit. Oranges, apples, pears everything's really sour where I grew up. This stuff.. It's pure sugar. I think apple is very good. Mmm Not as good as a custard apple for sure this is delicious. What is your favorite fruit in this table? And what do you recommend Laowinners should try? This. Custard apple? I was going to say the same thing, but I will buck the system here I will say if you have a chance to try anything try a mangosteen these are so potently sweet and delicious I guarantee you've never had anything like it. Unless you've tried it before and also It's fairly easy to find Durian around the world Nowadays give it a shot really keep an open mind about it It's not as disgusting like you watch these TV shows *C-Milk makes vomit sounds lol* Smelling it and they eat And they are all throwing up all over themselves like Andrew Zimmern or whatever his name is. The Bizzare Foods guy It's not like that, it's not like that. It's really really tasty. It's delicious like eating a piece of custard cake. I hope you enjoyed this episode Don't forget to leave a like downstairs below if you enjoyed the video. If you want us to try more stuff We'll always be here to do it even though this would cost us a fortune. *Vivi: laughs* Thank you so much Laowinners, and I will catch you.. Vivi: On the next one C-Milk: *wink at Vivi* nice. Vivi: *Smiles and gives us a peace sign* A Wax apple, looks like an apple, but it's... waxy. Try a bite. Mmm. Is it good? Juicy and sweet! Hey C-Milk, feel free to delete this subtitle. I am not able to support you on Patreon yet as I am a student (Hard financial times). But I hope subtiling this video helps you, Vivi and baby Olivia out. Take care and stay awesome. :)
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 660,934
Rating: 4.759563 out of 5
Keywords: unusual fruits, tropical fruit, fruit rare, exotic fruits, weird fruit, game grumps fruit, taste test, top 5, china, exotic fruit, tropical fruits, fruits, salak fruit, weird fruits, food, weird green fruit, world fruits, durian, exotic, custard apple, weird fruit names, weird looking fruit, fruits of the world, exotic asian fruits, asian fruit, jackfruit, mangosteen, strange fruits, fruit (food), laowhy86, chinese, serpentza, chinese food, chinese girl, living in china, asia
Id: cdpApUn3-BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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