Fake American Chinese Food EXPOSED

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He only goes to places on the west coast.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lwbii00 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
hallo winner is this lousy six year with another video and you guys probably know me for my content about China I'm here in a purple Corvette with my best bro Winston and we decided why not go up and down the west coast for a 3,000 mile road trip to see if we can find super authentic Chinese food we think you guys are gonna enjoy it it's a full length movie so join us on this awesome road trip as we go in this quest for the best Chinese in the USA I'm serpens na I'm low I 86 everybody knows and loves Chinese food but if you're like most Americans you may have never had the real thing it's always chopped up sweet salty and it's usually is slopping pot I don't know anywhere else and a little bit in America where they have you know Chinese fortune cookies do you have to go all the way to China to see what real Chinese food is or can you find true authentic Chinese food in America we don't have that much river of people in this area especially even in America mostly we're using like bland and put it noodle we've lived in China for a combined 20 years so we know what real Chinese food is like we've had some of the weirdest wildest and most delicious food that China has to offer that's why we're sitting out on a 3,000 mile road trip all across the west coast of the USA to find out where and if it's possible to find authentic Chinese food this is the quest for the best Chinese in the USA [Music] see milk where are we we're in Arizona why are we in Arizona we're here to fetch the Corvette now the Corvette needed a lot of expensive repairs unfortunately stupid just cuz it's got the Corvette brand name but we're going on an epic trip and what are we doing we're going to find the real most authentic Chinese food that you can find in America my home country actually now I've actually eaten Chinese food all over America before but it's usually at these kind of impostor restaurants oh yeah we see them all over the place here was that wok and roll lot of the good plays on words even here in Arizona they're even still using the word oriental to describe Chinese food and all these fusion restaurants Chinese and Japanese fusion but actually it's just these all-you-can-eat buffets for about five bucks yeah yeah pretty much that's not real Chinese food no it's not and living in China for about 10 years and 12 years you combined over 20 years yeah we actually know what real Chinese food is actually like exactly now of course this is America but we've already got the steaks and burgers and all that stuff out of our system trust me you got your tie cut off in at rest got my tie cut off yeah and of cowboys enough cacti weed and we're gonna head to California to find the best and most authentic Chinese food in America can't wait the quest for the best Chinese in America see on the road [Music] oh man we've been over these dunes and I don't see any Chinese food like we better find another path oh absolutely [Music] superbugs we're in San Diego California beautiful day oh yes it's awesome out here we got you know we got the sea got Sun and it's fantastic we've actually been pointed in the direction of apparently what is said to be the best bouncer Angelica restaurant in all of America which is pretty fantastic and it's a little ironic because the first restaurant we're gonna try is you know specializes in Bowser and the first video on my channel actually all the way back in 2008 it's got me going to a little breakfast stolen eating a Bowser so I think it's kind of ironic it is yeah what is it bad enough well okay here's the thing now as we've discussed a lot Chinese breakfast is pretty dire yes I think we could say it's probably like the weakest type of Chinese we at first right for sure yeah but when it comes to Bowser that's the one breakfast food that every foreigner including myself and you actually really likes right it's basically a steamed bun and inside you can get meat vegetables and all sorts of different fillings and it's pretty delicious so I'm seriously looking forward to me too now ironically also for me the first food I had in China after I got off the plane other than pig brains which is at the same restaurant was joutsen and Jones's dumplings ya know if you've had dumplings in Chinese restaurants here in America you've probably had pot stickers and those what's why is it called a puff stick well because they stick to the pot I use wonton wrappers okay and they're really sticky really thick much more similar to Japanese gyoza all right so the ones that we have in China you know they're steamed they're fluffy they're full of all kinds of different fillings got lamb grab chicken pork all kinds of stuff and I remember it being a very special meal for me because I never had dumplings like that before well we've heard through the grapevine that this in fact is the best place for this stuff so I feel like we gotta hit the road and enjoy the beautiful sunshine in Seaside yeah get there yeah don't wait see you at the restaurant [Music] so I made that personally he doesn't want to change the taste he actually tried a lot of places in the US and San Diego before he opened this restaurant just wanted to know how like Americans like the taste of Chinese food well he tried it and then he's like this is not Chinese food I'm not gonna do the same thing so that's why he started to do his own dumpling and their own vamp the funny machine too much at intruder tomb was hang on so he wrote it so the way that Ebonics I'm really happy we know if you take a little all the clothes on that's already the general power take a photo of the one on your side until I start the Ireland Agora to go around congeal enough I go see Andy are you in the way that Obama I'm surely wondering why you know so instantly a restaurant today in question is great Wow it's kind of a play on words yeah the are famous for their jobs of which we've explained our dumplings so yeah here we go turns out they have a lot of different kinds of jobs in here okay not just one and I was super pleased to talk to the boss here earlier yeah and they're actually from Beijing know most of the Chinese people that you'll meet in Chinese restaurants in America are either so that was kind of a treat and this is northern food which we love yeah why don't you talk talk through what we got today well first of all got this massive balls over here this thing's that huge I mean you know guys your face really kind of this specialty I mean they were explaining that they used to make the normal sized ones and then they decided to make bigger ones kind of probably because Americans like big portions too right get yourself a jaws or which one you want so these are gonna be the pork and onion dad said these are your classic when I suggest but one thing you have to do if you're gonna eat Chinese dumpling especially northern style you're gonna mix your own sauce yeah yeah so I like to use a little bit of chili oil yeah you could salar de ma okay we are Tyler we are Tyler we are last so ah okay and this is the choices I only use a little bit so it says I'm a fan of vinegar so I go all-in on the bin you watch it yeah basically they use dark vinegar usually for these dumplings yeah and you take one some cheeky folk will cut one open and let the vinegar kind of soak inside yeah yeah I like to just get the casing on the outside so two good ideas go for this bad boy let you in first I'm gonna talk about it okay now to the items I can see I can see competing yeah okay I only like to just put soy sauce I'm not interested in all that vinegar malarkey whatever we're in America you can be yourself yeah absolutely now I'm gonna just give it a shot all right was it great do you give yourself a little splash since there I enjoyed it so much I dropped it let's try that again hmm hmm fantastic the pork inside of there it's so well seasoned and that's something that actually makes it better than a lot of jobs I've had in China as it actually seems like they actually marinated it right yeah really good onion taste a little bit of garlic and a garlic in there too yeah a little bit I would say more care was put into the filling than most places I've had in China absolutely and for authenticity I mean wouldn't you say the outside shell like the noodle is actually like a weak base noodle I I'd say that to be honest this is very high on the authenticity rating because I've had gels are just like this exactly exactly the same so I have to give it at that yeah I'm giving it a 10 out of 10 for authenticity for the preserving what about the taste as for taste I have to say this and it might break some hearts in mainland China but in a way it's one of the better jobs I've had in my life I'd say it's actually it tastes fresher it tastes like you can trust the ingredients inside of its Justin kind of bites the tongue a little bit with the onion and garlic I like it quite a bit more than jaws I usually eat and I'm gonna give it a 9 out of 10 for taste okay that's awesome I mean I'm not a big jazz a guy usually but I'm gonna give it an 8 just because it is delicious and you're absolutely right you know when you're working with the right ingredients you know you can really make a good recipe even better so absolutely so 10 out of 10 authenticity 8 out of 10 for taste for me sounds good what's next shall we move on yeah impressive mmm yeah it's fantastic right yeah now one thing we're really familiar with in China though is Shalom bow yeah which translates the little dragon bag pretty much they're kind of a Shanghai style dumpling so soup in them right yep exactly and what you do is you put them in a spoon you kind of puncture them so you know the soup comes up be careful it can be really hot so I'm just throw it in your mouth mm-hmm good really good Sheldon bow okay awesome yeah I'm gonna go all natural hmm I like Toby they actually like hand kind of need all the dough and stuff and really put care into how it looks which is really nice and they don't get it yeah not as much as this but yeah as for authenticity tenets and again completely what you guys I've had that in China absolutely you get them in all the dim sum restaurants things like that that's really authentic yeah and the taste again for me it's an 8 out of 10 I give it I'm gonna give a 7 out of 10 okay I've had soupier ones okay I mean but very very good very very good style excellent so the only thing remaining is our authentic bowser yeah this is the kind of the the coup de Grasse is what we came here for right give me half of that one absolutely here you grab this that's really really really hot give me a sec you gotta eat them on their house like a went out absolutely okay we're gonna give it a shot hmm oh yeah walk into work my first couple years in China mmm hot roadside Bazzi you don't really know what it is and you first get there you know what are these steamed buns you get one sometimes get the bed you want somebody to get the meat really cool the way it's prepared on the side of the road to psych for sure smoke billowing out will steam ready right especially on the cold morning you just see this like steam and it right so interesting and everyone's crowding around and grabbing these hot steamy buns you know what makes these better than that is that it seems like there's almost a gravy in it right where's it's not you know how you'll bite into a pods in China it's just kind of a brick of meat and then you have to eat the bread around yeah this is kind of soaking it all up and it's a nice gravy it tastes delicious often to see in a way is almost difficult to say because I like it better then most buds I've ever had does that make it less upsetting I don't think so not same for the ingredients are there it's got the same flavor it's just a little more so because they're using better ingredients right it's definitely high up there on the authenticity I'd say the bowels are here except for the Americanized kung pao chicken ones right you know these ones are absolutely you know top-notch I'd say definitely 10 out of 10 I'm definitely gonna say tenant and in for taste I'm I might go 10 on this one I'm house is one of my favorite foods so I'm a little biased but I'm gonna go for a 9 that's just because I know you get better stuff out there but in the world but as far as Bozza kin are concerned I don't think you get better than this no this is this is top-notch definitely up there for sure by the way I can confirm I think this is definitely the best buzzer jars I've had ahead in America that's for sure what dish would if you could only pick one just that they're just just the bottom another poke the normal poke balls are right absolutely delicious I'm gonna agree agree with that but I'm also gonna throw on Guinness get a plate of these pork and onion cows as well yeah these are just frickin awesome I love dancing and it's really good to have this kind of stuff in America strange I love music you still lo mein and the general toes chicken yeah no this is fantastic so I think we can say it's a pretty authentic [Music] so that was interesting I really did not expect that to be as authentic as it actually was it was it was actually really authentic it really really was I you know the whole point of this trip is we're not trying to plug restaurants or anything no so a restaurants get stuck it's gonna suck but I can't say that one day no it didn't absolutely not no and the boss was friendly can't speak in English but his daughter that's his daughter yeah she can speak English just fine you know locals were walking past the door and saying hey this place is awesome yeah they're all shouting at us all we're shooting the video it's pretty cool no I liked it and you know I was kind of expecting this trip to be all about you know spring rolls and sweet and sour chicken and general tolls this and that but we're off to a good start that was pretty good we absolutely are well tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us ready to hit the road I sure AM [Music] [Music] welcome to Rowland Heights California this is actually a suburb of Los Angeles it's bizarre it is I mean where where are we is this America I you can I mean everything looks like American buildings and everything but everything is in Chinese and this isn't even a Chinatown dude yeah I know it's it's really bizarre everywhere you look you see Chinese you know the interesting thing is that you know what are you doing they even drive like China yeah they do yeah but looking around everything is Chinese yeah everything except I must say that everything is in traditional character so not simplified so it's probably got something to do a Taiwan or Hong Kong yeah yeah yeah I've seen a couple simplified signs but most of it you're right has been into traditional Chinese it's weird to see not just Chinese restaurants with Chinese characters on them but like really businesses is the dentist dentists what else like cell phone companies yeah everything in Chinese and we're here smack dab in America I actually feel a little bit out of place yeah yeah I wonder what would happen if we open like an english-only area in in China what they'd say I don't think that would work no they probably come shut us down a couple funny little instances as well some of the places to stop for gas and stuff yeah I bought a drink and a little supermarket yeah no one spoke English yeah that's kind of weird I like I tried to speak English and I just had to switch to Chinese and they didn't say like acted like it was weird speaking Chinese it's kind of like yeah that's what you do in this area it's really bizarre anyway it's kind of wintery it's a little bit cold although to be fair it is California it's never really cold here right it's a little bit colder and one of the best things to eat in winter Chinese food wise is hard part right right we're not talking about overly heated up marijuana this is actually a park full of that is basically this cauldron of boiling oil and brought that you dip your own food into yeah and it's a Mongolian thing it's also a sich one thing it's all over China really - yeah it's it's incredibly popular and every city in China has it and you get all sorts of specialties all over the place which one hot pots really really popular right Chongqing hard part's really popular one of my favorite chef a young in a little fat sheep right but yeah we haven't actually arranged anything now we're gonna look for a good suit one hot pot place I've seen a couple signs around here at least but you know what's funny is that I always thought Chinese food could really take off in America at some point right like real Chinese food because it's awesome but I always thought the hot pots never gonna take off because of the lawsuits and liabilities yeah cuz it's basically a big cauldron of boiling oil right and if you you've got kids or something there what if you drop something in there it splashes them alright you know that kind of thing they lo and behold there are hot pot restaurants here well you reckon we pull in pull in over here there's a whole bunch of Chinese restaurants yeah oh I'm gonna have got what the spicy moment dissing yeah actually there's a bunch yeah this la made the one yeah okay la mater yeah you know for those of those of you don't know what a la maids it means it means hot girl you know alright bye sexy girl yeah it's it literally translates to spicy girl it's there that says la maids are all gone yeah let's do it that'll be a real Scituate on Ching yeah I gotta tell you though like not having not actually planned this we're just gonna have to walk in there and just run in can just run again and see if they've got a manager see if you let us film but okay so far everybody has been really nice to us in America so I think they're gonna turn us away sounds good all right that's it [Music] our regiment is a sensing light sensing means at Mountain City English nether quartz the llamas in English is like special girl because of a style spicy stuff hot stuff Papa has a soup and then you're cooking the middle of the table and the customer will cook all everything like by their self so we have a spicy and a non spicy two different flavors because the hopper is really good winter food and when you eat like you know spicy flavor strong flavor flavorful and you can eat like called a lot of different stuff inside most people that will cook like lamb beef vegetables and even the dipping sauce you can give with a lot different dipping sauce hot pot in America was not something I expected to see to be honest definitely wasn't here when I was in America about ten years ago yeah I mean I remember people telling me like that there are branches of Chef a young and right Heidi allow opening in America and I was like wow that's interesting like right what Americans actually go for that you know for sure now this place is kind of typical of your normal channel changer switch one hot pot that you would get in China will say it's a little nicer yeah I mean kind of just by looking at some of the quality of the ingredients and some of the freebies that you can so basically you start every meal with his handmade what are these they're sesame balls and little cakes and stuff in that they make them right here apparently apparently these and rolled and rolled handmade sesame balls it's troubling yeah little appetizer while we wait for the hot pot to boil I have to point out that I haven't seen a single white face or brown face or any other kind of face in this restaurant so it must be really good cuz they're all Asian yes so they approve of it obviously and I hear I hear Chongqing dialect I'm here in Citroen dialect I'm here in Mandarin in the background so I mean if the locals approve I almost said locals we're in America doesn't feel like it right now people around us keep calling us foreigners oh no was that it's a very nice little sesame there's some sesame in the middle okay and it's quite fluffy a little greasy okay it's nice it's different to that I think hmm it's a nice little little starter you know just me toasting hmm thing is I've had these in China put many times mmm the difference is you would not get those for free and a Chinese restaurant in China people would swoon in over the mmm freebie aisle and just start ripping them all stuffing them in their purses no no it's a different story over there now it's starting to boil here basically what we got here is your typical half-and-half pot except it's a little weird I've never seen it like this it's normally they call it a Yong Yong actually have it like a yin and yang they have it um you know in the shape of Union right and it's spicy and then the normal broth right this is just gonna cut down the middle yeah yeah so first square hotpot ozium yeah it's kind of interesting you know we got lamb we got beef belly yep which is neo none but we got winter melon don't watch mmm I got a single egg because I've never cooked just a normal egg and a hot pot before I thought that might be a little interesting yeah we got a vegetable kind of combo mm-hmm so comes with cabbage and spinach and all that good stuff right yeah and then I also got some tripe some beef tripe just for you okay well thank you because you know I hate that stuff we're looking for authenticity omelet for sure all right now it would be a little bit weird a little bit boring just to dip this stuff in here yourself and just eat it out of the pot obviously you know the whole thing about chun qiang hotpot as it comes with dipping sauces why don't you run us through what we got here well basically they've got a little condiment section over there and what you do is you can actually build your own sauce they have a couple of recommendations up there they say those sort of spicy girl recommendation and stuff in here you know you put this together so what did you put in there some kind of logon Mama's like the really famous chili oil sauce sauce yeah yeah and then I got some bean paste some cilantro or coriander and some Chinese chives yep and that's kind of the more savory version the sweeter version over here let me get that out as I got the mushed up chives I got the garlic and the peanut sauce and some peanuts themselves I like those things so yeah what you do is you're gonna mix it right set around into a little bit of a paste yeah and then you know once the meats cooked or whatever is cooked you take it out just dip it in there and you eat it for sure and this is all up to you really they had a ton more options for sure this is usually what I get yeah I don't know about you yeah I'm very straightforward I just normally have soy sauce okay so maybe a couple of things depending now there's one thing here that you can't eat so we'll save that for last and that's the mushed up shrimp stuff yeah yeah it looks weird as hell I have seen it before and it kind of turns into like little logs of shrimp yeah no look at so she gets that she likes it okay now a little protec mmm is use the back of your chopsticks when you pick up some meat because you don't want to be in that raw meat right yeah what do you say we start with half the lamb than half the beef yeah sounds good to me do you want the lamb to be spicy or the beef I don't mind either way I'm good either way let's go Lance I like to taste the Lambs less sure I don't know more people go spicy I got medium spicy you could go like crazy a ate spicy at the awesome now the manager of the restaurant said that you know how part comes from trunking but you know that's not necessarily true this style yeah maybe hmm apparently this is this is the legend is that Genghis Khan you know in Mongolia needed a way to keep his soldiers fed while they're on mouch right because they you know they ride their horses and everything in order they're conquering and pillaging and doing their thing right but they don't have time to sit down and really make camp and sit on so they have to have something that's really quick to eat right so what they did was they actually used to take their steel helmets and the metal helmets right and then boil them look just make a campfire stick the steel helmet on the fire throw water in there like boil it and just throw bits of random means a superstore yeah so that's apparently where hope that's three is true that's awesome ya know and I really I would fully believe that over whatever story I'm pretty sure that's that's the one origin one thing that they definitely didn't do the Mongols has put a bunch of chilies and make it super spicy like this right well I mean chilies are a new world food anyway are right so it comes from America or South America wherever you know shoot title in I have to say this real quick yeah and peanut sauce and the land is better than any any iPad in China you had a hotpot restaurant just because the quality it's the quality of the meat but I mean once again when you're talking about using better ingredients right of course it's going to taste better for us so we have to think about authenticity here right right and if you knock me out and put me here and didn't tell me where I was I think I was in China mmm try some of this sauce here hmm you like it mm-hmm but the lamb and the beef both tastes a kind of other us in terms of freshness and quality oh yeah not as fatty is what you'd get in China to be honest mm-hmm really good talking about good choice good choice oh it's fantastic I'm gonna pop some of these pipes in okay okay now this is something you know ya see milk apparently likes us now anyway the thing is that I didn't grow up eating awful and tripe and I think awful is awful I was gonna make an awful joke you know so I really don't like anything that's organs so livers lungs hearts kidneys all that kind of stuff I really can't stand and it's really popular in China but this is why I like hotpot okay I got to tell you a bit of a story here when I first got to China because you know when you get to China people are always taking you on right treating you to dinner right okay when you meet new friends make new business acquaintances and it's part of the culture so they'll treat you right then they take you to what they believe is the best restaurant or the nicest restaurant Thanks it is nice and then they they order everything for you right so they go ahead and they order XYZ and it sucks man because like a lot of the stuff they ordered that they think is special or delicious or whatever is like really horrible right for for a Western person you know we're talking fish heads chicken heads chicken feet you know like tripe blood blood sausages you know all sorts of weird stuff which I'll be honest with you is just like for someone that's got a normal Western palate he's not growing up on a farm or whatever you know I didn't think yeah well who has a mother who grew up in a farm or whatever you know like it's not cool and you'd sit down you can't really eat it it's it's disgusting and you're trying to be polite and you're trying your best but I'm just saying you know of course it's delicious and it's special for them because they are used to it sure so the reason why I like to go to hot pot is you get to choose what you eat sure right great look at this like I might be sitting at yeah you've got the tribe right yeah you've got the weird stuff right I can eat that and then you're like oh look it's nice shave to be full shade right lamb and then you just grab a bit of that and you know the way it works is you're actually supposed to take these ladies for sure okay you can push them out like that and um you just take like a piece of you take this and piece of beef here this is especially what you do if there's tons yeah tons of people at the table and you know usually like everybody has a ladle sure right and then all you do is you cook it you actually cook it in the in the ladle right right until it's and it's super quick yeah yeah it just depends on where the slice of the meat like right quick it is you can see that's not cooked yet yeah yeah so I'll stick it in a nice boilie bit there okay I would say second I'll be honest with you usually there are serving chopsticks like you know yes because right now what we're doing is not the most hygienic but we're used to it in China so you say yeah that's what a lot of people there are learning obviously yeah and then you pull it out there we go it's already so you super quick you you have your meet right over here it's easy to get in one easy to get out so you don't lose it in there Josh you can lose stuff in there you can have a P phone I I'm just eating with a friend or like my wife or something I usually don't use the little jump because we think everything but I mean that's that's the correct way to eat it right and it's an incredibly popular dish during wintertime yeah and it's really cool to have at home as well yeah it's like super it's actually a really good party thing like you basically you can have people over and they all get together and y'all eat but actually I was gonna say was it's one of them weirdly enough I don't know you said you didn't see any white people in here or yeah you know ethnic Westerners like is that yeah in this restaurant and I think it's a little bit strange because I feel like one of the most stereotypically popular dishes amongst expats in Chinese hot pot absolutely I love it it is a social thing usually there's a lot of beer and roll lots of beer and okay we're at a square table which is a bit odd because usually there's a round table right so everybody sits around the table right there drinking beer they're eating whatever they want it's usually it's a winter food sure there we go there goes you see the fairy a little bass she milks favourite ripe calm this looks different than what I'm used to yeah I normally it's like gray right maybe this is like maybe who knows that I've been eating in China yeah oh that's crunchy hmm you know usually when you eat tripe and stuff in China yeah you can pinpoint exactly what animal it is yeah because it's like that's definitely what they eat you can tell right how would want to dip it into something for you that has absolutely no animal flavor or no barnyard flavor it's a picture that gets me I got you well slather it and peanut butter I'm like anything tastes good yeah let's see I'll tell you in a minute it's awful awful I get it I get it I get what you did there okay look I gotta just be really honest here authenticity when it comes to that yeah I'm gonna give it a 10 you get that you get that in China in the holidays a little better actually taste rating out of 10 I'm gonna give it a zero just because you don't like it absolutely however yes everything thank you so much I personally like it we're not writing each other maybe a maybe a one okay that one comes from the sauce not from the actual you know one from the peanut butter yeah yeah yeah the lamb no I haven't given that a rating yet you know the lamb and the beef both I I would say authenticity okay got it see Michael I call absolute nonsense on this he likes awful thing Julie oh yeah yeah he choked that a chili that's what he's saying mm-hmm I almost died there yes you know I have to be brutally honest you know and it's just kind of really a realization I've made now I don't like hot pot as much as I thought I mean I mean I think I totally understand what you're talking about it's more the experience yes yes it's not about the food as much as it is the experience because I promise you every time I've had hot pot in China it's always been a bunch of friends you know you're out it's cold outside you drinking beer you're right in a good time everyone's just ordering cuz it's usually cheap and cheerful right right unless you got a really fancy dresser you can get away with just ordering plate off the floor and meat and you know it's good and you know it's really nice to have at home as well yeah I agree every every single supermarkets got a little like a little section that sells meatballs in a way that your the stuff you make the broth oh yeah like that you know that kind of stuff so you can go and they can get all your ingredients right go home you all you need is a hot plate right either yeah electric car plate or you don't guess when I go into those yeah you set it up on your dining room table and you just kind of have Champa hot yeah it's awesome yeah so I'm gonna say total for authenticity this place as we eat the rest of these vegetables and stuff I'm gonna say seven out of ten yeah you know when you're comparing to stuff we've had in China and for taste so I'm gonna go for a six because I think the hot pot is tends to be overrated yeah it's just one of those things it's a bit of a novelty when you get to China but eventually I got sick of it and I actually I'm still kind of sick I'm sorry look I don't want to be a positive Polly or an economy absolutely I'd say if you happen to be in California in this area that we reckon you should check this particular restaurant out is fantastic right like if if you knock me out in China and you brought me here and you woke me up I think that's I was still in China mostly the only thing that would throw me off for the square tables right and you know the freebie free food and of course the top quality ingredients yeah you know it's pretty damn awesome so what I say we finished up here and get back on the road let's do that I've got a lot more places to go a lot more Chinese food to see but yeah you can get good hot butter in America okay I'm kind of surprised me too got the hot pot out of our system that's for sure the hot pots still in my system and I don't know how it's how it's gonna exit my system that was a really spicy yeah that's nice though and I'm feeling really warm you know I said it's a good winter food it really is it kind of warms you up sure so I think he's kind of big Deb how cold it was cuz I feel like it's only 65 degrees it's not actually that cold out yeah you know it was packed though and like more and more people kept coming in as we were leaving so it's really popular and that just shows you just how good it is because it is chock-full of Chinese people and they are we bumped into some subscribers which is awesome they're from China right watch our stuff right if they're saying this is a good place and they were coming here right then you know it's authentic looks like we ran into the right spot yeah we certainly did no that was a far cry from a lamb fetus inside of a hotpot yeah I got it I got a tell that story yeah like I said when I first got to China I was really disappointed with a lot of the food because you know every time you go out they're giving you some horrible thing which you know like pig's blood tofu or whatever you know in Guangdong because Guangdong I mean people in Beijing will have a different experience or Shanghai it's it's way more foreigner friendly but Guangdong is not for unfriend no okay so anyway so I used to love to go to these hotpot places and there was a new one well not new but one I hadn't tried and so I got everyone everyone together you know my friends and we went there we're drinking beer and having a great time and just you know these are things like meatballs and you know thrown in the beef in the lamb and I asked them to recommend something and they were like yeah this is our tercer which means our specialty right and I was like what is it nurse its young roll young roll I do you know which just means it's it's lamb I'm like okay so we're caring not eating then the waitress came and she had this plate of it was like literally disgusting it looked like afterbirth it literally looked like like afterbirth and she just like threw it into the pot and I was like okay keep beating we keep eating and then my friend one of my friends was suddenly incredibly shocked is what he pulled out is he pulled out a mini lamb like a lamb fetus and it was like the skull with the skeleton bits of meat and stuffing he lifted it out and I was like what the hell is that and what they've done is they basically given us their specialty is lamb fetus so I guess when they slaughter the Lambs that are pregnant you know then they get the lamb fetuses in my stolen or whatever and then that's what they like to put in a hot box so you gotta be careful you can't just willy-nilly order anything off the menu on that note we'll see you at the next restaurant [Music] see look when you think of England for instance when you think of you know typical British food what is the first thing that comes to mind porridge rations it's bleak grim soup kitchens probably fish and chips yeah I'd say I'd say I think if anyone if you asked anyone other than you absolutely so I mean fish and chips is probably the most iconic British dish you know and for China I'd say probably the most iconic at least what I would think is you know Peking Duck all right Beijing the yeah if he can take all in America right yeah it's called Peking Duck everywhere in the world is that yeah I mean we call it Peking Duck yeah we call it Peking Duck and South Africa it's called Peking Duck in the UK it's called Peking Duck in America's Peking Duck yeah and Peking actually is the old name for Beijing yeah that's correct yeah azar that was Google search away yeah we'll figure it out either way maybe you could tell everybody what Peking duck is well Peking duck actually it's wicked wicked old dish yeah there's a history of like Chinese people roasting ducks all the way back and like the Han Dynasty and stuff yeah what they would do is actually take take some air and then shoot it between the skin and the meat okay so that it would kind of the juices are allowed to kind of flow around it the ironic thing is you'd think that would make the meat more tender but the way that they serve Peking duck in Beijing is they don't eat the meat I know actually that's one of the biggest disappointments you know for me anyway is that it's basically just skin right and with a little bit of fat attached to it sometimes we don't live in Beijing and we do have duck and it's actually it's kind prepared in almost an identical way except that we eat the meat peopIe yeah right you know whenever you see a Cantonese Chad Santino you know it's basically a Cantonese canceling place yeah you'll always see the duck carcasses hanging in the window yeah in Beijing what they do is they they only take the skin usually as you say and you basically wrap it in this little pancake little wheat pancake you get some hot poison sauce yeah get some scallions and sometimes you know every restaurant can be different obviously just put all kinds of stuff but it's like a little almost like a tiny little taco yeah it's really delicious actually it is you put you put some cucumbers and onions and you know they have those kind of different things you can add so it's actually very nice but you know we had Peking Duck in Beijing get'em remember we worked there and we had it and I'll be honest it wasn't the best Peking Duck it was pretty good it was good but I've actually had better in other parts of China writers and of course you can get it everywhere in China short very famous dish right I'm just curious as to how the Peking Duck here in America tastes never had it in America before and I have to say the scary thing about Peking Duck is it can be done really poorly yeah because it's such a labor-intensive dish and tends to be pretty pricey if you go to like any place it's not really expensive I have a feeling it's not very good I've had that Beijing duck before okay it's not it's not great it can be soggy it's not crispy you know long story short we're in the outskirts of LA and beautiful snowy mountains beautiful day out today yes and we're gonna head to this place called Beijing tasty house where we're not only gonna get Beijing duck but Beijing food in general yeah I'm not super familiar with Beijing food other than the times that we've been to Beijing and tried it out it's not something I eat very often sure it'll be cool to compare yeah I'm very very curious to see what they have on offer and I really do like you know Peking Duck a lot so let's give it a try hopefully it lives up to you know the authenticity of the mainland [Music] welcome to Beijing has to be half woman Libyan you pay Punk's have a to Warhol that is that I should be doing occult way no ha yes reunion woman he ends with a torch in uni but if I'm clear in the cold wet I hope I didn't hire me yeah you don't really I really honor the I did already CR ck yourself review the occupation hi young how are the funds available you don't belong Korea you don't require Korea when they are natural Hyuna maluca yeah the home the Cardinals a cottage and the results were taking Angulo to making water Milwaukee I stand where I work I had a Yoshi with ice Johan Street Jellico gap would be quite Okoye Xavier darkness John Cena who a blue bar Okada sir or maybe an official Varna change the event without cilantro dr. Newman Quebec don t be on the quad yes control medieval and up stage in Korea you ready I am I mean it looks good it is a little bit different than what we had in Beijing in that it wasn't that was just the skin yeah it looks like they've hidden a little bit of meat a notice for you before people we begin I gotta say there are a couple of interesting things about this restaurant right one I noticed you can pay by we chairs right which is weird it's really we want to use it yeah it's kind of interesting and also maybe you can explain what's on this place Matt over there um this was a little bit weird usually when you go to like a diner something in America and maybe they have like gyms towing repairs or a vacuum cleaner company this is porous conceptions where you can be compensated for donating your own eggs from your ovaries yeah $20,000 not a bad that's not bad dancing my car with that any of your own kids running around yeah not really yours anymore so look traditionally what we usually do with this is right this is the way this has been displayed yeah the Ducks kind of looking at its own flesh being is like offering itself to us that's nice anyway it's nice yeah they use your usual way you eat this is you take this pancake type thing over here let's go put some of that sauce which is usually plum sauce or something along those more hoisin sauce this looks like poison looks very savory yeah and then you put some of the cucumbers you put some of the whatever sliced up I mean I didn't handle for these spring onions yeah looks like it and then you put some of the skin and that's usually what you do it's in this one like I said you're gonna have some meat with yours which you're gonna really appreciate it yeah because yeah there we go I mean it is it is skin I'm gonna put a little a little meat on - oh yeah I wonder if they've done this just for the Western taste because yeah you can see this is actually just skin there's no no meat attached to the thing is speaking to speeding one of the managers yeah he said that there's never any white people that come in here or Western yeah it's true you're actually right so yeah maybe it's not for Western taste see this is what I would say as a pancake not like IHOP okay I guess is like this kind of thin stuff right I think I hopes like that we definitely didn't go to I have this favorite restaurant okay so put some of your on there yeah smells exactly like a Beijing duck pancake that I've had anywhere else that's good you know it's quite cool is um sometimes in the night markets they'll kind of wrap these mini you know just exactly like yes it makes it how many ones you can buy a whole but you don't have to see what I do here self yeah I like making it myself though yeah it's kind of fun I like a lot of onions I might let's try it out do it I'm the Ben of this pan cook mm-hmm there's a little chewy hmm and the skin isn't to skin like avian almost poultry it doesn't have that poultry flavor which is nice I have a feeling it has to do with a kind of bird snooze the sauce is super super strong I wouldn't use as much hmm like it don't go too liberal with listen onions are good coops are good and I think they use these because the group duck is really greasy like even to me it's super greasy fatty meat this stuff kind of cuts through all that gives a little freshness to it otherwise of you thank you much I think other forces of our duck is all right yeah just yeah okay I'm gonna try a piece of skin I'm just gonna try the meat with me I can appreciate that yeah good job that's better than what I had in Beijing yeah yeah also cheaper super expose $80 that's because it's a tourist thing right so when you go to Beijing you've got these set up sort of Beijing Kai are famous restaurants and they're incredibly expensive you can sort of just go down the road and get it much cheaper if you know where to go you can but I like this better me too that's great so far this yeah I'll then just say I'm gonna agree with the I've seen pancakes like this but these are they take here yeah they taste very different to what we're used to it's almost like a paste straight yeah would you agree yeah yeah I don't know about that authenticity it's weird for me what would you give it um because normal Beijing duck is carved on the side of the table yes and then also usually just get the meat and maybe they make a dish with other stuff later on yeah you never really see that because this is put together of the meat almost in a more Cantonese style I would say an impaired with this kind of pastry like pancake I would say I would give the authenticity like a 7 sending compared to like twin Judah or one of the big kind of chains up in Beijing yeah and for me the taste I would give a 8.5 it's really really really good I'm gonna go for like five okay although the taste of it is very authentic right right though the taste is really up doing concerned about the seven like you say taste right but as far as being tasty is concerned yeah I really like it it's great I've got six six because you're not a scheme boy yeah it's not my ducks not my favorite meat either I like that they have an outfit boy though mmm-hmm you know preview that don't like scanning a lot of people don't like spam ooh some people love it like me right very very good stuff can recommend this for sure I mean I can say that I was a little bit worried that this was gonna be completely inauthentic but everyone around in this restaurant is Chinese they told us that we are the only West is that it yeah which I find kind of weird but you don't you you don't need a feel intimidate intimidated though if you are in the area because the manager speaks English they do have English on the menus and okay yeah I'd like to reiterate you want real authentic Beijing duck this is probably about as good as you're gonna get in fact I'm gonna say it's better than the Beijing duck we've had in Beijing I'm it's almost it's almost a little too weird what's happening to us yeah is that we keep consistently finding that some of this food is more authentic or more delicious than what we've had in China yeah which I find a little bizarre I'm trying to get very bizarre but it's not a bad thing I know the thing is I don't think it's just our Western palates I'm pretty sure the Chinese people would ever yes yeah cuz it's really good and you've got Chinese people all around us eating it and if it wasn't good there wouldn't be no I mean talk about discriminating taste people are incredibly picky with their Chinese food that makes any sense well I must say it's pretty awesome to know you can get like proper Beijing food here in LA I'm kind of surprised for sure we've now tried China's most iconic dish in America that's true yeah it's also that you can get it here yeah I know you're not a big fan of avian skin no but you can appreciate the dish yeah I tell you you know whenever I got with a show even with you guys I can I get chicken or anything I'm always like taking the skin off and giving it the people because I can't handle it yeah I usually had other skin yeah no yeah [Music] [Music] lovely weather we're experiencing today I see milk it's not supposed to be like this a Newport Beach California you know and you see all like the like TV shows that are filmed here and you hear about Newport Beach you know it's where all the celebs live and they don't want to live in the hustle and bustle of LA and Hollywood and stuff and yeah we come here and it's not sunny like on all the TV shows yeah it's still nice so I'm really liking it certainly has a different vibe from where we started that's for sure absolutely but yeah with all the all the Rolls Royces and nice cars around basically all these jewelry shops seems a little bit out of place for your average mom-and-pop Chinese restaurant but that's fairly where we're going today this guy wing Lam he is yeah wing Lam is the CEO of this really really big fish taco company and he has all kinds hang on their second fish tacos their stock goes Mexican style right the thing that's really special about him for us is not the fish tacos of course like what does that have to do absolutely nothing and what we're gonna do today is break all the rules of this entire series okay and go find out who and why they invented Chinese American cuisine so we're gonna see the grandfather the granddaddy the birthplace and kind of the the forefathers of Chinese American food the stuff that you find every place in America so you're talking about like sweet-and-sour shrimp prawn balls walnut chicken the beef with broccoli General Tso's chicken lo mein chow mein right apparently this story goes way way way back and wings father and his relatives were the ones that came here and started this whole craze and that's why in your little town in Alabama yeah has Chinese American food okay well I mean that sounds really interesting to me I'm interested in their story yeah so I think we're almost there yeah let's find a parking spot looks kind of difficult to park around [Music] so this is my mom and dad mr. mrs. Lee and we're here at the famous Shanghai pine garden on Balboa Island California my name is Wingham their third son saloon HUD can a young suit with the Taurus Sam hi tell us something each agreement or the Shanga yeah Yahoo Union torn open wound interpret super she issued you journey let me go woman tasted American essences their culinary so this is the Hollywood and that a restaurant in Hong respect omotola Cheney you magnetical my brother take FMEA and college she said Nene sana the mr. Chang winner Todd Thomas Hanuman sweat photometers hadn't survived heard an omen suit or another sinds only the maddening future parents that say that - the message of winter the rich elite dominated the major poker the searching to the young dudes off hair and again just mixed a flat resident Yamaha shown is a combogia the Tahitian woman to the top even say it's a two dose or a poppin a number and the honey openly - oh sure has it about your father an open e GI pala so it's an immediate with you Thomas oh she already got much it to another job wahoo fish taco mo she has had so growing up in Brazil obviously you know Brazilian food and Chinese with living in a Chinese restaurant because my parents did to open one of the first Chinese restaurants in Brazil in the early 50s basically for as long as I can remember I ate some variation of a Chinese dish and whether or not was with a little Brazilian influence or not it always had that in the background and even after we moved to America I mean I've always loved Chinese food and it's what we eat at home and again remember we have a little bit of influence from South America but in America I mean this is this traditional Chinese restaurant that we know there's the early version with the Chinatown's of new in San Francisco because of the old mining and in the railroad so I think that was the first you know kind of color rendition and then after World War two basically all the expats left China and basically there's a core group of them around the world whether there was in South America Japan or Europe the basics all got their training like between Hong Kong and Japan so my dad was part of that core group of the new wave of traditional Chinese restaurants yours yeah I grew up there are no fortune cookies in Brazil I have no idea where that came from but as soon as I got to America at the end of every Chinese meal you had a fortune cookie in an almond cookie no idea where it came from but all of a sudden I don't know like who I actually happened to admit the family that made little cookies in Chinatown and he cracked me up because I don't know anywhere else in the world but in America where they have you know Chinese fortune cookies so in more of a traditional Chinese you know you have what I call it a Chow fund the flat noodles will have some of that the tofu noodles the Mapo tofu is very popular and I call it the Western version you got the broccoli chicken the orange chicken the Kung Pao shrimp we got obviously you gotta have fried rice you know yeah you know we like steamed legs in the American palate likes fried rice I think people love those with soy sauce so I have a variation of dishes that are both traditional and American westernized I am so excited I'm super excited to be at the new Pyne Shanghai restaurant a very very fascinating story from the family here actually yeah fascinating story all over the world to bring Chinese food to America and I think a lot of people I managed to say every Americans familiar with normal Americanized Chinese food right yeah the really special thing about this restaurant is the hand I got both yeah absolutely of course changing certain dishes to suit American tastes very normal to do with the restaurant with foreign food right but yeah also maintaining a lot of the original flavors that you have Chinese food absolutely so this is gonna be a little bit of an off-the-wall review traditional Chinese ko traditional Chinese culture additional Chinese sweet and sour pork yeah we got the American Chinese burrito Chinese burrito which is you know are really excited to try our friend wing here is actually telling us this is this is the dish that made his father famous well can we try it before we continue its moo shu pork can't explain what it is well okay can I take a bite cuz I'm Scott right super good oh yeah super good but really just blowing my mind it's thought it was eating Mexican food until I taste the inside super sweet a little bit smoky it's almost got that breath of the Dragon that you get from cooking a wok very Chinese in the inside I was really surprised because it kind of reminded me of a Beijing powwow because they used to rap yeah I suppose so it's got maybe plum sauce or something in it maybe but it's just the rap that makes it so neutral yeah no I got it I've got to admit that my tastes when it comes to Chinese food is this is my favorite kind of Chinese food I know a lot of people are gonna get down on me because I've been living in China for 12 years and of course I do love authentic Chinese food and we've traveled both of us around the whole of China and we've tried everything but I still like westernized Chinese food the most because it's got that you know the Western palates in mind get out of here no it's delicious it's absolutely amazing this is actually this aspect this is just as good so I can I'm sorry I got a guy oh you got a lot of greedy but I get it thank you I mean I feel like a lot of people get down on Americanized Chinese food because of cheap nature of it but if you go find the real deal to good stuff like we have here I think it's in a completely different realm of or a genre food to be honest yeah so I'm gonna have to say for the burrito the authenticity I'll give it a probably about it 1 out of 10 I think I'll just go for a zero because it's it's only good for taste taste I'm gonna give it a 10 I have to go home to know and that kind of I didn't exit I watched them make it and it was kind of like okay I kind of know what this is gonna taste like but it completely exceeded my expectations for sure I keep almost reaching for it no school let's go with this sweet and sour pork cuz it's the brightest oh yeah yeah you know I see chunks of pineapple here see a little roll right yeah we would call it cool all right yeah in China we can we can get this dish in China and we can but helping a friend what's a little different yeah usually when we find it I find them in like Hong Kong style canteens and stuff sure you know that's where I start it smells a little bit sour a little bit sweet kind of fruity like pineapple yeah you deaf or that is very sweet I have super sweet okay I would eat that for dessert imagine Americans would love that I love it Westin your Westerner very good stuff very sweet almost pungent in a way a little bit of vinegar in there hmm yeah good stuff though I should crispy on the outside come on row is pretty much exactly like you'd get other than a little bit extra sweetness and a little bit extra style yes so I'm gonna say I can get something very similar in China so if you were to compare eating that in China and eating that here it's it's got a good authenticity right all the way up there so eight out of ten yeah for sure gonna match that yeah aftertaste is a little better than what I usually get I don't want to offend anyone out there but I mean it's just the quality of ingredients that they would use in a restaurant like this it's quite a bit higher than you get in China no offence subscribers I'm so sorry but this would be a little bit higher on the taste scale for me this is a chow fun and I know when me and you have a little too much to drink yeah on the streets of China we'll go out related that I'm talking midnight 1:00 a.m. yeah I'll be like what is there and you see these great big wok oh yeah at night you're like you know what as the only thing I want right now yeah and do this way too often it's it's awesome that place right near your house would have to sit there we call it crack noodles and we call it crack you'll send them back always coming back yes and this reminds me of that it kind of looks identical let's try it out okay yeah all right know what it is almost identical I could you know you gave me a blind taste test yeah the only way I could differentiate them is number one if I was sober which I am now and number two is the kind of soy sauce that they use is slightly different mm-hmm tastes equally as delicious absolutely amazing stuff I could eat these all day and all night okay it would be ten ten thousand pounds yeah authenticity from you time hmm me too absolutist like I'll get the same ten out of ten hmm and taste I gotta say nine yeah I'm actually getting there gonna go all the way up to ten on this one I absolutely love it for sure mmm I didn't know if you'd go so now I feel a little embarrassed that it went way tonight that's all right it's very seldom I go all the way up to ten didn't even give the buzzer - no - oh yeah you didn't know that's freaking delicious that's recognized absolutely when said I'm a little bit I'm a little bit worried about this episode for one specific reason what's that and that is everyone that watches our videos everyone that watches anything we do with food watch it because they want to see what authentic real Chinese culture and food is like mm-hmm and I was so worried coming into this that I was gonna maybe prefer this and I kind of do mmm-hmm well that's hmm that is why American Chinese food is the way it is is it because it's adapted to the Western palate you know you come over here you've got different ingredients to work with you know different kinds of vegetables you know the meats different it's different you eat chicken and China or Shore and here it's completely different when you know what I can say though is that it's kind of a wonderful marriage because yes you get really low in American Chinese food at your typical takeout place maybe the people have never had a history of looking oriental yeah like we saw Tucson Arizona instead maybe their family is no traditional cooking right yeah but when you have not even Chinese maybe they're on even Chinese meat when you have people that bring traditional dishes and kind of adjust them to local flavors is not necessarily a bad thing I mean that's how fusions born right and in a way this is kind of the oldest human dude here yeah in America and it's kind of a beautiful thing absolutely so absolutely love the food tonight right yeah what else can we say I can say that you should definitely come check this out because it might look like from the sign your average you know Chinese restaurant it's not that's its average food that tastes way better than average that's for sure yeah so it's good something check it out if you're ever in Balboa Island yes very good Olson well let's get stuck in and then I guess we got to hit below [Music] well that was completely different to what I expected I expected it to be the most average Chinese American restaurant rolls ring rolls Balkan sweet and sour pork your ever stuff and we did it every dishes there oh yeah sure blow I'm absolutely blown away me too immensely blown away those freaking delicious yeah I loved it so far one of my favorites absolutely one of my favorites and again I just don't want to piss anyone off of that but gosh darn it yeah burritos man I know I don't you want to eat Mexican food after that it's so that's a better way to do it oh yeah I mean it's literally just yeah Chinese food in a burrito like it's so weird I've never thought of that no what's next sushi in a burrito that sounds awful fish in a burrito oh that's actually gonna make me throw up anyway to top it all off we had a fortune cookie which was a perfect end of that meal what did your say mine said that keep your plans secret keep your plans secret yeah that's terrifying yeah it's okay I always keep my real big actually legit like off camera that makes me legitimately nervous anyway mine said that I am sociable and entertaining yeah that's kind of true yeah yeah like that's thank you it's definitely true you know it's kind of true yeah most of the time you go in there and you meet this really genuine family with an absolutely amazing story yeah with really cool characters wing was such a cool dude his dad really funny character you could you could recognize him anywhere absolutely really really cool stuff so I was super happy and really lucky to meet these guys well let's say we head off we got a big day tomorrow we sure do and with that we'll see you tomorrow yeah [Music] you [Music] welcome to ghost stories you seen it yeah SEMA looks like it goes we've got some fairly poor lighting in the car at the moment but guys we're really looking forward to tonight yes we are first of all we have a very special guest that's come to pick us up yes and that is mr. Jun Li our gracious host is taking us to his restaurant and the reason why we're so excited is because it's kind of like a barbecue and bearest wrong it's true and I gotta say this Tesla is a lot more comfortable than your Corvette yeah okay that is true like throughout my back in your car anyway yeah it's super happy to go check out some dome because you are in fact from don't am i right well my part is from dome van got really his mother actually told him that not to get involved in restaurant business whatever you do don't get in our Father in the restaurant business if you go to the United States all right and this is what I end up doing okay cool sometimes mama doesn't know best yeah but he should team mama the wah so basically what are we gonna eat tonight what do you dump a style a small dish barbecues take whatever you like awesome awesome I mean this is a probably at least for me my favorite food in China because it's the kind of thing you can drink beer and just eat barbecue and it's delicious and usually you sit outside you know and you can sit outside in the summer in fact even in where I live in winter as well it's not that cold it's gonna say I mean we've said this before but it is definitely one of the most how to say like expat friendly types of foods yeah and yeah we like all kinds of Chinese food but this is just one of the things I always look forward to when I'm in China we really feel like we're in Asia right now yeah you know it's so weird in the supermarket you know they were speaking man we had to speak Chinese it's crazy exactly you flew all the way it's kinda crazy to see the big changes here but anyway it looks like we've arrived yes alright a second floor cool let's go check it out yeah no way [Music] so basically we're focused barbecue and welcome bessie we're serving skewers and then the taste is based on northern china and then a lot of snacks from china to also hop Chinese hot pot and it's hot and spicy and it's really famous around this area too and that's about it and then also we have piers chin GAO's focus Winston we got beer to drink absolutely and guess what it's my favorite beer Qingdao it is everybody knows it's kind of bizarre we haven't had it on this entire trip for filming all these episodes right yeah but it's not in a bag no I'm a little disappointed but you know you can only get that in the real Qingdao right a quick disclaimer here this barbecue from what we've seen thus far it looks fantastic oh yeah absolutely amazing the flavors and the smells that I got out of that kitchen were a cut above the rest as you can say that right but what we've done is we started out with one of the riskiest dishes that they have because I feel like it took the less least prepped I'm sure this is this is some raw beef and one of their specialties apparently no I'll be honest with you in China I would never eat this in America I kind of problem with yeah absolutely so uh you put a little bit of vinegar on there yeah we need to mix the vinegar with the wasabi I have a feeling it has something to do with like disinfecting or a little special edgiest right but we've all had carpaccio before right not all of us you've never had carpaccio it's never really appealed to me okay well you're about to him Chinese carpets you think I've had ostrich carpaccio that's okay you won that me there okay this one is ready to roll but you're gonna quick dip you're doing a quick dip yeah you ready let's do it one two three it's actually pretty good I like it I do like it one thing I'm super happy about and we've said this way too many times in our other videos is we're kind of tired of eating sueño yes like water buffalo this is beef which I'm so happy to have it's it's really nice cool next we're gonna have the cook diversion it's a cook beef and apparently they use flaming yon we're gonna yell so that's fantastic we don't do we don't do no no no just just straight away the flavors are very authentic yes I'd have to give it a 10 out of 10 but we never have real beef I know it actually blew my mind cuz it is exactly like the cumin spice that you get on the side of the road but the beef is real this time so it's kind of playing tricks with my mind loving it loving it the beef on the whole dough for me I'll then just say man I gotta go like five minutes in because like whenever I leave this is way better as for the taste I'm gonna go for a 8.5 that's delicious absolutely next up we're gonna have the lamb skewers now oftentimes you get in China it's gonna be goat right yeah and they actually they actually don't make a distinction in Chinese Eon Row is also lamb and it's also go right well I mean they do have a there is a distinction because of Sean Young is a God may young rice but it says she when people are talking about yeah just young yeah sometimes they don't know yeah but anyway this is lamb confirm business yeah this is my favorite tour that's so good so hard in Wow that's delicious that is so much better than what I usually have known from my house and by Joe I don't think I'm gonna be able to eat there anymore same inch engine I mean I've been to some fairly upscale you know sort of barbecue restaurants and you can call it that hmm the flavors there but this is so much nicer custom meat so much nicer I mean the kind of fat there's a little bit of pocket of fat that they put in between the skewers I mean you don't notice is I'm grisly or anything we're kind of explodes in your mouth with juice and kind of oil and it's delicious lamb oils where they yummy right and what I gotta say is that this for authenticity for me is a ten because it does taste like a young road car but it's just better it is better so if we could ya the authenticity would be a ten for me as well because is the same flavor but the taste is a 10 out of 10 I'm gonna go to percent I'm gonna go for that as well I mean if you're gonna come to a Chinese barbecue you're definitely a neat yaarrr yeah this is pretty much the epitome of that you know there's one thing that always disappoints me when we eat yogurt while usually is you know the fact that they use is usually more than the meat right overpowering and it's gristle II like you said and I usually sit down I'm pulling the meat bits off eating the meat and then like just discarding the fat bits onto like a side plate right but not here I mean it just worked so well it's fantastic stuff and out of time one thing I noticed about these little baby qingdao is is that they're little baby kingdoms yeah I've never seen one so little because in China we get double size beers yeah another they're huge these must be like export only this is apparently a deep-fried milk okay and I know ya actually don't know what to expect from this so why don't you grab one knees my fingers yeah why not I'll grab onto and well I mean what could deep fried milk be it's not really barbecue food but it was highly recommended as a specialty right yes let's give it a fun that's all looks so good this is amazing mmm what the hell is this it's like oily custody mm-hmm it's nice very good I can dig it it doesn't remind me and maybe it's kind of milky how do they make this just custard man it looks like it's fried tested almost for cutter right that's really good though it is nice like I mean I'm not a massive fan but it's nice I'm gonna give it like a five and a half out of ten for taste homie with this you know so it's a little bit oily okay weird I feel like I would like it more after the meal because I want to eat some more that's delicious barbecue absolutely I keep trying to pick stuff but I keep looking at these oysters so if you don't know yeah no no absolutely you have the oyster time you're gonna have to do do it by yourself because I'm not a big fan of seafood I mean shellfish especially I'm allergic to shrimp right but they don't take chances yeah but the thing is yeah we ate raw oysters on conquering northern China you know voices but I have a problem with oysters that are prepared in China and that is that they are more garlic than oyster this is very like very garlicky too but it looks awesome these are super median clean looking whoa give it a shot certainly looks bigger than any oysters seen in China good well lucky you because you get another one whoa I think oh go for it yeah you should that's amazing it doesn't have that irony taste that I get from Chinese oysters it's probably cuz it doesn't have heavy metals or that it's huge super creamy and sweet I love it amazing and they have this I kind of like a little round batch of noodles in the rice noodles rice noodles and it has a ton of garlic on it but it's really good smoky flavor way better than raw oysters that's for sure oh sure mmm you know we have something else here sorry I know you're still enjoying your oysters over there sorry I got a rodeo okay yeah you've got to give it a rating before we move on so what are your ratings authenticity is kind of like a seven because the Chinese oysters I've had that's very small this is a whole mouthful so you couldn't eat like a dozen rows remember remember uncomfortable than China we bought that like 200 oysters for like five dollars or whatever while he was well so advertising though can you crack them open there's like there's a little bit of and actually a lot of them were just kind of empty right there where they haven't they hadn't grown it one of these is worth 20 of those absolutely I'm gonna give a for a taste or anything to give that a nine that's probably the best oyster around I like barbecued stuff oh yeah now this next one I believe it's pork belly mushrooms you know those like see you tomorrow mushrooms we call them in China are you gonna explain why well let's just say that you will see them the next day they're not digest easily no they don't digest very well see you tomorrow mushrooms in pork belly and looks good let's give it a try it's almost like a piece of bacon you know what it looks like it looks like a chrysalis you know like you know what I mean let's hope not a meat butterfly yeah that's pretty sure this is good with a pork belly on outside it's a it's kind of like a sweet bacon I'm throwing up very yummy though I'm the big lamb we've been I think they're sitting I've had that before absolutely nine yeah it's definitely I'm gonna give it a nine and a half ten for taste I'm gonna go with this seven it's a bit sweet for me well yeah I've never really liked those mushrooms to be honest really yeah six and a half for me and I think they're a bit overrated that over there is this is the lung yes Colin barbecued cold noodles which is a complete oxymoron yeah let's give it a shot I'm ready I'm really really curious I lost my heart I lost my dog I'm losing ever manag loser dude okay oh whatever okay this is strawberry hmm hmm that's like syrupy almost and we're good mmm that is better than normal hung yen oh yeah no I mean who knew that cold noodles would taste better huh mm-hmm go figure yeah I mean yeah that's awesome amazing stuff hmm broth and destiny it's almost like a three because I've never had that that's special it's super special taste I'm gonna go eight point five absolutely amazing stop loading up yeah I'm gonna give it a nine mmm what Santa see again I can't rate it cuz I've never had it before I mean it obviously exists but you know we've been to tons of northern style barbecue places I've never seen anything like there by I mean it's just kind of these really really thick noodles Rams around hot dogs and you learn so on trow all the kind of innards that you'd get in the gym ding but so cilantro is coriander right yeah exactly coriander and some chives is up at this slathered in this really really nice sweet sweet like almost like a honey seriously don't like sweet stuff but it was really good that's really good seem like I know you you like weird food right you always talking about oh I love the organs of this and then the next thing so that's why I ordered you very special over here some Prairie oysters also known as sheep testicles listen listen listen I like weird stuff in there you think tongue is weird you think liver is where this stuff I grew up eating right and I have to think eating tongue and livers weird well you know what I'm eating balls cuz I didn't do that mom didn't say here's a fresh plate of bowls for you yeah she may not have said here's a fresh plate of balls but it's right up your alley you know what cut it's kind of funny well it's not a whole big difference between the egg you can trick someone put like one of these on there this is a sheep's balls that's a huge oh my lord almighty and there's something weird about eating balls because for me yes there is something weird about eating luck I know eight balls so I don't really know for me I can I can almost imagine when you're eating like think about it like a chicken wing you don't think about eating the wing of an actual chicken when are you eating a lamb leg you're not thinking oh this was like a walking leg in the land but for some reason is a man eating balls just imagine feels like these swinging down and you just walk up and you just bit him like a nutter you know like well I don't know about that but yeah but you just you feel their pain yes you know time in and these are now sliced up are you ready slice balls yeah I guess we gotta have one each right yeah oh good everything's been amazing and I didn't want to end with this yeah this do we have to eat a whole one I think we owe a small one I don't have a small one I do right there what this one oh you're bragging about your big balls all right you really after this buddy give them half of this one yeah I'll eat this small one okay ready yeah one well remember a hard time it's just a the texture it's softened it one says a fishy taste to it doesn't it ever talk about it can answer me a beer man I'm out I'm out I could have a little bit more there please it's almost like a Brady soft fish [Laughter] that's awful yeah everything was amazing that was scary that was a taste I have never had before me neither like a pretty fishy stuff anyway and I guess I'm not gonna write that I'm gonna have to write it because for authenticity I guess it tastes like balls if you've ever had it's light but I've never had balls so I cannot give it taste I'm gonna get a zero that don't eat that yeah don't don't order that you know what I can't recommend what this restaurant has amazing amazing amazing it was a really good experience and really friendly people here and just such a nice environment so if you get a chance definitely check it out folks barbecue cheers man cheers man oh you know I hope tomorrow's restaurant is going to be awesome because they're really gonna have to try hard to up this one you know I mean I fully agree yeah so guys we run ludicrous mode we're gonna ramp up this sowed in the other crystal I don't have a seatbelt on come on I'm holding both your seats you better yeah yeah I better hold Oh this lights gonna go fly-in yeah well hold it ghost boy I'm gonna hold it I guess it'll pick me back in my seat yeah okay cool that was really fantastic see milk what did you think of the meal I thought it was absolutely delicious in so many aspects it was like a throwback to China was like kind of everything I loved about Chinese barbecue to be honest kind of wrapped up into one clean and delicious package and you know the best part is you don't need to worry about a dodgy stomach you know don t stomachs come with Chinese barbecue it's almost like it's ubiquitous yeah everybody who goes for Chinese barbecue except me anyway the people I take always end up having food poisoning the next day because you know yeah depending where you go yeah you go out you have a great night lots of be lots of barbeque and then yeah you get those rumbles the next day but not this time the rumbles turn to something much worse yeah and I have a feeling we're gonna have a little bit of a rumble here without the rumble of an engine straight here and ludicrous mode chytrid right now yeah that's pretty impressive yeah yeah yeah yeah we really want to say thank you very much to to leave for this awesome experience and his awesome Teslin is awesome restaurant yeah we will see you on the next episode yeah absolutely thanks a lot man we appreciate it it's been so nice meeting you [Music] so we have to say goodbye to LA I've been driving all day where we headed we're headed to San Francisco so we're headed to San Francisco what is it that we're going to do there of course we're gonna go see San Fran just because this is a freaking awesome city but also we're gonna go eat meat of course what we're doing on this trip authentic Chinese food this time in America's biggest trying to town yeah I mean look last time I went through San Francisco I didn't get a chance to really explore Chinatown yeah so I'm actually really looking forward to it sure I got you a little Street by the way oh what's that I got I got you ostrich turkey and also alligator jerky well I've had ostrich before you know it's over the alligator okay I mean ostrich is something you eat inside I forget a lot go ahead it in Taiwan some elliegator jerky not very good not fishy I wouldn't say it's videos just to mix it up a little perfect yeah it'll dry really sick is it just me was just dry that's like meat wood which you prefer to it tasted better on the phone I guess this breakfast okay alright whoever made Buffalo Bob Chuck boy I'm sorry Buffalo Bob but I do prefer your ostrich jerky over here how they Gator won anyway so we're just basically on the road all day today we're not going to be doing anything today we're going to arrive in San Francisco we're gonna check into a hotel then we're gonna start exploring the next day we're gonna go check out Chinatown see what it's all about and then try and arrange to go and see some awesome restaurants things like that so see I got some awesome stuff planned for Noren [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're actually in a very interesting place where are we see milk we are in China tap everybody Wang Chung tonight yes we are and it's quite confusing because it literally looks like we're in China all of the time here I would say it actually looks like identical to Hong Kong because of all the colonial buildings or the Chinese characters everywhere not to mention it's really loud screeching but also the predominant language they keep hearing around the streets as Cantonese yeah absolutely the thing is when you get to a place like America you know I absolutely love it because there's so much opportunity here right you see people of all different walks of life working together living together you know you've got so much choice you know there's such a diverse landscape everything here is really quite spectacular yeah and I mean you might think I'm honeymoon parading it here but it's not go anywhere I'm hungry apparently didn't some on the street is a thing here so we've been told about the best one in San Francisco so let's go check it out we are in San Francisco I can't see anything put your glasses back on indeed lost my contacts last night was six absolutely what happened to the weather Winston well it kind of just got old misty and overcast all of a sudden it was quite nice and bright earlier on yeah I kind of fell in love with San Francisco or walking around shooting sign Alcatraz we saw the beautiful kind of houses on the hill mm-hmm steep walks everywhere though I absolutely love it though it's so cool and China down here is quite spectacular it's weird it's literally like you're walking around Hong Kong it is there's very very few differences yeah one thing I will say though is that the people that came from China yeah he came to this Chinatown they're very different than the ones that we saw in LA yeah that's the thing everyone speaking Cantonese around here and up until this point we've been able to speak to everyone in Mandarin you know but over here literally you try to speak Mandarin to them they don't understand you because yeah there are Cantonese for sure what's that yeah this is not correct it is currently now a 10 pass - 10 best - we're in the middle shooting right yeah thank you yeah right now the difference is everybody that we met so far over here speaks Cantonese and it's something different because up until now on the trip everybody's been able to understand Mandarin we've been meeting people from the north of China from central China from all over China but predominantly the people that have settled here in San Francisco obviously are from Hong Kong or from Guangdong because it's all Cantonese there's been a massive disadvantage for us I tell you why this is some behind the scenes stuff but basically everywhere we've gone in LA it was pretty smooth sailing cuz I would call them up or I'd show up right we're just gonna randomly show up and speak Chinese to them it's kind of really nice like they felt like a nice connection with us but because everyone here is Cantonese there's a different barrier for us unlike in China Cantonese people here don't speak Mandarin yeah the most part right so they don't identify with that there's no camaraderie there and also you have to understand you know traditionally anyway down south there's a lot more scamming going on there a lot more sort of people taking advantage of people for money and things so they don't trust us right it's very annoying because we'd walk into a restaurant in LA and we'd speak in Mandarin say hey is your is your manager here no problem we're the foreigners speaking Chinese and then here it's left and right yeah we say hey is there a manager here like no we're like we want to make a video no so that's why we're in a park you are in a beautiful park oh yeah pretty much other than the weather and we got dim sum here at Lee the best dim sum you can buy in San Francisco I have to have a bit of a laugh at the name because we always make that joke about Mong Kok because you know it's got good Mong Kok big yeah good Mong Kok bakery you know in Hong Kong you stayed in Mong Kok for a little while and you know I got a Mong Kok quite often too to buy stuff but you know it really does like sound like an STI doesn't it it really does anyway we've heard very good things about this and you know we couldn't film inside because what we filmed this ordering but there's no sit down tables so we had to get it to go yeah I mean that's that's something I got to point out as well as there's this huge queue outside yeah and we've been walking up and down Chinatown taking b-roll all day right right and we get to place and guess what there's still a queue right and that's when you know it's good and I've talked about this week we talked about this an ATPase on it before right right it's basically if there's a queue that's where people will go because then obviously it's got to be good otherwise why would people be queuing up or sure and one of the one of the reasons for the queue is your favorite thing in the world absolutely when you show that to the camera okay this is a ciaochao ball which is like a sweet barbecue pork bun right and basically what you'll find inside of it is you'll find kind of a honey honeyed sweetened barbecue pork right put some of them can hashes some of them can have a bunch of different spices almost like a nutmeg flavor and some are just straight-up pork this one looks really good like a pulled pork better than it does I got to give it a try okay it does have a savory taste to it and and sweet and it's got a very fluffy sort of a breading around it born operating a fluffy bun around it it's delicious I mean I like about this one what it's not cloyingly sweet yes yes it's got a little bit more savory in it in the you know what the pork tastes like you know when you've got like Chinese American food and it has the little bits of pork in the noodles like boy the fried rice it's like that same consistency before but it actually works hmm it is very very gooey and kind of nice one thing I hate about getting chow chow ball in China sometimes is they'll put like a little dab of sauce in there and barely has anything this one's chock-full yeah it's very generous and I'm very authentic in that way mmm I mean you say that but I've had very similar stuff to this because dim sum is one of those things we've both probably had it up to here with to be honest because living in Guangdong and our family's being you know Chinese families are guangdong right every time you go out then you go out for young tar which is just going out for themself and for me one thing I hate about them son in Guangdong is that pretty much every dish has got shrimp in it mmm almost every dish because they use shrimp paste is like a little dish affan they throw them and everything and it's really annoying because I'm allergic so I'm always stuck at the at the dim sum place is ordering cha-cha bar or meatballs and spring rolls a couple of things like that right right so I'm always having the same four or five dishes every time so I've eaten a lot of these I have two I would say four harmonicity for me that's a 6 out of 10 for taste I'm going to give that a 8 okay I'm gonna say it's an 8 out of 10 for authenticity because I've had something that's almost exactly the same before you do you're a big fan of this you have more than I have for taste I'll give it a I'll give it an 8 as well it's delicious it's great it's a good job I think it's better than most of the ones I've had if you're going to have dim sum you have to order the Chasseur bar for sure what's next well like we were saying earlier I was saying there's a lot of shrimp involved right so that's why you're gonna take care of the chicken shell mine and I'm gonna take care of the shrimp dumplings absolutely so let's see I've never seen him I've never ever seen a chicken shell mind before it's the first time yeah so it's gonna take our points for authenticity immediately there yeah usually they got pork or they've got some shrimp so he's got like a little one little damn shrimp can I try one yeah of course very cool so a Shammai is basically a wonton wrapper wrapped around a dumpling sort of thing this has got scallions and chicken yeah yeah so this should be quite easy I just try it out mm-hmm location me back immediately to that roadside place next to my house and if I don't mm-hmm oh those before we go work on our motorcycles they're going a trip whatever we'd stop and step stock up on something very similar this tastes better though this still this tastes like canned chicken soup in a way doesn't it we've got a bit of chicken soup you know that mushrooms you know that kind of absolutely this tastes like almost like something you could get in any Chinese American restaurant yeah and for that the authenticity is freedom I'm gonna give it to it I'm maybe even a 1 cuz I've never seen a chicken shall mine it's definitely made for the American taste and you can try and say oh but they maybe they have it somewhere trying to no because this food comes from where I live in China eating it like religiously for years and years and years and years of I've never seen one looks like I'm gonna give it a zero I'm a one cuz it's got the skin yeah I was gonna say it looks like it yeah it looks like a Shania and it's definitely a little bit of shrimp in there because I can feel a little tingle I forgot to give a taste oh yeah okay so sorry let me get some more I actually quite liked it so I'm gonna give it like a 6 okay yeah this looks exactly like a shrimp dumpling I'll be up three times bigger it is way bigger yeah and shrimp dumplings are just that it's a rice paper dumpling I'm a rice dumpling unlike a weak dumpling wrapper yeah a little bit translucent as chocolate rope easily give it a shot what they've done oh it's got a breaded shrimp it's not okay with an egg bread yeah I'll get egg breading I've never seen that before you get a lot more bang for your buck with these ones it's almost ripping them but I've had better ones hmm and I actually had better ones in New York City believe it or not now when it dim sum place and it had a whole shrimp in it it was unadulterated an unadulterated trim so you have like a distance this one's not fresh no I'm saying this is not a fresh shrimp it's like bread by frozen fried up on authenticity I'm gonna give this a 4 okay I would never have anything like this in China I taste I'll give it a 6 pretty good okay cool yeah I mean just from the look of it cuz you know my wife loves shrimp so she's always ordering that smooth right mm-hmm I've never seen one like that before so just from the look of it the authenticity way down there you know probably like a two or three da we had our breakfast here you have a late lunch but we have to save a lot more room because this episode is all covering Cantonese food correct so we started with the average Cantonese meal that you'd have earlier on we're gonna have some Cantonese dinner items later on and actually one of our friends restaurants yep downtown yeah so we've got no problem filming there because you know he's actually one of our subscribers and a friend of ours and he's just like hey you know his uncle is a disciple right yeah his uncle runs a restaurant where they do Cantonese food so we can have some nice you know sort of authentic Cantonese food there and try it out I'd say you know that place and we just went to really good food yeah it's pretty good it's pretty good but it's not very authentic right it's got its own Flair and this yeah that's not necessarily a bad thing no it's not not very authentic but it tastes very good it's good I like that I like that I liked it too I can hardly suggest it if you want to get a kind of a taste of China that's not authentic but it's kind of the same yeah right that's fitting yeah oh yeah exactly even the fittings or things yeah yeah we'll see you at the next restaurant absolutely see you there [Music] you [Music] Simo yes we are currently study law yeah and we're writing up these really ridiculous hills yes it's not safe yeah I remember playing video games and as a kid I liked racing games yeah like old games like test drive and stuff and they'd have levels in San Francisco and it's always my dream to drive up these things like ramp it yeah isn't it cool absolutely I mean I I would maybe try that on a bike but not hard I wouldn't try that on anything in traffic the traffic is pretty bad here it's not China bad no it's pretty bad we can quickly narrow we're already yeah it's it's insane I mean I'm surprised at the cars here don't break right you see them parked at 45 degree angles it's really ridiculously weird here right but it's so cool it's got it I mean it's unique isn't it I'm absolutely loving and like you just walking around the streets it's awesome like I know why people are finding out my shins are burning so source it's treacherous up hills I don't know how to park these roads I know it's just how does it car is not rolled down the hill yeah we'll just flip over yeah I mean remember we were walking there there's cars yeah parked at like 45 degree angle I know it was absolute and sane and live I love it yeah I think this is a great city it's one of my favourite cities in America is so cool anyway yeah we are now heading actually out of the city slightly I guess we could still say where it's in the bear in the Bay Area okay now we're headed to actually as we mentioned before our subscribers uncle's restaurant yeah now the good thing about this is that unlike Yelp or TripAdvisor all these places and say I had really good so and so and so for example like today's Mong Kok bakery right everyone was saying it was great but it wasn't a thing it wasn't authentic right now sometimes the most authentic places are gonna be in the places that you would never think of for example this guy yeah he is from Guangdong Province okay and he started a sushi restaurant but we are not there to eat sushi sometimes you got to go to places that have real food behind the scenes so this is gonna be a hole-in-the-wall place and he cooks homestyle straight-up Cantonese food not restaurant style so this is kind of what we're aiming to find the enemy Isis right a polar opposite to what we had earlier what it is they say quiet through tunnel are you gonna rev it that's nice belly because people are walking oh yeah I guess I don't want you like honking your horn and stuff right yeah I guess anyway let's ahead there and go through the despicable traffic of San Francisco don't wait and get some food in our belly which is still full yeah absolutely we'll see you at the restaurant [Music] male Charmander hi kiddos sigasi hana-chan jeongjo recall the PD reported the altimeter oh yeah channa oh my oh I say item type of channel do you see that auto do we go and do a video signal gotta put the end it uncle Choi Corrado go hiking with quality low quality hold Oh are catching okay it'll cut the tips over Winston look at this spread it's pretty amazing it doesn't like actually really good now we have a bunch of business today yeah we got pepper beef we do tough fun looks awful in there yep today we got a little bit of a fusion here it's kind of this kind of thing at home come on look we're trying to represent Guangdong in Hong Kong we have you have kids a big flat and we got the duck road stuck right now a couple of these are gonna have kind of elements from other things but that's what you get with Cantonese food on higher and medium ends right yeah I'm very used to going to higher end Cantonese restaurants with my wife spent I should say my family my in-laws sorry it's your it's your family theory yeah so I'm very used to going to these very higher end ones kind of once a year we have a dinner and you know you sit around the big round tables I've got to say the day coal in this place is not authentic at all no importance at fusion rich it's called ginga's I can't guess come the wonderful thing about that is actually the boss is telling us what a challenge it was to cater to the white before also the population cousins half-and-half 15 there they're all very quickly so but one of the secret things about their menu is that they have authentic Cantonese food they do get gift like in the best restaurants in Hong Kong from the look of it it looks awesome it does I mean just looking at it like you say it looks incredibly authentic but let's just try it I'm getting I think we should start with the duck okay it should be hot okay thank you yeah let's try this out if it looks amazing certainly does thank you for the duck neck or whatever no it's now I'm getting this on tape that's a part of a leg all right this looks fantastic it does and it smells really good like a plum sauce usually the plum sauce is something you dip it into but they've kind of it just something on there kind of amped it up a little bit that's very autism a lip striking Wow I'd like a plum brandy yeah I'm sure it does actually very good I like it mm-hmm this duck here is very much your roast duck you get in guangdong cuisine but almost like with a French twist yeah they're normally you know whenever I'm eating duck like this it's only part of like a combination right a little bit of a challenge oh yeah a little bit of Darlena and that I'd like to keep I yeah whatever you know all that stuff together this is an entirely different taste it's very very good I mean oftentimes unless it's got that really crispy amazing skin I don't particularly love docked in goose it's got to be that perfect Cantonese like hanging in the rack goose this is really good but a different take for I mean it's a little bit sweet its crispy its rich almost a Western preparation in terms of how it was roasted okay a roast chicken yeah for authenticity in terms of like what I could order in Guangdong I could get that in the oven in two three I could get that in the Hong Kong but for Cantonese big bundle yeah hey give me give me give it a seven that was really good really it is as far as doctors concerned probably the best tasting dr. Hanlon I'm gonna give it over [Music] right so what are you gonna choose or just teach someone something okay just gonna choose another one Oh Ted's eggplant I'm asking when you lived in South Africa did you like go out of your way to egg back no cuz I don't like it here did I so those of you don't know what egg pot is it's also called aubergine thanks for talking to like three percent of Rodin's for some reason when I moved to China all of that change because eggplant tastes way better in Chinese cooking it does I'm gonna I'm gonna say that thank you thank you it does say spread of but there's a problem with eggplants in trouble right if you order it as a street food at a barbecue or something it's more garlic than at once that I hate that that's the wonderful thing about the Cantonese preparation attitudes you shine Chezza yeah it's got a little bit of fish paste in it yeah I've got a little bit of a sweetness to it and then they cook it a clay pop yeah usually tastes awesome and there's not garlic so this is one of the better ones right let's go to shop yeah I mean it's again incredibly authentic I'll give it a nine out of ten nine eight seven just City taste I'm gonna go for a night because I love you shank is I love this dish and this is better than the stuff I usually get in my job I agree with you that the way Chinese people put weight on it's way better than in the West without the pepper beef but I'm thinking we should try this this is basically bok choy and this is a very common dish I get this one I don't get this but you know whenever I got for family dinners boys on the table and we've got a medley of mushrooms get into these people are super obsessed with their vegetables in their suit these you get these massive big mushrooms here yeah and there's like three guys is it enoki mushrooms is these normal white button button mushrooms and you get these like shiitakes yeah try a little bit uh see you tomorrow mushrooms I don't I have to preface this by saying there's absolutely nothing today it's just that you'll get it everywhere and that's why I warn ya we have to try it because we're it's all about authenticity right so now I have to say something you know when you talk to Chinese people and you're talking about different kinds of tastes and flavors they always say that Guangdong food is very bland Jing down there you know so it's got no no real flavor no real taste that's not true I think what they're trying to say is that it lacks huge amounts of chilies and huge amounts of spices but of course it has a flavor of course this is very flavorful right the chicken sorry yeah incredibly flavorful but it's not like it's gonna burn your mouth right right it's not like soul turning a lot of people in China are used to seeing things like citron cuisine we've covered a loose it covered in chili yeah yeah covered in sauce covered all this up and like wow it's braised Disney oil that steam right yeah - and preventative yes yes it's good it's gone but it's healthy I've got an ice to break up there yeah definitely gonna give it a ten out of ten for ten - sweet because it is I'm gonna give it about a five maybe four tastes because it's nothing special like you said this restaurant does it really well but if you're after the fact I'd mushroom medley as your father mm-hm I gotta tell you something dude we built its whole kind of series that we've done this is like probably one of the best moments it's a really yummy it is really good it's kind of changing my perspective look I'm I'm with you on that I mean there are a lot of foods which are better for a Western palate usually you know we're talking about Kim jang-soo Dongbei food but certainly dishes in Cantonese because Cantonese foods kind of like a real divider because it's got the best and the worst this Cantonese Rosa that's where you get them then weird like intestine pig intestines though right the teeth here that foam - I another chicken feet that chicken has weird soups disgusting like pig's blood don't pee no sudden or what you know it's all comes right in Cantonese we'd like the really disgusting stuff you know but then you've got also this already good stuff as well so if you know how to pick and choose you can yeah dude this is awesome bringing back a lot of memories like we never left it's like we never left whoo yeah I'm full today what a luscious meal I wasn't expecting that that was so good I really I said this before at dinner and I said I really didn't want to eat Cantonese fruit yeah it's something all the time and I'm on this trip and I kind of want one day where I can have some food that I like but that was freaking delicious it was not only because it was authentic mmm you know but it was just better and we sound so bad we keep saying like the American oh I know what the Chinese food in America is better than Chinese people cooking it man that guy is freaking awesome you from Guangdong use like a lotion he's like a brother absolutely and I think we have to stress that it's that we've got Chinese chefs proper Chinese people speaking he speaks Cantonese but we were also speaking Mandarin the whole time he speaks Mandarin fluently right he's got Chinese chefs he's using Chinese recipes and it's down to the ingredients man with so this you know if you take the same ingredients and you give it to somebody in mainland China they will make something just as good real Chinese foods freakin delicious it is absolutely and I think what lets it down a lot of the times is just the ingredients yeah I agree but even with crappy ingredients it tastes good it's true yeah let's get on the road man yeah yeah we absolutely have to oh yeah gonna be a long drive but let's do it right what do you say we get send young through tomorrow oh yeah let's do that [Music] see milk are you ready for some hearty food not really I've been eating way too much these days definitely feeling a lot heavier it's always I will say this though yeah if you would preface that by saying Seema be ready some Weger food I would say hell yeah 311 oh absolutely love it babe yeah okay well let's just be completely honest here the most foreign friendly food that you can find in China is Ching junk food or we go food you know for a western part of China right the reason is it's because it's basically just like Turkish food you know middle-eastern food it's the kind of thing that you will find in the West right so for instance if you go for a night out in London the most typical thing to do is to go for a kebab right you know after you've gone drinking at the power and all that kind of thing and that kebab that kind of food is pretty much weaker food right you know they're equivalent they look so much like Westerners that actually would we go to some more remote areas of China oftentimes people don't expect to see someone from South Africa or someone from America so they'll automatically assume so he needs to seemed younger in month yeah yeah that loss Scotty oh she don't she don't pose because it's more feasible for them to see a Chinese student young person yeah then a than a westerner like us so green eyes a lot of a couple of them have some one like leather color kind of lighter color here yeah I mean the thing is they they look more Arabic you know right because basically she yeah they are and ching chong used to be called I think Western to Mecca stano's East Turkestan Oh East Turkestan sorry excuse me I'm not gonna sign it up very well up on that part of the world yeah it's it's very interesting it's a it's a big Muslim majority there right and you know they got mosques and right the other way the whole hats it's a it's a part of China it looks nothing like China yeah pretty much there's nothing to do with China of course there's all sorts of political tension over there so you know we've we've haven't been there ourselves just because it's too too tough for us to be able to actually go there right film yeah and film would be just kicked out or whatever one thing we do make it habit of is eating should young food yes but is it China it's amazing right I mean it's it's all the kind of lamb and a couple of the restaurants are one that you drink obviously cuz it's a Muslim thing and that's right annoying the different most difficult task for us was to find a weaker restaurant here because most weaker people don't make it out of China yeah too heavily control the area it's difficult for them to get out so this is quite the treat that we were able to track went down but you said that but remember the first night we arrived in San Diego we're sitting in a restaurant having a massive overpriced hamburger and a guy just came out from the street he actually I came into the restaurant he's like I love your videos you know so cool to see you and he do you know took a video of us hey we've met a subscriber from ginger so exciting bucho already cool hey can you help me tell everybody to stay awesome stay awesome stay awesome always right he is it from ginger right so it's pretty interesting it was really interesting to actually run into a subscriber from Ching Jones right yeah let's go check it out absolutely I can't wait [Music] hi welcome to Somali girl Cozine my name is pitar I'm from shinjang prawns from China first you know that we don't have that much we were people in this area especially even in America we don't have that much people the weavers like our ethnic group adam they're very open restaurants almost 7 months now we're the partners 3 partners open that restaurant though if your foot is mostly be using like land like the other chinese would they have a land but not that much us and then we have the kebab also and a whole lamb kebab and we have that Benji maybe you guys know that but that Penge is still there are some spices from the Chinese spices but the most of that like hand-pulled noodles and some like recipes is like from all from us and there's a lot but because we're limit of this stuff and in some of diamonds we can't do it here because of some equipment thing is but still like some like 80% of Jinjiang foot we're providing here of course if you want to open a restaurant it takes a lot of money and then we have to have a chef and you know there it takes a lot of work there so it's difficult Winston look at this feast I wasn't so hungry before but I definitely am now oh yeah that's fantastic should we start with some some she's young we Gertie this is a milk tea absolutely and it looks like cut of the Mongolian style kind that we've had before a little bit salty yeah it's definitely it's it's salty it's very savory almost like a milk nut soup yeah it is it tastes like super really it's really tasty though yeah it's very hearty it's got a lot of different nuts in it like walnuts I'm seen in there and all kinds of weird spices yeah it is very milky more milk than tea more soup milk venting yeah let's talk about what we've got on the table be sure to do anything this over here is called big plate chicken or Dungey right it's probably whatever favorites it's one of those things if we go out to get you junk food we always order it oh absolutely have to know what this usually is is it tomato based sauce with different parts of the chicken with potatoes carrots peppers and then usually with these big big flat hand-pulled noodles right absolutely speaking of hand-pulled noodles that's what this is over here yeah you get the lemon over here right absolutely Anna here's a little bit of trivia I know in the westward when we're talking about sort of Asian noodles a lot of people say ramen mm-hmm okay and there's a reason for that right it comes from Japanese you know and actually a lot of the words for Asian food we get from Japan so like tofu for instance Chris from Japan because I guess the first time it became popular in the West it was from Japan you know like in sushi restaurants and stuff so yeah oh this is tofu but the original name is from Chinese it's doleful right and the same with ramen this meal ambient which means pool noodles yeah yeah means support means noodles this is the Middle Eastern kind of taken on that whole thing yeah and it's usually cooked with all kinds of delicious Middle Eastern type spices you can get a little tinge of Chinese cooking in it when you get the whittier mushrooms and stuff yes that definitely brings the Chinese influence into it what else we got okay I've got these like samosa type things over there either loose I'll leave those to be honest those are probably one of my favorite dishes over there can't you can't say it's your favorite yet though we haven't tried anything in the past we also got our lamb kabob which are fantastic looking bigger than the ones were used to on the side of the road I mean yeah you know we were at that barbecue restaurant the young bay barbecue yeah that was delicious but you saw the house smaller ones comparison that's like almost a whole lamb honor that's freaking amazing these are your lemme Pines which are really really tasty flaky crust looks really delicious oh yeah but what do you want to start with it's kind of difficult but maybe maybe we should solve something a bit manageable should we go for the last we're in front of it right let's go put my milk tea down over there no because Shindong food is very different than Chinese food we're not using chopsticks that's not what the locals do well I don't know every time I've been touching generous when they go to chopsticks it's probably just for the local chance to use it meats good Wow I want this stuff come on the plate there we go hmm you know it's crazy about this style lemon mm-hmm it's almost like it's a Hellion food in a way because it's get it tomato based sauce but way more savory and a little bit more spicy it's also more hearty it's definitely have to put more median things like this but it's the chew and the bite of the handle noodles is it's completely different than any other newly fat including banister I mean I literally was in the kitchen watching him make noodles and you know it makes such a big difference mmm because it's fresh you know and make it out of there the flower of the royal master oh yeah it's it's awesome and that's what gives it that that flavor and it's always a winner I can always suggested to any any foreigner who's in China if you want something that kind of is delicious and very western-style you know go for that now it may look like I'm crying but it's actually because I just burn my mouth on this milk tea it is delicious been that crying for that premise you and the crank is you missing all the strings on food in China this is this is amazing and better than a normal line that I usually eat yeah again actually this one I would say it's a little bit there because I like the crisp on the lamb the minute the sauce is also much more strongly flavored here which I like a lot better yeah it's really nice so okay we got to go to North anticipating what are you gonna give it you that first 10 out of 10 for authenticity he's got everything on used to in a really good job I'm in rotation we go for a 8.5 it's hopefully amazing and if I was a little bit hungry I'd probably give it a night it's really good yep all right we have the lamb kabob here yeah this is gonna be dis coming it I'm not used to having so much of that really really good flavor on one bite because usually you can just rip a whole trough in your mouth you get a little more salami this is I mean them it's almost like it was marinated it's not just normal meat flavor we've got a really special human and really rich kind of Middle Eastern spice to it good it's delicious mmm that's really good the flavor yes ten out of ten for authenticity for me mmm that's because I often have these these lamb kebabs at the Shing German restaurant near my place I'll be honest with you though the meat is smaller they're not that much more mmm because they can make a big thing out of it being a big you know it's even called like a dart one doctor only but yeah the the flavor on there it's a hundred percent authentic so ten out of ten but I'm gonna have to give it a 9 out of 10 for taste because I've never had one that that is that good but yeah that's okay no your I literally I want to you want to eat that I don't want to watch it I want to sit there watch it yeah I'm gonna eat it give me one yes of course yeah thanks okay I can't wait these are my favorite usually some hmm mines meal some type of rush Russian dumpling about what what with like a cumin flavor lamb really good mm-hmm fantastic I mean Peter ski or whatever they call hmm this is like Peter ski yeah that's really really good absolutely delicious mmm that's good this is I'll let you do the authenticity I honestly can't give it authenticity because believe it or not I've never had these Edition Jong this before this is my first one already okay I love them but for tasting believe it at nine because it's freaking delicious okay the thing is it is pretty much the same mmm so authenticity I'm gonna give it a nine and that's just because the ones that I normally have over there actually have a bit more of a buttery flavor as if they've added a lot more butter and there isn't that a bit later yeah so I really really really like these but I'm gonna give it a 9 out of 10 for London to see and I'm gonna give it a 10 out of 10 for taste because like I've been saying and a lot of our videos I could eat these all day and all night but do I do it Oh bad idea I'd have to pace it out you know one every hour or something okay it's a kind of her can eat samosas yeah should we go for these meat pies mm-hmm okay before they get cold this looks like a very similar filling to the last one but this one looks buddy rare yeah it's just a pie crust I mean you can see inside it's just right cut the lamb that's been you know just like a little bit oh but it's got minced onion today okay you see that yeah yeah give a shot hmm know that I like better right mm-hmm you know what what I like the pie crust aspect to it I think it goes to the lamb soup er well none Ian's cut through the grease eNOS to the lamb which is really nice hmm this is awesome I imagine you could get this pretty much everywhere every time I see like documentaries about shinjang or like footage from there they're selling these on the street and I'm mm-hmm oh you know this some mm-hmm this process basically just deep fried in a wok full of oil mm-hmm I like that hmm it's not bad I I don't like it as much as the semester thing is but I'm going to give this because I have had this in again well same same machine John thing it does taste very similar you're gonna give an eight out of ten for authenticity it is it is a bit different mm-hmm but taste wise actually don't like it as much as those ones I'm gonna get of a seven out of ten what about you look at this nine yards and for authenticity I've had one very similar mm-hmm leave without nine at 10 for taste I absolutely loved I could eat that all day dip that in some yogurt sour cream or even slurp up some of this sauce sure thing but yeah that's bigger so one every hour compared to one of those everyo I think I'd survive today you wouldn't follow us on our diet or you can eat fried foods once every hour keep the weight off because the shingle minority are Muslim and a lot of the Shinyoung restaurants you cannot drink alcohol right there are some where you can but those typically are the less authentic ones and usually the way Muslims yeah not this into Muslims who tend to be part about in there yeah rules anyway we got the dhanji this is the most famous dish out of the entire province probably the one of the biggest most famous dishes that you would know about if you have heard of ginger tea before and it looks stellar it was fantastic and I have eaten this so many times we got a funny story about this while we eat it yeah you do sir I don't know man do you just again I mean get a piece of chicken I'll get some of the noodles you guys do that yeah I was hanging out with my friend yeah and I had just discovered this dish at my house like that's a chin John place at my house yeah yeah in China yeah and I was in his town and I told him about it's like we got to go find the shin down because most onsen have one yeah yeah I said you gotta try this top on gee it's amazing so we went there right yeah and they were like it's not on the menu so I asked them was like can you make that bungee yeah and they were like yeah we could totally do that they are just like 15 so it wasn't a big deal but for a massive one cuz they are they're normally about to figure this is like a small yeah thanks this is a small dive on G right you know like the big ones are just you could actually order a big one here but anyway yeah they they were like we'll make it for you tomorrow so we had to kind of book at a time right so I thought its kind of weird but anyway they call us back and they're like okay can you bring your biggest pot and we were like what oh you had to bring an entire pot and then they brought it to our house and then we invited em straight to share it with us because it was too big so we sat down with them and then we shared the meal in our house it was really fun that's awesome yeah that's fantastic but basically dumped on G like I said tomato base thick cold noodles and you got your chicken that's usually stewed in it yeah so it's very tender I'm gonna try some of the noodles first this that's really good choice from that sauce on its own mm-hmm just so I can get an idea what kind of spice isn't that some paprika maybe yeah some pepper again there may be a tiny bit of vinegar but it's not too sour like some of the ones are bad and you know what I love about this dish why it's cooked for a while like stewed so kind of all the flavors remember they can get kind of melded in there and it almost it so a lot of people try to avoid this is stuff you know when you have hot pot you put in noodles afterwards and like don't do it don't hold them in there too long it's gonna get starchy this sauce gets really starchy by the light of it super thick and it's so much better than Chinese soups and stuff sure sure the chickens delicious as well and it's incredibly tender it kind of just falls off the bone you know I mean no better chicken I usually in China this da punji is spot-on authenticity is absolutely spot-on yeah I agree authenticity and I'm gonna give it another sell at nine I think it's a great winter food sit around with your buddies to get the get the big one yep divvy it out just talk you know enjoy it slowly it's a great stew great agree it's fantastic I'm also going to give it a 10 out of 10 for authenticity because it has the exact same flavor that I'm used to dude but I have to be honest the chicken does taste better it does it's really good which is weird because usually we have an opinion that the chicken in China tastes better than the chicken in the West it usually does and I'm not sure why just maybe just different strain of chicken the wrong stranger different breed today I learned that chicken is bacteria yeah exactly a different breed it's anyway accurate yeah but the thing is it's really delicious I'm gonna give it an 8 out of 10 okay I mean you know it's good just like everything else here I don't think we've had a single dish here that was been no and I hate to say this again this is not again this is a first okay but I have a feeling that most people that want to try different Chinese food from what they're used to are gonna probably like this the best because it is so Hardy and so tasty and so flavorful I think the average Western fella likes a little bit more flavor and what most Cantonese cooking has yeah for sure I mean this whole trip we've been trying the the you know the regular saying that the top big five or whatever you know although I don't if it's five but whatever the big four and basically the bigs yeah the hot pots and spicy sich one food you know the sort of more bland Cantonese food right but it's all very typical what you would expect China to be I don't think people expected this to be China but don't forget this is a part of China and it's a part of Chinese cuisine right everywhere in China you can get this for sure any abuser right everyone in this restaurant is Chinese and they're coming because they enjoy - yeah it's a very popular cuisine for a very good reason it is just better than a lot of cuisines I've had in China yeah so look if you're ever in this area this is in the Bay Area come check out this which is like only once Indian restaurant yeah we searched and searched and we've done this but you know if you can't find it if you don't live around here do a little search for weaker food and it's you th you are isn't that's correct okay it's a bit of a weird spelling there but it's pronounced wigger you know kind of like a white guy with dreadlocks yeah anyway it's pronounced wigger and if you search for it find something in the area just go give it a try I don't think you I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed yes happy ah I'm so full thank you that was really interesting to be honest I didn't expect to find Shing junk food in America no and it was a lucky find to be honest and thank you to Betts for finding it for us absolutely yeah subscriber of ours is actually the person who put us on to this place and man it was just as good as I was expecting mate in fact better yeah better it was better than the way I thought you know we when we set off this afternoon to go try Weger food in in America I was like well it's gonna be good but I'm really I didn't know it'd be that good right I actually had no idea what's gonna be that good but you know what we got a lot more food eat so I think we should get on the road and go oh I know we got a lot more food to eat tomorrow yeah let us get on the road and get ready for their bellies needle loose you [Music] it's it one food a good hangover cure I mean it's spice UI spicy stuff good for hangovers no I don't think so it's usually oily stuff you know like good greasy fry up which is what I really want to eat right now me too man but I do love citron food you know I really do yeah in case you guys are wondering we had a bit of a heavy night last night you know we we've been doing this this non-stop food tour but we decided to kind of take a day off we needed to do some editing and yeah I think we went a little overboard yeah before we go to this restaurant didn't you grow up in this area yeah actually this is a right outside Mountain View where I grew up as a kid that's kind of weird to be back here to be honest it's really nice I mean I've really been enjoying we've been stopping in all these little towns and yeah you know unfortunately for you not a lot of vape here well you're allowed to be you know I saw science says no vaping well I mean it's it's an awesome area man that you've got Google we possibly Nvidia Huawei that being said I didn't know that there was somebody Chinese people in the circus growing up the rule there wasn't yeah yeah doesn't sneeze chase people it's like half Chinese it's I am blown away so far on this trip to see how many Chinese communities there are and about to go burn in numb our tongues because Sichuan food actually is known for mala which is this kind of numbing spice yeah so it's the citron region of western China in this province they grow this such one pepper growing it's kind of a signature flavor of such one food yeah I mean that's we're gonna be able to tell very quickly if it's original or not because it's got a very distinctive taste right that's true so I guess that's what we're gonna go do now yeah actually a little thing about such one so those are for those of you don't know out there it's kind of situated in the sort of middle which Western sort of part of China yeah you say it's Western Province yeah it's definitely West and it's very famous for a couple of things number one pandas yeah what else there was a massive earthquake 2008 killed a bunch of people I was there were you in China at that time not yet I came in the end of oh wait okay it was quite a time to be in China it was insane I remember you know they had like this minute of silence or whatever where everybody well it wasn't a minute of silence a minute of noise because what they're did is like around the entire country everybody honked their horns all the air-raid sirens went off because in all the cities have these massive areas right and it was quite surreal for like a minute here just non-stop this massive noise the entire city was just kinda crazy huh let's go burn our mouths off yeah I'm not really looking forward to that but anyway let's do it [Music] moments ago panda you ang are very strong woman finance we also year 2000 woman PA oh ah oh ah so Tonya cambio rc2 noir see to you piano can be until 1700 titrated you hear sound - ah - time to send right young woman Chi down to module couldn't dopey Java is the only if you want come to order couldn't even go type internal you're my dad I got Santana what a spicy looking Beast before we even get stuck in here I have to say incredibly surprised because we're walking out here in the Redwood district right thought it was like some deli here like French restaurant it doesn't look like a Chinese restaurant from the outside so it's very very easy to miss just spoke with the manager over there she's actually from Beijing to the chefs are from native citron like we were talking about just from the look of this I gotta say this all looks incredibly authentic like anything you get sick on absolutely I can't wait to taste it because they say the proof is in the eat and get yeah what do you want start with I'll let you two speak could be I love that be detect you one of the staples whenever I take friends out to eat in China you know this is one of the things I always order right it's a safe bet it's always good it is thank you looks nice and crispy it looks kind of spicy yeah looks like they didn't skimp on the peppercorns there know what that tastes like it's a little different you know it's very crispy very crispy very nice battered in something though I found say that it's authentic you know why why it's beefy yeah it's real big business it's not true oddly enough it doesn't really taste like it really doesn't it tastes like some other sort of me yeah it's bad no no thank you thank you thank you yes I think I'm going to on an authenticity rating yeah look the flavors actually pretty good you have the spice you got the people got that mana Jason Walton tricity I'm gonna give it about a I'm gonna go for taste I'm gonna give it a seven pretty good yeah I want to get into this Swan Twilight which means sour spicy fish yeah and I have a feeling that this is gonna be full of bugs because I've never eaten SWAT allow you without bones all the way through it sure would you I know you really enjoyed their big thank you very much you know I one thing about eating fish in China's it's always full of bones I hate in fact eating anything in China usually has bones yeah even tofu it's weird but this actually might not up to me but let's try to try I mean we are in America you think then they change it no bones no bones they're gonna be a big fan of yes there's no bones man there's also one thing I must say yeah the broth that it's in is not super spicy and it's not super sour now you can say that's a ADA attempt for authenticity it's just not spicy enough here so try food but for taste somebody good for that and eat is Wow those pretty good like oh I don't need my like fish you know I don't like you because there's no bones in that one and it's actually very sort of soft and fluffy it's really good I'm gonna give it a seven out of 10 for taste and I've definitely had that flavor before in China Edison research one restaurant it's right with a mother I'm gonna give it a nine except the bones this is their signature original redwood chicken okay I can think wait wait is that the town we're in yeah they say it's original redwood chicken but it's got a lot of coriander on top of it you know so what do you call it cilantro yeah go either way man and it looks nice little chunks of chicken here we go put it on your rice thank you mom you know I like the antecedent yeah there we go that's it you don't want to eat that no no that's one thing we haven't actually been explaining during our trip a lot of the food in China people when they need to we've just been eating like the meat right it's usually eaten like this on rice right so it's rice together it's just about you and I on big rice man this looks a lot like kung pao chicken yeah does anything like it I pulled pickled beans hmm very sour it's great that's really good better than kung pao chicken yes come Patrick is too sweet this is not sweet at all very spicy though kind of starting to burn my mouth but I like it it's really good it's definitely soy based soy sauce base heavily sell salted and everything so it's very strong very very salty I think if you just ate it by itself without rice I think it'd be quite devoted to to eat you know more than a spoonful around that's a good shop on dish which means it helps the rice go down this that's good night awesome I can't say it's authentic though if it's original chicken from Redwood City yeah so tough let me good force it roughly but again it's got that very authentic Marlon say so you know as far as I'm concerned citron food did you take anything is this Pat my pepper at 6:1 food it's kind of authentic right you can put my peppers on a hamburger and it's citron this is one yeah they probably have it they probably do that's awesome I'm gonna give that a 9 out of 10 for taste I can't give it authenticity really something like it probably does I'm pretty sure that you will find dishes that are almost the same as this in China though it's not westernized than anything yeah so maybe not Citroen authenticity cred china food authenticity I'm gonna give it a 7 those is Rena that's pretty space only good then your taste rating is going to be all the way out there I'm also gonna give it an 8 it's a bit too salty I'd say dialed on the salts a little bit but other than that fences okay cool what do you want to choose next so chat to the chef you film that they did it all wrong yeah exactly just joking this is the beef tendon and onions very typical very standard such ones is restore I know you're not a fan of Nev dependence I don't like beef tendons you don't I don't like any girl at Messines or you know remember me and you like one of our first meals together was beef tendons and yeah like eating it with gloves yes I remember that we were like trying to trying to bite it off the most very good as difficult this one's shaved nice and thin so it's probably pretty easy to you try to oh it's cold I mean it tastes like yellow really you know when you leave jello out colonic it's that hard film on the top absolutely exactly what it tastes like I'm gonna start out with the taste rating I'm gonna give it like a three yes I just don't like it it's kind of bland it's funny it's like funny bland gelatin I'm gonna give it a 5 that's okay yeah I know it is you like the weird stuff not that weird doesn't taste that weird but it does lack in flavor authenticity though you know I have that that stuff's always on the tape that's antenna it usually uses a starter for this other group not bad you just got the noodles I found yeah so what I'm doing it dis amount yeah I'm gonna try my best I wanted to avoid that you know I'm gonna spill it everywhere I'm the worst addition out noodles what yeah maybe maybe I shouldn't be doing this repair it's okay I totally won't leave it on yeah yeah remember guys we are hungover today yeah that is the excuse lately yeah I'll have these ones since it's all over the table okay you're very sweet I like table news yeah well to be fair this one's kind of all over the table as well you know what here enjoy the eggs all of it there are some noodles in there this is supposed to be one of their signature dishes I don't know it looks a little hard here than what I'm used to in those situation it'll smooth you know this just kind of in a way reminds me of mommy and you know yeah that's look like lime and is nice it looks like it's full of pork and spinach that is a 100% authentic sort of hot and sour flavor then you get so i'll mmm mmm mmm absolutely it is one I'm in right there it's got a lot of coriander ten out of ten for authenticity for me yeah it does taste better than what I'm using it over mmm you can get suan lum in like truckstops this is wrong this is not that it's definitely like more care and you know a little bit of love women to listen yeah the problem is usually I feel like they make it spicy like this and hot to to disguise the fact that the meat is expired and that the oil is and try talking about this overnight we're talking about the one factor choice yeah and just to disguise the putrid meat for himself this one - you're making me real hungry yeah we have fallen victim to some some bad roadside food in China so I'm gonna give it a seven I'm gonna give this a 8.5 for tasting it's really good one thing I have to take score down is for the ease of dishing up because it makes it easier to dish up I don't know in episode yeah or you could just learn how to dish it out that's true yeah hmm so like am i think we have to wrap this up and I gotta ask you is citron food good hangover no you know I don't think so either I think it was I was initially saying like I would love a hot bowl of spicy noodles for the hangover no it's exactly what I don't walk right now it's too spicy it's really oily and it's kind of not what you're looking for when you're not feeling you know how to preset however if you like spicy food which I actually do like spicy food it's fantastic you cannot go wrong a spring space you know in in China there are quite a few provinces like Hunan they claim that there does the king of spicy food is spicy but everyone knows the real king of spice in China is Satori so tries to talk I'm gonna throw a little accolade on there as well it's the king of none you know that feeling until you try citron peppercorns which is in every single dish on this table so I can't feel my mouth fantastic I really kind of enjoyed this we let's get stuck in okay good well it was citron food no spicy and it was bizarre really that place did not look like a citroen restaurant from the outside it didn't at all I'm like it was actually funny talking to the people there they've been in America for a while so they have their favorite basketball players and teams and the UVA and stuff and they're sound like Chinese people but act like America yeah it was pretty awesome the food was on point as far as citron food is concerned you know it had that taste so yeah I can hope like really recommend it if you wanted to try it I was talking to the owner actually he had just sent me a message and he was telling me about how his dad has actually been cooking before he could really properly stand so I liked her and reached the stove Oh he'd like put stools up next to the stove and like cook when he is just a few years old it's nice and it is a very small mom-and-pop sort of feeling to that place so I really liked it not for a good hangover cure food though yeah either way the dog yeah hair the dog if you guys are in the area I'd say check it out sure awesome and finally we've found citron food that's another big one to take off the list for sure so my friend I think we have a lot of ground to cover today oh yeah we got a long road ahead of us so we should probably just hit the road and get on with it what do you reckon yeah all right so guys we've reached the end of our quest for the best Chinese in the USA series we want to thank you for coming along with us on this little adventure and hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making it it's been quite the journey and really a big eye-opener for us to see that you can actually find incredibly good Chinese food in America and in some cases to be quite honest better Chinese food in America than you can find in China itself subscriber here in Tucson I guess your name I'm Sonny Sonny I'm from Tucson I would go to here to the University of Arizona and I saw these guys out here and want to come say hi see what they're doing then on China right now so very very surprised yeah it's a random place to run into it yeah how's it going I love this guy thank you can can you help me tell everyone to stay awesome stay awesome Chinese yeah that's cool too dyadic on how this appearance whole cooler and you have a YouTube channel Vickey soups okay cool so nice to meet you guys let's be with you guys yeah awesome all right you too so hey just just bump to do some subscribers how's it going man good can you guys do me a favor can you tell everyone out there to stay awesome stay awesome so cool hey we've met a subscriber from ginger explaining them bucho already cool hey can you help me and tell everybody to stay awesome stay awesome stay awesome always that's cool man so we're actually in San Francisco Chinatown we've bumped into a subscriber so can you do me a favor till he wants stay awesome awesome man thanks alright can you help me say stay awesome stay awesome hey I bumped into some subscribers here can you please help me and tell everyone to stay awesome that's great so no can you help me um can you can you say stay awesome stay awesome yeah Joe stay awesome still it stay order this is actually our good friend Anthony subscriber can you help us say stay awesome can you tell everybody in Chinese to stay awesome [Music] okay that's good enough it's pretty good thank you so much really awesome to meet you too soul selfie video well these guys flew all the way from Salt Lake City and Utah right yeah that's that's amazing all the way to LA thanks can you help me tell everyone to stay awesome awesome Nik Obama's for stay awesome stay awesome let's do it together one two three stay awesome together I'd like you to help can you help me say stales just okay just say stay all right can you tell me want to stay awesome well it's something that everybody knows nobody has to do stay off cool can you say stay awesome stay can you help me say steak awesome good stay awesome stay awesome stay awesome stay awesome
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 497,445
Rating: 4.8127131 out of 5
Keywords: american chinese food, kung pao chicken, kung pao chicken recipe, peanut chicken, peking duck, hot pot, chinese food, china, fake food, laowhy86, serpentza, advchina, adv china, cmilk, moving to china, adv media, chinese girl, vivi vlog, living in china, cantonese food, dim sum, chinese breakfast, chinese bbq, chinese muslim food, guangdong, move to china, chinese hot pot, 中国菜, 中国, tasty, 中國, prc, hong kong, the food ranger, chinese buffet, documentary, mike chen, china vlog
Id: 2V5Gp6iSFWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 59sec (8879 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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