Top 10 Tropical Fruits You've Never Heard Of
Video Statistics and Information
- Salak - this is delicious, the description in the video is pretty good
- Buddha's hand - kind of a novelty, just a bunch of lemon zest / twist
- Wood apple - never tried this
- Gac fruit - never tried this either
- Jabuticaba - had one of these in an exotic fruit selection - nothing to write home about, pretty grape-like
- Monkey fruit - never tried this
- Miracle berry - I consider this more of a drug since the fruit itself is so unremarkable. Flavor tripping is awesome though - lemons and limes taste great, and my personal favorite is cranberries.
- Strawberry tree fruit - This grows all around the area where I live, and I really enjoy it as long as it's really ripe (deep, dark red and mushy). I think most people complaining about it have only had fruits that weren't ripe enough. The flesh tastes like apricot preserves.
- Hala - Found this growing in Hawai'i and tried some. It was very fibrous and dry, and difficult to suck any juice out of, but the flavor is interesting. Maybe if there are softer and juicier cultivars it could be enjoyable.
- Ackee - never tried this
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Channel: Earth Titan
Views: 4,672,268
Rating: 4.7578082 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 fruits you've never heard of, strawberry tree fruit, buddha's hand, salak fruit, titan top list, top 10 list, ackee fruit, unusual fruits, weird green fruit, weird fruit names, weird looking fruit, weird shaped fruit, weird fruit, fruits of the world, world fruits, exotic asian fruits, asian fruit, weird fruits, exotic fruits, exotic fruit, fruit exotic, exotic fruits pictures, types of exotic fruit, fruit rare, green fruits, tropical fruit, tropical fruits
Id: OKTej1u-7-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2016
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