Sous Vide VEGAN STEAK Experiment!

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[Music] welcome back to Sevilla everything guys today we are doing the vegan steak everything's trembling oh my shelters are opening this is the vegan steak it is by far what I'm not used to but at the same time I'm giving it a fair chance let me show you how I made it remember exact amount and the description down below I started off with chickpeas tomato paste right a weak gluten which is like a high protein powder mustard smoked paprika garlic powder soy sauce black pepper vegetable stock and salt now just mix it well with your food processor until you get this consistency as you can see mine turned out just like playbill but a little softer and this is the consistency you're looking for for some extra seasoning I made a sauce which I started off with soy sauce maple syrup and smoked paprika now mix it well and your basting sauce is done this is a real regular stay as you can see it is a 12 ounce ribeye my goal is to make it look like this and I'm gonna try as close as possible to come out with this shape so I'm gonna be using this beautiful steak as my guide then it's pretty straightforward I just laid my dough down and started shaping it as a steak when I was done with the shaping I basted it with my sauce [Music] now the steak was extremely soft and tender and basically falling apart I didn't want that to happen so to firm it up I put it in the oven to bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes after 30 minutes it looked like this and I baste it a little bit more with that steak sauce when I put the steaks side-by-side you can really see that there's almost no difference between them my vegan steak look exactly like a regular steak if you look closely you might even see some intramuscular fat on the vegan steak I know I made a perfect job thank you now for a fair comparison I am using these two beautiful prime steaks it was right at this time that I realized my vegan steak might actually have a chance then I season them with salt pepper and garlic powder and all that was left to do is put the steaks in the bag and they were ready for sous-vide I'm cooking these beautiful steaks at 131 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours [Music] we have our wonderful steaks ready it is time to take it out let's do it [Music] what the heck is that it is lion meat mom are you excited all right guys this steaks smells like heaven this one right here not steaks this steak smells like heaven this one smells like lamb meat well I'm actually curious to find out what it tastes like are you ready for this one my mom really is I'm gonna be a yes well guys we're gonna treat all steaks the same to be a fair comparison right I'm gonna Pat them dry and we're gonna go outside and sear them and I know they don't look that good right now I have no idea if they're gonna look better at least these two are gonna find out about this one enough talking watch this [Music] hi everybody we have our wonderful steaks here you can't see anything injure but because today is a very special day my friend what special days today I got to lie on meat yes so are you ready to try it yes bro it was very difficult to get but I don't want you to see it because you know it's different kind of meat so today if you do the honours new thing you're gonna be I have a problem give it to me bro hello buddy you I want you to dispatch a day bro we don't cook this every day why do you go it doesn't look good right because he looks I don't care you're gonna see a sly of made bro we're not doing you cover yourself go for it do you mix up some meat no I mix it with other meats so I want to know which one is bad we have three steaks a B and C let's go you ready please put the light oh man the seniors all right because why C is always better all right let's do this let's cut a moment and put it on they need to see that you don't see it that doesn't work what do you mean does no you have to cover it hurry up you can't cheat alright let's do it right my eyes over there all right let's kind of open let's do it [Music] [Music] hi my girfriend ninja I'm gonna give it to you because this is a special day event here we got the first one grab it right here what here I'm gonna make a move this stuff on it first one let me know how you like it tell me how it tastes live me no no I'm not gonna tell you maybe it is you don't worry about a no I know I like why go don't let her name your brother I don't know I mean I can see with his eyes closed bro let's see this is to couch I love it but it's not I admit it's not I am yeah alright so you want a big piece of the lion meter you want a small piece let me taste it let me taste it alright so we're gonna cut this one in half just in case because I got a big piece here for you alright friend here you go no no you can do it yourself wow you're a big boy be careful because it's very tender meat it's super tender be careful little bit we might just fall you see this how I know how the line of me bro no live me bro what do you mean bro there's no meat at all boom what is it what is it hold on let's see like corn coin yeah so being some we're stopped in that room maybe I got the wrong piece maybe I got to know if we try this one try this one tell me about that one go for it it tastes like that Mahalo true - how about that one this tomorrow dawn in the worst possible way like the worst of might have ever tried is it bad is no bad it's not is it a steak is not lying meat steak it's no liar it's not lying me I mean are you ready to see little I mean are you ready to watch it lie to me was not very big yes which one's not I am a bill that's tamale that's tamale open it up bro I got show to you what do you think of the lion meat can see he's been closing his eyes for too long what happen in here how do you thank you bro that's not a steak why you me bro it's Lions think it's nice and lean bro that's not a liar bro what does it taste like tamale there's not a money really ninja this is a vegan steak how that's supposed to be lying me now it's a joke obviously wait a minute you know yeah bro it's not lying me bro don't play with a ninja like that bro how do you like it is it good no okay it's bad it's like a bad tamale it's like a bad girl Milan all right very good well let me go ahead and give it a try cuz we know all these two steaks are gonna be wonderful so I'm actually curious to find out and I actually rubbed yours with a little bit of juice here just to fake it the second one still didn't work alright let's give this a try my god don't try this at home we are professionals smell at the money is hard to swallow bro guys I'm so sorry if you had a bedroom attic don't try this thing man it's not good it's not even close to a steak oh my dad that was terrible hold on I have to wash my mouth I don't know why because the the hamburger I like it a lot well you're looking all you're looking Wow blindfolded no mom look at this oh don't do that whoa what are you doing you don't do that to me I'm playing with the food sorry come play with the food no mom don't play with the food mama I don't know we want to know your taste in a Syrian doesn't help mm-hmm it's like burn chickpeas flavor it's like falafel dough but before you deep-fry no no wait you was close to follow rules crazy follow-up was amazing falafel is amazing this is it's what caballus mm-hmm yes it's chickpeas so you got some hummus on Troy and then that's it that's a fake homeless bro that's a bar who was hiding like a mama the burger love tossin times better all right guys it is super dry he does have chickpeas flavor but because we seared it it's like a burn chick three-piece flavor it is not good I agree that it's really soft it's really yes it is the great diet for the people without this yes but the taste if you are a carnivore don't try that team bro don't try don't let anybody come and say this is like me it's not like me lions and no mayor of freaking garbanzos how do you call that thing chick peas chick peas chick peas chickpeas it's like a hummus a bad boomers that's what it is is it's like a cuckoo he's mad by what are you posting mourners this is the Theo when we ate the burger he had a lot of other things you had the patio tomato mayo catcher and a little bit of mustard so he was faking the meat out I won't eat that burger any day by itself so no though let's try to fake it out a little bit more beans easy let's make it out let's see if it's worth it maybe if you mix all the ingredients together this might be really good for ladies are pregnant or something because they asked a lot right all right try it with the you know there you go with the rice and everything see if you does any good why would I pass to the same thing two times to be a valid experiment we need to know this good if you mass get out cuz this stays not gonna be good I agree with you but we have to give it a fair comparison and they want to know I will try it together with you hold on let me get a little bit of beets here also known as a demo like cha and bet they Harbor everybody I know a lot of people don't like it but we love it here in the office the thing I do for you guys ok me berries mask it out tell me mask look what the whole thing yeah faster the better yes alright look wait let me know how you taste that's a lot of stopping here give me a break the whole thing she's not that bad you're going for the whole thing it's real but alright boom more rice more rice take it it disappeared really disappear he doesn't Wow so it's not bad no I didn't even taste it really so it's good so no it's not good do you recommend it no I don't recommend it guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you do enjoy this video and you want to know somewhere crazy things and experiment put it on the comments down below I love to give it a try that's why the name of the channel is sous-vide everything so your suggestion is always welcome if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye bye love you should I give it now yeah you have to try it I'll give it a try I'll give it a try give it a shot give it a try did you okay you put extra rice doesn't matter boom you won't feel it hold on a little more you won't feel it you're right you don't know what is that well okay mask a little more mmm amazing now we'll see on the next one everybody we're out bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,369,405
Rating: 4.7924252 out of 5
Keywords: vegan steak, vegan recipe, plant base steak, vegetable steak, vegan sous vide, veggie steak, vegan steak recipe
Id: JPFmjI2u7ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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