We Tried EVERY Flavor Of Peeps

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Today we are tasting every Peeps flavor. Let's talk about that. "Good Mythical Morning". And welcome to the final day of Celibacy Week. Now, technically, you should continue your vow of chastity through the weekend, but we trust that you will stay out of the bone zone with or without our judging eyes in the room. For the forgotten children. We've eaten a few Peeps in our day. I've even become a human Peep on this show. I'm sorry. Yeah, it was scary. And also, Peeps came second in our Worst Easter Candy Tournament. Great. But that was just the classic yellow chick. And there are a lot of other Peeps that come in a lot of different flavors and some pretty flavors as well. And with Easter being on Sunday. I love it when Easter and Celibacy Week come at the same time. Yeah. It's time for Gut Check Peeps edition. Okay, cock-a-doodle dudes, today you'll try thirty Peeps flavors and give them a score of one to one hundred based on your gut reactions to decide which is the best. And we did not include any of the holiday themed varieties that don't have a specialty flavor, s. forget about those. In case you need a palate cleanser to cut through all the sweetness, you have some white bread at the ready. White bread, that's what does it. Yeah. And do you have any kind of scoring aid? Check out this scoring aid I got. This one is high fidelity here. The evolution of the Peep Link. Is this going to be helpful for you? Were you getting happier and happier as you became more and more Peep like? I think so. Yes. I guess so. That's what's going to happen. Of course, I will sign this and give it away to a random member of the Mythical Society, Second and Third Degree. I've got a scoring aid here. It's a surprise for me, I believe. It's underneath this thing. What you got? Look at that. It's like a. So? G. All right. Oh, no, forty-eight. All right. So if I get confused. Like bingo. I know where to turn. I might use it at some point. Okay, our first category is Classic Chicks and Bunnies. And some people think that all the different shapes and colors of Peeps and chicks and bunnies taste the same. But our own pro-tasters at Sporked have debunked that claim. So, with that, let's begin with Yellow Chicks. Okay, classic. Got a crusty layer of sugar on the outside. I don't really mind a Peep. Sixty-two. I'm going to say twenty-eight. Oh, God. Okay. Wow. You know, but it's a relative it's relative. It's a relative scale. So it's okay that you just dislike the normal Peep. Yeah. Pink Chicks. Peep chicks? So, it's pink. Tastes exactly the same. I don't notice any difference. Sixty-two. Twenty-eight. Blue Chicks. Okay. Do you taste any blue? I was looking at it when I bit it. I looked at it. And maybe it felt like it made it taste different, but I don't think it did. I don't think it did. Sixty-two. Twenty-eight. Purple Chicks. Okay. I looked at that, peripherally. Purple is one of my favorite colors. It looks great on you today. Sixty-three Doesn't taste any different. I know, but it's purple. Twenty-nine. Hey, Link. Coming in strong. Green Chicks Don't need. You know, I'm not even gonna look. Real soft. Is yours softer? Softer than yours? Yeah. Was your green softer than your purple? Oh, no. I think I just got a soft one. Sixty-two. I don't notice any different. Twenty-eight. Yellow Bunnies. Okay. Different shape. This is more of a bunny shape. I went straight for both the ears. I kind of liked it. My tongue went right between the ears. Weeks not over. Sixty-two. Twenty-eight. Oh, my God. We're off to a great start. Pink Bunnies. I did get a little bit of both. Did you go between? I do like it better than a Peep. Same exact taste. But you like the shape? Thirty. Wow. Okay. Yeah, I had to come around to it. Sixty-four. Blue Bunnies. Sixty-four. Thirty. Purple Bunnies. Oh, yeah! Sixty-five. Thirty-one. That concludes the Classic Chicks and Bunnies category. The next category is Unique Flavors. Oh, really? Yeah. Unique Flavors. Starting with, white bread. First of all, that's like the best tasting piece of white bread I've ever eaten. It's pretty good white bread. If you want to really enjoy white bread, eat a bunch of Peeps first. The Lemon Chick. Now that's interesting. Well, it's lemony. Tastes a little bit, like cleaner. It's not great. Forty-nine. Eighteen. Lime Chick. It's better. Sixty-five. That's a zinger of a chick. You know what? Thirty-two. Oh, Link, hold on now. Yeah. Control yourself. Orange Chick. Orange? Okay, Peeps. That's a good flavor. Sixty-eight. We're going up the scale. Thirty-three. Strawberry Chick. Look how red it is. It kind of feels like you're biting into like, a rancid strawberry. Pretty complementary. And it doesn't have that fakey strawberry flavor. It tastes like a strawberry Nerd. Yeah. Sixty. It's a little sour. Sixty-nine. Don't you do it. I did it. I'll give it a thirty-three. Sour Strawberry Chicks. Oh, really? Yeah. You can do that, too. It really tastes like a Nerd. Okay. It's like if you put a Nerd In water and it, like, plumped up. Seventy. Thirty-five. Sour Watermelon Chicks. Hold up, yes. Yes. You know what? I like how I gave it back to you so I can eat it. I just fed myself, Rhett. I just fed myself. Did you really? Yes. What do I do now? Was that a good thing or a bad thing? I think it disqualifies you. Have I graduated? I think I have to find your score using this. Have I finally grown up? This is your score. Unless you disagree with it. Well, it says forty-six, and I don't like watermelon stuff. Dang. I will divide that by two and give it a twenty-three. Sixty-five. Fruit Punch Chicks. There's no place for this in my life. It's a little too sweet. Sixteen. Forty-eight Cotton Candy Chicks. Cotton candy? Do people eat these around? Look how pretty this is. The calendar? Look how pretty it is. It's pretty. Or do they make them all year long and just store them up? Because they certainly taste like they could have been stored up. No, if they get old, they taste bad and. Oh, yeah? That's super soft. The cotton candy flavor is complementary to the Peep consistency. I'll give you that. Seventy-one. I like it. I like it. I don't like it, but I do like what they're going for. You appreciate it. Thirty-nine. Party Cake Chicks. Party Cake? Now, it's greenish? So, it's like birthday cake? But at Easter? Birthday cake is copyrighted. They had to go with Party Cake. How do you. It really tastes like birthday cake. I kind of like that. That's actually really nice. I don't like a lot of birthday cake flavored stuff, but when you're already in Peeps, when you're in Peepville. Forty-three. Seventy-two. Sparkly Wild Berry Bunnies. Okay. All bunnies. And he's a little bit purple. Ooh, that berry is wild. Okay! I like this one, enough to give it a fifty. That's a lot to take in. Seventy. That's a good one. Icee Blue Raspberry Chicks. Icee Blue Raspberry Chicks. Happy Easter, Rhett. Happy Easter. I mean, if you're having a birthday on Easter, you're probably okay. It's not great. But do you think we need to back up to, like, a secondary Celibacy Week for leading up to Easter, like, nine months early? We'll have to think about that later. Like three months from now. Not right now. But I don't think so. I think Easter babies, you dress them up in little pastels. Yeah, yeah. Give them birthday egg. It supersedes. Sixty-one. No, not falling for that. Forty-eight. Dr. Pepper Chicks. What? Colab. Does it taste like Dr. Pepper to you? It becomes a little bit Dr. Peppery at the end and I like that. Oh, okay. Fourteen. I know you're not going to like this one. A one and a four. That's my favorite so far. Seventy-seven. Wow. Vanilla Creme Chicks. This sounds highfalutin. It's green. Sure is green. Is it supposed to be green? Yes. Yeah. Vanilla cream. Talk about subverting expectations. That's like an adult Peep with a kid flavor. I'm so confused. Hold on. That's tasty, man. It is tasty, but it's so green. Seventy-six, I like that! Are you going to punitize it? Forty-five Rice Krispies Treat Chicks. Now this makes sense. Okay. Because there's so much marshmallow in a Rice Krispie Treat. It's a Rice Krispie-less Treat. It's pretty subtle. I wanted it to be more Rice Krispie, but it is good. There's nothing off putting about. It's just I want more of it. Seventy-three. Fifty-one. Candy Cane Chicks. Okay, what are we doing here? Easter and Christmas? You can do what you want to, man. If you want to mix holidays. I mean, I just don't think I could stomach much more of it, though. I need more white bread. Yeah. If this was, this is not a how much you taste like a candy cane, this is how much do we like it. Sixty-four. Twenty-one. Gingerbread men. Oh, and it's shaped like one. That's inviting. That's a good flavor, too. Okay, now. That's for real. I appreciate the mold. Remember this when you're not celebrating the child that you didn't have's birthday. Seventy-two. Remember this when you're celebrating Christmas without a kid, is what I'm saying. Or with the kid that you had at a different time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sixty. That concludes the Unique Flavors category. Yep, I'm listening. I was having a big moment, Stevie, but. He gave something a sixty. Yeah. So let's rewind. Seventy-two. Sixty. I'm listening. Whoa! That's big for me. Do you want to say something about that? I'm listening. Okay. That concludes the Unique Flavors category. The final category is Chocolate. Starting with Milk Chocolate Covered Chicks. It's just a chocolate covered chick. Okay. The marshmallow is so much mushier in there. This is like an Easter bunny meets a Peep. Now we're getting somewhere. That is really nice. Eighty-five. Eighty. What? Rhett, would you like to say something about Link saying eighty? Link's having a big moment here. Milk Chocolate Delights Chicks. So, this is like a Peep that just took a little bath? Or had a little accident. Had a pretty big accident. Less chocolate. But I love the way my bottom teeth felt like they were breaking through something, and my top teeth felt like they were being nicely cushioned. I don't like it as much. Fifty-five. Seventy, This says sixty-seven, but I feel like it should be a seventy-six. I quite liked it. Seventy-six. Milk Chocolate Delights Strawberry Chicks. Okay. Still sitting in it. Has a Neapolitan quality. Yeah, that's nice. Fifty-nine. Seventy-eight's good. Milk Chocolate Delights S'mores Chicks. Now we're talking. So it's graham cracker? Sorry. Yes. Sixty-five. Eighty-three. Dark Chocolate Delights Peppermint Bark Chicks. Oh, my gosh, really? I didn't know about you. I love this stuff. The marshmallow. That's what it needed. It needed the chocolate. Yeah. That's pretty good. Ninety. I got to give it. That's so good. I'm going to give it a sixty-five. I mean, it's still a Peep. Hold on, now. It's still a Peep, dude. That concludes the Chocolate category. You have now tasted every Peeps flavor, and your scores will now be tabulated. If you're not already a Third Degree Member of the "Mythical Society", this is your last chance to join to receive the third issue of our original comic book series. Join before the end of the month with either an annual or quarterly Third Degree membership, and you'll automatically qualify to receive this quarterly collectible item. This collectible quarterly an item? Yes. Thank you for clarifying. It's a comic that's quarterly collectible and an item. You know, Link. There's something really imbalanced about this right now. There's this space here, and the podium is, like, over on this side. It just feels like we need something. There's, like, a Peep loving shaped vacuum here that needs to be filled with someone, who can represent their love for Peeps. As we determine the overall winner, and it's Mythical Chef Josh. I would have called it a gaping Josh sized hole. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. You're a Peep lover. I'm a huge Peep lover. What do you love about Peeps? Okay, so I love marshmallows in general. Marshmallows have a several thousand year old history in ancient Egyptian medicine. I think the fact that we have them today, it's like such a lens into the past, but also a glimpse into the future. Did they plug holes with it? No. It was used to treat a variety of maladies. The marshmallow is, like, actually a plant. They used to soak it in honey syrup, and now the confection that we have today is modeled after that plant. I think it's a modern marvel of science, and I love them. So you're saying Peeps are good for you? Peeps are very good for you, yeah. That's what we all got from that. Okay, they're healing. Let's see our finalists. You can help us decide. Okay. Before you try your collective top four and crown one, the Proper Marshmallow Fella. Rhett, your faves were the Dark Chocolate Delights Peppermint Bark Chicks, and Link, yours were the Milk Chocolate Covered Chicks, and your collective least favorite were the Fruit Punch Chicks. The overall top four flavors, in no particular order, were Milk Chocolate Delights S'mores Chicks, Milk Chocolate Covered Chicks, Dark Chocolate Delights Peppermint Bark Chicks, and Milk Chocolate Delights Strawberry Chicks. The strawberry is a little surprising to me that it made it. I think what we hadn't done is we hadn't tasted the peppermint. Well, this is just s'mores. Do you have strawberry? I don't know. I don't know if I've got the packaging. This is s'mores. This is chocolate covered. Yes, there we go. This is a top four for people who hate Peeps. This is very obvious because none. They're all chocolate. They're all chocolate, yeah. You hate the Peep, you love the chocolate. Yet, here we are. Man, I thought we let you down, Josh. But marshmallow goes with chocolate and graham cracker. It's perfect for a s'more. The top Peep outside of the chocolate category was Gingerbread Men, so. No, that's my personal favorite Peep of all. Oh, really? I think that, yeah. It was good. I love ginger. I love molasses. Love all those flavors. Also, I think it's. Thank all. Don't you dare. I'm so sorry. I freaked out right there. They are really good. I was going to give them to you. They're, like, really well executed. Also, the Fruit Punch ones are inedible. You're correct. Thank you. Sweet by the heaven, man. I hate that. You hate this? Why? It's an abomination to Peeps. It doesn't have the right Peep texture to it. Also. It's not a Peep inside. It's gooey and wet. Can I ask, like, what makes you so passionately against Peeps? Because it's such an inoffensive thing to me. He doesn't like marshmallows. I like marshmallows. I just like them with chocolate more. Fair enough. I feel like we can let strawberry go. Yep. I feel like that doesn't make the top three. Yep. Do you want to try that? Oh, try it? Oh, I've had hundreds of these, man. These are great. These are one of my favorites. You like that more than s'mores? I do. Just because I like, okay, so a lot of the sour ones that you had, I don't like. I don't think citric acid and strawberry goes well together or citric acid and marshmallow, but I do think that these are really well done. Clever play, Valentine's Day food. Yum. Okay, guys, I need you to pick your top three. My top one is s'mores. I think we should do this. My second is the milk chocolate, and my third is the pepper. I think the fact that we got to this point and we've got four things here for Josh that are not his top four. Okay. Yeah. And I actually like the peppermint bark the best, and you like it the least. I think we cancel each other out, and we need Josh to make the decision. Make the decision, Josh. From our top four, they're all chocolate and do three, two, and one. That's the only way to make this fair. All right. In fourth place, we're going to go with the milk chocolate. I knew it. Covered Peep. I, again, don't even know if that would qualify as a Peep. I would consider that a Peep product, but also, I'm glad that we had it here. A Peep product. In third place, we're going to go with the Strawberry Delights Chocolate Dipped. I understand it's not a classic Peep. Also, the flavor, the artificial strawberry, doesn't go with the chocolate that well. Good. These are two real heavy hitters right here. I agree, especially the fact that Peeps are a seasonal candy. And like you said, this is Christmas, not Easter. But they've had a stranglehold in the holidays for a reason. And then here, s'mores. Come on. Graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The winner of today's Peep off, officially, I'm going with s'mores. Oh, my goodness. A great toasty flavor on the outside. I love it. And we got to dress it up first. Can I eat it? No, not right now. We have to get it dressed up. I skipped lunch, because I knew I was coming here. It's going to get all dressed up, and then you can take it home. Proper Marshmallow Fella. God. Josh, I'm so proud of us for giving you something that you could agree with us. I am not mad at that choice at all. This is a special, special treat. And remember, Monday is the start of our spring break. That means new episodes Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. That's right, "Good Mythical Weekend" is back for all of our spring break. We also have bread. Make yourself a sandwich. Okay. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. And not doing the horizontal tango. You know what time it is. We're in Myrtle Beach for spring break and we're about to do a Peeps taste test, and it's time to spin the "Wheel of Mythicality". You don't say? I think they did. Click the top link to watch us play some Easter games from TikTok in "Good Mythical More". And to find out where the "Wheel of Mythicality" is going to land. Join Third Degree Quarterly or Annual by March 31 to get "Blood Oath Rhett and Link versus Gerard" comic book. "mythicalsociety. com".
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,508,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, mythical, Rhett, McLaughlin, link, Neal, will it, blind, taste test, tournament, Stevie, wynne, Levine, Josh, Scherer, Chase, Emily, Jordan, cotton candy randy, international, dart, game, test, experiment, challenge, food, feuds, snacks, shuffleboard, what’s the best, what’s the worst, frozen, fast, fancy, we tried every, gut check, discontinued, products, flavor match, food crimes, find the name brand, scornhole, cheap vs expensive, naked foods
Id: G3IbkPvY0FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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