we TRADED birds with a viewer

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[Music] well i'm up early today we've got a little trip to take because we're gonna do a trade we're gonna do a trade for some birds but first i gotta do some chores fill up all these waters and get around some of the animals but we've got to pick up a couple of our animals for this trade [Music] we're excited to get to our trade that we're about to do we're heading out onto the pond for a quick little date here to tell you about today's sponsor shirley wine we're a family channel so we would never promote a alcoholic beverage but we're really excited about the shirley wine because it's non-alcoholic made from all natural ingredients got a seven yarn blank here we're gonna open up and a rose they just brought out these two new flavors shirley is the first non-alcoholic wine that tastes just like the real thing that's good made with only the best grapes from california surely is great for anyone that loves wine cares about their health and wellness or just wants to be the best version of themselves without the hangover that's too much wine there's not too much wine when it's not alcoholic right since i've been pregnant and then having isabella i haven't had the ability to be able to drink wine but with shirley wine i'm able to have the wine without the alcohol oh that rose is good so i love that it tastes like real wine that it uses natural ingredients that it's dietary friendly and a low calorie drink tastes like wine yeah i've been working on losing the baby weight after having isabella but with shirley wine i'm able to have my favorite glass of wine while cutting back on my sugar and calories so try surely today and get 20 off of your order by using my code house 20 and by just clicking the link in the description they've already sold out four times so be sure to grab it quickly just use our code house 20 for 20 off good morning how do you get up so early easy i was never a morning person and somehow eli was not like me he gets up at the crocodile so we just moved the pigs in the last uh a couple days so now they're over here right next to our turkeys and our garden getting ready to let them out [Music] so we have our cochins and our salmon favreal that we have been keeping over here so we let them out every day now that we don't have the iron chamanis over here in their little breeding pen that we had for the last couple months we have this big pear tree right under this area and so all these pears fall down into their yard so it gives them a fun snack here to have every day and then some good shade from this tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we processed our first group of turkeys yesterday we've got 15 of them here we've got 17 of them with our narragansetts that are in here our two narragansetts that we hatched out earlier this year we processed six yesterday we've got customers that we've got lined up for most of them we asked them the size that they want and they wanted anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds and so we had to start processing some of them yesterday so we could get them in the smallest was about 12 pounds this will help free up some space in here it was getting a little crowded with the 17 turkeys that we had between these two houses so these guys have gone through a ton of feet and we are out of feed today the last little bit we have between the two so good thing we set up our meet up to take place at our feed store in kansas city but we've got to hurry up we've got to meet them here in about an hour and a half so we've got to leave in about 30 minutes so we're trying to run through the chores as quick as we can i think i'll do everything but milk the cow this morning we'll do that when we get back all right we're just about ready to head over to the mandarins and i need a box to put a few of them in they have this size box if you're ever shipping birds this size box we've gotten like our pheasants in before and then this one here this is a big one this is one you can ship about four or five birds in this is what i want to put our birds the birds we need for that box are right down there so we're going to do them last so we're going to start down here we've got our five male mandarin ducks our our mandarin coupe our red golden pheasants pea fowl and then our bantam flock and then we'll get to the other mandarin coop down there so in here we've got our five males these we hatched out last year i'll talk about some of the birds that we're willing to trade or sell here a little later in this video and then here in our main mandarin coop of course that all these birds the mandarins the pheasants the p-val are all going to go into the aviary when we have that complete and we do have some exciting news on the aviary progress but these guys have been trying to get their numbers correct for a while on male versus female ratio because we only have one standard female well today that's going to change [Music] so here we've got one standard female four standard males we've got one white male and two white females and so trying to get our numbers correct in here we're basically trying to get our standard males all matched up with females so we can maximize our egg production each year and the babies that they produce we need three more standard females in here i'll be pretty happy about this here in our pheasant coop we've got a lot of extra pheasants that we hatched out this year and some are starting to show their male traits and so this next week we're actually we're looking to sell and send out some of these uh some pairs that we'll have in here so we have one or two buyers lined up so far if you're interested in any red golden pheasants let us know so check this out this is exciting so blue and bella in here are peafowl they were hatched out three years ago this month and belle is sitting on her last clutch of eggs for the year first time she's ever been broody on somebody we've got about two weeks to go to find out they're gonna hatch or not it's exciting we tried to give her a nist box before but all she'll ever lay in is directly on the ground phantom chickens in there and here's what we want this morning all right eli is going to catch these birds go ahead and on in and i'll put the camera in here don't go towards me hang on yeah that works all right here's our white female that we're going to take with us we're going to set her in and then i'm going to close this right behind her there we go all right so here's one of our white mandarin males it's one of the two that we hatch out this year yeah we gotta let put this one in and not let the other one out all at the same time now we've got one more male to catch [Music] it was easy to catch them but it's hard to hold on to so the white man are in males we can tell as they start to develop their color over the females the females will pretty much stay all white males they get this gold on top and in front okay now we're going to get this one inside and then we'll be ready to go all right we've got them in the box when you finish up our chores we'll head out on the road you got it is it heavy yeah just don't drop it so we're going to get feed this morning so we're taking the truck so we're going to carry them i carry them right back here in the back of the truck so if for some reason they were to get out of that box they'd at least be underneath the back of the truck i don't know if we can catch them but at least they'd be in there these are our ducks down by the pond we've got our six hook bills down here that we're looking to separate and breed together next year and then we've got our couple pond ducks remaining quackers is our runner duck and squeakers is our silver swedish duck and we used to have green lantern in here until he was killed by a predator earlier this year and so we've got a new duck coming to join these guys this morning as well you think you're right or isaiah hey you guys are awake awesome you're awake you ready to go get some ducks yeah and get some feed at the feed store yeah yeah there's a little baby girl ready to take her first ride in the truck all right so we're here to do a trade for some birds and we're here with kenny liz and their son micah is right over here hey hey my god what say that again i have tick tock that has 300 followers okay what's your tick tock mikey york 46. okay now you'll have 301 at least all right so where'd you guys uh where'd you guys come from we came from elizabeth colorado elizabeth colorado right now we are in kansas and kind of on the kansas missouri borders how far of a trip was that about 10 hours plus with charging time so why would you make a 10 plus hour trip for for some ducks well we uh saw the guys channel yeah on youtube yeah i was actually looking for ideas for uh managing enclosures and came across your channel so you guys you guys have some mandarin ducks what how many how many mandarin ducks you guys have eight yeah so you have eight mandarins what else do you guys have right now uh 51 other ducks and horses three horses four goats four goats four lizards three dogs three dogs yeah one child so we have we have a lot of males but very few females of your eight that you you have eight back at home right now yes and we had two males out of all of them okay so you got two males and six female what do we have here we got two female mandarins and one female we've got to get these guys into there and those guys into here and there's some flighty birds that we got to figure out how to not let them go hopefully with the way these are zippered we can just open up enough okay you know so that we can either a grab them or you know just have them transferred into the other cages so that's okay i'm holding for a minute all right so who's this does she have a name no not yet no not yet like the black eggs at the beginning of the season and they start to fade a little bit yep for her yeah thank you for doing that micah i'm gonna try to see if i can grab each one of these ducks without letting them out okay all right we got mail number one [Music] got mail number two wanna help me hold it [Music] all right here's our female [Music] all right i'm gonna try to reach in the top and grab one here this would be an awesome uh have you ever seen the thing where you put the arm in the box and you don't know what's in there yeah you're like what is [Music] well i don't want to let the other one out [Music] that's all right we'll get her cleaned up we'll get her dried up okay [Music] all right female number two already got her oh yeah she's already in here there we go we've got our two mandarins there our cayuga here [Music] now we just got to get some feet in there what's your setup what do you guys have for your main rooms well we basically have uh the previous owners and we've only been in this place for uh what a year yeah and uh we got nine acres but they had like a dog uh fenced in area they used to do dogs and and they have we have a shed in there and the whole thing is fenced around and then i put a net on top and uh i turn the shed into an indoor management enclosure so i have a little door in the back that i can pull up and then it's got an outdoor uh screened in thing that i built for it as well so they can go inside and outside but we keep the mandarin separate from all the rest of the doctors all right what are you doing pretty fun huh well kenny and liz thank you so much for making the drive out here we really appreciate it yeah we appreciate it too and i think that good for both of us i think so i think so we're really excited to have more female mandarins for our group so we're excited to have the mailman race yeah hey micah thanks for coming out buddy all right we just made it home we're gonna get these birds out not outside out but let's get them cleaned off and then we'll get them in with a few of the other mandarin ducks all right we're going to get these mandarin ducks out we want you to see that they're nice and clean so we're going to get them out we're going to clean them up a little bit and then we'll put a band on their leg just so we can tell them apart from ours we'll get bands on probably all of ours here in the next uh well before we get them over to the av area so all right let's get them out and clean them up ah she's done her own head under there she's actually got a little red band on so we'll just leave that on it's got a little heart a little red zip tie that'll be perfect it's loose enough so it won't get tight on her looking pretty good already dried off a little bit this one's got a little sunflower and a green band on that's perfect so green and a red one so what do you think of this deal that we did i was good i don't know if i'd ever drive that far for a duck but it's a little family road trip normally we would separate them out quarantine them isolate them we just don't have an extra coupe for these guys if they were something that was not flighty we would put them out in some open enclosure and just keep them in there but these guys would fly away so we're gonna have to put them in the chicken tractor with the four others that we hatched out this year hopefully they'll all do all right together there sunflower and here's our heart got a visitor she's always looking for food [Music] so our male black cayuga was named green lantern what name do you think you need for this girl let us know down in the comments we'll we'll pick one out this one we could actually isolate give it a day or two to adjust quarantine it now our extra pen over here all right so we'll get her some food and water i think she'll be all right over here until tonight then we'll have to put her in somewhere we'll have her in with the ducks for some company here in the next day or two so all right we still need to get the feet out but only tour we didn't get done yet milking dolly so eli and i are gonna run down there you know cow real quick is it easy or hard why is it hard we gotta watch out for getting kicked awesome good job so the milking is the easy part because this only takes uh 5-10 minutes with the machine hard part's still on the cleanup we've got a ton of poop over here that we've got to pick up and that just takes a little while about a gallon and a half of milk not bad now we're gonna let dolly ask to eat on some grass [Music] all right so we started a little challenge out here becky eli and i started doing some pull-ups on this cow stanchion right here it's not the easiest bar to to grab but hey it's something and have you been able to do a pull-up yet once i don't know i don't know becky did probably six or seven i think i did it right around the same maybe six or something so see if we can get in shape get a little bit of progress and teach our boy how to do some fitness six seven oh okay that was tough one two oh you can just hang too if you just hang at least it starts working out those arms we'll be working on that we'll show some progress all right well i've got to hurry up and get this feed distributed get it in all of our containers because i've got a queen bee that a viewer sent us that just arrived at our post office i've got to hurry up and get this feed put away so i can take this truck over there so today we picked up 25 50 pound bags of feed so it's about 1250 pounds of feed so we got to find a place to store it all i've got three containers there each hold three bags a piece i put some extra stuff in that shed we've got containers over on the side of the barn we've got some feed out by the pigs and out of the cow barn so i've got to move it all around to those different places we did about once a month feed costs a lot for our 25 bags it was something like 450 bucks that's what all of our animals ended up really costing what's new with cashew eli oh yeah oh bamboo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey buddy what's new it's emus their workout [Music] all right well we just got some water buckets filled up because we're gonna move our little black cayuga female we're gonna move her down with all the other ducks so i've got a big pool here we don't have one of the little mini ones so we're gonna give him a big pool she's gonna be singled out they're gonna pick on her a little bit so everything if we give him a big pool it'll distract him a little bit and maybe he'll play in there and not pay as much attention to her we'll find out all right we've got the pool set up i had to see the duck all right we got our we got our black how you good female here we're ready to take her down you're right are you ready to hold her yeah excited to have another black cayuga yeah yeah you missed green lantern [Music] is it yeah favorite duck [Music] [Music] all right uriah we're gonna put her right into the pool [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] we've got quackers right here we've got squeakers right here we're gonna try them in the water [Music] oh man [Music] well they're not all sure about the the new pool over here but i'm sure as soon as we leave alone they'll all get in there we'll come check on them a little later i'm sure they'll have some fun with it but it looks like she's fitting right in and last but not least we want to check in on our female mandarins we've got our we've got our six in here our four standards our two white female mandarins left and so far all six of these are looking like females which is great for our numbers because we've got five standard males in the other one we'll be able to sell some of those we'll be able to trade some of those and we may keep a few as well so along with our red golden pheasants if you guys are interested in any pairs or any specific numbers of red golden pheasants or mandarin ducks all that were hatched this year on our farm be sure to reach out to us let us know we'll definitely work out some trades and probably sell some as well you can see the little leg bands there's the red one the heart and then the green one right there the sunflower are the two that we just picked up and they're looking great right now [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we've got a bunch of packages to open up you ready to open some mail yeah okay you guys have been sending us stuff all summer and then we also got some stuff in the last week or two for little miss isabella so right here at the end of the video we're gonna open it up show you what we've been getting over the past couple weeks and months lily from illinois sent us some beautiful pictures and a card thank you lily so we got a whole bunch of letters from michelle and elizabeth in texas thank you so much for all of your mail guys thank you for the mail this is from alexis from north carolina she drew some pictures of cashew and bamboo peekaboo thanks alexis we got this postcard from diane from the uk and these are all the bird eggs from britain that is really cool thank you so much for your postcard gotta show the picture we got this beautiful picture of a peacock from ellie from georgia thank you so much this mail is from lacey from tennessee she wrote us a letter and a cute little picture this is cashew you're cute bamboo is saying wait what peekaboo says i think so too thanks lacey thank you peyton from florida thank you ashen from florida ashton i think might be peyton's brother and send us a bunch of pictures too thank you ashton jaylee from pennsylvania thank you so much for your picture santa from michigan send us pictures of some chicks and then of peek-a-boo and i think joey ty is from tarwato thank you for your pictures of bamboo and of dolly we appreciate it all right terry from alabama sent me a couple questions saying they're going to get some chicks next year who delivers to alabama mcmurray hatchery delivers to alabama books or websites help me identify sickness or injury if something happens just look it up mr google pants will help raise some barred rocks that's eli's favorite breed right bard rock yeah other breeds that are good for beginners we like a lot of breeds we love cochins raise just about any chicken and you'll do just fine as long as it's uh it will do well in the heat of alabama you should be fine thanks tracy for your lovely note in your postcard from north carolina all right we have some mail and pictures from somebody in new york but no names so thank you for a letter for your pictures of chickens for telling us about your turkey that's going to be hatching out some eggs pictures of three little goslings that you hatched out this year say thank you thank you thank you tomas from ireland sent us a letter and a beautiful picture of blue and bamboo and he asked what kind of incubator is small and quiet we've had a couple videos that we did earlier this year where we hatched out some smaller birds in but go back and look at those two or three videos we have some really small incubators that i think would be good ones to start with this is from alexa and jagger from missouri and they drew some cool pictures got a letter and a picture of a coop and some stickers from freya from washington say thank you freya said she liked the song sunrise by center state one of the music videos that we did a couple years ago thank you hunter from michigan he sent us a letter he has to send us some bantum eggs and i'm sorry we currently don't need any eggs but thank you so much for your letter cooper from canada sent us a cool key chain thanks for your know minnie from north carolina sent us a letter a picture of her chickens and some of the feathers for isaiah there you go buddy thank you minnie christina from virginia's thank you so much for your picture of green lantern and all of your other pictures on here thank you christina baby from florida bailey from florida sent this letter and awesome pictures thank you bailey kelsey and greg this is a letter they sent us some heat strips for our cows because we're going to start the ai process and we actually had a vet come out today and start that process and actually gave us some of these today as well so thank you so much for sending these i appreciate it kelsey and greg ellie from north carolina thanks for your knowledge so jessica from texas she has a homestay called feet hearts homestead and she sent us this cutting board she etched into it or burned into it and it's super cool and so she actually has an etsy shop hearing her story a little bit i think it'd be a cool thing to check out etsy.com [Music] feet hearts thank you jessica for sending this our way we'll really enjoy that yeah thank you kenny for sending these snacks because it's a crave box and look at all these snacks in here white cheddar popcorn chips ahoy cheez-its little skittles little welch's fruit snacks little pure pop popcorn chex food falling out everywhere thank you so much kenny we appreciate the crepe box that's cool give me that green box tia from california thank you for your awesome drawing and your notes we got some seeds from cameron from michigan we've got some bean seeds carrots corn cabbage thank you so much cameron the boys will have a ton of fun playing these so eleanor from maine sent us these awesome little tooth fairy pillows and check this out it's got these little pockets for their tooth right there it's got their name on it it's got uriahs elise and here is isaiah's how cool and then she was looking up info about coops she was asking about our omelette coop and i'll link a video to when we got that each year we use it for a breeding pen and i think for your four chickens it would do just fine i'm not sure how well it would do in really cold weather which you're in maine i might look for something a little more insulated but for majority of the year i think it would work fine but for winter i i don't know if i would use it just for this package from m from m's cryo tree she sent us some awesome freeze-dried treats and a picture those are fun and wow those look delicious thank you emily thank you liam from canada sent us a picture of peek-a-boo perfect for the first painting inside her house thank you so much liam asked us if we're gonna get some more birds for the aviary and yes but we'll talk about that once we get the avery completed all right so we don't have a note on this one but it says hot spot fireplace in oregon they sent us these these bracelets for the boys we've got these three pictures for the emu houses peekaboo cashew and bamboo super cool pot holders and then this stuffed animal like an emu i don't think we've ever gotten something quite like that that is pretty cool thank you so much whoever sent that we appreciate it there's a family that's close to us here in missouri that sent us a handkerchief embroidered with bamboo thank you so much guys now we're getting into some of our baby girls stuff that people have been sending this is from tara one of our long time viewers we really appreciate you tara sent some little girls i think some some sleepers here some wipes tara thank you so much we got some little outfits for newborns and it doesn't have a name on who it's from but i think i know who it's from so you know who you are and we appreciate you there's six of them here very fun adorable so thank you so much for sending those this is from karen and it's a little jumpsuit with a little pants and probably a headband thank you it's so adorable thanks justine from massachusetts this is a little onesie outfit that is really cute that's really cute there's a sleeper with a headband and even things for me a little mask and some foot scrub thank you so much and last but not least we forgot to open this package a long time ago and we got this mug from our favorite tea place farmhouse teas and this is our favorite tea company we've got an affiliate link to them down in the description we really appreciate cnn and their family farmhouse teas it's gonna be an awesome mug check them out we'll see you guys next time
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 570,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, Mandarin ducks, Surely Wine
Id: qGkUIg11LP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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