We Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore...

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today we're doing a very original video idea okay maybe not so original but anyways today we're going to be surviving 100 days in minecraft hardcore but there's a twist this is trio's edition see i told you it was original each day is around 20 minutes so we're going to have to play for around 33 real life hours so uh this video took a long time but anyways enjoy the video also just a quick side note you may also notice the hearts in this video aren't hardcore but do not worry if one of us die we will end the series and you can also probably see in the chat if we do die so what yeah enjoy the video so to begin day one we spawned in and broke down the tree all the basic things that you do when you spawn into a world we crafted the basic wooden tools and then went mining i found some iron and stone and then i went and brutally murdered some animals and then i crafted a furnace and smelted my food and iron i then crafted three beds and we all slept on day two we continued smelting iron and food i killed another innocent cow and then went towards the coordinates of one of my friends as they saw a mini ravine and then fought a bunch of mobs like come on just leave me alone mobs please thank you okay then we broke more iron smelted even more iron and then went down a massive hole which i'm glad i did because there was a massive ravine here we mined even more iron and then i turned into another cave and i'm glad i did this because i found diamonds yeah diamonds on day two that's actually insane and i also mined some gold as well on day three we went back up to the surface so we could try and find an area for our house on the way back up we found an invisible water source which only one of us could actually swim in yeah i nearly died there okay that could have been bad anyways then we went and explored to find an area for our house once we did we crafted up a shovel and then started flattening out an area where we could build our house on day four we did a lot of house building this was definitely not my job because i suck at house building and then we did more mining for more iron and other cool things and we also did a lot more house building and a lot more mining we also collected a good amount of wood to continue building the house and each one of us just had a goal to complete look at us doing all our jobs oh how productive on day five we continue to do building mining and oakwood axing that's a thing i i guess that's a thing and uh yeah look at this squid poor squid what what's with squids and just dying it it just doesn't make sense and then guess what else we did yep more building and more mining on day six we flattened out an area to prepare for farming because uh we we don't have a lot of food right now in fact we're all practically starving at this point so we started making a farm and we also killed an enderman and gotta end the pill thanks enderman on day seven we just continued with our farm we started tilling all the dirt so we could then plant our seeds on day eight we gathered seeds by breaking all the grass and planted all those seeds that we got and then we boned me all the seeds and got even more seeds and then planted those seeds how many times did i just say seeds i i said seeds a lot of times okay then we also upgraded our storage area and then we all set out looking for a village but instead of a village we found a jungle on day nine we explored the jungle that we found we mined lots of cocoa beans we got lots of bamboo we got melons as well which will be very important for the future and we completely forgot to get jungle logs so uh yeah i guess we won't be using the cocoa beans anytime soon on day 10 we continued working on the house i planted the melon seeds and also made a sugar cane and bamboo farm we were getting a lot of farms at this point on day 11 we found a lot of cool tropical fish in the ocean outside of our house so we decided to make a little private beach area and move them in there and then i went in mined for a bit more iron on day 12 we gathered sand to make the private beach look even better yes private beach looks good okay yes then guess what we did yeah we we worked on our house even more and then we crafted full lion armor and spent the rest of the day mining oakwood okay we're not mining we're we're getting oakwood all right just calm down i i guess we just completely skipped a thirteen i forgot to write something about that so uh yeah on day 14 we continued getting even more seeds to increase the size of our farm yeah this farm was going to be massive and then i forcefully brought two cows i hold on let me let me fix that i then brought the cows back on their own well and then bred them and then we built even more on day 15 we placed slabs for an outline of the farm this was pointless but we did it anyways and then we added stairs to the outside of our house this was also pointless but i guess it was just for decoration and then we also planted even more seeds on day 16 we once again went out looking for a village but instead we actually found a desert temple which was also pretty cool in the desert temple we found diamonds enchants and some other cool things and then we went back exploring for a village on day 17 we found a village and also a pillager outpost as well anyways we completely raided this village we got lots of wheat and carrots and also potatoes as well yeah thank you village because all your stuff is now ours on day 18 we planted our carrots and potatoes into our farm and then guess what we did we extended the farm but not the wheat farm we actually extended something else we extended the melon farm and then i also planted some pumpkins in the farm as well and then we got even more seeds which we planted the seeds how many times did i say seeds and farm okay just i'm i'm i'm just gonna go on to the next day from days 19 to 25 i accidentally left the server on which put us up to day 25 i guess lesson learned don't have the server on unless you're actually going to play on day 26 i continued farming the wheat and expanding it we did a lot of farming i can tell already and then we bred the cows for even more cows and crafted up a diamond pickaxe on day 27 we extended our mine and continued farming oh my god on day 28 i mined up 14 obsidian we went back mining and found lots of diamonds and other cool things we crafted an inching table and also made a nether portal and then we went straight back to mining hey i guess what we did on day 29 i bet you can't guess yeah we did lots of mining why do we do so much mining and farming in these 100 days oh my gosh on day 30 we continued working on a room for our enchant table and then we farmed our wheat farm once again oh i should just cut out every time i did farming honestly that would be a good idea anyways we got a lot of stuff from farming and we also expanded our cow farm because i felt bad for the cows they were kind of crammed in there on day 31 we broke down this tree because it was really really annoying just just get out of here train no one likes you we then made a pen for some sheep and brought to sheep back home hey day 32 was really surprising we didn't do any farming or mining but we did breed the sheep for more sheep and we also spent the rest of the day looking for a village because our desert village that we found earlier didn't have bookshelves so uh yeah we we just went out looking for some villages on day 33 we found a village we stole everything that they owned and found another village that was two villages in one day that's insane which we also stole everything from that village as well and uh they're both now poor we took their bookshelves and also the loot from their chests and stole two villagers in boats to bring them back home and breed them from day 34 to 38 we just spent the next four days trying to get the villagers back home this was a very painful process because uh surprise you can't go up blocks when you're in a boat so why yeah that that was a really painful task i never want to do that again on day 39 we gave the villagers a librarian and farmer trade and then we completely forgot that we had to breed the villagers so we built another area for the villages to breed and this was a very painful process i also never want to do this again on days 40 to 41 we spent these two days bombing how much farming are we going to do i'm actually getting annoyed just reading this i feel bad for the people who are watching this video well yeah we we got a lot of crops for food and then we also traded those crops to our farmer i'm sorry we did so much farming and mining on day 42 i went back to the villager trading area and to my surprise there are a lot of baby villages now we also crafted up some hoppers a chest and made a somewhat automatic bone meal farm and with the leftover seeds we put it in the farm and got bone meal and then we also upgraded our farmer villager so we can get the melon and pumpkin trades can we just skip day 43 okay you know what this is what we did on day 43 we farmed pumpkins and melons and traded it with the farmer village of emeralds then we decided to keep the villagers in their breeding area because it was just going to be so painful to move them back into their individual areas and then we continued breeding the villages even more and for some reason we all decided to eat a suspicious shoe which gave us the night vision effect so it wasn't that bad on day 44 we all got a shield and continued breeding and trading with the villagers then we turned to villager into a smith and upgraded him so he now could give us diamond tools and then we also did the same thing with the armorer villager hey guess what we did on day 45 and 46 no not farming this time we went back mining but this time we wanted diamonds so we could get full diamond armor unfortunately i only got 13 diamonds but we also got a good amount of gold and iron and then we went back home and crafted diamond armor on day 47 i traded with the farmer villager and farmed our wheat carrots and pumpkin and melon and even more why why why did we do so much farming on day 48 i changed things up a bit i killed a lot of cows don't worry cows your leather will be put to a good use and then i farmed the sugarcane for paper and we crafted books for bookshelves so we could now get level 30 enchants with our enchant table on day 49 we farmed the wheat carrots potatoes melons and pumpkins and other farms oh my god and then traded with the farmer villager to celebrate halfway to day 100 we ate this cake and then the next four days we extended out our melon and pumpkin farm so it could just be bigger on day 55 we all went together and collected materials for a new afk farm that we were soon going to build on day 56 we just afk for some reason we really didn't do anything on this day on day 57 and 58 though we built a villager iron golem farm we were now going to get infinite iron and something good about this villager iron golem farm is we actually don't need a zombie but we can always put a zombie in there as well to speed the process up a little bit more and this iron golem foam actually gives a lot of iron on day 59 we farmed our farms once again and then traded with the farming villages for a lot more emeralds on day 60 to 61 we enchanted our armor and crafted a fishing rod and then with that fishing rod we all went fishing for the rest of the day and got a few things out of it on day 62 i checked the iron farm to see how much iron we have made so far i then enchanted my diamond sword and we all went off to the nether and traded with piglens on day 63 we were still in the nether but instead of trading with piglens we went out looking for the nether fortress and actually found it really fast once we're in the nether fortress we killed blazers for blaze rods and then came back home on day 64 to 69 we all afk'd the iron golem thumb because we all had to go and do something so why not instead of wasting our time just spend the time afk in our iron golem farm so we could get iron on day 70 i've re-enchanted my diamond armor because i just had terrible enchants and then enchanted a bow and bought lots of arrows from the fletcher on day 71 i crafted up fireworks with the paper and gunpowder and then with the ender pearls and blaze rods i crafted i have enders traded with the fletcher and re-enchanted my sword as well on day 72 to 73 we just went looking for the ender portal and we were also messing around a little bit we took our time let's just say on day 74 we went to the end and killed the end the dragon good fight and the dragon you you did put up a decent fight but we did end up punching you to death so uh yeah sorry about that disrespect [Music] on day 75 to 78 we went through the end gate and looked for end cities we wanted to get electric so we could fly around and also use those fireworks that i crafted up earlier we found a couple of n cities we got three elytras and we also killed shulkers for shulkish shells so we could also craft up shulker boxes on day 79 we all got back home i combined it all the swords that i found from the end cities and made an actual pretty insane damn sword i then place the dragon egg on a little trophies thing whatever you would want to call this and we farmed our crops once again on day 80 to 86 we all went mining we got a lot of diamonds and other things and we also mined up the oars with the silk touch so we could bring it back home and mine it up with my fortune 3 pickaxe on day 87 we mined up all the ores with my fortune 3 pickaxe and uh oh boy we got a lot of diamonds redstone lapis and coal like this was actually insane and with the golden iron ore we just smelted it in the furnace and then since we had so much oars after that since we had so many materials after that we just put them into their block form uh stupid me realizing as editing i completely forgot to record the next i think three days day 88 to 91 we all went and killed withers and also killed the wither boss and got the wither star and then crafted off a beacon yeah nothing much like yeah that was a lot that i messed up okay i'm sorry on day 93 to 94 i increased the size of the melon farm once again yeah this melon and pumpkin farm was actually getting really big on day 95 to 98 we all went off to the nether and looked for ancient debris and a little bit through it i decided to go back to the overworld and get a bunch of beds because i don't want to destroy my pickaxe doing this but anyways in the end we had enough ancient debris to make all of us full netherrite armor on day 99 we afk the iron golem farm for iron with that iron we traded it with the villagers and bought mending books for all of our armor and finally on day 100 we went and flew around looking at everything we did with our elytras we looked at everything that we built everything that we crafted everything that we just had achieved and that was actually quite a lot of stuff that we did anyways that's going to be for today's video if you did please consider dropping like and subscribing this video took a long time to do and also shout out to the two people who helped me out with this video but anyways i'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: Blooh
Views: 4,066,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, duo 100 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days, hardcore minecraft, duo 100 days, duo hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days duo, 100 days in minecraft hard mode, smp, 100 days hardcore, hardcore minecraft 100 days, surviving 100 days in hardcore minecraft, hardcore mode, trio hardcore, trio minecraft hardcore, 100 days minecraft trio
Id: ucVeOLSihnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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