We STILL Can't Believe This Guy Said That To Dale Jr.'s Face | DJD Top 10 Moments of 2023: No. 7

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[Music] I'm not good at the long long trips anymore when I was in my 20s and my 30s I could do a trip with Amy or my buddies or whatever and I wanted it to go as long as it could go I was going to take every from the minute I didn't have to work till I had to go back to work if that was a week if it was two weeks I was on the thr wire to wire yep I can't do it anymore I think you know two nights is enough for me really yeah I mean the Texas trip was fun um but I and I and I I think the Texas trip was fun the the the vacation from the vacation was fun in kilargo but it's really how it disconnects me from everything else got go got going on in my life so it I feel like I have a million balls in the air juggling constantly all year long right and we say yes to everything we buy the cars tour we are doing this we're going to go over here and do this NASCAR wants us to do this 75th Anniversary commercial we're going to do this today we're going to we got a zoom call tomorrow we got there's a million things going on and when you step out of that uh treadmill you know and when you get off that thing it's hard to get back on it oh yeah you know it's hard to come back from any vacation yes yes and so that's that's um that's more and more difficult as much as you want to be home sometimes I I'm I'm tracking with everything you're saying here sometimes you just want to be back in your own bed yeah but but coming back to work sometimes is really rough yeah coming back to work and trying to pick up where you left off and not feel like everybody that didn't go on vacations still humming along right yeah and they're and they're in Step this is right this you last night I'm texting you I'm like like hey let's talk about the show and you're like I just want to go to bed I did he called and and I'm like all right well call me man I a going to call we're to call come on fair enough fair enough that was was that snarky a little was it I was gassed man I every night when we put the kids to bed Amy's like I'm so glad to go to I can't wait to go to sleep I'm like no man this is my hour or two hours to do whatever I want not last night man I climbed in bed like I'm done that's good and I slept hard all the way to 8:30 this morning and I aim I have to be out the door at 8:33 8 8:40 at the latest to get the girls to school Amy comes up there and goes hey man I've been hollering you're late it's 8:30 so I had to jump up hold up I just had pangs of nostalgia from back in the days boy I tell you I just it just hit me all at once hey we're late get up why are you not awake come on get dressed let's go I had to uh I had to I was practi I got up at 8:30 and I showered brushed my teeth put on my clothes came downstairs and got Isa her bag grabbed a a fig bar and and a drink and was in the car at 8:37 God dang track record yep so um oh yeah how about this that's that's a s minute qualifying lap right there that is pretty impressive for from bed to car with with shower and breakfast in between that's seven minutes that's impressive so remember the guy on the street uh that was the on the street that cut us off a couple weeks ago oh that you talked about yeah you were real pissed off about that yeah uh oh so ran into another on my trip maybe it's you might be this is uh so the DBC boys they got their idiot of the week right this is going to be my idiot of the week I want to hear it so we're on our last day of our trip in kilargo in all inclusive Bungalows everybody that we've met there is having a great time they're all they all invested in this all-inclusive vacation everybody there is trying to enjoy everything that comes with that right and when you do the when you if when you do an all-inclusive trip typically you rarely leave the resort so you see the same people at dinner you see the same people at breakfast and there's a understanding man that you all got to get along cuz your ass is going to be around each other when you go to the bar later that night when you go to dinner everybody has to keep it together man don't start no right right and so it's an island yeah we're sitting there in the hot tub and uh kind of a large hot tub so that multiple multiple people can get in we're down on one end of it uh me and Amy and another couple and uh this we this other group was in the hot tub a couple guys and some girls that were in there when we walked up and one of the one of the girls said hey my son is a big fan of yours I was like man that's nice tell him I said hey uh we had we had a very brief but nice interaction great people one of their crew uh this fella come wandering up uh and he he's been over at to Tiki Bar and they're like where you been he's like I've been over here meeting all kinds of people and he figures out who I am in the moment walks right up to me and goes first thing he says only thing he says Jimmy Johnson won a lot more races than you didn't [Laughter] he oh my God that is hilarious oh my God I mean of all things to [Laughter] say oh my God that is that is the funniest thing ever what did you say back I said he's a seven time Champion right he he won more races than just about everybody yes and that was it yeah and then he left he just walked on way did it ruin your day gu it little it stuck in you it kind of was like that thing in your eye right a little annoyance I just was thinking of all I was just thinking like man what what brings what makes you want to do that rum rum okay there you go he came from the bar Dam that's why I don't drink I don't drink no rum I mean of all the things you could have said in that moment what if you saw saw somebody even I mean you know you see a celebrity somewhere somebody of any kind of recognition sitting somewhere you're going to go I'm going go with this guy right right like if you see uh if you see Tom Hanks and you're like mailman sucked yeah that is that a movie of his something about M well see then he would have been like yeah I don't know what you're talking about right he would have had a better comeback than than I did it it it that is that is weird to throw you off man see that's the thing you're decompressed you're enjoying your life you're in a hot tub you're hanging out with friends and know some somebody comes and steps at you yeah he you know I was sitting there thinking this is exactly one of those moments where something wrong if I say [Music] something if I say what I want to say it's going to escalate and they'll end up on TMZ and then you know then and everybody in this place is going to here I mean it's going to take seconds for it to sort of travel around oh yeah and everybody in the place will know they have their own version of whatever it is that happened oh D Junior's mad at this guy oh I mean listen if you would have even come back at him with even a little bit of animosity then some the F the cell phone cameras would have come out and started capturing everything he had they might have already been out at that moment I wasn't really like I wasn't really looking around well you uh diffused it is what you're saying you just said whatever that's a good point man could have been could they could have already had a cell phone out I don't know might have yeah I would waiting on my response I would have yeah content man man I was I I was just you know that so rarely happens that it was like H I don't know okay I I I know the friends you were with yeah what did they did they laugh no not really they everybody was kind of like what what the hell was that you know why would you do that that was you know what did Amy show restraint because even she would come off saying you know at least getting her word in I think Amy did yeah everybody was cool gosh Jimmy Johns had more wins than you yeah he got me got you he got me on you know when you've been got you've been got that was that was clever
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 89,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dale Jr. Download, NASCAR, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Podcast, Racing, Sports, Funny Moments, Top-10 Moments, Top 10, Jimmie Johnson, Fans
Id: Q9HnhnGsP64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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