We Sliced Giant Watermelons and Giant SimplyChris's with a Laser Katana in Teardown!

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oh no he gave this he gave the goomba a slight contusion but other than that you're screwed buddy don't worry i'll make quick work of these goombas let's slice them like a like button please tell me you're not cutting my grass without any permission oh god i dug a big hole in it all right i'm coming hold on i gotta kill them all in different and creative unique ways you get like a oh my god that looks like the most painful way to go that's violent right now chris i'm gonna need you to hold real still what are you doing what's that noise okay target acquired i saved you you saved we got a savior you're my hero well i'm saying i already cleaned all this stuff up oh you got it on me man you don't want to be covered in the goomba guts no i don't you know why haven't they made a roomba kingdom why haven't they made a roomba that's shaped like a goomba i mean that's marketing 101 there there goomba goomba hello john roomba yes thank you for calling i'll hold yeah um sorry he's he'll he'll get back to me he called you to put you on hold yeah john room is kind of a jerk i thought that was weird but he's he's an eccentric entrepreneur you know like hello c-top yes hold on it's a power thing i do the same thing when i call people i think i can do some oh my god this one got bigger oh no reverse goomba stomped oh my god i thought i was honestly spawning one of the small ones you're okay in there here's a lot can you hear me oh i can't i can't break it uh i'm coming here get off my princess you big dream i'm crawling around it's very dark all right i got it i got it i got it hold on here's what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna pick him up okay we're gonna use a couple of rockets just to gently lift him away from you what i'm inside of him no you're underneath that you're both it's fine it's fine trust me i'm a doctor dr martin look i think that's enough and the gauge is very confident about that it's not very hot it's not okay it's mine it's fine everything's fine okay that didn't work if i just chop the top off it's not a licorice you might want to duck whoa olympus just came through here okay it's slicing at the top okay now give me one i have a bad helicopter and a sweet tooth come on there's goomba chunks everywhere you're okay no oh do i look okay no not really this is all that's left of me man cover up the evidence no body no crime now [Music] oh god you didn't tell me you're an alien chris yeah i mean i'm from mars and other welcome to earth i don't know where oh hey don't shoot my ship this is a rental you gotta rent a ship yes i i can't afford one oh my gosh well the redneck could do as soon as the aliens show up there's going get dang old martian got my farm this is the second time today get out of here no i know i'm coming hey boys i'm back i'm gonna come and talk to you hold on hold on i know what i know aliens can't resist cows oh god i actually turned on a fire tornado at the same time that was an accident fire tornado okay they can't resist cows okay okay just take the cow hey you want a cow yeah activate it sounds like you're like you're a toy story you're like a spring game but quick boys might just be giant glowing oreos i don't think you're an actual alien you just painted a bunch of oreos i'm fighting balls yeah i'm not i'm not all right i'm not get it you realize how much your costs tasty is that double stuff yum oh my ears [Music] my dog just ran out of the room oh chris you're looking a little hungry i'm very hungry right now can you please offer you a pickle is it are you shooting me with a pickle where did you get a pickle guy that explodes and they just say that yellow or pickle a bunch i don't like this i don't like this at all here are my pickles see will they come back down like listen let's listen ready are you serious i got my pickles is this a great gun or the greatest gun oh god chris you were just a smoldering wreckage over here it's okay watch this firefighter top is on the case whoa that it looks really cool i like it i'm whipping out my hose whip it out baby there we go shut up pickles okay i regret everything [Music] this is way better than the leaf blower pickle i don't want to live in a world with or without pickles and i just blast the hole in my face this house sees that brushes teeth no i just get a fire hose you can't wash away that handsome actually chris i did i did i did shave yesterday so i no longer have a beard yeah i forgot to tell you make this more accurate then knock it off there we go it's exactly how i was shaving real life i just keep going until i see bone leave me some mutton chops there we go that looks exactly like you i'm beautiful shut up pickle pickle what was my neighbor's thing shut up pickles shout out this pickle's yelling at me so can i liquefy just dre's beard oh i can't look for by dre at all because he's too solid of a man i want to shave his beard with tiny little bullets straight hold still hold still stop moving when you go to the barber yeah he looks great has beard looks in real life right now isn't it should he needs like little mutton chops they hate these pickles so freaking michael's pickles oh my god that's a sweet gun this one's called boing gun what is that we can change the power power one what power 15. ah whoa oh no i think it's just the size not the power my god oh these pickles oh my god i want to die okay now i know what it feels like to be john q pickle the man who invented pickles oh god no i guess i i asked for this all right no no so here's one ah man you stayed balanced okay four oh oh that's a good one that's a good size i like four i like like a big old bear hug of death oh look at the hat just landed on his shins great just crumpled hey move along buddy move along oh you're just ahead i'm just gonna sit here five minutes oh are you sticking your tongue or is that guts i don't know i'm just getting something important out hold on hold on now what we're going to do is remove my head and we're going to be the most annoying youtuber imaginable yes but we weren't all ready oh my hat get nope you stay stay stay okay yes simply top simply touch my face just like our channel would be it's short-lived all right let's bump it up to we got how high again is it 25 27 oh keep going no we got to either way into it naked guy oh yeah i felt ease on that one no that was easy you eased the crap into that one good job oh my god okay what's the upper limit 31 ah all right oh chris look at your beautiful little house i have my house in here look at chris's house oh my god everything in the background my house that guy's hold on that why did his face just slide off like a piece of ham oh my god that was horrifying oh my god that's terrifying i don't i don't like that i don't like that get more power more power for the zombies what are you doing taylor more power you sound like you sound like the engine in a star wars ship or something it's like a pod racer now this is pod racing supposed to my favorite star wars sound the little the little lever on the death star that goes [Music] hey i'm walking here hey i'm apple in here what am i doing it's the big apple what are you doing is that apple not an apple there's a big watermelon yeah get that watermelon out of here it's only for apples over here my apple tree come on great eat that watermelon eat it i don't want to eat the watermelon what's wrapping with watermelon in new york how do we crack it open and feast on its juices ah try hitting it with an apple that'll never work i'll hit it with a big apple jeez i'm it it's not it has one tough coconut my coconuts [Music] oh i did it oh yeah no no no no no let it open hey oh it's delicious you're not even eating you're just hitting it i absorb through my skin i just rub food on me that's why i got kicked out of denny's dude like sir please leave i was like more grand slams all right chris we're gonna do what people said we could never do what's that we're gonna send a watermelon to space oh i want to go to space with a watermelon in a watermelon can i go you'll go man yep you're a pilot chris i think you've been training all these years you've been doing the thing on the treadmill with the thing stuck to you you've been doing where you got to blow and make the ball go up in the water you've been doing all that i love doing everything you just said unfortunately the only one that'll fit in there is uh princess chris so i'm a princess there you go i'm going to princess face this is right in the watermelon gotta make sure everything is perfectly aligned straight up to the moon this is what happens when you put mushrooms in charging your space program toad's like i know it's watermelon no no he's i like toad does sound like he's insane watermelon get the watermelon stop say yes i see you toad stop saying hello yes i know i know toad it's it's fun it's fine i'll kill you all right does that look like enough yeah sure shut up dude where is he oh god [Laughter] do it space looks like water in buildings i don't think that was enough okay oh god he's back oh i know is that gonna combine with those oh dang it i swear to god toad there he is [Laughter] [Music] [Music] can i go to space now too i don't care if i died [Laughter] [Music] i'm gonna burn the chunks [Music] okay you're looking good there princess chris thank you uh did you want to go it blasts off through the spoon oh god no oh my god i just got suplexed by that giant watermelon where's your what was that i don't know i hate that you are the you are the worst space guy ever how dare you sir you're the worst me i'll call toad do it alcohol toad cow get him now it's lighter you're heavy but all the way up there oh no this is great the flaming watermelon right into manhattan good job buddy who knew slicing a barrel watermelon with a katana would be great i have an idea chris we can invent a game where we're ninjas who slice fruit oh dude we'll call it call it ninja fruit oh my god i want a big old line of these all right here's the big one chris oh yeah there's a lot of watermelons there we're gonna win the county fair for biggest watermelon [Music] roasted watermelon you know this looks delicious now that's a summertime snack for everyone there we go now it's a good one i don't think i like this i don't like this at all i love it hold still oh no we'll steal now i don't wanna oh it's good stuff leave a like you guys enjoy want to see more tear down i'll see you next time you got a hard little brain there i do it's hollow see you guys next time love you bye what's this dude
Channel: Ctop
Views: 4,772,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ctop, gaming, funny moments, teardown gameplay, teardown game, teardown mods, teardown vehicles, teardown sandbox, teardown funny moments, teardown multiplayer, teardown coop, teardown multi, teardown 2 player, teardown katana, teardown watermelon
Id: 04fAQVXlqBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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