We Saw Nuns Kill Children: The Ghosts of St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage

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I'm from Ireland and all that I've learned from our many Catholic scandals is that the nuns are usually 10x worse.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/freddie_delfigalo 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's upsetting to even think about pushing a child out a window or drown them or beat them. It doesn't surprise me though. Christianity and Catholicism have a long bloody history.

I have a link for a video about Native American residential schools. These schools were similar to these orphanages in the original post with the intent to force natives to westernize and become Christians. This is personal to me, as a Native woman. I think it's relatable enough to the original post to share it.


👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Miss_Westeros 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

I read/listen/watch all sorts of true crime and this article fucked me up. The crimes are so brutal, so cruel and the victims are so helpless and innocent. They were literally trapped there with no where else to go. I’m taking a true crime break because it depressed me so much. All I can say is FUCK the Catholic church.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/the_monkeys_esc 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

My grandpa (an Irvine who had the chance to visit “Castle Irvine” and sign his name in the book a few years ago) and his brother were in a Catholic orphanage, though I’m almost sure this was in the states, told me stories of nuns spoon feeding him his own vomit if he threw up and holding his brothers head in a bucket of water and asking him if he was “a fish” for peeing his bed, and many others involving beatings and smacks... yet he is VERY prominent and involved with the church. He is such an amazing man who retired from the navy with his sword with a fun monkey fist knot tassel thing, who sponsors more children in Mexico than he has grandkids (not to discredit the same love he continues to show us all today) but I really think he does it all because of his orphanage experience and the crippling Catholic guilt...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/hotdogimpression 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

what in the hell is this? I thought this was literally the premise of a horror movie that's coming out. my god. any other videos covering this topic?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rook2pawn 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

So many Irish nuns joined convents because they had no other choice, rather than a true vocation. They were encouraged by their families because it meant one less mouth to feed on their farms. Until very recently, Ireland was a very poor country and employment opportunities were few and far between. Transportation was essentially nonexistent, which is why so many children ended up in boarding schools, with bitter, hostile crazy women taking their frustrations out on the poor kids. It is a horrible blight on the Catholic Church and Ireland itself. It is just sickening to read about the abuse that went on, and was apparently accepted by everyone involved.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/contrarymarysf 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
- All I really want is an honest apology, and for them to come face to face with me, tell me these things did happen, honestly, tell me that they were sorry it happened, and that would they please, if at all possible, never let it happen to children again? (dramatic music) - How can a person forget something so awful as abuse? (dramatic music) - [Narrator] Governments in Germany, the UK, Canada, Ireland, and Australia have all uncovered horrific abuse at orphanages. But America has never reckoned with the effects of the orphanage system, even though during the 20th century, more than five million kids passed through it. Many of them weren't actually orphaned. Oftentimes, they had young single mothers, or parents who struggled with alcohol, the law, or simply couldn't afford to raise them. In the mid-1990s, more than 100 former residents of St. Joseph's Orphanage in Burlington, Vermont, came forward and said they had been brutally abused, but neither Vermont nor the federal government pressed criminal charges. If survivors wanted justice, it would be up to them to try to get it on their own. 28 of them sued the diocese, the order of nuns that ran the orphanage, and the local government agency that oversaw it. Christine Kenneally is an investigative reporter who spent four years researching St. Joseph's for Buzzfeed News. - The only reason I was able to learn about this story was because these people in their 60s and 70s and 80s who have been trying to forget what happened to them their entire life were willing to give me a chance, were willing to tell me their story once more, to see if I would believe them. - [Narrator] Sally Dale lived at St. Joseph's from age two to 23, perhaps longer than any other child. She said the nuns there beat her regularly. - [Interviewer] That photograph is a photograph of you at a time when you were receiving virtually daily beatings at the hands of people at the St. Joseph's Orphanage? - Yes, sir. - [Narrator] Repeatedly locked her inside a small container that was kept in the attic. - I could not really sit up straight. I definitely couldn't stand up, and you really couldn't lay down flat. - [Narrator] And sexually abused her. - After whatever happened in her bedroom, she'd bring me by the hair, and bring me back to my bed. Of course, before that, she's spank me in her room, 'cause, tell me I was a bad girl. In the morning, when we got up, she would have me sitting on the floor beside my bed, and she would make all the other kids laugh at me and tell them what a bad girl I was during the night. - [Narrator] But those aren't the most serious allegations. - I saw somebody push a boy out the window, and I was looking up at the building, and to tell you who the nun was, I can't say, but I knew it was a nun, because she had the habit. And he kind of hit, and (smacking). - [Interviewer] Bounced? - Well, I guess you'd call it, it was a bounce, and then he laid still. - [Narrator] Sally also said she saw a boy drown, after he was thrown off a rowboat and into a lake. - All I said was, did he drown? - [Interviewer] And who'd you say that to? - To the nun, and she said, oh, don't worry. He's going home for good. - [Narrator] Many other kids from St. Joseph's told similar stories. This is Ed Duprey, explaining how he was thrown off a boat. - I was fighting for my life when I was swimming ashore. - [Interviewer] Did this happen to other children? - Oh, yes, yes. All the time that I was there, it happened. Every summer. - [Narrator] Patty Zeno said a nun named Sister Pricil tried to push her off a windowsill, when she was standing on the outside, washing the window. - Windows were open, probably like this, so that they could hold you by your ankles, and she just went. (dramatic music) - [Interviewer] Okay. And what happened? - I started to fall. - [Narrator] The survivors who sued said that for decades, they'd lost hold of their memories, and only recently remembered the awful things that had happened. Sally said she recovered her memories of the abuse after attending a survivors' reunion. - The memories all flowed back me, okay, in 1994, at that first reunion. The idea that childhood abuse could be repressed and then recovered at a later date was a relatively new and still very controversial concept. Many experts thought it was basically a fraud. - The idea of having repressed memories is a theory which was developed, and which has never been substantiated. - [Narrator] The nuns' lawyer, John Sartori, on attorney known as Darth Vader by some of his colleagues, uncovered a number of inconsistencies in the former orphans' memories. For example, Patty said she first remembered the incident with Sister Priscil when she read an article in the local paper about Sally's lawsuit. - I went ballistic. - [Interviewer] In what sense? - Literally flew out of the chair, started shaking, crying. - [Interviewer] Was that the first time you had recalled that incident? - Yes, sir. - [Narrator] But Sally said she and Patty talked about it shortly after the reunion, two years prior. The question of when the memories were recovered was just one of the inconsistencies in the former orphans' memories. Some of the details about the events they were describing didn't line up, either, and these inconsistencies cast doubt on the basic credibility of their testimony, especially since, as defense attorneys kept pointing out, the events were so far in the past there was almost no way to verify them. Did Sister Priscil really try to push Patty out of a window? Is it plausible that Sally could've managed to haul her friend back in? (dramatic music) In the course of trying to find out if the St. Joseph's survivors were telling the truth, Christine Kenneally tracked down Sister Priscil. - She hadn't been in the order for many years by the time I spoke to her. She was still very loyal to the order. She was proud of her life with the order, she was a proud Catholic, and very committed to her religion, and to her family. Towards the end of her first interview together, I told Sister Priscil that I'd heard a story about a nun pushing a girl out of a second story window, at St. Joseph's, and she said, yes, that was me, and then she told me that what she remembered of that day was that the girl had stood in the windowsill, cleaning the window, as Sally had said, but that she had fallen, and that when she'd fallen, Sister Priscil screamed. Sally actually reached out and grabbed the girl. Sister Priscil said she just stood there and screamed. She said there was another nun in the room, and that she didn't know what to do about it. For a lot of the time that I'd spent looking into that story, I had the voices of the defense attorneys in my head the whole time, suggesting in many subtle ways that maybe this story actually wasn't true at all, maybe it had been completely made up. To find Sister Priscil herself, and to have her validate that the incident had, in fact, happened was extraordinary. - [Narrator] Sally's case was dismissed. A judge said she hadn't actually recovered the memories. She'd had them all along, so the statute of limitations had long since expired. Several other cases were dismissed, too. A few people got settlements. One said the amount was so small that when she saw it, all she could do was laugh. America still hasn't really confronted the damage done by the orphanages that housed millions of children, and as for St. Joseph's itself, it went out of commission in the 1970s, and stood mostly empty for years. Recently, a developer bought it. It's been turned into condominiums. (dramatic music)
Channel: BuzzFeed News
Views: 4,277,369
Rating: 4.8360381 out of 5
Keywords: 8rQn, catholic, news, nuns, orphanage
Id: o13yTTAeM30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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