WE SAVED 40k and OUR TEAK DECK! | DIY Teak Deck Restoration... Ep 354

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we're doing three major jobs on the hard standand the rigging the deck and the bottom it's time to sort out our teak [Music] deck so n t has a te deck te deck leaky TIY it's wrecked we need to do something about it and over the last month you know we've gone through and pulled out 1,034 screws out of the deck so then drilled out and capped in all of those holes into the core with epoxy filled up the holes with epoxy and put the new caps on top so I did that 1,34 times as well and now we're up to that final stage of removing all the corking recorking the whole deck and giving it that sand and making it look magnificent [Music] before we can put in this new sis 440 cing by te deck systems we need to get out the old stuff and to get out the old stuff there's no real way there's no real easy way of going about it mate you just need a man up and get stuck into it I got this little Hook from TI deck systems so you just sort of cut down either side with a Stanley knife and then you get your hook into it and scrape on through I sort of just went ham today cuz I didn't want to sit around I just want to start a testing testing things out and to see how it would go but without any sort of shade it is corking en Tha it's like 40° every day and the forecast is suggesting that there's going to be thunder and lightning storms for the foreseeable future whilst it's clear skies Today Tomorrow there's 40% chance of rain fingers crossed there is nothing because I sort of looked at the weather after I did what I did today and that's remove a heap of cing so the first job for tomorrow n 2 needs to get under another tent [Music] this is the most satisfying part of the job so I've cut down both sides of the cking and now I'm about to peel it out and and hopefully it's all out in one nice big piece how thick that is had a little bit of a thin bit there but look at that just trying to get as much out as you can in the first run so then you don't have to scrape so much of it out cuz that's the hard bit [Music] we finished pulling out all of the corking and there's still some residue that's left in on both sides we need to remove all of that so that the new corking can adhere to the wood along with the Hulk teak decking also have another tool which is this little sander here so you can set your depth of it here using the little Allen key and then you got your sandpaper on the side here and then you can kind of push it along and and sand it all [Music] back with Bonita busy sanding the seams I can start actually sanding the deck so I want to give it just a bit of a light sand all over with a 40 grit cuz it's so rough and gray before we cork so just got to take it down to a little bit closer to the final sort of finish so then once the corking goes in I can just send it with 120 and that's the final product there's a few raised areas like here at the back on the on the lazarette hatch and the side hatches where the the hinges were so they're sort of raised so previously or it's just been over time and the Teak's worn down uh so there's a few areas they want to eal up to make it smooth with the deck and the hinges is one of them along the edge of the sail track they used to be sort of little 45° cut so guess so you wouldn't stub your toe on the sail track but we've since move them and they're not going back on and because of that there's a raised Edge along the side of the sail track as well so I want to sand that down firstly I was going to remove the sail track all together and then sand it all flush and flat but then I started thinking about it and because the sail track is raised I want to keep the sail track raised anyway so water then doesn't pull up on the side and potentially go down the screw hole so at least it's going to drain off at a lower angle that's my thinking anyway so I'm going to leave the sail track on and then all of the bolts with the sail track I'll inspect underneath and where where they have been leaking or dripping I'll just reeal them currently there's only a couple of of bolts that do leak on the sail track we can tell because of the inside veneers of the cupboard they're not rotten out so the sail track's [Music] fine I've already done starbard side you probably tell cuz I'm covered in dust and there's a big mess I've made around the boat cuz it is a very dusty job it gives you a good indication of what the finished product of the te of the deck is going to look like and mate it is going to look amazing and I'm very glad that we've gone to this effort to to fix it fix it up it's going to be well worth it in the end so I'm I'm happy just going to keep going [Applause] [Music] now that we got the deck 95% complete uh all the seams are sanded it's up to the point where we just got to sand the entire deck before I CK it h it's time to to tackle the capping rails instead and you can see the capping rails they're another beautiful piece solid piece of teak um the way they're attached is that they're through bolted into the H and so all of those bolts really should be reset and resealed except to get to all those bolts is extremely difficult and some of them are leaking and where it does leak though it doesn't drip onto anything like where it could cause damage it just Lo literally goes onto the inside of the hole and trickles down into the build so I figure rather than doing a proper job on this which would involve having to remove all the storin and the hand rails because they're screwed into the top of the of the capping rails uh and then removing the capping rails themselves Machining them and reeding them all which means I'd have to take out all of those bolts or even just like setting those bolts deeper mate it add a huge job so I figure out I'm just going to shortcut this one and shove some epoxy around those holes and hopefully that clogs up any sort of air hole or water hole should I say to get into the inside of the boat so there'll be no more water Ingress and we're going to sand back all those capping rails and then seal it not sure whether I'll paint them with epoxy before I put polyurethane clear varnish coat on it polyurethane clear coat on it uh uncle said maybe paint them with epoxy he's done that previously which will add to the yellowing as theep sort of goes off uh but I'm not sure whether I'll do that or not but I have epoxied up all of those holes so far but now let's just sand it all and see what it looks like whether it's weather then I can just cover coat it up and make it look pretty or not now I don't condone my actions but sometimes it's better to apologize and to ask for permission I tried my hardest to get some scaffolding I couldn't get it found these stairs just in the other side of our of our neighbor's tent here they'll [Music] [Music] do most of the capping rounds have been done but there are some patches like around the edges that still need to be standard [Music] our rigging was meant to rock up yesterday and it didn't uh and it's actually a public holiday today but a truck has just pulled out the front so could be this could be our rig [Music] [Music] come on come on [Music] we're almost up to the final stages of cking and what we need is a clean base so we need to make sure that there's no dust or dirt um and really give it a good clean so that the corking can stick to the wood and not to any dust that's in those seams so I'm literally scrubbing the deck with this this thing the wood is just looking incredible I don't know if it's coming up on camera but it's looking so good and you know there were a lot of people that were concerned about Yosh pulling out the screws cuz he pulled the screws out and then he just bunged them up again and we'd read on Tiana forums that the wood is heavily glued down so it's not going to go anywhere and they have been 100% correct this wood without the cking in between it is solid it's not going anywhere yeah it did seem like a strange thing to do in the beginning but the thanks to the Tiana group for the advice um it's yeah they were right so we've been carrying around these boxes under the table for quite a few weeks now since our last trip to lanoi and tomorrow we'll be getting rid of them cuz we're cking the corking we're going to use is this sis 440 by te decking systems now I chose this cking for a number of reasons one because you don't need to use a primer providing we have nice clean seams it'll adhere two it's a one part polymer so you can just squirt it straight in and it'll naturally cure with the moisture in the air three it won't plug up the Sandpaper when it comes to cleaning up and now I know me I'm not going to use tape so I'm just going to be squirting it and I want to be able to sand the deck clean so not clogging up the Sandpaper is very important it's a good feeling to be up to this point now we're on the countdown till we go in the water squirt all this in tomorrow let it cure and then sand it in the water let's go so we've left the tent on so we're not in direct raw sunlight cuz it is pretty hot here in Thailand it's best to apply the corking when the deck isn't super hot because if it is super hot it could bubble definitely don't do it when it's wet I got my little squeegee nice clean Rag and and aseton now mom's gone over the whole lot the whole seams and gave it a good mum clean and now the final thing to to clean up those seams and where the corking is going to bond to just have to clean all the seams now with acetone this will remove any of that last little bit of debris it's all in the preparation e like that's what takes so much time [Music] [Music] technique I'm sort of adopting is like cutting off the tip of the tube here so for one it's a bigger area a bigger hole for the corking to squeeze out of cuz when it's that real little small hole to start with it's just a whole lot of work and a whole lot of extra strain that you need to go through but so nipping off that tip and then squishing it with that multiplus or with pliers whatever so then the tip can get right down into your groove still into your seam because it's key to get all that corking to fill up that whole void you don't want it just to be sitting on the top and have air underneath so by getting the tip deep down into the seam and then squishing through making it overflow out of the tub and then going back over it with a little squeegee to make sure it's really forced down and the end result you sort of want this little proud bead sort of sticking out the top of your seam technique I'm going to adopt here is the no tape technique rather than taping up every single seam I feel like that's just hours of taping and you're still going to make a mess because I first sanded the whole Deck with 60 grit I want to do a final sand with one 12 grit so that's what I'll use when I'm taking off the corking and then I'm going to get a final finish so much smoother TT next using the 120 [Music] [Music] finally it is the final stage of this process of rejuvenating the te deck it's been a journey not going to lie we've still got quite a few hours on the sander to get back to the uh to the finished product of the deck uh all the seams have been CED you know it's all been drying for 24 hours now let's just make it look beautiful hey are you ready for the most satisfying time lapse you'll ever with this [Music] well to say that that wasn't a stressful event it' be an understatement my gosh I literally finished sanding the deck like an hour and a half ago by the time I packed up dusted off paid our bill they've already got it in the slings and cradle ready to go in so I was pretty much sanded until 11:30 last night and started at 6:00 a.m. this morning and sanded until 1:30 so M what a very stressful scenario but down she goes slow and steady [Music] well the te deck is finally done our te deck was over 20 years old and it really needed some work it's something that we've been contemplating since before we even bought n 2 and uh I guess we had three options that we could have tackle this project the first one is to completely rip up all the teak and replace it this is a very expensive exercise we got a quotee for it and it was over $40,000 so that was a hard know from the very beginning another option could have been to rip up all of the teak and then fiberglass it in and put like a nonskid over the top of it this is a project that would have had to be done completely undercover in the Boatyard it would have been more expensive for us and also working with fiberglass the thought of filling Fairing and sanding for days on end in a in full PPE so a full suit and the mask and everything um just didn't really sound appealing to us we wouldn't have been able to live on the boat whilst doing it that way as well and it would have worked out to be more expensive so choosing to refurbish the deck it's worked out cheaper in some ways easier and we've been able to do it bit by bit as we continued sailing Yosh was able to do all the reuning while we were cruising around Thailand so that was I don't know for us it just it was a better option it's time to unveil you know yesterday we went in the water it was definitely a lot more work than I anticipated but let's check it out he let's unveil because oh my God it is way better than I expected it was well worth the effort I'm so bloody stoked with how this has turned out can't believe they wanted 40 grand for this check it out maybe I'll go into te deck building business mate this is insane insane I never want to do that again cuz it was a lot of work but have a look at it like I'm so happy with how all the bungs are they've sanded down really well and just the color of the wood that really sort of Pops it's still it's just natural at the moment not sure whether we'll just put salt water on it and just keep planting it with salt water sort of like the color though I don't really want it to to change color into the gray so maybe we might put a sealer on it not sure but just for now we're just going on to admirer and any of you te experts out there definitely send through some uh ideas and your maintenance schedule for keeping the tea looking pretty cuz we do want to keep it pretty and we' like to reduce the amount of usage of chemicals and stuff on it we'd like to keep it natural but we also don't want it to gray so tell us your plans tell us what to do for now I'm just going to basking it this is going to look so sick when we're on the sale Instagram stories overload [Music]
Channel: Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
Views: 39,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, off grid sailboat, off grid sailing, sailing on a budget, sailing around the world, sailing thailand, sailing asia, sailing the world, sail life, boatwork, DIY, boat repair, sailboat repair, teakdeck, teak decking, boat restore, boat restoration
Id: uccTW6w3VS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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