We rated every Fried Chicken in Korea.

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it's your last meal in Korea I'm speechless you may have noticed there's one thing that we have yet to try Fried Chicken the KFC the original KFC there are many many good fried chicken places but every chicken place in Korea has something that makes them special There is almost no consensus on what is the best we are going to order from all of the most popular Korean Fried Chicken chains in Korea oh my God you are going to get to taste and prepare and judge what is the best fried chicken in career Batman he literally looks like Batman say the price for fastest delivery goes to Prada like the brand does Prada make fried chicken it's a bit greasier than a Prada bag first ever sight Fried Chicken in Korea is this the cor or is the corn this is not looking attractive that sweet corn looks good but right why is he white on top cheese powder why cheesy chicken why do you need the cheese powder where's the parmesan we've oh second chicken second chicken oh our second chicken is here before we even started the first one Chon Chicken wins second place this is a classic one of the first chickens I had in Korea and we have ordered the pan pan this looks better already oh you like you like the look of this more because I don't like the white powder on okay okay this is more classic so I feel like we should start with this my it oh juy veryy oh my gosh so the Kon original has a Kang B sauce you can taste a little bit of the soy sauce a little bit of garlic coming it's very clean mhm very easy but there's still some oil absorption going on here which I don't appreciate I want my chicken to be clean maybe the most classic Korean chicken flavor okay spicy yum yum slightly sweet slightly spicy m oh yeah M oh it's good spicy wow that's got a kick yeah that's got a kick it's good but there's something else wrong here you can taste that something burnt in the oil maybe they used the oil too many times correct literally would never have been able to tell that should we pair it with a bit of beer come [Music] s it's nice it's German no it's Korean no way Korean beer it's like German beer it is very similar number two it looks like raw chicken marinated it's not very attractive this one doesn't scream out deliciousness to you it looks like a monster you know all right Cheers Cheers M oh baby uh-huh why is it sweet mhm it's tanam tanam sweet and salty that's that's a jam to be honest what tan Jam I really like that this is not good you're not f but it's so full of sugar yeah okay I see what you mean why you placing sugar with chicken mhm it's not a cake I understand it Cham Jam Cham Jam but I want more Jan okay okay try with a bit of chicken [Music] B refreshing I like this cuts through the sweetness it's very good yeah chicken moo is fantastic man okay okay makes me say moo you know the first chicken we're having if you think about everything it's a two out of 10 okay what yeah SP yeah yeah just happy with it's a five out of 10 wow even though it was too sweet for you yeah yeah it's impr because of the texture and the temperature oh another Classic this is G chicken you may notice it says no fry more crispy so it's oven G baked chicken okay this one is G's most famous K pazak basically chili crispy K pazak smells good this smells like some good roast potatoes close your eyes huh weird it does right right the first non-fried Korean chicken oh so juicy very clean you can't get anything like this delivered in the UK Luke's the Nando fan here he's going to love this okay it's good how good is that we don't have chicken like that in the UK not really different to the pr one yeah totally different it looks quite similar yeah but both are You' almost need to be in different moods to have them oh I fancy this ol ol ol come here I'm going to give you this one so juicy you can see the juice like dripping out that's really good that's my favorite one we've had so far it's not even fried really good crazy these are 72 7.2 yeah okay highest so far yeah what is that I know what you're thinking is that a Korean chicken fried pizza this another Korean classic n Chicken N chicken which means yes yes chicken very very good yeah this is padak something I don't think you will have ever tried before not because it's new and fancy but because it's just something that we don't do in the west so much spring onion a lot of spring onion where are you pouring this the sauce oh my God what is that why is he Brown get some sauce get some pie cheers [Music] mate woo m good wow yeah what is that Wasabi I like it it's strong I was not expecting it to be that strong I don't think I've had that sauce before it's nice way better with the sauce okay I love that you're palette cleansing with a little bit of between every chicken that's exactly what you should do I am it's nice but if I wanted a salad I would have ordered something else wow okay it's a 32 out of 10 next up this I have heard good things about it looks a I have never tried this okay the chicken restaurant is called I mean this guy is a superhero look at this that's ha good friend now literally means this place is very good at Fried Chicken no way imagine the brainstorming session what we call it guys we're just trying to communicate that this place is really good oh wow there's another one oh there's more there's two more I'm think we got a lot of chicken for you mate you need to try all of the best chicken luk is just having the time of his life back there I've never seen him so happy yeah he chicken we have firstly the most traditional condiment just salt secondly honey mustard kind of sweet mustard thirdly yangyong sauce the sweet spicy sticky bit of salt first M M M oh yeah oh yeah yeah by far the crispiest we've had so far not the juiciest but the crunch is perfect M little bit of honey mustard I appreciate it I prefer the salt okay you like the traditional in a little bit of YY I like that that's a nice balance you like with the straight salt too much sugar okay it's too sweet for you yeah I like that's nice though the thing is technically you can find Fried Chicken like this anywhere in the world but realistically nowhere in England in my years of searching have I been able to find Fried Chicken it's that crispy that juicy but as ungreasy as that true Luke go and try that oh yeah oh oh it's good right that's a juicy come on it's a good it's a good one right exactly KFC can be juicy in the UK it feels really dirty feelsy you feel is like juicy how it's meant to be juicy juicy cuz they just put too much oil correct Ollie would you like to try some yeah yeah it's good come on that is good chicken you know compared to okay this is not even n chicken this is completely different place this is so good this to me just tastes like Korea a night out in Korea Korean fried chicken that's what it's supposed to be beer vote on this one I'm saying 785 7.85 we're in tents yeah all right next up two more have arrived big guns this is the big guns this is maybe the nation's favorite BBQ hung or Li oh looking way better literally looks like cartoon chicken I just want to clarify I mean we're being very positive and very mean to some of these none of these are sponsored this isn't an advert you're being brutally honest about some of this chicken let's [Music] go there is sweet corn power in the butter I would say texture wise stunning best one so far texture stunning perfectly CR perfectly juicy looking good I think that's my favorite mate look at that you clean that bone out you're like a little dog that's my like you know the shoe it's like a BRI it's a good fried chicken the corn sl Sweet Corn thing it's weird but it gives its own twist 815 8.15 that's yeah 8.15 is strong it's 85 which is the best of far and from toat jip we have oh the classic yangyong oh my gosh M okay very juicy it's good a lot of sauce too much very SAU the crunch got lost because of the sauce of course lacking crunch but not lacking flavor flipping egg flavor it's the most flavorful chicken we have so far this is a chicken that you can have three bites of that's it yeah you don't want a lot you don't yeah it'll be overpowering agreed we're looking at uh 74 7 point that's High yeah you know something that shocks me about this impresses me in a positive way you know the variety in UK or I'm going to say in the word yeah what do you have is fried chicken that looks like this ketchup and Mayo sometimes have like you know Perry Perry sauce Perry Perry sauce different levels of spice but it's all the same same crap you know what I mean I mean look at this it's very creative and that's something that Koreans are okay this looks big chob with d with du no a lot of good chicken comes with duck this is it's spicy I mean you know what it tastes like what 4:00 a.m. chinat toown in London wow wow scathing for reference that is not a good thing that's not a good that's not a compliment I take KFC over that KFC i' take KFC over that I hate KFC me too yeah it's um 02 0.2 yeah r brutal wow now this for a while was my go-to fried chicken in career that said that was quite a while ago dang Tong du famous for their three types of chicken set menu we've got their original their kanang they soy sauce base and the [Music] Yang okay yeah not bad I remember why I like this yeah what thing with Nang is it's not that juicy it's not that like beautiful anime like chicken but it's crispy fried chicken s through the point the batter is perfectly seasoned and you dip it in a little bit of that and it just hits a spot look taste this yeah get stuck in how are they all so different they're all different man Korea has like conquered every type of fried chicken you can imagine and they're all good in their own way to this in my opinion is 841 W that was serious 8.41 yeah I want to recap on our favorites so far okay the top three bring out the top three there was a lot more chicken in that box when we handed it over interestingly our top three are just original fried flavors do you remember the points they all got very good those are the points we gave them you know what I want to do what do you want to do I want to blindfold myself and try them oh oh wow he's got he's always ready he's always he's been waiting the entire trip with a scarf on every Inc moment first up there you go oh the crunch very crunchy that one that was number one yeah it's in front of me f again very crunchy that was number two number one and number two you know which ones your you prefer number one ooh number one okay just better all right finally number three sweet corn one you called it blindfolded number one ladies and gentlemen number one's the best yeah wow which was the number one [Music] one it turns [Applause] outo no maso you've been given the Z stamp congratulations they have it Mr Z I hope it's been a good trip see we've had literally some of the best culinary experiences I've ever had in my entire life easily let alone just in Korea people are so good in here so nice it was a trip that is going to remembered forever thank you Josh thank you ollie for bringing me to your home to your Paradise I it has been a food Paradise this week and um what's next we'll see but for now now on the r [Music] yog
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 1,979,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: uD4e32ECuPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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