We ranked your WEIRD cars

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- We love when you guys share your cars with us. And over the years, we've discovered that a lot of you guys have really cool cars and a lot of you guys have really weird cards. And that's what we're focusing on today. I'm joined by one of my best friends in the whole world, Mr. Bruce Greene. I'm James and- - This is the D-List. - Big thanks to car insurance comparison site, "The Zebra" for sponsoring this episode. "The Zebra" makes the overly complicated process of finding car insurance simpler, faster and hassle free. To prove it, I asked Job and James to find the best policy for me. - Yeah, hi. What's the lowest you'll go? I'm looking for like the best price. Oh, hang on a sec. - Job is using the old school, traditional way of finding insurance. He's calling every policy provider at once. Looks like a hassle but over here, I asked James to use "The Zebra", the nation's leading car insurance comparison site with one simple goal, to simplify insurance. - Yeah, I finished before you even walked that far. - What? - Yeah man, "The Zebra" only takes a couple minutes to find the best coverage. "The Zebra" compares over 100 car insurance companies, including all of the major providers. - Hey Nolan! Nolan, I found somebody to save you a hundred bucks! - A hundred bucks, dude? The average Zebra user saves over $440 a year, bro. - $440, that's a ton of money. - Yeah, but it's not just about the cheapest coverage, Nolan, it's about the right coverage. - Nolan, they want your phone number, can you come put it in? - With "The Zebra" you don't even need to enter your phone number, so you know you're not gonna get a bunch of spam calls. "The Zebra" has zero stake in which policy you choose. - Hello? Yeah, they can save you $20 every two years. - So, all you gotta do is head on over to TheZebra.com/DList to find the right coverage for you today. - Wow, "The Zebra" really did make it easy. Thanks James. - No problemo muchacho. Nolan, my phone! Nolan, my phone! I don't have any friends anyway. - Bruce, thanks for joining me. I don't know if you guys remember but Bruce hosted a couple episodes of "Up To Speed" a few years ago when I was dying. - Man, I'm so glad you made it. I'm so glad you made it. - Bruce, what is your experience with cars? And I think you're more known in like the gaming world. - I am yeah, no it's true. My dad took me to the LA Auto Show when I was five and subsequently made me fall in love with cars. - You have a pretty cool daily driver, don't you? - I do, I have the Dodge Demon but I only put about 500 miles on it 'cause of the pandemic. So, it just sat in my garage which was really sad. - You guys submitted a bunch of your weirder automobiles. Today, we're gonna take a look at 'em, were gonna talk about 'em a little bit and we're gonna determine what kind of weird they are. Is it dangerous weird? Is it cool weird? And then at the end, you guys can hop down in the comments and vote on your favorite weird car and that person will get $500. So, without further ado. Okay, first up we got- - Is it Brand Dupler? - Brand Dupler! - That's a cool name! - Hell yeah, dude. Brand Dupler's 1979 Cadillac Fleetwood pickup truck. (Bruce laughs) - Wow. - Yeah, this thing- - Look at this. - Looks like Dracula driving. - (laughs) Yeah, really. This is like you're taking it to the hootenanny. I love it. - For sure. But it's a little class, got a little class. - It does, it does. - And we got a quote here from Brand, why don't you give us your best Brand impression? - All right, the way I imagine Brand speaking and this is not a yokel accent. "Well, it is a Cadillac step side pickup truck "from the 70s and it's a convertible." - And its got a removable chop top. - Does it really, oh yeah it does, that's amazing. - Which makes it look even more Draculaesque. - That is so cool. - So. What kind of weird is this truck? - Well, let's call it vampire weird. - Yeah, it's like goth weird. - It's definitely goth weird, that's a good one. - So, this is not a project car. - Okay. - This is George's Nissan Pao. - Pao, that's a cool (laughs). It's not p-o-w, it's p-a-o. - Yeah. - what does it mean? - Pao is a Chinese word- - Okay. - Describing a type of house used by nomads in Mongolia. In the 90s, Nissan made a few- - Did you call it Nissan? - Yeah, that's how the Australians say it. - But you're not Australia. - No, I'm from Kentucky. - Oh, yeah right (laughs). - Which is the Australia of America. (Bruce laughs) - I don't disagree with you there. I don't disagree with you there. - Nissan made a number of these retro-styled cars. They're part of a thing called, "Pike cars". - Okay. - It then took inspiration obviously from the mini Cooper and the Citroen 2CV. - I think it's toy weird. Each one of those looks like little cars that I would've bought when I was a kid. - It's Tokyo Disney weird. (both laugh) Oh, this one's rad. This is an LS2 Swapped, 2005 Porsche Cayenne, it's rear-wheel drive. - Okay, what happened to the headlights? - That's for air intake. No, I think it's a project. (Bruce laughs loudly) I think it's a kind of a work in progress. - Okay, all right. - And the coolest part about it, is its got an angle kit, so you can drift it (Bruce laughs) Like who is this dude? - This is Vasily. Everyone knows, there goes Vasily and he's like scooting along Main street. - Yeah, he's gotta pick his kids up from soccer practice and get there in style. - I think, this Formula D weird. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, that's what this is. - [Cameraman] Formula daddy. - [Both] Formula Daddy weird. - Nice job, Matt. (all laugh) - I love that they made this car. This is Thomas's Nissan Pulsar NX Sportbak. - Wait, is it Thomas? (James laughs) You called him Thomas but I'll call him Thomas. - I assume that it's Thomas. So, in the late 80s, Japanese companies faced restrictions on how many cars that they could export to America. - Oh, interesting. - So, this is like the reason that we have Lexus. - Oh, they made another brand so they could export- - Yeah, they made another brand and made it more expensive, so the profit margins was bigger. - Right? - Another response was Nissan, made a modular coop called the Pulsar with interchanging roof options depending on the customer's needs. - Wow! - Yeah. This is like car culture and like nerd culture. - I had this toy, remember Mask, the television show? - Yeah. - I had this toy where you could pull that roof off of it and you could turn the car into, I think it was, you could drive your little hatchback or you could put the roof on it and then it was like a cool sports car. - And that's exactly why I like this because it's a car but it feels like a Gundam. - Yeah, absolutely. - Like it feels like a Gundam model. - This looks like it could travel through time. - Exactly. - It looks like the, not as cool of a version of a DeLorean. Definitely. - Yeah (laughs). - I'm gonna call this Marty McFly weird. That's what looks like to me. - Another car that has no business drifting. - (laughs) But is? - But is. - Okay, all right. - This is Robert's- - (laughs) All right, okay. - 2013 Jeep Wrangler. Now, I know you've never met Robert- - But yeah, I could do the voice. - Okay, yeah. - "Definitely just went the opposite route for any Jeep. "It's a supercharged V6 lowered with small tires "with a hydraulic handbrake, quick release steering wheel "and a welded differential." - So, he's like French and Russian. - I can do 'em all together, James. (both laugh) - This thing just looks like a fricking hoot. - Is he rescuing people with this? (James laughs) Is that what he's doing? - I hope so. If he's not, then he is wasting a resource. - I would agree, yeah. I'm gonna call it rescue weird. - Yeah, rescue weird. - Hopefully he's doing something really admirable with it. - Next up we have Vincent's Volvo 940. All right, this is a homemade pickup truck. - What does it pick up? - It picks up Vincent's friends. (Bruce laughs) - So he lives in- - Sweden. And he's 15 years old. And a lot of people will make these homemade, two-seater pickup trucks and then modify 'em so they can't go faster than 20 miles an hour. - Why? - Because then, it's technically a tractor. (both laugh) - "It has been made into a pickup. "Which is pretty common here in Sweden "as 15-year-olds can drive them because of laws and stuff." (James laughs) - Your honor. (Bruce laughs) This man belongs in jail because of all the laws and stuff. - I rule in favor of Vincent! Genius weird. - Yeah. - Genius weird. - Yeah, genius weird. This is from our discord, to learn more about getting access to that and our underground program, click the join button below or I'll put a link in the description. - Everybody got really cool names- (laughing drowns out speaker) - McBetie! (Bruce laughs loudly) Give me your badge and your gun, McBetie. - You're off the force! - McBetie's squad car is an Isuzu Vehicross. - Nice. - Which I think is like a hidden gem that I think they're- - You don't see them very often. - No and apparently, they're super capable off-road. - Oh, this looks like a concept car from "Cyberpunk". - [James] For sure. - And this car came out 20 years ago or whatever but it definitely looks like Cyber- - Cyberpunk weird? - Yeah, this is Cyberpunk weird. - For sure. Blade runner weird. - Yeah, there you go. - This is the most ironic car. (Bruce laughs loudly) This is Joseph's 1984 Pontiac Trans Am. It was an official dare car, if you don't- - They had official dare cars? - Hell yeah, dude. - I was part of the dare program or whatever, I mean, I had to go through it- - You didn't get your car? - I mean, I never saw the official- - No, we all got Firebirds dude. (Bruce laughs loudly) It used to be huge when Bruce and I were kids, it was like a huge thing. - It was a big deal. - A police officer would come to your class and tell you all about drugs and then at the end he'd be like, but don't do 'em. - Yeah. (both laugh) - It's exactly right. - This is what this one looks like and how much it should cost. (Bruce laughs loudly) - Yeah, they give you all the slang terms, we sounded really cool. - Yeah, Joseph has a really perfect quote to sum this up, is again the most ironic car ever. - "It was a police D.A.R.E car seized from a drug dealer." - Joseph's cool for driving this car, hilarious for driving this car, the drug dealer that drove this dare car. - Cooler. - He's way cooler. - Way cooler, is this all right to buy drugs from this car? He'd be like, "Yeah, it's great!" That's the joke. - Nobody suspects a thing. (both laugh) - I'm gonna call it cocaine weird. - Yeah,, this is cocaine weird. This is like cocaine weird, like starting a business at 5:00 AM with your best bud. (both laugh) - [Announcer] You won't find lists like this, at the grocery store. (techno music) - This is Bernd's NSU RO 80. These are cool because I think it was the first production car to have a rotary engine. - Oh. - Before Mazda. - Oh wow. - It was made by a west German company called NSU. It was early on in rotary development and it was just unreliable and ultimately killed the car. (Bruce laughs) - I wanna know Bernd's experience with the rotary engine and if he has had to disassemble and reassemble. If you have Bernd, then I'm gonna call this smart weird but if you haven't, then I'm gonna call it dumb weird. (James laughs) - This is Thaddeus' 2006 Toyota Prius. - It's just a Prius, right? - But see that one? - That's right, a normal Prius. - No bullhorns. - Got it. - Notice. - Understand. - And then next to it is Thaddeus' Prius. - Which has the bullhorn. - Which has bullhorns on it. - Okay, all right. - Okay. - Is that it? That's all. (cameraman laughs) - What do you mean, is that it? Okay, Bruce. - Okay, I know. Explain it again 'cause I'm missing it. I'm sorry, I don't understand the concept, I'm sorry. - Right here, that's a regular Prius. - Got it. - Okay. - Yeah. - Then over here we got Thaddeus' Prius. - Okay, right. - Yep. (dramatic music) With the bullhorns. - Yes! - Oh yeah, bullhorns man, Thaddeus! Wow, Texas weird, I love it. I love it, Thaddy, great job. - Oh, this one's cool. This is Mauricio's... (record whines) Are you guys making your names up? (Bruce laughs) This is his Ford Focus ST-H. So, we're all familiar with the Ford Focus ST, it's like the sporty Focus, its got a turbocharged four-cylinder, very fun front-wheel drive car. Ford partnered with Hertz. - The rental company? - Yeah. So, Ford actually has a pretty decent history of making what they call rentable race cars. - Really? - Yeah. - I didn't know that, wow. - But this one, it was only released in the Netherlands and it was a manual and they say that the fact that it was manual was the reason that they never released it over here. So, it's basically a regular ST, just has really cool paint, some gold wheels and it comes with the optional Recaros and you could rent it for 90 euros a day. - This is a rentable weird. - Yeah rentable weird. (Bruce laughs) Hey kid, you wanna rent some weird? (Bruce laughs) This is Justin's 1988 Chrysler New Yorker. - Okay. - It looks like a Homer Simpson car. - (laughs) It does. I had a 1985 Chrysler LeBaron station wagon. - Yeah. - That looked just like this but it was the station wagon version, it was the faked Woody and that car was a piece of (beeps), like it was terrible. - They're not good. - It was a terrible car, so I can't wait to see what Justin did with it. - Yeah, you might notice that Justin is wearing a helmet. - Right, it looks like he might race this car, possibly. - That's because it has a 2.4 liter SRT Swap, turbo four-cylinder from a Dodge Neon SRT from the early 2000s, it made 230 horsepower and is like really well known for being beefy and you can just like crank the boost and make these boys fast. They sound awesome, they're impossible to find now because everyone just blew 'em up. (Bruce laughs) The crazy engine swap just totally flipped this car for me. Like it- - It's really cool. - It was sort of a grandma thing. Not even sort of, it was totally a grandma car. - Yeah. - And now, it's a hilarious race car. - This is not grandma weird, Justin. You did a great job. - This is a- - Not your grandma's weird. - Not your grandma's weird. Not a lot of information about this car other than what we can see. - All right. - This is Kelvin's 1980 Toyota pickup. - Nice, cool. Is that a surf board, no that's a spoiler. It looks like that's a surf board. It looks like a surf board on the back- - It's huge. - "The truck has unconventional doors and some custom aero." - I like how he describes these doors as unconventional. - Those aren't doors, man. - Those are bars. - Do they think they swing out? - I think so or else he wouldn't call 'em doors - If they don't swing out, they're not doors. (Bruce laughs). - Yeah, so clarify Kelvin. We need answers! - It looks like it's a work truck too, right? He's got to work rack on- - He's got the rack on there. It looks kinda like the car from Arrested Development. - Oh, yeah the stair car. - (laughs) Yeah. - This is hard workin' surfer weird. - Hard workin' surfer weird. Its got super seats in it too. We're down to our last car. Speaking of hard workers. (Bruce laughs) This is Sawyer's Toyota Camrino. - But is it a joke though, to Sawyer? That's the question? - I can't imagine that it's not. (both laugh) - Sawyer might take this completely seriously and driving around town and everybody looks at him and he goes, what? (James laughs) This is my car. This is a Camrino. - Stop laughing, okay. (Bruce laughs) No, it's not fun. (Bruce laughs) It's not a fun car. - I use this for work. (James laughs) He says, "It's kinda like a Toyota Camry, "but you can fit 12 bikes, a snowmobile, 8 kayak, 16 4x8 sheets of plywood, nine cases of beer and one other one other friend in it." - That is a party and a half. That is a hell of a weekend, I love the paint job. I love that- - What was he doing? What was that? What is that? - It was probably mathematical. - Oh, that makes sense, yeah. - Their geometric shapes and we just don't get it. - You don't get it! (James laughs) This car is the future! - What do we call it, El Camrino weird. - Yeah (laughs). El Camrino weird, for sure. Right now we got every single car on screen. Go ahead and jump down in the comments and vote for your favorite. Is it the coolest, is it the weirdest? The person who gets the most votes will receive $500 from Donut- - That's right. - For your commitment to making weird cars. And Bruce, if people wanna see more of your awesome sense of humor and charm, where can they find you? - In long form on Twitch. I'm usually streaming eight hours a day or something- - Wow! - Yeah, just my name on Twitch, twitch.tv/brucegreene. - If you're not already subscribed to Donut and you liked this video, you wanna see more, hit that subscribe button, hit that like button, so we know we're doing a good job. Just hit the like button, just hit the like button. I love you. (upbeat music)
Channel: Donut
Views: 1,963,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ranking cars, ranking subscribers cars, car tier list, james pumphrey, cars ranked, car list, best cars, worst cars, weird cars, weirdest cars, bruce greene, donut media, dlist
Id: cckcbIrJKY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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