Every Lamborghini Ranked

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(car engine roaring) - Lamborghini's are sick cars. We can all agree on that, but which one is the sickest? Today we are going to look at and rank every single production car that Lambert-gyn machine has ever built. And I'm joined by my best friend, Nolan. I'm James. And this is The d, d, d, D-List. - Thanks to AFK Arena for sponsoring today's video. I always wanted to build a strong and beautiful team that can go on adventures with me and I never found a game that can help realize it. And it's been just a dream until AFK arena comes into my sight. AFK is a rewarding classic mobile RPG with a unique fresco art style set in a Western fantasy background. Excuse me, uh, animator, do you mind? Oh, so much better, in the AFK arena, you can build up a personalized team and level up heroes from seven unique factions. It can be played casually with idol mechanics giving you tons of offline rewards and the different advantages of seven unique heroes factions. Give you a lot of awesome strategic battle options and exciting adventures. My favorite hero is Hogan, night of the kingdom. Not only does he look like me but he's also part of the light bear faction. And, uh, I think I know a thing or two about light bearing. I've built my dream team in AFK arena. And if you're wondering how you can get these gorgeous heroes, listen up, download and play AFK arena from April 6th through May 5th, it's their second anniversary and every player gets 100 summons in one special gift code. The bonus is unprecedented and you definitely don't want to miss out, click the link in the description and build your dream team with 100 free summons. And now back to the show. - Before we start, I have a monumental announcement in bait. We've been making the D-list for about a year now and I think it's safe to say that we changed the game. And when you change the game, as much as we do, you got to up your game. So we consulted with some of the top scientists, engineers in the list technology game, and we have come up with The monolist. (upbeat music) We're gonna be using the monolist to rank every single Lamborghini production car ever made. No one-offs, no extremely limited additions that only like five people can buy. If we did that, we'd be here all day. And even though we are super buff, we're only two guys. So we asked you guys to rank all the Lambert-gyns and we're gonna be comparing our, our rankings to yours at the end of this episode so without further adieu, let's get into it with the first ever Lambert-gyn machine. The first Lambert-gyn machine car ever made, he made tractors before that, was the 350 GT. And legend has it that Ferruccio Lamborghini had Ferrari's, he tried to give Enzo Ferrari some notes on a Ferrari, Enzo is basically like, "uh, why I listen to you, uh, tractor man". So Ferruccio went back to his Lamborghini tractor factory and was like, "Hey guys, we make sports cars now, Ferrari's got a 250 GT, we have a 350 GT - Looking at it like it's very much like a sports car of the era. Not exactly hitting that, you know like over the top Lamborghini flare yet. - And I think like Lamborghini has always maintained this sort of "F you" attitude and they're very proud of that. And this car was literally made to be an "F you". So I think it definitely belongs somewhere near the top. We don't have anything to really compare it to - Yeah, number one, - but that's a good place to start - by default right now. Next up, we got the 400 GT. This is just literally a better version of the 350 GT, it has better suspension, it's got a bigger four liter engine instead of a 3.5, hence the name. - Bigger number means better. - Yeah. ( laughter) After the 400 GT, we take a giant leap in the super car story with the world's first super car, the legendary Lamborghini Miura. A lot of people say this is the most beautiful car ever made. And I find it hard to disagree with them. The 350 GT was the first Lamborghini. This is the first Lambert-gyn machine, you know what I mean. - James, I don't know about you. I'm going to go ahead and say that the Miura is probably going to be very high on the list for the rest of the episode. - Yeah. - Uh, let's just go ahead and put that. - I mean, Lamborghini just keeps getting better and better. - Ooh, Espada. - Espada. - Espada - So the basic idea with the Espada was it was supposed to be a Miura, like the same like appeal, the same beauty of a Miura, but in a true grand tourer. - It's funky looking. - It looks like a car from Dexter's laboratory. - Yeah. (laughter) - I think it would be awesome to like, have one of these, if, if like your grandpa died and like had it, like I would definitely be in like a Petrolicious video but so far this list, I think it's under the 350 GT cause it also doesn't have a lot of, uh, historical. - Agreed. - It brings us to the Islero. - Ooh, Islero. - This car was released at the same time as the Espada, um, it's basically a re-bodied 400 GT so going back to some of the older technology and it was really meant to be a more conservative looking Lamborghini, uh, which I think is a terrible idea. A Lamborghini is like a middle finger to everybody. - I kind of want to put it in between these, these ones right here. - This one gets a little because he was number one. - Oh, that's true. All right, I'm okay with that. I'm trying to be more combative with you on this episode because I've watched back of a lot of our collab episodes - And you just agree - I tend to agree with you a lot - But we have very similar tastes - I know but this was your, this was your gimme. - Okay. Next up. This is the Lamborghini, Jarama, all right and guess what, it was named after a bull, all of them are named after bulls. Islero was not a huge success so they released the Jarama. Uh, this is the last front engine, uh, touring car that Lamborghini ever made. - I love the look of this thing. Where do I, where? - It's got a V12 in the front. - That's so sick and it's got, it's a tiny V12. - Yeah, I love small displacement engines with a bunch of cylinders - Because they can just rev super high, they sound awesome. - They sound the best. - And this was Ferruccio Lamborghini's favorite model, apparently. - Gotta give respect to the "Rucc". Respect the "Rucc" or catch the hands. - Jarama, yeah, that's cool. - Jarama sounds like a fruit. - Yeah. Like, dude, have you ever tried like that Jarama lacroix? Nasty. - Yeah. Now we're getting more and more into the Lamborghini look. Okay, this is the, Urraco. This was released as a more "affordable" model think came in to compete with the Ferrari, Dino. - Okay. - Which was Ferrari's more consumer-based car. This was the first ever V8 production car for Lamborghini, uh, Urraco means "little bull" in Italian, guy's obsessed with bulls, I told you, but it debuted during the gas crisis and sort of, uh, wasn't a big hit in the U S because it had emission stuff and big old crash bumpers. - This just, this, it doesn't really do anything for me, this one. - Right. I think there's a reason that the Urraco is one of the lost Lambos. - Yeah. Sorry, sorry Urraco. Bam. - And now, we are reaching peak Lambert-gyn with the legendary, change the poster history forever, the Lamborghini Countach. This is the true successor to the Miura, the new Lamborghini super car, the first production car with fricking scissor doors. - Ironically, like this is like the classic poster car as you said. But like, you know, this is like before my time. - Yeah. - Um, but looking back on it, it's pretty cool. - They made it from 1974 to 1990. - They did. - There's a ton of different versions. If you want to look at an early one versus a late one, I think they both look great. - Horacio Pagani worked on this car as well or the, a later version of this car launched his career. - Yeah, Pagani, ever heard of him? This might be above the Miura. - [Off Screen] Don't be afraid to smack it on there, Nolan. - I, I don't want to hurt something, you know. - Another one of the, uh, forgotten Lambert-gyns. This one is the Silhouette, which may or may not have been named after a bull. This one is based on the Urraco, which we are not a fan of, it was made to appeal to American markets but it didn't really work. And that is again, why this is another kind of forgotten, uh, Lambert-gyn. I would put it above the Urraco because targas are cool, otherwise pretty much the same car. - That's the only thing that is saving, it looks even worse, but targas are sick like you said. All right, Silhouette. - Beautiful. Next up we have the Jalpa, named after a bull. This was the entry level car for Lamborghini at the time for people who didn't want the absolutely bonkers Countach, it was an evolution of the silhouette. As you can see, it still has a targa top. This was the last vehicle to use a V8 that Lamborghini had, all the way up until the Urus. 255 horsepower, not incredibly fast. - No, but like, this is where like now we're seeing the pattern emerge for Lamborghini where it's like, you got the big dog like Countach, and then he got a little, little boy. - I think this car looks really cool. - I like it, like if you saw that at like a meet or something, like cars and coffee. - Yeah, I'd put it above Islero, for sure. - Yeah, I think so. - Please, if you're part of the pebble beach crowd and you know, a ton about Lamborghini's don't yell at us or make mean things about us. - We are two dumb guys. - We are just two dumb guys. - Ooh, the LM double O two, the Rambo Lambo. - Yeah. Lamborghini's first dive into the SUV market before the SUV market was even a thing. This thing looks like an Italian Hummer and I love it. I'm here for it. They built it to dig themselves out of one of their many bad financial times. And the plan was to sell it to a military but no military wanted it. - [Nolan] Yeah. I believe at the time before the LM double O two, they made a prototype called the Cheetah which was more of like an open air kind of vehicle more like a old-school Jeep. So then they had this and then put some leather seats in it. - I mean, this thing is absolutely huge and I'm really impressed that it went zero to 60 in 7.7. - That's pretty quick. - In the eighties for a big truck, this thing hauls. - That's amazing. - I got to say on the, "I want one" ability of the list, the LM O O two is probably right here. (tapping) I would. Dream life, I'm living on like 150 acres, uh, I got one of these things with a standup gun turret on the back and I just pay a chauffeur to drive me around all day while I shoot targets in my field. We are getting into absolutely peak Lamborghini. Pretty much everything from here on out is a hit. This is of course the Lamborghini Diablo, the replacement for the Countach, the Countach was around for 16 years. It took five of those years for them to develop this bad boy. It was the first Lamborghini to hit over 200 miles per hour. I love the Countach. And I don't know if it's my age or something but I would rather have a Diablo, - I think Diablo is cooler - Than a Countach. Diablo is cooler than a Countach. - Absolutely. - I think they did, they did a great job taking everything that was really cool about the such a legendary car, the Countach and they just made it better. - Also it's named after the devil - Yeah, it's named after the (beep) devil himself. And we all know that all cars go to hell. So when this thing died it went down there and it was like, "Hey, what's up me" paste vintage of one and bump him up dumb and dumber. (laughter) - I saw a yellow, one of these on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica and it was one of the coolest. - Dude, yellow, Ocean Allan Avenue, yellow card? Why weren't there more - Back flipping violi- - Why weren't there more back flipping violinists in pop punk? And the hits just keep on coming, the Lamborghini Murcielago. This is the first new design after 11 years of the Diablo. It's the first car that they put out once they were owned by Volkswagen. - That's awesome. - Who really saved the company. Lamborghini had a lot of bad financial times, um. - We want to reiterate that. - It means - The vibes were off (laughter) Murcielago, I am very partial to because this is, besides the Dodge Viper, Murcielago is like my teenage dream car. - Yeah. I really want one in black, manual transmission, uh, Batman drove one. - This is our first step for all cars into like modern super cars. - For sure. - Super cars from the nineties. Part of the appeal is like they're so hard to drive and they're, they will kill you. And they're uncomfortable while I don't think the Murcielago is a comfortable car, it introduces stuff like all wheel drive. This is a bigger deal on the car scale, than the Diablo. - Bam. - Next up, we have the Lamborghini Gallardo, it's not Guyardo okay, in Italy, they pronounce the L, Lamborghini Gallardo. I asked them how to say it. They told me Gallardo, have you even talked to them? (laughter) No. Guess who has? Me. Guess what I asked? "How do you say Gallardo?" They said, "you said it right". "I don't even know why you asked that question, you're perfect". The Gallardo was meant to be an "every day" Lamborghini. It's got a V10 instead of a V12, did not have scissor doors, gotta deduct points for that. And it was Lamborghini's first car to make money in a while. - And you got to give them points for that. - Definitely. I think it's an awesome looking car. I would love one, especially with a stick - But I think it's kind of boring looking compared to some of the other cars on here. I want to put it, LM double O two, yeah. I think that's. Yeah, I think that's appropriate. - We've hit the Aventador, the current flagship Lambert-gyn. This is an awesome car. - Yeah. - This car is absolutely Lamborghini. Uh, I think Lamborghini has done a good job with some, you know what was compromised models like the Gallardo and the Huracan, but this is 1000% Lamborghini. And if you want to go even crazier you can get the S VJ to be 10000% Lamborghini that this has got 760 horsepower and the coolest spoiler ever to be put on a car. - Pretty sick. - I love this thing. We drove a white one. I love white super cars. - Just the most like savage, like unnecessarily brutal. - It still has a single disc clutch. - Yeah, a single disc clutch. - The shift in this thing, like, yeah, it's paddles, but it's like, (engine noises) It's like a Ducati, like some people love the chatter and some people don't. I personally love the chatter and I will take chatter until chatter disappears and chatter's going to disappear soon. So we've got to protect what chatter we have and appreciate it. - I love the Aventador. Oh, but do I love it more than the Diablo or the Murcielago? - The SEJ is so tight but which one would you rather pull up to a cars and coffee in? - I'd go Murcielago first. - 100%. - Yeah, I want to say above the LM double O two. - Yeah, me too. - But still okay. - But still I'd rather drive this car than this car, this car, or this car. - Yeah, this is by far the best to drive so far on the list just cause it's a modern car, it's got conveniences, but there's - It's faster. It's faster. It's 100% of the fastest car on this list. I got to show respect where respect is due. I got to give it up to my elders. Here we have probably one of the most popular Lamborghini's ever, uh, mostly from a sales perspective anyway. The Huracan, the Aventador's V10 powered little brother. - Like we said, you know, the pairing of the big bro and the little bro, big sis, and little sis throughout Lamborghini's history. I don't know how I feel about this one. I like the Huracan Performante, the, the the track version a lot. - I think it has the same problem that the Aventador has. I think to a certain extent, Volkswagen has kept Lamborghini in business, but have they taken a little bit of the danger a little bit of the excitement? I don't think that this car is as exciting as any of these. - I think it's cooler than the Gallardo. - Me too. We have one more production Lamborghini to go over but before that, I wanted to add just a little bit of a bonus into the mix. This is the Lamborghini Mach 250 VRT tractor. This is their flagship open field tractor. This is the nicest open field tractor you can get from Lamborghini, this is made by Lamborghini Trattori. - Oh. - That means tractor factory. - Lamborghini, tractor, - A tractorri if you will. - Lamborghini tractor fact- it's like a, it's like a Earl Sweatshirt line. - Yeah, Lamborghini tractor factory. - I love that it has a very angular. - It looks like a Lamborghini tractor. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's really not much else you can say about that. That's so funny, man but which is a cooler one? - Yeah, (laughter) I think it's cooler than a Jalpa. - You think so? - Lamborghini tractor factory. - Mach 250. - Yeah. - 250 times the speed of sound. (laughter) Amazing. - Which brings us to our final car on the list. We are going in chronological order. It's the Urus. - Urus. - It's an SUV, which is not as exciting as a flagship V12 car but it is exciting because they're going to sell an absolute ton of these. I think it's such a cool swing. I think, uh, these, like they're making them good and fast with big brakes. - As big as a pizza. - As big as a pizza. - Okay. So like Lamborghini is all about like pushing just like styling bounds and like performance like the boundaries of performance. But like when you're in that interior, that's like this is gonna sound weird, but it's like the Lamborghini of interior. - It's an amazing car. - It's really cool. I can't wait for like the styling refresh though. It's a little much right now. It's like, "Hey, I'm a Lamborghini." It's like, how about just like, "Hey, I'm a Lamborghini." - "Hey, Hey, I'm a Lamborghini." Like confident. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. There we go, Urus. - [James] So ultimately you guys kind of picked the same ones we did. I know there's some variation, but I think it's this is sort of a sense that everybody's got, uh, Lambert-gyn machine awesome company. Thanks for watching this video and everything else on Donut media. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button. So you guys don't miss anything. We know that we're doing a good job following Nolan on social media @nolanjsykes, follow me @jamespumphrey. We debuted the monolist to the donut underground members before we even shot this episode, before I even saw it. So if you want to learn more about the donut underground hit the join button down there or I'll put a link in the description below. I love you. - Be kind. (upbeat music) - Hey guys, what's up? I got some big news and it's right here on my head. Introducing the first official Donut beanie only available at donutmedia.com. It comes in two awesome colors vibrant orange, for those who want to stand out during the day and Navy blue, for those who want to blend in at the night. And the best thing about a beanie, no matter who you are it can help highlight your personality, whether you're intimidating at first but once you get to know you, you're a really nice person. Or if you're someone who always has that band that your friends never heard of, and you're shocked and you make them listen to them right away, just like sort of an old poetic soul, kind of type, an actor slash writer slash director slash musician. I own an acoustic guitar. The donut beanie is the perfect hat for any occasion or any type of person gets yours at donutmedia.com today, (laughter) today!
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Keywords: lamborghini, lamborghinis, lambo, lambos, best lamborghini, best lambo, every lamborghini ever made, every lamborghini, top 10 lamborghini, top 10 lamborghini cars, lamborghini history, lambo history, murcielago, huracan, countach, diablo, lamborghini diablo, ranking cars, lamborghini murcielago, lamborghini gallardo, best supercars, donut media, james pumphrey, nolan sykes, dlist, monolist, 2022 countach, new countach
Id: 2BAxtaheeTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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