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borbs Dil snag chaffie and blow Hogs are some of pikmin's most notable enemies wait what this is chaffie he was supposed to appear in the Pikmin series but Nintendo had other plans for him and like chappie there are many other Pikmin creatures that never got to see the light of day so I brought together the experts of unused Pikmin content I'm only here for Pikmin and gun of to hunt so they can help me rank every single forgotten enemy let's get on to the list so basically we're ranking these cut Creatures based on if they should have made it into the game or not as you guys know some creatures are very cool and have some pretty interesting mechanics and others are virtually useless and the reason I specifically invited you to is because you guys are the masters of unused Pikmin content so please go check out these two videos if you haven't already over on I'm only here for Pikmin and gun Han's Channel they'll help you get a much better understanding of every single creature and character on this list but with all that being said let's get on to the list starting off with our first cut enemy his name is the Ewan Jen you guys know what the Ewan Jen does right yeah it's like a little dude who just spits out rocks right yeah it's a small like rock thing it looks like a beta version of the puffy blow hog but like on the ground and it shoots rocks I think he deserves to be pretty high on the list Pikmin one is already like crazy with like all the stuff it throws at you imagine an unkillable dude who's like throwing rocks that can immediately kill you I think this guy deserves to be in it's pretty cool he he's unkillable I think so right isn't it something like that yeah is well he looks like a ancient statue from like I don't know how to explain it but he has a cool design if it had more personality I'd say bring it back now but I think it's pretty cool as a good place to start off I'm surprised that the Pikmin one developers actually had restraint and not adding this thing to to the game I think they were scared that they to tear people away considering how difficult it is but no we got mods for this now moving on we got the burrowing snaro and he's not really a cut enemy he was mentioned here and there and this is a picture from I think Pikmin 251 if I'm not mistaken do you guys know exactly what the what makes the buring snaro different from the buring snagit I have no clue about the buring snaro I've like heard of it but I don't know any like lore behind it I think it's just it's a subspecies of the snagret I think the color is the only difference okay so burn it we're pissing people off right off the bat yeah sorry guys we're burning it next up uh I forget it name the usaba the usaba is one of the most notorious cut enemies from Pikmin 1 and I'm pretty sure rackton is making uh kind of like remastering usaba and his own Pikmin 2 mod which would be really cool um what exactly does this guy do so uh so what he actually does is just like fly and that's it I'm pretty sure but like people think that like he was a boss cuz he had like 5,000 health or something like that uh he was left pretty unfinish so we weren't sure exactly what he does for sure I do like the way it looks though like you see the way like he's flying around and stuff it's one of the coolest designs in the series to be honest it looks really cool it looks like a sperm cell with wings we don't really know it's function but just based off its design I think it's pretty cool I think putting it below um the aagen just cuz it doesn't really have a use yet but it's still a cool design and it has potential to be brought up here next we have the most intricate enemy in Pikmin one the king back it is literally just the empress ball wax his back yeah I'd say bring it back now like honestly Nintendo Nintendo what are you doing man what just happened here why did he just like disappear it's because like I think that video was like showing off that it does have a death State and it just kind of disappears when it does yeah this this needs to be in the game um moving on to Pikmin 2 cuz we don't have many cut enemies in Pikmin one in Pikmin 2 we have even less obviously starting off with the yellow ballb and the blue ballb as we all know these ball orbs got turned into the hairy and orange ball orb which I don't like the designs of either of them I think they're they're lazy and boring I have like the I have the opposite opinion of you I I don't like the yellow and blue ones but I like the hairy and orange ones really yeah I got to I got to agree with only here for Pikmin I think this is like textbook me in my opinion all right I'm going to let I'm only here for Pikmin talk about this one first the volatile list Dil basically the suicide spider without the suicide uh bring it back now cuz I mean it has its own Niche kind of I mean it looks really cool and it will and players will be impressed when they see it in game you here not above the king back though the king back is that's it King back gets his own tier so I'm all for Pikmin in your video you said that fiery ball wax was supposed to be a boss cuz there was an actual Boss model for the picop pedia left in the game so how do you think this would have turned out oh I'd say J basically just be the fiery ball black but like bigger it's weird because it is really cool but he's technically already in the game so it's kind of weird I feel like he works better as an enemy cuz you can give Reds more uses by just like putting them in more caves moving on to Pikmin 3 um I'm going to skip hey Pikmin we're going to do that at the end hey Pikmin has some really interesting enemies we'll get to that later the crystal Maro frog it's I'm pretty sure this is just supposed to be um Wally wag whatever it's called but it's made of crystal so I'm guessing like rock Pikman will either get destroyed by it or destroy this thing personally I love this guy I don't know I love Wally wogs Wally hops whatever you want to call them and having a crystal one I think would be pretty cool I think that he he was reworked into the cified clush bat the design alone I think elevates it but like Yeah functionally The Crush blat is just kind of better also these tiers are ordered so if you guys want me to move them up one or down one just let me know next up we have the bubbly blo hog he had two different Renditions one was like this and one was blue and he was supposed to spit out bubbles very similar to how I think the waddle puss does it there's probably another rework as well yeah yeah probably it it is pretty cool I like how he crashes the game if he's like put there without his blue brother but other than that like he's just kind of like a normal version of the waddle post I'd say hi meth here you should put him in between yellow and blue just because I think that's kind of funny ooh next one the emperor B wax was supposed to be in Pikmin 3 or the model was at least found in Pikmin 3 it may have just been a reused asset from Pikmin 2 but regardless he could have been in Pikmin 3 he definitely should be brought back there's like in the garden of hope they used the crab boss twice and if it felt like such a missed opportunity they should just use the B black instead yeah he was planned at some point I don't know why they got rid of him it's one of the cooler enemies Pikmin 3 is really lacking in like mid boss material enemies so I think he would have been really cool in there he's bring back now I guess he could go he technically he technically is King back tier you know what I think he belongs there in King back tier King back tier it is the burritos the burito are basically armored Shear grubs which is really cool apparently they can latch onto enemies and they can use um they could be used as protective armor for that enemy so they can grab onto the ball board and kind of just like protect them I think this is a clear top tier maybe not King back tier like this guy he he deserves to be back I think there's been no enemy that fills this Niche at all like just something that can like protect an enemy or something I think that's really cool yeah it works good counter to um it'd be a good counter to lock on as well cuz you try lock onto the bulb and it just be locking onto the bugs yeah I do like this I think it's a really cool idea next we got the what's this one called still want to try and pronounce this wait no no no you give it a go you can give it a goag we have the the the Nama pongi the Nama pongi it's a mimic candy poop button I'm pretty sure it's pretty self-explanatory uh what do you guys thoughts on this it's a cool concept but like if it was in the game all it would do was just like [ __ ] up new players experiences and just kind of be there yeah like after you fall for it once it's kind of just like okay I know not to throw my Pikmin into here again I'm going to I'm going to assume that like this design is like from Pikmin 3 when like you know the Wii version or something that's why it looks like the old one yeah so I'm going to assume the real one would look a bit closer to a candy pot Bud because there's no way in hell anyone is falling for that like I mean look at that like I think it's a cool concept but poor execution I think a cooler idea was um paracosm party's pet poser so like after seeing that it's like gets knocked down a peg just because paracos and party design one of the coolest enemies I've ever heard of the mo the mo [ __ ] hell the moio and the kakuro they' spawned into the map and you had to lure them out with bait and stuff and then you could charge them which would kill them so you can like place the bait around the map do they hurt your Pikmin at all or uh this version does but you know it's not finished so I guess we don't know for sure what would happened it was very sharp ke I think it probably would have in terms of its use it's it's interesting I don't know how intricate it would be in game but these guys should probably stay together on the list I think they're really annoying to fight like I don't know if you fought them in game before but they're really annoying so like I don't I'm not a huge fan of them honestly yeah I've never fought them but I've seen footage of them and even in footage they kind of look annoying to fight it's like really fast like the moment like a Pikmin gets anywhere near them they like go right back into their burrow so forgotten or burn it uh they were unique so I think they should be burned but maybe they should stay forgotten I don't know maybe put the slug one in cuz I like design this one yeah yeah honey whsp honey whsp was supposed to return in Pikmin 3 but we got the nectus dly instead it's kind of like it's kind of like a traditional Pikmin enemy thatp in every game I don't get why they called it noted but the burn it tier is looking awfully small right now that's all I'm saying this next one a bey with that dang on him what are we going to do about him bring him back King back tier this okay so for the viewers this is basically just a beating long legs with a giant foot in the middle you should you should show them the animation for the video because like it just kind of like squishes down with its footo head like that's awesome I love that it's design looks like a [ __ ] post I wish this enemy was in in the game it's actually a really cool concept next up we have the Canadian Prime Minister Justin trud where do we put him fing I'm Canadian I'm allowed to say it I don't know if you looked at the footage I sent you but this guy he blinks his eyes sideways like a snake which I think at least gains him one tier from wherever we would have put him kind oh my God he looks like Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls he does my God there's nothing crazy to it so I can't really put it above anything in pretty cool bottom pretty cool tier next up my least favorite overrated enemy The Bread bug I think the bread bug and Pikmin 3 would have made it feel a lot more like an authentic Pikmin game cuz I don't know know about you guys Pikmin 3 feels a lot more out there in terms of like the enemies and the creatures compared to like the first two and even number four I bet they took him out because of the loading zones like him carrying stuff across loading zones or something oh you're right I don't even know where he would fit in Pikmin through I'm trying to think of like what map would benefit from like a bread bug on it and it's just like they're all so linear that like I don't think it really works as well as it did in Pikmin 2 and one I feel like they took them out for a reason just cuz he doesn't fit in with the levels but it's the bread bug so I feel like he deserves to be at least he gets like a few tears just because he's the bread bug okay burn it there we go okay look what we got here this is this isn't controversial I think everyone will agree yeah I don't think anyone will dislike the video because we put this here by the way guys dislike the video if you don't moving on to our forgotten Pikmin types so let's start off with the beta Pikmin and now we're going to have to keep in mind the butterfly effect for this I think Pikmin one would have sold like maybe two copies if Pikmin looked like this yeah I don't Maybe chair honestly cuz I think red bug's a bit lonely there yeah what about the Tim Burton Pikmin I don't think I've ever seen this Tim bur Pikman so this is like the the first idea for Pikmin I like them I think they deserve to be above the uh what other the other whatever the other thing yeah it's a step up I don't know what maybe you know man I don't think it should stay forgotten cuz I can see this guy coming back like if this guy showed up in Pikmin 5 I don't think anyone would bat KN oh I love it with a super long um stem and like we don't have a pitch black Pikmin too so it' be Prett pretty cool I feel like his design alone warrants it's a it's pretty cool but I know he should stay in M cuz there isn't much concepts for him so there's an unused model in Pikmin one of Lally just cug so I I felt they need to put him on the list yeah yeah yeah put in put him in once as just a normal Goomba in Pikmin one and just put him in the most random area just have a just have a random [ __ ] Goomba in Pikmin one honestly Goomba for Pikmin one it's a king back cheer easily um next up another unused model in Pikmin one Mario and people say that this is probably from Mario 128 burn it or electric chair treatement what should we what should we do though there just depends like do we want it to be painless or painful I have a better idea let's add another one let's drown him what's another form of torture water board oh good one water board all right Mario getting water boarded um sweet the purple Pikmin was actually supposed to be black according to some source that I don't know says it in the files you're right that's in the files so I think it would have been cool to have a white Pikmin and a black Pikmin doing like the the monochrome kind of theme but then Rock Pikmin probably would have been a different color I like I like the black pikmin's designz I kind of [ __ ] with the color black not going to lie I think it makes sense it's like red blue yellow primary colors then you go white black it just it just made sense like I don't care about the rock pigment they can like I don't know go jump off a cliff I don't care honestly I wouldn't be surprised if like the fact that there is a purple Pikmin is contributing to the fact that we haven't gotten Puff back or something like that so if we got black Pikmin maybe Pikmin 4 would have had puffman that's all I'm saying all the poison hazards in Pikmin 2 are red except for the poison spider which is purple so maybe the purple pikmin's color again changed made them change the color of poison as well that's smart oh my God this dude this D had a crazy Butterfly Effect bring it back now yeah I know he needs to be back maybe we should move the Vol evil up to a King back okay but below CG he can't be above CG all right the bearded Pikmin looks like a variant of the purple Pikmin just with a beard I don't know what he would have done yeah I think I think they were going to be like the same as purple Pikmin but with a few Nerfs like them being harder to make yeah no burn it baldman in Pikmin 3 do you think we should have got baldman in Pikmin 3 maybe in mission mode but I it'd be hard to fit him into the story mode oh yeah I was about to say like you guys aren't ready for my hot take I think bulbman don't I think they should never come back like ever ever all right guys just like the video you heard what he said yeah no don't don't don't take it on Ragin go on my channel and dislike all my videos but um if for Pikmin 2 it kind of works because that that game is hard but like imagine if Pikmin 4 had a type that was like immune to everything you know it would just completely ruin like everything if it was just like giving you baldman in the game yeah they made Pikmin five more difficult baldman can make a return here's the thing you can't you can't burn them electric chair them or waterboard them because they're immune to all of them so yeah they should probably just stay forgotten the capped Pikmin I think these were supposed to be kind of like a a defensive Pikmin like they use their heads as Shields maybe like umbrellas so a weird ass design yeah I I like how he looks but like his design like what he does sounds like something you'd see in like Pikman 15 or something with the oldfashioned top hat they should have given it a British voice my God the British Pikmin he has a knife maybe this guy's chill yeah I'll put him in math he's he's starting to grow on me Russian torture chamber there we go now now we can all get tortured together that's great it's not normal torture it's Russian torture yeah and you don't want it there's a bear involved um the slugman the sliman the the the the whatever the [ __ ] this thing is what are your thoughts in this bring it back why not I like it I think it's cool the ghost Pikmin it's literally just dead Pikmin I don't know how this would work it could be like a mechanic when you're haunted cuz I don't know you let too many Pikmin die and these guys follow you around and like damn actually I kind of want to see that now like the ghost of your Pikmin all to haunt you okay you convinced me maybe there's like a penalty for for losing your Pikmin cuz there's really no consequences when your Pikmin dies could just make more it would never do it because they don't want like little kids to cry when they lose Pikmin but you know I think little kids should cry so I think bring them back um beta Ochi I think it'd be way cooler if it was a bulb than Ochi personally yeah yeah it fits Pikmin better as well are we assuming that there was some like parasite G control going on or are we just kind of assuming it's a bulbo version of o no that's this guy's um parasite against say control this one let's just say Ochi or this guy that's the decision Ochi or a ball oi definitely this guy but not bring it back now maybe just pretty cool okay the Burman the bur Pikman bring it back now okay no I do like this guy though he's cool I'd say like in the right here I'd put him at the bottom and actually I do want the ghost Pikmin to go up here these guys are going to end up in King back by the end of the video it's just uh now that I think about it being haunted in Pikmin would be so cool it's like Luigi's Mansion remember back before Pikmin tree was released this guy I think they showcased my like a Nintendo Direct or something showed him like next to the main three but he just never ended up in game I think his name was uh character D and then in the final game character D ended up being assigned to Louie so some people think that this was like Lou's Alter Ego or something which is you know you know anything's possible but I don't I don't know if I believe that but like I do in just terms of gameplay I do like having to manage three captains I think four would be very overwhelming it'd be funny to torture him just because like look at him but I don't know if he deserves um I'd say meth here I think just leaving him here I'm I feel indifferent about him Pikmin unearth we all know what this is viewers if you don't know what this is check out this video over here it's long but it's worth the watch advent's emblem davato Gad hun and a few other people literally resurrected an entire cut location in Pikmin 3 not not an enemy not a creature not not a character model an entire [ __ ] location I I think it's Undisputed this should deserve its own tier I'm going to put it the top of King back though having this in game would have changed Pikmin 3 for the better in every single away in my opinion yeah I'm I'm definitely biased because I worked on this project but Pikmin 3 is very lacking and like it feels like it needs another area and it just didn't get it yeah no I think it's the top as much as I love the the the legs with that thing on him I got to put Pikmin on earth a little higher moving on to the cut stuff from Pikmin 4 The Bean Pikmin and yes he was a concept in Pikmin 3 but pet Bean Pikmin or whatever it's called was left in Pikmin 4 meaning that there could have been a Pikmin with a gun oh yeah be Bean bullet that's what you're saying Bean bullet yeah we don't really know if it's the same thing as the concept art but it's just we all we know is that he was green he had an onion and like Bean bullet and we don't know much else about him I like him I think he's cool he stands a little taller was probably able to like build Bridges and use limbs for ropes and stuff if he had a gun like if it was like 100% like this dude has a gun I would say bring it back now 100% but I think I think that's a good spot for him pretty cool I think I'll put him just above blackface ball board next up in Pikmin 4 we were supposed to get puffman but instead we got um yeah yeah I'd say puffman are better yeah much better much much better yeah I don't think the puff stool can even kill Pikmin can it like I think it can do anything there for decoration I know like getting rid of this guy getting rid of this guy neutered one of the coolest enemies so like I think he needs to be brought back um next up gen say control uh gun do you want to explain to us what jensi control is uh yeah based on like some concept art for Pikmin 3 and also some stuff left in the files of Pikman 4 it is speculated that there was some sort of enemy control mechanic that was planned for Pikmin 4 at some point it seemed like it might have been a precursor to Ochi or you know some people think it could have been like a Mario Odyssey capture mechanic we don't know a lot about it but just based on the idea of controlling enemies I think that's like King back tier like at the very least I think that's pretty cool last one for Pikmin 4 so you know how we got um York Nelly and Don Bergman they were apparently supposed to be Alf Britney and Charlie in Pikmin 4 would we prefer to see our favorite copetes or these three unnamed [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was even going on Pikman for that you these these three random guys that look exactly like the cold fight Captain show up go likei guys I'm Anthony bitley and have you seen our brothers Al Britney and what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] in pman 4 bro it is insult to injury that those three whatever dudes are called Al Britney Charlie in the files like that's it's like they knew so like what are they doing maybe they deleted this cuz of time constraints maybe they deleted this cuz it was Goofy there's no reason they they could have Lally reused assets they could have saved time but they tried to make I don't get it so for all these hate Pikman guys I noticed that there's like no good images or footage of them at all online cuz Nintendo took down the only footage that was there that I could find so I did go into the files into hey Pikmin and like get all of these animations so I think it would help if like you showed like the animation like alongside dragons uh click the animation for this guy and I think I think you'll see see I don't know how I feel about it in comparison to an actual ball board but I think it's just it's funny above blackface ball board below Bean Pikmin I think I can put here next up is the same thing but without the legs his name is chappie chappie _ Proto it's basically the same thing as enemy 01 but he has no legs and he has the ditto eyes and I don't know what I was doing I think I was just [ __ ] around like he he just kind of like looks like a hand the [ __ ] you're were definitely [ __ ] around dude I like this little like hand puppet Muppet looking dude I think he deserves his own tier hey Pikman would have got much more positive reviews if he was in there if Chapo is in there exactly but the Maki variants I would like to see them they have a Whi tongue Maki and I think just a spiny Maki or a spiky the to Maki the to Maki spiky makii yeah the cool thing about this guy is that he had so many animations like he looked pretty much done I know no one really cares like how close enemy was to being done in hey Pikmin cuz like yeah I don't know what that was look like he's getting his back BL that being said I still think they're really cool enemies and I'd like to see them back in game you guys thoughts why do you unuse why do you unuse whip Tong bulbs always have black face like what's up with that I don't know like I I feel like the Canadian I say Whi tongue is pretty cool but the spiky I think he can go here this probably the most controversial tier list next up we have the gari I saw some people call it the humped blister and I'm like that's a cool the humped boy have you guys heard like the the joke about like the immortal snail that like is like constantly going yep yep yep that's what that's what it reminds me of cuz all it has is one animation of going forward so it's literally just the immortal snail but a pigman enemy I think it's very goofy looking I'm going to put him I think I'll put him it's pretty cool tier if I knew this guy was called the humped bler I would have been saying that all the time in my video um the oh [ __ ] hell the the her heres so hercul heru Hercules Hercules ibosi I only know that cuz iboshi is Scutter Chuck so this thing I think was a boss just based on the fact that it's like moving left and right and hey Pikmin has like those like background boss enemies I just like the idea of like a boss Scutter Chuck so I think he's pretty high on my list I don't know about you guys though it does seem pretty cool but hey Pikmin like it called that other thing a crush blat it calls the other thing a wraith I don't think they really knew what the words meant I think they just kind of used them so that's what happens when you get the same people that made ball and Wonder World to make a Pikmin game oh [ __ ] you're right this guy's called also like a fbat pod and I'm pretty sure that's what it was supposed to be kind of it's called the hokori a plant ball thing that shoots stuff felt very similar to the fbat Pod some people think it was supposed to spawn that weird root thing underneath it but I think that's just part of it I don't I don't really know what it would have spawned honestly torture chamber yeah torture chamber the crab the the crab wraith it's just a name like if you look at his um Japanese name the uh I don't even know how to pronounce that but it it's basically like word for word the same as the hermit croad from Pikmin 3 so I really think the localizers just weren't paying attention and just called these RS for no reason ah and he just walks forward I guess yeah he just walks like it's it's more it's definitely supposed to be like a Hermit cwad type of enemy but they just called it a wraith but and maybe the crab wraith would have been cool I'll put him in the bottom of bring him back here a Pikmin had a new wraith and also brought back to groink maybe it is the real Pikmin 4 hey Ragin um I think usaba is a bit too high would you mind like like switching him out with the the rocky Wally [ __ ] yeah I think yeah I think should go here the rocky actually the bean Pikmin is pretty cool it's a whole Pikmin type and this ball has a cool animation yeah you got to put him up here okay but this guy's the humped bloyer and he the Invincible snail and I got a show respect to my prime minister thing is like everything cool about it is just pure speculation what we have is just a flying dragonfly so like I don't know how high we can re um next up we have some sort of blowhog looks like a balloon blowhog which I think is really cool looks like a mixture of the kinian digbug and um the puffy blo hog it's very stylized and I like it fans called the the jamere blog J I'd like to see it I mean there's only two puffy blo hog type things right so yeah why not bring them in the catfish what's this guy specialty does he just like it look just to me just like an underwater blo hog type of thing I don't know if it sucked [ __ ] what's he doing Dragons I think you would love this guy oh yeah okay that's all I had to see that is all I had to see thinks he's a winged Pikmin creeping granthum but it's a venus fly trap and I think this is a really cool idea and and a cool take on the creeping cassan much better than what we did what we saw in Pikmin 4 whatever the [ __ ] they they gave us there that's sick like I don't know that that's sick it looks like it never had a lower body so it probably wouldn't have come out of the ground but the idea alone is pretty cool there a very hay Pikmin vibe to it I hate to say it like this may be Blasphemous I might get like a pipe bomb sent to me but I think he's better than the volatile Dil um well there there's a few factors in it I mean the Volatile D is meant to be in Pikmin too which is just a generally better game you know you are right this is hey Pikmin so it has to get knocked down a bit of a peg um next up we got just a scornet that's it it's just a scornet I hate scornet bur yeah bam I hate scornet they should never come back ever I'd say me cuz it really fits in with hey pikmin's Vibe it's like a smile flying eny it could go go fast you have to tap quickly to destroy it I feel like it fit in I I'm going to meet you guys both at a middle ground I'd say scornet are the most mid enemy I've ever seen so I'd put them below beta waiting wa beta waiting Pikmin just in the between the two mid so they'd fit perfectly in hey Pikmin cooler than that purple guy like cooler than bulbman like I don't know hey you you said you don't like bulbman hey guys guys I just want you all to note this like write this down in your books Ragin put the scornet above the baldman oh okay okay moving on we got a crystallized blo hog I don't know what this was it could have been a blo hog could have been a fish I don't really know what I'm looking at I don't know what this is honestly like it has like f give that go 3000 right there whoa what the okay eventually like takes off its hands and starts like wigg wiggling okay I don't want to get demonetized but what are our thoughts on this don't think that beow a game right Tree close after seeing that animation where should we put this I get why they deleted it because you know they didn't want to the game's age writing but I still think it's cool they should risk it rumors say it attack the captain instead of the Pikmin just for that animation though I'm going to put it above the crab wraith no okay these animations are great oh I like his run his little Trot that's funny probably stay for like I imagine the Real Enemy probably has all those crazy animations too so he doesn't even get that yeah it's probably just a smaller version of the real eneme next up we have looks like an attack helicopter the toig he just like flies around I guess oh are these the same enemy oh yeah I think there's like two enemies in the same F they're in the same file I don't know what it is like I don't know if that Cactus thing is like something that this guy spits out I never played a Pikman so I have no clue what I'm looking at you know let's let's design this enemy right now I'm assuming this guy flies around and drops these guys they like landmines that'll slowly fall down and land on your Pikmin which I think is pretty cool it's like the green digu kind of just drops drops bombs on your Pikmin I do like the idea here I'll put him right there that's fair the winged the winged makii looks like a very very early build no textures think there's any I think it's just this nice like something out of Face Raiders so considering how unfinished this is I don't think we can really put it too high but it was supposed to be a Maki with wings which I say I believe it when I see it like they've been known to name things for no reason so this thing could have been anything r yeah torture honestly like maybe even like China torture chamber or something China torture chamber the whole blocker the whole blocker yes classic enime oh my favorite I don't I don't know what this thing did I'm pretty sure I just skipped over in the video what could it do is it looks like just a a piranha plant but like why is like what's the giant square like I'm assuming this was like literally nothing like I think that's it said ho blocker so I think it was meant to like fill in spots in the floor and maybe just like pop out maybe I think we should put it in chappie yeah last but not least a pair of [ __ ] eyes is enemy O2 is literally just eyes do they blink at least uh there's Wings there's wings too what like I'm pretty sure it's components to a bigger enemy right I think I think these things were meant for the spor which is an enemy that got used but for some reason they just have like its eyeballs like hang around the fils you know I would love to see just a pair of floating eyes chase after me my Pikmin in a game so I think this this this deserves chappie tier also we always see like we don't always see it but we sometimes see like unused stuff from older Pikmin games make it back maybe Pikmin 5 is like main mechanic he just like floating eyeballs chasing you yo the eye Pikmin so this is our finalist that anything we'd want to change want to move around these three are just like they need to be in the next game no doubt about it yeah they would have defined hey Pikmin if they in it I I can kind of like see ahead in time at the comment section I think everyone agrees with that top tier it's pretty uncontroversial list I'm only here for Pigman any last minute changes uh Volatile D up to chappie I'd say just for you buddy just for you you snuck your way on this everyone gets one hour buy I got chappie you got the volatile as Dil gunana what's your what's your chappie pick no one's going to like it I think chrst ww walk is my chappie pick Fair well this is our final list thank you so much for joining us uh G hun I'm only here for Pikmin this this was actually a very long recording this was I think 2 hours on the dot so God knows I'm going to have a fun time editing this one but anything you guys want to say before I end things off yeah go subscribe to anyone but Ragin and then subscribe to me and I'm only here for Pikmin uh this was a fun list I think everyone can agree like I'm glad that we finally made a list that the whole fan base can agree on yeah there there definitely isn't going to be any hates or dislikes or um aggression in the comments it's such an uncontroversial list we might as well disable the comments cuz you know there's no point everyone will just agree but like I want to engage Farm all right well thank you guys for watching and um hope you like the list
Channel: Raggins
Views: 29,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Raggins, Pikmin 4, Pikmin 4 theory, Pikmin 3, pikmin 3 deluxe, Nintendo, Nintendo switch, Bulborb, bulbmin, Olimar, pikmin 4 funny, pokemon, pikmin ranking, pikmin tier list, pikmin final boss, pikmin meme, smash ultimate, mario, Cut Pikmin, forgotten pikmin, unreleased pikmin, left over pikmin, datamine, pikmin chappy, beta pikmin types, beta pikmin enemies, pikmin cut content, cut content pikmin, gunnadahun, imonlyhereforpikmin, pikmin funny, usaba, chappy, pikmin mod
Id: qPFnWWjqtdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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