We Randomly Choose QUIRKS, then battle!

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we randomize quirks in Minecraft and have to pick the one we want Battleship style then we're going to battle the first to win five random Quirk battles is the winner well it's a good thing that I know exactly where you put all of your bad quirks we'll see about that you obviously put a bad quirk in the very center so I'm going C3 C3 yup that's where the bad stuff is you're actually right that's kind of toxic literally which one you picking for me I've calculated this in my 5 million IQ brain Luke you definitely put your worst quirk in E1 E1 that might actually be my worst Quirk that's not good oh let's go come on son are you ready to taste black hole oh my god well I hope you're ready to taste some sludge sludge sludge slap good luck moving that's right I'm pulling you in Singularity it's doing nothing it's actually kind of bad I was pulling you're moving oh that's actually goated I was fast oh no that's doing so much damage it's pulling you towards it like a hole I need this sludge form you can't escape the black holes and it's all growing wait no I've got this I need the angles you do way too much damage it's not cool I'm going in the fisticuff style get over here Stan no get over here oh my God the sludge was so toxic well Luke that was really unfair but hopefully this time you're gonna get something really bad so you definitely put the worst one in the middle see through no I can't believe you picked that one I thought like my mind games wouldn't work and like by putting it in the middle I'd get something like you wouldn't do it I'm a genius well I'll go a bit obscure we're gonna go B2 what that looks suss one for all oh there's no way bro I've got acid silhouette smash oh my God how much damage did that do uh quite a lot don't you damage yourself yep that's why I'm just gonna finish you in one hit full cowling what are my moves doing more counting 100 oh my I'm so fast I'm so fast acid rain from the sky please son I'm sorry for what I'm about to do United States of smack oh my God it's doing damage let me get out of there I'd hope it's doing damage leap I can't leap this is so unbalanced no there's no way I haven't even hurt you hang on I'll go down to 20 you know to make it a little bit Fair there's no I'm gonna lose on my own channel again Detroit smash I'm running out of stamina so I actually got to finish this like right here right now no well that's two nil let's go easy that was an easy win so to add insult to injury let's go with A1 A1 very top left okay it might be good who knows I hope so okay well well for you Luke we need something terrible something toxic yeah yeah I'm getting A1 as well there's just no need there is a need are you sure you don't want to change your mind No A1 sounds really good to me right now fine it's funny that you said toxic because I actually got the slug Quirk you got sludge yep sludge slap I got air cannon I don't know what it does but it sounds a bit cooler than sludge get back get over here ow wait what does this do Edge it slow edits sludge speed wait that makes you invisible yup I'm invisible oh stay back sludge form okay that's it I'm not scared of no sludge are you sure are you sure actually yeah I I kind of am so slap how are you doing actual damage to me when I couldn't do anything last time because I'm just built different at games like honestly look I'm a sludge eating meat make it make sense wait you're eating me that's five heads oh what a hit how much damage does that do what a hit I'm actually I'm built different stay back I can't see you because of your sludge form yes I am the sludge you can't see me because it is me no I'm gonna lose again there's no way how are you doing that it's one of my moves aim it yes I couldn't remember my key for sludge speed finally I won around this 2-1 oh I really needed that win okay I see what can I give you this time something amazing I think I'm gonna go for e e Sports four E4 E4 is it bad please tell me it's bad uh I'll take it I guess oh that doesn't fill me with much much confidence okay ass I mean like more importantly I'm about to do your dirty B5 B5 there is no thoughts head empty you're just gonna get something terrible what is that huh that's a good sign I hope you're ready for twin impact oh no I'm shivering me timbers at that that sounds so scary I'm going going in stealth mode all right time for the gacha oh you got random no way don't worry guys I got this where are you send pirates wait where are you what did you get that'd be telling me you're like trying to use your Quirk a race my Quirk isn't actually what oh you got a race yeah but it's just gonna be a fist fight wait let me turn it off I want to see what it does hit me okay psych you've been erased oh I have no stamina when you erase me oh really I think so I think that's what it does I'm not gonna eat steak or else to fight I'll last away too long get over here this is so dumb ow okay that quirk's gone you weren't erasing me I just gotta keep my eyeballs open oh the Wombo Combo you are Wombo Combo man it's not okey dokey it's not okey-dokey let's do this wait wait wait wait wait that's illegal that's illegal that's illegal no no no no no no okay fine I think I won't eat the steak in Cold Blood come on not to an impacted too much damage okay here goes it's Wombo Combo time didn't expect that I kind of did no one more hits yeah it was meant to be a quirk battle but you just erased the whole fight I'll take those ah GG that's free one so based off how you're picking you're doing like a little The Cheeky little corner strategy so maybe you've got something nice in your bottom right E5 Corner huh something terrible even wait E5 yeah yeah so that's where the bad stuff is yes I needed this this is gonna be good call me Endeavor because things are about to get spicy oh no for you we'll go you know what I think we'll go for a B4 ah you want to change your mind before it's too late no I quite like a B4 and that joke is terrible oh no I got such a oh I've done four you actually might have got the ultimate counter to York work there's no way did you get water jet yeah oh my God it's time to burn you to pieces let's go do you actually have hell flame I have flash fire fist water bullet oh my God ow that actually hurts it does more damage because I'm a fire type I just need to [Music] burns like that I had the Pokemon type weakness and I still lost guess fire is just better than water okay it's free too I needed that next stop Luke you're going into D2 I don't even know what that is I hope it's bad it could be my biggest comeback oh no well son you know maybe I go something a little bit spicy let's give you the float Quirk D1 D1 you say yup predicted easy peasy interesting well that's definitely not float but I don't know if that's good I have got the same thing you heard last night I've got twin impact you've got twin impact yup I'm kind of in danger here interesting I've got muscle I look pretty menacing right now making my Escape I can't win where are you going to play from the sky oh it was a good idea impact barrage I've done no damage it was a really good idea but I've got a lot of armor on ground slam boom how much damage did I do tell me the numbers you did one whole heart let's go I'll take that it's already healed back what an easy sen Pirates W it's free all the comeback is real we're going straight into this round no pretty much talking you're going B2 okay I'll match you with that pace you're going D3 D3 is the best I can't believe you've done this let's go it's time to go beyond plus Ultra let's go it's time for me to go beyond and out of here see you later let's see I won't be as rude as you I'm only using 50 full cow full cow oh please come here a Jets now I make my Escape you've actually disappeared you're a wizard Luke oh where's that attack coming from huh I don't know but I don't like it wait what the heck okay that's it 100 I see you now wait wait wait wait wait a shot oh how are you I'm just gonna keep on trying to snipe you what a shot it was a pretty good shot I'll give you that and torrent oh that seems good at torrent again get off there yeah good luck trying to hit I'm a stationary Target and I'm hitting you who's moving there's no need to be rude about it actually there is you've got one for all okay 50 because I don't want to be too rude my leaping ability doesn't really go up it sort of only sends me forward how am I not hitting you this is my genius strategy get to the highest point that one for all can't reach we camping boys can I hit you through the thing you'll have to come into my Igloo if you want to fight fine let's do this I think I could be one for all I'm the protagonist of My Own Story oh that kind of blast I kind of blast you're actually doing Mad damage takes a smirk oh no stamina no stamina no I'm in danger I'm in a lot of Danger get over here my stamina was too low effus Epic the Power of camping wins I can't believe I lost with one for all this game of battleships is looking like basically an ocean because we picked so many we have now I'm trying to remember my board I'm gonna go with E4 oh oh something bad no that's gonna be good I actually think that's going okay I'm pretty excited about that so For You Luke because I need to win this have I taken anything from the fifth row nope okay so I think you've put a really bad one in D5 in D5 D5 yeah I put a really bad one in D5 this is gonna be terrible for me oh no oh no that doesn't sound bad I feel really bad for this Forest because it's gonna get cremated and it's gonna get exploded as well wait you got explosions oh whoa okay I'm not getting close to that explosive speed oh oh that looks so good try and catch me now I can barely control this but I need to give this a try ow I'm burning myself how am I burning myself I do some long range AP shots or AP shot was good you almost killed me but over here Sam get over here explosion AP Shot Through the Trees ouch I need water I need water get back here you sure you want to do this I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm burning myself to death it's time to use my final move I'm actually scared sen Pirates impact oh my God no yes oh no I lost on my own channel again
Channel: Senpirates
Views: 520,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unitedgamer, mod, minecraft modded, modded, anime, challenge, koopekool, koopekul, 100 days, 24 hours, mha, bnha, my hero academia, mha mod, mha minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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