Choose Your Naruto Character Based On Their EYES, Then Battle !

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where you go why are you blowing the world up we chose Naruto Powers based on the user's eyes then we'll battle and the first to win five battles is the winner all right are you ready for your first one I am ready he's really trying to tell me something with his eyes he looks like he's like in trouble so keep that in mind let me get you a second it's looking like dare I say a woman you know so that's about it really there's nothing very interesting going on with that one the final one his skin almost looks gray that is interesting okay he's looking kind of menacing those are free those are your fruit I'm kind of interested in the gray skin that's what you got it could be Zabuza I'm not sure it would be good let's see if yours is good though your first one oh I'd say this person is incredibly useful okay okay I actually had no idea until that we'll get you that second one oh I'm already decided on the second one someone's taking like a marker it seems and you're like a little circle in it and then just and then a few more little maybe black dots in it as well maybe I mean I'm not one to confirm in a third one a lot of orange you know they seem to learn like Oren the the eyebrows yellow eyes orange I think I'm putting I'm putting two and two together over here you know all right oh in that case let me get that last one number one look at that last one number one yeah number three number three though uh here you go oh my that is all right sick all right we got Naruto versus Zabuza let's go let's go all right let's go I hope this does something oh I can't get hit by that oh my God that was way too close I know that move is so powerful look at this oh my God that's mad what have you just done I I'm so glad that worked the whole place is covered in Mist just you wait till I get to you all right I'm just I'm cooking something nice so I'm roaming if you could come closer that would be that would be so why are you over there just I'm slowly coming up I'm coming to you swear to God I'm coming swear to God this better be worse are you about to get destroyed mine didn't work well that's a shame uh yeah that's tough Here Comes Your first one are you ready I'm so ready okay blonde hair in blue eyes okay okay okay that cut it that could be good but that could also be really bad I feel like I too okay blonde hair red eyes it's a bit of a bit of a street right third one coming up uh this one is just boring still black dot really it's just a black dot yeah the eyes are sharp and it's a black dot yeah let me let me get do you know what lucky number three bro let me get that third one I think it's Kakashi but I'm not too sure it could be or that could just be some old man you're gonna need to hope this is uh this is something good there's a little sag to the eye they do look kind of old a saggy old white man and it's and it's the eye color is black all right but don't worry because number two bro's got some glasses on uh final one we have got a purple eye he has got lines on his face I think it's huge I kind of want the thought I feel like that's the Bianca okay all right all right it's a little better than that oh this is better than that is a Rinnegan this again this is murderer we're gonna find out anyway oh we have Kakashi versus mother are you ready I'm ready all right let's go I don't let's go I love my chances I really don't know all right we just had to pop our susano straight away oh that's sick we can fly now all right we have we have more moves to try I'm trying to meet you oh stay back almighty push I'm rapid oh my God how are you that fast what are you gonna do what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do Marcus has summoned the Demonic statue of the outer path is he gonna help are you gonna do I feel like this is not what I need but I'm B anymore oh wait he's doing something he does so much damage oh my God yeah well if you look up surely that's not coming down wait am I hearing music it's like final but oh my God oh my God bro that was made of 90 leaves how did it just do that round three it is even right now so this could go anyway we have dare I say a classic returning we have a lovely young lady here the next one though it's an interesting one I don't know what you call this color I guess a gray there's kind of a red tint to it uh yeah well let me get you a third it's a yellow like eye but then the the white of the eye is like black I'm leaning towards the second one that one's really got me in a bit of a pickle I think it might get me into a bit of a pickle I won't lie to you so I just have the god-tailed Beast let's go wait maybe I'll get something good yeah let's hope you do because your first one is absolutely terrifying and your second one is doesn't want to be here clearly clearly watching a Cane's ace video and your third one is a bit of maybe like corn top right you know what's tickling me you said the first one was terrifying I feel like I need that to go up against the ten Tails here you are I mean I just I needed an army to fight you all right round three we have Yamato versus I guess just the 10 Tails Ginger key yeah good okay well I'm just gonna have to do what I can do really we're just gonna have to come yeah I'm ready bro you look confident this is gonna be a tough fight this can actually give a fight oh he's living oh oh oh oh my God okay okay I'll show you around oh what are you gonna do about that then boom you're in a house but you just walked out the door what is the point of this let's go get him with an arm you're caught in the tree oh thank God I think there's kills thank God no no no no no way you lose this no no oh I'm back in the cube oh my God that would have been so bad oh you know what ow are you ready let's see your first one I mean the pixel looks kind of whitish like a yellow white and then the outside of it's all just black all right second one if I saw this guy in real life I would be I would go the other direction and the third one is is his dad a bad cut thick black eyebrows but the eyes aren't as crazy it's not actually his dad actually give me the third one it's my guy oh wow all right okay all right let's see what you got let's let's see what you're getting first one yellow eyebrows a red eye second one very round eye his trim is a little bit like yours uneven and dead that sounds like sounds like you need your third one a dashing young lady here who has kind of a almost a blue eye it's kind of gray but it's like it's like a dark blue I'm scared of a woman so I'm going to go with the first one bro there you go I have that sorry about that yes this is what I thought it was are you ready I'm so ready bro we got Mike Guy versus Kid Naruto you got the cloak bro I'm charging something mean second gate okay let's find out you know what how does this feel oh okay okay it didn't didn't kill me it hurt but oh okay okay third fourth fifth six seven eight let's go oh uh all right are you ready for your first one I am it is a nice looking lady but she does have red eyes your second one oh you just have black eyes and you got some you got some notable eyebrows don't even worry because you have your third one oh okay we got some orange eyes I'm gonna have to take the middle one I'm gonna have to the middle one yeah this is good you're gonna need something good man and first up is orange eyebrows and the eyes might be purple the second one also purple eye bit white and then the last one blue eyes blonde hair can you look up to me a second you see me celebrating wow because I know I'm about to win give me the second one round five we got Neji and Mike guy are you ready yeah the zombie let's go let's go I'll kill this guy as well oh he's dead but this is crazy what is even going on I mean how do I use it am I using it what is that my God can I use my Gates oh my God I got destroyed okay all right I need something preferably bad for your sign let's start for something horrendous like this first one so he has some real thick makeup his eyes are like light bluish and that's kind of it we'll move to your second one it's a circle a lot of circles here a third one blonde hair or blonde eyebrow blue-ish eyes and a black middle to it I'm gonna take the last one bro I want to see that could be good that could be good it could be cool it could be cool wow you've got a start here a blue eye kind of Blondy Brown eyebrow but anyway the second one kind of the opposite here we have some small ass pupils bro he got them beta male pupils but the third one it's the lovely lady with the uh orange eyes again I'm interested in the in the tired mini beta mail you can have this one Shikamaru is kind of interesting actually this is gonna be a a funky fight Mario versus statero let's go all right I'm starting with this and I'm starting with this oh my God he's flying oh my God I can use them while I'm up here oh my God it's a nuke I live I live yeah she might should Dodge oh my god dude have I survived that I'm dropping down I have to drop down I fell I never bomb are you joking I can't I want to do you're dropping a nuke on me what can I do that's crack four two to me you need something juicy and let's see if you're gonna get it he's got some kind of a head protector on and maybe he's got a red eye maybe he doesn't second one please second one when I say white skin I mean white skin you've got a decent I'll tell you honestly but I'll dare you honestly I've just got your third one out you've got a bit of a line up here little dark yellow brown eye and he's got a lot of black markings all over his face I've got to take ashirama but that's the goat look at you running on the spot I'm so gleeful I was about to secure my win I was like all right yeah this is this is light maybe you still can because the first one is they have blue eyes blonde hair and a headband second one this one might it's red and it looks like a demon third one I look like he would teach a classroom that last one why why do you say it why do you say that I think I'm gonna take the first one honestly oh finally he comes out bro this is gonna be an intense battle all right three four that's your armor Minato all right go go go go go go let's go let's go what you got over there huh you see how big this thing is uh I need the biggest Rasengan possible surely you're not about to blast me with something surely not yeah that's what I'm that's what I'm holding in but uh oh you can take your time man oh that was that was I'm actually glad I did that dude you were sending it was right in my face this is the final round so this is gonna be major for you we I see some black eyebrows and dare I say a red eye your second one bro looks kind of mischievous looks a little evil he's got like a green uh green eye and he's kind of got like pink eye or something like he's he's like someone's like fired in his eye final one honestly it's looking great the eye in this in this picture is looking great and there might be a ring or two in it kind of lean towards the red eye it might be a sharing gun I'm gonna take the sharing gun because this is showing I'm confident yeah bro it's a sharing gun your first one if you fish arose to a color wheel the opposite color would be a light blue very light blue and it's a meaty eyeshadow all right second one is the nudist beach as a picture all right third one his eyeshadow is pretty crazy the end his eyes are light brown you're right give me the first one um here it is oh yeah you said so why are you talking about like blue or something oh but the oh I get it now I get it I'm so dead all right well the final battle is Kurama versus shusui but we don't really have a sharing gun so Sasuke's is gonna have to do are you ready yeah I am smart about this yeah yeah you probably do you uh you think you're big so am I all right where you go huh oh you don't flag them I'm useless yeah that's something ow okay that actually hit me yeah that's that we are destroying the village am I on fire yeah that's my mother you want to see something really cool I lived as you did baby where have you even gone I'm back in like I never left all right I'm gonna use my biggest blast can you take it bro can you he I've tanked it I've tanked it's gonna have to be like this how much health do you have I've actually lost energy it's just my sister no no okay um surely we can talk about it we can talk about it talk about nothing bro oh my sister was saving me oh geez five four any last words you got the smoke anyway so it's fine look you nearly lost that's that's embarrass
Channel: KanesAce
Views: 473,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, minecraft modded, modded, anime, challenge, koopekool, 100 days, 24 hours, naruto, boruto, shippuden, naruto mod, jutsu, chidori, sasuke, Senpirates
Id: 92gb_F9ThyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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