BTD 6 but ALL projectiles are RANDOM!

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what's going on tuber my name's 2d today joined by saber what's going on my friend yo what's up bro we're playing blooms playing boons and not just any balloons we're going to be playing modded co-op balloons and we're going to be doing random projectiles meaning anytime you put down a tower and you upgrade it it will change the projectiles it shoots and it's going to be bonkers okay absolutely bonkers are you ready saber dude i'm ready bro i didn't think that mods were gonna work like online so it's actually really cool it's like cool to see that it works yeah so some of them most of the time they don't work just because of the balloons api but this one does and i decided i think it'd be really cool so like if we put this down look at this what is it oh okay all right i'm gonna put down my free dart monkey okay okay let's see we gotta we gotta go right in the beginning here let's see all right let's see let's see what you got what it oh he shoots the pellets from the dartland gunner bottom path that's what i upgraded him we'll see what else he shoots oh i guess here well i'll put this i'll put this guy down and then i'll i'll also get grape shot when i can as well because that will be super oh that was the whirlwind thing too that's so cool bro what that's actually op dude that's so good because of the attack speed he's able to just keep keep it rolling dude if we don't place anything will they just stay like this yeah it'll stay like that forever there's actually what you can do is so you know how there's like regen balloons so you can make something called a regrow farm where you're stacking these and so it takes so long all the balloons grow back and so you just pop them and you just basically get infinite money what so they well they they nerfed it in bloon city six so you can't get infinite money but it's yeah because there's only certain many times you can do that so are you gonna you're not gonna keep it like that well i was gonna ask you i was about to ask you does adora have randomized projectiles like dude i haven't i haven't done it yet let's find out yeah it is random oh my gosh so every time she levels up she's gonna just attack with something different i think i could be wrong hopefully because she's using the like cannonball thing or whatever it's not that great yeah it's definitely not that great are you gonna keep the dart monkey as is dude you know the dark monkey is kinda but then again it's nothing it's probably gonna make it harder to like pop things i should probably get rid of them huh or i'll just whatever yeah it doesn't matter yeah because you can always try out new projectiles to see like what's really like super good so the idea is yeah that remember all the projectiles are random right so you want towers that either shoot a lot of projectiles or shoot projectiles really really fast oh so you're talking like the the dart lane gunner is what you're saying garland gunner tax shooter maybe like the monkey ace things like that because think about it think about it just dude that's so funny okay wait so can okay i'll lock him i'll literally just lock him straight down right there oh that's so easy no no you'll run into some things that are not just wait because some towers shoot bananas as wait so they'll shoot like money is what you're saying yeah so we gotta find oh my gosh look at this this starling gunner has homing projectiles dude okay all right so we're we're pretty much gonna win guaranteed is what you're saying no no no 100 oh my gosh this this this startling gun is so bad okay so that makes me wonder like what happens if you put like a spike factory down i don't know literally let's see like it's oh it's always just random it's putting nothing down it's doing literally nothing here if i upgrade something you oh look you see wait you see one little dart come out of it in a random direction wait so is it shooting it at something right now it's just putting it out randomly like a dart it's using it like a normal like darling and away it's not working it's what you're saying it's not working i'll just leave it there let's see what what is advanced targeting oh my gosh dude oh you should have put them closer bro bro so that's just the middle path and so remember they're all gonna be so they are random projectiles but it's random every game so like if you can also get this same dartland gunner wait you're saying like if we did a different game it's different from this one yeah yeah oh so we have a specific seed and that's what's gonna oh my gosh look that one balloon has to go all the way back he's gonna keep knocking it in the beginning bro hold it back man give it back we need camo detection right here here i'll um or isn't my um i'll just upgrade my dart monkey what does this do okay that does not work as well as i wanted it to yeah i'm gonna just upgrade my dartmouth oh you had the um confused dude the boomerangs wait wait you're not even shooting anything what what oh okay we lost we won we literally did you delete did you delete your uh immediately look at how many there are there's no way we'll ever like lose dude why because they'll just walk over it and then they're just wait dude what did you just have i i don't know why you were shooting out like money bags how did you go back to the other you were shooting out giant things of money i was okay yeah which one was it i upgraded this is that it not that one not that not that one upgraded and then i upgraded this again i think here it is it's it's the it's a one two it's one two look at this oh my gosh oh my gosh dude let's spin it let's spam it let's family let's get we need more we need more you're right we need more oh camo cable camera yeah no dude it's literally just the middle one you don't have to do anything it's just one upgrade in the middle path and you'll get it oh but it's better is it better ones up up there no no it's the same ones bruh bruh you're capping me right now bro dude holy cow no way bro no way money oh man we already guaranteed one we already guaranteed one because you put down all these traps man so it doesn't even matter let's see bro now we can try out like super random stuff too like what so we can do like some crazy like wait what does the hydra rocket pods do okay dude yeah we can get tier five things and see what happens huh yeah 100 dude i'm just gonna keep milking money here dude we're making so much money that's absolutely banana so satisfying bro literally up my game crash well we crashed the game so uh we're back we're gonna we're gonna try this again all right let's do this but now we have infinite money-making uh possibilities here so all right hopefully hopefully it works though okay let's see oh no oh you see what i'm talking about homie no we need one at the top i feel like we need one at the top right i don't have the money all right we'll just i guess oh my god stop stop aiming stop aiming dude how do i open it i got it i got it i got it there it is yeah we do need one at the top bro basically though we'll never lose we'll wait wait is that a is that the big one or the small one i don't know um i think that's the small one i think that is the small one well either way yeah we're fine for now yeah so definitely upgrade the top pad before you do the two in the middle huh wait yeah yeah can you send me a little bit of money so i can buy one oh dude i got you bro i got you there you go thank you that's so funny here wait can i also i'm just going to put down one of these right here too there we go perfect oh sorry at all oh dude that's good yeah yeah i don't know that's definitely the place right such a play bruh dude and now you know what i can also do is if we get a um wait give me just a bunch of money real fast all right you got it boss i'm i'm telling you it's gonna work okay watch this oh wait no i accidentally got supply drop that's fine okay there we go and now what we can do is if we do this ready it'll make all of them attack faster so we'll get more money oh my gosh dude look at dude look at all the money right now we're getting dude that's so sad oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh dude dude let's just see how much money we can get bro infinite money glitch oh bro this is amazing oh no i keep money i keep getting the wrong upgrades dude i'm getting all the right upgrades right now man i'm stacking right now dude what would happen if we got a paragon with random projectiles a paragon yeah a paragon dude what's that have you not seen the paragon towers yo send me more money so if all right i think i have enough money to send you bro okay are you ready so if you have all three t5s of the normal dart monkeys or boomerang monkeys yeah you can you can merge them into it up i'm sorry i just saw that i had like 350k and i was like oh i'm not getting money and then it jumped to like 700k immediately that was crazy are you ready for this yeah so what do you got what do you got paragon upgrade available wait what so you can merge towers together to get like this is a fit this is non-modded this is official ninja kiwi stuff you can make paragon towers yeah oh dude that's so cool that's actually so cool that's sick wait so what does it shoot as it's random protection i know you you didn't put it right at the very beginning so it's not gonna hit anything all right we're gonna we have to make it again it's only like four hundred thousand dollars it's not that bad so how did you do it let me see so you have to get each t5 so i have to get the juggernaut the plasma monkey fan club and then the crossbow monkey and then after you do that then you can click on it and upgrade it again and you can buy the it's 378 thousand dollars wait and so there's whatever you want or yeah they only have the normal dart monkey and the boomerang monkey right now he just shoots the crossbow that's it that's all this guy shoots he's actually such a bad tower right now oh you just you just absorbed mine oh my gosh we don't have anything for camera detection what oh my gosh we have literally nothing for camo detection give me a ninja i need like a ninja oh my gosh there's so many banana far oh my gosh there's so much money i got it i got it all your money dude there's too much of it dude you have so much money holy crowd dude i can't even grab it bro it's lagging that's so funny wait i'm gonna have the money up at the top right it's bugged out it just disappeared finally okay here we go i want to get the sun temple all right i'm gonna get the sun temple and uh don't mind me don't mind me don't worry bro trust me i i'm i i won't mind you bro i'm gonna go ahead and go back to uh doing what i was doing and that was just putting more uh sniper monkeys you're getting more snipers dude yeah dude holy cow come on you you gotta you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes man this is what i mean how the like how life is right now we're just shooting money we're just literally shooting money yeah that's you're doing a great job keep it up keep it up keep it up no i messed up oh i can't believe i messed up bro what'd you do i wanted to make a vengeful sun god temple but i forgot to put the other sacrifices down all right don't don't absorb my sniper monkeys bro this is very important i'm doing it i'm doing guys work out here bro i understand i'm literally i'm doing god's work i'm working with the sun god tumble oh you're actually doing that yeah dude my bad it's okay i forgive you okay there we go now i can get the true sun god temple all right so what are the what is the projectiles that this guy shoots i have no idea wait oh yeah baby it's awesome wait wait timeout time out have we ever gotten past it's been stuck at round 36 dude it just hasn't moved wait wait what it is it is there's no round 36 wait look i see are these camo balloons right here wait wait wait wait wait oh my god because your your stupid boomerang monkey is pushing all the camel balloons back wait oh watch this dude if you put this camo oh so they've just been perpetually pushed back that's comedy i'm just going to delete the boomerang monkey oh my gosh can't believe that that's comedy bro we've been stuck around 35 the whole time no we've literally been stuck here for so long because i couldn't see it because if all this dollar cash crates dude dude what do you mean man it's it's just it has to happen just accept it bro you have so much money just accept it man over here by the way let me i know you we really need this let me increase the cash reduction by 25 percent oh please dude please we're like super short on money right now are you getting 15.60 for everything now yeah that's so you're making so much money right now we're getting big money right now wait i need more money i need more money let me call in some cash drops um okay wait did you just call in a supply drop yeah dude i called in a couple of them i needed more money dude dude that's so pointless that was like those pointless ones you couldn't figure oh dude i need to i need to use this look i use this ability look at how much faster you make money now dude this is so satisfying bro wait wait dude i have to keep going and now i can also here we go i can put these down now and this makes them all attack faster too wait what'd you put down oh the totems oh my gosh oh that's a whole send if i've ever seen one wait wait dude dude you could put the snipers up on the cliff up in the very top cliff oh my gosh you can put them all the way up with the cliff dude gosh bro you you know i'm may not do that right now my guy you know i'm doing it wait wait wait you almost have a hundred i'm sending you all my money just you almost have a hundred million hundred you must have a hundred million oh my gosh you think we can get you a billion dollars let's work on getting how many rounds we got like 30 rounds to try it let's just keep compounding it dude all right i can't wait to see how much cash we've generated at the end can i place any more let's see i can i can i can place more hang on wait wait how many mil is that 40 million dollars or zero one two three three yeah 40 million okay dude we're lagging bro we are lagging oh no we're lagging so bad we can't wait wait can we fit any monkeys anywhere else okay i'm finding some spots i'm trying to fill it in fill it in yeah yeah sorry i don't have that much money i can't put any other monkeys down no it's all good bro it's all good here here you're gonna be very happy with this okay there you go there's a pontoon there so you can put more snipers on that oh okay and then a pontoon there okay and a pontoon here how many monkeys can i fit on it at least two right click on your click on your banana farmer and look at how many bananas he's collected oh he's collecting mega bananas my guy dude no no mega bananas mega bananas homie oh my gosh i will sell this energizing totem and you could probably squeeze some more uh on here too look at how many banana crates there are oh oh i can fit another monkey on here i can fit another monkey on here here you go have some more money have some more millions by the way my friend all right bro thank you man thank you you're you're being very generous right now i really appreciate it okay i need to do some mathematics right now okay so we have 60 million dollars okay and divided by 215 because that's how much dark monkeys cost we can buy okay we can buy 279 000 dart monkeys with how much money we have we can buy 279 000 dart monkeys with 60 million dollars oh bruh dude that's crazy dude that's actually crazy bruh that's balls oh oh ryan i know why our our dart or our sniper monkeys have some pops it's because when they're put down they weren't upgraded yet and they were actually popping things oh that's what that would make that would make more sense okay look at how laggy everything is bruh okay we can get 22 000. 22 000 just normal super monkeys okay they're so the game is so laggy dude there's no way dude but we're so close bro we're so [ __ ] up okay no we're not we're not we're nowhere close dude what are you doing six rounds away these six rounds are going to take hours at one frame a second dude uh what do you so what i mean we've been we basically won them and there's no way we're gonna lose yeah i don't know we're nowhere near a billionaire that's absolutely satisfying though like bro straight up hacked the game no that was so fun and that was so funny the game is so laggy now all my friends guys probably gonna end this out but saber take it away hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications check out our tick tock down description below comment what you guys want to see us do next we've been having a lot of fun with the balloons content in general just the content on this channel thank you for all the support as always we've been tuber you've been youtubers and this has been balloons bye everyone
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 700,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, bloons tower defence mod, modded btd 6, bloons td 6 challenge, bloons td6 co-op, bloons gameplay, btd 6 but all projectiles are random, tewtiy bloons, tewtiy bloons td 6
Id: HzWnqR3f4fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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