Using The SMALLEST CARS a During Soapbox Race Was BAD in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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can we go wide open here yes yes you can oh I'm still falling out no I flew off I'm H beer all right we're back once again with some soap box racing with neilogical and uh we have a surprise guest here it's uh ooto oh no the guy that we uh constantly yell at for having bad ping and's right behind me oh even better so Oto how's how's it feeling how how's the connection feeling today it is feeling good and I don't have the frame rate problem anymore cuz of the new computer so okay what is your ping right 135 ah it'll be 5 nil just somebody do the countdown let's start I do have cinder blocks set up as a Finish Line so that's when you know when to stop just run into the wall I don't know what spieler is doing right now he needs to get in his car there's snowman everywhere cuz here we go here we go oh buddy I'm going to go and start to roll it's fine I got gab in front of me why does he have all the doors open I don't know maybe aerody or something slow star but it's going to pick up I mean like that would be anti- aerodynamics well maybe well yeah about say if you want to go fast down the hill you want less drag right that's like a giant air bre is trunk I don't know he's pretty fast though uh I don't even wait where's spieler oh Oto ooto you and spieler just have fun back there if you want to run into each other it's fine remember no cutting the track fellas ah ah I bumped into him but his vehicle's bigger maybe maybe focus on racing how do we make this corner with you know you got to slow down a little bit that's for sure oh there goes g off the mountain see he did not break yeah that's a pretty sharp corner like I feel like you should slow down also I think seo's got hydraulics on his low rider up there that's definitely not going to make him faster how'd you pass me kodo uh pure skill and talent maybe I was just avoiding that crash Ash was trying to get back on the road and I used him to turn the corner and spun him around backwards I mean that works too did did gav said or is he still dead at the bottom of the mountain I think he's still actively falling down the mountain oh all right there's a pretty good battle going up who's in first I can't tell if that's I think I think it's seya no I think it's Stefan actually I think shadows and seya are side by side well see we don't have engines now so I think it might slow sooya down a bit yeah a little bit he's still good at hitting the apexes though yeah do we need to slow down here I don't know I I didn't run this as a test so I'm we haven't been here in a while so we're in I feel like we're in heavier cars than we're normally in too so I'm going to I'm letting off and breaking a little oh yeah yeah you got to slow down a little bit not a ton I'm got a car from like the 1950s I'm just going to not break and see what happens that sounds like a wise idea I'm going to see octo to the right side just fly into the path and kill me oh God oh god well that sounds like there is oh I saw I got a glimpse of him flying down the mountain well it was nice knowing you oo I was trying to stay in front so sooya and Stefan have a really good battle I'm slowly I think I'm catching Shadows a little bit oh if I could cut right here I could I'm not going to though I'm not going to see where I mean I think last time we had a bunch of people complaining it's like why don't you just follow the road uhhuh see we're not cheating This Time by the way we're coming up to the Finish it's going to be on the left side of this hill coming up I can't catch sados right now and it's bugging me I seem to remember sometimes we would get stuck right here if we didn't have enough momentum that is the thing you are going to slow down because we're going to be going uphill for a little bit you think the pigeon's going to make okay they made it that's a good question you think the pigeon will make it the pigeon ah well we got to find out though it better be the four-wheel one at least oh hey octo hello where is he at oh he's down there how's it going no where how is spieler catching up look out Koto block him is he got a heavier vehicle maybe that's what it is oh we're not to the finish yet spieler spieler spieler push him off I think I blocked him in time yes and here I come he's going to be mad about that oh oh slow blocks at like 2 miles hour he's not going to let me finish is he uhoh uh-oh all right here we go I'm going to finish fourth I couldn't catch Shadows there but I blocked spieler so I feel good about myself nice and Shadow just gave up enough to where I pass him there we go well um pigeons I'm still inent come on oh F we got to wait for Neil oh Neil I'm slowly rolling back by the way you might want to avoid me if I can touch one of you I think Shadow's going to come out he's going to push here here we'll push you here let's get out and push come on all right we're going line up behind you I don't know if it works I I want to say oh no the ball the ball just kind of rolls up hey can you pop your trunk yeah hold on keep us from going over it oh my God okay there we go that was the assistance we were looking for oh that works that legitimately jump scared me I finished all right so uh we've got a mixture of widin actually there's only one pigeon here it's the trash can a trash one ooto how do you think that thing's going to Fair here um I assume once we hit the first turn it's going to do the pigeon thing and I'm going to be down the hill yeah why would you gone with a fourwheeler yeah like why would you purposely go with the three-wheel I feel like I have to be loyal to the original Pon okay all right uh all right if you want to do a countdown Let's uh see if we can make it down the hill in East is this our first American countdown person besides me I think it is actually I wow can you spell countdown hopefully hey had it nicely done I'm going to go ahead and slowly start to Edge forward there we go yep same same I'm hoping this Wing helps and doesn't deter watch the pigeon be so much faster it's like just different on the when it's sitting right here it is a little bit bigger oh oh gav is actually much scarier when I don't know what he's planning well I don't think anybody knows what gav's planning oh these are quick you know what's really this these are actually getting it watch out Oto outside these are pretty good oh this turn's going to be scary I Know It uh behind I'm going to start hitting The Brak soon yeah I think that it looks like the pigeon does it like it took off better but it's definitely slower wait what's how does these things Corner uh oh they Corner great wait do they oh dude that was actually nice oh these are perfect all right Neil you want like a bump draft yeah okay I'm going to I think I'm going to slowly edge up to you I rolled over as I assumed but I took out gav on my way down gav's not going to be really like to hear OCT yeah was probably going to kill you for the rest of video Neil I'm going to give you a slight bump before we get to these corners is that is that did I touch you there I don't think so dude I'm like so freaking close to the back side of you uh let me know if you're going to let off or hit the well actually I like like letting off is going to make a difference let me know when you're hit the brakes I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to feather them a little bit Yeah okay cuz I don't want to completely run you over I might lunge for a pass but you know i' like to not run through the back at you I'll tell I'll tell you where I'm going to go on the inside okay might try on outside I don't think I need to hit him yet yeah H it's going to be it's just going to be a sketchy okay I'm Feathering it Feathering it okay oh I saw Ash try to pop the inside there oh it's bumpy come on outside can we go wide open here yes yes you can hold on I'm still falling out no I flew off I was trying to stay on your outside hold on I might be able to steal no never mind I am on my side off did I no no no you didn't I just tried to stay to your outside oh I might be able to do this backwards how is the Goya so far ahead I know how it's almost like he has an engine still I don't hear anything he's always fast he's he's just good I think he's just good at this I'm rolling backwards there is a chance I can make it back to the road here I can't see you yet where are you oh I see you you're just tumbling oh oh now I'm tumbling I was I was on all four for a little bit hold on I if I land no yes hold on I'm about be able to make it back to the road if you can beat somebody in that state can we do this again I this was actually really fun yeah I like these like this I might switch to a wing J though yeah I would definitely switch oh I'm going to I'm going to stop here yep it's up heel I'm done dude catching me yeah no you were good like you didn't you didn't run me off or anything I just tried swinging around the outside I went a little too fast and just misjudged it oh y'all got a good race going here get away Stephan oh you're going to slow each other down wait where's the Finish oh you're coming up it's going to be a photo finish here woo I'm going to try push him into the dirt and slow him down oh yes nice I'll take those I must say that was fun I we got to do that one again oh definitely all right round number two with these uh I know what to do now except for I don't know how to pass to I feel like we should make him start in the back yep whoa we had made a joke that the next time we make like a track map spieler has to make a dedicated sooya starting area that's like three to five miles back that would make sense that's a good idea all right I'm ready to go let's do this hit it countdown man countdown man tot totally not already rolling yep nobody saw that I hope it's fine cuz spieler is not really rolling oh Stefan didn't go wait what are what are they doing were they not ready couple people missed it Ash is oh they're moving now okay I think Ash might have noted himself a little bit to get him going all right we're good catching sooya I am three wide with ooto and octo I mean not octo Shadows don't be a ding-dong oh Shadow he's honking at me oh oh I should just push Shadows off the corner oh sooya is mad that I'm in front of him right now okay check back he's not used to seeing tail lights y kind of curious what spieler is going to do here I'm going to start to tap brakes oh I just got bumped hardcore ow just watched octo clean out a couple people there gav out again gav is not going long it's not me it's funny you know uh Neil what are you back to third you can take out Shadows if you want to he he wouldn't allow me to pass he was just kind of nudging me over so I got so that first turn I got hted a little bit and then sooya ramed me and now my cars pulling to the last say you have damage I'm going to come up on your outside outer Lane here you're good oh somebody's coming in fast what the heck Ash whoa where did he get that what happened oh I saw your name just fly off the mountain this thing just started pulling to the left so hard I'm in somewhat of a predicament oh no dude Ash went from like the back to the well not the front but in front of me did you fall off Oto so after I took out gav I started rolling again but unfortunately it was backwards and then I steered the wrong way the next turn oh God okay it's up to you kamaro watch it watch it watch it oh jeez dudee I was trying to like you test yourself so much trying to carry more and more speed hold on I can make it back to the road here I think yeah keep going keep going take out Ash there we go oh jeez no I overshot the road okay come on come this thing needs more suspension travel there we go I'm back on the road oh here goes sper hey sper okay I you know I I should have run him over but I felt like it was going to turn myself I I have an opportunity to punt him dude it's so tempting to go off the left side there if you turn right here you would hit him I'm sure do I want to make spieler really mad I tried turning and it just flipped instantly you know it is still a pigeon at heart you know yeah yeah don't turn too fast in it I don't think I'm p hold on hold on no look at this I'm now going back I feel like speed is going to be an issue here why is speed going to be an ini I don't have an engine it's just you you're backwards you're going like 5 miles I mean I'm picking up speed I got this you got a hill this is true I should probably just drive it off the side if you finish this I will send you a $100 okay now I've got the objective to finish this cuz I want a $100 bill if you finish this in your current state backwards okay let's do this you heard this Oto you're like the middleman you heard what he just said yeah I don't think I'm not I'm not worried you I'm this exactly what I was doing when I went off the cliff yeah you just got to remember you have the reverse steer now oh come on baby yeah see here Here Comes The Slowdown you see that massive hill come on just just wait yeah I think I'm done so do you want to go the extreme opposite now and do this with the Diesels diesel oh man yeah I'm down let's do it all right it's the Glorious side all these big heavy trucks that are probably not going to make the first sharp corner why is gav lined up through still has an engine I see I see smoke coming out of it uh h let's see if it disappears oh there it goes I don't know why gab insists on lining three what what good is this going to do I it's fine whatever we we'll see what happens you're countdown person or ooto sorry yep don't mean to call you countdown person that's that's for Shadows oh yeah okay now we have to call you countdown person what was that there oh move it okay we don't need immediately hit each other gav I'm talking to you remember who's taking you out a lot so far so good they're like spers trying to block me I mean these are Big here I'll just push you how about that there you go push them off the cliff uh I want to push them down a little bit because I feel like there's a good chance he's going to die bomb the whole field and it's going to be glorious uh-huh oh this is going to be messy I like I feel like I don't know when to break on this one dude gab's like a really oh my goodness okay goes half the field G is I'm H uper oh turn hard hard right just go down see if you can take FP yeah we didn't do very good there boys um shall we reset yeah think we got to try that one again oo that was your time to shine if you would have made the corner you could have gone out in the lead y um I think you you you got to start breaking quite a ways ahead of that one I thought I did but at the same time I don't you couldn't see it cuz he was behind you but gav managed to crash before the crash and by the time he reached you he was already in like 18 pieces also ooto why why the log load youve got that was a bad idea all right let's just do another count now let's try to see if we can get it going this time breaks fellas remember you got them oh to be fair I was so distracted by the people like flying off that corner that I just yeah I had to watch it by the way side by side we were going 0.3 milph how did you hit me Oto what you what are you thinking here do we think we watch them die in the corner or if I can catch up to gab I'm punting him off but other than that yes well remember I'm between you and gab right now so they're already they're already hitting each other I'm I'm just trying to debate if this thing can make the corner yeah can you just got to start slowing way yeah but you're talking about a group of imbeciles and telling them all to slow down at the same time it's just not going looking pretty good so far oh dude G just piled in there full like locked up yeah I forgot that I just tipped G come on no I'm locked come on come on I this is why I wish we had engines now get your debris out of my axle dude dude gab just launched I don't think gab's intention was to make the cor I'm noting myself off the the hill here hold on hold on on turn I'm I'm just trying to turn myself here okay I've turned myself thank you okay come on okay we can keep going now why don't you go I got to know myself to sorry Oto it's just there there's something broken in this thing I think oh there it goes all right I'm starting to roll again sorry what it stop dude I just watched like gav just full I think he just hit the handbrake and thought he was going to drift in a cement truck and just ran right over you guys that's a perfectly rational line of thought from him um so God do we think maybe sticking an engine in these would this help going down in engines I know it breaks the Soap Box lore but come on I I feel like doing this with engines would be even more disastrous so I'm all for it I mean it can't get worse than the first round right these things get quick once you get some momentum yeah they're heavy I I had a bad idea that caused me to crash that time wait you're dead I de no I can't get moving again though I decided to see if the engine brake would still work without an engine and um oh because I was in first person view I couldn't take turn in time I just passed gab oh not gab Ash I feel like I got to skip I want to launch myself off this I'm so far in the back I am going to e myself down this hill I think I'm in first place right now I got myself rolling wait wait whose debris is this where is the soya's way down there seoa is in Shadows oh my goodness see the W I wanted to see if it'd work it didn't it didn't work out very well Neil I'm rolling I'm going to see if you know maybe if I had a smaller truck maybe maybe that's what I need I think spieler gave up he's behind you coming down too oh oh oh here comes spieler hold on it looks like there's actually close race looks like uh Shadows is actually passing sooya how fast are they going oh they're going way faster than we are I mean technically we're all dead but yeah Shadow I think is going to pull it out pull it off here yep there he goes nobody nobody uh fixed the the wall well I think that's my job but I'm lazy so it's just it's here in pieces oh spawn right in front of them Shadows with the dub so uh yeah I like the truck I just wish we could make it past the hairpin so you think putting an engine's going to make that easier I mean it make it where I could drive away from when we crashed The Hairpin all right let's do an engine right all right we all have pretty much the same vehicle except for uh gav decided to be different but we got engines now so there's that that's going to make it better yeah are you in low gear or high gear here low low okay all right count of in let's see if we can make it with engines at least if we crash if the vehicle still drives we could drive away without having to use nodes right right the one Saving Grace we just might be carrying too much speed when we get down there yeah here we go okay I'm going let gab take off here gab's going to immediately try to run Stefan off the road nice and sooya has a drag truck he's gone wait he spawned a drag truck oh what was that he much fter like just Warp oh gav is just swerving oh my goodness oh my goodness wait spieler forgot to the how do you forget gab is dead sideways heading down towards you guys just FY Ash just punted me oh my god oh no no get away from me I had to reset spieler spawned right in front of me spiel's going down the hill Oh did he oh does this still run somebody said K how you drift shad shut up you're not even driving just took out the leaders I'm going reset my car here I'm going drive down D that first is speler oh spieler just took out Neil too he just took out like four people I tell you spieler becomes a menace in these videos now I had a good run going you know spieler was that lovely character that you know everybody appreciated screw you speler and passing you there we go oh God I'm going too fast how's it oh this is a disaster dude doing these with trucks can we do a one more round with maybe the the wion with the engine a WID engine run yeah got I like that's been our best work so far has been the wion every time I click on one of my friends they're falling down a hill went off the same Corner Koto all right final round wigon with the engine engine engine I can't even say it you say it Neil the wion engine round there you go see Neil Neil knows how to English all right I'm ready do a countdown this lineup I don't know what is why does Seas have the it's propeller I don't think he's going to take flight in that is he propellers get hurt though they're defense yeah but be Neil I just letting off because I feel like they're going to die down here I think gav's going to kill him octo I'm going to slow down a little bit when we get out this corner cuz I don't think anybody's making it dude these are oh my good see there we go oh no I spun it out avoiding people okay here we go I man to stop propeller okay what happened I hit the propeller on soya's car how did that go ripped my bumper off but I'm okay dude these are so fast I've never been trying to kill me again I oh my goodness I just watched octo and seya fly off I almost flew off with them I'm down to three wheels I think I'm I'm I'm still somehow going I'm I'm Trucking he hit the brakes and I wasn't prepared for it yeah the brakes are weird on this does this say only have like rear brakes or something it must yeah cuz it feels like it wants to spin every time you touch the brakes you got to be care you got to feather it that's for sure Ash just crashed let's go oh come on come on you're not going to pass me Stefan Stefan's normally pretty fast who what's going on down there Neil uh nothing just a slight issue did you cut or did you fly off I flew off but I'm still alive oh nice I'm cutting the track so hard right now I think I see your tire marks I have a hover car chasing me you're cutting the track okay I'm going to go ahead and uh oh no I flew off the track oh I guess got to cut it a little bit here as long as you don't flip over but that's the hard part not flipping I think I've made it down I no shortcut no that wasn't a shortcut that was a uh temporary uh part of the course I think I got second place I think I'm still going to get fourth after like shortcutting I'm still getting fourth yeah Ash got there before you here come dude I am flying right now what happened to you octo um sea for some reason when he hit the brakes his car just missed missed everybody no I was aing for the jump I wanted to fly well now you're halfway down the mountain sorry octo what did you say happened um so sooya hit the brakes to slow down from one of the corners and from my perspective his car just stopped instantaneously and I hit him at full speed nice issue or I I think so it a bit of everything
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 51,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soapbox, soapbox race, soapbox race funny crashes, soapbox crashes, no engine, beamng no engine, beamng no engine race, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng multiplayer mod, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, camodo gaming beamng, beamng drive mods, expensive fails, supercar crashes, car, car accident, beamng multiplayer, beamng stunt, beamng random cars, beamng gravity test
Id: qnrtG3H7JO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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