Testing Brakes on Cars VS Dangerous Roads in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're going to be testing the breaking powers of four different Vehicles versus various Road surfaces and folks if they miss they're going to end up with spikes right in their face also stay tuned because we're going to be doing a lava round at the end so let's jump in all right so we're back with another spieler map and we're going to see how different materials affect breaking in different cars here in B andg drive so I have quite a few set up here we're going to skip a couple of these because some are fairly similar but we have stuff like mud uh you have like a heavy mud here there's Rock a wet road we have ice this isn't acid by the way this is like a gummy material I think that speler used on the Christmas map we have water and then stay tuned cuz obviously we have lava so real quick I just want to show you guys how this works this is the test that has zero change in material it is just strictly rad so we're going to drive down one of four vehicles I've got a Sunburst we have a D series a shinilla and and we have the T-Series remake and yeah I'm not going to change anything I'm not going to turn off the traction or uh the stability now on the T Series I'll probably stick it in high gear uh but other than that we're going to be just using the defaults we're going to see how the thing breaks and see how the materials affected now obviously the sunbursts we're not moving too fast uh I think the brakes are going to be fairly efficient they might try to lock up actually the ABS should prevent that and here we go we're breaking and oh my goodness this thing might be totally screwed that's about the 150 mark it took that thing a lot to slow down now you would probably think to yourself oh man the uh the shin tilla's got it but you got to think that thing's going to be probably going like double or triple the speed as that Sunburst when it hits those materials so yeah comment down below which vehicle would you take in this test if you actually had to strap into one of these and Trust the brakes also hit the Thumbs Up Button if you want to see an modded episode with this where we use ridiculous mod cars okay here we are at the first material we're going to do a run here this is just going to be I think it's just dirt uh we'll see if it's more efficient I want to say that it actually might grab a little bit better uh than the road Dead uh but we'll have to see I might just slide off all right are we going to meet our spiky death okay I see it coming up are we going to hit The Brak zone right I'm hoping we are and oh my goodness and brakes okay you know that felt oh that was pretty similar the only problem is you know we kind of have a little bit of a baseline for this particular vehicle we stopped what was it 20 M sooner all right so the Sunburst uh we're at the 180 we're going to just set this vehicle over here and let's try the others all right so real quick uh this is a little note here I do have baselines for every vehicle so we're in the D series this thing actually uh was a bit better than the Sunburst it stopped right around the 120 Mark but I don't think we were going quite as fast uh so we're going to see this one uh the shinilla was kind of funny I actually ran it on the road and it took almost to the 280 Mark like it almost went off the other end because of the brakes not being able to slow it down because of how fast it was going and then the tseries uh that thing was right around the 150 Mark uh so just keep that in mind for the Baseline test okay is this going to be more efficient here here we go 3 2 1 breaks okay yo this one's grabbing a little bit better but fairly similar uh to its actual run I feel like it actually did a little bit better than that Sunburst did so if it's 20 different as far as the meters this thing's probably going to go off the end here also I don't know how the engine starved of oil I've barely done anything oil is overheating connection wait what I just slammed on the gas okay uh I think we're fine here oh my goodness this thing is so fast all right what's it going to do when we hit the brakes on just dirt here oh is this thing going to eat the spikes here we go brakes and you know what uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh oh no I think this car is screwed for the rest of the test okay here we go with the T-Series run what do you guys think's going to happen here so I did notice that this T Series when you slam on the brakes all the back axles they everything just locks up back there like there is no ABS it's not going to try to prevent itself from doing that so you got to keep that in mind it's going to slide a little bit I feel like the backend slides out uh just the way the brakes work but oh my goodness I I feel like this one's actually going to be good because of how heavy it is I say you got to think the brakes are designed to stop like help stop trailers full of stuff so they've got to be pretty good right okay here we go getting ready to hit the brakes and brakes oh see how they lock up there oh but the weight is carrying it this was a a massive difference in its control test this control test this thing overshot it by like almost 100 m oh buddy all right is the D series going to be the king of breaking here we're about to figure that out I'm going to do the mud run and then I think I'm going to skip the rocks and head to the uh maybe the water over there okay we're going to start with the losers of the round this time so here we go with the cintilla let's go ahead and hit the the gas I have very low expectations for this you know I'm must say I feel like the mud is going to grab the vehicle a lot faster and maybe it is going to assist with the braking or we're just going to slide off and hit a wall I'm not really sure what's going to happen here with this vehicle I mean they have Mighty brakes on it but look how fast we're moving all right get ready and brakes oh dude it helped so much deep mud definitely helps with brakes all right let's pull us off well you got spared for at least a round but oh my goodness we're going to go up against a uh a wet Road here uh next so I'm pretty sure this thing's going to slide off again okay here we go heavy vehicle thick mud I think we're stopping pretty quick here and breaks oh it's okay oh we're locked up hold on come on come on oh man okay not as quick as I thought it was going to be uh looks like we're going to be at the let's call it the 210 Mark I might have let off the brakes a little bit there okay here we go with the two stars of the show the DC Series in the Sunburst how do you think this one's going to handle it I don't think there's any danger of hitting the spikes on this one I feel like if anything this is probably one of the best materials for uh for breaking and not necessarily staying like straightforward this thing does throw you sideways but uh we'll see here uh with what the truck does and breaks oh my what just flew off the back of this thing oh oh that shinilla was going probably three times as fast and look at the difference in breaks here all right so is the Sunburst going to be king of breaking here in the mud I feel like this one's going to turn out pretty good and breaks oh dude it's sliding way more is it because of how light it is wait that is almost a dead heat so yeah I think as far as consistency the trucks got it the Sunburst definitely overshot uh its previous mark it wasn't bad though uh the shinilla was the most impressive in the m okay here we go so the t- series is going to go first here in this round we have the Slick road so how do you think this thing is going to fair in here I feel like the whole fact that it's going to lock up it's going to slide for a long time like it does not have any sort of assist as far as the brakes here okay here we go up to The Brak Zone here and breaks oh it's sliding it's sliding come on baby come on try to keep it straight I'm going to try to straighten it out here oh my goodness it used oh pass the 300 that's probably like the 340 Mark we are about what 10 ft away from Death okay cintilla round so here's a question like are these performance braks going to actually help in the rain I don't know we're going to be going awfully fast but we'll see and Bricks oh jeez oh jeez come on come on up great my [Music] def what what the okay that was almost completely even with the t- series maybe nobody's going to meet their maker on this round okay here we go Sunburst brake test and breakes oh oh it's lovely absolutely lovely those brakes work so good okay D series test and breaks oh it's so good how is this thing outbreaking the Sunburst now granted there is a difference in speed but it's still this one one feels so efficient under its breaking like what is doing that compared to the car I mean obviously the superar is just it's super fast and the T Series is a diesel well those are self-explanatory I'm a little confused by why the D series seems to be doing better than the Sunburst so we are ready for our next material so we have two or actually I think it's three different ice ones I think one's actually snow uh so I think we're going to do an ice one skip the middle one cuz I it's just a change in how slick it is and we will do a snow test now I feel like the snow test it's going to be a mixture of grabby and Slick like my brain can't comprehend what's going to happen in the snow I think I know what's going to happen in the ice though all right we got the t- series versus the ice I think we're about to meet our maker here and bres oh no come on come on nope keep it straight keep it locked keep it locked no oh that was right into the driver's seat so I think this one is absolutely screwed here like it's a super car not very often you see people driving these in Ice uh I mean sometimes they do rich people like to do burnouts in ice at least it's kind of fun uh to see but yeah I just I don't think this is going to work well breakes oh no oh no oh this is going to be bad oh impact detected you don't say all right here we go in the Sunburst what is going to happen I really look forward to doing this with modded vehicles and another thing we might test here we go brakes uh uhoh come on I have faith that you can do this please stop before death stop before death stop before death no all right that's uh three dead all right here we go with the D series so I think one way besides just you know the fun things that we're doing now in the modded Vehicles another thing I want to test out is getting just one vehicle probably let you guys decide which one it would be and we'll test out different brake Styles uh from like your standard brakes maybe like a sport set a race set and just see truly how efficient uh the better brake systems are especially with the different materials uh so I've got other plans probably got a couple videos on this map uh but here we go with the D series let's see what this has got I think it's going to work I think this is going to be the one that survives okay here we go and breaks buddy stop stop stop stop stop stop stop all right we have all died uh I feel like we are going to survive well I say that this one might be a little bit more unpredictable uh it might launch the vehicle I don't know if this is like a soft snow where it's like mud under or if it's going to be like kind of like the icy one we're about to figure it out though uh you'll definitely get to see the difference in materials if we don't die here because all of the cars died in the last round on straight up ice you know I just thought about it there's that mod for the parachutes for the drag cars I wonder if parachutes would help in tests like this say you're going just way too fast you can deploy a parachute all right here we go with the snow and brakes oh it's so much better it's so much I mean it's still slick like it's taking forever for this to slow down we're going to go with about the 190 Mark okay truck doing well I feel like if I had to make a guess here based on what we've seen so far I'm going to guess that the sunburn is going to be about at the 210 Mark uh the D series I'm going to go with the 240 and I'm going to say the I think the cintilla will be at the 300 I don't think anybody's going to die this round okay Sunburst time let's see what this thing's got uh am I going to be right in my guess that it's going to be about 20 M behind uh the D series here and breaks yep I I think it's going to be oh on the money no not on the money a little further uh well quite a bit further than I expected I was thinking about a 20 M jump it is at the 240 so yeah I was guessing right around the 210 about 30 m over but I mean at least I knew that this thing was definitely going to end up behind the truck okay here we are in the snow where is this t- series going to stop uh let's go breaks wait is it going to be more efficient than the sunburn oh no it's sliding it's sliding it's sliding 280 300 300 looking like the 300 mark no we're still slowing down like I got it locked uh I would say about close to 325 we almost I think the 325 Mark might be the road based on what I could tell here maybe 375 or maybe that's 350 uh on the uh on the spikes here so any chance that this thing makes it like I I feel like we are we're done here this thing is not going to be able to slow down in the snow oh buddy and Bricks oh my goodness come on come on you can do it you can do it oh you can't do it oh this poor superar you know we should do a super car Showdown you think like the bowy or maybe like a Lamborghini you think it's got better brakes uh all right well we're on to the gooey stuff all right since the shinilla failed with flying colors uh we're going to we're going to attempt it first which by the way I'm going to go and point it out one more time there is a second section that is just a much sooner breaking Zone there is no spiky finish there are so many different ways to test brakes here in beam and G drive on this map which it'll be on spielers patreon okay this is your time to shine superar you got this it's going to be green I think it's going to be grippy watch it be slime and it just goes straight forward I didn't think about that I thought spieler said something about it being the same material as the gummy road but uhoh oh dude it ripped something out for it ripped the whole Underside off this it gripped so 220 all right so I'm already wrong you can see it's still sliding it's slidy but it stops it completely ripped off the underside of this vehicle okay here we go with the t- series let's go breaks what's going to happen oh dude wait what the heck it's got to be weight weight save this thing I mean it's still sliding but I I don't think it's going to get any better uh oh it actually went in reverse a little bit there yeah it's just going to slowly move forward we're going to call that the 70 Mark uh yeah so having weight on the Slime or the gummy materials I don't know if I'd lick that okay Sunburst versus the gooey stuff uh are we going to beat the t- series I don't think so I think the T Series might win this round and breaks oh yeah we're going to slide past it yep we're going to end up between the uh between the supercar in the t- series we're going to call it the I would say about the 110 is when it really slowed down like it's going to obviously keep moving like there's no actual like stopping on this one without probably kicking it in reverse uh but yeah about what I expected with this one so question is is the D series going to be the T Series or is the diesel going to have its day here in this material all right here we go with the D series what is going to happen here in break oh my goodness oh it's going to slide beyond the Sunburst what the heck all right that was a little unexpected I I do love watching how different Vehicles react to different Road surfaces uh honestly it seemed like the D series was dominating but yeah that was pretty impressive by the T Series so here we go to the next material this is water oh buddy oh I think it's going to destroy itself like I'm going to go with that prediction here and brecks oh okay that might have been one of those moments where you probably might have broke your back with the how violent the stop was an instant but that's pretty good that's we're going to call that uh the 3035 Mark all right what's the T Series going to do here is it going to be an instant stop or is it going to keep going and breaks it okay uh let's go with about the 55 uh well maybe 60 we'll go with the 60 on this one so far I would say the water has been the least destructive which is surprising cuz I thought these things would rip themselves apart when they hit the water uh but the vehicles are holding up really well it just immediately pins itself to the bottom uh I think the uh the cinella did it the best uh we're about to see with the Sun Burst not carrying a ton of speed here uh I think it's going to take longer to slow down though than the super car so here we go uh looking for my breaking Zone and breaks oh my goodness this one Glides oh so it's like the water skipping map that we have now like that acted oh wait hold on what does that mean for the D series uh maybe heavy or if your arrow points you straight down for downforce is better yeah I feel like the D series isn't going to Fair much better this is more like water skipping at this point all right all right here we go with the D series what is it going to do is it going to skip or sink and oh it skips but not as much and there it goes it has stopped not bad I guess the Sunburst yeah that's the only one that really was gliding across the water there uh so here we go oh man we got the lava I don't even know what's going to happen here the vehicle might just instantly burst into flames I'm going to go out here on a limb and say that I believe the cintilla is going to probably win this round I don't know quite what's going to happen if it's going to melt or just catch on fire but or also is it slick oh it's lava I feel like it would grab you instantly uh maybe I'll be wrong about this maybe the t- series maybe all that weight uh would be better for this one okay here we go lava time breaks oh my goodness okay we're on fire but wait that actually look kind of cool all right so we're going to call that about the 65 M Mark real real quick just look on the other side I feel like we're going to see something very similar to the water uh I feel like maybe just move everybody up so I I feel like maybe I don't know maybe this cinella is going to break the soonest on this one uh we could be seeing almost a mirror of the last one uh maybe just a difference of 10 20 M okay I've repositioned the truck it is in the right spot now all right here we go with the superar what do you guys think's going to happen here is it going to instantly stop or maybe is this going to Glide oh we are booking it here all right I see like smoke up there is that smoke off the D I think it is oh buddy and breaks oh it skipped it skipped oh my goodness that's our first flip of the episode surprisingly all right well I guess we're going to give it right around the 140 Mark oh it dug right in all right Sunburst versus the lava boom breaks oh it's getting in and all right we're going to call that the 80 Mark uh it is now bursting into flames it's fine everything's everything's cool here okay final test we have the t- series what do you think's going to happen I think it's going to go straight down maybe this is going to be the best one all right come on baby get ready to hit those brakes the D series just on fire over there and brakes oh there it goes I knew it was going to instantly stop there uh oddly enough the rear section of this thing is floating all all right well you know what I'm going to let you guys come up with your own conclusions which car do you think won this competition and what was your favorite material we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 212,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive crashes, cars vs, cars, beamngdrive, cars vs laser wall, crash test, funny, cars vs laser, car games, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive car crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng biggest crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, camodo gaming, beamng.drive, gta, gta test, beamng speed bump, beamng weird cars, tiny car, beamng tiny car, beamng brake test, beamng brake test map, beamng drive brake test, gta brake test
Id: 5v0q5gB5yeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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