We open the MILITARY BAG & TRUNK from the $250 locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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let's take a look at this truck right here we like this right Janna yeah it's really pretty I think 40 is 1940s let me come don't miss this shot because this could be really exciting 30 I've sorted the best of the best it all going to see what we really pulled out of this locker [Music] all right locker nuts we are back at the unit Saturday morning I've had a good morning dump auctions believe it or not Saturday morning auctions at my secret spot didn't buy anything is all garbage but now I'm here and about to get this stuff so this is not too much compared to what I had yesterday this is nothing I'm gonna load the trailer and get ready for the flea market tomorrow going to church tonight all right yeah so that's what the load looks like right there not too bad that's a full trailer but of course I've had it I've had it twice as full before so but yeah decent load yeah I got a few things in here so we're gonna save that military bag in the chest the trunk for we're gonna open that a little bit I haven't looked in those excuse me I also haven't opened this garbage bag right here but I did peek in there and it kind of stinks so it looks like clothes it kind of stinky I'm gonna open those at the flea market and if I see anything vintage I'll pull it out and save it but all this is going to flea markets one pretty exciting all right you guys so we saved the best to what I think are the best team we're gonna see you right for last and I shouldn't say that one for last last okay let's take a look at this truck right here we like this right yeah yeah it's really pretty I think 40 is 1940s it's a lane I mean it's at Lane furniture Lee Virginia [Music] Bud Light coasters one of those are vintage or something yeah okay let's hope right this is obviously vintage look like garbage some garbage this is all like leftovers from when you buy your cell phone all the wacky cats yep she was can you Chelsey some stickers for 95.7 the wolf the envelope looks like she got one Afridi from the radio station oh and here's a she keeps her prized possessions in the plastic bins here sucks and she she did this before with the other socks too and there's no money in them which I'm still hoping someday fine this is Carrie's room was her name okay got a bunch of manuals here shut up Manuel yeah man he's got some good videos not what I was hoping stamps that's it there's a bunch of mail it's junk now aroma tightness here oh look at this I saw this mana when I was loading it the casino card she likes our gambling there's like a plug here see that I think you open it and it like I don't know loosens it yeah let's like or something these are drug banks I found a buncha already yep two other stashes like this not knowing ups in like wooden boxes I think it's [Music] there's a lot of plastic like this is important docks on it okay all right we still got one more chance for romance here so what does everyone think about what year yeah what feet hurt why I was there almost 12 hours yesterday clean this thing of it was it super clean no good guys must ant for this this could get exciting all right yeah we got a little bin here so we could put stuff in cuz I can see in here and it doesn't look military unfortunately see that but what um bring it's Russian Navy Navy this is a Noah's Ark never me neither there's a tower oh this is gonna be such an exciting journey a dirty spot oh my gosh show them the front of that earns nothing almost everything's been in this level of Stan that's an old guest sweater I know that is old huh that's too bad cuz that would be super killer for a creme cable net for Alan either I think they can get those stains you think yeah he's that oxi fresh or whatever oxy clean oxy cool not my washing machine wash machine that's the decent Oh uh-huh found some military items one military sock that's good right military issue a military issue hmm doesn't look any better in here you know what I'm gonna do let's dump it out here don't miss this shot because this could be really exciting ready here we go oh okay we did get a little more interesting all right see that oh that's cool that's pretty cool huh it's a nice jacket this is this is yeah it's a military issue 38 40s I got small/medium that's what I am right you're really gonna put that on yeah there anymore mm-hmm I'm gonna say a word I was stacking the boxes so good come on you it's great wait arguing me like debate me funny Oh suck it in I can do it come on I can't see it though I can't see it and zip it at the same time like an Olympic event this bum me up [Laughter] another thing that's happening people don't think it's gonna happen so can you just take a pass on it all right thank you this is Ethel is your the color looks great on you actually I'll tell you one thing I'm not I think I just want my bag I think military I'm serious they actually really hurt I don't know what I just did uh look at the lining on that nothing is made like this military I know those forever where's it made out okay I don't have the glasses the glasses do not dry clean cotton nylon it doesn't say it's not interesting all right so I see some more okay yeah well camos bigger services military issue this nice - it's not 40 this could be military she says yeah baby yeah it is nice that's cool mm-hmm it's got some stains here but I think there's too much it's just cool and these are probably we saw the military stuff pretty well actually this is like our second or third military school to it it's like our second or third military one in the last couple months and we've sold a lot of this stuff doesn't jumpsuit oh yeah this is a cool that's 15 bucks right there 15 bucks we just I don't know maybe even more for the green one because it's lighter the other one was tan mm-hmm that's pretty nice so we did function military your that's good cuz the last time I found a military bag it wasn't a funny thing military in it but this mm-hmm we did like super stiff I don't even know what this for it's yeah it's very very thick like upholstery or something made for seats or something seat cushion mm-hmm I don't know all right you guys well that was the action tomorrow going to flea market we're gonna choose which of these want to pull out to go to that flea market and but we still have three we have two big bins and one small bin of all the cherry-pick stuff so we'll go through that and we'll figure out what the values are and what we're gonna Eve a and what will let go if it's cheaper and we'll summarize on that for you so you can see what the good stuff was some of it I didn't even get on camera cuz I was so tired last night jewelry get old stuff military skin stuff all right you guys we're back at the house I've sorted the best of the best all the low-end stuffs on the trailer ready to go to the flea market tomorrow here's the cream right here we'll go through it some of it's worth some money some of it's not worth that much I do have this bin here of better stuff actually two bins I got that fixed right there I got to figure out what that is I got all this stuff here like the Starbucks cup the shea butter some vintage tools a beer stein music box and albums all this stuff is all like twenty dollars in less so I just gonna bring that to a better flea market this right here is gonna go to the eunuchs antique flea market got some stones a little bit of what do you call it lace some older documents and these are pretty cool I'm not sure those might be silver this one yeah it's neat old business card holder little better stuff for the antique flea market got a bunch of junky watches here which will throw five bucks let people sort about before we blasting out but this is the good stuff um let me show you around right here this is all the this here is all the jewelry so we're gonna take a closer look at that I know for a fact there's some gold in here I did see at least one or two pieces where I could see the stamping so that's a good news and a little bit here too and I believe this right here maybe it's this one one of these is silver I saw nine to five this might be silver so let's take a closer look at all that jewelry in a bit a couple gift cards we've got assortment here of some pocket knives and lighters I like to throw those in a bin yeah this this classy little pan right here we'll look it up so it's cold but lighters and pocket knives do well at the flea market I don't find a little bin so with the sort those this Leatherman right here is worth about between 25 and 30 there's no the lighter we have that nice coin 1922 that's pretty cool it's not in the greatest shape it is a coin in an old coin you got three or four bucks here this old concert ticket from Bill Cosby in 1976 pretty sweet some stamps nothing too exciting but those are good we'll use those this old pin right here let's Richard Nixon I'm not sure what the peach stands for but tricky Dicky funny oh this says harley-davidson on it I figured that out afterwards that's kind of cool yeah here's another piece of another jewelry box here this is um this is indeed a very old holster for her kids it says right here wagon train I think that's the name of the toy line may pertain to a TV show this allows iner it's pretty cool surprisingly not a lot of value this necklace I put aside only because these necklaces are some are hot all of a sudden the kids are buying those up so break the flea market sell it for probably seven or eight bucks this thing right here surprise surprise this is maybe one of the more expensive items on the table and I thought it looked a little different this right here used is gonna sell for 50 to 60 bucks don't ask me why it doesn't look like anything super fancy to me but um that's the selling price on ebay this old book right here I think it's from the thirties it's 15 bucks not a lot of value we'll bring that to the antique flea market also um these cameras mean altas decent brand but not big value this is a generic brand here it's probably worth 5 bucks this one might be 15 online we're not gonna list it we're just gonna blow it out that battery this old Sony recorder here this is again probably 15 bucks online this Walkman some of these Walkmans that's you big money this one's about 20 bucks I don't feel like testing it so we're gonna sell that at the flea market as well this right here I probably will list these are selling for 40 bucks but this one's expired 2014 I don't know what the market is for expired but at 40 bucks for our newer one on eBay I'll list it 25 and see what happens of course I'll make a big deal on the title and everything about it being expired this piece we showed you before I just think this is just got such a cool look can't figure out what that is right there I have a feeling this is some sort of like it's something like that comes in strands that they've laid over with some sort of glue and enamel or something and I have a feeling like maybe it's like it's either intestines or like a muscle tissue or something I think out of an animal that's been formed into a sculpture I correct me what you guys think all right but if somebody knows for a fact what this is let me know cuz um that's a little different oh no it's just something about this piece it really speaks to me I kind of like it this holds an answering machine right here just some cool 80s throwback of course when I see this I remember exactly where our answering machine was in our house growing up this they're gonna crack that open this old lamp right here that's what this is it's a lantern so the inside the chamber is completely empty it's meant to fit a big fat battery and you take this outside and use the lantern you can sit in here it illuminates downward or you can pick it up like this in shining outwards surprisingly that's the 13 bucks on eBay I can't believe it these two pieces here this is was this teak with black walnuts and this one is was it Purple Heart I think it's the wood both by the same artist is John Nickerson nice pieces they're pretty current I think once 2006 once 2008 this brass belt buckle right here that was kind of cool it's montana big sky country and it's got a date on here was a 1976 it's pretty legit and that big value 5 to 10 bucks on eBay this right here I don't know what this is it came in this little fancy box and it's German I don't even know how to pronounce that nor do I know what that says right there you guys know what that is let me know I almost get the feeling like this is something collectible or expensive I'm not sure cuz it was with jewelry but maybe I just thought it was jewelry but let me know about that if you know this beer stein right here 15 20 bucks not super expensive so I'll probably bring that to the flea market as well nice one that feels nice this perfume right here oleg cassini for women this is another one of those perfumes it's out of out of production which means it goes for big money there's one that is filled about right here about 60% full sole for 40 bucks I think this one's gonna get us 50 or 60 bucks you guys believe that sometimes it's just the crazy stuff that brings in money here's just a diced up with a bunch of what looks to be vintage dice kind of cool um what else we got here what else what else what else what else okay you ever get this mug right here I didn't look up the Stein actually check it out it's all going so I'm gonna dump that in our coin bin at some point we'll make a coin starve run cash them all in for you guys but that's what we got this big mug right here I'm mostly bigger like these it said the bigger ones I threw on on top they were just loose this I think has mostly pennies but I don't know so anyways that's our haul here I'm gonna list some of the items on eBay I'm gonna sort the rest into the boxes depending on which flea market I want to bring to you those are those I do have a bin up here of just standard old stuff that we're going to take to the regular old flea market this is some other lockers as well that we're mixing in there are you me and see the gun stuff from the briefcase break-in video I did I have to bring those gun gun cleaning parts out to the flea market but this is what's got me really excited right here all this kind of stuff right here oh yeah so we're gonna take a closer look at that and sort out what we got that's it for now all right here you got left a whole bunch of laughter so I'm almost no class where we get those dishes out today did she came out and sold them 25 bucks for that Walker I'd say this new locker didn't sell very good today so the ton of perfumes I saw the leftovers from the other food market 225 bucks of comics today and it's decent stuff these all these makers are from different Walker all the stuff down here is from this locker and this it's getting thick down we had a lot more this morning this table I didn't get out till just recently I was hoping to get a hundred bucks on this before asking about it but this whole side right here is missing the laminate maybe that's not gonna matter I can't decide what I want to do with this it's pretty cool little bit there's four chairs right there and slip in this it's fairly heavy but it is so 15 getting ready to pack up the good stuff and blow out there's an Alex over here the store stalker there's Mike McHale install princess and Jasmine over here [Music] instead of trying to look the other one get the other alright guys I just want to give one last look at this jewelry I was gonna go through it real close and take my time on it and show you on camera but I'll tell you what I'm doing instead I'm gonna just bring this to the flea market cuz we have our guy that likes to buy gold and silver and on this particular batch don't see items that really uh look like really super good that I'm gonna want to keep in and so um maybe I'm maybe I'm doing wrong here but lately I've been keeping the better pieces and trying to sell them directly we've had some luck with that whereas before we're selling basically everything for scrap even though I know the gunner by supremest doesn't scrap it doesn't scrap all of it this stuff however well this piece I know it's kind of nice that piece is quite pretty isn't it yeah maybe I saved that do I give you guys one more look we did kind of look at this stuff in the locker but let's take one more look at it just to see if we're getting rid of something that we should I should look like the other nice thing is that uh he will go through it all and take the time to figure out what's real and what's not it was a good job at that this piece right here I know it is cool but no actually I'm not sure about that one I get the mixed up there's another one that I'm sure of at least I'm sure that it's marked as gold that's 14k gold filled that list this with the containers and this piece right here is 14k we look at this we looked at this closer but it's just a little tiny necklace yes there's a few pieces there at least one of those is silver what happen look at that this I believe is so perfect it's not that nice and then we got these pieces here some older stuff this I thought was pretty groovy but what I bought two lockers today and I got a lot of work ahead of me so I think I'm gonna take this out and see if I can turn some quick cash a little bit of the good stuff here we got 14k that's what 1b in 14k they're a little bit of a 10k a little bit of gold filled and some silver and then this piece right here which came out at the second Locker is silver so that's what we're getting more it's our prices for the goal a little bit of this 25 for that box 40 for the bracelet 250 not bad alright guys so here is the summary so the cost we spent 250 bucks on the locker the taxes $23 so we have 273 into it sales are pretty short because we haven't sold that much outside the flea markets the first day we did about 260 bucks we sold a perfume dusting powder on ebay I didn't show that it wasn't that interesting but we netted out 25 bucks the jewelry hall at the flea market got us 210 and then the drop leaf table I sold that finally for 25 bucks took three flea market trips but we did sell it 25 bucks total sales of 520 with a profit of 247 and a return on investment of 90% all right we're gonna sleep and get the shot here and this funky angle right here so we can wrap this video up so not too bad we made some money we have a lot of stuff left to sell so I even hesitate to show you has a P&L but I know you like to see that profit and loss we have all the vintage stuff that we're saving for the better markets so yeah in the last video I'd started pushing on him and he's opening up pretty easy so I mean easy for me enough maybe for him but not a great profit beyond the jewelry we have a lot jewelry to sell to you but it's not good stuff there's some costume in there but all the gold and silver is pretty much spoken for at this point come on come on monkey that's the great thing to pull out at the bottom of the monkey so yeah we got some money in the vintage for sure so anyways you just have to use your imagination to see what we really pulled out of this locker me little penny keep keep pooping out some money here we need this locker to poop out some more money cuz it wasn't worth all the time I put into it alright well that's it you can't really see in there but it's hoping maybe some bills are floating around there but there's not a few times in difference but it doesn't even look like there's vintage pennies here yeah are you guys well anyways I'm gonna wrap that video up so we prevailed we made a profit despite all the damage that the mice did on this unit we pulled off some pretty good vintage stuff I got a few bins over there vintage items that we're gonna sell a couple things listed on eBay but not that much but there'll be some money coming out of eBay sales also a few things like the perfume bottle that we're listening for about 50 or 60 bucks we haven't listed it yet but there is some stuff and then we've got all the vintage clothes we're gonna give that a run and see what what gets bought out of those 5 or 6 bins of clothes and bags of clothes so anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it alright hit me the thumbs up if you liked this this video series that we just did and subscribe if you don't mind and hit the notification button when you want to know when our next video is coming out and we've got a lot more coming out I bought 2 today so we have like 4 videos that we've only four lockers that we bought over the last four days there's gonna be a lot of videos coming up so you guys aren't gonna want to miss it all right until the next one comes out good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts you guys we just added the monkey coins to the coin bin that we started and this thing's starting to get kinda heavy it's no ideal container though but I got something better so the other day I bought a unit basically because I saw one single item in there that I wanted and there it is hmm
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 24,749
Rating: 4.9085407 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Opening trunk, Found trunk, Vintage Treasure
Id: U1yjsjeIHjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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