We ONLY ate FAST FOOD Kids Meals for 24 HOURS!

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hey guys it's bro welcome back to my channel today i'm hanging out with my boyfriend mr husky hey guys hey uh or mike one in the same and for some reason blueberry's here as well she insisted on being in this video we have no idea why i'm gonna be putting all of mike's links down below go check him out show him some love and subscribe he's making videos on his youtube channel i'm pretty proud of him and today is gonna be really fun because i got so many requests from you guys to eat kid's meals for 24 hours for an entire day an entire day every meal is good meals one i'm really excited about and two i have a little experience with the kids menu so this may not feel too out of the ordinary for me because if you didn't know i am four foot ten i am a shorty i'm like the size of a 10 year old but mike um he said he would do this little challenge with me he's six foot two he does not eat off the kid's menu not very often no he eats the adult menu yes the big boy menu he has a really great metabolism it's actually not fair it's great he eats so much food so this is gonna be the first time you're eating off the kids menu i hope it's enough food michael [Laughter] um that was great i'm ready to be a villain so we'll have breakfast lunch dinner and then one extra meal because i feel like a kid's meal is not enough to get me through the whole day it's for you the the second dinner is for you michael second time i'm gonna be stuffed all right now let's start this challenge what kids meal are we gonna have for breakfast well i have prepared for us a delicious kids meal from carl's jr carl's jr i got one for each of us i've actually never had the kids same i don't think we ever ate there growing up oh but look who's on here it's ryan oh my gosh i thought that was so funny when they hands to me i'm like wait we've been on his tv show we're friends with him and he's got his own kids meal yes oh my gosh i'm so proud of them i love ryan and their whole family they're so sweet we love you and we are going to enjoy this kid's meal for breakfast so i don't know what's actually in these i told them just give me the kids i mean dream come true can't beat that oh my goodness what'd you get are these little nuggets that are in the shape of stars they're shaped i've never actually these are apparently a thing oh my gosh they're little stars and they gave us sweet and bold barbecue sauce i told them give me whatever their favorite sauce was and this is very carl's jr they love their barbecue sauce oh yeah i'm gonna dip the star all right are you ready for this breakfast that i that i got for us oh geez i mean i would eat it for breakfast i am eating it for breakfast and what i appreciate about a kid's menu is usually they're pretty simple so this one comes with a little star chicken nuggets french fries and a toy very important very very toy in here and michael oh a drink you oh we got our drinks hold on i can pour you a nice cold glass of one percent low-fat milk oh i don't usually drink milk now i don't know how i feel about the cow drinking the milk it just seems odd if you kind of think about it well a cow drinking his own milk is much more natural than us drinking a cow's milk that is true when you think about it deep thoughts here oh my gosh it sounds like a is it a mystery egg it's a mystery egg what do you think's inside jelly beans oh my gosh it's a mystery how do we open this actually my nails may not be able to open this these are actually my real nails and i really can't pull into it don't worry i've learned from justine i always have this on standby but we're not children so we can do this did you get that i just got him everywhere michael oh it's a puzzle what i don't know if it's the same puzzles here and this is a meal and an activity perfect for kids now let's let's see let's we're gonna make our puzzles yeah i want a seat i can't even look at he has a little orange oh my god you're like you're 90 done already what is going on why are you so good at puzzles i'm so fast mike i used to babysit a lot of kids i can't so i used to do a lot of kids games and why are you so good at buzzing winning winning winning winning winning boom i'm done i'm done this challenge is going very well so far this is great please recommend more videos such as this mm-hmm it's lunch time we're hungry [Music] i'm not sick of fast food yet which i thought i would be by lunch but it turns out no i can have another one be totally happy about it especially because they're happy i know these are classic i had these all the time growing up uh i kind of grew up near mcdonald's so i've had probably hundreds if not thousands of these molly and i we did not get happy meals very often it was like a big treat at our house because my mom had us eating real healthy real healthy wearing rice crackers and apples and carrots and once in a while we'd get a happy meal and i'd get a cool toy i don't know if they still do toys because i haven't had one in a long time and look it says it comes with apple slices so it looks like they're like being like my mom now i will that has changed that has changed you can get milk with them but we already had milk so i got water oh you could pick water you can do water as well okay very nice okay blueberry muffin now you sit here oh okay let's see what's inside we've got a little burger these are so cute and little this is just my size actually look at how cute these little french fries are are you kidding me what oh my oh my gosh can i just say there is a reason mcdonald's is known for their happy meals because this is way too cute it is adorable okay what else do we have in here there's a toy okay i did not get an apple slice but i did get a yogurt oh yeah they asked me if i wanted gogurt and i was like duh apple slices are yogurt and you got me a go-girl it says low-fat yogurt strawberry but flavored with other natural flavor it's from the movie onward it's colored with beet juice like next time go for the apple oh i'm going for the go-gurt and here's the toy i'm going to enjoy my yogurt is this from the movie onward and i haven't seen it yet oh it is it's from the movie it has little characters you hit this little button i got the same toy and it spins and then it lands on a character or something wait no ask on the tomorrow so you have to ask it a question will mike like his little cheeseburger i okay it says so far it's true because i already know that i like these 100 is blueberry muffin try steal my fries tis not so i i don't i disagree literally looking at them right now going to lunge any second i gotta say the mcdonald's burgers are so satisfying this is the perfect portion for me and you know some restaurants don't even let me order off the kids menu oh they say you're an adult so you can't order off the kids menu while you discuss that i understand that they have different prices for kids and adults but at one restaurant i actually said i will pay full price of an adult version of this meal i still want the kids menu because it's the best portion for me and my doctor and nutritionist were talking to me about portions and they told me i should be having this kind of a portion and you told them all this at the restaurant yes i told them all that at the restaurant and i said so i will pay the adult price but i would like the kids portion and they still told me no company policy and i was like this is jacked up system it really is it really is because in my opinion here's my very strong opinion about food portions you should be able to pick your portion pick your portions put on your based on your size you should be able to pick your portion or if you're a guy with like big muscles or a lady with big muscles you should be able to pick your portion okay michael i think all restaurants should do portions like you can pick your ounces five ounce six ounce seven ounce eight ounce nine ounce ten ounce and then you pay accordingly but that's not how it is you're someone who can buy kids shoes you can go on the kids rides at the amusement park i'm wearing a kid's sweater kids pants kids sweaters good shoes but i can't have a kid's meal i will say though fast food restaurants do not discriminate they will let you buy as many kids meals as you want thank you mcdonald's which is amazing thank you carl's jr yeah and if you order delivery they don't know that there's no kids so or room service that's the workaround this burger's great it's just a hamburger with a ketchup mustard a little bit of pickle very plain food and bread no i might be controversial here for a second uh-oh but i personally believe that onions should not be on a burger so i did no onions raw onions on any food i'm just like no i can't get him to eat like taco bell why do you put onions in the basic burrito i like them though don't listen taco bell you're doing great talk about call me no i have other ideas this one was fun fries burgers toy yogurt i like the beverage option that you can have oh water love it but mike you know me i don't want a yogurt maybe i just want to get myself two yogurts you can have it because you know i want apples one time i ate so many apples in a day that i got hives is true and how many apples was that it was a lot it was like 13 apples i went really crazy that day okay i'm gonna be very honest when hormones hit sometimes i crave things and i went a little overboard at any point in the process do you start to think like there's a lot too many no before picking up apple 12. no my brain is going these are great i'll take another apple and that's how my body did me dirty okay i'm actually ready for a dinner you're not even done eating this i know but you know i don't eat a big dinner i usually do a big lunch or a big breakfast so i really could just use another meal now could we just get another one now so these are kids meals from burger king so we've got two little drinks i like that they're little this is sodas yeah there's i got a sodas because i hadn't had one yet this is the kids meals i grew up with look it they're like burger king little creatures they're all like alive like i think this is the crown and it's a lie wait bro right here look on the side it's an apple apple it's saying eat me rosanna and all my friends oh my gosh the nugget is terrifying look the the nugget has one big eye he's like a cyclops i would be horrified if that's running at me okay what do we got here oh right so we've got some basic chicken chicken nuggets okay fries again potatoes did you get sauce in yours no oh i got extras i didn't get any sauce okay i'm gonna i'm gonna order all the sauce it's sweet and sour this time and a toy what is it oh no michael this looks so depressing why is it so depressed it's called feisty pets oh my gosh he gets feisty oh he does get feisty 86 his tongue out he's a little sad dragon look how sad he looks you know and then ready you push the button in the back and spicy crazy bird his tongue comes out that's like when um when you don't feed me this is like when i don't give you apple slices or my apple slices no i don't get apples they really missed an opportunity to call them hangry hey you know like hangry pets okay these fries are a little bit bigger they're chunkier and they're a little softer they really taste like a potato i was gonna say the exact same thing it actually takes like you just took a potato and took a bite out of it there's no salt on this maybe they're trying to be healthier like reduced sodium or something but these straight up tastes like a potato there is i mean i know all french fries are a potato but they they have salt little seasoning on them these just really taste like a bit into a potato so i'm used to the mcdonald's sweet and sour i don't actually know what the burger king one tastes like simple good not my favorite their sweet and sour is much different than mcdonald's it tastes very pineapply kinda like carlos jr more i agree however this is the first soda of the day so i am thrilled and also compostable straws cheers we love it good job burger king all right are you full enough to actually make it to dinner because now we only get one dinner yes i can i could wait now i'm very happy okay give me a big feet you let me choose dinner so i ordered and they delivered from my favorite place in the whole world it's cheesecake factory and you may be wondering does cheesecake factory do kids meals and the answer is yes yes they do they have like 100 different kids meals they have the biggest menus cheesecake and they had a lot to choose from so i'm really excited to try something new here now actually here i don't order off the kids menu this is one of the many restaurants that i just don't because i have another favorite i like their chicken piccata yeah so this will be a new experience and they also have little drinks here also sodas but look how small i like the size good job and the best part okay it comes with their legendary bread even though it's a kitten you just love that bread you you really do what'd you get me what'd you get me i mean i got me bread so this is are these matching meals no they're different so i ordered you the fanciest kids meal you will ever see in your entire life it's fresh baked salmon this is baked salmon but for children and mine okay is chicken sliders because i love sliders sliders are like the perfect food can you help me we get we need to do a video of you trying to wear longer nails and work for 24 hours because okay this is actually really [Laughter] wait what is this a really nice meal this is a mashed potato with like grilled carrots and salmon and no one can tell us no i ordered it for you even though you're not wow okay you have to show off yours your little chicken sliders okay so mine comes in a little tray it's got two sliders in it what do you think of the portion size i'm loving it is this good for a kid or you think it's too many for a kid it's good for a kid although me i would i like to eat like ten plus lighters at a time and then it comes with an odd cup of fruit it's really like liquidy in there so we'll see i'm sure it's good though okay how is it let me know oh i'm doing salmon and potatoes together good combo cheesecake factory i'm very impressed this is a great kid's meal this is really good it tastes really good this doesn't even taste like a kid's menu like if we had this for lunch i wouldn't need second lunch that's true we're just not talking anymore we're just eating at this point we're like oh my gosh a real meal i know science now we've eaten kids meals all day i'm gonna ask you a couple hot questions here which one was your favorite and also to note the last one the cheesecake factory more of a traditional sit-down restaurant did not come with a toy that's true the only one that didn't come with a toy but it did come with their bread bread sticks so these are pretty fun yeah i mean that's the best toys are the ones that are made out of carbs so i'm a fan of that i mean i think hands down the cheesecake factory one is the best but if i chose one from the fast food restaurants i think it's still mcdonald's i think there's a reason that they're known for their kids meals how about you my favorite kids meal was from cheesecake because i love the salmon i think this is a perfect portion for me i like the variety i like that they have like grilled carrots like grilled salmon for kids that's so good all those omega-3s and stuff that's like really good for you or whatever but for the fast food kids meals i did like to get a toy with all the meals and they were all really simple and the little mcdonald's they were so cute but the carl's jr had a great toy i love that puzzle that was actually fun so i think my favorite was actually carl's jr that really surprised me and the chicken was shaped like little stars and they tasted really good my mom never got us stuff like that i remember someone showed me they had like dinosaur nuggets like chicken nuggets my mom never got she never got you the dino nuggets no way never well anyways that does it for the video a big thank you to you guys for suggesting this fun idea i really hope you enjoyed it we had a bunch of fun eating kids meals for the day wasn't too shabby it was pretty good it was a good way to pass the day don't know if i would do it again but it was fun mike's like i need my adult portion i need more food mike's gonna go eat a tub of ice cream after this i'm watching you i count how many tubs are in the freezer there's a lot there's a lot okay and i better go feed blueberry muffin some dinner because she has been patiently waiting thanks again you guys if you liked the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up click subscribe and ring the bell to receive notifications every time i post a new video and if you'd like to watch any other videos you can click up here or you can click up here or there which was pretty good but if you want to click here this is where you click for the puzzle winners who can put puzzles together the fastest oh wow if you're a great puzzle maker click over here first
Channel: Rosanna Pansino
Views: 7,011,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drive thru, drive through, fast food, food, eating, mukbang, fun, funny, comedy, boyfriend, rosanna pansino boyfriend, rosanna pansino husband, husky, huskystarcraft, vlog, vlogging, family, married, rosanna pansino married, dog, dogs, french bulldog, puppy, cute, adorable, mcdonalds, burger, burgers, cravings, my cravings, starbucks, lol, fail, win, epic win, review, react, reacting, reaction, tasty, delicious, favorite, my favorite, 24 hours, carles, carls, carls jr, hardees, challenge, impossible
Id: 9hQCo5VbGms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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