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hey guys it's ro welcome back to my channel today i got so many requests to make a part two of trying tik tok food recipes so that is exactly what we're gonna be doing today today i'm gonna try to make four tick tock food videos i'm really excited because the last time i did this i didn't know what to expect i didn't even know if they were gonna work and it turns out all three of the recipes we tried last time worked i was impressed so i hope that we have good luck today because i have four new recipes that we're going to be trying if you like these videos don't forget to give it a thumbs up click subscribe it's free and ring the bell to receive notifications every time i post a new video also go follow me on instagram because i am posting some really funny additional bonus videos over there all right now let's get started let's try our first tick tock video i've got it on my phone now this is a sweet recipe we're going to start with something sweet these are homemade nerd ropes i love nerd ropes i see them at the store i buy them i love them i eat them but i've never made them myself i'm gonna follow this video i'll post a picture here of the video that i'm following and we're gonna give it a go it looks pretty simple all right so in the video using this kind of gummy bear she separates the red ones and melts them in the microwave and then pours them over a sheet of nerves over here so let's set this up let's do this okay for what do i do first what does she do first oh my gosh i already don't know what i'm doing nerds first okay first she just throws the nerds on like a plate she uses one bag of these and one of these but at the store they didn't have like a little bag they only had a big bag so i i got a bunch i thought this would even out step one open the box i don't know why but i love playing with candy and food this is so fun all right i'm already having fun this is more satisfying than a slime video honestly this is this is my jam i really like this these videos are not like my normal videos but sometimes i love them more because they're so new and different and i love trying these i'm gonna do one more one more michael you you try to stop me you can't stop a baker from baking baker's gonna bake mike and nerds are gonna nerd nerd okay we've got our nerds ready now we need to get our gummy bears ready now in the video she only melts the red gummy bears i don't know why i think it's because the nerd ropes are red i think that's why so i'm just gonna copy her exactly i'm gonna also only use the red gummy bears do a little bit of separating look at this little clear one we don't need them so i can eat them mmm let me know in the comments down below do you have a favorite gummy bear flavor oh my goodness maybe i shouldn't have eaten this much candy i already had a coffee and now i've had oh okay that's okay it'll burn off and you got four recipes to try is this enough i think i need a bigger cup so in the video she's microwaving the red gummy bears for one minute okay so i'm gonna try this i'm gonna heat this one up first for one minute just like she did okay here we go in the microwave 60 seconds start well that's going i'm gonna get a spoon because i might need to mix it up oh ready for the asmr oh so satisfying this is like a relaxing rock garden i've never even had a rock garden and i know this is what it feels like and it feels really good okay here we go oh my no it exploded all oh no this is all over my mic oh no stephanie look at this oh you guys look there's no way she did 60 seconds she did a short cup like this granted there was like a couple less like that but she did a short cup so i just filled it to here in a tall cup and look what it did i mean it's still melted though so what i'm gonna do is oh i'm gonna put on gloves here this is all i had i didn't have anything else and then she just pours them on top of the nerd okay oh it is it's really hot we're gonna do that and then we're gonna get an oven mitt and look at this they're red so they match so if it gets on them we don't need to worry see look at that perfect just problem solving all day all right here we go let's make a rope oh this can be great this can be satisfying it's gonna be so great oh it's it's cooling oh oh okay and then you're supposed to oh no i need a spoon i need a spoon quick quick quick put on the top cover it cover it cover it cover it cover it okay i think we made one she made like three so i'm gonna do this a couple more times i'm gonna try more bears last time i'm gonna try like 40 seconds oh no i need the spinner okay we got this we got this i'm just gonna put this oh shoot oh shoot she's glued there hold on i'll fix it i'll fix it i'm just gonna try to scoop this off of here just temporarily i'll clean it later [Music] there you go i call that ostriching it where you don't see it it's not there they just stick their heads in the ground and they're like i don't see anything there's no danger so it's just whatever happens happens because i can't i can't see i feel like in my next kitchen i need a lower microwave this kitchen's beautiful but everything's so tall oh that's way better that's good that's that's perfect here we go round two we're gonna pour it right away right out of the microwave gotta move fast okay i think that worked a little bit better okay one more line one more one more oh okay it's a little bit harder to control coming out of a bowl oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay we gotta cover this we gotta cover this this is just here get get on there get hot hot hot hot touch hot tub touch it no no no i'm gonna fix it i'm gonna fix it hot oh my gosh it's so hot it's not coming on my nose i think this recipe was a win okay well let's just see these are still a little warm so i'm gonna let them set a little bit and go find a plate to put these on in the video it doesn't say how long to let them sit and to cool off they're still a little bit warm but i've let them sit for about five minutes now and now i can touch them they aren't too hot so i am just going to plate them like she did so she picks them up and like plates them places them on a little plate oh my gosh mine are too long for the plate i didn't know i made them so long oh my goodness okay oopsies look at this one this does not look like a rope okay yes we did it we made homemade nerd ropes now i gotta taste it to see how we did okay it actually tastes really good but mine is still sticky i don't know how this recipe went it is delicious but it is really finicky let me know in the comments below do you think this was a win or a fail because i'm not really sure oh my goodness all right now let's go on to our next recipe okay i just watched this video a couple of times i'm gonna put a picture here the next thing that we're gonna make is whipped strawberry milk now the last whipped drink that i made was whipped coffee and it was delicious it was so good that i continued to make it after we tried it in the video so i'm really excited to try this i've never done this one before it seems pretty simple and similar to the whipped coffee so you just take half a cup of heavy cream and then we mix it together with two tablespoons of strawberry nesquik and this is the brand that was used so i'm gonna try it one two okay and then we're gonna mix it together until light and fluffy and then pour over ice melt she starts with the electric and then finishes with the hand with so i'm gonna do the same thing as she did exact same no variations here let's give it a go i think that's it oh my gosh we did it it looks amazing it is a fluffy cloud i gotta work fast all right so okay next step scoop a bunch of ice into a glass and you serve it over like iced milk it has strawberry milkshake vibes but instead of a milkshake it's a whip shake because it's a strawberry milk all right pour in some milk we'll leave a little bit of room at the top like she did and then she used a hand whisk to just get a dollop to go right on top and she was pretty generous she did a pretty big dollop so stephanie i made you one yeah this is for you and me to try if it's delicious you're welcome if it's not i'm so sorry i love you anyways this was just it's food taste testing we so we gotta do this sometimes now straws so steph i'm gonna give this one to you to mix up thank you and then i'm gonna mix this one up this is the last thing she does in the videos with your straw stuff you saw this she mixes it together i i put way too much ice in here next time i'll put a little less eye oh okay when do you just try it okay ready yeah cheers cheers let's give it a go um that's really good it's really light it's like a light pink drink this recipe is a win i like it so far we've tried something sweet and a beverage now it is time for something savory the next tick tock food recipe is a savory one it is mac and cheese in the microwave and it looks very easy mac and cheese in a mug so here's the mug that we are going to be cooking our mac and cheese in now i've never done this before but i have made a mug cake in the microwave and it did work and it worked really really well and i have a couple recipes that are so easy and so good so i'm hoping that mac and cheese works as well it looks easy but i'll be the judge of that i'll let you know if this is actually easy all right so i'll put the picture right here of the video that i'm following it starts by adding a third cup of macaroni into your mug your little coffee mug and a third cup of water pour it in there then we're gonna pop it in the microwave for two minutes give it a stir and then pop it in again for two more minutes let's try this my poor microwave it's really seen a lot today so i'm hoping that this works two minutes start yeah i just smelled macaroni it just hit my nostrils mike can you smell the fumes oh it just hit me right now it went okay we're gonna give it a little mix like they said oh that's really hot look at that steam mic look at this yeah you wear a mitt okay keep in the middle it's hard when you're short i think i just really want mac and cheese and i think i'm just really hungry because this two minutes feels like the longest two minutes of my life right now 42 seconds still how wait why where why haven't hasn't it been in two minutes i feel like it's been 10 hours okay we're finally done yes oh my gosh yes this is a little hard to pick up with my mitt all right give it a mix oh wait put it down first now the recipe says to add a fourth cup of milk and half a cup of shredded cheese you pour it all in there mix together and then you microwave it one more time for one minute let me work the cheese in there all right then we're gonna pop it in here oh my ring oh my god oh my gosh i'm following here okay okay one more minute okay here we go i don't know why i brought my spoon like i'm gonna mix it over here what do i do i'm just ready to eat oh it smells so good okay then she mixes it and then says it's ready to eat i smell the cheese and i love the serving size you can just have a little cup of macaroni just a little cup to yourself so cozy all right i'm gonna blow one a little bit and try it all right let's see okay this is adorable but the macaroni is a little bit harder a little bit al dente so i'm gonna count that as a win if you like your macaroni al dente now we're gonna go on to the final recipe i am so excited for this one for our last tik tok recipe we are going to make cloud bread i am so excited because i've seen so many people make this in so many different ways you can make it different colors and add different flavorings but i am gonna be following this video right here i'm gonna pop a picture right here and her recipe is in grams and i didn't have my scale so i kind of just translated i did a little math it's pretty close first thing that we're gonna do in a large bowl is we're gonna whip together egg whites three egg whites so i've got my three eggs we're just gonna we just want the white not the yolk so i'm gonna crack the egg i'm using the jiggle method i just jiggle the yolk back and forth letting the egg white drop to the bottom of the bowl perfect like so you're gonna do this to all your eggs this is really exciting i've never made cloud bread i love making meringues i could meringue all day but i've never made cloud bread i've never made a meringue with cornstarch i'm so fascinated to see what this is going to do there's so few ingredients there's only three ingredients it's egg whites it's sugar and corn starch i i don't know what to expect all right so in the video she whips these first so i'm gonna do that you want it to get a little frothy you want those bubbles perfect you want it to look like a bubble bath so this is perfect then we're gonna add our sugar she said add 30 grams of sugar but i don't have my scale so i did a little bit of methods about two and a half tablespoons of sugar so i'm just gonna add that right here all right i'm just gonna keep going oh that's looking so good this is like a soft peak and we're gonna mix it until we get a stiff peak but about right now in the video she adds the cornstarch so that's where i'm gonna add this just gently sprinkle it in and then we're gonna keep mixing until we get a stiff peak in the video she adds 10 grams of corn starch which is about one tablespoon of yeah about in the video she scoops the meringue onto a baking sheet lined with a piece of parchment paper i have lightly greased my baking sheet though because being a baker for many years that's just a good idea so that it won't stick no matter what whether it needs it or not it's just a guarantee that will be okay all right so she kind of scoops it into the middle if this doesn't turn into bread at least we've made the cloud using her spatula she shapes it into this round little cake loaf so i'm gonna try do that too kind of smooth out the sides a little bit using the spatula and then she says to bake it in the oven at 300 degrees for about 25 minutes and we'll see i'll pop it in there i'll keep my eye on it and wait to see if it turns a light golden brown that is what i'm going for that's what hers looks like in the video okay i gotta put this in the oven quick i'm scared it's just gonna deflate i don't know what it's gonna do i don't understand i don't i don't understand i've never done this open this up oh hot stick it in there then we're just gonna let it bake for 25 minutes and i'm gonna keep my eye on it it is happening the cloud bread is done all right i'm gonna turn off the oven oh look at that that's pretty cool the pan is hot so i'm gonna be careful but you can touch it i mean it's actually solid and she was saying it had a cotton candy texture so i wonder if it just kind of like melts in your mouth oh my gosh it worked this is so cool are you freaking kidding me we made clown bread does it just melt in your mouth like cotton candy okay because we didn't add any flavors it is a little eggy but really really good i think next time i'm gonna add vanilla extract maybe a little bit of color i can make pineapple i could add pineapple extract and a little yellow and then it will look like a little pineapple oh my gosh i love this it's such a bright white that you really could color these any color it would come out so cool my mine is blown and this is super easy and super fun what a cool recipe all right that does it for the video a big thank you to you all for suggesting another trying tik tok food recipes video because i had so much fun doing this i love trying new recipes and a lot of these recipes i had never heard of before and i've never thought of trying myself so thank you thank you thank you if you have any other ideas of any other tik tok food recipes you'd like me to try please let me know write me a comment i'm going to be reading all of them i really want to try some more because there were some wins today anyways thanks again if you like watching these trying tick tock food recipe videos give this video a like click subscribe and ring the bell to receive notifications every time i post a new video and go check out my instagram because i'll be posting some behind the scenes and fun videos over there and speaking of tick tock i am now on tick tock and i am posting recipes videos there and there are some recipe videos that are there that are not on my youtube channel a lot of them are dog food recipes for your dog but you can eat them too they just aren't as sweet because they don't have any added sugar but the banana one is actually pretty good and if you'd like to watch any other videos you can click up here or up here
Channel: Rosanna Pansino
Views: 2,165,923
Rating: 4.9250321 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tik tok, hacks, tricks, recipe, food hacks, food, food tricks, recipes, crazy, insane, try, trying, have to try, shopping, haul, weird, funny, practical, gifts, fun, tips, have a try, vlog, professional, women, cute, on tv, put to the test, does it work, affordable, cheap, review, honest review, react, reacting, impression, quality, reviewed, 5 stars, 1 star, gag gift, challenge, tech, skill, skills, edible, taste, eat, eating, coffee, pancakes, fluffy, macaroni, cloud bread, nerd ropes, pink milk, whipped milk
Id: SXrOuIhoslA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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