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we need to talk about Starfield hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Spanish welcome to Starfield now if you have been living under a rock for the past year or so Starfield is a space RPG by the makers of Skyrim Fallout Oblivion to name just a few it's made by Bethesda one of the probably biggest development studios in the world and with one of the most impressive portfolios of games now I'm going to try uh my best to avoid comparing Starfield to you know other games uh Bethesda games or otherwise however I do want to get this one out of the way straight away let's hope that Starfield is not another no man's sky on launch so why the hype that field is probably one of the most hyped games and since no man's sky and that's why I bring it up there was a similar amount of this hype around no man's sky and I really really hope that is not a repeat of that now Bethesda is a very different studio uh so you know fingers crossed that is the case and and Starfield will be fantastic on day one there's a lot of reasons to be very baked for this game the elephant in the room is of course it's Bethesda they have a fantastic track record they've done some fantastic games now they're making a Space RPG now they're making one of the most kind of coveted sort of genres and most difficult hardest and most disappointing genres of games that have ever been made there have been some fantastic games in this genres in this genre in the past and and then there have been some absolute lemons so please are disasters the thing is every time someone says we're gonna make a space RPG everybody goes oh great it's going to be amazing I'm going to be able to do all these things and then they deliver it and it's like oh this is crap it's crap it's boring it sucks I hate it um so bethesda's really taking a big risk by taking on this genre but at the same time it's Bethesda so there's a real great deal of Hope riding on Starfield here for those of us of course have played bethesda's back catalog most of us will have very fond memories I think it's safe to say of of those games of the first experience of playing those games certainly natural I think to be hopeful and excited that Bethesda is making a Space RPG with custom shipbuilding Outpost exploration shooty shooty Bits And even a bit of casual flirtation of course we're all putting on our Rose tinted glasses of our previous experiences of Bethesda games and we're just stacking them onto Starfield like a very uneasy stack of glasses about to fall over and crash so here is that glass of cold water sure it's Bethesda and while they have done some great game they also have a habit of releasing very broken game and then they patch the living bejesus out of them and let modders pick up the rest so let's be honest here Starfield is a space RPG with a lot going on for it it's flying shooty running he's got NPCs shooting both friendly and hostile custom ships guns outposts missions an exploration the list goes on it's a complicated Beast it's not just one region of one planet or even one planet but a thousand of them yeah you can pretty safely bet that it's going to be a bit of a mess on launch and if I was a Gambling Man I'd put money on that fact so let's manage some expectations here on launch the game will probably be a broken mess and if you are intolerant to playing through bugs glitches you may want to stay away for a week or so until Bethesda get those first few patches out but if you're anything like me and you've been playing broken ass Early Access games for years and are used to that sort of crap they Dive Right In okay so with that splash of reality now maybe we can talk about what we're actually excited to see and do in Starfield well for me I'm looking forward to the character creation I mean I've always enjoyed the character creation side of RPGs in general um I always like to just create a pretty kind of dark looking character with lots of kind of scars and history and somebody who would grunt a lot uh you know so I I generally take a bit of time in here and I go a bit nuts with it and it's always fun part of the game trying to decide well who am I going to play in this game is it going to be me is it going to be um you know someone like geralt Olivia from The Witch's series who just goes around going uh at everything you know it's just it's I I'm looking forward to it and it's going to be a good part of the game with lots of options and things like that so we can all just enjoy that but it is a very short it was the first part of the game and once you're done you kind of move on from it but it is a very important part of the game in your first sort of experience with it you're going to be creating that character and all that does is just create more excitement and more hype you're ready to dive in and play the part as Mr grunty Man or whatever you name it then comes for me it's custom ships we've seen a bit of the ship building process here in Starfield from the footage that Bethesda has released and it looks good there's lots of snap points lots of different modules and stuff like that so you can vary up the shape and stuff of your ship um parts of me is skeptical about the custom ships I will admit because you know with a limited set of parts and in those parts having particular functions you're only ever going to be able to do a certain number of variations however there's going to be a lot of modding and I'm hoping that the mods introduce many many many many many many many many other parts of ships that you can add to your own so hopefully over time the release of mods say custom habitat modules custom engines Bridges and things like that that the modding Community creates well yeah eventually we're going to be able to create some pretty good looking boats and unique ones combination and whatever Bethesda give us and the mods give us I'm not sure two ships are going to be alike after a sort of year or so of the game being out that's going to be fun it'll be good to watch initially I suspect most of our ships are going to look fairly similar that shouldn't last long I'm also looking forward to the FPS shooting elements we've seen again footage of this from Bethesda it looks great it looks accessible easy to do but also awesome um combining with jet packing about and just pausing Mayhem with various guns and stuff like that and just generally being an absolute batter the FPS shooting element for me just looks like a really good fun element of the game it's not too tactical it doesn't look over thought it doesn't look like it's too simulated or realistic it just looks fun run gun loot get out and I'm very much looking forward to that because I think it will be a welcome break between some of the monotony the inevitably associated with space RPGs our space-based games in general that being said the environment of where you are I'm very much looking forward to what environments Bethesda make for us what they uh enable us to go and see and then it ties in with exploration as well and talk a little bit more about that in a second but you know we've had Oblivion we've had Skyrim from Bethesda and here we go comparing to other games again but forgive me the environment of those those games have always been pretty stunning and fantastic to look at and detailed and you know and I'm really looking forward to seeing the Artistry that they've put into their environments here in Starfield as well I just want to go around and look about and say hey that looks bloody cool you know uh and I think that that isn't going to always be there with a thousand planets of you know uh procedurally generated Planet but for those areas that it is those are going to be extra special I think um and and talking of exploration as well exploration in Bethesda typically is well done and then I'm hoping that being space-based and and stuff that is going to be different enough that it's not just going to be a carbon copy of previous games it's going to be unique to Starfield it is going to be starfield's take on exploration and therefore it's going to be new interesting exciting different ultimately thousand planets are procedurally generated content intersected with various outposts and pirate bases and little side missions and poor little things to see There and Everywhere exploration I think is going to be another distraction that's going to be very much enjoyable of course then there's the loot when you do find one of those locations you're like hey this is new and different I'm not seeing this before let's go in and check it out you're going you rid the place of pirates or Monsters or whatever you find in there and then you get the loot and hey prester you suddenly find a unique weapon that you know you you didn't plan on getting and that's brilliant and I love that feeling oh crap look at this awesome weapon I've just found from this random place that I just found completely by accident here I am this is what I am looking forward to with Starfield that that unknown and that's really I suppose what I'm looking forward to is the surprise element there's a lot of information on Starfield already there's given us a lot of information but it makes you wonder well how much are they keeping back how much are they keeping secret how much is being left to surprise and I can't wait to be surprised so what am I not so bothered about with Starfield it's an interesting one you know there's a lot of things that I'm looking forward to but some of the things I'm not looking forward to might surprise you but one the story okay well they are Spanish it's an RPG usually the whole thing about it is the story don't get me wrong okay I am looking forward to the storylines and the little side quests and you know the little tidbits of back information and yada yada but I see it more as a tool as a way of guiding me through the game taking me to locations I haven't been before and showing me things I haven't seen or done before that to me is what the story is about I'm not so interested in the lives of NPCs and what's going on around me that I'm really looking forward to it'll be okay so yeah that's happening we gotta go rescue some person from here and stuff because of you know insert reason here okay fine I'll go along with it because it'll take me somewhere cool and I'll have to do something cool in order to complete them the story is a side element to me on that on experience in the game it's just a it's just a method of going it's on tracks you can't really change it there are decisions and stuff you can make and stuff but I'm not sure how if you know how much how much difference they generally make to the world probably very little and for me the story is just a tool the next what probably surprised a lot of you is the ship to ship fighting I'm not I'm not looking forward to the ship to ship fighting because at this point I've played enough space games to know that space combat between vast maneuverable ships in space is just flying in circles and shooting things that's it you just you just fly in circles in one of you is trying to get behind the other one and then you shoot it it's like that there you go done there's there's so little kind of technique uh and skill involved in space combat yes yeah I don't think that Starfield is going to be any different from space combat in you name it any other of the Space games out there that you fly around in fast maneuverable ships shoot other fast maneuverable ships that are all trying to get behind you so that they can shoot you you're trying to get behind him just it's all the same it's all the same and I just don't think it's going to be any different um I might be putting a downer on it and I apologize for that but that's just generally how I feel I think the shooty shooty in space is going to be boring and it's going to be the same as everything so it is not something I'm looking forward to is something that's going to be there that I will do and be like ah okay yeah okay I'm flying around in circles again oh I could be wrong I could absolutely bring around Bethesda may do something quite crazy with the Spacey Spacey fights but what we've seen so far is them flying around in circles and shooting things so there we go um yeah for me I really I just I I hope within any of these sort of space games that one day a developer might wake up and go you know what actually capital ship combat might be more interesting big hulking things blowing the living but Jesus out of them with small Fighters running in between them and and trying to shoot bits off of the other Capital ships while not getting shot by the other Fighters you know something something a little bit interesting an actual battle um but yeah he ain't gonna be Starfield I don't think and there ain't gonna be anything for a long time fractured space gave it a go there wasn't enough players to keep it alive it died and it's such a shame anyway I'm going on to other games again aren't I uh so the other thing I'm not looking forward to is is some of the quests and stuff that inevitably will come up in a Bethesda game will be the gotta catch em all Quest quests where it's like hey you found um you found a gem a rare orb or in Starfield it might be some kind of device or something guess what there's a hundred of these devices scattered across the entire galaxy go find them all oh my God damn it do you know why I don't look through to those ones because they sit in my quest log being uncompleted I guess I've got a bit of OCD when it comes to the quest lines I like to complete them off I had to pick up a load of quests and then go through and complete them off and when I pick up a quest I don't want to drop a quest no that's the opposite I want to complete them all so when I get a catch them all quests sits and just reminds me constantly that I haven't found all 100 of these in gems yet and it just irritates the crap out of me um inevitably there will be those in Starfield uh because Bethesda so it's just Earth uh anyway uh the other thing that kind of annoys me as well uh and again it's it's a Bethesda thing so you know it's companions his companions it's it's and those NPCs that follow you around and supposedly help you it inevitably just end up getting in the way and blocking your way through doors or just dying and needing constant resuscitation thank you everyone I love the idea of having NPCs that work for you on your ship or in your Outpost or whatever but those NPCs that come with you every which way you go and I know that you can tell them to stay behind and generally that's all I do but I like the idea of them helping me if they were just a little bit more competent and less of a pain in the ass I'd actually bring them with me but inevitably they're not they just get in the way and and just completely ruin my play style which is generally sneaky sneaky snipey snipy um they stand there in full heavy armor I mean sneak mode and they're just there going what are we doing boss get down you oh well I just have to tell them to stay on the ship as always but there we go I mean those are the things I'm not necessarily looking forward to but there's so much of the game that I'm looking forward to that those little things they just they just won't impact my enjoyment at all I don't think they'll be what they are and inevitably there's always going to be parts of the game that are going to be mundane boring annoying or whatever but I mean it's interesting to hear from you guys what bits are you looking forward to and what bits are you not looking forward to have you actually really thought about it based on previous experience or maybe is it just what you've seen from Bethesda so far you know it'll be interesting to hear from you down in the comments down below if anybody starting it was probably the biggest game for I don't know how many years Hogwarts Legacy was big but even that's not as big as Starfield if Half-Life 3 was a thing starting would be up there with it in my opinion I think Bethesda didn't know what they've built here and they're gonna milk it for all the money that they can but also I actually trust them to deliver something great after all their track record is pretty good all things considered of course time will tell and it's not long now now before I go I want to talk to you about Starfield from a content creator point of view it's it's going to get ugly it's gonna get real ugly and and so many content creators are going to be covering Darfield and every aspect of the game is going to be picked apart in the first weeks of the game coming out the first spoilers of the main story will be out after a day or two the most overpowered weapons will be out in the first week every little secret location will be revealed shortly after and it's such a shame it's such a shame I really just want to explore and experience the game at my own pace but there is such a competitive uh sense a competitive scene on YouTube for Content creators to be the first to reveal something exciting about Starfield and inevitably those first something excitings are massive spoilers and there will be massive spoilers to the game uh and and for me it ruins my enjoyment of the game I choose to not watch them obviously you guys will choose for yourself do whatever you want dude I will choose not to watch the spoiler content and try and get through it to myself but as a content creator ing Starfield I have to be competitive after all this is my livelihood with the types of videos that I put up I want people to watch that's how it works so I'm going to be competing with people that are going to be revealing spoilers for the game they'll inevitably get a lot of views now typically my content is let's play based and for a gamer's biggest star field and a channel um you know as small as as mine uh that sort of content probably isn't going to be very good for my channel it's probably gonna do well for a first saw or two or three episodes views will fall off a cliff and you know it won't go anywhere you will probably do harm to my channel in the long run and that's because I can't compete with content creators that can put two or three videos up a day because they just I don't know they just live on their computer 24 hours a day I don't know but uh whatever that that whatever their methodology is I'm not sure how they do it but inevitably there are those content creators out there that could just hammer out content so bloody quickly it makes you go what the hell you've got some time dilation technology what is this and that for me typically I'd be able to put up an episode a day or about four days a week and four hours a week of Starfield content is not going to compete with anyone and a lot of people and I don't blame anyone for this I'm certainly not resentful of any of you guys because you just you're here for the entertainment all the information or whatever you're here for but four hours a week is not going to be enough Darfield content for people that are hungry for Starfield content so I've decided to change it up a little bit for Starfield and I hope that you guys will support me on this as you as you are you so often do I'm very very grateful to you but I've decided to stream the game uh pretty much every day Monday to Friday from when it comes out I'll be streaming for several hours a day and this is going to really kind of um interrupt my YouTube content so my normal episodic YouTube content will be basically put on hold not entirely but mostly on hold well I dream Starfield because I'll be able to stream several hours of Starfield content a day which will keep up with the pace of which people want to see Starfield content that's what I've decided to do and so I'll release more information on the schedule of that hopefully like I said you're able to join me as and when you can and and enjoy actually exploring and discovering this game with me for those of you that obviously want to go off and do it yourself and do it in your own bubble without spoilers and things like that which of course many of you will want to do and that's absolutely fine too but those of you that want to join me can join me I really hope that you can because this is going to be a a I think it's going to be a very big game it's a very wonderful experience uh discovering this game but it's also going to be very difficult very competitive um and as a content creator I speak as a content creator who is going to be very nerve-wracking because you're basically putting your entire livelihood in your entire channel on this one thing happening and hopefully being able to sustain yourself through it at the end of the day I'm still a gamer I want to play so yeah it's a tricky balance tricky tricky balance but anyway there's a little bit of uh behind the scenes Insight I suppose so the ganjin Creator world when it comes around to these sorts of games anyway I have waffled much I have spoken many words and said very little um but thank you very much for listening to me I like I said I'll be very interested to hear from you down in the comments below um what your thoughts are about Starfield what are you looking forward to what are you skeptical about what are you not looking forward to do you even want to play the game at all uh in any case I'd love to talk to you down in the comments below so I'll see you guys there but thank you very much for listening to me and watching this video I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll see you next time till then take care bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Spanj
Views: 19,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spanj, gaming, gameplay, lets play, starfield, preview, discussion, talk, review, open world, space, exploration, custom, ship, sci-fi, rpg, story, narrative, combat, battle, weapons, loot, discovery, constelation
Id: 8-xARobUN3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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