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Stanfield is here and the modding scene is alive already can you believe it yes we can this is what modders do especially with Bethesda titles in this video I'm going to take you through some of the mods that I'm using already and what they can do for you I'm also going to feature a couple of honorable mentions that you may also find useful so let's get started first of all back up your game you can find your saves if you've already started Starfield under documents my games Darfield Dave's you've got a bunch of saves in here before you start modding the game I would take a copy of this and save it somewhere safe the next thing you're going to need to do is enable modding for Starfield it's slightly different you're going to have to create a text file called Starfield custom dot any now remember in Windows here it doesn't like to give you all the information so if you can't see the extensions of these files like dot txt dot ini.ini for example then you you need to go and change your view settings under options View and uncheck hide extensions for known file types this will enable you to modify the extension of a file type example now you'll be able to create a new text document call it whatever you need Battlefield custom in this case and then change the dot txt extension extension to dot ini this changes the file type to an ini file and thus will work and once you have your Starfield custom.ini you can go ahead and open it and add these three lines now most of this most of the mods will have this in their instructions on how to enable them so don't worry you can simply just copy and paste these three lines from most of the modulation instructions into your new ini file this enables modding it enables the mods to actually work within Starfield so with that in place let's go through some mods shall we first of all we're going to have a look at the Starfield fo v-mod this increases your field of view both in first and third person and is excellent on a much wider screen monitor like the one I've got it has is much more enjoyable in the fov and it's very easy to install as well again it's simply copy and pasting a few lines into that Starfield configuration.ino file as always guys I will link to every mod Down Below in the video description there so you can go and check them out yourself got my fov set to 90 on first person and 100 on third person the next one is a slight quality of life Improvement that speeds up the Looting response to 300 milliseconds down from one second at one second doesn't sound like a lot but when you're looting like a crazy person like I do then that little time saving is nice so response grabbing is the next mod that I can recommend and again this is a nice easy copy and paste into that Starfield custom.ini file once again now the standard health bar on Darfield doesn't change color it stays white no matter how low your health is now there is a mod called enhanced health bar that will change that so it changes color the more damage you take and will grab your attention a little better in my opinion when things start getting a little dicey and you need to use a health pack so this is a court enhanced health bar and it's an installation is a little bit more complicated and you can simply just copy the files into the required folders the instructions are in the mod you can also use Vortex with this one which is a mod manager by Nexus so I I prefer to do them all myself rather than use Vortex but I'll leave that up to you guys but uh but the enhanced health bar is definitely come useful already and has helped me you know not die so there's that next up we have a mod called batter HUD which removes I mean it doesn't actually remove them it moves the kind of XP prompts and new location prompts and uh things like that from the center of the screen which gets rather annoying to the bottom which is much more less intrusive and uh but it still gives you the information that you need uh you're not going get out the way when things are in front of the Crosshair a simple little change that makes a rather big difference in my opinion just make sure you use uh you follow the installation instructions on this one either with Vortex or manual installed that is slightly different than just modifying an Ina file here and perhaps leaving the best to last is star UI now this is brand spanking new but you're gonna want it this is a inventory UI overhaul of Darfield and it is sorely needed as you can see and we're in the all category here so we can have a look at everything we have mass value the count uh value and mass is an interesting column you can customize the ini file for this mod to add and remove whatever columns you want as well if you want to get stuck into it but as you can see it gives you a little icon for the item so at a quick glance you can see what kind of thing it is without having to read the actual entry and uh you can sort by mass just by clicking on that column or value by the same or value Mass which is an interesting one um yeah I'm not quite sure what the purpose of value of mass is but hey it might come in handy we might come in handy here but as you can see you can go through the various categories down the side here this is all he needed uh because obviously the game and it's interfaces UI here was pretty much only Built for consoles without the PC user in mind so the modders as always have got our back here and have created star UI You're Gonna Want This one for sure uh I'll as always ladies and gents I will link down below to the mods themselves that you can download these and enjoys these installation of this one is again pretty simple mostly just copy and paste uh the contents of a folder into your style field data directory and off you go so that's nice uh so that's star UI now there are a couple of performance enhancing mods now I've not used these because I I don't I'm not needed to um so that my performance on my computer has been fine I don't see the need to install mods that you know well ultimately don't really change anything so uh I can't personally vouch for these mods however they are well endorsed on Nexus so if you are struggling to get decent frame rate or a good looking performance in Starfield you may consider checking them out there is the Starfield performance optimizations mod and there is also the dlss uh mod for Starfield now dlss mod only works on RTX gpus so if you're using an AMD card or a particularly old uh GTX Nvidia GPU then this isn't going to do anything for you don't bother however if you're on a sort of older RTX like a 20 series then this might be worthwhile um and I'll let you guys sort of let me know down in the comments if you've already used this mod or perhaps you've used it as a result of this video and it's you know worked let me know that would be great and that will help other people watching this video out as well but yes uh dark field performance optimizations and the dlss mod again I'll link them down below in the video description for you to guys to check out don't forget always follow the installation instructions on The Mod page themselves and back up your save files before you start modding now if you do run into trouble with mods I run into trouble when I was testing the dlss mod out it actually stopped my game from running but um I'm no doubt that it's something to do with me doing it wrong and not the actual mod uh and you just have to verify your files on Steam to re-enable the game and reinstall the game and make sure it's installed properly that seemed to solve the problem for me to verify your files on Steam simply right click Darfield here go property installed files verify Integrity of the game files female stats scan the game file folder itself and any anomalies it will correct with the original file that should fix any problems that you have with mods failing that you may have to uninstall and reinstall the game from scratch and that's why we back up the saves folder because I don't know about you guys but I don't have a spare 120 or 30 gigabytes to copy the game folders to on Steam does it for you ladies and gentlemen that has been today's mod Roundup for Starfield and for you guys that are not part of the Early Access and are getting in to the game today I hope you enjoy and I hope maybe you enjoy some of the mods that I've I've told you about today I hope they improve your game and are useful to you in any case I do appreciate you watching this video and if you're new here and you want to see some more Starfield from me please do subscribe and click that little notification Bell as well and while you're at it a cheeky little like would be greatly appreciated thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll see you next time till then take care bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Spanj
Views: 13,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spanj, gaming, gameplay, lets play, starfield, preview, discussion, talk, review, open world, space, exploration, custom, ship, sci-fi, rpg, story, narrative, combat, battle, weapons, loot, discovery, constelation, mods, modding, best, UI Mod, StarUI
Id: xw7i8ZgzsJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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