We make a see-through engine block

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hey there fellows so check this out we on many many many occasions have made our fair share of transparent parts intake manifolds covers and such thermostat radiator anything you can imagine and we have gotten oh so many requests to try making a transparent engine block right here we have a normal engine block which we can model the transparent one off of now this is for a front drive Autumn which I think will make things more convenient anyway as we like to say around here enough talk let's go make us a transparent engine block we'd like to thank our favorite mobile RPG raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring today's video the creators of this captivating game do everything to make sure it never gets old always cooking up something new that's on top of the basic product being well thought out with great graphics hundreds of Champions with their own unique set of skills and powers and a comprehensive in-game universe and literally last month raid celebrated its fourth birthday that calls for a party and who would we invite to a dinner party to celebrate the occasion old friends of course such as our good old friend Tater rhyme Hyde who's gonna be a bit problematic to feed but a feast is a feast we'll definitely find a place for the Relentless royal guard at our table who is way more formidable than you'd ever think and it might be interesting to see tatra and coronar have a few drinks and get at it and a great addition to this fun set of guests would be masamoto who as it turns out while playing the game is a great supporting character for tataram as for new developments that raid has in mind for the month of April from April 14th to May 15th there's gonna be an egg hunt but not just for ordinary or chocolate eggs her dragon eggs as a matter of fact so if you're new and have never played raid then download the game using my link in the description copy your in-game player ID and follow this hearing enter your player ID and then Journey Through The Flaming portal to embark on an exciting Adventure scour the Dragon's Lair using your phone and if you find the hidden egg you'll be in for a chance to win amazing in-game items and even real life prizes including Amazon gift cards with a total value of twenty thousand dollars even if you're already playing raid click the link to find a special promo code that you can use to receive a small in-game gift if you still haven't downloaded raid Shadow Legends then what are you waiting for click the link or use my QR code to get a free starter pack with some cool in-game loot now a certain thought occurred to us pertaining to the process of making the transparent engine block you might remember how we filmed some videos with a firm called isomatrix we had a chat with them and they basically said believe or plexiglass is a very heavy material the reason being it's high tension and if you're working with it and not heating it up or prepping it in any way it's going to crack break and all of our efforts will be in vain and so we have the engine block and everything else and we've decided we will be casting it out of resin it's a very durable material it's transparent and the guys tell us it can tolerate a lot of torture also the thermodynamics are about the same I mean a 10 to 15 degree difference is very insignificant also we are bearing in mind that the whole thing is essentially going to be disposable anyways so we've prepped the block you'll see we've cut off any excess bits we want it for less things to be protruding for the sake of more efficient use of the resin and overall just to make things more convenient so yeah let's do a bit more prep put together a mold which is going to involve some decking obviously also applying some clay here and there to whatever bits we're not going to need no key time to get to work and find everything out while showing you guys the process let's get to it we make a transparent engine block translation and voice over by BMI Russian [Music] okay guys we've prepped the block any areas we don't want the resin to find its way into we've blocked off using model claim and over there we've got some soldiers for the air to be able to escape and we're about to smother the whole thing in Silicon this will serve as casing for the mold all of the seams have been sealed with clay and some Scotch tape on the outside and hopefully we can make this work the first time around so now we're gonna load the engine block mix the silicon and we might have to degas the Silicon so this is gonna be tough but let's get to work and see where this goes [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] well here's what's up the block is inside we've grounded in Silicon to form the mold this is the simplest route we placed the block after applying some clay now we've smothered it and let's have a look at what we got [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] check this out guys we've extracted the engine block again this whole thing is much lighter now I mean it's still heavy because that is a lot of volume bill we still don't quite get it but what matters is we've got a molded with all of the engine block details imprinted in it now we're going to close this up put it back into that same box the one we use to make this the point being for this to compress and assume the correct shape because we do not want anything to be off and from there we're going to go ahead and pour in some liquid glass which is going to take a couple of days to cure then we'll extract everything again but I mean easier said than done let's see how this actually plays out in real life let's get to it [Music] thank you check it out guys we've extracted the mold we're looking good granted we have torn It Off on one side just look at how this block is coming together it's nice and transparent s all of the structural elements are accounted for let me get this side too I'm ripping it off it's got a few curious protrusions which were holding this in place well as difficult as this might be but we have to extract it this is quite interesting but I'm sure we'll find a way to get this done oh bye oh this is just tremendous that was the filler hole yeah on the water pump but no worries it made its way down here and we've even got thread for the oil filter very nice we've got all of the markings excellent now it's all just a matter of completely undressing it which may require more than just two sets of hands because I do not think this will be easy to remove that said it is doable so let's get all of this off and see what it looks like foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are looking very good we've extracted the engine block we've machined and prepped it now we weren't looking to immediately make it perfect there is much to fine tune now the crank is in place as are the Pistons and they are looking foreign the crank is in positions so are the bearings everything is where it needs to be now you will notice that it's not yet fully transparent but it was light before we put the crank in that made it quite a bit heavier anyway as you can see it's not quite transparent the reason being the actual cast iron engine block was a bit coarse and that silicon didn't just closely follow the shape but also the texture which in turn translated to the resin so yeah that needs to be smoothened out polished or I don't know maybe prepped for applying a bit of clear code something that can be applied and is gonna form an even layer as for why we haven't done that from the get-go well there is still a lot of work to do we're going to be dialing it in yeah this is going to take quite a bit of effort but the crank is in place the assembly rotates the Pistons move up and down so at least that's all good in order to prevent the cylinders from losing transparency straight away we decided to pull something from a previous experiment of ours which are piston rings made not from steel but out of rubber they give you plenty of compression I'm assuming this will run for a bit longer than if we were to use steel rings and for maximum transparency look here we've also done the oil pump cover we've cast it out of liquid glass as well so everything is pretty much ready but there's still plenty for us to do here but the important thing is we've made the block and assembled an engine and the fitment turned out to be really good thanks to us using a harder variety of silicon for the mold the resulting item turned out to be spot on now we just have to polish it and we still have to figure out how to mount the head you see the problem is this here liquid glass the point is we made an attempt to drill some holes and tap some thread and it is not going to allow us to tighten the bolts with as much torque as they require this ain't aluminum or steel it's much more similar to plastic and it can't tolerate that sort of stress so there's still much to think about but what matters is we have a block and that is a good start there's still much to do but we'll end this one here and to stay in the loop watch us subscribe send in your suggestions comment give us a big thumbs up all right catch you later
Channel: Garage 54
Views: 121,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, garage54
Id: -WS12bdb_SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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