The 7 Most Secret Rooms In Hollow Knight

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hey hey dude eh my name is Ryan thank you so much for stopping by today we're gonna go over a bunch of different secret rooms that you can find in holo night so let's go ahead and jump right in we'll go ahead and start with the easiest hidden room that you can find right from the beginning all you have to do is wall jump up into the left and here you will find a Wanderers journal there is a secret room in Grimm's tent once you make your way into big opening here first column second column after you pass to these columns there is a little hole right here that you can jump up and there's just a secret room not entirely sure exactly what it is don't know what Grimm has going on in here it looks like there's a bunch of these facemasks things I don't know maybe these are the puppets that Grimm likes to keep on hand that are in the back of the stage as you're fighting him I don't know I don't know your your guess is as good as mine go ahead and leave your best guess and down in the comments below starting right here from kingdoms edge we're gonna make our way down to the very bottom there's a breakable floor here you're gonna need a bunch of soul to make this work because we got to go down a lot of breakable floors there's another one and then you just need the - inside this room here do the new subscriber right here there's a breakable wall then we doing a lot of diving through here once you see there's a geocache here you can drop down and you'll notice that there is a little bit of glowing green stuff and it's only going to show if you have the spore shroom equipped you can't just walk until the right side you have to jump and come up and you'll notice that there's this little lure spot right here this will only show up if you have the sport room equipped again and if we keep on going and just like that we find a massive geo deposit the largest in the game just kind of a cool room that I'm sure a lot of people missed let's go ahead and check out the next one next go ahead and move over to the resting grounds once you've collected 200 essence and make your way over to the resting grounds it'll open up the door on the top right here we are on the map make your way all the way the far right-hand side of the room and you'll notice that there's a waterfall right here well there's actually a way to get into the waterfall right here so this is a pretty cool little room but even more secret than this room is if you hang out on this edge and dream they'll hear this room here is called the shrine of believers it's because they believed in Halle night they put their name in a short message of their choice in the game this whole area is dedicated completely to the backers and it's actually kind of cool to just wander around and check it out this is a piece of cake Oh should I broke a bunch of them next we're gonna head over to the Queen station right here and if we go up just one floor you may have already found will out here and you can talk to her but you can actually get up here and see what she's eating apparently she's eating on corpses of these dead bugs as well as these mushrooms little creature looks tasty I wonder should I eat in the others around here were awfully bland for this next secret room we're gonna start in deep nest almost directly below the failed tramway the quickest way to get here that I found was using the distant village stag station and then just dropping down and heading all the way to the right do a new subscriber yeah go Santos once you get to where you can't get any further you're gonna drop down come to the left right here where there is a grub you can fall down a little bit further there's a platform here over to the right it looks like there's nothing there but if you just keep going and right here is Weaver's Den this spot is not necessarily the the secret area but if we keep going all the way to the back right over to the left this is where we find the Weaver song charm so there's actually a breakable wall directly to the left of here and by doing that we just broke it open boom just like that you got to make your way around this so we're gonna - and then double jump here we go so here's part of it we just found some extra Gio but if we head over to the left there's another breakable wall right here and through this room we find this like hidden lore thing it looks like maybe that's like the the King or Hornet or Weaver's I don't know I I'll leave the lore over to Moss bag he could probably explain it better than I can thank you guys so much for stopping by I hope that you like these secret rooms if you want to see even more secret rooms let me know and I will talk to you get more soon
Channel: Relyea
Views: 1,302,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollow Knight Secret Rooms, Secret rooms in hollow knight, Cool places in hollow knight, Interesting places in hollow knight, Hollow knight interesting locations, Must see places in hollow knight, Secret Rooms
Id: se7WyidYQPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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