We Made Fortnite FUN AGAIN

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How often does Lazar have a complete mental breakdown due to stream snipers? This is entertaining but sad

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sequoia_Throne_ 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
my mission is to make fortnite fun again basically i've spent the last three or four days of my life dedicated to making the game fun again i spent five hours unlocking toxic rick and it was the most fun i've had in years toxic red i'm toxic rick i picked someone up and threw them into storm for the win [Music] you're going to suck him and throw him in there we're fine we're fine dude he's look how deep he is fresh easy we hid inside ufos and scared the [ __ ] out of people oh shh [Music] the meme you're about to see is the most fun i had playing fortnight in probably 12 months try this meme for yourself and uh let me know at the end of the video if you think fortnite is fun again and don't forget code laser one of my lights just turned off no idea why i saw a reddit clip where people hijack slurp trucks and whack people with them i'm just doing it in the dark for some reason all right we're gonna steal a slurp truck yeah all right let's test on this stream sniper yeah the slap truck one shots people there we go hold on technical problems have to fix my light i'ma try this truck trailer see if that works let's find some victims it's fortnite rick hey hey hey hey hey oh my god truck trailers one-shot people i took a lot of damage you know i'm really trying to learn this technique this is very deadly this meme's gonna work a lot better with fresh helping us two ricks are better than one all right fresh now i have you to distract them buddy we're gonna go pick up our first truck trailer you distract i whack em oh what about a bus a bus would work it should wait you're gonna pick that thing up uh you acting like i ain't built different i'm just gonna try and run straight into him like a savage oh i'm building up the shoot at him beat him with the bus oh no he's dead and i blew up my own did you just die to your own bus i'm tied to my own bus dude this thing is overpowered you just run into them with the bus oh my god i just got a triple kill with a bus if you think about it okay oh my gosh okay all right well um look this is going to be a very high risk high reward strategy we are going to die a lot but we will cause a lot of chaos laser beams back in fortnite dude all right i'm gonna go get a truck and i'm gonna kill the two laser beams you guys are my lab rats for science all right come here lasers lab rats let's go oh they're on smoko at my me boys all right all right take them out i'm ready i'm watching oh no hold on hold on you got to get a little bit of a runner yeah yep one more one yeah nice oh hey there's another guy here another guy he's fighting you not for long he's not there come here come here i've got someone trying to abduct me right now there's another player here oh my gosh dude geez i'm on 20 health she just beams me hold on [ __ ] him away take him see you buddy he's not going to be a problem anymore i don't know how many of those were real but there was definitely some real ones in there all right you got that trailer i'm ready to go again i'm ready to smack people in the mouth i'm gonna get this guy in the car i don't think he can i don't think he could chase down the lambo i can i'm gonna tap cars yeah oh my gosh you actually killed the guy in the lambo you actually damn did it oh my i'm having way too much fun i have eight kills fresh i think six of them were with the trailer yeah how long until ufos are disabled could happen any moment here yeah they're all they're fighting a bunch of people don't let him take his ufo he's hiding in the barn you cannot die from aliens hold on i'm i'm i'm done here if you want to oh i've got it i'm dunking on the barn real quick hold on all right that's coming in the barn yeah oh it doesn't matter because you want to tap him anyway but i got him up you got him i i got him you can't hide from aliens man we got like advanced technology and [ __ ] it has been a big build fight that could be a great target for us i'm like following you slowly behind playing this big alien spaceship yeah i'll let you know as soon as that no no no no no no no wait oh there's someone in this build wait there's a juror here oh god they boxed me here comes the truck trailer get him ladders get him oh it takes a second don't mind me just takes a second oh there's one like over here oh what i'm i'm bursting a duo over here there's one knocked in there and his friends in there so why we've been using it i don't even know what i've got at this point but it should work your friend is in there is on my ping raising right now your friend is not safe yes you finished him yeah he got over here i got 10 kills god damn dude can you shoot those guys on the hill they're just beaming me i tag one for 90. they're going to be distracted on me so if you can sneak up somehow yeah i'm sneaking up on him fresh get him that's what i'm doing right now break their builds oh i lost it keep him keep him distracted they're in that bush now they're in the bush hey boys that one's in the bush i knocked one eye you can't hide from aliens boys all right i'll launch fed it up wait oh the other one's in here we've done it yeah the other one's in here i don't know i keep distracting with my pickaxes yeah yeah you keep distracting him i'll get him eventually i took his roof oh i got him um oh my god fresh there's two players remaining yeah yeah he's flying away oh i hit him hard yeah over there come here buddy oh my gosh dude you're just one tapping everyone laser beams back fortnite's back memes are back goddamn man this just proves we don't stand a chance when aliens come i'm probing everyone's anuses everyone's getting probed aliens for the win he's under his under i don't know if i can hit him under there i might blow everything up uh i'm just i'm dropping it down i just might blow everything up get him get him oh there he is hold on buddy come here oh you got so close yeah i got him i won with the caravan my people need me i've done it i've beat fortnite i've maxed out i've maxed it back to my home planet my god then kings are born we're built different on my home planet
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 6,451,237
Rating: 4.9556174 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam
Id: lHAZzG6UgX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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